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Page 1: Golden Feather 2014

A literacy magazine featuring original writing and artwork created by third grade students at Maurice Hawk School

June 2014 Maurice Hawk School 3rd Grade Writers

Artwork by Caitrin G.

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Dear Third Grade Students,

Thank you for taking the time to create and submit your writing pieces and artwork to me. You should feel extremely proud of your talent, dedication, and hard work. As you move on to your new school next year, it is my hope that you will continue to look for opportunities to share your writing with others. Your voice is important, whether you are using it to persuade, teach, or entertain someone.

It has been a pleasure reading all of your work and putting together this magazine. I hope you enjoy reading through The Golden Feather and celebrating your incredible achievements with your teachers, friends, and families.

The Golden Feather, 2014 Letter to Students

Several students submitted artwork for our 3rd grade magazine. All submissions are featured

on the next few pages.

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Artwork

Artwork by Gianna D.

Artwork by Deeptha J.

Artwork by Aria M.

Artwork by Aadyanth R.

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Artwork

Artwork by Hiral S.

Artwork by Karen W. Artwork by Kiko Y.

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Artwork by Shreya T. Artwork by Jyotika A.

The Golden Feather, 2014 Artwork

Artwork by Sabrina W.

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

~ Short Stories ~ Small Moment Stories

Personal Narratives

Realistic Fiction

~ Persuasive Letters/Speeches ~

~ Folktales and Pourquoi Tales ~

Happy Reading!

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Short Stories

Ziplining By Apsara S. “Where do you want to go today?” asked mom. “Ummmmm… I don’t really know”, replied Cleo in a bored tone. “I think that we should go ziplining.”, interrupted Emily. “What is Ziplining?” asked Cleo, puzzled. “It is when you are hooked on a really strong wire and go down it really fast.”, answered mom. “So, can we go?”, asked Emily. “I’ll check on the phone if there is a place nearby”, answered mom. A few minutes later… “Get in the car.” “We are going ziplining!”, screamed Cleo. “Race you!”, yelled Emily and ran to the car while Cleo hopped like a little white fluffy bunny. Mom unlocked the car doors. CLICK! ”Mom, how high are we going to be while ziplining?”asked Emily. “Well there is one zipline that is high from the ground and another low one.” “I’m going on the high one.” said Cleo. “Me too.” said Emily. 15 minutes later they were there. “Where’s the zipline?”, asked Cleo anxiously. “There’s the ziplining station!” Emily shouted while she pointed at the crowd waiting in line. Cleo and Emily ran off like rockets. Mom walked. “Crazy kids. Maybe they ate too much sugar!” mom thought. She remembered Cleo and Emily eating popsicles and cake the day before. By the time mom reached the ziplining station, Cleo and Emily had helmets and harnesses on. There was a counselor next to them. She had a white label with blue letters. The letters said “Hi! My Name is Sarah.” Sarah first hooked Emily on the thick, black, wire string. ”Jump down or scoot forward, then drop.”, instructed Sarah.

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Short Stories

You could see on Emily’s face that she was a little scared. Emily jumped. She went down so fast it was like she was driving a stock car. ”WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!”, Emily screamed. Suddenly Cleo and mom heard a loud thump. They guessed that Emily had stopped. Sarah waited for a minute. When it was Cleo’s turn to go on she looked down and suddenly looked back up. Her eyes were wide. ”Can I go on the low one instead?”. “No, actually I want to go on this one…”, Cleo said. She kept on changing her mind. Finally she decided. “I want to go on the higher one.”. Sarah hooked Cleo on the string. Cleo jumped and went even faster down the string than Emily! While she was going down, she twirled in circles. When she landed, she yelled “That was awesome!”. As they walked to the car, Cleo asked mom, ”Can we do this again some other time?” “Yeah! Can we? Pretty please!” “Alright, alright!” mom replied in a tired voice. “Yes!” both the girls said together. They both hugged mom as tightly as they could. “Not too hard!” mom said. They let go. Mom exhaled, ”Ahhhhhhhh.” “Are you okay mom?” laughed Cleo. “Yup.” But it did not look like it.

The Chocolate Covered Mystery

By Aadyanth Rao Annie and Bob walked into a candy store and asked the cashier for any chocolate covered bars. The cashier is Ms. Koorpa. Ms. Koorpa said there was only three left so they look for the robber but they asked everyone. The only thing they knew is that the pet store owners pet bird loves chocolate. So the next day they put fingerprint powder all over the candy store except for the other chocolate. Next they took away the security camera. Then when the robber came in SURPRISE! But the only thing there was a bird, so she stole the chocolate. Then they found out the bird was the pet store owners and the pet store owner was arrested. Case closed.  

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Short Stories

Zany Zoo

By Jyotika A.

“Yeah” shouted Amy a third grader in cooper elementary school. Her school was going on a field trip to the zoo. First, they randomly chose partners. Amy’s partner was a girl named Sara. After picking partners, the class trudged to the front of the school. From there, they boarded the bus. It was a 1 hr drive and it felt like eternity, but they finally reached. Quickly, the bus driver parked the bus and the children were as happy as a puppy with all the doggie treats in the world!

Soon, they got their tickets and the children shortly after, went bananas. This was because the first exhibit was a monkey exhibit. “Oh they are so cute” said a girl named Mona. Following that, the monkey’s started to perform some tricks. After 10 minutes, they said bye to the monkey’s and moved on. The next stop was the aviary. They were amazed! The children saw many pretty birds such as cardinals, blue jays, macaws, and parrot’s. Pretty soon they went to the next exhibit on the plan; the panda exhibit. The kids were fascinated! Amy and Sara even pointed out some panda’s that were eating bamboo. Now they went to the next exhibit which was the penguin exhibit. Kids giggled as the penguins waddled. After seeing the penguin exhibit, they proceeded to the last one for today. It was the petting zoo.” Wow!” said the children with their eyeballs popping out. There were so many animals! First they all petted the animals and then they fed them. The food was 25 cents for a cup of dry corn. Amy had a dollar so she and Sara could feed 4 animals! 2 each!

Once they were done, they approached the bus, and they hopped on. When they reached school, all of the children declared that the trip to the zoo was even more fun and exciting than walking on air.

The End

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Short Stories

Trying to Make a Friend

By Sabrina W. Madalyn Taylor walked into her fourth grade classroom, as ready as a straight A student. Her new classmates all quietly came in. Madalyn recognized a few people, Becky Thompson, Ricky Parker, and Thomas Peterson. Maybe I should get to know Becky a little more, Madalyn thought to herself. Right after Madalyn had unpacked, the teacher started attendance. “Trish Adams?” “Here!” “Liam Carter?” “Here!” “Evelyn Collins?” “Here!” Madalyn turned in the direction of Evelyn, and just at the same time of when Evelyn glanced at her. Madalyn quickly turned her head. “Madalyn Taylor?” “Here.” At lunch, Becky and Ricky sat next to Madalyn. “So, Maddie,” Becky began, “I`ve been meaning to ask you all year last year, why are you so shy?” Madalyn blushed. “That’s the way I am, I guess.” She replied. Madalyn quickly finished her lunch and ran outside to play so that Becky couldn’t ask any more questions. During recess, Madalyn felt lonely. No one had come and introduced themselves, as Madalyn`s third grade buddy, Daisy had did. But Daisy was now in a different class, and that couldn’t be helped. Madalyn sat on a bench, singing. Suddenly, a voice startled her. “My, you have good singing.” It was Evelyn. “Oh, you think so?” “Yes, I take singing lessons and I don’t even sing that well!” Madalyn smiled. She knew that Evelyn would be her best friend in no time. But, the question was, how would she ask Evelyn to become her friend? After lunch and recess, it was time to go back to the classroom. In the morning, the class had made named tags. Mrs. Anderson told them to put their nametags on, and then go to the carpet so they could learn more about each other. Madalyn walked to the carpet and sat down. Becky sat down to her left and Evelyn to her right. “Hi class, I know we got to know each other in the morning, but I want to get to know everyone a little bit more. Tell me your full name, the best moment of your life, your favorite color, animal, and food. And also pick one person to be your fourth grade buddy. Starting with you, Madalyn.” Madalyn sighed. Who was she supposed to pick for her fourth grade buddy? Madalyn was determined to choose Evelyn as her buddy.

“Hi, my name is Madalyn Taylor, and the best moment of my life was when I found out I would be in this class with all my awesome classmates.” Madalyn took a deep breath. She knew Mrs. Anderson would have wanted to hear that. “My favorite color is yellow, my favorite animal is a horse, and I love popcorn.” Madalyn paused again.

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Short Stories

It was time to choose her fourth grade buddy. Maybe Becky is right, Madalyn thought, maybe I am shy. Madalyn spoke, “I would love for my buddy to be Evelyn.” Madalyn smiled. She had done it! In a way, she had asked Evelyn to be her friend. “I would love to,” Evelyn whispered to Madalyn. Madalyn felt herself smile.

The End

Getting a New Dog

By Raksha R. It was a chilly afternoon when the autumn leafs fall and dance and land softly. ”go,go,go’’ yelled Amanda to her dog sofie. ’’woof,woof’’ barked sofie. Amanda’s friend Linda was coming to tell Amanda they are getting a dog! Linda’s sister kiki said ‘’Me and my sister is getting not one but 2dogs!!! ‘’Yes,that is true. ’’said Linda. ’’vroooooooom!’’ sounded the car. ’’Come on sweet cakes!’’ said a familiar voice. Linda and kiki ran to there mom. It was a 20mins.ride. They finally reached the pet store at ‘’Quarke brige mall.’’ The store was filed with animals. ’’Cutey’’ said kiki. ‘Mom I want to adopt a dog named Tinkerbell said Kiki. ‘’ok!’’ said mom. Linda said ’’hey mom I want to adopt a dog named Joy’’. Her mom replied Okey dokey!!!!!’’. “That will cost you $1,000’’ said the store clerk. Mom brought Linda and Kiki the dogs. Linda thought about Amanda and herself playing and wondered if Amanda Will like the dog?. The dogs where beagle. Linda and Kiki love the new dogs. What a fun afternoon!

