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Page 1: Glen Huntly Primary School · 2017. 11. 22. · Glen Huntly Primary School Grange Road, Glen Huntly Ph: 9571 2933 Fax: 9563 6314 Email: glenhuntly.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Issue 19 –

Glen Huntly Primary School Grange Road, Glen Huntly Ph: 9571 2933 Fax: 9563 6314

Email: [email protected] Issue 19 – 23rd November, 2017

Principal’s Report Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics (STEAM) from Miss Claire Piscioneri and Mr John Jacobs It is with great excitement that we received our Little Bits and Dash Robots kit to use for our Digital Learning and STEAM programs. These kits were purchased through our Telstra Kids Grant that Stewart Gardiner helped facilitate, so we thank him kindly.

Dash Robot has already been introduced to students on the Junior Site with visits to come for Years 3-6. The five Dash Robots will be controlled using iPad apps and builds on students work this year on coding and programming using Hour of Code, Scratch and Code.org.

We are so excited to have these available to our students as they will broaden their understanding of how we can use programming to control different devices. Next year, we will be using the Dash Robots as part of the 2018 Techspert Academy for Years 3-6 with students again applying to be a part of this fun and interactive club. We look forward to seeing the amazing learning that our students gain from these resources!

2018 Prep Transition 2018 Prep Parent Information Night The transition program for 2018 prep children and families has been very well attended with the fifth and final session scheduled for next Tuesday 28th

November from 9 -10am on the West Site in the Prep classrooms and the Parent information session to follow in the evening 7-8pm in the WW Hall on the East Site.

Artist Visit: Louise Numina Napanangka from Melinda Oldham Last week, 4R welcomed renowned Aboriginal Artist, Louise Numina Napanangka into their Visual Art class to demonstrate the technique and control involved in creating vibrant Aboriginal artwork. The students were amazed at the level of skill and patience involved in creating such intricate brushstrokes. We were fortunate to learn a little more about the inspiration behind her work and witness, first hand, the process involved in creating a piece of art from start to finish.

Louise grew up on a cattle station near Tennant Creek. She started painting in 1981 after being taught by her aunties Gloria and Kathleen Petyarre, both well-known and sought after artists. Louise’s paintings predominantly depict Kurrajong Bush Medicine Leaves from around the central desert area. We will proudly display Louise’s gift to Glen Huntly Primary School and admire her wonderful talent.

Page 2: Glen Huntly Primary School · 2017. 11. 22. · Glen Huntly Primary School Grange Road, Glen Huntly Ph: 9571 2933 Fax: 9563 6314 Email: glenhuntly.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Issue 19 –

Student Disco: A very exciting night for the students who attended the GHPS Disco last Saturday night. The GPA parents and staff did a fantastic job organising such a fun night.

The students danced amazingly well and the music was great! Special thanks to Cassandra (Evan 3S) and the organizing team who helped to make the night so great.

GPA did a wonderful job providing a fabulous atmosphere including naming, ticketing, decorating, cooking hotdogs and creating the goodie bag! 2018 Parent Payment Policy The Parent Payment Policy was endorsed at the October School Council Meeting. GHPS Council is requesting payments be made next year on Monday 29th January when book packs will made available for collection.

Aside from the book pack which needs to be paid for at the time of collection, there are payment arrangements and methods which will be outlined in the information. This information will be posted to families next week.

Fete Wrap up Meeting On Wednesday 22nd November, members of the Fete Committee met to wrap up and celebrate the success of this year’s fantastic Fete. Once again, an incredible effort with this year’s Fete and a wonderful amount raised by all! Great work Fiona and team!

2018 Workforce Planning and Staffing Decisions about work force planning and classes is well underway and I am endeavoring to have this confirmed by the next newsletter.

If parents are yet to notify the Office that their child will be moving from GHPS in 2018 can they please do so this week. Victorian Principals Association (VPA) I will be attending the VPA Council Meeting and AGM on Friday 24th November. I look forward to hearing an update from the Mark Bear, Executive Director, Performance Division, DET about the Math and English Online tools for schools.

There have been a high number of initiatives rolled out from DET this year and the VPA forums always provide very interesting speakers who can further clarify what will be available for schools.

Grade 3/4 Camp Monday 27th – Wednesday 29th November Next week will be a very exciting week for the Grade 3/4 students when they depart for the school camp at Rumbug, Foster. They have a wonderful opportunity to

have 3 days of outdoor education and will be returning on Wednesday 29th November.

Thank you very much to Mrs Eugenia Sassos, Mrs Shannan Fox, Ms Kamila Krauze, Ms Mikaela Ristos, Mr David Jenkins, Mr Jake Mackie, Jenny Grose and Ms Marie Kasambalis who will be attending camp with the students. I hope everyone has some wonderful stories to tell when they return.

Intensive Swimming Program All students are expected to participate in the swimming program which will commence on Monday 4th December – Friday 15th December (with no program running on Tuesday 12th December) over 2 weeks.

It is extremely important that all children continue to develop their skills in swimming and need to attend in each year of their schooling. Please contact the office if you have not returned the forms or money or if you require assistance with a payment plan.

Little Book Worms Tuesday 5th December will be the final session for Little Book Worms this year. The children and parents will join in with Lisa and Tania to celebrate another highly successful year.

The theme will be festive and we thank Lisa and Tania for doing such an incredible job taking LBW.

