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Page 1: Global Marketing Management - Pringle

Faculty of Business & Law

Postgraduate Assessment Cover Sheet (to be downloaded and completed by the student)

Course: MSc in International Business Management, MSc in Financial and Business Management

Module: BA7017 Global Marketing Management

Title of Assignment:

MARKETING PLAN REPORT: Present an outline marketing plan for the revitalization of PRINGLES


Word count: 3772 words

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Page 2: Global Marketing Management - Pringle

Kingston University




Submitted by: Group 3

Submission date: 2nd December 2013


Words count: 3772 words

Page 3: Global Marketing Management - Pringle

TABLE OF CONTENTS EXCUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................................ 3

MARKET OVERVIEW - SITUATION ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................. 4

MARKETING PLAN FOR THE REVITALIZATION OF PRINGLES .................................................................................................... 6

PRINGLES TARGETING STRATEGY ......................................................................................................................................... 6

PRINGLES POSITIONING STRATEGY ...................................................................................................................................... 1

KEY CHANGES – MARKETING MIX............................................................................................................................................. 3

PRODUCT STRATEGY ............................................................................................................................................................ 3

PACKAGING STRATEGY ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

PRICING STRATEGY ............................................................................................................................................................... 9

MARCOMMS/ PROMOTION STRATEGY ............................................................................................................................. 11

PLACE/ DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY ...................................................................................................................................... 14

SERVICE SCAPE/ PHYSICAL EVIDENCE ..................................................................................................................................... 15

PRINGLES’ GLOBAL MARKETING STRATEGY ........................................................................................................................... 16

CONCLUSION/ RECOMMENDATION ....................................................................................................................................... 19

REFERENCE LIST/ BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................................ 21

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This report provides a marketing plan for solving the declining market share of Pringles, the UK's second-biggest

brand in the bagged snacks sector, after critically evaluating the “Brand Health Check” article of Pringles in 2005.

This “Brand Health Check” article draws attention to the fact that the problem that all snack brands are facing,

not only Pringles in particular, is the growing number of health-conscious consumers’ concerns; as sales of

Pringles have slipped 9% during 2004 (Bokaie, 2005).

The marketing plan will point out all aspects for the revitalization of Pringles such as targeting the market,

positioning and key changes or marketing mix. It finds out that the remedy for the Pringles’ problem is the

structural reorientation of business activities which focus on packaging changes and build physical evidence for

customers’ awareness about health issue.

In summary, recommendations for this marketing plan include:

Targeting strategy Pringles will focus more on youth market

Positioning strategy Improve Pringles’ image by identifying the gap of market between Pringles and its

competitors, about the various types of flavours and its tasty characteristic

Marketing Mix No change for the traditional logo; use simple packaging design as usual; explore

new product’s ingredients which will solve health issues; create some new different

types of package with the original ideas; keep its suitable pricing as before; distribute

mostly in grocery stores and retailers; some effective marcomms strategy; build good

physical evidence

Global market strategy Consider in expanding the impact of Pringles’ brand on globe

Because of basing on theoretical perspectives and assumptions, this marketing plan will not avoid the limitations

and shortcomings.

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Critical evaluate the diagnoses and remedies offered by the two experts from “Brand Health Check” report of

Pringles in 2005

According to “Brand Health Check” article, Bokaie (2005) indicated the diagnosis and remedy given by two

experts, Steve Messenger (Senior director, Ipsos UK) and Laura Morris (Client consultant, Nunwood Consulting)

for Pringles’ issues. Based on the overall evaluations, it could not be denied that the most outstanding problem

of Pringles is the assessment on its effects to consumer’s health such as obesity. This issue decreased the sales of

the brand exponentially and an immediate steps needs to be taken in order to stop further decrease in the sales

and to re-position the product into the perceptions of the general public.

According to Steve, Pringles’ success was how they promoted their brand’s positioning in the heart of customers

who cannot resist eating a Pringles after opening the can; however, it was also the key problem of Pringles.