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Kickball Game

By Charlie W. Gabe rushed and kicked the ball with the laces of his sneaker. “Whack!” The ball went up into the air and into the outfield. The outfielders tried to catch the ball but the ball went over their heads. Gabe ran to first base and looked to see if second base was open. It was open so Gabe charged like a bull past second base, sprinted to third, and sped to home. The outfielders threw the ball to the pitcher but it was too late. Gabe had already run home. Gabe’s teammates patted him on the back. Gabe’s teammates yelled, “Great job Gabe! Woohoo!” They were in a huddle and congratulating Gabe. Just then the whistle blew which meant that kids had to come inside. This meant the game ended. The score was one to zero. Gabe’s team, also known as the Bulldogs, won! As the Bulldogs celebrated, Fred, the other team captain, started crying. Tears dropped like rain from his eyes as he stared at Gabe with a vicious look like a tiger getting ready to hunt. Fred charged to the nearest lunch aide and told her that Gabe cheated. “It’s no fair, Gabe – Gabe he didn’t touch second base and it should be a tie zero to zero. It’s no fair, Gabe always cheats. He’s mean to me because he called me a name when he was running the bases. He should be punished for what he has done,” Fred whined as he stamped his foot against the ground. “I think you might be exaggerating a little bit. Let me check this out,” the lunch aide answered. She thought he was lying because he complained every day about kickball. The lunch aide came to Gabe. The lunch aide questioned, “What did you do Gabe? Why did you hurt Fred’s feelings and cheat in the game?” Gabe replied, “I don’t know what you’re talking about?” He looked very confused. “Gabe stop acting confused,” stammered the lunch aide. “Uh huh,” Fred exclaimed with an evil look in his eye.

The Golden Feather, 2014 Short Stories

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“Stop lying I didn’t do that. Fred we need to talk. You can’t just lie,” Gabe stammered. “Can we talk with Ms. Dewars the guidance counselor,” Gabe asked the lunch aide. “Sure. I’ll walk you guys down,” replied the lunch aide as they walked into the school. As Gabe and Fred were going to Ms. Dewars room, Gabe glared at Fred. He was mad at Fred for lying to the lunch aide and getting him in trouble. As Gabe and Fred were walking in the hallway they saw everyone in their class staring at them. They reached Ms. Dewars room and stopped outside the door. Fred’s legs were tingling and his throat was dry. He was afraid they’d find out he lied. Gabe knocked on Ms. Dewars door. Gabe asked, “Can I come in Ms. Dewars?” “Sure come on in. Take a seat and tell me what is the matter Gabe and Fred,” announced Ms. Dewars. “Well we were playing kickball and Gabe didn’t touch second base. He also called me a name when he was running the bases. He pushed me and he poked me,” whined Fred. “Whaaatt? I didn’t do any of that. I’m as sweet as can be,” Gabe replied. “Woah, woah, woah, Fred you were talking so much. Your story seems out of order. I think you need to tell the truth,” answered Ms. Dewars. All of a sudden, Fred started to shake and his face was as blank as a piece of paper. He couldn’t take it anymore. Fred blurted out, “I lied! I’m sorry Gabe. I’m not a good sport. I lied because I don’t like losing.” Gabe’s jaw dropped in shock. “Thank you for telling the truth. Fred,” replied Ms. Dewars. “You need to be honest every time you play kickball. Please be honest in any other situation as well. Also, Fred you will not win every time. Remember to be fair,” Ms. Dewars explained. The boys shook hands and headed back to class. From that day forward they played fair each time during a kickball game and promise to never lie. THE END

The Golden Feather, 2014 Short Stories

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Short Stories

Sister’s Surprise on Sunday

By: Nikhil C. One warm spring day two days before my birthday, I stepped outside wearing long-sleeves and shorts. It was a bit chilly, but that did not bother me from reaching my goal. Winning this race. Ready, BOOM! The cannon had shot! Click, click went the shoes of the runners as I raced ahead of them all. I took a sharp turn and then a few minutes later I glanced at my watch. It read 7:21. Since there were no mile markers I did not know how fast or how slow I was running. Turns out I was running fast! I kept on running at that speed for mile number two and mile number three and finally after what seemed like ages ran as fast as a cheetah and crossed the finish line. Since I was the first one in my family to finish I had to wait for my mom, my sister and my dad to finish as well. Then out of nowhere my dad and my sister appeared and I screamed “COME ON ZUI!” and she ran for her life towards the finish line. A couple minutes later my mom finished and joined us huddling over the scores to see if my sister and I got a trophy. And we did! As we waited for the announcer to call our name, my sister was announced. They asked for her birthday witch was August twenty-second two thousand seven. What a surprise it was to see that my sister won ‘youngest female finisher’! By just twenty days! Later, when our names were actually called as second-place winners in our age-group, we were as happy as miners who just found millions no, trillions of splendiferous dazzling diamonds!

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A Walk In The Spring

By Kshirin D.

“Wow!” I said in amaze! I was surrounded by many beautiful flowers. I was taking a walk with my Granny on a sunny afternoon. There were Daffodils, Roses, Tulips, tiny orange flowers, wonderful curvy flowers, Sunflowers, Violets, Hibiscus, pretty white and pink cherry blossoms. It was such a wonderful sight! The best ones I liked were the Hibiscus. “I like the Hibiscus too!” Granny added.

It was time to go home. I was glad I had this walk. I have the pictures of these blossoms in my heart.

The Happiest Day Ever! By Giaa S. One day I got a great idea! It was library day and I was looking around for something to read when I got my awesome idea! I would bring home a book on how to convince your parents to let you have a puppy. Then when I found the perfect book I checked it out and got in line with my class. After school I brought the book home and I showed it to my mom. After a few months passed I gave up on getting a puppy. Then one day, I came home from school and saw the cutest little puppy in the whole world! I asked my mom what his name is and she said,”BRUNSWICK!!!” That was the happiest day of my life!!! My Family is now complete, I love my puppy Brunswick!

The Golden Feather, 2014 Short Stories

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Short Stories

Space Mountain By Riya K. We arrived at Disney World. I was so excited! I couldn’t wait to go on the rides and meet all the princesses. We walked over to my favorite ride, Space Mountain. It was huge. I saw the people on the ride going super fast! My sister said, “Whoa.” My Dad, my sister and I got into the long line. After about an hour it was our turn. I now had butterflies in my stomach. I slowly went into the roller coaster and buckled up. Soon the rollercoaster pulled us super fast into a cave. We went up, down, around, and around! I didn’t know what was going on and then out in the distance I saw a flashing blue light. We continued to get closer and closer to the light. Before I knew it, I was so close I thought I would bump into it. Then before I could see another light, the ride was done.

Snow Blizzard Mountain By Riya K. Plop! It was Christmas. We were putting ornaments on the tree. All of a sudden I saw a little tiny white drifting down from the sky. I ran outside. The little white things melted onto my forehead and raced down my neck. SNOWFLAKES! I rushed back inside and yelled as hard as I could. “It’s snowing! It’s snowing!” I grabbed my coat, mittens, hat, and scarf and rushed outside. I saw all of my friends bundled up and zooming to a humungous tower of snow. Everybody paused in front of it and stared at the top for a while. After, I saw holes and tunnels and people digging and sliding. I played until it was dawn. I couldn’t wait for the next snow!

Food Forest By Faiz R. The Trees are disappearing. Mountains are falling. Rivers are drying. My stomach is storing. mm...mm..delicious broccoli, mashed potatoes, and gravy!  

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Disney Dream By Riya K. I was at Disney World. The moon was bursting with brightness. All of the sudden I heard these loud booming sounds. I tried to figure out what it was. I hear it again- BOOM! “Look fireworks!” my sister shouted. My little baby sister started crying because she was scared of the noise. We started to walk forward toward all the fireworks. The booms were getting louder as I got closer. All of the sudden, we stopped on a bridge. Big colored exploding glittering stars were pouring all around above me. A smile was rising on my face. My heart was starting to smile too. The Disney castle started to light up like the moon. One by one the fireworks flew into the sky like shooting stars. Right then I know that this trip was the best I ever had!

The Science Fair By Deeptha J. Hi! My name is Deeptha. This is a small moment of my 3rd grade Hawk Science fair. Many of my friends were entered in the science fair. Walking around the fair I saw Apsara and her magnets. She showed me magnetic forces, by sticking together north and south facing manets, but if you face south and south, or the same thing with north, it will not go together. That was cool! There was Diya who made a active volcano erupt. Awesome! And this boy who let me make glow in the dark goo. I poured glue mixed with water and borax powder in a bowl which became gooey. I added sparkles of my choice and food coloring to make it my very own creation. That was fun! The day past with me roaming the halls, which got me hungry, so I walked to the bake sale and asked “I just came for a cookie”. yum !! ☺

The Golden Feather, 2014 Short Stories

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The Zip to My Doom

By Emma K. I stood shivering next to a wooden pole. I had not yet dried off. I am in Xel-Ha, Mexico, on vacation with my family, and I am up next to zipline. My Dad suggested that our family try ziplining, thinking it would be fun and challenging for us since we have never tried it before. Boy, was I in for a big surprise! I could not bear to think of what is awaiting me. I looked at the wooden bar that would speed me across the water on a thin, flimsy cord. What if the cord is not safe? What if it broke? Though you are supposed to let go of the bar and drop into the water, I had heard that hitting the water from a high place can feel like hitting cement. The cord was at least a hundred feet up in the air, and I could tell that dropping from that height can be pretty painful. I looked ahead of me and gulped. My mom was up! All at once, two things occurred to me. Both were bad. One, if my Mom did not survive the zipline, I would be stuck with a babysitter until I am twelve. Two, I’m up next! I was shivering, wet, and frightened to the bone. I tried to hide behind the other tourists who were standing in line. Then I heard it. The call that would bring me to my death. The drop that would plummet me into eternal darkness. “It is your turn, sweetie,” said the guide. Those words rang in my ears. A rough hand touched upon my shoulder. I felt like a puppet as the guide maneuvered me to come forward. My legs felt like spaghetti and I can barely stand. As the guide lead me up the steps to the landing, I suddenly felt numb. I was having an out of body experience. Though I couldn’t hear a word he was saying, I nodded whenever I thought he asked a question. When I recovered my senses, I heard him say, “good”. I shakily raised my hands to grab hold of the wooden bar. I expected him to put safety gear on me but he didn’t. Instead, I heard him count backwards from three….”three, two, one, go!” “Wait!” I yelled. “I didn’t have any safety gear on at all.” But it was too late. I was off. I was flying through the air at the speed of light. Wind whipped by me like bullets. I was really scared. I remembered what my Mom had said. “Don’t look down,” she advised. I didn’t look down, but there was an overwhelming urge to see what was below. Instead, I looked ahead and saw that I was almost at the end of the cord, and I was relieved. Just then, another thought of fear hit me. The water! I had to drop down very slowly if I did not want to fall hard and face first in to the water. I frantically looked around to see if there was anything that could slow me down. Nothing. I looked ahead. Time was running out. A tiny wooden stopper was on the end of the cord. That would slow me down, I thought with relief. My hands and arms grew tired. I had an itch. I wanted to let go.