Parent and Helper’s Morning Tea - Tuesday 5th Dec GHPS Staff would like to invite all parents and helpers to a morning tea in the WW Hall on Tuesday 5th December, so please save the date in your busy December diary. This is to say a huge thankyou to everyone for volunteering to help us at GHPS. We would love to see you. A purple notice has gone home this week.

Meeting reminders: Finance Committee: 6.30pm 27th November followed by School Council at 7pm. Libby Alessi Principal ------------------------------------------------------------------------


PARENTS Nov 8th Year 5 students Grade 6 Jackets Nov 17th Year 5/6 students Health Program Nov 21st Year 3/4 students Final camp reminder Nov 21st All families Parent Helper Morning Tea Nov 21st Year 6 students Graduation mementos

Page 3: Glen Huntly Primary School · 2017. 11. 22. · Glen Huntly Primary School Grange Road, Glen Huntly Ph: 9571 2933 Fax: 9563 6314 Email: glenhuntly.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Issue 19 –

Restorative Practices and Community Circles The focus this term will be on Resilience.

Questions have been and will be explored such as: What does it mean to Bounce Back? When have you been able to Bounce Back successfully? ie: Bouncing back from an unsuccessful experience being tough, thinking positively and optimistically. How can we calm down when we have become angry? How can we change a bad mood into a better mood? How can we help others move from a bad mood to a good mood? Why is it important to be confident and persistent? How do these things help you to be resilient? ie: Believing in yourself and never giving up. What are your strengths? How can you improve? What are your goals? What do you need to do to achieve your goals?

As well as encouraging students to build resilience, these features and answers will also impact on their learning and social wellbeing. Community Circles (where teachers and the students sit in a circle with no physical barriers and face each other) are intended to: *develop a positive classroom climate * resolve conflict * focus on relationship building * maximise student engagement * address any social interaction issues * improve student voice and provide students with a forum for expression

Community Circles also provide opportunities for students to build trust, mutual understanding, and shared values and expected behaviours.

Our focus on Resilience this term complements the fantastic learning that has been occurring all year with our Resilience Project mindfulness program. The Student Wellbeing foci for this term also follow on from other Restorative Practices Action Plan emphases, where in each term the school values covered were: Term 1 Respect Term 2 Responsibility and Teamwork Term 3 Pride David Jenkins Assistant Principal ------------------------------------------------------------------------


WEEK Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award during the last 2 weeks. Audrey 0B – exceptional teamwork during Digital System construction to build a computer. Max 0B – enthusiasm and impressive construction of a “Robot” during Digital System creations. Bridget 0B - exceptional teamwork during Digital System construction to build a computer. Tilly 0F – outstanding sharing and teamwork skills during the construction of digital systems. Sanjeev 0F – fantastic cooperation and communication skills during the construction of his digital system. Abraham 0F – outstanding presentation on his digital systems model. Tyler 0F – always trying his best during Literacy and Numeracy tasks. Stella 1/2J – demonstrating impressive perseverance and improvement in reading. Varshini 1/2J – always showing initiative and helping out around the classroom without being asked. Luke 1/2M – excellent persuasive writing. Riya 1/2M - excellent persuasive writing. Tasha 1/2M – working hard to improve her spelling. Arnav 1/2M – a successful start in his new school. Athulya 1/2P – focus and enthusiasm in Magic Key writing. Jack 1/2P – excellent work on telling the time and his neat handwriting. David 3F – always taking the time to make his handwriting even better by proof-reading and editing his work. Anara 3F – an impressive 275 nights of home reading. Jaymeet 3S – amazing application to all his school work. Xavier 4K – enthusiasm in classroom activities, passion for comic book writing and being a wonderful friend to all students. Devna 4K – reading books with enthusiasm and her incredible narrative writing. Kane 4R – for his impressive understanding of angles. Fantastic work Kane! Dash 4R - for his overall improved behaviour and attitude towards his learning. Excellent work Dash. Ishu 4R - for always working well with her peers and demonstrating resilience in class. You’re a star! Yashwanth 5/6J - having a great attitude towards school and a calm, helpful demeanour at all times. Freya 5/6J - showing great leadership and mediation skills during interschool sports, and for being a top Prime Minister for our Earn & Learn community.


Page 4: Glen Huntly Primary School · 2017. 11. 22. · Glen Huntly Primary School Grange Road, Glen Huntly Ph: 9571 2933 Fax: 9563 6314 Email: glenhuntly.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Issue 19 –

CALENDAR NOVEMBER Thu 23rd Active Aftercare Netball Fri 24th Follow up Fete meeting Fri 24th 5/6 sport Mon 27th Year 3/4 Camp Mon 27th Active Aftercare Cricket Wed 29th Active Aftercare Soccer Thu 30th Active Aftercare Netball DECEMBER Fri 1st 5/6 sport Mon 4th Active Aftercare Cricket Tue 5th Parent Helper Morning Tea Wed 6th Active Aftercare Soccer Thu 7th Active Aftercare Netball


merah mudah -

hijau -

Book Launch Last week, Michael Wagner visited GHPS to launch his latest book, So Wrong 2 – Inappropriate. He was joined by the book illustrator, Wayne Bryant, who did some amazing artwork during the talk.

Lots of laughs were had by all. Thank you to the students who purchased one of Michael and Wayne’s books. Mandy Zent

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