Indeed, Steve's diagnosis based on rationality; if Pringles has been put as a brand which affects health adversely,

the health concerns go on increasing rapidly as people constantly keep on consuming it. As Steve stated the

‘stackable’ characteristics of Pringles, he also suggested that Pringles must find a new way to change the brand’s

perception in consumers and if they fail to do so, it is unlikely for them to succeed in other sectors of the snacks

market. In addition, so as to accomplish this, Pringles should find a unique way to gain its stackable position

again. This could be considered as an effective solution. Nonetheless, another remedy of Steve is that Pringles

should not emphasis on the debate about high-fat and low-fat of its products. It is good to focus on the key

problem that leveraging the brand’s stacking choices but discounting products would affect the core values of the

brand image. However, it is not clear about how Steve claimed that Pringles can manage the high-fat and low-fat

issue. Escaping from the truth may not be favourable for the company. The fact that high-fat rate is not the only

content of Pringle’s taste means that given the right circumstances the brand can produce its products healthier

by reducing the rate. After all, all the snacks are seen as unhealthy but they are still part of the majority of

people’s lives.

Nevertheless, according to Laura, she emphasized on the remedy of Pringles which is to fit consumers' lifestyles,

whereas Pringles’ rival, Walkers Sensations, has already done this so well. Laura Morris suggested that Pringles

should promote the product as a ‘big night in’ where adults prefer to buy the snack for their get-together and the

night house parties. This would surely enhance the sales but in order to promote a proper advertising effective

media needs to be implemented. As Laura suggested, switching the target market of Pringles from younger

people to adults, or promoting each different product for different segment of the market would create the

division of the product. Illustrative of this point is that the UK consumers aware to want the healthier snacks

which contain less fat ingredients, as well as have the taste of fruit or cereal. Laura's advice on this issue is to

follow the tastes on the fruit-based flavours of consumers along with the appropriate packaging changes to target

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the adults. However, this can become a marketing strategy which needs to be considered carefully; because the

adults segment is not a primary target market, whereas youth customers have been always the main

consumption of Pringles so far. Therefore, the advertisement should include all the demographics. Also coming

up with fruit based flavours is a good idea as it will help the consumers to make an image of the brand as a

healthy snack.

Other research about Pringles’ health problem

Indeed, according to Painter (2009), it is clear that Pringles contains GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)

which is not good ingredient for health. Therefore, as mentioned in Faber’s article (2006), it can be suggested

that Pringles should focus on changing its ingredients such as using organic and umami. This solution will be

described in detail below on the marketing plan for the revitalization of Pringles.

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It cannot be denied that Pringles is a product for any type of people and the health problems that Pringles

encountered is not only happening on the brand but also with every snack products. This health issue is about the

obesity problem, not a dangerous disease such as cancer and so on. About targeting the market for this situation,

Pringles now should focus on the market which has more opportunities than the others to improve their brand

image out of health issue. Indeed, the problem of obesity greatly affects adults and middle-aged people.

According to (The Associated Press, 2011), there are many criticisms of McDonald's and their fast-food fries in

present time; hence, Pringles which also makes fried potato in other way certainly cannot solve this problem

quickly. The key point is to focus on improving what Pringles can do or do better. Specifically speaking, the

strength of Pringles is unique seductive flavor of its own and the youth market is always a potential area for all

kind of snacks as the teenagers also are not influenced by obesity issues as much as older people. Thus, Pringles’

strategy ought to target more on young people.

In brief, if Pringles focuses on the youth market, especially between the ages of 5 and 25, it will keep growing

their business globally as sales increasing through years. Based on AQR (2013), the figures below illustrate the

pen portrait of Pringles’ youth target market.

Figure 1a: Pen Portrait of Pringles’ youth-customers - Peter (own visualization)

Name: Peter Pottar Pingror

Age: 12

Hobbies: playing computer games, football and eating Pringles

Favorite food: Pringles snack

Music: Pop and dance with Pringles in hand

Needs: eating Pringles in whole day

Wants: there is not only one last chip in Pringles can

Favorite quote: “Where is my Pringleeeeesss?”

Personal description: I have been eating Pringles since the first

day that I saw it’s can in a grocery store. At that moment, I

knew I found the best friend of my life. I want to share ‘him’ to

my family, my friend and to the world. I do love Pringleeeeesss.

