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  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific









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    JANUARY, 2016


  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific



    One of the most important characteristics of this global environmental

    degradation is that it affects all mankind on a global scale withot regard to an!

    particlar contr!" region" or race# $he whole world is a stakeholder and this raises

    isses on who shold do what to combat environmental degradation# $he environment

    encompasses the whole of life on earth and the comple% interactions that link the

    living world with the ph!sical world# $his covers ever!thing contained within the air"

    land and water# &'assar" (005)

    *s earl! as +896" the ,wedish scientist ,vante *rrhenis had predicted that

    hman activities wold interfere with the wa! the sn interacts with the earth"

    reslting in a gradal increase in the overall temperatre of the earth-s atmosphere

    generall! attribted to the greenhose effect cased b! increased levels of carbon

    dio%ide" '.'s" and other polltants# /is prediction has become tre and climate

    change is now disrpting global environmental stabilit!# $he last few decades haveseen man! treaties" conventions" and protocols for the case of global environmental

    protection &en1amin (0+4)#

    2lobal nvironmental sses- refers to the effect on the climate of hman

    actions" in particlar the on fossil fels &coal" oil and gas) and largescale

    deforestation" which case emissions to the atmosphere of large amonts of

    -greenhose gases-" of which the most important is carbon dio%ide# ,ch gases take p

    infrared radiation emitted b! the arth-s srface and act as blankets over the srface

    keeping it warmer than it wold otherwise be# 'onnected with this warming are

    changes of climate# $he basic science of the -greenhose effect- that leads to the

    warming is well implicit# ore detailed nderstanding relies on nmerical models of

    the climate that integrate the basic d!namical and ph!sical eations describing the

    complete climate s!stem &/arrabin (007)#


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    an! of the likel! characteristics of the reslting changes in climate &sch as

    more freent heat waves" increases in rainfall" increase in freenc! and intensit! of

    man! e%treme climate events) can be identified# ,bstantial ncertainties remain in

    knowledge of some of the feedbacks within the climate s!stem &that affect the overall

    magnitde of change) and in mch of the detail of likel! regional change# ecase of

    its negative impacts on hman commnities &inclding for instance sbstantial sea

    level rise) and on ecos!stems" global warming is the most important environmental

    problem the world faces# .ew e%amples of environmental isses of global significance


    +# and degradation(# :ater polltion

    3# /aardos waste

    4# 2lobal :arming

    5# 'limate change

    6# /aardos waste

    7# oss of iodiversit!

    8# %ploitation of natral resorces

    9# Oone a!er

  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific



    2.1 What Are Gloal E!"#ro!$e!tal I%%&e%'

    2lobal nvironmental sses presents a comprehensive and stimlating

    introdction to the ke! environmental isses presentl! threatening or global

    environment# 2lobal nvironmental isses are harmfl effects of hman activit! on

    the bioph!sical environment&*1a" (005)#

    *ccording *lfred" &(009) global nvironmental sses can be defined as an!

    ma1or trend" shock" or development that has the potential for serios global impacts

    and ths to create hmanitarian needs and change the environments in which

    hmanitarian actors will operate in coming !ears &*lfred" (009)#

    en1amin &(0+4) simpl! said" global environmental sses arises when people

    decide so" especiall! that kind of environmental problems that affect not onl! natre

    bt also negativel! affects hmans# .or e%ample it is a problem that the fishes are

    poisoned" becase hmans wold like to eat them if the! were not poisoned" bt is itan environmental problem when the sea eagle is poisoned#

    2.2 Gloal E!"#ro!$e!tal (a)or I%%&e%

    One of the primar! cases of environmental degradation in a contr! cold be

    attribted to rapid growth of poplation" which adversel! affects the natral resorces

    and environment# $he prising poplation and the environmental deterioration face

    the cha3llenge of sstainable development# $he e%istence or the absence of favorablenatral resorces can facilitate or retard the process of socioeconomic development#

