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Page 1: GOLDEN WORDS by ShahnAleemJara


1. Life is a revolving wheel. Help those who are in the lower half because in the next turn,

you will need their help.

2. Defeat is not when you fall down; it is when you refuse to get up. So keep getting up

every time you fall, that is the attitude of life (Dr. Enigma).

3. Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is only day-dreaming,

but vision with action can change the world (Nelson Mandela).

4. A relationship should have determination and purification like mirror which never

loses its ability to reflect even if it is broken into thousands pieces.

5. A beautiful girl cannot give you a beautiful future but a beautiful future can give you

many beautiful girls (Adolf Hitler).

6. Friendship never speaks volumes, it never demands proof, and it never has a happy

ending too. Simply because it never ends when friends are true.

7. If you follow the way guided by humans, you will find a hopeless end but if you will

follow the way guided by Allah, you will find the endless hope.

8. Time will lead me somewhere away from you and fate might wipe me from your

memory but I will always be thankful to Allah that once in life’s journey, we laughed


9. Life is a one way road where you can see back but you cannot go back. So do not miss

anything, enjoy every second of life.

10. A mother makes her son gentle in twenty years but a girl makes him mental in twenty


11. Always try to prove that you are right but never attempt to prove that others are


12. Once a man asked a fallen rose, do not you get hurt when you are plucked? The rose

replied, No! I forget my pain by thinking that I am the reason for someone’s smile.

13. When you believe in someone deeply, misunderstandings arise, but do not feel for it.

Because some misunderstandings are needed for good understandings.

14. We spend our days waiting for the ideal path to appear in front of us. But what we

forget is that paths are made by walking not by waiting.

15. I said to money, you are just a piece of paper. Money smiled and said “of course I am

a piece of paper but I have not seen a dustbin yet in my life” (Adam Smith).

16. Make your anger so expensive, so that no one can afford it and make your happiness

so cheap, that all people get it free from you.

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17. The hardest moments are not those when tears flow from your eyes. It is when you

have to hide the tears in your eyes.

18. If you want peace, do not complain about others. Change yourself, it is easier to

protect your feet with slippers than to carpet the whole earth.

19. To be a good professional, always start to study late for exams, because it teaches

how to manage time and tackle emergencies.

20. Criminals do not die by the hands of the law. They die by the hands of other men

(Bernard Shaw).

21. Love is a medicine for any kind of pain but be sure that there is no medicine in the

world for the pain given by love.

22. It is always good to compromise only when the other person understands your

feelings. But it is not good to bend so much that you loose your existence.

23. Fallen flowers cannot climb back. So do not think about past. Love the present and

live for the future with a beautiful smile.

24. A single harsh word spoken at the time of anger is so poisonous that it makes us to

forget the hundred loveable conservations within a few seconds.

25. They love you but they are not your lovers. They care for you but they are not from

your family. They are ready to share your pain but they are not in your blood relation.

They are friends. A true friend scolds like a dad, care like a mom, teases like a sister,

irritates like a brother and finally loves you more than a lover.

26. Life is nothing when we get everything but life is everything when we miss

something in life. Value of people is realized in their absence only.

27. Memories play a confusing role. They make you laugh when you remember the time

you cried together! But make you cry when you remember the time you laughed together.

28. In the corridor of a government office was a signboard reading, “Do not make any

noise”. Someone added the following words, “other wise, we might wake up.

29. No sound in this world in more louder than silence. If someone cannot understand

your silence, they would not understand your words either.

30. No injury can be deeper than insult.

31. When you start your day, keep three words in your pocket, Try, True, Trust. Try for

the better future, true with your work. Trust in Allah, then success will be in your feet.

32. I do not believe in taking right decisions. I take decisions and make them right


33. It is not a defeat, you fall down but the real defeat is when you deny to raise your

position after falling. (Abraham Lincoin).

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34. Mind is the most outstanding part of human body. It works until death or till falling in

love. (William Shakespeare).

35. People say that we do not understand the value of our close ones until we loose them!

It is wrong, we know their value but we never think that we can loose them.

36. Every one has a best friend during each stage of life but those are lucky who have the

same friend in all stages of life.

37. If someone asks me what is meant by life? I would sit next to my friends, pull them

close together, put my arms around them and say proudly, these idiots are my life.

38. If you want to enjoy, always think today is the first day. But if you want to achieve

something, always think today is the last day.

39. When I go to the west, I see Islam without Muslims, but when I come back to the

east, I see Muslims without Islam (Dr. Allama Iqbal).

40. Prayer is an amazing exchange. You hand over your worries to Allah and Allah hands

over blessings to you.

41. Sometimes in our life, we play with love but when the time comes and we finally

realize that we want to get serious, love plays with our life. (William Shakespeare).

42. Some people say, “behind every successful man, there is a woman” but only a few

ones know the fact, “women go only behind a successful man”.

43. Do not judge someone by colour of eyes but judge by innocence in the eyes, do not

judge by beautiful lips but judge by truth on lips, do not judge by the complexion of

hands but judge by help done by those hands, do not judge height, weight or appearances

but judge by the purity of the heart.

44. Beauty of belief in God, “if he does not give me when I ask” he will surely give me

when I need.

45. Successful people do not relax in chairs, they relax in work, they sleep with dreams

and awake with determination and commitment.

46. If things are happening according to your wish, you are lucky! But if they are not,

then you are very lucky because they are happening according to God’s wish.

47. Whenever you feel yourself in the sea of tears, worries, tensions. Just go and say your

prayer. Then bow yourself before him, close your eyes, now universe is much brighter,

you will feel better.

48. Pain of missing friends is realized when you are alone watching a gang of friends

enjoying in front of you and you remember the past which you spent with your friends.

49. The sixth sick sikh’s sixth sheep is sick.

50. I do not remember him as the one who broke my heart. But I remember him as the

one who taught me how to live with a broken heart (William Shakespeare).

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51. One day a man said to Allah: I love you the most. Allah took all his wealth and asked.

Do you love me now? The man said more than before. Allah made all his family against

him so they all left him. Allah asked do you still love me? He said, yes. Allah made him

so poor that he had nothing to wear and eat. Allah asked once more. Do you love me?

The man said, I love you the most now because there is nothing between us now.

52. Try to create a little happiness for others, even by your tears, but remember, never

except that the others will do the same job for you.

53. When you get little, you want more, when you get more, you desire even more but

when you lose it, you realize little was enough.

54. Do not be a parrot in life, be an eagle. A parrot speaks but cannot fly high. But an

eagle is silent and has the willpower to touch the sky.

55. When I got enough confidence, the stage was gone. When I was sure of losing, I

won! When I need people the most, they left me. When I learnt to dry my tears, I found a

shoulder to cry on and when I mastered the skill of hating, somebody started loving me,

this is life (William Shakespeare).

56. Good behavior can cover the lack of good looks, but good looks can never cover the

lack of good behavior.

57.Life is a reflecting mirror, it depends on you, if you smile to it, it will smile back to


58. A heart dies when it is not able to share its feelings, but a heart kills itself when

another heart does not understand its feelings (William Shakespeare).

59. When apple are four and we are five, then my mother says, “I do not like apples”

(Bu Ali Sina).

60. In life, just do not trust people who change their feelings with time, instead trust the

people whose feelings remain the same even when the time have changed.

61. Only buses will stop here, not your time, so keep walking towards your destiny

(Japanese Sentence).

62. Lovely friendship is like standing on wet cement, longer you stay, harder it is to leave

and if you try to go, you cannot go without leaving your foot print.

63. Life is not a rehearsal; each day is a new show. No repeat, no rewind. No retake. So

give your best shot in all your acts. As the show goes on and on.

64. When all the doors seem to be closed in front of you, look Quran, there will surely be

a window opened enlightening you with new hopes and guidance.

65. Smile is the bird which flies from place to place searching for a nest. May your lips

give it the best nest so that it lives there forever.

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66. Interchanging mind control, come! Let the revolution take its toll. If you could flick a

switch and open your third eye, you would see that we should nevh around.

67. The weakest part of a relation comes! When one of the person has to give explanation

to prove the trust.

68. Do you know why a car’s windscreen is so large and the back view mirror so small?

Because your past is not as important as your future. So look ahead and move on.

69. What is education? Education is an organized system through which we waste half of our life to learn how to waste the remaining half of our life.70. Every test in our life makes us bitter or better. Every problem comes to make us or

break us. Choice is our whether we become victim or victor.

71. Never tell your problem to anyone except the 1% people who genuinely love you.

Because 20% people do not care and other 79% people are glad that you have problems.

72. There is no difference between complete and finish but if you get a good person, you

will be complete and if you get a wrong person, you will be finished

(William Shakespeare).

73. Satisfy the person who expects from you rather than surprising the person who never

expect anything from you.s

74. Character is just like a such diamond which can cut everything even mountain

(Bernard Shaw).

75. Luck is not in your hand, but work is in your hand, luck never makes your work, but

work can make your luck, so always trust in yourself.

76. You are never fully dressed without smile (Martin Charnin).

77. Beauty is power, smile is its sword (Charles Reade).

78. People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile (Lee Mildon).

79. A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks (Charles Gordy).

80. No matter how softly you whisper a prayer, God listens and knows the hopes and

fears you keep in your heart, for when you trust in his love, miracles happen.

81. I was not born experienced but the hard realities, deceiving natures, sweet lies,

broken promises, double faces, attractive words, melting emotions, lovely feelings, harsh

truths, bitter behaviors, loving attitudes, ignoring acts, multi standards, false statements,

Hippocratic tones, these all taught me what is experience.

82. If one can do it, you too can do it, if none can do it, you must do it

(Japanese Proverb).

83. Everyone knows that graham bell invented telephone but no one knows that he never

made call to his family because his wife and daughter were deaf.