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STOP! I told myself. You can’t give up. I looked ahead one more time. Almost there, I thought, almost there. I braced myself before I hit the wooden stopper. I zoomed in on the block and prepared myself for a hard stop. This is it. BOOM! I hit the block and felt like I was electrocuted. The force was so great it knocked my hands off the bar. I frantically reached for the bar. I felt the tip of the bar and tried to lace my fingers around it. My fingers slipped and I started falling, falling, falling. That electric-like jolt made my body weak. So much for the plan, I thought, as I plunged into the water. As I fell, I felt strangely calm. At least I would die peacefully, I thought. As I got closer to the water, I closed my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest. Splash! I gasped for air as I surfaced from below. I made it! I survived! That wasn’t so bad. Once I was on the zipline, it was not as horrifying as I thought it would be. It was actually quite fun and exhilarating! I felt like I was flying through the air like a trapeze artist. The water, when it touched my face and body, did not feel like the hard cement I envisioned, but rather cool and soothing. I quickly swam over to my mom, who greeted me with a big smile. “Can I do it again?” I asked. Dad was right; this turned out to be an experience of a lifetime.

The Paper Boy’s Dreams By Sneha D. Once in a small village there was a paper boy. The paper boy was lazy and loved to daydream. One day his boss punished him and made him sell 600 papers on a Sunday. The paper boy was angry at his boss. Though he was angry he knew he had to do his job. So he got on his bike with the bag of papers and started to ride. As he did he daydreamed as always. This is what he dreamed about “When I sell all the papers l will be rich and I will buy many things, everyone will envy me”. They’ll ask “How did you do it, what’s your secret?” “But I’ll just toss my hands in the air and yell I’ll never tell you!” The paper boy was so involved in his daydreams that he did not notice that he was riding next to a lake. He kept dreaming and actually flung his arms into the air and the bag that had the newspapers in it flipped over and the paper boy fell into the lake with his papers and bag. He was fine. But, only as he watched the last of his papers fall into the lake, he realized how lazy and greedy he was and sadly walked home. With his papers his dreams fell into the lake too! Moral: Don’t count your money before you earn it.

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Short Stories

Words on the wall By Nivedhithaa M. I was writing for the Golden Feather. The only difficult part of writing for the magazine was coming up with an idea. I pondered for hours. I even made a list but none of the ideas, seemed to suit me. Finally I thought about that glorious Saturday afternoon in Jimmy Johns where I saw the words on the wall. I was at Jimmy Johns for lunch. As soon as we got there, I ordered my favourite sandwich with lots of lettuce, cress and tomatoes. As I was waiting for my delicious sandwich, I saw these words carved in this coppery metal, hang on the wall. They read: “The happiest of people do not have the best of everything but they make the best of everything.” I wondered what it actually meant. Looking at my quizzical face, mom told me a story: “Once there was a boy whose family was very wealthy. One sunny day, his father took his son on a trip to the country side to show how poor some people are. They lived there for several days. As they were coming home, the boy’s father asked him if he liked the trip. “Oh! It was great”, the boy replied. The father asked him to explain in more detail. The boy said, “They have 4 dogs while we have only one. In our garden, we have only one pool while they have the endless river. We have expensive lantern while they have the stars. We have the patio while they have the horizon. We have only a small piece of land while they have the never ending fields. We have a fence while they can rely on their friends and neighbours to protect them. Thank you dad, for showing how poor we are!” His father was amazed”, finished mom. Then my mom asked me what I understood. I said: “Even though the poor people didn’t have as much as the boy, they made him feel that they had more because they made the best of all they had.” Mom smiled. Then food arrived. Eating time! When I went home that evening, I thought about those words on the wall and didn’t complain about anything and made up my mind to always make the best of everything I have.

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Short Stories

Making Pigeon Books

By Aria M. “Hey Tanvi, should I show my pigeon book when we get to your house?” I asked. We were in the school bus, and that afternoon I was going to Tanvi’s house. “Sure,” Tanvi replied. We got off the bus and raced to Tanvi’s big brick house. Ding-dong, ding-dong went the door bell as we pressed it. Tanvi’s mom opened the door. “Hi girls,” said Tanvi’s mom. We both took off our shoes and backpacks and rushed to the kitchen. We quickly drank our cups of milk and ran upstairs. I took my pigeon book with me. “Here, read it,” I said, as I passed the book to Tanvi. She read it. She cracked a smile and laughed at a couple parts as she read through it. “What do you think?” I asked anxiously. “Um, well I liked it a lot,” Tanvi replied. I was happy with my work. Since Mother’s Day was coming up soon, Tanvi asked if we could make a pigeon book for Mother’s Day. I thought for a while. “Sure, it should be called “Don’t Let the Pigeon Celebrate Mother’s Day”,” I exclaimed. “We need paper,” I said. “Um, my mom is in a meeting, but it will probably end soon.” Tanvi’s mom works from home. “I normally pass a note and she gives it,” Tanvi said. We quickly wrote a note and slide it under the door. After a few minutes Tanvi’s mom came and gave us a few sheets of paper. “We asked for paper with no punch holes,” Tanvi groaned. “Tanvi, the paper with no whole is for the printer,” said Tanvi’s mom. “Okay,” we said. We walked back to Tanvi’s room and started thinking of what we should do with the holes. “May be we could put yarn,” said Tanvi. “Yes, may be,” I answered. I told Tanvi a way of how to draw “the man” and “the pigeon.” “Let us start with the cover,” I said. We took some paper and drew the pigeon with a heart in the middle. “It’s nice,” I said. “Let’s do the rest later!”

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The Amazing Swish By Shekhar S. It wasn’t such a great day for Nick. His team the Tigers, were away. They were playing the 2nd best team in the basketball league the Swishers. The Tigers were third but if they won they would take the trophy. The Tigers had Nicks best friend T.J. Lawnor who was the team’s best blocker. The problem was that they only had Nick and T.J. as good player. T.J. came with Nick in the minivan to the game. The Swishers had every player the Tigers needed. “We need to win the Tigers first championship”, T.J. said. “Whenever we make it we lose,” Nick replied. Nick was really worried. Even T.J. had hard time thinking that they would win. Their Coach, Coach Neesham was actually pretty confident. The only person on the Tigers who had confidence except Coach Neesham was Eddie Miller. He’s always confident on every game and he ends up with zero points. The game started out bad for the Tigers. They were losing 23-14. The Swishers had Dexter Lee and Alonso Robinson and Tayshaun Augustus. At halftime the score was 40-39 the Tigers down by one. Nick had 12 points, T.J had 8 points and surprisingly Eddie had 14 points. Then after, what seemed good for the Tigers turned bad. Dexter had stolen and blocked Nick 3 times consecutive and gotten a three – pointer in all of them. In the fourth quarter it became more interesting. The score was 89 – 92 Tigers were leading the first time. Nick had 20 points, T.J. had 32 points and Eddie had 19 points because he had gotten benched after fouling 2 times. With 49.5 seconds left in the game, the Swishers had made a three to tie it up. Tigers took a timeout after that three Dexter took. T.J. took a finger roll layup. Made it ! Then Tayshaun took 3 three – pointers. Swish every one. Nick kind of thought it was stupid that the ref didn’t call the foul when Tayshaun took the charge at T.J. . So the score was 101 – 94, Tigers were losing but then…..Nick took the three he made it and the foul! He missed his foul so that his team rebounds it and gets the basket. That exactly happened. Swishers took the timeout. Nick pounded his chest with joy. T.J. gave Nick a low high five. 5 seconds left, Swishers passed it in….STOLEN! Nick stole it waited for 1 second left then took the three. It hit across the rim he thought he would miss. None of the Tigers did a ‘putback’ because they did not want to take it to overtime….. HE MADE IT! THAT IS JUST SHOCKING. The Swishers just stood there shocked, misbelieved, upset. It was Nick, who after all this time was thinking of losing, won the game for the Tigers and left the Swishers angry and disappointed.

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Adventures in Spying

By Thara E. “Honk,honk,” beeped a car. “ Let’s go, daddy!” shouted a girl . “Annabelle, be quiet” sighed Mr. Carter. “Okay,” sighed Annabelle. Then she squealed, “I see Hannah and Pam and Jane and Miranda. Never knew all my friends were going to be on this tour!” The car barely even had time to stop before Annabelle jumped out. She and her friends all did a group hug. They pushed the door open and went inside the building. In there, Annabelle and her friends gasped. There was the all famous spy Anna Mitslova. And Valerie Plane. In person! “Sit down please, you will learn all the things it takes you to be a spy. But first we are sure you all are hungry. Follow us to the cafeteria please.” At the food counter, Annabelle chose a salad, pizza, a sandwich wrap, a chocolate sundae and a lemon lime seltzer. She hurried to the table where all her friends were. She took a quick look at what her friends had got. Hannah had gotten chicken caesar salad, a veggie wrap, spaghetti with red meat sauce, a frostie and lemon lime seltzer. Pam had spaghetti with red meat sauce, a salad, apple tart and lemon lime seltzer. Jane had an apple tart, pizza, lemon lime seltzer and a salad. Miranda had a veggie wrap, pizza, apple tart and lemon seltzer. Annabelle tried to memorize what everyone had – that is what a good spy would do. “I can’t believe that Anna Mitslova and Valerie Plane were right in front of our noses,” said Miranda with her mouth full of pizza. When the girls were done eating, they went back to where they had met the spies, and the spies told them all the things it took to be a spy. They walked through rooms to show Annabelle and her friends and other people where spies hid and what spies did and how they disguised themselves so they would be unrecognizable. They also got to see the top ten Most Wanted FBI list. Annabelle took a picture of it, just in case. Then they walked and saw criminal sights. They had to identify the weird things. At this time, Annabelle saw something interesting. Fiona Volpe, who had been on the FBIs most wanted list, was in the picture. She stared at her friends. They had all spotted it too. “Let’s go and tell the spies.” When the two spies saw it, they thought it was most peculiar. They told Miranda, Jane, Pam, Hannah as well as Annabelle that they had earned the honor to catch Fiona Volpe. The five girls dressed up as 20-year olds. They put on lipstick, coats (that looked very baggy) and purses. Since the spies knew exactly what to do, the girls followed their lead. All of the girls were feeling nervous. They went into Burleys Department Store. They looked around hoping to see Fiona Volpe. Suddenly Anna belle spotted her. Fiona Volpe was the clerk. The crew ducked back outside and called the police. A minute later, the police car came and arrested Fiona Volpe. “Yay!” cried the crew, “We caught one Most Wanted person. One down, a lot more to go” laughed Annabelle.