    $he three basic demographic factors of births &natalit!)"deaths &mortalit!) and hman

    migration &migration) and immigration &poplation moving into a contr! prodces

    higher poplation) prodce changes in poplation sie" composition" distribtion and

    these changes raise a nmber of important estions of case and effect# ?oplation

    growth and economic development are contribting to man! serios environmental

    calamities globall!# $hese inclde heav! pressre on land" land degradation" forests"


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    habitat destrction and loss of biodiversit!# 'hanging consmption pattern has led to

    rising demand for energ!# $he final otcomes of this are air polltion" global warming"

    climate change" water scarcit! and water polltion &en1amin (0+4)# $he meaning"

    cases and effects of these environmental isses are e%plain below

    2.2.1 La!* De+ra*at#o!

    @i1a! &(0+3) claimed that and degradation is a process in which the vale of

    the bioph!sical environment is affected b! a combination of hmanindced processes

    acting pon the land# t is viewed as an! change or distrbance to the land perceived

    to be deleterios or ndesirable#=atral haardsare e%clded as a case; however

    hman activities can indirectl! affect phenomena sch as floods and bsh fires#

    $his is considered to be an important topic of the (+st centr! de to the

    implications land degradation has pon agronomic prodctivit!" the environment" and

    its effects on food secrit!# t is estimated that p to 40A of the world-s agricltral

    land is seriosl! degraded#

    Ca&%e% o, La!* De+ra*at#o!

    *ccording to Bohnson and ewis" &(007) and degradation is a global problemlargel! related to agricltralse# $he ma1or cases inclde

    and clearance" sch as clear cttinganddeforestation

    *gricltral depletion of soilntrientsthrogh poor farming practices

    ivestockinclding overgraingand overdrafting

    nappropriate irrigationand overdrafting

    Crban sprawland commercial development

    ,oil contamination

    @ehicle offroading

    Darr!ingof stone" sand" ore and minerals


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    ncrease in field sie de to economies of scale" redcing shelter for wildlife" as

    hedgerows and copses disappear

    %posre of naked soil after harvesting b! heav! eipment

    onocltre" destabiliing the local ecos!stem

  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific


    of agricltral land per person in si% ot of eight contries &+4A for ndia and ((A for


    ?oplation pressre also operates throgh other mechanisms# mproper

    agricltral practices" for instance" occr onl! nder constraints sch as the satration

    of good lands nder poplation pressre which leads settlers to cltivate too shallow

    or too steep soils" plogh fallow land before it has recovered its fertilit!" or attempt to

    obtain mltiple crops b! irrigating nsitable soils &Bohnson and ewis" (007)#

    /igh poplation densit! is not alwa!s related to land degradation# Father" it is

    the practices of the hman poplation that can case a landscape to become degraded#

    ?oplations can be a benefit to the land and make it more prodctive than it is in itsnatral state# and degradation is an important factor of internal displacement in man!

    *frican and *sian contries &Bohnson and ewis" (007)

    ,evere land degradation affects a significant portion of the arth-s arable lands"

    decreasing the wealth and economic developmentof nations# *s the land resorce

    base becomes less prodctive" food secrit!is compromised and competition for

    dwindling resorcesincreases" the seeds offamineand potential conflict are sown

    &@i1a! (0+3)#

    2.2.2 Water Poll&t#o!

    *ccording to Glfear &(0+3) water polltion is the contamination of

    water bodies &e#g# lakes" rivers" oceans" aifers and grondwater)# $his form of

    environmental degradation occrs when polltants are directl! or indirectl! discharged

    into water bodies withot adeate treatment to remove harmfl componds# :ater

    polltion affects the entire biosphere H plants and organisms living in thesebodies of

    water# n almost all cases the effect is damaging not onl! to individal speciesand

    poplation" bt also to the natralbiological commnities#


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    Plate 2-Glfear &(0+3)

    Ca&%e% o, Water Poll&t#o!