84. A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from

within. (Will Durant).

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85. Even solid thing like iron becomes weak when it is hot and people can use it as they

wish so try to stay cool if you wish to be strong.

86. Life is the art of drawing without eraser. So be careful while taking any small

decision about valuable pages of life.

87. I talk to myself, because I like dealing with a better class of people.

88. You can never find a perfect friend in me because what makes me human is my

imperfection. But be assured that I shall always be your friend, not perfect.

89. Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.

90. Life is a football game and we are footballs so never mind the kicks of people

because without kicks we may not touch the goal.

91. What greater or better gift can we offer the republic than to teach and instruct our

youth (Cicero).

92.We always work for making better tomorrow, when tomorrow comes instead of

enjoying, we again start thinking for better tomorrow, tomorrow never comes so enjoy


93. Time is like a river, you cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has

passed will never pass again.

94. The greatest gift you can give to someone is the purity of your attention

(Richard Moss).

95. Good decision comes from experience and experience comes from bad decision. That

is life, so do not worry for any mistake, go ahead and learn from them.

96. What is friendship? It is a ship loaded with love made of care and share crossing the

sea of heart, having no wheels of sorry and thanks.

97. I will not say I failed 1000 times. I will say that I discovered 1000 ways that can

cause failure (Thomas Edison).

98. Friends mean no asking, friends mean no reasoning, friends mean just believing and

friends are those who never believe in last three alphabets of friend.

99. A painful phrase written on sand by a boy who lost his love in TSUNAMI dear sea I

will never forgive you even if your waves touch my feet a million times.

100. Do not try to have friends who achieve great heights. Have a friend who can hold

you when you fall from a great height. Loyal friend is better than a royal friend.

101. Sweet things are easy to buy but sweet people are difficult to find.

102. Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing, love ends

when you stop caring and friendship ends when you stop sharing.

103. Every new day is a new chapter of life bringing new topics, new moments for life.

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104. Some flowers grow best in the sun; others do well in the shade. Allah always knows

what is best for you, so he puts us when we grow the best.

105. Life is like a river which has many turns. So enjoy every turn because these turns

never returns.

106. Heart is like a bottle of perfume. if you never open it nobody knows the fragrance

inside it. If you keep it always open, soon you will loose your fragrance.

107. The most beautiful clothes, that a girl can wear, are the arms of the man who loves


108. When you have so much pain in your heart and you want to talk to the only person

who can stop you from crying is sometimes exactly the same person who made you cry.

109. Sometimes we think why friends keep forwarding messages without talking to each

other? The reason is that, they have nothing to say but still they want to remain in touch.

110. Once there was an island, where all the feelings live together. One day there was a

storm in the sea and island was about to drown. Every feeling was scared but love made a

boat to escape. Every feeling borrowed the boat. One feeling was left. Love got down to

see who it was? It was ego, love tried and tried but ego did not move. Everyone asked

love to leave ego and come in the boat but love was meant to love. It remained with ego.

All the other feelings left alive but love died because of ego.

111. Look back and thank Allah, look forward and trust Allah, look around and believe

Allah, look within you and find Allah.

112. This life is too short to accelerate relations; I do not know why do people break the

developed relations. This life is too short to say something to loved ones; I do not know

why do people keep silence for a long period. This life is too short to make real friends. I

do not know why people break friendships. Think before it is too late, today is time

nobody knows about the next moment because life cannot wait and death ever awaits.

113. Be more concerned about your character than reputation. Character is what you

really are and reputation is merely what others think of you.

114. It is possible to cross an ocean without wetting your legs but it is impossible to cross

life without wetting your eyes.

115. The best quote of advertisement written in front of a famous beauty parlour, do not

whistle at the girl going out from here, she may be your grandmother.

116. When we truly care for someone. Their mistakes never change our feelings, because

it is the mind that gets angry but the heart still loves them.

117. Perfection is impossible to be achieved completely by anyone in this world, but if

you keep chasing perfection somewhere on the way, you may catch excellence.

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118. Lips do not join when you say LOVE that is a sign of distance. But when you say

FRIENDSHIP lips join. That is a sign of togetherness.

119. Three sentences for getting success. “Know more than other” “work more than

other” “expect less than other” (William Shakespeare).

120. Mistakes are embarrassing when they happen but years later, we have a collection of

mistakes called experience which leads us to success.

121. A popular motivational speaker said. The best years of my life were spent in the

arms of a woman who was not my wife. The audience was in silence and shock, the

speaker added and that woman was my mother. Laughter and applause! A top manager

trained by him tried to crack this at home. After a drink, he said loudly to his wife who

was making dinner, the greatest years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who

was not my wife! Standing there for trying to recall the second half of the joke, the

manager finally blurted out and I cannot remember who she was! When he regained

consciousness, he was on a hospital bed: Moral of the story: - do not copy if you cannot


122. There are no winners or losers in life, only choosers.

123. Little girl and her father crossing a bridge. Father said, please hold my hand. Girl,

No dad, you hold my hand. Father, what is the difference? Girl if I hold your hand may I

leave your hand in difficulty but if you hold my hand, I am sure that you will never leave

my hand. May Allah protect our parents.

124. A pencil maker taught the pencil five important lessons, Ist, everything you do will

always leave a mark 2nd, you can always correct the mistakes you make. 3rd what is

important is what is inside you. 4th in life you will undergo painfull sharpening which

will make you better pencil. 5th to be the best pencil, you must allow yourself to be held

and guided by the hand that hold you! The pencil maker is Allah and we are the pencils.

125. When all the doors seem to be closed in front of your. Look Quran! There will

surely be a window opened enlightening you with new hopes and guidance.

126. Life has many great options. You do not have to always pick what seems to be the

best; just pick whatever makes you happy.

127. I always feel happy, you know why? Because I do not expect anything from anyone.

Expectations always hurt (William Shakespeare).

128. You have only two options in life, 1st accept and 2nd change. So try to accept what

you cannot change and try to change what you cannot accept.

129. Life is never about the people who act true in front of you. It is always about the

people who remain true behind your back.

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130. A ball in my hand is worth a few rupees but a ball in Wasim Akram’s hand is worth

a million. A gun in my hands may be useless. But a gun in Adolph Hitler’s hands won

wars. A stick in my hands may keep away an angry goat, but a stick in Moosa’s (A.S)

hand parted the mighty river. So put your concerns, worries, fears, hopes, dreams, family,

tensions, joys, sorrows, all in Allah’s hand because it all depends upon whose hands it is

in. So have faith in Allah.

131. Friendship is a collection of hearts ready to give, share and understand. It never

fades and never ends, it only reminds us life is not perfect without friends.

132. Two eyes and one tongue which means, we need to look twice and talk once. Two

ears and one mouth, so we need to listen more than we talk. Two hands and one stomach,

so we need to work twice as much as we eat. Two major brain parts, left and right and

one heart, so we can think twice but love only once. Amazing, how our body parts

remind us how to live.

133. Our attitude defines life. Life is best for those who want to live it, life is difficult for

those who want to analyze it, life is worst for those who want to criticize it. Our attitude

defines life, enjoy your life, laugh so hard that even sorrow smiles at you. Live life so

well that even death loves to see you alive. Fight so hard that even fate accept its defeat.

134. Mornings are reminders that Allah loves you. You are not just given another day to

enjoy but a chance to right the wrong of yesterday.

135. Everything is pre-written but with prayers it can be re-written. So live the best and

leave the rest to Allah.

136. Value of relation is not that how much one feels happy with someone but it is the

loneliness that one feels without someone.

137. I trust cigarette more than a girl. It will damage my lungs but will never break my


138. Dictionary is the only place where death comes before life, end comes before start,

child comes before parents, divorce comes before marriage, evening comes before

morning, result comes before test, and destination comes before struggle and friends

comes before relatives.

139. Normality is the essence of life. If we become too sentimental, it is hard to lead life.

And if we become too practical it is tough to respect relations.

140. What is love? It is love when a little baby girl puts all her energy to give her daddy a

head massage to relieve his headache. It is love when wife makes tea for her husband and

takes a sip before him to see if the tea is ok. It is love when a mother gives her son the

best piece of chicken and he passes it to his younger sister. It is love when a friend holds

your hand tightly on a slippery road after rain for your protection.

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141. If people criticize you, hurt you, or shout at you. Do not bother, just remember, in

every game audience make the noise not the players.

142. Difficulties is your life do not come to destroy you but help you to realize your

hidden potential and power. Let difficulties know that you are difficult to destroy.

143. Whenever you want to know how rich you are? Do not count your money, just drop

a tear and look around at the number of hands that reach out to wipe your tears.

144. A bird sitting on a branch does not get frightened by the shaking of branch because

the bird trusts not the branch but its own wings. So always trust yourself.

145. Never change your originality for the sake of others, because no one can play your

role better than you. So be yourself, because everyone in unique.

146. Reality of fear you are not scared of the dark. You are scare of what is in it. You

are not afraid of heights. You are afraid of falling. You are not afraid of people around

you. You are just afraid of rejection. You are not afraid to love. You are just afraid of not

being loved back. And you are not afraid to try again. You are afraid of getting hurt for

the same reason.

147. The lord wanted to make a person full of love, so he made a “Mother”. A person

full of support and encouragement, so he made a “Father”. Someone who could always

offer help, so he made “Brother”. Someone to play pranks and add joy, so he made

“Sister”.Then the lord decided to make a special person who would have all the qualities

rolled into one, so he made “Friend”.

148. Never reject a day in your life, because good day gives us happiness and bad day

gives us experience. Both are essential in life.

149. Some unrefusable facts of today’s world. Today we have bigger houses but small

families, more degrees but less common sense. Advanced medicines but poor health.

Touched moon but no contact with the bour. High income but less peace of mind.