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My Surprise Birthday Party By Hiral S. One day I was sitting on the living room chair. I put my head on the glass window and sighed. The rain fell on the roof and the windows. A tear slid from my cheek and on the window. Suddenly I heard a bark and a whine. I opened the door to see who it was. “Bark!” Marco, my dog said and he jumped on me very wet. “You’re...back!” I said happily. “Mom come! Marco is back!” But I got no answer. “Mom? Why is she not coming?” I thought. Marco tagged along as I went to the kitchen to see if my mom was there. “Hi honey! How are you doing?” asked Dad. He was sitting in a chair, typing on his laptop. “I’m good dad! And... I found Marco!” I said. “That’s great!” Dad replied. “Yes,” I said, “Mom, did she go somewhere?” “She might be upstairs. Why don’t you check?” Dad said. “Sure!” I said pausing, “Thanks!” Then I ran upstairs, but mom wasn’t there! Marco wasn’t behind me anymore. I felt that something was wrong. So, I walked to the kitchen to tell Dad. But all that was in the kitchen was his laptop. “Lilly!” I yelled. “Yes? What is it Emily?” Lilly said as she peered from her cardboard clubhouse door. “Have you seen dad or mom or Marco?” I asked. “Yes, I have seen Marco, mom, and dad!” said Lilly. She pulled out the family pictures at the Opera and another of SeaWorld. “That will not help me...” I said. “You have seen Marco, mom, and dad around right? Did they go shopping? Huh?” “I don’t know about Marco. But I saw dad in the garage! Why don’t you check there?” said Lilly. “Where is grandma?” I asked Lilly, but she had already ran away. “Wait! She doesn’t know Marco is back...That’s funny! It’s like she knows that he is back!” I thought. When I got to the garage, grandma was there. She was done cleaning the cars and she was looking at a magazine and drinking a smoothie. “Yum” I thought, “but no sign of mom or dad or Marco.” “Hi Lilly!” said Grandma. “Hi grandma, it’s me Emily! Where is grandpa?” I asked. “Outside in the hammock. He should really stop getting the habit of that!” said grandma.

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“Yeah...anyway, I wanted to know if dad and mom are home. We found Marco but he...um... I can’t find him. Do you know where they went?” I asked hopefully. “No. But I saw dad in the kitchen. He might be there!” said grandma, “Go check!” “Grandma, I already went there!” I said. “Hmmm... why don’t you ask grandpa?” grandma said. “Great! Thanks!” I said. When I turned around I had another question. I turned back but grandma was gone. “Grandma?” I thought, “She must have gone to do something. Wait a minute! The cars are still here. Then mom and dad are still here too! Where are Lilly and grandma anyway?” I finally got outside and saw grandpa. “Grandpa, have you seen my dad, mom, Lilly, grandma, or Marco?” I asked. “No. Why don’t we play my favorite game? Chess! Let’s go get it from the basement!” said grandpa excitedly. When grandpa opened the door to the hallway, he went first. “Where is the light switch?” I asked. “I can’t see where it is,” grandpa replied. After a couple of minutes of searching through the darkness, I felt something. “Grandpa! I found it!” I yelled, “Grandpa?” No answer. I clicked on the light switch. No grandpa or grandma or dad or mom or Lilly and Marco! “Since grandpa did say we should go to the basement to get the chess game...he might already be there!” I thought. I opened the basement door and... SURPRISE!! All my family was there dancing, playing, and singing... and it was the best party ever!  

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The Cookie Mystery By Hiral S. and Ana F. Where’s the scoop on the cookie dough?

Let’s chomp down those clues! Where does the cookie trail end?

--- One day Lilly and Mallory were walking down the sidewalk. “Look!” Lilly said, “There is a new treat shop where the old ice cream shop was!” “Cool!” Mallory said, “Let’s check it out!” When they slowly walked into the store, there were goodies and treats everywhere! “Hello, how can I help you?” the man at the counter asked. “Yes, please!” Mallory said. “I would like a chocolate chip cookie please,” said Lilly. “Sorry! We are all out,” said the man. “Do you have any lollipops?” Mallory asked. She loves lollipops. “Sure! They are over there!” said the man. “I have a question for you. Why are all the cookies gone?” Lilly asked. She was always full of questions. “Well, someone keeps stealing our cookies these days!” the man said suddenly. “Well we are good detectives! We can solve it for you!” said Mallory between licks. “Thanks” the man said. “My name is Lilly and her name is Mallory. What is your name?” Lilly said as she ate a butterscotch cookie and gave the man three dollars. “My name is Mr. Capachino, or you can call me Mr. Cap,” said Mr. Cap smiling. “Can we see where are the cookies? Where?” Mallory asked. Her lollipop was still in her mouth. She grabbed a mint and handed in her money. “Sure, it’s right over there!” said Mr. Cap, pointing behind him. “Thanks!” said Mallory.

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“Wait!” Lilly said and winked. Then, she scooted out the door. When Lilly was back, she was holding a big case that was black. Out of the case, Mallory got a small box. Lilly opened it and inside was some kind of black powder. “Yum! Chocolate!” Mallory said, dabbing her finger in it. Then she brought it to her mouth. “NO! THAT’S FINGER PRINT POWDER!” yelled Lilly. She grabbed her hand. A couple people stared. Mallory became red. After a minute, everything came back to normal. “Girls, I have a clue that might have something to do with the mystery,” said Mr. Cap, “Go to Broden Crossway Street. Go to the house 15 on that street. Mr. Green lives there. He used to own this place.” “Hmmm... That’s a good start. We will also ask for his fingerprint,” said Lilly. “Ummm... yeah,” said Mallory. Her face was even REDDER!!

As they walked past 5th Street and River

Street, they saw a sign. It said Broden Crossway Street! “This way!” Mallory said. She pointed to the sign. As they walked there were rows of houses.

“I wonder where his house is...”thought Lilly. Lilly was writing in her notebook when she saw it. “That house! Look!” said Lilly. She tugged on Mallory’s sleeve. They ran through the lawn up to the door. Another man opened the door. “Hello! Are you Lilly and Mary? Come in. My name is Mr. Green. Mr. Cap told me you both were coming,” said the man, “Have a gummy bear.” “My name is M-A-L-L-O-R-Y,” said Mallory, “It is not Mary.” “Oh! Sorry!” Mr. Green said. “We are solving a mystery! Can you please put your thumb on this powder?” asked Lilly gently. “Sure!” he said. “Then put it on this paper,” Mallory explained.

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“Is there something wrong with my old shop?” he asked. “Yeah! How did you know?” Mallory told him and popped her mint in her mouth. Lilly looked outside the window. She saw a bush and suddenly it opened and two eyes peeked out. When she blinked, they were gone. She looked at the fingerprints. Mr. Green was no suspect anymore. “Well, when I owned that store the cookies and cream ice cream, vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips, always disappeared! I turn on the freezer so the ice cream stays cold and then I go to bed. The next day, the ice cream was gone! So I quit!” said Mr. Green out of breath.

“Was the ice pop...no... ice cream near a door or window?” Mallory asked. “Yes! Near a window!” said Mr. Green. “Ok, that’s good!” said Mallory, “We will see what we can do.” While they were walking to the front door of Lilly’s house, they saw that Cupcake (Lilly’s dog) wasn’t there! “CUPCAKE?” Lilly yelled. No Cupcake. “Wait, look! Paw tracks and they have these small brown things with the mud!” said Lilly. They both ran following the tracks down to 5th Street, right to the treat store! Lilly and Mallory hid behind a bush and called 911. A man jumped into the store by the window and got cookies. By that time, the police had come. “Who is that?” Lilly asked. There was a guy with 2 eyes peeking out of another bush. They both were taken to jail. Another mystery gets another cookie! Yum!

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FOOD FIGHT! By Juliana B. Meet two best friends: Christie and Annie. Their parents pack them each the same lunch every day: Christie gets a tuna sandwich on white bread, and Annie gets a hummus sandwich on pita bread. They both thought each other’s lunch looked gross. One spoke up. FOOD FIGHT!!!

And so the war begins…

BBBBBBRRRRRIIIIINNNGGG!!!!!! Lunchtime! Mrs. Findle’s class lined up right away. Christie and Annie were first. Christie had her Disney World lunch box in her hand. Annie had her “I Love Snacks” lunchbox in her hand. The class was lined up and ready for lunch. Everyone was SO excited for lunch! For once, it was warm enough to go outside! When they got to lunch Christie and Annie hurried over to each other to find a seat. Christie took out her tuna sandwich. Annie took out her hummus sandwich. Christie opened her bag. Annie opened her bag. Christie stared at Annie. Annie stared at Christie. Christie took her hair out. Annie put her hair up. They fake laughed and went on with their day.

Christie’s face turned red. She always does that when she’s nervous. Annie noticed. “What’s wrong?” Annie asked. “You look nervous.” “Oh, nothing,” Cristie replied. “I know that look,” Annie said. “You’re hiding something.”

Christie couldn’t help herself but to blurt out, “Your lunch looks gross!” Why did I just do that!? Christie thought. That was supposed to be a secret! Why did I just let it out? Christie was getting mad at herself. “Oh yeah?” Annie asked in disbelief. “Well I think your lunch looks gross!” She couldn’t believe that her best friend just said that to her!

Christie thought about how long it took both her parents to make their homemade tuna fish. Christie no longer felt sad; she felt mad! More than mad! She wanted to THROW SOMETHING!!!!! That gave her an idea…

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She pretended she didn’t know what was happening. She pretended she was really disappointed in herself. For a split second she had that evil look in her eye. She looked like she would apologize. But she didn’t. Instead… FOOD FIGHT!!!! That’s what she did! She put up a fuss! She started something that Riders Elementary will never forget! It started the school to use their leftovers as weapons! Annie knew what was happening. And most of all, she knew that in order to fit in she would have to fight, too. So she did.