    $he specific contaminants leading to polltion in water inclde a wide

    spectrm ofchemicals"pathogens" and ph!sical changes sch as elevated temperatre

    and discoloration# :hile man! of the chemicals and sbstances that are reglated ma!

    be natrall! occrring &calcim" sodim" iron" manganese" etc#) the concentrationis

    often the ke! in determining what is a natral component of water and what is a

    contaminant# /igh concentrations of natrall! occrring sbstances can have negative

    impacts on aatic flora and fana &Glfear (0+3)#

    O%!gendepleting sbstances ma! be natral materials sch as plant matter

    &e#g# leaves and grass) as well as manmade chemicals# Other natral and

    anthropogenic sbstances ma! casetrbidit!&clodiness) which blocks light and

    disrpts plant growth" and clogs the gills of some fish species#

    an! of the chemical sbstances are to%ic# ?athogens can prodce waterborne

    diseasesin either hman or animal hosts# *lteration of water-s ph!sical chemistr!

    incldes acidit! &change inp/)" electrical condctivit!" temperatre"

    and etrophication# trophication is an increase in the concentration of chemical

    ntrients in an ecos!stem to an e%tent that increases in the primar! prodctivit! of the


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    environmental effects sch as ano%ia&o%!gen depletion) and severe redctions in

    water alit! ma! occr" affecting fish and other animal poplations &Glfear (0+3)#

    E,,et% o, Water Poll&t#o!

    *ccording to en1amin &(0+4) water polltion has a del effect on natre# t

    has negative effects on the living and also on the environment# :ater polltion cases

    appro%imatel! +4"000 deaths per da!" mostl! de to contamination of drinking water

    b! ntreated sewage in developing contries#

    an! water bodies near rban areas &cities and towns) are highl! pollted# $his

    is the reslt of both garbage dmped b! individals and dangeros chemicals legall!

    or illegall! dmped b! manfactring indstries" health centers" schools and market


    Death o, a/&at# ater a!#$al%- $he main problem cased b! water

    polltion is that it kills life that depends on these water bodies#

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    Plat 6-en1amin &(0+4)

    Plate 7-en1amin &(0+4)


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    Plate 8-en1amin &(0+4)

    2.2.6 Ha9ar*o&% Wa%te

    *ccording to Omofonmwan" &(0+3) haardos waste are ,olid" liid" or

    gaseos b!prodct of indstrialprocessesthat possesses at least one of the

    for characteristics &i) corrosiveness" &ii) ignitabilit!" &iii) reactivit!" &iv) to%icit!; and

    which ma! have to be handled stored" transported" and disposed of in a controlled


    :aste is considered -haardos- nder environmental legislation when it

    contains sbstances or has properties that might make it harmfl to hman health or

    the environment# $his does not necessaril! mean it is an immediate risk to hman

    health" althogh some waste can be &Omiegbe" (009)#

    *s poplation increases" hman activities increase" which eventall! increases

    the amont of waste prodced# $hese wastes inclde harmfl gases let ot in the

    atmosphere" to%ic waste released in water bodies" nclear waste" ewaste" medical

    waste and even the waste from or homes# =o matter where people pt these

    haardos waste materials" there is alwa!s a chance that the! cold find their wa! into


  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific


    the grond" and eventall! into or bodies# 'orporations sall! want to avoid the

    costs associated with having to limit creation of haardos waste#

    'onseentl!" landfills are bilt on site and filled with waste" or sometimes pa!

    to have waste removed# Often" haardos materials are transported to areas that accept

    mone! to take the waste# t ma! prove ver! difficlt to redce haardos waste in the

    ftre# Cnlike man! other environmental problems" waste creation is something

    people do not often think abot# n near ftre" people ma! have to redce not onl!

    their generation of haardos waste" bt also their consmption of man! prodcts that

    end p in landfills &en1amin (0+4)#

    Plate :- en1amin &(0+4)


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    Plate ;- en1amin &(0+4)

