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Goal Setting and Goal Getting

Taking Charge of Your Life!

Gregg Swanson

Peak Performance and Self-Mastery Coach

[email protected]


Goal Setting and Goal Getting

© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

Why Set Goals?Why Set Goals?Why Set Goals?Why Set Goals?

The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the

field and never score.” – Bill Copeland

“You need a plan to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or

goal.” – Zig Ziglar

Do you set goals for yourself? What are your goals for the next 12 months? How about 3 years

from now? 5 years? 10 years? What are your aspirations that you look toward coming true?

Goal setting is the first step toward successful goal achievement. It marks your first point

toward success. It is what put your life into real action mode. Without this step, the other

steps of goal achievement cannot take place.

Have you ever encountered people who have a passive approach toward life? They don’t set

any goals and they just live life on a meandering, day-to-day basis. You see them 1 year, 3

years, 5 years from now, and their lives are largely the same, save for a few changes that are

really more the result of others’ actions and desires rather than their own.

Below are 6 key reasons why setting goals is so important:

1. Gives Clarity On Your End Vision1. Gives Clarity On Your End Vision1. Gives Clarity On Your End Vision1. Gives Clarity On Your End Vision

As the opening quote by Bill Copeland put it across very adeptly, if you don’t have a goal in

life, you are spending your life running around and not achieving anything for yourself. You

get the illusion that you are doing a lot of things, but they aren’t what you want.

You are just busy fulfilling everyone’s goals. It can be the fast food industry enjoying your

patronage because you’re lovin’ it, multi-billion dollar consumer goods companies securing

your purchase because they convinced you that their haircare products with 76% frizz

reduction is something you need, fashion houses getting you to buy their clothes because it

makes you look cool, or you working in a job you don’t love because it is safe, secure and

rakes in the dough.

How are you supposed to manifest what you want if you don’t even set concrete goals? How

do you supposed to achieve your dreams and visions if you don’t clearly spell out the end

output you desire?

Setting your goals gives you clarity on what you ultimately want. It makes you crystallize and

articulate the desires floating in your mind. It ensures that you are channeling your time,

energy and efforts into things that really matter to you. It makes you live more consciously.

Everything in this world is created twice: First – creation in your mind, followed by the

manifestation in reality. Without the mental creation, there will be no physical creation. When

you set a goal, you already accomplish the first creation.

Goal Setting and Goal Getting

© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

You have set into motion a decree for yourself and the forces of your universe to materialize

the goal in the physical reality.

2. Drives You Forward2. Drives You Forward2. Drives You Forward2. Drives You Forward

Your goals are a representation of your inner desires; desires which motivate you in life. The

point when you set goals marks one the points when you are most connected with your

source of motivation. It is when your motivation is at its peak. Having goals at your side serve

as constant reminders of your motivational sources. They are the fuel which drive you

forward and keep you going when the going gets tough.

If I ever experience moments where I lose motivation, I get into meditation mode and focus

on some of my most important goals in life, including the goal to turn my personal

development business into a full-time career.

I will visualize the scenario with full mental clarity, as if it is happening in the now. When I do

that, it’s like a clear connection is formed with my inner desires. The motivational energy

suddenly surges through very readily and I channel this energy into my daily life and actions.

3. Gives You Laser Focus3. Gives You Laser Focus3. Gives You Laser Focus3. Gives You Laser Focus

Goals give you a single focal point to place your attention in. Whereas your purpose gives you

a broad, directional focus to move your life in, goals gives you laser focus on what exactly to

spend your time and energy on. Think of your time, energy and efforts as input, and results as

the output. A goal acts as your funnel which guides and channels those inputs effectively into

your desired output.

When you don’t have goals, you are floating around every day. Your energy is randomly

dispersed in ad-hoc activities which you engage on whimsical basis. These are activities that

play no role in your larger scope of life, but you are not aware of because you are just living

life as it is. You end up mislabeling a lot of ‘nice-to-do’ activities as important.

You might also be engaging in these ‘nice-to-do’ activities because you can’t think of a better

way to spend your time. Do you find yourself surfing and chatting excessively? Busy running

errands? Play a lot of games? Spend the bulk of your time being a workaholic?

Spend the remaining time lazing and/or partying away? What’s your objective for doing

them? What end output does it lead to? Is that the top priority in your life?