Because we believe in Allah but do not obey him.

150. The ultimate measure of a man is not that where he stands in the moments of

comforts and convenience, but where he stands at the times of challenge and controversy

(Martin Luther).

151. He who knows not and knows not that he knows not, is a fool, Shun him. He who

knows not and knows that he knows not, is a child, teach him. He who knows and knows

not that he knows is asleep, wake him. He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise,

follow him.

152. Your life’s happiness depends on the quality of your thoughts, but the quality of

your thoughts depends on the people you meet in your life.

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153. New friends may be the poems but, old friends are alphabets, do not forget alphabets

because you will need them to read those poems (William Shakespeare).

154. Why me? Arthur a legendary famous bledon tennis player, he was dying of aids

which he got due to infected blood he received during a heart surgery. Once he was asked

why God choose you for such a bad disease? Arthur replied, from world over five crore

children start playing tennis, fifty lacs learn to play tennis, five lacs learn professional

tennis, fifty thousands come to the circuit, five thousands reach the grand slam, fifty

reach Wimbledon, four to semi finals and two to the finals and only one wins. I was that

only one. When I was holding the cup. I never asked God, why me? So why now?

155. I have learnt many things from my friends, they gave me the tricks for a stupid

activity, they gave me money when I am empty in college canteen, they raise their hands

towards me for good-bye when I am leaving them, they love me and they care me and I

love them too. But still I have a complaint. Because they do not teach me one thing and

you know what? They do not teach me, haw to live without them.

156. Everyone may not be good, but there is always something good in everyone. Never

judge anyone shortly because every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.

157. Face your past without regret, handle your present with confidence, and prepare for

the future without fear. Keep the faith and drop the fear, do not believe your doubts and

never doubt your beliefs. Life is wonderful if you know how to live.

158. When a message is sent from a distance, you cannot see the faces, you cannot see

the smiles but you can feel the love, care that comes truly from heart.

159. Read this slowly life is nowhere what did you read? Life is no where or life is now

here. Just a beautiful line to say life depends on the way how we look it.

160. The greatest suggestion for love is, do not love the one who is beautiful for the

world but love the one who makes your world beautiful (John Keats).

161. A successful relation does not depend on how good understanding we have. But it

depends on how better we avoid misunderstandings.

162. If people are trying to pull you down. Be proud about it, because it only confirms

that you are above them.

163. How pathetic we humans are if we hate someone, we tell it without fear, if we love

someone, we fear to tell, amazing but true.

164. To win the hearts of the others, you must loose some colours of your ego.

165. Forget your own happiness by trying to create a little happiness for others,

remember, when you are good to others, you are best to yourself.

166. In rain, all birds occupy shelter but eagle is the only one that avoids rain by flying

above clouds. Problems are common to all but attitude makes the difference.

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167. Over the years, I have learned that real love is not based on romance, candle light

dinner and walks along the beach, infact it is based on respect, compromise, care and


168. Worries are just like birds, let them fly over you but do not let them build a nest on

your head.

169. Excellence has always been achieved by those, who dare to believe that something

inside them is superior than circumstances.

170. Education is a matter of life and death for Pakistan. The world is progressing so

rapidly that without requisite advance in education, not only shall we be left behind

others but may be wiped out altogether

(Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, 26-09-1947, Karachi).

171. When you start your day keep three words in your pocket, Try, True, Trust. Try for

better future, true with your work, trust in your feet.

172. Once an old man and his 24 years old son were coming from New York to Texas in

a train. The son sat next to the window with his father beside him. The son looking out

towards the window, shouted, dad, look the trees are going behind. Dad smiled, and a

young couple, sitting near looked at the 24 year old behaving childishly with pity.

Suddenly, he again exclaimed, dad look, the clouds are running with us. The couple

could not resist and said to the old man why do not you take your son to a good doctor?

The old man smiled and said, we did and we are just coming from the hospital. My son

was blind from birth; he just got his eyes today. MORAL: Do not jump to conclusions

directly because what you see is most probably not the truth.

173. Care and affection is not a business where you give and you get. It is a beautiful

feeling for some one where you like to give, even if you never get.

174. To influence the thoughts of others, we need to have a balance in our thoughts and

deeds because we cannot influence other’s mind until we practice what we preach.

175. When it rains all birds occupy shelter but eagle is the only bird that avoids rain by

flying above the clouds. Problem is common but attitude makes the difference.

176. Tips for happy life, walk for 10-30 minute daily, sit quietly for atleast to minutes

daily in isolation, try to make laugh at least three people daily, drink green tea and plenty

of water. Read more books than last year, life is too short to waste time hating someone.

Smile and laugh more often. Eat breakfast life king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a


177. Dear Allah, I do not know of all the challenges my friends are facing but you know

everything, I hear their silence, you hear their plead. I see them laughing, you see their

tears. I see when they give; you see what has been taken from them. I see their

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appearance. You see the scars in their soul. I experience their faith. You know their

doubts. I ask you to give them everything they need and bless them abundantly for all the

times to come.

178. Pakistan, land of rivers, deposits of heavy minerals, acres of greenery, home land of

Bahadur Jawans Sindh’s, Baloch’s, Punjabi’s, Sarhad’s and Kashmiries’s Eririch with

four weathers Gateway to central Asia atomic power Islamic state. Everything is

available in this beautiful homeland but lack of true leadership to guide this nation in

right path and to explore hidden resources. Let us join hands together to accept this

challenge and to elect true leadership.

179. Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there

(Will Rogers).

180. In tough times you will find two hands eagerly waiting to help you and those two

hands will be at the and of your own arms.

181. When you are in light, everything will follow you, but when you enter darkness,

even our own shadow will leave you. That is life (Adolph Hitler).

182. A lover says, I will be with you in all your troubles but a good friend says, you will

have no trouble when I am with you Feel the difference.

183. World is not a parking place. It is a racing track, keep on moving no matter when

and where you start but reach your goal and make new record.

184. There are only two people who can tell you the truth about you, a friend who has

lost his temper and an enemy who start loving you.

185. The difference between ability and character, ability will get you to the top and

character will retain you at the top.

186. Everyone has a best friend during each stage of life, but those people are lucky who

have the same friend in all stages of life.

187. I told Allah let all my friends be healthy and happy forever! Allah said but for four

days only I said yes, let them be a spring day, autumn day, summer day, and winter day!

Allah said no, three days, I said, yes yesterday, today and tomorrow! Allah said, a bright

day (day time) and dark day (night time)! Allah said, no, just one day! I said, yes. Allah

asked, which day! I said, every day! Allah laughed and said you really know how to

negotiate, but since you are praying and asking happiness for your friends, I cannot

refuse. I love everyone who thinks of others first, so do not you worry, all your friends

will be happy everyday.

188. Ups and downs are the part of life. When you are up your friends know who you

are, but when you are down, you know who is your friend.

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189. Do your duty and have faith in Allah. There is no power on earth that can undo

Pakistan. It has come to stay (Muhammad Ali Jinnah).

190. Life is the art of drawing without an eraser. So be careful while taking any small

decision about valuable pages of life.

191. Eight best moments in life, 1- giving the first salary to your parents 2-thinking your

love with tears 3-looking old photos and smiling 4- a sweet emotional chat with friends

5- holding hands with your loved ones for a walk 6-getting a hug from one who cares you

7- first kiss to your child when he/she is porn 8- the moments when your eyes are filled

with tears after a big laugh.

192. Patience and silence are powerful energies. Patience makes you mentally strong,

silence makes you emotionally strong.

193. Telling a lie is a fault of a child, an art of a lover, an accomplishment of a bachelor

and a matter of survival of a married man.

194. Greatness can not be achieved by doing big things, if you really want to be great, do

small things in a great way.

195. If all the musicians of this world join together and make a sweet melody to facilitate

sleep they still cannot defeat our text books.

196. One drop of blood drawn from thy country’s bosom should grieve thee more than

streams of foreign gore (William Shakespeare).

197. Falling down is not defeat, defeat is when you refuse to get up.

198. Ship is always safe at shore but it is not built for it.

199. I am thankful to all those who said No to me, it is because of am I did it myself

(Albert Einstein).

200. Dream is not that you see in sleep, dream is the thing which does not allow you to

sleep (Dr. Abdul Kalam).

201. When I was walking alone, I wished that I could reach the end of the road but when

friends joined “me” I wished that the road would never end.

202. No matter what happens today, you must remember that today will be tomorrow’s

past and tomorrow will be today (Patty Satjapot).

203. I like people like you who like others like me and make the others like me to like

others like you.

204. There are two kinds of people, givers and takers. The takers may eat better but the

givers sleep better (Marlo Thomas).

205. Do you know how friendship breaks? Both friends will think the other is busy and

they will not contact by thinking that it may be disturbing. As time passes, both will think

let the other contact. After that each will think why I should contact first? Here your love

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will be converted to hate. Finally without contact, the memory becomes weak. They

forgot each other.

206. Some friends forget, some move away, some keep silent, some just change but I am

not one of them. I remember my friends now and forever (John-F-Kennedy).

207. Hurting someone is as easy as cutting a tree but making someone happy is like

growing a tree. It takes a lot of time, so do not hurt anyone.

208. Interesting definitions, (school) place where papa pays and son plays.

(life insurance) contract that keeps you poor all your life so that you can die rich.

(Doctor) a person who kills your ills by pills and kills you by bills. (Marriage). It is an

agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and a woman gains her masters

(smile). A curve that can set a lot of things straight (Atom bomb). An invention to end all


209. A sixty years old man sitting on a bench, with his s-class Mercedes parked behind

him, having a gold rolex watch in his wrist, a vertu mobile in hand, versache suit, balle

shoes, checkbook of swiss bank, is having tears in his eyes. why? Cause he is seeing a

gang of young guys on another bench having a birthday celebration of one of them.