    2.2.7 Gloal War$#!+

    2lobal warming a gradal increase in the overall temperatre of the earth-s

    atmosphere generall! attribted to the greenhose effect cased b! increased levels of

    carbon dio%ide" '.'s" and other polltants &isgrove and /adle! (00()#

    2lobal :arming is the increase of arth-s average srface temperatre de to

    effect of greenhose gases" sch as carbon dio%ide emissions from brning fossil fels

    or from deforestation" which trap heat that wold otherwise escape from arth# $his is

    a t!pe of greenhose effect# 'assar &(005)#

    * greenhose gas &sometimes abbreviated 2/2) is a gasin an atmosphere

    that absorbsand emits radiation within the thermal infraredrange# $his process is the

    fndamental case of the greenhose effect# $he primar! greenhose gases in arth-s

    atmosphereare water vapor"carbon dio%ide" methane" nitros o%ide" and oone#

    :ithot greenhose gases" the average temperatre of arth-s srfacewold be abot

    +5 I' &(7 I.) colder than the present average of +4 I' &57 I.)# n the ,olar ,!stem"

    the atmospheres of @ens" arsand $itanalso contain gases that case a greenhose

    effect &pstein (00()#

    /arrabin &(007) claimed that before the ndstrial Fevoltion" hman activities

    released ver! few gases into the atmosphere and all climate changes happened

    natrall!# *fter the ndstrial Fevoltion" throgh fossil fel combstion" changing


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    agricltral practices and deforestation" the natral composition of gases in the

    atmosphere are getting affected and climate and environment began to alter

    significantl!# Over the last +00 !ears" it was fond ot that the earth is getting warmer

    and warmer# $he ke! greenhose gases &2/2) casing global warming is carbon

    dio%ide# '.'-s" even thogh the! e%ist in ver! small antities" are significant

    contribtors to global warming# 'arbon dio%ide" one of the most prevalent greenhose

    gases in the atmosphere" has two ma1or anthropogenic &hmancased) sorces the

    combstion of fossil fels and changes in land se# =et releases of carbon dio%ide

    from these two sorces are believed to be contribting to the rapid rise in atmospheric

    concentrations since ndstrial Fevoltion# ecase estimates indicate that

    appro%imatel! 80 percent of all anthropogenic carbon dio%ide emissions crrentl!

    come from fossil fel combstion" world energ! se has emerged at the center of the

    climate change debate#

    2.2.8 Cl#$ate Cha!+e

    'limatechange isa change in global or regional climate patterns" in particlar

    a change apparent from the mid to late (0th centr! onwards and attribted largel! to

    the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dio%ide prodced b! the se of fossil fels

    &/lme" Benkins" " $rnpenn!" itchell" (00()#

    /lme" Benkins" " $rnpenn! " itchell $

  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific


    orbit arond the ,n# Of these" the two factors relevant on timescales of

    contemporar! climate change are changes in volcanic activit! and changes in solar

    radiation# n terms of the arthJs energ! balance" these factors primaril! inflence

    the amont of incoming energ!# @olcanic erptions are episodic and have relativel!

    shortterm effects on climate# 'hanges in solar irradiance have contribted to

    climate trends over the past centr! bt since the ndstrial Fevoltion" the effect

    of additions of greenhose gases to the atmosphere has been abot ten times that of

    changes in the ,nJs otpt &/lme" Benkin" " $rnpenn!" and itchell# (00()#

    Human Causes

    'limate change can also be cased b! hman activities" sch as the brning of

    fossil fels and the conversion of land for forestr! and agricltre# ,ince the

    beginning of the ndstrial Fevoltion" these hman inflences on the climate

    s!stem have increased sbstantiall!# n addition to other environmental impacts"

    these activities change the land srface and emit varios sbstances to the

    atmosphere# $hese in trn can inflence both the amont of incoming energ! and

    the amont of otgoing energ! and can have both warming and cooling effects on

    the climate# $he dominant prodct of fossil fel combstion is carbon dio%ide" a

    greenhose gas# $he overall effect of hman activities since the ndstrial

    Fevoltion has been a warming effect" driven primaril! b! emissions of carbon

    dio%ide and enhanced b! emissions of other greenhose gases &'assar" (005)#

    $he bildp of greenhose gases in the atmosphere has led to an

    enhancement of the natral greenhose effect# t is this hmanindced

    enhancement of the greenhose effect that is of concern becase ongoing emissions

    of greenhose gases have the potential to warm the planet to levels that have never

    been e%perienced in the histor! of hman civiliation# ,ch climate change cold

    have farreaching andKor npredictable environmental" social" and economic

    conseences &/arrabin" (007)