You may have a broad idea of what you want to do. But until you clearly articulate it out as

specific goals, you are not channeling your efforts properly. You will often find yourself

getting sidetracked because you don’t have goals to rein you in.

It’s really quite easy to get swept away by the currents of everyday life, simply because there

are so many stimulus out there in our environment.

Goal Setting and Goal Getting

© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

You may get the general overall impression that you are moving in the direction, but it is just

an illusion that you are having. With no goals, you have no focus. Without this focus, your

input is strewn around randomly to give you garbage output. That is, if you even get any

semblance of an output at all.

4. Makes You Accountable4. Makes You Accountable4. Makes You Accountable4. Makes You Accountable

Having goals makes you accountable. Rather than just talking about what you want all the

time and not do anything concrete about them, you are now obligated to take action. Setting a

specific goal gives you clarity on whether you are living up against what you committed

yourself to do when you first set your goal.

This accountability is accountability to yourself, not anyone else. This accountability is what

you hold up to when you choose the healthy salad over that piece of fried chicken. It is what

you answer to when you spent that hour working on your report rather than random web

surfing. When you stay accountable toward your goals, you are in fact staying true to your

desires (see point 1 above).

For my blog, one of the goals I set is the number of articles which I want to write every week.

When I set such targets in place, I become accountable toward delivering against it. If I find

myself falling short, I will take the necessary actions to turn the situation around. I examine

how I have been spending my time and start prioritizing across my daily tasks.

I cut out the Quadrant 4 tasks (time wasters) or activities that bear little to no relation to my

goals. From this, I have reduced considerable time on my biggest time wasters, including

chatting, random web surfing, constantly checking my mail/web stats, certain outings which

are not as important compared to my writing goal.

5. Be The Best You Can Be5. Be The Best You Can Be5. Be The Best You Can Be5. Be The Best You Can Be

Goals help you achieve your highest potential. Without goals, you subject yourself to the

natural, default set of actions that keep you feel safe and comfortable every day. But this

familiarity is the nemesis of growth. It prevents you from growing. It does not enable you to

become the best person you can be. It denies you from tapping into all that potential inside of


By setting goals, you set targets to strive against. These targets make you venture into new

places, new contexts, new situations which puts you into growth mode. They make you

stretch beyond your normal self and reach new heights.

For example, setting a time limit for your run lets you know if you should be running faster.

Setting a weight loss target makes you aware if your actions have been effective in losing

weight. Setting a career goal ensures you are not settling for anything less than what you


Goal Setting and Goal Getting

© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

In my goal achievement processes, I have found myself constantly bursting through new

grounds and uncovering potential which I did not know existed before. Without those goals, I

would be taking the path of least resistance, just doing things within their natural constraints.

Goals have made me face and overcome countless barriers to get to what’s on the other side.

It has made me much more self-aware and learn a lot more things about both myself and life,

compared to if I did not have those goals.

6. Live Your Best Life6. Live Your Best Life6. Live Your Best Life6. Live Your Best Life

Goals ensure you get the best out of life, for two reasons.

Firstly, by becoming a better person, your new found knowledge and abilities let you

experience more out of the same life events compared to the previous you. Think about how

your worldview is different now vs the you 10 years ago.

Do you see life with much more clarity, depth and perspective today than you were in the

past? What may be a simple daily occurrence in the past holds a lot more meaning to the

more highly evolved you today.

Secondly, time passes in our life, whether we want to or not. Goals with specific measures and

deadlines ensure we are maximizing our output and experiences during our time here. If you

have already discovered your life purpose, your goals will ensure you get the best out of your


Imagine you are driving a car. When you identify your purpose, you get clarity on the

direction to travel in. However, without specifying an exact destination and time frame, there

is no yardstick to benchmark your progress against. It wouldn’t make a difference whether

you are whizzing at an amazing 140km/hour or a paltry 10km/hour since you never set a

target. Goals ensure you are maximizing your life for all that it can offer you.

Start Setting Goals

Ask yourself this – What are my goals for the upcoming 1 year, 3 years, 5, 10 years?

If you are to take some time out to set your goals now, I can guarantee you that you will

definitely experience more growth as a person. By just spending a few minutes to articulate

some aspirations that have been in your mind, you will experience more progress in your life

a year from now than compared to if you don’t.