Moral:- when you miss your friends, luxury cannot stop your tears.

210. The taste of water can be enjoyed only when we are thirsty. Same way, the affection

of a sincere person will be felt when we are alone.

211. Success is like your own shadow? Do not try to catch it. Walk your way and it

follows you. Keep in mind, your shadow follows you only when you walk towards light.

212. Gold rate keeps on increasing day by day and I am much worried about you. Be

careful, someone may kidnap you because you are a person with Golden Heart.

213. Having Allah in your heart does not mean that you will not face any storm, but it

means that no storm can sink your boat.

214. Speaking without egos, loving without intentions, caring without expectations and

praying without selfishness, is the sign of true relationship.

215. Your life’s happiness depends on the quality of your thoughts but the quality of your

thoughts depend on the people you meet in your life.

216. Every man’s honour is in his own hands. Respected others and you will be


217. That city cannot prosper, where an ox is sold far less than a fish.

218. Do nothing today that you are likely to repeat tomorrow.

219. A bad wound heals but a bad name kills, a bad man is better than a bad name.

220. Great minds and great fortunes do not always go together.

221. Do not stretch your feet beyond the sheet, cut your coat according to your cloth.

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222. The common people also suffer from the dispute of the great.

223. Livelihood is earned by some means and death occurs by some cause.

224. The long arm of the almighty makes no sound when it strikes.

225. A great fortune in the hands of a fool is a great mis-fortune.

226. Learning is a wealth for the poor and an ornament for the rich.

227. Targets are to be achieved with perseverena whatever the circumstances may be.

228. It was written on an old man’s t-shirt I am not 60 I am 18 with 42 years of

experience. That is attitude.

229. Happiness cannot be found when you seek it for yourself but when you give it to

others, it will find its way back to you, that is the mystery of happiness.

230. We make so many friends, some become dearest, some become special, fell in love

with someone. Some go abroad, some change their cities, some left us, we left some,

some are in contact, some are not in contact, some do not cantact because of their ego.

We do not contact some because of our ego, what ever they were, how ever they are. We

still remember love miss care for them because of the part they played to make


231. Someone asked me for how long will we both be friends? I remained silent, because

I did not know which one is longer, always forever.

232. If you carry your problems on your head, they will crush you but if you put them

under your feet, they will serve like stair and help you to rise till success.

233. When you develop the ability to listen anything without loosing your temper or self-

confidence. It means you have become “EDUCATED”.

234. The shortest solution of every problem is to minimize the distance between your

knees and floor. Those who knee down to Allah, can stand up to anything.

235. Always keep correcting your little mistakes, because nobody slips down by hills but

just slips by little stones.

236. Precious moments are like drops of dew, appreciate them before they disappear with

the morning sun.

237. You can easily judge the character of a person by how he treats those who can do

nothing for him.

238. Love is a small coin. Life is a big coin. Wife is a lucky coin. Lover is a sweet coin

but FRIENDSHIP is a gold coin. Keep it safe.

239. Life is a great travel trip. Problem is that it does not come with a map. So we have to

look for our own ways to reach the destinations.

240. If you want to enjoy, always think today in the first day. But if you want to achieve

something then always think today is the last day.

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241. Eyes speak more when a heart starts listening to someone silently. And life seems to

become more beautiful when someone starts reading your eyes.

242. A clay not containing milk will be ranked higher than a pot containing poison. Not

our outer glamour but our inner virtues make us valuable.

243. Money says: earn me, forget everything. Time says, follow me forget everything.

future says, struggle for me, forget everything. Allah simply says, only remember me, I

will give you everything, Subhaanallah.

244. When your friend tells a lie to you, it is not his fault. Actually it is your’s because

you did not give him proper space to tell the truth (William Shakespeare).

245. Life never leaves you empty it always replaces everything you lost. If it asks you to

put something down. It is because it wants you to pick something better.

246. Loving is not just looking at each other, it is looking in the same direction.

247. Lost of something with speaking truth is better than achieving something with

telling a lie (S.B Martin).

248. Keep away from those who try to battle your ambitions. Small people always do

that, but the really great make a believe that you too can become great (Mark Twain).

249. Some people are making such tough plans for rainy days that they are not enjoying

today’s sunshine (William Feather).

250. Do not misunderstand the person who shows on you because anger is the most

easiest and childish way to express the deep love.

251. The clouds cover the sun but we know the sun never forgets to shine. Just like you I

may not often see you but you will always shine in my prayers.

252. The worst thing in life is ATTACHMENT. It hurts when you lose it. The best thing

in life is LONLINESS because it teaches you everything and when you lose it, you get


253. Be soft and cool like water so you can adjust anywhere in life. Be hard and

attractive like diamond so no one can play with your emotions.

254. Real beauty, do not judge someone by colour of eyes but judge by innocence in the

eyes, do not judge by beautiful lips, judge by truth on lips. Do not judge by complexion

of hands but judge by help done by those hands. Do not judge by height, weight or

appearance but judge by purity of the heart.

255. Real love is not based on romance, candlelight dinner and walks along the beach but

infact it is based on respect, compromise, care and trust (William Shakespeare).

256. Wealth and children are an adornment of the life of this world and the ever-abiding

the good works are better with your lord in reward and better in expectation.

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257. Perfect definition of trust, to give someone the complete authority to destroy you but

at the same time being confident that he will never do it.

258. A house, without books is like a body without soul (Socrates).

259. I do not smoke but I keep match box in my pocket, when my heart slipps towards a

sin, I burn match stick and heat my palm. Then I say to myself. Ali you cannot bear even

this heat, how would you bear unbearable heat of hell (Muhammad Ali Boxer).

260. Every test in our life makes us bitter or better. Every problem comes to make us or

break us. Choice is ours whether we become victim or victor.

261. Relationship does not get closer by meetings but it is sweetened by thoughts. I care

for you in my own strange way, may be you will never know, may be I will never show.

262. All mankind is divided into three classes. Those who are immovable, those who are

movable and finally those who move (Benjamen Franklin).

263. Allah does not like the hardness of tongue that is why he made it boneless.

264. When you start caring about yourself, you start loving somebody but when you start

caring about others, somebody starts loving you.

265. The biggest suspense of life is you know for whom you are praying but you never

know the person who is praying for you.

266. The trees do not with draw its shade from the woodcutter. So forgive those who hurt

you. They will realize your worth one day.

267. When my hands cannot reach special people like you, I touch them with my prayers.

268. Your best relation is the one who is the first one to come in your mind when you

want to share something with anyone.

269. Remember me like pressed flower in your notebook. It may not be having any

fragrance but will remind you of my existence forever in your life.

270. A thing lost is valued the most always.

271. Deepest feeling is always felt in silence.

272. There is no true love without jealousy.

273. When you are angry at someone and get irritated time to time but you still cannot

live without him. That is a relation, a true relation (William Shakespeare).

274. Hard work is like stairs and luck is like lift, sometimes lift may fail but stairs will

always take you at the top.

275. Life is never about the people who act sincere in front of you. It is always about the

people who remain sincere behind you.

276. One simple tip to stay happy always: never think and speak about a third person and

never think what a third person thinks and speaks about you.

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277. Oh Allah (Almighty), when I lose hope because my dreams have come to nothing.

Then help me to remember that, your love is always greater than my disappointments and

your plans for my life are always better than my dreams.

278. Once I asked my luck, how my future is in your view? Luck replied, gentle man, I

am surprised that you have a sweet mother and you are asking me about luck. Go and

listen your mother’s prayer, you will judge yourself where you will stand in future.

279. The vision must be followed by the venture; it is not enough to stare up the steps.

We must step up the stairs.

280. Friends should be like two zero. When you try to add, they are the same, when you

subtract, they are again same. But when you try to divide, it is just impossible.

281. You never get a second chance to make a first impression and you never born for the

second time to make this life good, so make it now.

282. Success without struggle and honour is an unseasoned dish. It will satisfy your

hunger, but it would not taste good.

283. I want to go back to the time when happiness meant a candy, when victory meant

finishing your plate first, when safety meant being in your mom’s arms, when getting

high meant on a swing, when drinking meant mango juice, when dad’s shoulders were

the highest place on earth, when the only drug you knew was cough syrup, the only

things broken were your toys, when goodbyes only meant till tomorrow, when you loved

everybody and everyone loved you. I wish I could go back.

284. Good behavior can cover the lack of good looks but good looks can never cover the

lack of good behavior, so keep your behavior at the best level.

285. Living in the favourable and unfavourable situations is called part of life but smiling

in all those situations is called art of life.

286. Nothing is interesting if you are not interested. The day is as good as you make it

(Stephen Jordan).

287. If you learn to translate every event of your life into a positive one, you will stop

being a prisoner of your past and become the designer of your future.

288. Do not count what you lost, just see what you have now, as past never comes back

but sometimes future can give all those things which were lost in the past.

289. Trust in God, Allah sufficeth me. There is no God save him. In him have I put my

trust, and he is lord of the tremendous throne (Tooba-29).

290. Friendship is just like water, no colour, no shape, no place, no taste but still, very

important for life.

291. A river cuts the rock not because of its power but because of its consistency, so

remember never ever lose your hope. Defend and face the challenges.

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292. And we send down from the sky water in measure, and we give it lodging in the

earth and low! We are able to withdraw it (Al-Mominoon-18).

293. An Arab’s royal son goes to Germany to study. A month later, he sends a letter to

his dad saying: Berlin is wonderful, people are nice and I really like it here, but I am a bit

ashamed to arrive to school with my gold Mercedes when all my teachers travel by

train.S Sometime later, he gets a letter from his dad with a ten million dollar cheque

saying: stop embarrassing us go and get yourself a train too.

294. Absence is the best presence, because if people are absent then you miss them and if

you miss them it means that they are present in your heart.