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    and economic growthoccrs" thedepletion of natral resorcesinflenced b! the

    nsstainable e%traction of raw materialsbecomes an increasing concern#

    >aranth &(006) claimed that hman greed for more has left them empt! handed

    in terms of natral resorces in several parts of the world# ,everal hman activities"

    inclding the likes of mining" agricltre" fishing etc#" has reslted in drastic

    degradation of natral resorces# :hile mining and agricltre have triggered large

    scale deforestation" over fishing has onl! reslted in the redction of poplation of

    marine creatres inhabiting the planet#

    Plate >- >aranth &(006)


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    Plate 10- >aranth &(006)

    Plate 11- >aranth &(006)

    2.2.; Lo%% o, B#o*#"er%#t5


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  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific


    2.2.< O9o!e La5er De3let#o!

    Oone depletion describes two distinct bt related phenomena observed since

    the late +970s a stead! decline of abot 4A in the total volme of oone in arth-s

    stratosphere &the oone la!er)" and a mch larger springtime decrease in

    stratospheric oonearond arth-s polar regions#

    arthJs atmosphere is divided into three regions" namel! troposphere"

    stratosphere and mesosphere# $he stratosphere e%tends from +0 to 50 kms from the

    arthJs srface# $his region is concentrated with slightl! pngent smelling" light

    blish oone gas# $he oone la!er" in the stratosphere acts as an efficient filter for

    harmfl solar Cltraviolet &C@) ra!s# Oone is prodced and destro!ed natrall! in

    the atmosphere and ntil recentl!" this reslted in a wellbalanced eilibrim#

    Oone is formed when o%!gen molecles absorb ltraviolet radiation with

    wavelengths less than (40 nanometers and is destro!ed when it absorbs ltraviolet

    radiation with wavelengths greater than (90 nanometers# Oone is highl! reactive and

    easil! broken down b! manmade chlorine and bromine componds# $hese

    componds are fond to be most responsible for most of oone la!er depletion# $he

    oone depletion process begins when '.'s &sed in refrigerator and air conditioners)and other oonedepleting sbstances &O

  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific


    Effects on Terrestrial Plants n forests and grasslands" increased radiation is

    likel! to change species composition ths altering the biodiversit! in different

    ecos!stems# t cold also affect the plant commnit! indirectl! reslting in

    changes in plant form" secondar! etabolism" etc#

    Effects on Aquatic Ecosystems /igh levels of radiation e%posre in tropics and

    sbtropics ma! affect the distribtion of ph!toplankton" which form the

    fondation of aatic food webs# t can also case damage to earl!

    development stages of fish" shrimp" crab" amphibians and other animals" the

    most severe effects being decreased reprodctive capacit! and impaired larval


    Effects on Air Quality Fedction of stratospheric oone and increased

    penetration of C@4 radiation reslt in higher photo dissociation rates of ke!

    trace gases that control the chemical reactivit! of the troposphere# $his can

    increase both prodction and destrction of oone and related o%idants sch as

    h!drogen pero%ide" which are known to have adverse effects on hman health"

    terrestrial plants and otdoor material#

    2.2.> N&lear I%%&e

    =clear power does have high potential" bt the problems associated with it are

    no less# Fadioactive waste from nclear power plants is one of the ma1or problems we

    are likel! to face" especiall! if safet! reglations are not followed properl!# 'hernob!l

    traged! has set an e%ample of how nclear waste can lead to disaster for mankind" and

    no one wold like to see another 'hernob!l happening# t doesn-t end here as the

    threat of some nation diverting its nclear power to prodce nclear arsenal is alwa!s

    looming over the mankind#

    2.2.10 A#* ra#!

    *cid rain also referred to acid deposition is cased b! airborne acidic polltants

    and has highl! destrctive reslts# Oba1imi" &(008) claimed that discovered acid rain

    in +85(" when the nglish chemist Fobert *gns invented the term# *cid rain" one of

    the most important environmental problems of all" cannot be seen# $he gases that


  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific


    case acid rain sall! come from atomobiles or coalbrning power plants# *cid

    rain moves easil!" affecting locations far be!ond those that let ot the polltion#