Goal Setting and Goal Getting

© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

Mental Strength Tips For SuccesMental Strength Tips For SuccesMental Strength Tips For SuccesMental Strength Tips For Successful Living sful Living sful Living sful Living

Below are a 7 tips to help you achieve your goals and live a successful life. While reading

these consider how different your life will be by believing and embracing them.

As a matter of fact, test them out….give these tips a go for a full 30-days and see how your life

will change.

1. CauseCauseCauseCause vvvv Effect:Effect:Effect:Effect:

For everything that happens in life there is a cause.

This principle suggests that you take full responsibility for everything that happens in our

life, the way you respond to it and the leanings from it…regardless if it IS done to you or not.

When you blame someone or something else you surrender your power and ability to do

something different, as it is up to “them” not you to change to event. When you are on the

effect side you give up our personal power.

2. ResultsResultsResultsResults vs.vs.vs.vs. Excuses:Excuses:Excuses:Excuses:

In life you get one of two things – 1. The result we want or 2. The excuses for not getting

them. The more focus and energy you give to creating your excuse the more you move away

from creating what you want. Get rid of excuses and what you are left with are results…they

may not be exactly what you wanted…but when you acknowledge that you did get a result,

you can now take responsibly and create a different result.

3. PerceptionPerceptionPerceptionPerception isisisis Projection:Projection:Projection:Projection:

What you are thinking gets projected through your verbal and nonverbal communications.

For example, if you think the economy is bad you will find all the external “facts” to support

that thinking. Also, if you think the economy is good you will find the “facts” to support that

as well. You find what you “seek.” They’re an old expression, “give a dog a bad name and he’ll

live up to”. It’s not that the dog is bad; it’s the observer that is finding all things that are bad

with the dog…because of the label. This is probably one of the most important foundations

to keep in mind as you move through the world.

4. ResponsibilityResponsibilityResponsibilityResponsibility forforforfor Results:Results:Results:Results:

This says that if you want to achieve a goal that you must take 100% responsibility for your

actions for getting that goal. By taking responsibility you are now in direct control of your

results. The moment you give even 1% of your responsibility away to someone or

something, you are now playing with chance instead of probability. You are responsible for

the results you get; no one can create them for you. By acting as this is true you are giving

yourself the best opportunity to get what you want.

5. ExcusesExcusesExcusesExcuses vs.vs.vs.vs. Reasons:Reasons:Reasons:Reasons:

This says take any excuses you have for not having your goal or not going after it and making

a reason why you must. For example, “I’m too old to start a business.” Change this to,

“because I’m older than many, I will prove that I can start a business.” This helps move you

from the effect side to the cause side.

Goal Setting and Goal Getting

© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

6. TheTheTheThe MindMindMindMind andandandand BodyBodyBodyBody AreAreAreAre Connected:Connected:Connected:Connected:

This principle says that your thoughts will manifest in your body. If you think you’re tired,

you’ll look and feel tired. If you have unsupportive thoughts about people, places and things,

your body will reflect this in disease, lack of energy, aches, pains and aliments. By thinking

supportive thoughts you will feel and look alive, alert and awake…joyous and

enthusiastic…you will be filled with zeal and enthusiasm to do the things that aught to be

done by you today!

7. ActActActAct asasasas If…If…If…If…

As you read the above principle ask yourself, “How would my life be different if I acted as if

all these are true? And then act as if they are! By “acting as if” you are in more control of your

experiences and manifestations.

• How would you act if you acted as if all your results were your responsibility?

• How would you act if you acted as if you were 100 responsible for your outcomes?

• How will your life be different by acting as if you are at cause for your effects? • How would I act and think if I believed and acted as if all you get are results and

there is no room for excuses? • How would think and act if acted as if everything you believed and your thoughts

were projected into the “outside” world and manifested?

• How would you think and act if acted as if you were 100% reasonable for your


• How would you think, talk and act if you acted as if everything you did was for a bigger reason?

• How would think and act if you acted as if every thought manifested in or on your

physical body?


© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

Your Rocking Chair ExerciseYour Rocking Chair ExerciseYour Rocking Chair ExerciseYour Rocking Chair Exercise


• Do you ever wonder what your life dream is? This exercise helps you see the vision you already have within you for your life.

• Allow yourself 20 minutes of quiet time to ponder and write your answer in the space below!

