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Page 1: Git into the Flow, with the Ultimate Continuous Delivery Workflow on Heroku

Git into the Flow

 Ike DeLorenzo (product manager) & Mark Pundsack (engineering manager)  [email protected] & [email protected]

Ultimate Continuous Delivery Workflow on Heroku

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On “Continuous Delivery” A modern way to move small, manageable, testable changes from development to production

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Continuous Delivery  A software development, product, and business philosophy

If Agile software development was the opening act to a great performance, Continuous Delivery is the headliner … connecting business strategy with business results. It will help you increase reliability, reduce risks, and decrease costs.

Forrester Research “Continuous Delivery Is Reshaping The Future Of ALM” (2015)

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 Continuous Integration:

  Build and automated-test new software after each small code change

  Enabled by: Circle, Travis, Jenkins, Codeship

Continuous Delivery:

  Deploy (or “ship”) software to users after each small change.

  Enabled by: Heroku (Pipelines), ALM vendors, homegrown solutions

Complementary techniques for rapid product development Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

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It’s all about supporting natural business workflow  Previously siloed dev tools and project teams are now tightly integrated



DevTools •  Separate, siloed tools •  Manual flow between stages •  Discontinuous flow or large blocks of work

•  Linked, integrated tools •  Automatic flow between stages •  Continuous flow of small blocks of


DevOps •  Larger siloed teams (eng, ops, design, PM) •  Periodic communication

•  One smaller unified team •  Frequent/constant communication

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Meet the players: Heroku, GitHub, and Git The technologies and concepts, and the goal.

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Git interest and adoption  Surging by all measures, and with good reason

Search term trends

Growth vs. alternatives

Questions on Stack Overflow

Job listings

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Modern code storage, versioning, basic workflow support

•  “Repository” or “repo” is base code storage object.

•  “Distributed”: everyone has a copy of the full historical “repo”

•  “Branches” for features (simple and fast)

•  “Merge” feature branches into “master” codebase (also easy)

•  Large developer user base makes it a de-facto standard.

 Open-source “distributed” version control Git

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 Git-based product & “social-coding” network GitHub

Extends Git in meaningful ways

•  “Pull requests” code review for branches

•  Nice web-based UX, and now desktop UX

•  CI (Travis, Circle) integrations, CD integrations (Heroku )

•  Team-oriented, Organization-oriented

•  Large developer user base (9 MM) makes it a de-facto standard.

•  It is the largest host of source code in the world.

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Extends Git and GitHub in meaningful ways

•  `$ git push heroku master`, our original deploy interface

•  Deploy (automatically) on GitHub push

•  Create Review Apps for “Pull requests”

•  Nice web-based UX: test, track, manage deployments

•  Team-oriented, Organization-oriented

•  Large developer user base makes it a de-facto standard.

 PaaS with Salesforce Integration Heroku

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Heroku Flow  Continous delivery with pipelines

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Demo: Software development & delivery A best-practices workflow for developers, using Git/GitHub and Heroku

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Yes, testing and code review advantages are important (ok, let’s quickly recap a couple, e.g.) ….

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Testing is rapid, efficient, and progressively exhaustive with a pipeline Better testing = Better software

where who code tests

Developer environment

Developer Branch Human evaluation, Some automated tests, Local data

Pipeline: Review apps

Full team Branch Human evaluation, Some automated tests, Sanitized data

Pipeline: Staging app

Full team Production Human evaluation, Full automated tests, Sanitized data

Pipeline: Production app

Real world users

Production Real user evaluation, Full automated tests, Production data

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Opening up code review to the whole product team

with Review Apps without Review Apps

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… but continuous delivery is really about transforming the way we build software

•  Lowers risk for innovation, features, and fixes

•  Allows for frequent market feedback: better product-market fit

•  Empowers the team itself, and conserves human labor

•  Yields better quality software, released faster

•  Provides for more timely, predictable releases

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Questions? Ike : [email protected]

Mark: [email protected]

Or ask us on Twitter: @heroku

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*Credits Heroku flow feature set

 With great thanks to all of the Heroku “DevEx” Developer Experience engineering team led by

 Mark Pundsack

 Andy Appleton

 Guðmundur Bjarni Ólafsson

 Hector Simpson

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