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Page 1: Giant Anharmonic Phonon Scattering in PbTe - arXiv · Giant Anharmonic Phonon Scattering in PbTe O. Delaire, J. Ma, K. Marty, A. F. May, M. A. McGuire, M.-H. Du, ... (CNCS) at the

Giant Anharmonic Phonon Scattering in PbTe

O. Delaire, J. Ma, K. Marty, A. F. May, M. A. McGuire, M.-H. Du,D. J. Singh, A. Podlesnyak, G. Ehlers, M. D. Lumsden, and B. C. SalesOak Ridge National Laboratory, 1 Bethel Valley Road, Oak Ridge TN 37831

(Dated: October 29, 2018)

Understanding the microscopic processes affecting the bulk thermal conductivity is crucial to de-velop more efficient thermoelectric materials. PbTe is currently one of the leading thermoelectricmaterials, largely thanks to its low thermal conductivity. However, the origin of this low thermalconductivity in a simple rocksalt structure has so far been elusive. Using a combination of inelasticneutron scattering measurements and first-principles computations of the phonons, we identify astrong anharmonic coupling between the ferroelectric transverse optic (TO) mode and the longitu-dinal acoustic (LA) modes in PbTe. This interaction extends over a large portion of reciprocal space,and directly affects the heat-carrying LA phonons. The LA-TO anharmonic coupling is likely toplay a central role in explaining the low thermal conductivity of PbTe. The present results providea microscopic picture of why many good thermoelectric materials are found near a lattice instabilityof the ferroelectric type.

Thermoelectric materials are of intense interest forenergy applications, because they can transform heat,otherwise lost to the environment, to produce poten-tially useful electricity [1–3]. The thermoelectric figure-of-merit, zT = S2σT/κ, which determines the maximumefficiency of the conversion process, is determined by theSeebeck coefficient, S, the electrical conductivity, σ, andthe thermal conductivity, κ [3]. This formula expressesthe fact that the electrical energy produced is in theform of a current driven by the thermoelectric voltage,which, under open circuit conditions, is given by −S∆T ,while heat conduction and electrical resistance are para-sitic. Thus, efficient thermoelectric materials must havea low thermal conductivity, in order to preserve the tem-perature gradient exploited to generate a voltage. Thethermal conductivity contains electrical (κel) and lattice(κlat) components. The electrical part is related to theelectrical conductivity and therefore reducing κlat is cen-tral to obtaining high performance thermoelectrics. Apowerful approach consists in designing materials withdefects and micro/nanostructural features that hinderthe propagation of phonons (the atomic vibrations thatcarry most of the heat in semiconductors), while pre-serving σ [2, 4]. However, the difficulty of fabricationof materials with such tailored nanostructures, and theirthermodynamic stability at high-temperature, can be aconcern for real-world applications. Thus, thermoelectricmaterials with an intrinsically low κlat in bulk form areof very high interest.

PbTe is one of the leading thermoelectric materials inthe temperature range 400 to 800 K [5], with a very lowκlat, as well as a large Seebeck coefficient when appro-priately doped, and a good electrical conductivity [1, 6].However, the origin of the low κlat is not well under-stood. PbTe crystallizes in the rocksalt structure, a sim-ple high-symmetry structure a priori not associated withlow thermal conductivity. The bulk κlat in PbTe is indeedsurprisingly low, with κlat = 2 Wm−1K−1 at 300 K insingle crystalline samples [7], and similar values in poly-crystalline samples [8]. Thus, a perfect single crystal of

PbTe is about five times more resistant to heat conduc-tion than Si0.7Ge0.3 (κ = 10 Wm−1K−1), a thermoelec-tric alloy with strong random mass disorder. Generally,κlat is expected to be low in disordered alloys, materialswith nanoscale inhomogeneities, or crystals with com-plex unit cells containing loosely bound atoms “rattling”in cages [3], all features that can lower κ by scatteringphonons [9–12]. Clearly, another mechanism, unknownuntil now, must be responsible for the low κ in rocksaltPbTe.

Thanks to recent developments in instrumentation, in-elastic neutron scattering (INS) instruments, in particu-lar time-of-flight spectrometers at spallation sources, arenow able to measure the entire four-dimensional scatter-ing function, S(Q, E), which contains the full informa-tion about the microscopic dynamics of materials. Thesemeasurements provide much more detail than was previ-ously obtainable with usual triple-axis neutron scatter-ing experiments [13, 14]. In parallel, powerful ab initiocomputational techniques can be used to calculate thephonon dispersions, and can be compared directly withexperiments.