• This is about YOU, so let your imagination go, write a story and paint a picture of your life with


Now, take a moment to REALLY imagine you are blissfully happy and healthy AND 90 years

old. You’re sitting in your rocking chair and looking back over your IDEAL life.

1. What have you achieved? What are you proud of? What added meaning to your life

and gives you a sense of fulfillment?

2. Perhaps consider how your life unfolded in the following areas; Family, Friends,

Significant Other, Career, Health (emotional, spiritual and physical), your Home, what you

did for Fun and Leisure, what you Learned about, what you did in Service, Leadership or

in your Community.

3. Finally I wonder what you can see around you? What are you feeling? What can you hear?

What SHOWS you’re truly happy?

Tip: The complete picture may not magically arrive, just put pen to paper NOW and write – see what



© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

IdentifyIdentifyIdentifyIdentify YourYourYourYour VisionVisionVisionVision

• Why do I exist in this life? Do I have a purpose for being here?

• Where am I going? Is there something that I should be pursuing?

• Whom do I serve and why? Am I here just to do whatever comes my way, or do I

owe it to somebody or something to accomplish something special?

• What do I have to offer? IS there something special about me?

• Do I need to be special to do something that will make a positive difference?


© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

IdentifyIdentifyIdentifyIdentify YourYourYourYour PathPathPathPath

• Can I specifically identify the most important thing that I want to accomplish in my


• If I were to continue on the same path, what will make me feel most successful?

• What accomplishment should I target to keep me on the path to success?

• What challenge can I take on that I know I can accomplish and will be most

successful at?

• What challenge will make me feel I have done something special?


© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

WritingWritingWritingWriting OutOutOutOut YourYourYourYour MissionMissionMissionMission

• Write a description of the kind of person you would like others to think you are.

• Write an explanation of the kind of knowledge you wish to acquire in life.

• Write an explanation of the skills you would like to master.

• Write an explanation of where you would like to go and what you would like to see

in your lifetime.

• Write a description of your ideal job (if every job paid the same, what would you

want to do).


© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

• Write a statement of how much you would like to earn each year.

• Write an explanation of what you would be willing to give in return for that amount.

• Write an explanation of what success for you would mean in terms of our home and


• Write an explanation of what success for you would mean in terms of your place in

the world at large.

• Write an explanation of why success would make you a better person.


© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

WriteWriteWriteWrite OOOOutututut YYYYourourourour GGGGoalsoalsoalsoals andandandand OOOObjectivesbjectivesbjectivesbjectives

Following is a step-by-step process for determining your goals and putting them in writing;

1. Write your compelling future as a heading. Under the heading make a list of what

you really desire or want to accomplish that will help you live out your compelling

future. The list you have written is a list of your SMARTER goals.

2. Next, opposite each goal write a one sentence explanation. If you can’t express it in a

single sentence, it’s not a goal. If it is more than a sentence, then it is an aim and you

need to break it down.

3. Putting your goal statements in writing will help you to be more specific in

determining what you want to accomplish.

4. Make all your goals measurable. Each goal should allow you to easily determine if

and when you have accomplished it. In order to be measurable, each goal should

include specifics such as: a. How much time will it take to do?

b. When is the deadline?

c. What are the minimums or maximums that must be achieved?

d. How will I track my progress?

5. Examine your goal statements to determine if your goals are challenging and yet

obtainable. The goal should be realistic but they should also stretch her knowledge,

skills, and self-discipline.

6. Examine your goal statement is to determine if they are stated in a positive fashion.

A goal that is stated as a negative may focus your attention on what you fear rather

than the results you seek.

AnAnAnAn EightEightEightEight PointPointPointPoint ReviewReviewReviewReview

1. Fixing your mind exactly what you desire as a compelling future. Write it out in a

clear, concise, positive statement.

2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for what you desire. Will it be

your time, your money, your privacy, your independence? What about your sense of

security? How much control you give up in exchange for success? Remember, there

is no such reality as “something for nothing. “

3. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess what you desire.

4. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you

are ready or not, to put this plan into action. Do it now-right now.


© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

5. Start by opening a new page in your journal in writing your polished statement of

your definite purpose or definite aim. Next, write out the benefits you will receive by

carrying out your purpose. Then set the time limit for its accomplishment, choosing

an exact date when you want to achieve it. State what you intend to give in return

for the right to fulfill your purpose, and describe clearly the plans for which you

intend to accomplish it.