295. Fighting with the world is easy, you either win or lose. But fighting with close one is

difficult. If you lose, you lose, and even If you win, you lose.

296. Do not take rest after a success, because if you fail next time so many lips are

waiting to say your previous victory was just only a luck.

297. Those who joyfully leave everything in Allah’s hand, they will eventually see

Allah’s hand in their everything. Because worries end, where faith begins.

298. Why Pakistanis are easy to identify? 1- Everything cooked in garlic and onion. 2-

Re- use of gift papers 3- Always arrive at least one hour late to a party 4- Children have

names rhyming 5- Talk for an hour at the gate when leaving somebody’s house 6- Keep

leftover food in fridge. 7- You live with your parents even when you are forty years old

8- Do not use measure cups when cooking 9- Bed sheets on sofas to keep them away

from getting dirty 10- Cover everything with plastic even if it is remote control.

299. If one thousand scholars put to death, this is not a matter of loss, but loss in this if an

unable person got place of an able (Saad Bin Waqas (R.A)).

300. Speak less to the people you love the most because if they can not understand your

silence, they can never understand your words (John Keats).

301. A true friend is not like rain which rained and leaves away. A true friend is like an

air, mostly silence but always around you.

302. Who said “Open” & “Close” are words with opposite meaning, you will always be

“Open” to the person who is “Close” to you.

303. A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer.

304. My advice to you is to get married, if you find a good wife you will be happy, if not

you will become a philosopher (Socrates).

305. When ever you are criticized, do not get upset. Always remember this; no stones are

thrown on a fruitless tree.

306. The reality of life, you love some one and you marry some one else. The one you

marry becomes your wife and the one you love, becomes the password of your Email I.D.

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307. Good relationships can be like needles of a clock tied in the same clock but unable

to meet for long, they meet only for some time but always stay connected.

308. Nothing can be changed by changing the face but everything can be changed by

facing the change (Ben hunt).

309. Laughing faces do not mean that there is absence of sorrow, but it means that they

have the ability to deal with them.

310. No candle loses its light while lighting another candle, so never stop sharing helping

others because it makes your life more meaningful.

311. Self trust is the essence of heroism.

312. Great souls have wills, feeble ones only wishes.

313. Distances never separate any relation, time never builds any relation, if feeling are

true from heart, then friends are always friends forever.

314. The world’s saddest saying is said by the world’s humorous person. “I love to walk

in rain because no one can see my tears” (Charlie Chaplin).

315. One look is better than one hundred opinions (William Shakespeare).

316. Burry my body do not build any monument, keep my hands out side so, the world

know, who won the world had nothing in his hand when died (Alexander).

317. The fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and

discipline (Bible).

318. Everything that is done in the world is done by hope (Martins Luther).

319. Revolution are like the most noxious dung heaps, which bring into the noblest

vegetables (Napoleon Bonaparte).

320. Life every man holds dear but the dear man holds honors for the precious dear than

life (William Shakespeare).

321. Equality is a pre-requisite to friendship.

322. Old friends are like old shoes, they are easiest for the feet.

323. Friendship is not good in itself but it is a mean to desired advantage.

324. Do all the goods you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all

the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long ever you


325. A good friend can tell you what the matter with you is in a minute. He may not seem

such a good friend after telling (Arthur Brisbane).

326. One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes

an emergency (Arnold Glasgow).

327. If friendship is your weakest point then you are the strongest person in the world

(Abraham Lincoin).

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328. The meeting of the two personalities is like the contact of two chemicals substances.

If there is any reaction, both are transformed (Carl Jung).

329. The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is to hate them, but to be indifferent to

them that is the Essence of Humanity (George Bernard Shah).

330. We must never forget that Art is not a form of propaganda. It is a form of truth


331. Whenever you have an efficient form of government, you have a dictatorship


332. People often say “Beauty is in the eye of Beholder” and I say that the most

liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This Empowers us to

find beauty in places where others have not dared to look including inside ourselves

(Selma Hayek).

333. When a friend is in trouble, do not annoy him by asking if there is anything you can

do for him, think up something appropriate and do it (Edgar Watson Howe).

334. When I went to the West, I saw the Muslims with out Islam and when I came back

to the East I saw Islam without Muslims (Jamal-uddin Afghani).

335. Always save the determination like a mirror, who never losses its ability to reflect

back even if broken into a thousand pieces.

336. Troubles are like washing machines, they twist, turn and knock us around but in the

end we come out clear, brighter and better than before.

337. Coins always make sound but the currency notes are always silent, so when our

value increases we should keep ourselves calm and silent as possible.

338. Think about yourself at least once in your life time, otherwise you may miss the best

comedy of this world.

339. There is no market for your sorrows in this world so never advertise them

(Napoleon Bonaparte).

340. When truth is replaced by silence, the silence is lie.

341. To low they build who build below the sky.

342. Life is like a piano, white keys are happy moments and black keys are sad moments,

but remember both keys are played together to give sweet Music called life.

343. Alone I can say but together we can shout, alone I can smile but together we can

laugh. Alone I can enjoy but together we can celebrate that is the beauty of friends.

344. Confidence:- Once all villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer, all

people gathered and only one boy came with umbrella, that’s confidence.

Trust:- Trust should be like feeling of a one year old baby when you throw

him/her in the air. He laughs because he knows you will catch him/her.

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Hope:- Every night we go to the bed, having no assurance to get up alive in the

nest morning but still we have plans for coming day. Keep confidence, trust in

God, and never loose hope.

345. Most used alphabet “A” does not appear in spellings of digits from I to 999. It

appears 1st time in 1000 and then continues. Achievement requires patience.

346. Success without a positive attitude is called luck, but success with a positive attitude

is called achievement “Be an achiever”.

347. Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to the

success when they gave up (Thomas Edison).

348. The Jew has always been a people with definite racial characteristics and never a

religion (Adolph Hitler).

349. Saying remains meaningless until they are embodied in action (Khalill Gibran).

350. Nothing in nature is for itself, Rivers do not use their own water, trees do not eat

their own fruit, sun does not give heat to itself, flowers do not spread fragrance for

themselves, and living for others is the way of life.

351. You are not responsible for what people think about you but you are responsible for

what you give them to think about you.

352. The best times of your life are those when you say yes, I am fine and you know that

someone would look into your eyes and say “Enough! Now tell me the truth.

353. Some people hear their own inner voice with great clarity and they live by what they

hear, such people become crazy or become legends (Alexander).

354. Physical bravery is an animal instinct, moral bravery is much higher and truer

courage (Wendell Phillips).

355. Never be proud or depressed for what you are and the position you hold in society.

Remember when the game of chess is over, both king and pawns go in the same box.

356. Friendship does not occur with special people, but people become special after

being friend. I do not know what I am to you but you are always special to me.

357. One beautiful heart is better than thousand beautiful faces, so choose people having

beautiful heart rather than beautiful face (William Shakespeare).

358. If you learn to translate every event of your life into a positive one, you will stop

being a prisoner of your past and become designer of your future

(William Shakespeare).

359. Each drop of a tear is costly than anything in world but, no one knows its value until

they have it in their own eyes for someone.

360. A heart dies when it is not able to share its feeling, but a heart kills itself when

another heart does not understand its feeling.

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361. The inevitable truth, everyone Hurts you sooner or later but you have to decide what

is more important, the pain or the person.

362. Life is xxx, yesterday is an experience, today is experiment, tomorrow is

expectation; use your experience in your experiments to achieve your expectations.

363. Dedicated to my special friends, Sweet things are easy to buy but sweet people are

difficult to find, life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing,

love ends when you stop caring, friendship ends when you stop sharing, so share this

with whom ever you consider a friend, to love without condition, to talk without intention

and to care without expectation, is the heart of a true friend.

364. Night is longer than day for those who dream and day is longer than night for those

who make their dreams true.

365. There is no difference between a wise man and a fool when they fall in love

(Adolph Hitler).

366. When flood comes fish eat ants, when flood goes down ant eat fish. Time matters,

Allah gives opportunity to every one.

367. Relationship is like a book, it may take few seconds to burn but years to write. So

write it carefully and never let it burn.

368. Closeness resides in hearts, so no matter how busy we are or how far we are.

Dearest are remembered and cared forever.

369. Silent lips may avoid many problems but smiling lips can solve many problems, so

always have a smile on your face in the journey called life.

370. Every morning you have two choices, continue your sleep with dreaming or wake

up and chase your dreams, choice is yours.

371. Beautiful pictures are developed by negatives in a dark room, so if you see darkness

in your life. Then assume that Allah (Almighty) is making a beautiful future for you.

372. The company of good people is like the shop of perfume, whether you have bought

perfume or not, you will get a lot of good fragrance.

373. But be not afraid of greatness, some are born great, some achieve greatness and

some have greatness thrust upon them (William Shakespeare).

374. A common memory and a common ideal, these more than a common blood make a

nation (C. Delise Burns).

375. Find beauty in places where others have not dared to look including inside ourselves

(Selma Hayek).

376. To realize the value of a weak, ask the editor of a weekly magazine, to realize the

value of one hour, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. To realize the value of one

minute, ask a person who missed the train, to realize the value of one second, ask a

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person who just escaped from an accident. Measure every moment that we have,

yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift that is why it is called present.

377. Crying alone is really better than laughing with the people who hate you but pretend

to like you.

378. Work to gain heights and heights have no ceiling (Mridula Agarwal).

379. Though I am grateful for the blessings of wealth, it has not changed who I am, my

feet are still on the ground, and I am just wearing better shoes (Oprah Winfrey).

380. People will always throw stones in your path, it depends on you what you make

from it. A wall or a bridge.

381. Treat every one with politeness, even with those who are rude to you, not because

they are not nice but because you are nice.