Here, we present a detailed mapping of the four-dimensional S(Q, E) of PbTe based on inelastic neu-tron scattering measurements on single-crystalline PbTe,and results of ab initio phonon calculations using den-sity functional theory (DFT). While our measurementsare in general agreement with previous reports [13–15],our more detailed investigations also reveal several newkey features that directly relate to the origin of the lowκ. In particular, our measurements of the tempera-ture and wavevector dependences of the TO mode revealpreviously unreported anomalies. In particular, we ob-serve the signature of a very strong and extended anhar-monic LA-TO coupling. The LA-TO coupling leads toan avoided-crossing behavior in the dispersions, as well asan anomalous lowering and damping of the LA phonons.Our neutron scattering data clearly reveal LA+TO→LOscattering processes, and an anomalous TO branch atΓ displaying a “waterfall” effect, as well as a strongly





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Page 2: Giant Anharmonic Phonon Scattering in PbTe - arXiv · Giant Anharmonic Phonon Scattering in PbTe O. Delaire, J. Ma, K. Marty, A. F. May, M. A. McGuire, M.-H. Du, ... (CNCS) at the


temperature-dependent double-peak structure.

A single crystal of PbTe (m ' 25 g) was grown bya modified Bridgman technique, and characterized withx-ray and transport measurements. Details are givenin [16]. Hall measurements on the crystal yielded atemperature independent carrier concentration of 1.7 ×1017 electrons cm−3 from 4 K to 300 K, and a room tem-perature mobility of 1540 cm2/Vs, attesting to the highquality of the crystal. Inelastic neutron scattering mea-surements were performed with the time-of-flight ColdNeutron Chopper Spectrometer (CNCS) at the Spalla-tion Neutron Source, and (on the same sample) with theHB3 triple-axis spectrometer at the High Flux IsotopeReactor, both at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Detailsare given in [16]. In the CNCS measurements, multipledatasets were acquired for different orientations of thecrystal, and were combined in software to map the four-dimensional scattering function, S(Q, E), as a functionof energy transfer E and wavevector transfer Q = q+ τ ,with q a phonon wavevector and τ a reciprocal latticevector. Our data span multiple Brillouin zones, withlarger coverages for higher incident neutron energies, Ei.Phonon dispersions were computed from density func-tional theory (DFT) using the linear response approach,using the same methods as in [17]. Using the phononenergies and polarization vectors from the DFT compu-tations, we calculated the dynamical structure factor forthe scattering of neutrons by phonons. Details are givenin [16].

One of the striking results of our investigation is theobservation of a previously unreported “avoided cross-ing” between LA and TO phonon dispersions, associatedwith an anharmonic repulsion between these modes. Incontrast with the harmonic dispersions calculated withDFT, the measured LA and TO branches repel each otherstrongly around q = (0, 0, 1/3). Fig. 1-a is for q along[00L] in the (H,K,L) = (113) Brillouin zone at 300 K(where (H,K,L) denote reciprocal lattice units, rlu). Thewhite lines plotted on top of the INS data are the har-monic phonon dispersions from DFT. Note that, accord-ing to our harmonic DFT calculations, the LA and TObranches should cross at q = 0.4 (we define q = L − 3in this zone) and E = 7.5 meV (in agreement with cal-culations of [18]). Measured LA phonon dispersions arelinear for q ' 0, with ELA increasing from 0 at Γ to amaximum ∼ 8 meV at q = 0.5, then curving back downto ' 4.5 meV at the zone boundary (X), in good agree-ment with the DFT curves (see data in Fig. 1, panelsa,c, and corresponding schematics labeling branches inpanels b,d). However, the behavior of the TO branchis quite different from the DFT calculations in the har-monic approximation. The transverse optic (TO) branchhas a minimum ETO ' 4 meV at Γ, and a steep disper-sion to ' 10 meV at q = 0.2 rlu, and does not cross theLA branch. Instead, we observe a strong repulsion be-tween the two branches. The TO branch quickly risesabove the top of the LA branch, while the intensity ofthe LA branch is strongly suppressed around q = 1/3.

We measured the same effect in all other zones wherethe TO mode was observable ((H,K,L) odd). We notethat the LA-TO crossing would normally occur betweennon-interacting modes of different symmetries along thesymmetry lines, and thus the observed avoided crossingmust arise from an anharmonic interaction.

PbTe is an incipient ferroelectric material [19, 20].While paraelectric when undoped, it becomes ferroelec-tric upon substitution of a few percent of Pb by Sn orGe [20]. The ferroelectric transition is of the displacivekind. It arises upon cooling through a critical temper-ature (Curie temperature, TC), at which the “soft” TOphonon at the Brillouin zone center (Γ) slows to zero fre-quency, freezing in a lower-symmetry ferroelectric struc-ture [20, 21]. The TO phonon branch in PbTe behavesas in ferroelectrics, bending to low energies at Γ, and in-creasing in energy with increasing T [13, 14]. However,the TO mode never becomes fully soft, and the ferroelec-tric distortion is avoided [14, 20]. Previous first-principlescomputations of the electronic structure and phonons re-ported a strong sensitivity of the TO frequency on thevolume of the system [17, 18, 22], and noted a possiblecoupling with the longitudinal acoustic (LA) phonons,which are compression waves [17]. Our measurementsdirectly confirm this prediction, and show that the inter-action is strong at 300 K.