6. Read your written statement allowed at least twice a day. Read it just before retiring

at night and read it after arising in the morning. As you read, see and feel and believe

yourself already in possession of that which you desire.

7. To guarantee success, engage in regular study, thinking, and planning about how

you can achieve your goals, aims, or purpose.

8. Set specific times for regular personal inspection to determine whether you are on

the right track, so that you don’t deviate from the path that leads to the achievement

of your objective


© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

GREATGREATGREATGREAT GoalsGoalsGoalsGoals Are:Are:Are:Are:

a) Outcome focused. Once your WHY is understood (AND it’s a good & enthusiastic WHY) you’re 90% there!

b) In line with your values. The more a goal aligns with your inner or core values – the EASIER it will be to

achieve. Note: You can achieve goals that don’t align with your values but it’s usually harder and less


c) Stated in the positive. Ie. “I want healthy fingernails” rather than “I want to stop biting my nails”


• Specific (so you know exactly what you are trying to achieve)

• Measurable (so you know when you have achieved it!)

• Action-oriented (so you can DO something about it!)

• Realistic (so it IS achievable) and

• Time-Bound (has a deadline)

• Evaluate (is what you are doing working?)

• Revise (if you’re not getting the results you want, do something else)

FocusingFocusingFocusingFocusing onononon thethethethe Outcome:Outcome:Outcome:Outcome: 1. What is it that you REALLY want here? Dig deep…

2. What is the SPECIFIC OUTCOME that you are looking for?

3. What is the PAIN for you of NOT achieving your goal?

AligningAligningAligningAligning withwithwithwith youryouryouryour Values:Values:Values:Values:

1. Is this goal in line with your life vision/overall life-plan? If you don’t know, what’s your gut-feel?

2. Is this goal in line with your values? Ask yourself what’s REALLY important to you in life - will

this goal help you achieve more of that?

3. Are the goals something YOU truly want, or are they something you think you SHOULD have

or SHOULD be doing? If it’s a SHOULD, it may be someone else’s dream…

4. When you think about your goal does it give you a sense of deep contentment or ‘rightness’,

happiness and/or excitement? These are good signs that it’s a healthy goal.

5. If you could have the goal RIGHT NOW – would you take it? Identifies potential issues.

6. How does this goal fit into your life/lifestyle? Think time/effort/commitments/who else might be


IdentifyingIdentifyingIdentifyingIdentifying Obstacles:Obstacles:Obstacles:Obstacles: 1. Can YOU start & maintain this goal/outcome? I.e. Do you have complete control over achieving it?

2. Howwill makingthis change affect otheraspects of your life? I.e. What else might you needto deal with?

3. What’s good about the CURRENT SITUATION? I.e. What’s the ‘secondary gain’ for staying right where you

are? Then, how can you keep those good aspects while STILL making this change?

4. WHAT might you have to give up/stop doing to achieve this goal? Essentially, what’s the price

of making this change – and are you willing to pay it?

5. If there was something important around achieving this goal (to help you succeed, or that

could get in the way) that you haven’t mentioned yet, what would it be? 6. WHO WILL YOU HAVE TO BE to achieve this goal?


© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

GoalGoalGoalGoal Sizing:Sizing:Sizing:Sizing:

1. Is the goal the right size to be working on? Too big? Break down into smaller goals. Too small? Fit into a larger goal.

2. What would be the MINIMUM/Super-Easy level of goal to achieve?

3. What would be your TARGET level of goal to achieve?

4. What would be your EXTRAORDINARY level of goal to achieve?

} give yourself a goal

} range so you can’t

} fail to achieve!

Resources – get moving:

1. What RESOURCES do you already have to help you achieve your goal? (things, people, contacts,

personal qualities, skills, info, finance etc). Create a list! 2. What RESOURCES do you NEED to help you achieve your goal? Create a list!

AND REMEMBER – GOALS are there to INSPIRE YOU not to beat yourself up with…

KeysKeysKeysKeys totototo anananan CreatingCreatingCreatingCreating aaaa CompellingCompellingCompellingCompelling FutureFutureFutureFuture

© 12/10/2014Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

1. Stated in the positive

a. What you want

b. Moving toward

2. Self-initiated, self-maintained and in my control

a. Am I doing this for myself or someone else

b. Does the outcome rely solely on me?