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Figure 1b: Pen Portrait of Pringles’ youth-customers - Cindy (own visualization)

Name: Cindy Snako Crips

Age: 7

Interests: Travel, Barbie doll and Pringles

Special menu: Pringles and then Coke

Love: Try different types of Pringles’ flavour

Hate: Pringles suddenly disappear

Favorite saying: “Mommy is the best.. and Pringles

none be less”

Personal description: I often go travel with my family

every weekend and my dear Pringles will always be in

my hand. I remember once my parents forgot to bring

my Pringles while I overslept in the car, I cried a lot

and we had to stop, before a retailer, for me to get

my new Pringles mate. I cannot believe how the world

may have become without Pringles. My dream is to

meet my Prince Pringles-Charming. Pringles!

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As can be seen in figure 2a (Myers and Tauber, 2011, p.60), the positioning of potato chips in general or

Pringles, in particular, which stays in children’s mind is not juicy. In comparison with candy, ice cream or milk,

children do not prefer potato chips as much. The perceptual map below illustrates that point.

Figure 2a: (Myers and Tauber, 2011, p.60)

As mentioned in the targeting strategy above, Pringles has to attract the teenagers by repositioning its place

on the perceptual map above as also try to find its own competitive differences and identify the gap of

market. Therefore, the aim of Pringles is to change the children’s mind that Pringles’ potato chips are juicy and

make the children enjoy eating Pringles’ crisp. According to Durso (2011), it can be suggested that Pringles has

advantages on making competitive differences in types of its flavours (e.g. 101 Pringles flavors from around

the world which mixing different taste in one chip and using fruity flavour to change the negative awareness

of customers’ mind about health issue). In other words, Pringles will focus strongly on developing its two

characteristic, tasty and diversity sectors. Based on some research and data, the figure 2b illustrated the

perceptual map of Pringles and other rivals in snack foods area (the logos images describe the potato chips

brand and the rest is for the different kind of snack foods). Pringles will reposition their stance to the tastiest

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and most diversity of potato chips and stands far beyond to their main crisps competitor, Walkers Sensation,

which has been mentioned in “Brand Health Check” article above (Bokaie, 2005).

Figure 2b: Repositioning map of Pringles (own visualization)

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As a strong brand with a business history over 50 years (Brand Republic, 2005), Pringles will keep using its logo

and the simple designs as the past. In fact, the image of a mustache-male’s head image has become familiar

and successful in customers’ mind, especially in young consumers through time. Therefore, the issue now is

only about managing the criticism around the health problems.

To solve these problems, Pringles ought to make healthier chips like using fruits as their main ingredients that

also are suitable for the needs of their targeting market, teenagers market. This would change the mindset of

the consumers in general as it strikes out the main drawback of consumers to buy their product. Basically,

there are four keys for successful positioning which is clarity, consistency, credibility and competitiveness

(Jobber, 1995). Launching of fruit based chips will give the consumers more insight on the product and variety

of fruit based chips might change the brand image as well. This will automatically increase clarity and then

since they are different in the market this will improve consistency and also impact on the brand image.

Pringles will be portrayed in such a way that they are more health-conscious for their customers as also for

their teenagers market based on the targeting strategy above.

As there is a very large demand of organic and umami products (Faber, 2006), Pringles should be the pioneer

in using organic and umami ingredients on their chips. On the other hand, as seen in Figure 3a and 3b, Pringles

lacks on using umami (mixture of four basic elements such as sweet, sour, bitter and salty). According to (The

Guardian, 2013), umami is the fifth sense of people’s taste as known as deliciousness. Therefore, Pringles have

to focus more on umami and find a way of improving this aspect; then doing some survey to know how it

affects children as all other the segmenting consumers and collect feedback.

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Figure 3a: Radar Charts of Pringles Potato Crisps (Anonymous, 2011b)

Figure 3b: Umami and Richness in Potato Chips/Crisps (Anonymous, 2011b)

Besides developing umami ingredients, Pringles also can be successful by adding more saltiness to its chips

because many children now might prefer salty taste and lip smacking. Once Pringles launch their product, it

will conduct market research where the progress can be tracked and it helps them to make the required

changes or increase the scale of production.

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Aside from the health problem, brand packaging is still the most advantages of Pringles and children are

specially attracted by the unique designs and variety of Pringles. There are so many different ways of creating

a new design for Pringles’ product with colors, pictures which based on the teenagers’ tastes from different

nations, cultures and so on. For example, the diversity in flavour and packaging of Pringles will continue to

focus on the Japanese youth market because Japanese children really loved the eye-catching product (Now

that’s nifty, 2011).

