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  • 1. GLOBALIZATION AND HIGHER EDUCATION: LESSONS FROM ASIA Rosemary Hilliard Assistant Director, Financial Aid Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
  • 2. Northeastern University College of Professional Studies Dr. Leslie Hitch EDU6450 80966 15 May 2014 Created for
  • 3. (Friedman, 2011) Every[one] has to bring something extra to this world because averageis now officially over.
  • 4. Why is America falling behind? The cost of university per student has risen by almost five times the rate of inflation since 1983. (The Economist, 2012) The booming [post-WWII] economy allowed [states] to spend unprecedented sums of money to expand higher education.(Sanchez, 2014) Ranked 14th in the world for college completion rates. (Simon, 2013) Educational stagnation at HS level has led to less- prepared students entering college. (Summers, 2014) Relevancy of traditional university curricula. (Friedman, 2011)
  • 5. (Lane and Kisner, 2013) Asia is fast becoming a key player in global higher education. Asian nations growing demand for education and the increased investment they have made in their universities presents opportunities and challenges to the world.
  • 6. Why are Asian schools succeeding? Government subsidies make college education affordable at many Asian universities. (Breitenstein, 2013) Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan composed the top five in math among fourth-and eighth graders. (Breitenstein, 2013) Push for cross-border coordination of educational programs throughout the region. (Lane and Kisner, 2013)
  • 7. Challenges facing Asian HE Increasing populations stress existing educational systems. (Asian Development Bank, 2011) Over-enrollment increased under- employment post-graduation. (Carlson, 2012) Cultural valuation of education may increase burnout rate amongst youth. (Breitenstein, 2013)
  • 8. the key to innovation and economic growth will lie in the freest possible movement of people and ideas. (Wildavsky, 2010) American Education2.0
  • 9. East, meet West. Increased federal and state support for institutions of higher education. Implementation of knowledge-based economic principles that favor expertise[over] elbow grease. (So, 2014) Push for curricular reform and greater relevancy in degree/certificate programs, particularly at the undergraduate level. Focus on college preparedness programs to better equip entering students with skills needed to succeed.
  • 10. (Bottery, 2006) Globalizationis intimately connected with the way we view our place and meaning on this planet, and can thus provide unique avenues to self-exploration and self- development.
  • 11. References Asian Development Bank. (2011). Higher education across asia: An overview of issues and strategies. Manila: Asian Development Bank. Bottery, M. (2006). Education and globalization: Redefining the role of the education professional. Educational Review, 58(1), p.95-113. Breitenstein, D. (2013). Asian students carry high expectations for success. USA Today. Retrieved from http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/08/04/asian-students-carry-high-expectations-for-success/2615483/. Carlson, B. (2012). In china, education comes at a price. Globalpost. Retrieved from http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/asia- pacific/china/120717/economy-college-education-youth-unemployment. Friedman, T. (2011). The leadership agenda: That used to be us. IBM Think Forum. [Video File]. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/URKfXe_7oOE. Lane, J.; Kisner, K. (2013). The asia pivot in higher education. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from http://chronicle.com/blogs/worldwise/the-asia-pivot- in-higher-education/33211. Lawrence, L. (2012). Bachelors degree: Has it lost its edge and its value? The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved from http://www.csmonitor.com/The-Culture/Family/2012/0617/Bachelor-s-degree-Has-it-lost-its-edge-and-its-value. Mahapatra, L. (2013). International students: Higher education is really inexpensive in germany, but not in the us. International Business Times. Retrieved from http://www.ibtimes.com/international-students-higher-education-really-inexpensive-germany-not-us-charts-1383641. Sanchec, C. (2014). How the cost of college went from affordable to sky-high. NPR. Retrieved from http://www.npr.org/2014/03/18/290868013/how- the-cost-of-college-went-from-affordable-to-sky-high. Simon, S. (2013). U.S. spends big on education, but results lag many nations. Reuters. Retrieved from http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/06/25/us-usa- education-oecd-idUSBRE95O0CN20130625. So, R. (2014). Higher education key to knowledge-based economy. China Daily. Retrieved from http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hkedition/2014- 04/24/content_17458883.htm. Summers, J. (2014). Nations report card shows stagnant scores for reading, math. NPR. Retrieved from http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2014/05/06/310181788/nations-report-card-shows-stagnant-scores-for-reading-math. The Economist. (2012). Higher education: Not what it used to be. Retrieved from http://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21567373-american- universities- represent-declining-value-money-their-students-not-what-it. Van Der Werf, M.; Sabatier, G. (2009). The college of 2020: Students. Washington D.C.: Chronicle Research Services. Wildavsky, B. (2010). University globalization is here to stay. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from http://chronicle.com/article/University-Globalization- Is/124148/.

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