3. Specific evidence procedure a. How will I know that I am getting (or got) the outcome?

b. What will I be doing when I get it?

c. What will I see, hear and feel when I have it?

d. Your SMARTER Goal

4. Context clearly defined

a. Context of goal clearly defined

b. Where, when, how and with whom do I want it?

5. Identify needed resources

a. What resources do I have now?

b. What resources do I need to acquire?

c. Do I evidence of achieving this (or similar) before?

d. What would happen if I act as if I have all the resources required?

6. Is it ecological?

a. Good for me, good for others, good for “community”

b. Who else will be affected by this?

c. What do I want to keep the same?

d. What is the real purpose why I want this?

e. What will I lose or gain if I have it?

f. What will happen if I get it?

g. What won’t happen if I get it?

h. What will happen if I don’t get it?

i. What won’t happen if I don’t get it?

7. Identify the first step to take

a. “The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step” Lao-Tzu


© 12/10/2014 warrior mind coach http://warriormindcoach.com

INSTRUCTIONS: Allow yourself 20 minutes of quiet time to consider these questions that

help you create and shape your vision for your next 3 months. Write your answers in the

PRESENT tense.

1. How do I want my life to be in 3 months’ time? Get SPECIFIC and write down what

you want the following to look like in 3 months’ time for:

• Personal Life, Home and Family

• Career, Work and Business Life

• Health and Well-being

• Finances

• Community, Friendships

• Spiritual and Learning

• Write anything else that you perhaps haven’t mentioned yet here

2. What if there were no obstacles?


© 12/10/2014 warrior mind coach http://warriormindcoach.com

3. Who do you need to BE to achieve this? I need to be someone who is

4. If there was one important CHANGE you could make over the next 3 months, what

would it be?

5. My THEME for the next 3 months is:


© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.co


Goals are the fuel for life! Without goals we wander aimlessly and unfulfilled. With this sheet you’ll be

able to not only establish goals, but achieve them as well. I suggest you print and laminate this

worksheet and use for all your goals.

Smarter Goals are:

1) Stated in the POSITIVE. We tend to get what we focus on. Whenever we say “I want to stop biting my

fingernails” our brain has to first build a picture of what you DON’T want – bitten fingernails - in order not

to do it. Try NOT thinking of an alligator biting your toe… EXAMPLES

• “I have healthy fingernails” rather than “I want to stop biting my nails”

• “I weigh 150lbs” rather than “I want to lose 20lbs”

2) Stated in the PRESENT TENSE. This helps the brain to assume you will be successful!


• On 30th September I have healthy fingernails/have a new job/am running a mile in 8 minutes

3) NOW make sure your Goals are SMARTER

Specific (the more specific you are the easier your goal is to achieve)

Measurable (so you know when you have achieved it)

Action-oriented (i.e. you can DO something about it! Is it within your control? I.e. Winning

the lottery is not a “SMARTER” goal)

Realistic (Goals need to be both challenging to inspire you AND realistic so you set yourself

up for success)

Time-Bound (has a deadline)

Evaluate your progress and results. Are you getting what you thought you would?

Revise or Regroup. If you’re not getting the results you want, change what you’re doing!

Write Your SMART Goal Here

© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.co




WHY I want this goal

(the ‘outcome/s’ you are looking for)

List ALL the Benefits here

(of achieving your goal)

The BIG Benefit (of achieving goal)

What is the PAIN?

(of not achieving your goal)

Achieving this Goal will

also help me (other


ObstaclesObstaclesObstaclesObstacles (also(also(also(also known known known known asasasas youyouyouyourrrr secondasecondasecondasecondarrrryyyy gaingaingaingain))))

I need to be aware that the

BENEFIT to me of NOT completing my goals is

Note: It’s ESSENTIAL that you have some answers in this box

Other obstacles to my success include

SetSetSetSet GoalGoalGoalGoal LevelsLevelsLevelsLevels ((((e.g.e.g.e.g.e.g. youyouyouyourrrr goalgoalgoalgoal couldcouldcouldcould vavavavarrrryyyy onononon time,time,time,time, quantity,quantity,quantity,quantity, quality)quality)quality)quality)