Various forms/ flavours of Pringles

Images Various forms/ flavours of Pringles


Bacon & Cheese Potato

Bacon Ceaser Salad - Sounds pretty good

Night Club - Mmm, chips flavored like sweat and



Beef Kabab - Comes with a bonus pack of


Night Star - Looks like they are cheese flavored

French Consume - Better than the Czech consume

Old American Circus Funky Mustard - Best flavor,

hands down

Fun Picnic - Notice the picture of cheese fries

Philly Cheesesteak

Garlic Seafood


Keema Curry - Summer

and Keema Curry go hand in hand

Spanish Salsa Pizza - The Spanish eat a lot of "salsa

pizza" do they?

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Mayo Potato – Shiver

Thai Sweet Chili & Lemon Grass

Figure 4a: Example of the different types and various flavours of Pringles (Now that’s nifty, 2011)

Besides, in order to promote the product, Pringles can give an opportunity for a lucky consumer, whom will

receive a hidden message that been put inside the random Pringles can, to customize the Pringles’ package. A

young consumer, then, can upload a picture (e.g. portrait) and order Pringles online and that picture would

appear on the cylindrical packaging of the product.

Furthermore, the common problem of Pringles’ packages is usually in a circular cylinder form to protect the

potato chips. These cases make it difficult for consumers to eat at the same time since the left over chips are

deep inside the cylinder case. As follow the customers’ needs on consuming a Pringles can as convenient and

easy (Brand packaging, 2004), there is some new idea for Pringles to improve their packaging. As making two-

side way to open its can (two opening caps on both side), consumers can eat the last chips in the Pringles’

bottom easily. The figure 4b shows the new packaging design for Pringles’ can.

Figure 4b: Idea for Pringles packaging with two-way opening (own visualization)

Besides, with modern technology, another design for the can of Pringles may consist of buttons to take each

crisp (e.g. with actuators using spring, pressure and vacuum), when you push to the button it gives you one of

the crisps each time. By doing this, there will be no hardship to take any crisps in the can as could be seen

from the figure 4c.

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Figure 4c: Pringles package with pushing button to take out Pringles’ chips easily (own visualization)

Another packaging strategy, which has always been assessed as the good tactic, is to add some extra gifts or

hidden awards inside the product to surprise the customer. Children specially love special events. Therefore,

Pringles can even prepare different packaging for different countries based on their festivals and the occasions

and so on. This will help young consumers to relate themselves to the product or the brand. Adding to this

point, Christmas holiday will be coming soon as one biggest event of every year, Pringles can put some

surprises under the bottom of the can and also can change the brand name as ‘P-Jingles Bells’ which has

sound related to Christmas time. When the kids finish the last chips of P-Jingles’ product, they can discover

and explore a secret prize.

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Figure 4d: Attractive interface of the Pringles official website nowadays – Products (Pringles, 2013)

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The price change will not improve the situation of health issues but discounting may reduce profit and also

lose the belief of customers, here might be parents of young consumers, about the core value of product. It is

true that teenagers do not think about the price as much as adults do; however, they always prefer cheaper

products. Hence, Pringles still keeps the pricing strategy as before to have affordable cost which covers a

larger number of this targeting market, not to solve the criticism about health. Pringles ought to come up with

various seasonal offers and quantity offers which make the teenagers buy more and turn into brand addiction

of Pringles.

In summary, Pringles will adapt the market penetrating pricing strategy, in order to enhance their brand image

and the sales of the product. Pringles keeps the same price, depends on different nations and regions, as

before. According to My super market (2013), the figure 5a shows the similar and suitable price of Pringles’

products in the UK.

Figure 5a: Similar and suitable price of Pringles’ products in the UK (My super market, 2013)

As mentioned in Brand Health Check article (2005), the strongest rival of Pringles is Walkers Sensations. It can

be seen from figure 5b, the price of Walkers potato chips seem to be lower than Pringles’ in the UK. However,

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although Pringles is categorized as snacks its different image puts to brand beyond to that. Thus, Pringles’

prices are not generally seen as expensive. In the light of these, Pringles’ price policy should remain stable.