The LA-TO interaction seen here is reminiscent ofthe TA-TO interaction in ferroelectric materials, suchas perovskite PbTiO3 [23]. However, the TO interac-tion with LA rather than TA modes is unique to PbTe,to our knowledge, and implies a strong anharmonic mix-ing, which will not occur at the harmonic level. Therepulsion has its origin in an anharmonic coupling term,Vanh, which renormalizes the harmonic phonon frequen-cies most strongly at q where bare harmonic dispersionswould otherwise cross, and is expected to have the form∆E ∝ |〈LA|Vanh|TO〉|2/(ELA − ETO). This mixing alsoaffects the INS intensities, resulting in the LA extinctionat q = 1/3, as we show using mode coupling theory [16].The effect is observed even more strongly with increasingtemperature (see data for T = 600 K in [16]), with theTO branch raising to higher E, and with an additionalregion of “collapsed” intensity at the bottom of the LAbranch, close to X. The increase in the LA-TO interactionwith T is expected, since it results from an anharmoniccoupling, and the interaction will be stronger as phonondisplacement amplitudes increase with T .

Figure 1-c shows an interaction between LA, LO, andTO branches at the top of the LA branch (in the (002)zone). The LA dispersion is in good agreement with theDFT results and, in contrast with the (113) zone, its in-tensity is not extinguished at q = 1/3 (we define q = L−2in this zone). The absence of LA extinction can be re-lated to the vanishing TO mode structure factor in (002)(see [16]). The LO branch is seen clearly for 0.5 < q < 1,but is weak for 0 < q < 0.5, again in agreement with thedynamical structure factor. At q = 0.5 (both L = 2.5 andthe symmetry-equivalent L = 3.5), some extra intensity

Page 3: Giant Anharmonic Phonon Scattering in PbTe - arXiv · Giant Anharmonic Phonon Scattering in PbTe O. Delaire, J. Ma, K. Marty, A. F. May, M. A. McGuire, M.-H. Du, ... (CNCS) at the




E (





E (




[1,1,L] (rlu)


E (



[H,H,3] (rlu)


(e) (f)


[0,0,L] (rlu)





[00L] X




bare TO


avoided crossing


[00L] X



bare TO


[HH0] X




bare TO





FIG. 1: CNCS data for PbTe at 300 K, showing the avoided-crossing behavior of LA and TO phonon branches in (a), theLA+TO→LO scattering in (c), and the “waterfall” effect for the TO branch at Γ in (e). Solid and dashed white lines in(a,c,e) are harmonic dispersions calculated with DFT. (a,c): S(Q,E) data for dispersion along [0,0,L] in (113) and (002) zones,respectively. Red arrows in (a) point to the region of the avoided crossing of LA and TO modes. Red boxes in (c) show extrascattering intensity between LA and LO branches. (e): dispersion along [H,H,0] in (113) zone, showing the “waterfall” at Γ.(b,d,f) are schematics of the dispersions (blue lines), with blue rectangles representing diffuse extra scattering, and the bareTO branch as a thin black line. In all panels, pink diamonds indicate the position of the peaks in the TO scans at Γ (113),obtained with HB3. Yellow square in (a,e) is ETO = 3.9± 0.2 meV from [13]. Data in (a,e) were collected with Ei = 12.1 meV(phonon creations). Data in (c) were collected with Ei = 3.5 meV (phonon annihilations, corrected for detailed balance).

Page 4: Giant Anharmonic Phonon Scattering in PbTe - arXiv · Giant Anharmonic Phonon Scattering in PbTe O. Delaire, J. Ma, K. Marty, A. F. May, M. A. McGuire, M.-H. Du, ... (CNCS) at the


is clearly seen between the LA and LO branches (it wasalso observed in other even zones), as indicated by redboxes in Fig. 1-c. We associate it with a 3-phonon inter-action process. The energy difference between LA andLO branches at q = 0.5 is 4 meV, the same as the energyof the TO mode at Γ. Thus, we can write: LA(q = 0.5)+ TO(q = 0) ↔ LO(q = 0.5), while conserving phononenergy and momentum [24]. The anharmonic LA-TOinteraction around q = 1/3 is also reflected in the LAbranch in (002), as a softened and broadened dispersionat low q. A more detailed analysis of the LA branch inthis region is presented below.

Fig. 1-e shows S(Q, E) along [HH0] measured in the(113) Brillouin zone, and reveals a “waterfall effect” inthe TO branch at Γ, also arising from the LA-TO interac-tion. The LA branch is very weak in this zone, but the TAand TO branches are clearly observed, in agreement withcalculations [16]. The LA becomes visible only close tothe X point (1,1,2), where it merges with the TA. Whilethe TA branch in our measurement is in good agreementwith previous reports and calculations [13, 17, 18], theTO branch is anomalous at the zone center. The branchgradually decreases to E ' 6.5 meV with q getting closeto Γ, but at Γ the dispersion abruptly falls to very low E.We could not determine an actual lower bound, but in-tensity was detected down to ∼ 2.5 meV, where it mergeswith the acoustic branches. This behavior is similar tothe “waterfall” effect observed in ferroelectric materials,where the strong TA-TO interaction leads to an anoma-lous TO dispersion near Γ [25, 26]. In zones where theacoustic branch has a vanishing intensity, the anomalyis then expected to occur only at Γ [25], as we observe.This behavior was seen in both (111) and (113) zones.As a result, the scattering intensity at Γ shows a verybroad distribution with E. We point out that accordingto our results, the TO branch dips down to low energiesas Q → Γ as generally expected for an incipient ferro-electric, but the LA-TO interaction introduces a complexprofile of scattering intensity at Γ, extending to very lowE.