HowHowHowHow willwillwillwill youyouyouyou needneedneedneed totototo BEBEBEBE diffediffediffedifferrrrent?ent?ent?ent? (a(a(a(a wowowoworrrrthwhilethwhilethwhilethwhile goalgoalgoalgoal oftenoftenoftenoften rrrrequiequiequiequirrrreseseses uuuussss totototo looklooklooklook atatatat //// dodododo thingsthingsthingsthings diffediffediffedifferrrrently)ently)ently)ently)

In order to achieve this

goal I will START doing

In order to achieve this goal I will STOP doing

In order to achieve this

goal I will need to BE

someone who is

© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.co



MovingMovingMovingMoving ForwardsForwardsForwardsForwards ((((e.g.e.g.e.g.e.g. things,things,things,things, people,people,people,people, personalpersonalpersonalpersonal qualities,qualities,qualities,qualities, information,information,information,information, knowledge,knowledge,knowledge,knowledge, skills,skills,skills,skills, financefinancefinancefinance etc.)etc.)etc.)etc.)

TakingTakingTakingTaking ACTIONACTIONACTIONACTION (make(make(make(make thesethesethesethese thingsthingsthingsthings EASILYEASILYEASILYEASILY achievableachievableachievableachievable sosososo youyouyouyou feelfeelfeelfeel goodgoodgoodgood aboutaboutaboutabout takingtakingtakingtaking action!)action!)action!)action!)

3 steps I will complete in the

next WEEK that move me

closer to my goals


2. 3.

3 steps I can complete in the next MONTH that move me

closer to my goals

1. by

2. by 3. by

FINALLY, remember that goals are there to INSPIRE you, not to beat yourself up with!

Lastly, describe a day in

your life once this goal is


(Imagine first waking up,

describe how you feel.

Now think about what you

see and hear and

physically feel. Fully

describe your day now

this goal is completed.

Who are you? Where are

you? What’s important to

you now?)

Resources available

Resources I will need

Weekly Success Journal



My Achievable One Year Outcome:

My 1st SMARTER Goal I’m Manifesting:

Gratitude For What I Have:

Actions I’m Going To Take This Week To Get Me Closer To My Goal:

1. 2.




Daily Practices

• Mental • Physical

• Spiritual

• Emotional

Acknowledgment of my weekly success - what I got accomplished this week:

1. 2.




Personal reflections:

© 12/10/2014 Warrior Mind Coach http://warriormindcoach.com

Meet Gregg Swanson

Gregg Swanson is a leading mental, physical, emotional and spiritual strength expert.

Gregg specializes in driven individuals including, executives, business owners,

solopreneurs, health and fitness experts and sales professionals.

Gregg has developed a unique and powerful approach to his mental strength training by

aligning a person’s body, mind and spirit so that they can live a life of power, purpose and

passion. He has authored several books and over 500 articles on the subjects of self-

mastery, human potential and peak performance.

When faced with a challenging decision Gregg’s job is to ask:

• “Are you prepared to make a choice?”

• “Once the choice is made, are you courageous enough to start?”

• “Will you commit to finishing what you start?”

Throughout his life, Gregg has studied and been exposed to a wide diversity of teachings

and teachers – from his business education at university and the schools of the corporate

world, to extreme sports, martial arts, mountaineering and rock climbing, to the ancient

teachings of the Mystery Schools.

Armed with this comprehensive and diverse background in personal development, along

with his successful experience in sales, extreme sports and mental training, Gregg boasts

a unique and powerful ability to blend the physical conditioning, mental strength,

emotional mastery and spiritual development into a usable and easy-to-access process for

achieving peak personal performance in life and business.

The defining moment in Gregg’s life came in June of 1998 when he survived a horrific

avalanche while descending from the top of Mt. Rainier. It was then that he understood

the true power of mind strength and aligning the body, mind and spirit.

Gregg owns Warrior Mind Coaching. His high quality, high content and high energy

programs are thoroughly researched and delivered in a unique, powerful and straight

forward manner.

Gregg can be reached via his blog at http://warriormindcoach.com/blog

Education and Certifications Include:

BS in Business & Management

Professional Personal Coach

Mental Skills Coach

Life Strategies Coach

Lifestyle Fitness Coach

Personal Fitness Trainer

Combine 360 Certified Trainer

MMA Strength and Conditioning Coach

Clinical Hypnotherapist

Sports Hypnotist

NLP Practitioner

Time Empowerment™ Practitioner

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