    .or !ears" science stdied the tre cases of acid rain# ,ome scientists

    conclded that hman prodction was primaril! responsible" while others cited natral

    cases as well# Fecentl!" more intensive research has been done so that contries have

    the information the! need to prevent acid rain and its dangeros effects# $he levels of

    acid rain var! from region to region &Oba1imi" (008)#

    2.2.11 O"er 3o3&lat#o!

    Overpoplation is a fnction of the nmber of individals compared to the

    relevant resorces" sch as the water and essential ntrients the! need to srvive# t

    can reslt from an increase in births" a decline in mortalit! rates" an increase in

    immigration" or an nsstainable biome and depletion of resorces &>aranth (006)#

    >aranth &(006) posits that another ma1or global environmental isse is

    overpoplation# *s the poplation of world contines to soar at an alarming rate" the

    pressre on the resorces of the planet is increasing# $he problems associated with

    overpoplation range from food and water crisis to lack of space for natral brial#ncessant poplation growth will not 1st reslt in depletion of natral resorces" bt

    will also pt more pressre on the econom!#

    n =igeria the Lthe present high rate of or poplation growth is alread!

    contribting sbstantiall! to the degradation of the ecolog! of the contr!# t observes

    that land fragmentation" overfarming and overgraing have led to soil erosion and

    desertification and that over crowding has led to the spread of shant! towns and rban

    blight" all of which wold worsen if the present poplation growth contines#

    Omiegbe" (009)#


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    Plate 16- Omiegbe" &(009)

    2.2.12 De,ore%tat#o!

    $he deforestation of forest particlarl! tropical rainforests is a ma1or global

    problemeach !ear millions of hectares are lost#

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    Plate 17- Omiegbe" &(009)

    2.2.16 De%ert#,#at#o!

  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific


    2.6 E,,et o, E!"#ro!$e!tal I%%&e% O! N#+er#a

    nvironmental polltion is a challenge in most developed societies of the

    world; contemporar! societies of *frica and =igeria in particlar also grapple with

    and orKtackle this menace in recent times# *nal!sis of the negative impact of

    environmental polltion in contemporar! =igeria societ! wold focs specificall! on;

    #. Ura!#9at#o!

    Crbaniation is cased b! high poplation growth rate and rral rban

    migration# Crbaniation in =igeria is characteried b! cit! slms with serios

    environmental conseences # $he problem has been described as acte and

    e%emplifies the inabilit! of development measres to keep pace with the rate of

    poplation growth# $he problem of the deposal of savage and refse is ite serios

    becase of the rapid rate of generation of nonbiodegradable materials sch as


    nadeate storm drains" dmping of refse in drainage lines and constrction

    of hoses close to and even on the natral water channels have been shown to be

    responsible in that order for the increasing cases of flood in the rban centers#

    nvironment problems associated with the increasing growth of rban slms inclding

    overcrowding in salid hosing conditions" poor alit! or navailabilit! of basic

    infrastrctres and social services" sch as water and sewage facilities and even lack

    of access rotes

    ##. Poll&t#o!

    $he growth and development of indstries and Crbaniation has contribted

    greatl! to the e%cess carbon mono%ide prodced b! combstion and other hman

    activities# 'arbon mono%ide reacts with the blood vessel and prevent it from taking p

    o%!gen and the people are sffocated# n =igeria" several rral towns that had in the

    past en1o! fresh and dr! air are crrentl! e%periencing air polltion problems

    &Oba1imi" (008)# $his is de to indstrialiation process and e%pansion in hman

    activities# *atic or water polltion is the discharge of nwanted biological" chemical

    and ph!sical materials into water bodies from manJs environment# $he polltant are