382. Growing seed makes no sound but falling tree makes huge noise, destruction has

noise, creation is always quiet, this is the power of silence.

383. When we were kids, we waited to grow up soon. Now that we have been grown up,

we realized that wounded knees and broken toys were better than wounded emotions and

broken hearts.

384. Respect those friends who find time for you in their busy schedule, but love those

friends who never see their schedule when you need them.

385. I am not in competition with anybody; my only goal is to beat my last performance

(William Bill Gates).

386. If people feel that they have never made a mistake in their whole life then it means,

they have never tried a new thing (Albert Einstein).

387. Four real facts to live better life, first never say sorry to one who understands you,

2nd never say bye to one who needs you, 3rd never blame the one who really trusts you, 4th

never forget the one who always remembers you.

388. Everything is fair in love and war, I suggest you to do war but never love because in

war, either you live or you die but in love neither you live nor you die

(Adolph Hitler).

389. The person who loves you will fight with you more but if you drop a tear, he will

fight with the world to stop your tears, so never loose a loving person.

390. Ups and downs, unexpected results and problems are a part of life. Never loose hope

in any condition because the darkness of night always finishes with light of the day.

Remember, “A man can live about 40 days without food, about 3 days without water,

about 8 minutes without air but not for a second without hope”.

391. There is one great society alone on this earth, the noble living and the noble dead

(William Wordsworth).

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392. If you are not using your smile, then you are a person with million dollars in the

bank having no cheque book (William Shakespeare).

393. The world is a stage and we all are actors (William Shakespeare).

394. If someone points out your mistake, be happy that at least someone is there who is

interested in what you have done.

395. Life is too short, follow some rules, forgive quickly, believe slowly, love truly, and

laugh loudly. Never avoid anything that makes you smile every time.

396. Champions are not super naturals; they just fight one more second when everyone

else quits, some times one more second of effort gives victory.

397. Successful people do not plan results, they plan beginnings. Rights results always

follow right beginning (Adolph Hitler).

398. Never search your happiness in others, it will make you feel alone, but search it in

yourself; you will feel happy even if you are alone.

399. It is not enough to speak, but to speak true (William Shakespeare).

400. A man is lucky if he is the first love of a woman and a woman is lucky if she is the

last love of a man (Emily Bronte).

401. The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.

402. Your one sweet word makes me feel that I own the world with friends. I do not

know what time will bring tomorrow but I do believe that it can not break the strong

bond of our friendship.

403. Living in the favorable & unfavorable situation is called “part of living” but smiling

in all those situations is called “Art of living”.

404. If you do not change, life will change you but not on your terms

(Mridula Agarwal).

405. Asked to do some thing to showcase your organization, response quickly & people

will take you seriously (Mridula Agarwal).

406. Why do relations break? It is because people failed to realize that “If you can not

handle some one at their worst, then you do not deserve them at their best”.

407. The hands that help others are more holy than lips that pray (Karl Marx).

408. If the path is beautiful, first confirm where it leads to. But if the designation is

beautiful, do not check which the path is.

409. The human brain is unique in that is the only container of which it can be said that

the more you put into it, the more it will hold.

410. Friendship is like an onion which has many layers of affection & care. If you will

try to cut it, you will find nothing except tears in your eyes.

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411. One day we all will depart on a journey free of cost, do not worry about seat

reservation, it is confirmed & flight is always on time. Our good deeds will be our

luggag, Islam will be our passport, Kalama will be our visa and grave will be our waiting

lounge. May we all travel to heaven in first class by the grace & blessing of Allah?

412. Never look for a good face, it will turn old one day, never look for a good skin, it

will wrinkle one day. But look for a loyal heart that will miss you everyday.

413. Laughing faces do not mean that there is absence of sorrows. But it means that they

have the ability to deal with it (William Shakespeare).

414. Failure should never go to the heart & success should never go to head. Both make a

person fall in life (Winston Churchill).

415. Heart is not a dust bin to dump all the worries of your life; it is a golden part for

collection of sweet moments of life.

416. You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people

than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you

(Dale Carnegie).

417. Every bad situation will have something positive in it, even a stopped clock tells

correct time twice a day.

418. It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them

(Ralph Waldo).

419. Friendship is not a history to forget, not math to calculate, not a language to learn. It

is only the chemistry that reacts between two hearts.

420. No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right, a single experiment can

prove me wrong (Albert Einstein).

421. There is no higher religion than human service (Albert Schweitzer).

422. The biggest temple and Mosque and Gurdwara are the place where man works for

the good of mankind (Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru).

423. The key to everything is patience; you get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by

smashing it (Arnold Glasgow).

424. A great man is made up of qualities that meet or make great occasions

(James Russell Lowell).

425. When you start caring about yourself, you start loving somebody, but when you start

caring about others, somebody starts loving you (William Shakespeare).

426. Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is only day

dreaming, but vision with action can change the world (Nelson Mandela).

427. No one will manufacture a lock without a key; similarly Allah would not give you

any trouble without solution.

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428. Death is not the greatest loss in life; the greatest loss is when relationship dies inside

us while we are alive.

429. Memories sometimes behave in crazy way, they leave you alone when you are in a

crowd and when you are alone, and they stand alone with you like a crowd.

430. We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean

would be less because of that missing drop (Mother Teresa).

431. The greatest gift you can give to someone is your time, because when you give

someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you will never get


432. It is not necessary to share every secret between true friends but the thing is that

what ever you share should be true.

433. Keep the lamp of friendship burning with oil of love, because sun rises in the East

and sets in the West, but friendship rises in the heart and sets after death.

434. Never play with the feelings of others because you may win the game but the risk is

that you will surely loose the person for life time (William Shakespeare).

435. The hard reality of the life is that when you need advice, everyone is ready to help

you but when you need help, everyone is ready to advice you.

436. Obstacles are those frightful things that you see when you take your eyes off the

goal (Hannah More).

437. Measuring life by what others do to you may disappoint you. But measuring life by

what you do for others, will add more meaning to your life.

438. Do not define your failure by looking at somebody’s success. Also do not define

your success by looking at somebody’s failure, set your won targets everyday.

439. Do not judge your closed one by the way they speak. Judge them by the way they

care because care is the real outcome of true sincerity.

440. Excellence has always been achieved by those who dare to believe that some thing

inside them is superior to circumstances.

441. Be soft and cool like water, so you can adjust anywhere in life. Be tough and

attractive like diamond, so no one can play with your emotions.

442. Relations are like a rubber bond, flexible, you can stretch it as much as you want but

do not leave it after stretching because it really hearts.

443. If you are born poor, it is not your mistake. But if you die poor, it is your mistake

(William Bill Gates).

444. A simple way for happy living is to forget two things in life “the good you do for

others the bad done by others.

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445. Do not make friends before understanding and do not break friendship after

misunderstanding (Socrates).

446. Two things that decide your attitude, what you think of yourself when you have

nothing & what you think of others when you have everything.

447. In a battle, a soldier prepared to bring his wounded friend back from the field, his

Caption said, it is of no use: You friend must be dead. But soldier still goes & brings

back his friend. Seeing the dead body, the Caption said, I told you it is of no worth. He is

dead. The soldier replied, no sir, it was really of worth, when I got him, my friend saw

me, smiled & said his last words, I knew, you will come.

448. Why corruption is our financial need or fashion? Corruption is a modern organized

& civilized symbol for peon to president, General, Justice & political leadership. Above

concerned elements want to drink blood of the Nation through systematic procedure of

authority. The country is anxiously waiting for revolution by the oppressed emotional


449. A man saw a little poor boy looking at his expensive car. He took the boy for a

drive, the boy said, your car is so marvelous & it must be expensive. How much it costs?

Man, I do not know, my brother has gifted me. Boy, so nice of him. Man, I know what

you are thinking. You also want to have a brother like him. Boy, no, I want to be a

brother like him. Moral, always think higher than the people’s expectations.

450. Imagine a race between love & friendship, who will win? None of them will win

because friendship compromises & love always sacrifices.

451. Someone asked me, for how long will you both be friends? I remained silent

because I did not know which one is longer, always or forever.

452. Why do we make friends? Because they understand just by looking in our eyes,

because you can say something stupid or expose your deepest secrets to them, because

they believe in your dreams no matter how silly they may seem, because they love you

for what you are & finally because everything you do together becomes a memory.

453. An educated person is who knows something about everything and knows

everything about something.

454. Hundred words of a true friend can never give pain but a true friend’s silence can

give hundred tears in heart.

455. Every successful person has a painful story & every painful story has a successful

ending, so accept the pain & get ready for success.

456. People are not beautiful as they look, as they walk, as they wear. People are

beautiful as they are sincere, as they care, as they share.

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457. Tears are more truthful than smile, because you can smile in front of everyone but

you will cry only in front of one who is very special to you.

458. When problems are so big & your strength is no longer enough to carry them, do not

give up because where your strength ends the grace of Allah begins.

459. Accept the challenges so that you may feel the sensation of victory, to get

something, you never had, you have to do something you never did.

460. Those that appear in your life whether to help you or to harm you. They are all sent

by God. Meet all of them with a peaceful heart but with a warrior’s spirit. You will fail

many times, but in failing, you will learn & in learning, you will find your way.

Remember there are no mistakes in life. Only lessons & lessons will keep on repeating

themselves until learned.

461. Suppose a world wide UN survey is conducted, Question is “would you please give

your honest opinion about shortage of food in the rest of the world”? The survey was

huge failure because AFRICANS did not know what food was, CHINES did not know

what opinion was, EUROPEON did not know what shortage was, PAKISTANI did not

know what honest mean, and ARABS did not know what is meant by please,

AMERICANS did not know what the rest of the world is.

462. Sometime in life, we think, we do not need anyone but sometimes we do not have

anyone when we need someone.