Fig. 2 shows data for constant-E cuts along [0,0,L] inthe (113) zone from measurements on both HB3 andCNCS. The two measurements are in excellent agree-ment, and the avoided crossing of LA and TO branchesmay clearly be seen. These data confirm our resultsshown in Fig. 1-a/c. We stress that the anharmonic LA-TO coupling is quite extended in reciprocal space. Itis responsible for the waterfall effect at q = 0 (in oddzones), the extinction of LA modes and avoided crossingwith the TO branch around q = 1/3, and the diffuse scat-tering intensity at the top of the LA branch (q = 0.5).This large phase-space for the coupling, together with thestrong coupling, is expected to affect the contribution ofLA modes to the thermal conductivity of PbTe. SinceLA modes are fast-propagating phonons (large group ve-locities for q < 0.5), they are expected to be importantheat carriers, and thus the LA-TO coupling reported hereprobably plays an important role in explaining the low κ







ty (



L (rlu)

5 meV

6 meV

7 meV

8 meV

9 meV

CNCS (300K)






L (rlu)

9 meV

8 meV

7 meV

6 meV

5 meV HB3 (300K)







* *


¥ ¥


¥ ¥

¥ ¥







* *

* *


(a) (b)


FIG. 2: Constant-E intensity cuts along [0,0,L] in the (113)zone, showing the avoided crossing behavior of the LA and TObranches. Data were obtained with two different instruments:HB3 (a) and CNCS (b). Both datasets are for the samePbTe crystal at 300 K. Stars (resp. dots) serve to identitythe TO (resp. LA) mode positions. The TO mode (stars) isalways “inside” the LA mode, indicating that the two phononbranches do not cross.

of PbTe.

We investigated the LA branch in the (002) zone inmore details, by performing constant-Q cuts of the CNCSdata, and fitting the position of the LA peak (Gaussianfits, corrected for instrument resolution). The results areshown in Fig. 3. The LA dispersion shows an anomalousdip around q ' 0.2, and the phonon linewidth Γ exhibitsa peak at the same wavevector, reaching above 2 meVat the maximum. Scans measured on HB3 at (0,0,3.8),equivalent to q = 0.2, also showed a very broad distribu-tion, while clear LA peaks could be observed at q = 0.1and q = 0.3. These anomalies can be directly related tothe anharmonic interaction with the TO branch, whichresults in a down-shift and an increased damping of theLA phonons. We note that in the range q ' 0.15− 0.35,the shape of the LA peak is broad and complex, with ex-tra broad scattering intensity detected between the LAand TA peaks (this was observed in both our CNCS andHB3 measurements). The data for the cuts are shown in[16].

Investigations of the INS intensity at Γ reveal a broadand complex energy profile for the TO mode, as well asa strong dependence on temperature, indicative of an-harmonicity. Scans at Γ =(1,1,1) and (1,1,3) measuredwith HB3 at multiple temperatures are shown in Fig. 4.The TO intensity is broad in E, in agreement with theCNCS data, and it is also strongly dependent on T . AtT = 100 K, a single well-defined peak is observed atE = 3.2 meV, with a broad tail at higher E. This peakposition agrees well with ETO reported in [14]. With in-creasing T , the peak shifts to higher energy, as occurs inferroelectrics, and in agreement with previous reports in[14]. Besides this shift, we observe that the INS intensityprofile becomes more complex, with a second peak ap-pearing at E ' 6 meV, while the low-E peak is stronglybroadened, corresponding to damping of the TO mode.A double-peak structure is observed at 300K, especiallyclearly in HB3 data at (111) – and also in CNCS data

Page 5: Giant Anharmonic Phonon Scattering in PbTe - arXiv · Giant Anharmonic Phonon Scattering in PbTe O. Delaire, J. Ma, K. Marty, A. F. May, M. A. McGuire, M.-H. Du, ... (CNCS) at the










q (rlu)









A (m




(002) zone

FIG. 3: LA mode phonon dispersion (ELA) and linewidth(ΓLA, corrected for instrument resolution), showing anomalyat the phonon wavevector q ∼ 0.2 along [0,0,L]. The dataare results of fits of constant-Q cuts through CNCS measure-ments with Ei = 3.5 meV (phonon annihilation processes).The energy resolution (FWHM) was 0.05 meV at E = 0 meV,increasing to 0.2 meV at E = 8 meV. The q resolution wasabout 0.02 rlu. The red dashed line is a guide for the eye(E = 7.9 × sin(πq)). Error bars for ELA are comparable tosize of markers.

at (113)–, and is consistent with the reflectivity data of[27] (reproduced here for comparison). The high-E peakbecomes more intense, and also shifts up in energy withincreasing T . We fitted the positions of the two peakswith Gaussians, and we find that the low-E peak corre-sponds to the calculated bare ETO at Γ, while the high-Epeak corresponds roughly to the bottom of the renormal-ized branch, as seen in Fig. 1 (pink diamonds). More de-tails are given in [16]. We note that since the TO modeis sensitive to strains, different local environments couldlead to a broad distribution of TO frequencies. Thus, itis possible that fluctuations (such as reported in [28]),or anharmonic displacements of large amplitudes, couldproduce the broad TO spectrum.