I’m obviously going to get in trouble, Annie thought. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Annie was getting confused. Except at least Christie is going to be there for me. So she went on with the throwing.

Then Annie noticed that people started calling people names like “Hummus breath” and “Fish face”. So instead of speaking up, she went with the crew. Since

she started the fight with Christie, she had to be team leader. But on a different team than Christie! Annie remembered how hard Christie tried to win. She remembered how competitive she was, too.

Then Christie noticed Annie. She stopped. She watched. She walked over to Christie. “Is everything okay?” Christie asked. “You look upset.” Annie didn’t answer. “Hey, don’t give your best friend the silent treatment! I know fighting isn’t your thing, but, well, I thought learning how to would be fun for you.” Christie reported.

“By the way, I hope you feel better about being my friend again,” she said more serious than usual.

“I didn’t know you were still my friend,” Annie finally replied. “Actually I-” an announcement interrupted their talk. They heard a familiar voice start to speak. “Christie Fischer and Annie Albern please report to my office,” It was their principal! “Oh, oh,” Christie whispered. Just as I suspected. Annie thought. They were getting in trouble!


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Minutes later, they got to the principal’s office. Annie was biting her nail. What am I going to do? she thought. What’s going on my report card? Strait A’s, or food fights and not using my words? Christie was worried, too. She didn’t know what was happening! After all, they say that Christie and Annie go together like peanut butter and jelly! The good ones in the school! “Come in girls,” invited the principal. They slowly walked in. “Welcome to my happy home.”

There was silence for a moment. The principal broke the silence. “A FOOD FIGHT!? ARE YOU SERIOUS!? A FOOD FIGHT!?” She did not have a happy look on her face. Neither did the girls. “Wow, I’m very suprised to see you here, Miss Albern. You too, Fischer. I’m very dissapointed in you two. VERY DISSAPOINTED!!!!!!!!!!” the girls were shocked. They’ve never seen their principal react that way.

“Explain everything to me. EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!” The principal kept screaming and screaming. What happened to our principal? She’s crazy! Christie thought. Maybe she got replaced by a monster that’s a ruleworm! Annie was thinking the same thing. And maybe that monster is planning on destroying the world! They both screamed

when they thought about that. “AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!”

“Is something wrong, girls?” The principal asked. “Mu-mu-MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!” “What? Where?” “IT TALKS!!!!!!!!!!” “What? Where?” “YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” “What? Whe-Ohhhh,”

A few hours later, NOT in the principal’s office, Christie and Annie were slumped down in their chairs.

“What’s wrong?” Mrs. Findle asked. “I heard there was a food fight back in the cafeteria this afternoon. Were you two involved?” She probably already knows, Christie thought. She’s just trying to get us into the conversation. Annie was thinking the same thing. Should we talk, or ignore? She thought talked. Christie shrugged. Come on, Christie, Annie urged in thought. You always come up with ideas! Christie was pleased with Annie’s “thoughts”, but she still had a sad look on her face. I don’t care; Talk away if you want. Christie finally replied. “I-Uh-” Annie hesitated. “You see, uh-” Can’t you see that I need your help here Christie? Are you trying to torture me? Annie thought-speaked. “Fine! We started the fight!” Christie took over. “You caught us! WOOH HOOH!” “And by the way, I was being sarcastic about the wooh hooh stuff.” She added. Annie smiled at Christie. Thank you. Christie smiled back. You’re welcome. That’s what friends do!


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The Golden Feather, 2014 Persuasive Letters/Speeches

The Knicks Are Awesome By Kamran V. The Knicks are awesome, or should I say Knickerbockers are awesome. Did you know that the Knicks’ original name was Knickerbockers? Or that the Knicks were named after a kind of Dutch shorts? In the early 1800’s Dutch settlers arrived in what we now call New York. They decided to call it New Amsterdam. Less than 40 years later that same land was “passed” on to the British who renamed it New York. Those Dutch settlers wore knickerbockers, according to the official website of the New York Knicks “the term knickerbocker refers to a kind of pants settlers wore - pants rolled up to just below the knee”. Over time people started to call anyone who could trace their ancestry back to those original Dutch settlers “knickerbockers.” Father knickerbocker even became the symbol of the city. Years later the BAA was created and they gave N.Y. a team. They put a couple of names in a hat and knickerbockers came out. Later on when the BAA and the NBL combined to make the NBA they shortened the name to the Knicks. The reason I came to like the Knicks is well… there are two teams to root for that are close to where I live – Philadelphia and New York city. The Knicks have Carmelo Anthony and I really like him and I also figure that the 76ers have enough fans around here. And, I have a third and final reason to like the Knicks, it’s because New York has always seemed like it has everything. When I grow up I plan to live there, and when I do I won’t have to switch loyalties. The Knicks have had many exciting plays including the one where small point guard John Starks jumped over three players (one of them Michael Jordan) and then dunked the ball. This is known plainly to New Yorkers as the dunk. The Knicks are one of the few teams that have never moved and I hope they never do. The Knicks are awesome and they will probably always be New York’s favorite team. I know they will always be mine, even if they were named after a type of Dutch shorts!!! Words to know Point Guard: The player that carries the ball down the court. The Dunk: John Starks jumps over three players one of them Michael Jordan.  

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Persuasive Letters/Speeches

Valueless video games!

By Jyotika A. Do you like to play video games? Well then, I totally disagree with you. In my opinion children should not play video games. Let me tell you some reasons. First of all, playing video games hurts your eyes and ruins your eyes if you do it too much and that is what children crave to do. Next, violent video games can install violence in a child which they may repeat. I myself have witnessed this regarding a video game called mine craft. Third, it takes away from a student’s study time. Taking away from a student’s study time can decrease the chance that the child will go to college. After, they will be unable to focus at school. After spending hours of playing, they get hooked and it is all they can think about. Fifth, if they play, they may get nightmares. Such as the videogame “running fred” may produce a nightmare factor. That kind of thing will freak the kid out like a mouse confronted with a starving cat. Lastly, people have also passed away from playing video games [too much] and video games can cause severe headache. I hope you agree with me that children should not play video games. Maybe you can once in a while for 10 minutes or so but not more than that. Thanks for listening or reading! I am glad you could spare 30 seconds for this! Have you changed your mind yet? f you have, you should be a happy angel!

We Need Longer Recess By Aadyanth R. The children of Maurice Hawk must have longer recess because it relieves stress from children. For example somebody who got a bad day can have recess and after recess they may have got their mind off it. Another reason is because they work really hard on tests. For example if a third grader gets a 100% they will feel tired so let them have recess.

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No Smoking Allowed! By Guhan H. I don’t think people should smoke. You might be thinking, ‘What’s wrong with it?’ Well, every second you smoke, you take 5-8 minutes off of your life! That may seem like a little now, but over time that can build up to a person dying years before they’re supposed to. Therefore, think about the consequences of smoking before you try it. Here are a few of the reasons why smoking is bad for you. First of all, smoking can kill. I saw this advertisement that showed a teenage girl who started smoking. She was the ONLY ONE smoking in her school and cancer killed her when she was 53. So if you don’t stop smoking, you’ll die! Imagine how your relatives would feel, knowing you will die early! Second of all, smoking doesn’t taste good. It has drugs, BAD drugs. The drug in a cigarette is called nicotine (nik-uh-teen); it makes you addicted to the cigarette and harder for you to stop smoking, even if your body hates it! There is also tar in cigarettes. Tar builds up in your lungs and blocks important airways, which can lead to lung cancer. Now you know that cigarettes can have lots of effects on your body. Smoking is bad for a lot of reasons. Most importantly, your lungs are badly affected. A healthy person’s lungs are pink and squishy while a smoker’s lungs are filthy, black, and rock hard. Smoking is bad for your body, and if you think it looks cool, it doesn’t! Stop smoking now, or better yet, don’t start!

Vacation to Greece

By Aryaman T. 5/21/2014 Dear Mom, A summer vacation is always what I look forward to. I want to go to Greece for this summer vacation. Some reasons I want to go to Greece are – • I want to visit the temples of Zeus and the Parthenon which are two world famous temples. The temple of Zeus is in honor of Zeus, the king of gods and the Parthenon one is in honor of Athena, the daughter of Zeus and the goddess of arts. • I also want to visit Greece to hike up to Mt. Olympus. It is said that there is a man in chains at the top of the mountain! Who knows? May be I might actually find the man in chains! It surely would be an adventure to be there. Love, Adi

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Computer Lab for Third Graders By Shekhar S. I was surprised when I first found that there is no computer class for the Third graders! I had not expected this. In my mind, I know computers are very important. In poor countries like Africa and Asia children have computer classes. Computers are used for searching, typing, online course work, programming, and of course playing games. There should be a computer class in the Maurice Hawk school third graders too. We want to learn how to do new things. We may have online homework in the coming years for which we should be prepared. In the computer lab we could learn how to program, make video games and learn how to shop. We can also research for new topics and learn to make new things. Many books are available in the electronic form. My parents tell me that they had to do their homework and tests on the computer. This shows us that computers are very important. This is why I want a computer lab in Maurice hawk school for all grades. We need to learn to do the right things on the computer. For example, some people hack other people’s websites. Also, people might download inappropriate websites which people might use to search. Computer classes will prepare to do new things on our own. I cannot stop telling you why computer classes are important for us before we go to Village School. I hope the coming students to third grade will not miss out on computer classes.  

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Optimum Prices

By Akhil Y. Should prices be high? Some parents think if prices are high your kid has to do the hard work when he/she is a kid, and hard work is good. Others say lower prices mean saving money. After considering both sides of the issue, I strongly believe that prices should be optimum. Some parents think hard work is good for your future. Without hard work, they say, you can’t get a good job in the future. If you don’t do the hard work now, you will have to do the hard work later and not enjoy your life. Work is good but children want to see more. Work is good but it can tire you. I also disagree that you have to do hard work in order to enjoy your life. If there are lower prices now, hard work won’t be necessary. If prices are lower you can use less money to buy more things. That’s good because you can save money and enjoy your life, but the economy will also go down because of less value. I think prices should be optimum so that the economy won’t suffer. Then you can do the fun things with your family for less. You might wonder if prices are like hourly on something like that. It’s going to be high right? No! All together the price will be optimum. For all these reasons we should have optimum prices. If parents have a say about hard work, they should ask their children to do hard work and also enjoy their life. That way can have hard work and buy more things. It’s a win-win.

