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Page 1: GIS for Environmental Science ENSC 3603 Class 25 4/14/09.

GIS for Environmental GIS for Environmental ScienceScience

ENSC 3603ENSC 3603

Class 25Class 254/14/094/14/09

Page 2: GIS for Environmental Science ENSC 3603 Class 25 4/14/09.

Project Presentation and Paper Project Presentation and Paper Presentation

Title SlideIntroductionObjectivesPresentation


Location MapElements (Review GISFES09_19.ppt)

Subject MapsElements

Page 3: GIS for Environmental Science ENSC 3603 Class 25 4/14/09.

Project Presentation and PaperProject Presentation and Paper





GIS tools used



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Project Presentation and Paper Project Presentation and Paper High quality presentations and papers contain:

An overview of what you’ll discuss including a statement defining the main point

Specific examples supporting your ideas

Carefully labeled diagrams depicting important processes

Accurate statements about content of material being discussed

Good organization, well-developed arguments, few mechanical errors

A conclusion/summary statement


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Review for Quiz Review for Quiz 1. ______ is a statistical correlation between spatial

random variables of the same type, attribute, name, etc, where the correlation depends on the distance and/or direction that separates the locations.

2. List three examples of spatial interpolation methods used for spatial analysis.

3. List the five basic steps in spatial analysesWhat GIS tool can be used to select geographic features using an data table?

5. What GIS tool can be used to define easement area along both sides a city street?

6. T or F. Spatial analysis projects must be worked through many times for the best result.

7. T or F. Different interpolation methods will (almost always) produce the same results.

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Review for Quiz Review for Quiz 8. Kriging is an example of a a) deterministic or b) non

deterministic) method of spatial interpolation. 9. ___________ values and there positions are used with

interpolation methods to estimate unsampled points.10. T or F. Autocorolated data are good to use with

standard statistical methods.11. If you were going to grid sample an area and you

wanted the best information from your samples what type of interpolation method would you use and why?

12. What is a Map?13. What are four Map functions in GIS?14. The art or technique of making maps or charts is

_____________.15. Color is made from hue, value and ______________.16. T or F. Every map and chart needs color components.

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Review for Quiz Review for Quiz 17. A text Font refers to a character set with a particular

__________ and at a ___________ _______________.18. List three elements of a map that are found in virtually

all maps.19. T of F. Most of the time the more detail that you can put

in your map the easier it will be for the map reader to comprehend.

20. A good design for geographic contents contains?21. Why is it necessary to generalize a map?22. List and discuss the fine EPA landfill location

restrictions.23. What are the two options for getting data from

GeoStor?24. In a standard error map that shows the distribution of

prediction error for a surface, where do the errors tend to be?

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Read and DoRead and Do

• Review progress on your Project

• Quiz on April 16th

• Turn in ESRI Geostatistics Lab Thursday

. Final for GISFES is Monday May 4th 10:00 to 12:00

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