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Goals XXI board of BEST

• To assess the needs of our market and to develop our services accordingly

– Support the start up of the 'Student Career Guidance' project• Timeline and action plan ready• Networking outside BEST• Finding people to run the project

Goal 1 - Environment

• To assess the needs of our market and to develop our services accordingly

– Finalise the market research project• Evaluation during markeTeam Winter Meeting• All LBGs processed• Regional and global results missing

Goal 1 - Environment

• To assess the needs of our market and to develop our services accordingly

– Investigate new ways of developing students• Contact with other organisations– Invited at PM– Contact after the WorkShop

• Think tank sessions

Goal 1 - Environment

• To increase the awareness and recognition of BEST among our stakeholders

– Develop and implement a branding strategy for BEST and our services• Finalize the implementation of the Visual

Identity (NOW)• Marketing strategy project (presentation)

Goal 2 - Image

• To increase the awareness and recognition of BEST among our stakeholders

– Structure the information about our history and make it public• History Book of BEST (presentation)• History on our public website: feedback in


Goal 2 - Image

• To increase the awareness and recognition of BEST among our stakeholders

– Get our academic courses recognised by more universities• No new coordinator found yet• Survey on Private Area after PM

– Establish contacts & cooperation with the media• newsTeam restructured (presentation)

Goal 2 - Image

• To increase the awareness and recognition of BEST among our stakeholders

– Inform students and academics about educational matters• Academical Newsletter (IPF 2009)

Goal 2 - Image

• To improve the strength & sustainability of the LBGs

– Implement and evaluate the monitoring process• Some more LBGs under monitoring after PM

– Focus on more targeted training towards LBGs• Local beREADYs• 2 beRICHERs and 1 TrainShop on HR

Goal 3 - Sustainability

• To improve the strength & sustainability of the LBGs

– Increase the usage by the LBGs of materials & tools provided by the CMTs• Promotion during RMs• Redesign of toolbox• Short Intensive Meeting on PA usability

Goal 3 - Sustainability

• Improve the efficiency in our working methods

– Develop a sustainable way of managing knowledge in BEST • Reviving Knowledge Group (presentation)

– Increase the cooperation with the Alumni of BEST• Alumni in the plenary• Automatic E-mail for new alumni

Goal 4 - Efficiency

• Improve the efficiency in our working methods

– Increase the efficiency of the decision making process • Virtual International Plenary (presentation)• New voting system?• Facilitation system?• Some proposals not explained in the plenary


Goal 4 - Efficiency

• Improve the efficiency in our working methods

– Evaluate our current partnerships with bonding and CFES• WorkShop in Veszprem (apply!)

– Improve the HR system of committees• HR tool in progress• Ask Karina :p

Goal 4 - Efficiency

• Increase the impact of our services

– Encourage groups to organise events of higher academic level• Discussion Group during PM• Promotion during RMs

– Balance the focus of promotion between academic and social part• Balanced posters: more than 6300• Youtube acount

Goal 5 - Impact

• Increase the impact of our services

– Have more students benefiting from our career support services• Increase in the amount of CVs

(start: 7000, now: 9000, goal: 12000)

Goal 5 - Impact

Thank you for helping us make them real!

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