Our inelastic neutron scattering measurements reveala strong, unprecedented coupling between LA and TOphonon branches, in particular along the [001] direction.This coupling results in an avoided crossing behavior forthe measured dispersions around q ∼ 1/3, with a soft-ening and damping of the LA branch and a repulsionof the TO branch. We also observe some intensity inS(Q, E) that can be associated with three phonon pro-cess LA+TO↔LO at [0, 0, q = 0.5] (involving the TOmode at Γ), and a waterfall behavior for the TO branchat Γ(q = 0). These observations are all consistent withan extended anharmonic interaction between the LA andTO phonons in PbTe, in agreement with DFT calcula-tions [17]. The large phase-space for the coupling, to-gether with the coupling strength, are thus expected tosignificantly affect the contribution of LA modes to thethermal conductivity of PbTe. The effects described herefor PbTe may also be relevant to explain why materials






ty (




Energy (meV)









. u.)

INS 3-axis









constant-Q scan at Γ (113)

CNCS (113)







ty (




Energy (meV)







INS 3-axis






constant-Q scan at Γ (111)

Reflectivity @ 300K

(Burkhard et al.)





FIG. 4: Profile of the TO mode in energy at the zone center,measured with HB3 and CNCS, showing the broad double-peak structure and its change with temperature. The neutronscattering intensity (squares and diamonds) vs E were mea-sured in constant-Q mode at Γ points (113) in (a) and (113)in (b), as a function of temperature. Data for different tem-peratures are offset vertically for presentation. Continuouslines are fits of the data with two Gaussians for the double-peak structure, and an additional Gaussian for the elastic line.Panel (b) also shows the reflectivity data of Burkhard et al.,for comparison [27].

crystallizing in the sodium chloride (rocksalt) structuretypically have lower thermal conductivities than materi-als with cesium chloride structures [29]. We also pointout that the LA and TO modes along [100] involve vi-brations of Pb and Te atoms with displacements parallelto [100] directions, and are thus possibly related to thefluctuations recently reported in [28]. The TO mode (fer-roelectric mode) interacts with acoustic phonons over awide range of frequencies, and bears some resemblanceto a rattling mode, which is a consequence in this caseof a strong anharmonic coupling. This provides a mech-anism for a material to behave as if it has a very softlattice for the purpose of heat conduction, while at thesame time not being unduly soft from the point of view ofstiffness or melting, thus providing an avenue for findingvery low lattice thermal conductivity crystalline materi-als that nonetheless are stable at high temperatures. Thepresent results provide a microscopic picture for the lowthermal conductivity of PbTe and point towards a newdirection for finding good thermoelectrics.

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We thank M.E. Hagen, J.L. Robertson, and S.E Na-gler for helpful discussions. The neutron scattering andtheory work was supported by the US DOE, Office of Ba-sic Energy Sciences as part of the S3TEC Energy Fron-tier Research Center, DOE de-sc0001299. The Researchat Oak Ridge National Laboratorys Spallation NeutronSource and High Flux Isotope Reactor was sponsored by

the Scientific User Facilities Division, Office of Basic En-ergy Sciences, US DOE. B.S. acknowledges funding fromDOE Materials Sciences and Technology Division.


The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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Page 7: Giant Anharmonic Phonon Scattering in PbTe - arXiv · Giant Anharmonic Phonon Scattering in PbTe O. Delaire, J. Ma, K. Marty, A. F. May, M. A. McGuire, M.-H. Du, ... (CNCS) at the

Giant Anharmonic Phonon Scattering in PbTe - Supplementary Information

O. Delaire, J. Ma, K. Marty, A. F. May, M. A. McGuire, M.-H. Du,D. J. Singh, A. Podlesnyak, G. Ehlers, M. Lumsden, and B. C. SalesOak Ridge National Laboratory, 1 Bethel Valley Road, Oak Ridge TN 37831

(Dated: October 29, 2018)

