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Page 1: Golden Rules of Interface Design

Golden  Rules  Of  Interface  Design  

Page 2: Golden Rules of Interface Design

Place  the  user  in  control  

Page 3: Golden Rules of Interface Design

No  Unnecessary  Actions  

There’s  no  redundant  OK  button  

Page 4: Golden Rules of Interface Design

Streamlining  and  customization  

Canned  Responses  

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Flexible  Interaction  

Speech  Input.  Google.com  in  Chrome  

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Flexible  Interaction  

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Hide  Technical  Details  

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Reduce  the  user’s  memory  load  

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Reduce  short  term  memory  load  

Angry  Birds  –  Zoom  

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Reduce  short  term  memory  load  

Angry  Birds  -­‐  Reload  

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Meaningful  Defaults  

Default:  Classic  Inbox  

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Intuitive  Shortcuts  

Natural:  Ctrl+S  Plain  ridiculous:  F9  

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Real  World  Metaphor  

GarageBand  on  iOS  

Pic:  Apple.com    

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Make  the  interface  consistent  

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Consistent  Interface  

Quick  and  easy  access  across  all  Google  services  

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iOS  5.0.1  (tap  camera)    

Changing  Past  User  Expectations  

iOS  5.1  (swipe  up  camera)  

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