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Page 1: God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando€¦ · 09/09/2018  · God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando. Marcos 7:1-7 (NVI) / Mark 7:1-7 (ILB) The Pharisees and some of the

Celebrating 207 Years of Ministry!

11:00 AM September 9, 2018 / 9 de septiembre de 2018

God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando Marcos 7:1-7 (NVI) / Mark 7:1-7 (ILB)

The Pharisees and some of the religious scholars who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus. They had noticed that some of the disciples were eating with unclean hands—that is, without ritually washing them. For the Pharisees, and Jewish people in general, follow the tradition of their ancestors and never eat without washing their arms as far as the elbow. Moreover, they never eat anything from the market without first sprinkling it. There are many other traditions which have been handed down to them, such as the washing of cups and pots and dishes. So these Pharisees and religious scholars asked Jesus, “Why do your disciples not respect the tradition of our ancestors, but eat their food with unclean hands?” Jesus answered, “How accurately Isaiah prophesied about you hypocrites when he wrote, ‘These people honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me. The worship they offer me is worthless; the doctrines they teach are only human precepts.’ You disregard God’s commandments and cling to human traditions.”

Los fariseos y algunos de los maestros de la ley que habían llegado de Jerusalén se reunieron alrededor de Jesús, y vieron a algunos de sus discípulos que comían con manos impuras, es decir, sin habérselas lavado. (En efecto, los fariseos y los demás judíos no comen nada sin primero cumplir con el rito de lavarse las manos, ya que están aferrados a la tradición de los ancianos. Al regresar del mercado, no comen nada antes de lavarse. Y siguen otras muchas tradiciones, tales como el rito de lavar copas, jarras y bandejas de cobre). Así que los fariseos y los maestros de la ley le preguntaron a Jesús:

―¿Por qué no siguen tus discípulos la tradición de los ancianos, en vez de comer con manos impuras?

Él les contestó:

―Tenía razón Isaías cuando profetizó acerca de ustedes, hipócritas, según está escrito: »“Este pueblo me honra con los labios, pero su corazón está lejos de mí. En vano me adoran; sus enseñanzas no son más que reglas humanas”.

Ustedes han desechado los mandamientos divinos y se aferran a las tradiciones humanas».

We invite you to speak and sing in the language you prefer or try something new. Te invitamos a hablar y cantar en el idioma que prefieras o que intentes algo distinto.

Page 2: God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando€¦ · 09/09/2018  · God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando. Marcos 7:1-7 (NVI) / Mark 7:1-7 (ILB) The Pharisees and some of the


PRELUDE / PRELUDIO PRAISE AND WORSHIP / ALABANZA Y ADORACIÓN De mañana te buscaré / Edith Alomar In the Morning I’ll Seek Your Face De mañana te buscaré, O Dios. (2x) De mañana te buscaré oraré y cantaré; De mañana te buscaré, O Dios. (2x)

In the morning I’ll seek your face, O God. (2x) In the morning I’ll seek your face, I will sing and I will pray. In the morning I’ll seek your face, O God. (2x)

Idioma / Language: Spanish and English, Español y inglés Welcome Into This Place Orlando Juarez Welcome into this place. Welcome into this broken vessel. You desire to abide in the praises of Your people, So we lift our hands, and we lift our hearts, As we offer up this praise unto Your name.

Idioma / Language: English, Inglés

Cantemos al Señor / Carlos Rosas Let’s Sing Unto the Lord

Page 3: God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando€¦ · 09/09/2018  · God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando. Marcos 7:1-7 (NVI) / Mark 7:1-7 (ILB) The Pharisees and some of the


Idioma / Language: Spanish and English, Español y inglés

WELCOME OF VISITORS! /¡BIENVENIDOS, BIENVENIDAS! We want to know if you are visiting us for the first time. If you are able, please stand, so that we may welcome you. Si nos visitas por primera vez, queremos conocerte. Te invitamos a ponerte de pie o levanta la mano para darte la bienvenida.