A. Sample Preparation and Characterization

A stoichiometric mixture of high purity Pb (99.999%)and Te(99.9999%) shot (20.72 g Pb, 12.76 g Te) wasloaded into a carbonized, round-bottom silica tube, thatwas then evacuated and sealed. The mixture was heatedto 1050◦ C at 2◦C/min, homogenized and mechanicallymixed for 30 h at temperature, and then cooled to roomtemperature at 5◦C/min. The resulting boule was re-moved from the silica ampoule and any slight oxidationlightly sanded from the surface. The boule was brokeninto mm size pieces, transferred to a silica Bridgman cru-cible, evacuated and sealed. The Bridgman ampoule wasplaced in a box furnace with a natural vertical tempera-ture gradient, heated to 1050◦C at 2◦C/min, soaked for24 h, cooled over several hours to 980◦C, slowly cooled(0.6 − 1◦C/h) to 750◦C, followed by a 1◦C/min cool toroom temperature. The resulting single crystal was re-moved from the silica ampoule. Small slices were cutfrom the crystal using a slow speed diamond saw foradditional x-ray, chemical and transport characteriza-tion. Hall measurements on the crystals yielded a tem-perature independent carrier concentration of 1.7× 1017

electrons/cm3 from 4 K to 300 K, and a room tempera-ture mobility of 1540 cm2/V s. (The mobility at 4 K isan astounding 1.7× 106 cm2/ V s).

B. Inelastic Neutron Scattering Measurements

In the measurements on CNCS, the sample wasmounted with an (HHL) plane approximately horizon-tal. at T = 300, 500, 600 K using a low-background fur-nace. In CNCS measurements, multiple datasets wereacquired for different orientations of the crystal, corre-sponding to rotations about the vertical (//[−110]) axis(typically in steps of 2 or 4◦). The datasets for differ-ent rotations were then combined in software to producea four-dimensional sampling of the scattering functionS(Q, E) of the crystal. Small departures from the exacthorizontal (HHL) orientation were corrected in softwarewhen analyzing the data. Several incident energies wereused, Ei = 3.51, 12.03, 25 meV, with corresponding en-ergy resolutions (full width at half maximum) at the elas-tic line 2σE = 0.05, 0.5, 1.0 meV. At each incident energyand each temperature, multiple datasets were acquiredfor different orientations of the crystal, corresponding torotations about the vertical axis (typically in steps of 2or 4◦). The datasets for different rotations were thencombined with the software MSLICE to produce a four-

300K 600K

E (



E (



[1,1,L] (rlu) [1,1,L] (rlu)

(a) (b)

FIG. 1: CNCS S(Q,E) data for dispersion along [0,0,L] in(113) Brillouin zone, showing the avoided-crossing behaviorof LA and TO phonon branches at 300 K in (a), and at 600 Kin (b). White lines are the harmonic phonon dispersions cal-culated with DFT. The pink diamonds indicate the positionsof the peaks in the TO scans at Γ (113), obtained with HB3at 300 K and 670 K.

dimensional sampling of the scattering function S(Q, E)of the crystal [1]. These data were then sliced to pro-duce scattering intensity as a function of energy transferE and momentum Q parallel to a chosen direction.

Figure 1 shows the CNCS S(Q,E) data for dispersionalong [0,0,L] in (113) at 300 K and 600 K. As may beseen on the figure, the avoided crossing of LA and TObranches (see main text) is observed more strongly atT = 600 K than at 300 K, with the TO branch raising tohigher E, and with an additional region of “collapsed”intensity at the bottom of the LA branch, close to X. At600 K, the TO branch shows only one maximum of inten-sity at the Γ point, in agreement with the HB3 constant-Q scans.

In order to investigate the longitudinal acoustic (LA)phonon dispersion in the (002) zone. We took someconstant-Q cuts from the CNCS data in Fig. 1 (mainarticle), integrating of a range of ∆Q[001] = 0.03 rlu ateach step (∆Q[110] = 0.15, and ∆Q[−110] = 0.15 rlu).Resulting data are shown in Fig. 2. The data in thefigure were corrected for detailed balance, and are plot-ted vs positive phonon energy. The LA peak is clearlyobserved, and one may notice that it is sharp at low-q,broadens around q = 0.2, and then sharpens again tothe top of the branch at q = 0.5. The LA peak posi-tion and peak width was fitted with a Gaussian, and thephonon linewidth was obtained as the peak full-widthat half maximum, after correction for instrument resolu-tion (including the effect of Q-resolution and dispersion





v2 [





i] 1

6 M

ar 2


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FIG. 2: (a) Constant-Q cuts for q along [00L] in (002) zonefrom CNCS data at 300 K (Ei = 3.5 meV). Curves are ver-tically offset for clarity. Dashed lines are guides for the eye,indicating the positions of the transverse acoustic (TA) andlongitudinal acoustic (LA) phonon peaks. The anomaly in theshape and width of the LA peak is clearly seen in the rangeq = 0.15 − 0.25 rlu.

slope on the E resolution). Results are plotted in themain manuscript. We note that the linewidths were dif-ficult to extract below q = 0.05 (because of nearby TAbranch) and above q = 0.45 (because of very broad LA-LO interaction), and are not reported. The transverseacoustic peak (TA) is also observed, although weakly (inagreement with dynamical structure factor calculations,see below), and its position is in agreement with resultspublished in [2]. In the region of the LA-TO avoidedcrossing (q = 0.1− 0.3), some broad scattering intensityis observed between the LA and TA peaks, which mayalso be associated with the strong anharmonic behaviorin this region.