Don’t Take Drugs By Eiji T. and Anton T. Drugs are bad for your body. It contains bad stuff. Just like tobacco it is a drug, it’s like a gum but a little different. When you see someone taking drugs, walk away. Drugs can spread out everywhere, just like some can spread. If there is anyone who is smoking, chewing, or taking drugs go tell a trusted adult or teacher. In other countries people are trying to stop drugs because people start taking drugs for a long time. Eventually the person who is taking those drugs will die in young age. The way it happens is all the smoke clogs up your windpipe and makes your lungs rot and turn them black. Why your lungs turn black is that all the smoke takes off little brushers that keep cells or other organs away from the lungs, but smoke takes away those brushes that protect your lungs. My advice, if you’re planning to live to stay healthy longer don’t take drugs. Instead, eat healthy food and exercise.

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Persuasive Letters/Speeches

“Future for Frogs” By Kiko Y. Can you imagine a world with not a single wild animal to watch at the zoo? Unfortunately, it can happen with the amphibians disappearing. If you aren’t sure if this is true, try to have a heart as large as a football stadium to animals by reading or listening to these reasons. To begin with, the most hurtful threat – as hurtful as piercing a jillion needles through your skin- is the destruction of native habitats. That is what researcher Christopher Raxworthy reports about the amphibians. When we borrow land from nature to build a house, grow food, expand a town and many other things, did you notice we also destroy the habitats animals used when they were living there!! Sadly, that is what happened to the amphibians’ homes- forests and other wetlands. The shelters are moved or even lost because of the condition of climate change there. The temperature and also the moisture conditions change very often. The researcher is also worried because he knows that they are very bad at moving to other, safer places, like a comfortable cave for a sleepy, tiresome bear. Pursuing this further, the amphibians can be harmed by pollution, like a ton of other animals. We are making the problem, again with the farming, in other words agriculture, by factories and industry. We’ll have to move those factories and farms far away from the home, and care as much as a mother cat embraces its kittens. Otherwise the frogs will turn into a wet hen! Some researchers realized that they are defenseless since they have more porous than animals, or more skin with holes smaller than an inch worm that absorb the chemicals. Explaining it further, many of them live in or near polluted bodies of water. Yet another reason why, is that several species of amphibians, such as African goliath frogs and Chinese and Japanese salamanders are hunted as food (we’re doing it again!). They could amazingly be five feet in length and weigh 100 pounds! Smaller amphibian species are eaten by humans in other countries. They are also an ingredient in a traditional medicine, and are sold internationally as exotic (from foreign country) pets. Can’t we be veterinarians (vets) and help them? If we do not, we will be in gargantuan trouble as bad as a robber. That is because there is a food chain. One animal eats another, that animal eats another and so on until the smallest eat tiny????

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Well, they do not only one kind of animal, but they eat other ones too. So that means that in an amphibian’s food chain, there will be a jillion animals that eat it. Plus, there are (must be) amphibians in other food chains. The animals will eat them all up, but that’s not the end of it. Suddenly they will have a different diet and eat all the animals that fit in their mouth, eat their friends and family if there’s no food at all of can’t find), and might even eat other animals in another food chain!! After that, there will be no animals, or maybe just a few left. That means either that meat will cost more or that there will be no more meat. One last reason why the most mysterious threat to amphibians is the deadly fungus that spreads through as many countries. However, it was identified by scientists 15 years ago. So it must have spread the disease to many anxious amphibians already! It makes a disease that looks like it kills the animals by attacking their very sensitive skin, especially for frogs because they are porous. Previously more than 80% of them died from the disease. In 2004 Don Church, a scientist who studies amphibians and reptiles explained to T.F. K. (Time For Kids, a magazine) It’s a humongous puzzle with a lot more research we might be able to develop some ways of controlling the disease in nature. Did it become as clear as water in glass that you should help the animals instead of having a fog like notion about it? If you REALLY want to help them, I recommend you to go online (ask your parents first) and type, ways to help amphibians. Then you can be a helpful hero!

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Smoking should be Illegal! By Riya K.

My fellow Americans, smoking should be illegal in America and everywhere in the world! People who do smoke, quit now! Smoking should be illegal because it’s bad for you. The nicotine inside tricks your brain into thinking the cigarette is good for you. The tar in smoke sticks to your Cilia, which normally cleans your lungs, but your lungs clogged, making it hard to breath. And every cigarette you smoke 5 – 8 minutes is taken from your life, it’s horrible!

If you’re near a smoker you can still be affected. This is called second - hand smoking you can also get asthma. I was born with asthma, and believe me you do not want asthma. When a smoker second-hand smoke affect Children and Adults, it’s like assault. An assault is when you attack somebody. That’s what you’re doing, you’re attacking someone! As you can clearly see 2nd hand smoking is not good. If you smoke it will affect your children, so if you love your children join me and make smoking illegal, now! If you smoke the nicotine makes you think it’s good for you, obviously not! And a cigarette can take 5-8 minutes of your life, meaning a shorter life, a pathetic amount of time with your kids. Think about your children, think about your life and make smoking illegal! No one wants a shorter lifespan. There can be No compromising, we have to make smoking illegal now! For all these reasons make smoking illegal! We can create a safer world, it all comes down to you and you have the power to make smoking illegal. The root of the matter comes down to you. My beliefs can become reality. You face a choice, make smoking illegal, it comes down to you and fight for the future.

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Folktales and Pourquoi Tales

How Peacock got its feathers

By Nivedhithaa M. Long ago, when the world was young, Peacocks didn’t have feathers like they do nowadays! During those times, there was once a Peacock named Pea. She had two lovely children, Peahen and Peacock. Peahen was white, calm and gentle while Peacock was noisy, troublesome and rude. One day, it was raining very heavily. Pea asked her son not to go out and play, but he snuck out and played until he was drenched. When he came home, he was sick. He had strong fever and pneumonia. The best cure for sickness is a special herb from the Himalayas. Since Pea could not risk being away so long, she decided to go to the land of the Gods and ask them to cure Peacock. Pea set out with food and clothing. She climbed hills and rocks and finally came to the magic boulder. The boulder was the entrance to the land of the Gods. Pea made a fire and offered some of her food to God. The boulder magically opened. There, next to the gate of the God’s Palace stood God himself. Pea bowed and said “God, Please give my son his health. He is gravely ill. He is very dear to me and I cannot bear to see him suffer. ” She cried and fell at his feet. “I am very pleased with your offering, Pea. Your son will return to good health in no time. As he is very mischievous, I will also give him long feathers with hundred eyes. Every time, it rains he will spread his feather and that will always remind him that there are hundred eyes watching him and he should stay away from mischief.”, Said God. Pea thanked God for his kindness. She happily returned home and was glad to see Peacock up and moving with his new feathers. From that day onwards, all Peacocks had long feathers with hundred eyes and they spread it when it rains!

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Why do cats chase rats?

By: Aileen T. Long ago, in the time before people, an American Cat and a Spanish Rat were BEST friends. They ate together; they ran together, they even read together every single day! Yes sir-ry, they are BEST BEST of all friends! One day, on Cat’s birthday, Rat went to buy a birthday cake. Squeak, squeak, squeak, squealed Rat as he ran to the bakery. “Give me a big fish cake!” squealed Rat loudly. “Okay, here you go,” said Chef Pig while tasting his soups. Rat grabbed the cake and ran down to Cat’s house. Doop-dee- doop, stomped Rat as he ran to Cat’s house. When Rat came in Cat’s house he said, “Hola buddy, happy birthday!” “I brought your favorite cake!” “Thanks buddy, FISH CAKE !!!” shouted cat happily. “Hey, do you want to dance?” asked Cat. Rat thought about it and said “ Ok , let’s hit it!” Music boomed which scared Rat a lot. Later he got used to it. Tap, tap, tap-ti-tat, danced Rat. Then Rat got really tired and hungry. While Cat was still dancing, Rat thought, “Maybe just a little bit of cake.” But Rat ate all of the cake and fell asleep. When Cat found out he was furious. He chased Rat all over the place. Luckily, Rat found a place to hide. He had tried to explain but Cat would not listen. Cat will never forget what Rat had done. Till this day Cat still chased Rat.

The Hunter and the Farmer

By Ethan S. Long ago there was a hunter and a farmer. This is the story of how they came in contact. Once a long time ago there was a farmer who had animals on his farm. Once there was a hunter who killed all the animals from a forest. So the hunter stole a cow. The next morning the farmer noticed the hunter had come. The farmer called the police. They were there with no time to spare. They stayed for a night. The Hunter came back, saw the police, and ran into the forest. The police knew the hunter would come back so they moved all the animals to a cave. The hunter heard the animals and tried to break into the cave so the police moved the animals to another cave. The hunter heard them again, so the police moved to a hidden cave. The hunter heard them, but couldn't find them. Now the hunter knows to not hunt all the animals of the forests and not to steal animals from people.

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Folktales and Pourquoi Tales

How the Sun Began

By Ethan S. Long ago in Israel the mighty G-d had a fireplace and he called his fireplace the sun. Every night he blows out the fire and every morning G-d lights the fire, and he always lights it from the east and blows it out at the west. But one day G-d got a gift from the people that said Dear G-d, We love your sun, but it is getting old so we sent you a new sun we like call the Eternal Light [ it is made out of stones that glow, fire, sparks and wood from the old sun and plastic] it orbits Earth so you don’t have to blow out and relight a fireplace. We hope you like our gift. from, The people of Israel G-d loved the gift. He used it all the time. And this is how the sun began.