Se les insta a las/los hispanoblantes a utilizar sus teléfonos y marcar el siguiente número para escuchar el sermón en español. Si necesita audífonos, por favor, dirígase a un diácono en la entrada para recibir un par. Les recordamos entregar los audífonos a la salida. ¡Gracias! At this point, Spanish congregants are invited to dial in the translation line using their devices. In the event that you do not possess a private listening device or are missing headphones, please see the deacons at the entrance to retrieve a pair of headsets. Dial in #: 1.267.930.4000; Access Code: 207 484 636. Headsets are to be returned at the end of worship. Thank you!

PLEGARIAS DEL PUEBLO / THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE ACLAMACIÓN / ACCLAMATION Tu fidelidad Miguel Cassina Tu fidelidad es grande. Tu fidelidad incomparable es. Nadie como tú, bendito Dios, grande_es tu fidelidad. I depend upon your faithfulness. I can journey on, for you are always there. No compares with you, O blessed One. Oh, how great your faithfulness!

Idioma / Language: Spanish and English, Español y inglés



+HIMNO / HYMN God is Still Speaking…Summoned to Serve Brian SirchioLike the prophets of old we are still being called The Divine is still speaking Like the prophets of old we are often afraid to accept what we hear Time has come to be bold and to set fear aside So we pray now for courage To respond to the call Gladly risking it all Trusting God will provide…

Page 4: God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando€¦ · 09/09/2018  · God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando. Marcos 7:1-7 (NVI) / Mark 7:1-7 (ILB) The Pharisees and some of the


When we're called to the purpose of God we can trust God will guide and sustain us There's a promise that tells us that all things are working together for good As we serve may we also be humble enough To admit when we falter May we struggle to be Open and listening As we dare to proclaim… Refrain/ Estribillo

Idioma / Language: English, Inglés

THE INVITATION TO THE OFFERING / INVITACIÓN A LA OFRENDA You can also contribute financially at parkavenuechristian.com/give or

VENMO @ParkAvenueChristianChurch 100% of your donations go toward ministries of the church.

We give a portion to a weekly outreach group that is listed on the back side of your bulletin.


+SONG OF PRAISE / Gracias, Señor / Thanks Be to God Jorge Lockward ORACIÓN DE ADORACIÓN Gracias, Señor Gracias, Señor Por tu bondad, tu poder, por tu amor Gracias, Señor

Thanks be to God! Thanks be to God! Your love, and power, and grace fills us all. Thanks be to God!

Idioma / Language: Spanish, English, Español y inglés



PREFACE / PREFACIO We come to the table, venimos a la Mesa -- all of us welcome, vayamos. We come to remember Jesus, venimos a recordar a Jesús -- to be transformed by the Spirit of love, por el Espíritu de amor. We come to be empowered through this meal, venimos potenciados -- hearts burning with a fire for justice, con hambre de justicia.

Page 5: God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando€¦ · 09/09/2018  · God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando. Marcos 7:1-7 (NVI) / Mark 7:1-7 (ILB) The Pharisees and some of the


SANTO / SANCTUS Eres santo / You Are Holy Per Harling ORACIÓN DE ADORACIÓN


CHRIST’S PRAYER / EL PADRE NUESTRO Our God in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our sins/debts/trespasses, as we forgive those who sin/debt/trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos santificado sea tu nombre. Venga a nosotros tu reino, hágase Tu voluntad, en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día. Perdona nuestras deudas/ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino, tuyo es el poder y la gloria, ahora y siempre. Amén.


MUSIC DURING COMMUNION Ven, a la mesa de Dios Barbara Hamm Ven, a la mesa de Dios. Ven, a la mesa de Dios. This is God’s table, it’s not yours or mine. Ven a la mesa de Dios.