Additional INS measurements were performed withthe triple-axis neutron spectrometer HB-3 at the High-Flux Isotope Reactor at Oak Ridge National Labora-tory. We used pyrolitic graphite monochromator andanalyzer (in (002) reflection condition), and worked inconstant final energy mode, with Ef = 14.7 meV. Thehorizontal collimation angles were 48, 40, 40, and 120minutes of arc for the Soller collimators prior to themonochromator, between monochromator and sample,between samples and analyzer, and between analyzerand detector, respectively. An (HHL) crystallographicplane of the sample was aligned with the horizontal scat-tering plane. The sample was mounted either insidean helium cryostat or a furnace for measurements atT = 10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 K (cryostat), or T =

300, 500, 670 K (furnace). The signal from the empty fur-nace was also measured. A vanadium rod was measuredto determine the energy resolution of the instrument atthe elastic line (zero energy transfer). The profile wasGaussian, centered on E = 0 meV, with a 1.1meV fullwidth at half maximum.

Scans at Γ =(1,1,1) and (1,1,3) were measured withHB3 at multiple temperatures (see main article). TheHB3 data were fitted with Gaussians for the low- andhigh-E peaks (and another Gaussian for the elastic peak).The positions of the centers of the two Gaussians are plot-ted as a function of temperature in Fig. 4. The widthsof the excitations were extracted by corrected for the in-strument resolution function, which was calculated as afunction of energy transfer, and for the instrument condi-tions used. The peaks observed in I(E) are significantlybroader than the instrument resolution (see data in mainarticle).

We plot our results for the positions of the two peaksas a function of temperature in Fig. 3-a. As can be seenon this figure, the position of the low-E peak at 300 Kcoincides with the value of ETO at 296 K previously re-ported by Cochran [2]. The value reported in [3] for ETO

at 295 K is slightly smaller than our measurement (by0.4 meV), but still in good agreement, considering thatETO at the zone center could be sensitive to doping lev-els. The T-dependence of ETO,1 is comparable to thatreported in [3], although we find energies that are con-sistently slightly higher. The energy of the second TOpeak, ETO,2, is about 2 meV higher than ETO,1, at alltemperatures. Both ETO,1 and ETO,2 follow a behav-ior reminiscent of that in ferroelectrics, but we could notsuccessfully fit their T -dependence to the typical ferro-electric mode behavior (E2 ∝ (T − TC)) over the fulltemperature range. Also, we observe an apparent sat-uration in the behavior of ETO,1 and ETO,2 at high T ,which could be related to the saturation in amplitude ofthe structural flutuations reported in [4].

Our results for the widths of the peaks are shown inFig. 3-b. A significant increase of the energy widths of theTO peaks (FWHM with of Gaussian peak fits, correctedfor resolution), Γ, is observed with increasing tempera-ture for both TO peaks. The increase in Γ is relatedto a damping of phonon excitations, and is generally ex-pected for vibrations in anharmonic potentials. As maybe seen in Fig. 3, the width (FWHM) of the low-energyTO peak (ΓTO,1) is more strongly dependent than thatof high-energy TO peak (ΓTO,2). Between 50 and 500 K,ΓTO,1 nearly doubles. At 670 K, we could not extractthe position or width of this peak anymore, as it becametoo broad and the ETO,2 became more intense (see mainarticle). The precise T -dependence of phonon linewidthsin solids is a topic of current interest, and definite trendsremain to be established [5]. Both ΓTO,1 and ΓTO,2 ap-pear to saturate (or at least increase more slowly) asT reaches above 300 K, which is rather unexpected, butcould be related to the saturation in the amplitude offluctuations reported in [4]. It is also interesting to com-

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T (K)

E TO,2 (111)

E TO,2 (113)

E TO,1 (111)

E TO,1 (113)

ETO Alperin et al.

ETO Cochran et al.





Γ (




T (K)

Γ TO,2 (111)

Γ TO,2 (113)

Γ TO,1 (111)

Γ TO,1 (113)

FIG. 3: Position (a) and linewidth (b) of peaks fitted to HB3data at the (111) and (113) zone centers.

pare the position of the two TO peaks at Γ with thedispersion branches reported in [2] and the INS intensitymeasured with CNCS (main article). The position of thepeaks observed at 300 K in HB3 data is shown with pinksquares in Fig. 1 (superimposed on the S(Q,E) measuredwith CNCS). We can see that ETO,2 matches the top ofthe region of diffuse scattering at the zone center, andcorresponds to the energy where the dispersion would beexpected to converge for Q → 0. On the other hand,ETO,1 matches the position of TO mode in the harmonicDFT calculations.