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Folktales and Pourquoi Tales

The Smart Phone Adventure

By Isaiah Auste Once there was an old smart phone living on the streets. All it did was collect dust. It had no owner. It used to, but the story is not about the owner. It is about the smart phone, but it wasn't a regular smart phone. It had a story behind the case. It was the summer 2019. The factory had an awful stench which smelled like nothing you've ever smelled before. The assembly was tough, since the CEO of TSPA (The Smart Phone Association) believed that everything should be done by hand, not robots or machines, or mechanical things like that. He LOVED the idea of smart phones. He kept on saying everyday,“We're going to beat Apple. I can feel it in my gut--” Then he would scream at his employees to work faster or something like that. Until this day, they changed technology forever. Although he hated robots, he was going to make one intelligent machine. He set up a meeting and sent letters and emails, until everyone thought it was a great idea. They worked long and hard. Soon, summer turned into fall. Before they knew it, they finally invented it. It looked up with a puzzled face. It looked at the bearded guy and the guy with a very, very long mustache. He asked the mustache man, “Are you crazy? How long did it take to grow your mustache? Do you speak Spanish cause I can!” It was the new smart phone. They each had personalities according to its owner. It worked as a companion or a pet, but they don't like being “pets” as much as phones. It jumped off the table and started heading for the door. “WAIT!” They both said, but the phone kept on walking. The little legs and arms were cords, and the face of him was pixelated. The phone quickly climbed up a woman's leg and climbed into her pocket. The lady started walking to the bus as it just arrived. The two men ran out the door, but all hope was lost for them. They couldn't see him anymore. He laughed, “Now... I need to think of a name for myself... I think I should be... Mac? No... Bob?!? I should be Bob!” He quickly climbed out of the woman's pocket and sneaked out of the bus. He scampered and dodged the feet of the people on the side walk. He walked down the New York City Subway and quickly snuck into the train. Bob hid in the corner of the train, until the last stop. Then, he got off at Times Square and felt cold. Suddenly, he was woozy and fell face flat onto the cold, hard surface. When he woke up, everything was dim. It looked like he was back in the factory, but he wasn't. He looked all around and saw a picture with a family in it, lying on top of the fireplace. He realized that he was in a house. All of a sudden, he felt something lying on top of his head. It was a charger! He quickly yanked it off of him and found little Apple slices on a plate. He hauled it to the edge of the table and jumped off to the chair, making sure nobody saw him leap. He quickly ran out of a small hole that was in the wall. He kept the charger and apple slices with him.

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Suddenly, he heard a noise. “Squeak, squeak.” He quickly looked around and saw two big rats blocking the way out. They licked their lips as they saw him and the apple slices. Bob quickly ran out of the hole, dropping his only source of food. He tripped and he broke his screen. The rats thought Bob was food. These were really big rats as the owner of the house hated cleaning up. As Bob ran, everything his vision became cracked and unclear. Everything was getting darker by the minute until he ran out of power. Bob wasn't fully recharged. The rats quickly ran over to Bob. One of the rats squeaked “Lets eat him!” noisily licking his lips. “No! Lets bring him in first. He doesn’t look like food.” The other one replied. “Fine.” They quickly dragged him over to the hole. When Bob woke up, he looked at the rats. “AHHHHH! Are you going to eat me?” He yelled. “Nope.” One of the rats replied. The other said “Yep.” He quickly looked up at the extension cord connected to him and the outlet 5 feet away. He felt fully charged and ready to run. He felt great. He jumped to his feet and dashed out of the hole. Outside, he had to be quick because the sun could damage him. He jumped onto a parked car and he slept there to get extra energy. The car could bring him places, he believed, and it could be his personal vehicle unless he meets another adventure-seeking smart phone like him. He would be Bob, The Master Of All Smart Phones With Freedom. He would be a...Yawn... great leader...If he was chosen to be one. But right now, he had one thing on his little microchip mind. Sleep.  

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The Golden Feather

Retold by: Caitrin G. It all began with three brothers. Two were greedy and wanted everything in sight. They also enjoyed bullying their youngest brother. So it was no surprise when “Simpleton” came to be the nickname of the youngest brother. Unlike the terrible examples of the bad bullying brothers “Simpleton,” whose real name was Clements, was a philanthropist and tried to be kind to everyone. One day the mother of the brothers demanded they go to the forest to chop down wood for the fire. Not having a choice they reluctantly trudged into the forest. The two eldest stalked ahead leaving Clements behind. During their walk the brothers came upon an old man. “Have you any bite to spare, a crumb?” the man pleaded. ”Why should we who are richer than you give a beggar something to eat? Find food yourself! Do you think that I come here and have things waiting for me? No! I have to come here and chop down trees.” the oldest brother scoffed. Smiling at the shocked face of the beggar the two brothers flounced away like divas that had just ordered their parents to clean their room. A few minutes later Clements too came along and found the old man. “Why he looks quite like the two other brothers,” thought the old man so he dared not ask for food. Clements approached the old man who was looking hungrily at the knapsack in his hands. “You must be starving for you look so tired and weak!” Clements exclaimed. He rummaged through his knapsack and found two biscuits and a bottle of water. He shared one biscuit with the beggar and poured some water into the man’s mouth. “You shall be rewarded for your kindness,” the beggar declared no longer hungry. In a mysterious voice he foretold Clements, “You will come upon a tree that only you can see. Then you will cut it down. Inside there will be a golden goose which you should use wisely.” When the strange man spoke no more Clements thanked him and hurried along on his task. Like every other person who had heard terrific news he jumped for joy. Why? Because in the village where Clements lived everyone had very little money. If this were true the golden goose would be worth a fortune. Clements was super eager to find that great golden goose! Clements chopped down big trees, small trees, weird trees, etc. He always thought each one was the tree with the golden goose. Instead they all turned out to be more wood for the fire. Finally, Clements came to a tree that was great looking tree. By great looking it meant technically perfect. “It’s so pretty,” thought Clements. “I wish I didn’t have to destroy it”. He knew that the fortune meant more to him than the tree with lime green leaves and an acorn colored stump. It meant that his village would never be poor again.

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With a sigh Clements cut down that tender tree. It parted and Clements heard a honk. Startled, Clements peeked inside. Sure enough there was a gorgeous golden goose. It looked like a normal goose except for the fact that it was covered with golden feathers. Clements gently plucked a glittery, shiny yellow feather off the goose’s tail. It flinched but allowed Clements to do so. Clements carefully picked the goose up and carried the goose home. My ending: In the end, Clements and his family were as rich as a bunny with millions and millions of carrots. And as for the two older brothers they learned that kindness is always rewarded but from meanness comes a punishment. Their punishment was that they had to go in the forest and chop down wood from day until night. All while Clements was able to have all the fun he wanted joining in all the village activities. The End

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Retold by Aadyanth R. In this story the woodman was cutting down a tree for a long time and the axe was very loose soon it slipped out of his hands and fell into the pool, the woodman cried and weeped and then Mercury appeared and he asked the woodman whats wrong and he answered he lost his axe into the pool, then Mercury dived into the pool and held up a golden axe, the woodman said " it is not mine" so mercury dived again and held up a silver axe , the woodman was still not happy and again he answered " that's not mine" so when mercury dived for the third time and when he came up again he found the very own axe that the woodman had lost. The poor woodman was very glad that his axe had been found and couldnt thank the god . Mercury was greatly pleased with the woodman's honesty."I admire your honesty" and as a reward you may have all three axes, the gold and the silver as well as your own. The happy woodman returned to his home with his treasures and soon everybody in the village knew the story of his good fortune. As they heard the story of the honest woodman , there were now several woodmen in the village who believe that they could easily win the same good fortune. They hurried out into the wood and hid their axes into the bushes .They pretended that they had lost their axes then, they wept and wailed and called on mercury to help them. "oh Mercury!"they cried "I have lost my axe in the woods and it's no where to be found! please help me . im just the poor old woodman!"Mercury appeared and held up a golden axe and the several woodmen claimed it was theirs but mercury did not give them the golden axe. He realized that they were lying and he gave each of them a hard whack on the head and he sent them home with nothing.and when they returned next day to look for their own axes they were nowhere to be found. "Honesty is the best policy"

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By Emily L. There once was a girl named Allie. Allie loved markers. Allie had short blond hair that went to her shoulders. She was the tallest person in her class. She was ten years old. It was a hot summer day. Allie was pedaling her bike on the sidewalk. She stopped at a small store. The store looked old and rusty. The door was ripped clean off by a very strong man. Allie stepped into the store. She heard the “drip, drip, drip” of water. A single light hovered above Allie, it looked as if it were going to fall off. The store was called “Old Man’s Shop.” “Hello,” Allie yelled. No answer. “Strange,” thought Allie as she trotted to a small little shelf. Suddenly she felt a cold hand on her shoulder. Allie jumped high into the air. “Hi,” came a friendly man’s voice. “Gosh you scared me; I thought you were a ghost,” Allie said relieved. The man laughed. “Anyway, are you looking for something?” asked the man. “Do you have any markers that I can borrow?” questioned Allie. “Yes, follow me,” replied the man. Very soon Allie was looking through a box of markers. She picked out a pink marker. The man was standing beside her. Allie handed the pink marker to him. The man stared at it as if it were to special to give away. Finally he said “10 dollars.” Allie was so surprised. She was only borrowing the marker. Something told Allie that she should find out herself. So she did not ask. A minute later, Allie peddled as fast as she could. She stopped at a big house. It looked smaller than a mansion, but bigger than a house. It was the plain boring color white. Allie’s mother was still at work. Allie walked in the house and sniffed the delicious smell of scrambled eggs. Allie pulled the marker out of her pocket and yanked the cap off. It looked normal. She grabbed a piece of paper and wrote with the marker “Mom arrived home with a bag full of chocolate.” Suddenly Allie heard a Ding Dong at the door. Allie opened the door and there stood Mom with a bag full of chocolate. Allie noticed that what she wrote came true. She didn’t know if it was just a coincidence or not. She decided to try again. She marched to the table and picked up the marker and wrote “Mom told Dad to call a person who could paint the house a light yellow.” Allie stopped and listened. “Jon, you should call a person who can paint the house light yellow. Got that?” Jon was Allie’s Dad. He was tall, like Allie. He had blond hair, like Allie. Mom was short and had brown hair that went to her shoulders, like Allie.