463. We are not of same blood: we are born & grown in different places connected with a

single miraculous feeling called friendship.

464. I studied everything but never did top, but today the toppers of the very best

universities are my employees (William Bill Gates).

465. Success is never permanent and failure is never final, so do not stop your efforts

until your victory makes history (Winston Churchill).

466. Even a small dot can stop a big sentence, but few more dots can give it continuity.

Amazing but true, every ending can be a beginning.

467. Love is the seventh sense which destroys all other six senses

(William Shakespeare).

468. Time is a rare luxury which can never be purchased at any cost, so when someone

spends it for you, it defines the depth of care that one has for you.

469. Worrying does not reduce yesterday’s sorrows but it empties today’s strength

(Bill Clinton).

470. When you find a dream inside your heart, do not even let it go because dreams are

the seeds from which beautiful tomorrows grow (Ben Hunt).

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471. You know who is the best couple in the world? Smile and tears, really they are not

seen together but when they are seen together, it is the best moment of life.

472. Sacrifice is greater than love, character is greater than beauty, humanity is greater

than wealth but nothing is greater than good relations and good relations do not

necessarily mean finding similarities, it is just about respecting differences (Alexander).

473. Do not worry because if you worry, you will get wrinkle on your face so why do not

you smile and get dimple on your face (William Shakespeare).

474. It is amazing when strangers become friends but it is sad when friends become

strangers. I never want to lose you as a friend. I met you as a stranger, now, I have you as

a friend, and I hope we meet in our next walk of life where friendship never ends. I may

not be the most important person in your life, I just hope that when you hear my name,

you just smile and say that is my friend.

475. Nothing is good or bad but it is our thinking that makes it good or bad

(William Shakespeare).

476. If you cannot fly, run, if you cannot run, walk, if you cannot walk crawl. But always

keep moving towards your goal (William Shakespeare).

477. What is greater than a mother’s love? What is warmer than a father’s hug? What is

sweater than a baby’s kiss? Who is good protector than a brother’s shadow? Which is

secure place of trust than a sister’s heart? Whose company is better than a sincere and

committed friend? What is tastier than mother’s cooking? There are some relations in life

which have no substitute.

478. You cannot change your future, but you can change habit and sure your habit will

change your future (Marco Polo).

479. You cannot tap your back for a well done, you cannot hug yourself for comfort and

relaxation, and you cannot cry on your shoulders, you cannot tell your secrets to yourself

that is why we have friends in our lives. They are the ones who care, comfort, console,

cheer, cherish, and support us. Simply they make our life beautiful and meaningful.

480. Remember, work for a cause not for applause, live life to express, not to impress, do

not strive to make your presence noticed just, and make your absence felt.

481. Be what you are, say what you feel and do what you want, because in friendship

those who mind, do not matter and those who matter, do not mind.

482. If people around you, are trying to pull you down. Be proud of it. It only proves one

thing and that is you are above them.

483. My friends are my strength. My power, my belief, my imagination, my

commitment, above all they are the back bone of my life (John-f-Kennedy).

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484. Someone asked, what is forgiveness? Reply, it is the wonderful smell that a flower

gives when it is being crushed.

485. When God takes away something from your hands, do not think he is punishing you.

He is just leaving you empty handed to receive something better.

486. I miss my fellows, when I see some other gang, sitting around, caring & slopping

each other, their mischievous smiles switching to loud laughter, though strangers to me

they represent a part of my life, I lost.

487. If you are depressed, confused of hurt, do not worry, go in front of the mirror & you

will find the best person who will solve your problem, always trust yourself.

488. Be close with someone who makes you happy, but be closer to that person who

cannot be happy without you.

489. Life laughs at you when you are unhappy, life smiles at you when you are happy but

life salutes you when you make others happy (Charlie Chaplin).

490. Even a big pot full of water can be emptied by a small hole, so a little anger or ego

can burn up all the nobility of good heart.

491. Start the day with a deep breath, inhale all the love and goodness of God, and exhale

the tears, & all worries, then smile (William Wordsworth).

492. Luck is like sand in hands, it will sneak out through the fingers, no matter griped

firmly or held loosely, only hands in the praying posture can save it (P.B-Shelley).

493. Why do we close eyes, when we pray, when we cry, when we dream, when we kiss,

because the most wonderful things in life are unseen and felt only by the heart.

494. Love me or hate me, both are in my favour, if you love me. I will always be in your

heart. If you hate me, I will always be in your mind. Do not ignore me

(William Shakespeare).

495. One tree makes one lac matchsticks but one matchstick can burn one lac trees, one

negative thought can burn all positive thoughts, always think positive.

496. It is not your mistake if you cannot read the eyes which cheat you but it is really

your mistake if you cannot read the eyes which love you (William Shakespeare).

497. We always feel that good things happen only to others, but we always forget that we

are others for someone else (William Shakespeare).

498. Some promises are always unbroken, some memories are always unwritten, & feel

the magic of true relationship & you will realize that true feelings are always unspoken.

499. Friend should not be like a bird of lake, when lake gets dry, bird shifts to another

lake, real friends are like flowers of lake, when it gets dry, and flower dies at the spot.

500. Happiest people do not have every thing best in life; they just make the best of every

thing that life brings their way (Socrates).

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501. The single finger which wipes our tears during our failures is much better than the

ten fingers which come together clap on our victory.

502. Deepest feelings of my heart for you. May Allah change your discomforts to

comforts, your pains to gains, your losses to profits, your tears to smile, your sorrows to

pleasures, your bad-wishes to well-wishes, your debits to credits & your dreams to

realities & make it everlasting.

503. A good heart and a good nature are two different issues, a good heart can win many

relationships but a good nature can win many good hearts.

504. Sound becomes music, movement becomes dance, smile becomes laughter, mind

becomes meditation & life becomes celebration when friends keep in touch.

505. When you win, I will proudly tell the world, hey that is my friend. But when you

lose, I will sit by your side, hold your hand and say, hey I am your friend.

506. I could have killed all the jaws of the world, but I left some of them so that you will

know, why I was killing them (Adolph Hitler).

507. I am not a palmist to tell you where your paths will lead you? I am not an astrologist

to tell you if your stars will be lucky enough for you. I am not even good enough to take

your burden over my shoulder, but I can make a wish for you, a simple wish that may

Allah lead you to the best path, may he bless you with the best stars.

508. Relationship is like a book. It may take few seconds to burn but years to write. So

write it carefully and never let it burn.

509. Often when we lose all hopes and think this is the end. God smiles from above and

says, relax, it is just a bend not the end.

510. A hopeless man feels difficulty in every chance & a hopeful man feels a chance in

every difficulty (Napoleon Bonaparte).

511. What makes some people dearer is not just the happiness we feel when we meet

them but the emptiness we feel when they are not around us (John-f-Kennedy).

512. Definition of my friends, my medicine when I am in pain, my letter when I am far,

my smile when I am sad, my hanky when I cry, and one more breath when I die


513. Hardest moment is not when you lose something and tear comes out of your eyes

but it is the one when you lose something and still manage to smile (Ibn-ul-bader).

514. Let us have faith that right makes might and in faith let us, to the end dare to do our

duty as we understand it (Quaid-e-Azam M Ali Jinnah).

515. Excellence has always been achieved by those who dared to believe that something

inside them is superior to circumstances. So have belief in yourself.

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516. Go to help your friend in problem without invitation but do not go to your friend in

happiness without invitation (William Shakespeare).

517. The sun is beating down, are we ever goanna change? Can we stop the blood from

running? Over time is running out, hope we find a better way, before we find we are left

with nothing for every life that’ taken, so much love is wasted.

518. I want to rise today and change this world, only love can set it right. If only peace

would never die, seems to me that we have got each other wrong, was the enemy just

your brother all along? So would not you rise today and change this world, do not just

celebrate, try to makes a change (Alter Bridge).

519. Corporate lessons, “we will do it” means “you will do it” you have done a great job,

mean; more work will be given to you. We are a team means; I am not the only one to be

blamed. That is a good question means, I do not know anything about it. All the best

means you one in trouble.

520. Facts about the people we love 1-You hurt them but love them most. 2- You fight

with them because you have more expectations from them. 3- You smile with tears in

your eyes and pains in heart when they hurt you first then apologize. 4- You think about

them a lot when you try to forget them. 5- After long chats on phone, the moment you

disconnect, you remember, you forgot some important thing to say. This is the way our

life goes on forever and ever.

521. Gate of memories will never close, how much we miss our friends nobody knows,

days will pass like years, and we will remember the memories in silent tears

(William Shakespeare).

522. The four looks of life, 1- Look back and get experience 2-Look forward and see

hope 3- Look around and see reality 4- Look within and feel confident

(Dr. Abdul-Kalam).

523. Sometimes in life, we tend to run so fast, that we do not notice friends are running

with us. We only notice them when we fall and they stop to pick us.

524. A busy life makes prayers harder but prayers make a hard and busy life easier.

525. To get profit without risk, experience without danger, and reward without work is as

impossible as it is to live without being born (A.P. Goethe).

526. Messages are not for time pass, they silently say that I am thinking of you right now

and also making you to think of me for a moment.

527. Respect those who find time for you in their time table but love those who do not

consult their time table when you need them.

528. We came with the fear of not knowing anybody, but in the end we go with tears

knowing everybody, and that is called university life.

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529. If you wait to be happy you will wait forever but if you start to be happy you will be

happy forever.

530. Love is possible after friendship but friendship is not possible after love because

medicines work before death, not after death (W.A.Walter).

531. Good behaviour can cover the lack of good looks but good looks can never cover

the lack of good behaviour, so keep your behavior at the level best.

532. Spiritual maturity is a life long process of replacing lies with truth.

533. Do you know which the best part of life is? It’s simple when your family

understands you as a friend and your friends support you as your family.