Figure 5b: Price of Walkers potato chips in the UK (My super market, 2013)

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Relating to the marketing communications, Pringles keep advertising their products through television, social

media and so on to their youth market. Because teenagers have hobbies as watching television, using the

Internet nowadays, Pringles will keep improving and innovating the design on its official website which make

the teenagers more excited to buy and eat Pringles cans.

Figure 6a: Attractive interface of the Pringles official website nowadays – Home (Pringles, 2013)

Pringles can use of the image of the football players or athletes, as well as popular celebrities to attract this

market segment. In addition, using the image of an athlete can improve the mind of not only young customers

but their family and so on about health issues. According to Twentysix (2013), Pringles has created social

network pages such as Facebook, Twitter wherein every teenager who is football-fan can experience 3D digital

dance of Peter Crouch, a famous football-player. This marketing campaign was known as “Pringoooals” as a

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phonetic pun of its name. The expected target predicted was 35% of fans but in fact, it actually catered 63%

which almost doubled the expected number.

Figure 6b: (Twentysix, 2013)

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In addition to this point, by keep following this promotion strategy, Pringles can also access more consumers

in all kind of market segment by doing commercials about not only people who work in the sports field but

also in the healthcare field. For example, a doctor eats a Pringles can improve the product’s value in the

customers’ mind. Because using the image of people who work in healthcare area can be physical evidence

about the guarantee of the product.

Figure 6c: A sample for advertising campaign using images of people working in the health sector

(own visualization)

Pringles will also come up with various ideas to promote their product by following other hobbies of young

people. Because teenagers nowadays enjoy their time with Youtube, Myspace, Vimeo and so on for listening

music or watching favorite movies therefore Pringles can make some applications on the Internet which has

Pringles’ logo on it (e.g. the music teen-lovers can download the songs and so on).

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It is true that Pringles can be sold everywhere because it is one type of product which based on global

marketing strategy. Pringles has succeeded in creating a formula suitable for not only the tastes of teenagers

but also all kind of segmenting consumers across the world. With the strategy about making the diversity of

flavours, Pringles still keep the simple packaging design which illustrates a beautiful image itself about a

familiar tasty snack for young buyers.

Pringles will use indirect channels to distribute the product for high targeting sales. It focuses to appear more

in retail stores, grocery stores that teenagers often go to there alone or with friends and family. Pringles is

preferred; therefore, it automatically sells itself by being arranged directly at the appropriate place which can

attract young customers.

Besides, because of Coke's global impact nowadays and everyone, as also teenagers, loves Coca-Cola (Staff,

2012), Pringles should deploys a plan in collaboration with Coca-Cola for both products of two companies side

by side on stores’ shelf. This will boost the benefits for both companies.

Figure 7: Cooperation of Pringles and Coca-Cola (own visualization)

With the power of today's globalization, Pringles also easily penetrate the market of all countries, especially

Asian countries. As Asia has always been considered as a potential market of Pringles (Culliney, 2013), the

distribution in Japan, South Korea and China all will be done primarily through indirect channels which are the

global marketing strategy to take business overseas effectively.

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As mentioned above, Pringles will target on young consumers that health problems do not affect this market

segment as much. Nonetheless, Pringles still has to find the way to solve the problem. If Pringles succeeds to

use organic and umami ingredients and still retains the flavour of its characteristic charm, Pringles can publish

these successful results to strengthen the trust of all types of customers in general. Adding to this move,

Pringles will close the packing with stamps and labels which ensure their product safety and quality in order to

build credibility. Furthermore, as mentioned in promotion strategy, Pringles will continue to use the image of

the athlete, doctor or specialist in the field of health in a more specific way to promote their products. For

instance, for some special campaign, Pringles entirely have the images of footballers, skateboarders on the

packaging. Pringles may be sold in pharmacies but this action is too lack of normal; therefore, Pringles cans

can be placed next to the products of nutrition or health support (e.g. milks to develop heights, vitamin or

energy drinks, healthy water and so on).

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According to Watson (2012), Pringles is mainly sold in the US and the UK, but also can be found in more than

140 countries, with $1.5bn.sales. As can be seen in figure 8a, in Western Europe and North America, Pringles is

quite popular with respectively 8% and 7% market share in snacks category.

Figure 8: Pringles market share by region (Euromonitor, 2009)

Pringles has some different flavours that they sell in different countries such as buffalo wing and dill pickle can

be found in North America whereas in Asia, Pringles is sold with shrimp and crab flavours [see Figure 8b].