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    sall! chemical" ph!sical and biological sbstances that affect the natral condition

    of water# $his incidence is responsible for the wide spread water contamination in

    most =igeria cities# *lso solid waste have eall! flooded the water wa!s in these

    Crban centers# and srface polltion is the occrrence of nwanted materials or

    waste on land# $he commonest polltant on land is the waste prodcts that are often

    scattered on land area in the cities# *ccording to Onwiodokit &(008)" most

    environmental problems are de to the prodction or consmption of goods whose

    waste prodcts translates easil! into polltant# *!eni &(008) and ,ada &(009) believed

    that the emergence of Crbaniation is responsible for the rapid accmlation of solid

    waste# 2enerall!" it wold appear that the growth of rbaniation and indstrial

    development copled with improper wastes management control have added a great

    dimension to land area polltion in =igeria#


  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific



    6.1 Co!l&%#o!

    =igeria has a total land area of 983" (+3 km( occpied b! more than +50

    million people# $he interaction of these millions of people with their environment has

    left indelible mark on the landscape# *ttempts b! these =igerians to ad1st their

    seemingl! endless wants and desire for food" shelter" recreation and infrastrctre

    facilities to mention bt a few have reslted in deforestation" desertification"

    rbaniation" over poplation and all kinds of polltion# *lthogh" these landse

    activities contribte to over all development of the contr!" the! eall! prodce

    negative impacts in the environment# f appropriate technies and technolog! of

    environmental protection and management which will be recommended below are not

    pt in place" =igeria ma! become a difficlt contr! to live in the ne%t +5 !ears#

    6.2 Reo$$e!*at#o!%

    $here are some ncertainties as to what effects a change in climate might have

    on the earth# /owever" its soltion lies on the coordination of national actions within

    regional and international frameworks# $he soltion will need to involve contries

    worldwide becase the impact in one location ma! be felt in a completel! different

    location# /ence" contries shold develop a plan of action to cope with these

    problems# ,ome of the significant recommendations are

    Fec!cling is a process to convert wastematerials into new prodcts to prevent

    waste of potentiall! sefl materials" redce the consmption of fresh raw materials"

    redce energ!sage" redce air polltion &fromincineration) and water polltion

    &from landfilling) b! redcing the need for MconventionalM waste disposal and

    lower greenhose gasemissions as compared to plastic prodction# Fec!cling is a ke!

    component of modern waste redction and is the third component of the

    MFedce" Feseand Fec!cleM waste hierarch!# Fec!cling can decrease the nmber of

    polltants entering the atmosphere and has been linked to lessening global climate


  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific


    with minimal packaging &inclding the econom! sie when that makes sense for !o)

    will help to redce waste#

    $he world-s dependence on oil cases serios harm to the environment# lectric

    cars replace vehicles with highl! pollting internal combstion engines# thanol fel

    shold be sed to redces gasoline consmption#

    ?lanting a $ree will help to fight against environmental isse#

  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific


    * prompt legislative framework shold be pt in place to make laws that wold

    tackle headlong isses of noise polltion in =igerian#

    Fral farmer edcation on how to appl! fertilier and other related inpts

    shold be reemphasied to redce health haards involved#


  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific



    *1a" B# O# &(005)# Lnvironmental dcation as a panacea for a sstainable

    development in =igeria ,chools environment in focsN# ?p# ++4 H +(7" n the

    *frican Bornal of nvironmental aws and e! =och" irmingham#

    en1amin" #>## &(0+4)#nvironmental sses" 'limate 'hanges" and nerg!,ecrit! in '?" O%ford" C>#

    'assar" # &(005)# 'limate 'hange and the /istoric nvironment# 'entre for

    ,stainable /eritage" Cniversit! 'ollege ondon" ondon" C>#

    pstein" ?#F &(00()# s 2lobal :arming /armfl to /ealth ,oth *merican

    againe# *ccessed on (0+0(0+5" from


    /lme" #" Benkins 2#B#" P" $rnpenn! BF" itchell $

  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific


    >aranth" >#? &(006)# Otofndia 2ondwanan origin of some tropical *sian

    iota# 'rrent ,cience ::. nternational Organiation 6 +4#


  • 7/25/2019 Global Environmental Issues With Specific


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