C. Dynamical Structure Factor and ModeCoupling Calculations

The phonon frequencies and the polarization vectorswere calculated on a fine 40x40x40 grid of k-points inreciprocal space using the linear-response approach, fol-lowing methods in [6]. The lattice parameter used in thecalculations was a = 6.376A, which gave dispersions inclose agreement with the measured dispersions at 300K,in particular for the energy of the TO branch close to Γ[2, 6]. From the calculated phonon frequencies and po-larization vectors, we computed the dynamical structurefactor in [110] and [001] directions in the (113), (004), and(220) Brillouin zones. The neutron scattering intensitywas calculated based on the DFT phonon polarizationsεd,s and energies Es, where d is an index for the atom inthe crystal basis (Pb or Te), and s is the phonon mode

index, for phonon wavector q:

S(Q,E) ∝∑








exp (iQ · rd) exp (−Wd)

(Q · εd,s)∣∣∣2

× 〈ns + 1〉δ(E − Es)δ(Q− q− τ) ,

with τ a reciprocal lattice vector, Q the wavevectortransfer, rd the position vector for atom d inside theunit cell, Md its mass, and bd its coherent cross-section[7]. The thermal occupation function is taken into ac-count through the Bose-Einstein distribution ns (we usedT = 300 K in our calculations). The Debye-Waller fac-tor Wd was also calculated from the polarizations andenergies:

Wd =~2



∣∣Q · εd,s∣∣2

Es〈2ns + 1〉

Results are shown in Fig. 4. The calculated dynamicalstructure factor is in good agreement with the measure-ments along [001] in the (002)-(004) zones, with only theLA and LO branches having intensity, and the inten-sity of the LO becoming stronger as it gets closer to thezone boundary. The main difference is the extra scatter-ing intensity observed experimentally halfway between Γand X between LA and LO, as discussed in the maintext. Similarly, along [110] in the (113) zone, only theTA and TO branches have strong intensity, as observedexperimentally, although the the harmonic calculationsdo not capture the waterfall effect in the TO branch atΓ. The structure factor calculation for harmonic, non-interacting phonons show the strongest discrepancy withmeasurements for the [001] dispersion in the (113) zone,as discussed in the main text. Although the TO, LA, andTA are all visible, the experiment shows a gap betweenthe LA and TO (avoided crossing) around q = 1/3, whereharmonic calculations predict overlapping intensity. Thisdiscrepancy is associated with the LA-TO interaction,and we perform a simple model calculation below to showhow this interaction can lead to the extinction of the LAbranch near the avoided crossing.

We performed simple mode coupling calculations, toinvestigate the extinction of the LA branch observed inour data along [001] in the (113) zone. We limited our-selves to a simple one-dimensional model with only LAand TO branches, and followed the model described in[8]. The non-interacting harmonic dispersions were ob-tained from the DFT calculations described above. Weinvestigate the effect of a simple q-independent coupling,∆, on the dispersions and the scattering intensity. Thecoupling introduces non-diagonal elements in the dynam-ical matrix:

D(q) =

[ω2LA ∆

∆∗ ω2TO


where ωLA(q) and ωTO(q) are the bare frequencies of

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the LA and TO branches at wavevector q, obtained withDFT. We neglect non-diagonal terms in the damping ma-trix,

Γ(q) =

[ΓLA 0



where ΓLA and ΓTO are the linewidths of LA and TOmodes, which we take equal to 1 meV and 2 meV, respec-tively. At high temperature T , the scattering intensityis calculated as I(q, ω) ∝ kT/ω f(q)∗ ImG(q, ω) f(q),with G(q, ω) = (D(q) − iωΓ(q) − ω2E2)−1, with E2 a2 × 2 unit matrix, and f(q) a 2-vector defining the rel-ative strengths of LA and TO branches, which we keep

equal to [1, 1] for simplicity. We show the results for∆ = 0 meV2 and ∆ = 9 meV2 in Fig. 5.

The interaction produces a repulsion between thebranches, and an “avoided crossing” where the barephonon branches would normally cross. The interac-tion also produces the weakening in intensity of the LAbranch near the avoided crossing, as observed experimen-tally. We note that our simplistic model with a constant∆(q) would tend to produce unstable LA phonons nearΓ, but we cannot entirely trust such a simple calculation.In particular, the real interaction, besides being three-dimensional, could have a non-trivial q dependence.

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[7] G. L. Squires. Introduction to the Theory of Thermal Neu-tron Scattering. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1978.

[8] J. Hlinka, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, J. Kulda, C.A. Randall,and S.J. Zhang. Origin of the “waterfall” effect in phonondispersion of relaxor perovskites. Phys. Rev. Letters, 91:107602, 2003.

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

FIG. 4: Dynamical structure factor (color maps) of PbTe for harmonic phonons, calculated from phonon polarization vectorsobtained by linear-response DFT (see text). White curves are harmonic phonon dispersions from linear-response DFT calcu-lations. a: dispersion along [001] in (004) zone. b: dispersion along [110] in (004) zone. c: dispersion along [001] in (113) zone.d: dispersion along [110] in (113) zone. e: dispersion along [001] in (220) zone. f: dispersion along [110] in (220) zone.

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FIG. 5: Calculation of effect of LA-TO mode coupling on dispersion branches and scattering intensity. (a,b): dispersions,without and with coupling, respectively. (c,d): scattering intensity, without and with coupling, respectively. In both (b) and(d), the strength of the coupling is ∆ = 9 meV2.

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