Figure 8b: Various flavours of Pringles in different region (Euromonitor, 2009)

Even though Pringles is very successful in Brazil despite the less market growth rate in overall, in China, it can

be seen from the Figure 5 that they could not dominate the market as far as they want to. As can be seen in

Figure 6, the Chinese government’ strict policy may have affected the brand’s popularity since 2008, Pringles

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products have been found containing potassium bromate and some supermarkets in Guangzhou and Foshan

have withdrawn their goods because of this (China Retail News, 2008).

Figure 8c: This graph shows the comparison of compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between Pringles and

snacks sector overall (Euromonitor, 2009)

There are certain solutions can be implemented to raise the popularity of Pringles in China where they are not

successful. People in China generally buy Pringles made in China because of the healthy concerns. In addition,

in some places Pringles made in US might not be found because of the prohibition. In addition to this, Pringles’

managers are facing with costing problem as they sell their products in China approximately two times costly

than the normal crisps’ price. If Pringles move their main factory to China to penetrate the Chinese market, it

will be useful for them as their products will be seen healthier and at the same time they will avoid the

distribution costs and import taxes therefore they will sell their products at much more less price. Secondly,

they may adjust their products according to Chinese culture specifically by trying to investigate the culture like

Kit-kat’s adaptation policy for Japanese market (Irvine, 2012).

Moreover, due to the fact that Pringles are mainly for young generations and because of China’s one-child

policy, the average of people’s age older than the people in Europe and U.S.A, some adaptations might be

made. Commercials, for example, should focus on more family relationships and 3-people families may be

emphasized on making it more popular. In contrast, regarding to health issues, Pringles can be a lead of some

health campaigns to raise the awareness and make it clear that their products are not as unhealthy as it is

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known. Finally, the entries to the parties around the universities in China, viz. “Pringles-parties” can be

arranged such as instead of buying a ticket, there will be a Pringles to buy to get in and once they have done

that it will be daily-basis routine for the students.

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Overall, it can be encountering much more difficulties to solve Pringles’ health issues if only based on the

solutions of two experts from "Brand Health Check" article. Pringles is a strong brand itself that understands

and adapts the market’s changes easily therefore it will continue developing its prosperity.


TARGETING Pringles is found to be suitable for all customers, but because of the criticisms of health

problems with all kind of snack foods that will not be solved in a short time, Pringles will

focus on the market segment, youth market in the moment

POSITIONING Pringles strongly focus on the competitive differences with its rivals on the diversity and the

specific characteristics of taste, and thereby repositioning itself and create the market gap

with its snack-food competitors





Keep the traditional logo

Research on organic and umami ingredients to put in Pringles products

that are assessed to make healthier snack foods



Continue the diversification of products

Offer a variety of ideas for consumers to use Pringles products easier



Maintain current pricing for products

Continued implementation of pricing strategies as before, follow the

regions and base on some special events during the year in each




Strongly focus on media (e.g. television, social media, official website)

Use the individual images (e.g. athletes, doctors) that affects young




Sold primarily in grocery and retail stores

Cooperation with Coca-Cola for selling products in same shelves of




Follow the promotion strategy, use the individual images (e.g. athletes,

doctors) that affects not only young customers but also other market

segments about health guarantee

Follow the place strategy, consider of putting Pringles products edge

the product that support consumers' health

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Besides, by extending the area of operation, together with the power of globalization, Pringles can create

some new flavours which fit the taste of consumers in different regions or area, combining with the

reasonable prices.

Because there are some difficulties in doing survey and research, this report might not avoid the shortcomings

and limitations.

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Aaker, D. A. (2009) Managing Brand Equity, [Online]. Available at: http://www.google.co.uk/books? hl=vi&lr=&id=r_TSY5sxn O8C&oi=fnd&pg=PT10&dq=pringles+brand+characteristics&ots= Au5KfkvWX6&sig=L8pdGo2_zRxTckhNohPP0k_r2F8&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=pringles%20brand%20characteristics&f=false [Accessed: 29th October 2013]

Anonymous (2011a) ‘Merger of Pringles Snack Business with Diamond Foods’, April 2011*Online+. Available at: http://www.pg.com/en_US/downloads/investors/investor_presentation.pdf [Accessed: 23rd November 2013]

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