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God creates the world. Sin enters Gods world. so people would not have to be separated from Him. God promises a Savior The Savior has come! 1 John 4:14 Jesus is God, the Son! 2 Corinthians 5:17 Jesus is the Savior who came so you would no longer be separated from God. Jesus came alive! The Savior has come!Peoples sin still causes bad things to happen. God creates the world. Sin enters Gods world. Peoples sin causes bad things to happen If you have believed on Jesus as your Savior, remember to say I can worship God when I see His creation! Psalm 95:6 Worship to say how great God is When you see something beautiful in creation, think I can worship God The first way to worship God is to believe He made a way for you to become His child. Acts 16:31 Isnt is wonderful to be reminded of how great our God is?

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