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Allie was so excited when she heard this news. What she wrote came true. Allie remembered she was only borrowing the marker. She decided to write one sentence before returning the marker. “Allie grew up to be very pretty. She was very rich and bought a mansion. She had a happy life.” By the end of the day, she had already given the marker to the nice, generous man that gave it to her. Twenty years later, Allie grew up to be a very pretty lady. She wrote books. Her books were so fun to read that she soon had become rich. She used her money to buy a beautiful mansion. There was a big garden behind her mansion. She planted tomatoes, cabbages, carrots, and other vegetables. Allie lived with her husband and three children. Her children were Tom, Mary and George. They were good kids, always working hard. Allie lived a happy life all thanks to the magic marker. THE END

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Folktales and Pourquoi Tales

Sarafina’s Adventure By Riya K. Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. Her name was Sarafina. One day Sarafina went to the berry patch. She picked and picked berries until she got to the very end of the patch. At the end, there was a forest. Sarafina went into the forest. “I should go explore in there.” Sarafina thought. Sarafina dropped her berry basket and ran into the forest. Crackle and crunch went the leaves. They were crisp and dry as Sarafina’s burnt toast. Then on the bridge, she saw a very small cottage. She ran toward it and hid. She began to shake like an overstuffed washing machine. The wind got colder and colder. Just then, a boy and a girl came out. They were going to the berry patch. Sarafina thought she’ll rush inside into the cottage. After, they spotted Sarafina. “What’s your name?” the girl asked. “My name is Sarafina,” she answered. “That is a pretty name,” the girl said. Soon after they became friends. (The next day) “Where is the princess?” The King asked. “I haven’t seen her for a month!” The King stood still for a moment. “She was in the berry patch picking berries for our pie and then she disappeared” the King was worried she may be hurt. “Guards! Go find Sarafina!” he ordered. All the guards lined up like ants in an ant farm. They ran out of the door in a second. The King sat down slowly and leaned in his royal chair. “Where are you Sarafina?” he asked himself. Meanwhile all the guards were searching in the berry patch. “Hey! Maybe Sarafina decided to go into the woods.” The guards stumbled through piles of leaves and still did not find Sarafina. But they were going towards a witch’s house. The witch was an evil witch. Every morning, afternoon and night, she would look in her pot and see what Sarafina was doing. Sarafina did not know the witch was looking for her. All of the sudden a guard noticed that they were headed toward the witch’s house. Then he remembered when he was a little boy he was going this way and he saw the witch coming out of the same house! “Hey!” he screeched loudly. “We’re going the right way!” “No!” another guard replied. The guard had streaming smoke in his ears and left as quick as a cheetah. All of the sudden they heard a twig crack. Their eyes opened wide and stepped back. It was............... SARAFINA!!!

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Why chipmunks have stripes

By Karen W. Once upon a time, there was a small squirrel. She decided to go on a stroll through the woods. “Be careful,” warned her grandmother, but she did not listen. It went in one ear and out the other. Carelessly she poked her tiny head out of the hole and climbed out. The trees were brown, gold, and red. The hot golden summer sun’s rays glowed on her brown fur. “This is a splendiferous autumn evening.” The little squirrel thought with deep pleasure, as she walked into the enchanting woods that laid before her. She was almost halfway through when suddenly there was a loud “ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Foxes, birds, and other creatures scurried away past her and into the distance. Nearly trampled, she wondered, “What lay in this dark damp forest that even scared away foxes and birds?” The small squirrel never had come this deep in the forest. However, the more she decided to go home, the more anxious she was to go investigate. Cautiously she slowly walked in. First, when she entered there was nothing but a cool area surrounded by trees. It looked like a rainforest! Then, she walked into a tall furry tree, or she thought so. “Who dare run into me!!? A fierce looking, hairy-faced monster (also known as a bear) growled angrily. He peered down at a tiny dot while the small squirrel looked up at the 8-foot tall grizzly bear. She was astonished and her mouth dropped open. “Now I will eat you, you little creature. What are you?” grumped the beast. The little squirrel’s rather brown face was as white as snow. “III am… rrrealy… ssory...Mmmr... bbear.” the squirrel stammered. Suddenly an idea popped into her tiny brain. “Can I have a chance to say my will?” she asked pretending not to smile the tiniest bit. “Fine and that’s all I’m giving you little scab!” The squirrel began: “I will give my...” and she dashed home as fast as a cheetah. “ WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING” he shrieked. The giant marched after it and made the ground an earthquake. Soon he caught up when the squirrel was almost home. When she jumped in the entrance, the monster could only scratch a fine coat of her fur and look in the hole all day to next morning. When he gave up the animals had a huge feast. The little squirrel was the guest of honor. The stripes on her back always stayed there all her life time. When others asked her about the stripes, she always told them the story of the beast. Whenever we see a small squirrel with stripes on its back, we call it a chipmunk. THE END

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Folktales and Pourquoi Tales

THE HAWAIIAN CINDERELLA The variation of the classic Cinderella By Samirah H. Once upon a time far away from here, in a hot, beautiful island, Hawaii, there was a girl named Cinderella. She was beautiful, when she walked, no one could stand not looking at her and she was the beautiful age of sixteen. After a few years of wonderful life, her father got remarried to a very rich lady { she wasn’t the prettiest, nor her daughters }. Her daughter`s names were Avery and Angelina. Two years later her father died, and her stepmom took over. Cinderella so wished her father didn’t die because the stepmom was the worst. Cinderella had to dress in rags and her room was up on the roof. She never stopped working and had to clean the dogs disgusting cage. Every night she only got half an hour of sleep. A few months of the witches torture, (that’s what Cinderella called the stepmom and stepsisters.) she got a letter in the mail. She read, she thought, she screamed, and ran into the house. She told Avery and Angelina about the prince hosting a surf jam. Cinderella begged to go. Avery and Angelina, being terrible at talking said “no! You would get kicked out” said Avery and Angelina in unison “ yes but you have many dresses to make. FOR US!!! “the stepmom cackled. when she was done making the dresses, the stepfamily left off leaving her behind, and for the first time she cried. All of a sudden, a soothing voice came out of nowhere.“ oh my, why are you sad, tears and a beautiful face do not go together at all.” Cinderella looked up it was her best friend, Juliet (she was a wizard) “I can`t go to the surf jam and that’s all that I wanted .” Cinderella sobbed.“oh, well I think your problem is just about to be solved! Get me a piece of wood, four rats and…. Five springs ASAP!” Cinderella moved her feet like a cheetah. Juliet turned the wood into a surf board, put the springs on the bottom made seats and made handsome surf man.

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Just then, she turned her disgusting, filthy rags into a beautiful red sparkling tank top, her fluffy pants into a beautiful grass skirt, and her clogs into pink, bright sandals. “off you go! But remember when you are surfing, make sure not to go too far north. That is the magical part of the ocean. If you go there, everything will turn back the way it was before.” “okay ” Cinderella responded. When Cinderella arrived at the surf jam, she surfed and surfed with the prince. Avery and Angelina were very jealous. They thought the girl was hogging up “their” beauty. Cinderella paid no attention of where she was going. After a while, she realized she went far north with the prince “got to go!” she yelled and surfed back. She ran out leaving one sandal behind. “wait come baack!! I didn’t get your name!” he told everyone in the kingdom, whoever fits in the sandal, will marry me.” The whole kingdom was filled with glee. Especially Avery and Angelina who finally were getting a second chance with the prince. The next morning, the prince went around asking about the sandal and trying it out. Finally the prince got to the step family`s house. KNOCK KNOCK! “finally!” Avery and Angelina rushed to the door pushing eachother. But before they opened the door they got into an argument about who was going to open the door. That was a very stupid argument. While they were fighting. Cinderella came to the door and opened it. The prince came inside. Avery and Angelina, stil fighting, the prince tried the shoe on Cinderella. It fit! At that moment, it felt like some kind of vibe went through the house. Everyone stopped what they were doing. They gasped. They couldn’t believe what just happened. With a simple slip, it fit. “ OH… MY… GOSH.” This was the moment of silence. “ wou- would you li -like to marry me?” the prince asked with surprise.“ why would I ever say no!?” Cinderella exclaimed. And from that day on, any story like this was called “ the stepfamily, and the queen Cinderella”  

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Why is the Sky Blue? By: Hiral S. The sun was happy as he sat on his chair in the castle high in the sky. The moon sent a letter to the sun. “Dear Sun, Why do you get more hours than me? Maybe I should be the planet who is the queen more. Thanks, Moon” Sun read aloud. “Yeah, thanks! We take turns being king and queen.” The sun thought, “so why not switch places!” The sun sent a letter back to the moon. It said: “Dear Moon, Can we make a deal? I will do your job and you will do my job. You get the more time to be queen, but to seal the deal you have to let me have all my stuff and your stuff in my new palace. Signed, Sun” “Nice letter...hmmm....well I could seal the deal. At least I will get to be queen more and he will get to be king less. That’s all I care,” said the moon reading the letter. “Switching jobs is a great idea! To make my ratings go up.” Then she wrote back to sun, saying she sealed the deal. “Dear Sun, I will see about the deal.... OK. You said I would get something out of this. Check! You said that I would get something that would make me grand. Check! You said that I would get something that makes me, not you famous. Check! Check, Check, Check! So, I am in. I’ll see you are my house. Bye, Moon” Sun was terrified with how she was talking in a way that was very mean. But, he was ready. He packed his stuff and got to her house. “Hi,” said Moon, “Ready to make me famous?” “Sure!” Sun said, “Now where is my new stuff?” “New stuff?” said Moon, “What new stuff?” “Your stuff to me and my stuff to you, and your castle with my castle seals the deal!” said Sun. “Oh!” said Moon, “Yeah...stinking sun.” Sun got so mad he flew high in the air and rain poured and a rainbow appeared. The blue from the rainbow shot through the sky. Moon fell from the sky and fell on stars. That’s how he got all those bumps on him. And that is why the sky is blue.

The Golden Feather, 2014 Folktales and Pourquoi Tales

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Featured Writers

Writer Page #

Aadyanth R. 8, 33, 47

Aileen T. 41

Akhil Y. 36

Ana F. 26-28

Anton T. 36

Apsara S. 7-8

Aria M. 21

Aryaman T. 34

Caitrin G. 45-46

Charlie W. 12-13

Deeptha J . 17

Eij i T. 36

Emily L. 48-49

Emma K. 18-19

Ethan S. 41-42

Faiz R. 16

Giaa S. 15

Guhan H. 34

Hiral S. 24-28, 54

Isaiah A. 43-44

Juliana B. 29-31

Writer Page #

Jyotika A. 9, 33

Kamran V. 32

Karen W. 51

Kiko Y 37-38

Kshirin D. 15

Nikhil C. 14

Nivedhithaa M. 20, 40

Raksha R. 11 Riya K. 16-17, 39 , 50 Sabrina W. 10-11 Samirah H. 52-53 Shekhar S. 22, 35 Sneha D. 19 Thara E. 23

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The Golden Feather, 2014 Many Thanks!

Thank you to all of the talented third grade writers and artists who submitted their work to this year’s issue of

The Golden Feather.

Thank you to all the teachers of Maurice Hawk School. Your constant guidance and support inspires your

students each and every day.

Thank you, parents, for encouraging your children to share their writing with others. I appreciate you helping

your child send their work to me electronically.

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