Page 6: God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando€¦ · 09/09/2018  · God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando. Marcos 7:1-7 (NVI) / Mark 7:1-7 (ILB) The Pharisees and some of the



En la lucha hay vida, en la lucha esperanza. En la lucha, hay vida, siempre hay, siempre hay, esperanza. (2x) Cantamos en la lucha! Cantamos por la justicia! Cantamos por nuestras vidas, siempre hay, siempre hay, esperanza. (2x)

Idioma / Language: Spanish, Español


+THE PASSING OF THE PEACE / COMPARTAMOS LA PAZ During this moment in our service, we express appreciation, expresamos nuestro agradecimiento, to our visitors, a nuestras visitas, with a warm welcome, de manera amable y calurosa. Say hello, salude, stretch your hand, dele la mano, especially, en especial, to those who are visiting us for the first or second time, a los que nos visitan por primera vez.

PARTICIPANTS IN TODAY’S SERVICE: Preaching: The Rev. Stephanie Kendell; Liturgist: The Rev. Jeanette Zaragoza-De León; Lectors: Aimée Eicher and Danelle Bain; Elders: Carl Buckland and Norma Lopez-Eicher; Deacons: Janet Martin, Socrates Echavarria-Mendez, and Jasmine Sykes-Kunk; Multilingual and Cross-sectional Worship Minister: The Rev. Jeanette Zaragoza-De León; Interim Director of Music Ministry: Paul Vasile; Instrumentalists: Pablo Eluchans, percussion; Jonathan Mamora, piano; Soloists/Song Leaders: Carlton T. Taylor and Michelle Trovato

Flowers may be given in memory or in honor of someone in your life or to celebrate a special occasion. Call the church office at 212-288-3246, ext. 102 to place your order.

This Week’s Mission Offering: Week of Compassion. Week of Compassion is the relief, refugee and development mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. We seek to equip and empower disciples to alleviate the suffering of others through disaster response, humanitarian aid, sustainable development and the promotion of mission opportunities.

Musical and Liturgical acknowledgements: De mañana te buscaré / In the Morning I’ll Seek Your Face – Music and Words: Edith Alomar, © Edith Alomar.

Permission granted for non-commercial use in worship.

Welcome into This Place – Words and Music: Orlando Juarez, ©1991, CMI-HP Publishing (Admin. by Word Music Group, Inc.) Life Spring Music. Used by Permission. CCLI License #11173114

Tú fidelidad / I Depend Upon Your Faithfulness – Words and Music: Miguel Cassina, arr. Andrew Donaldson ©Bálsamo Music International, SL; © 2008 Binary Editions. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Reprinted under OneLicense.net A-715488

God Is Still Speaking…Summoned to Serve – Words and Music: Brian Sirchio ©Crosswind Music. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. www.sirchio.com.

Gracias, Señor / Thanks Be to God – Music and Words: Jorge Lockward, ©1996, 2000, Abingdon Press, admin. The Copyright Company. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Reprinted under OneLicense.net A-715488

You Are Holy / Eres santo – Music: DU ÄR HELIG, Per Harling, ©1990 Ton Vis Produktion AB (admin. Augsburg Fortress); Words: English text ©1990 Ton Vis Produktion AB (admin. by Augsburg Fortress); Spanish trans. Raquel Gutiérrez-Achon, ©1994, World Council of Churches. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Reprinted under OneLicense.net A-715488

Ven, a la mesa de Dios / Come to the Table of Grace – Music: Barbara Hamm; Words: Barbara Hamm, Spanish adaptation by Paul Vasile, ©2008 Hope Publishing Company, All rights reserved. Reprinted under OneLicense.net A-715488

La Lucha – Words and Music: Mark Miller. ©2017 Used by permission of the composer.

Page 7: God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando€¦ · 09/09/2018  · God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando. Marcos 7:1-7 (NVI) / Mark 7:1-7 (ILB) The Pharisees and some of the


Today After Worship

Page 8: God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando€¦ · 09/09/2018  · God is Still Speaking / Dios sigue hablando. Marcos 7:1-7 (NVI) / Mark 7:1-7 (ILB) The Pharisees and some of the


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