534. Wining horses never know why they run. They run because of hunter-beats and

pain. Life is a race and God is your rider, so if you are in pain then think, Allah wants

you to win.

535. You have not kept anything of the world but if you have hold four things then you

do not worry Truthfulness, Integrity, Politeness and Lawful earning.

536. A rain drop may look too small to eyes but somewhere a thirsty flower waits for its


537. Nothing is permanent in this world not even the troubles (Charlie Chaplin).

538. The most wasted day in life is the day in which we have not laughed

(Charlie Chaplin).

539. Value of relation is not that how much one feels happy with someone but it is the

loneliness that one feels without someone.

540. I cannot understand why life introduced you to me but that is not the question to be

asked, question is how life knew that, I needed a friend like you.

541. Friendship needs no expectations, no promises, no demands, just wants sincerity,

trust, care and love.

542. Pakistan, the land of pure people where each day sun rises with a new hope and

enduring majesty. A land where love is heartfelt in warm hospitality. A land where

history and ancient civilizations mystify at shrines of Sufi Saints. This is the land I

belong to, this is the land, I will die for, and this land defines my identity

(Pakistan Zinda Baad).

543. The main difference between Allah and human, Allah gives, gives, gives and

forgives and we humans get, get, get and forget.

544. Friendship is not an examination to pass or fail, friendship is not a competition to

win or lose. It is a feeling which you care for someone more than yourself.

545. We love our self even after making so many mistakes then how can we hate others

for small mistakes (William Shakespeare).

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546. If you start judging people, you will be having no time to love them. So do not

waste time in judging (Mother Teresa).

547. Do not compare yourself with anyone in this world. If you do so, you are insulting

yourself (Allen Strike).

548. A butterfly lives only for fourteen days, but still it flies joyfully capturing many

hearts, she knows that each moment in life is precious.

549. If you are struck between two options, just flip a coin in the air. It works not because

it solves the problem but because while the coin is in the air, you will get to know what

your heart in really hoping for (George Philip).

550. Do not see others, do better than yourself. Beat your own records everyday. You

will surely get success because success is a fight between you and yourself.

551. A reputation once broken may possibly be repaired but the world will always keep

their eyes on the spot where the crack was.

552. A good relation is when someone hurts you, you do not hurt back. When someone

shouts at you, you do not shout back but when someone needs you, you always come


553. Bulloch loves fighting but hates to be a soldier, loves music but has a great contempt

for musician. He is kind, loving and gentle but hates to show it. Hot-blooded and hot-

blooded, poor but proud with strange principles. He loves his new rifle and old wife. He

will die but never step back from his words. He is loving and sincere friend but a deadly

enemy (Firdous Jamal).

554. When my arms cannot reach people who are close to my heart. I always hug them

with my prayers.

555. Never blame a day in your life. Good days give happiness, bad days give

experience, worst days give lesson and best days give memories.

556. Whenever you miss someone, look at the sky. Although you might not see the

person there, but feel happy that you two are under the same sky.

557. To be most successful in life, always forget the problems that you faced in life. But

never forget the lessons that those problems taught you.

558. I love photos because the best thing about them is that, they never change even

when the people in them change (William Shakespeare).

559. Some battles have to be fought alone; some paths have to be crossed alone. So never

be emotionally attached with anyone, you never know when you have to walk alone.

560. The most selfish one letter “I” avoid it. Most satisfactory two letters “ we” use it.

Most poisonous three letters “ego” kills it. Most used four letters “love”, do it. Most

pleasing five letters ‘smile” keep it. Fastest spreading six letters “rumor”, ignore it. Most

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hardworking seven letters ‘success”, achieve it. Most enviable eight letters “jealousy” be

away from it. Most essential nine letters “principle” have it. Most divine ten letters

“friendship’ maintains it.

561. Silence and smile are two powerful tools, smile solves many problems and silence is

to avoid many problems. Use the tools and live happy.

562. A good way to change someone’s attitude is to change your own because the same

sun that melts snow also hardens clay. Life is as you think so.

563. Trust and fear, do not trust anybody except great Allah and do not afraid from

anybody but fear his own sin (Hazrat Usman R.A).

564. Richness and relation of crime, behind every great fortune, there is a crime

(Henry De Balzac).

565. We say, it is impossible, Allah says, have faith in me, everything is possible. We

say, I am too tired. Allah says, my man, I will give you rest. We say, I cannot do it. Allah

says, you have my blessings, you can do it. We say, I am not able, Allah says I am able.

We say, I cannot forgive myself, Allah says, I forgive you.

566. New friends may be a poem, but old friends are alphabets; do not forget the

alphabets because you will need them to read the poem.

567. Allah says, try to walk in my way, I will make every way easy for you. Try to spend

your wealth in my way; I will make oceans of treasure for you. Try to leave your wills

for me; I will make my wills for you. Try to bear pain in my way; I will open my care for

you. Try to believe in me, I will make my power for you. At last, try to be mine; I will

make everyone for you.

568. I live by faith and not by sight, so whether I see you or not, I know you are still the


569. One day you will sit and think about the times you have shared with your best pals!

And most of them would be out of contact with you by then. You will miss them, and

they might miss you too. So let’s decide that we will never forget each other and will

remain in touch until we can because friendship and love are too precious things to loose.

570. A relationship does not shine by just shaking hands in best times but it blossoms by

holding hands firmly in critical situation.

571. Allah, enlighten whast is dark in me, strengthen what is weak in me, mend what is

broken in me, bind what is bruised in me, heal what is sick in me, straighten what is

crooked in me and revive whatever peace and love has died in me (Amen).

572. Good things come to those who wait, better things come to those who try, best

things come to those who believe, and desired things come to those who pray.

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573. Our body is fully made of water but whenever it hurts, blood comes out. Our heart is

full of blood; whenever it hurts the water comes from our eyes.

574. Good friends are life software, they enter your life. Scan your problems, exit your

tensions, download your solutions, delete your worries and save you in their heart.

575. Do you know why Allah created gap between your fingers? Because one day

someone who really loves you will come to fill those gaps by holding your hand forever.

576. Why does a man keep his wife’s photo in pocket? Because whenever he is in

trouble, he looks at the photo and say if I can face this, I can face anything

(Charlie Chaplin).

577. Do not try to have friends who can achieve great heights. Have a friend who can

hold you when you fall from the greatest height. Loyal friend is better than royal friends.

578. Life is like a novel and every day is a new page. If this page is sad, next will be

happy. So do not worry, turn the page and enjoy it.

579. Life is like a coin, pleasure and pain are the two sides. Only one side is visible at a

time but remember, other side is also waiting for its turn.

580. Human on earth, a little fish asked her mother, why we cannot live on earth? Mother

said, o my innocent child, earth is only made for selfish not for fish.

581. Sometimes people are nothing, you make them something and when they become

something, they feel that you are nothing.

582. I was a smoker! Once I read smoking in injurious to health, I quit smoking. I used to

drink wine, I read, wine is bad for health. I left drinking. I love someone, once I read,

love is an illusion. You know what I did? I left reading (William Watson).

583. Two things never get defined in whole life. First is love because you never know

how deeply your lover loves you. Second friend because you never know how deeply

they care about you.

584. Sometimes in life it is difficult to decide what is wrong? A lie that draws a smile or

the truth that draws a tear.

585. Life can be much happier and less stressful if we remember one simple thing. We

cannot have all that we desire, but Allah will give us all that we deserve.

586. While working, postmaster received a letter written by a small child who requested

God to send him 50 rupees. Postmaster sent it to finance minister as a joke. The finance

officer ordered to send rupees 20 to small child thinking that it will be enough for the

child. The little boy was delighted and decided to write a thank you note to God which

read “Dear God, thank you very much for sending the money, however I noticed that you

sent it through the finance minister office and those bloody donkeys deducted Rs: 30 in


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587. Born with personality is an accident but dying as a personality is an achievement.

Your birth may be normal but your death should be history. Like all, trust few, follow

none but learn from everyone. Practice like a devil but play like an angel. Do or die is an

old concept. You should select do it before die.

588. Be slow in choosing friends and too slow in loosing them because friendship is not

an opportunity. But it is a sweet responsibility.

589. Good relations do not need any promise, any terms, and any condition. It just needs

two wonderful persons, one cool like me and one sweet like you.

590. Angel said, I cannot be everywhere to help so I created mother. Devil replied, me

too cannot be everywhere so I created (mother-in-law).

591. A man cannot be grand without money but money does not make a man grand.

592. Never walk away from true friends, when you see some faults, be patient, and

realize that nobody is perfect. It is affection that matters, not perfection.

593. The peak of pain in life is to sit near the person you love the most, knowing that the

person can never be yours.

594. Mobiles can be very irritating, have to buy card every weak, have to recharge

battery, messages get delsayed but there is one thing I love about this, it connects me to

my dear ones.

595. Future is not what we planned for tomorrow, it is the result of what we do today


596. Do not trust your heart, because it is not on the right side (William Shakespeare).

597. The greatest suggestion for live is do not love the one who is beautiful for the world

but love the one who makes your world beautiful (John Keats).

598. He who cannot forgive, breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass

(George Herbert).

599. A good plan for today is better than a great plan for tomorrow. Look backward with

satisfaction and look forward with confidence.

600. A do not think of all the misery but of all the beauty that still remains

(Anne Frank).

601. An arrow can be shot only by dragging it back. So when life is dragging you back

with difficulties, it means it is going to launch you for a big victory.

602. Socrates was once asked, what is the cure for love at 1st sight? He replied, take a

closer look second time.

603. Behavior is a mirror in which everyone displays his own image. Reflections cannot

be changed, by changing a mirror.

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604. Every sunset reduces one day from life but every sunrise gives one more day to


605. Relationships are precious do not take them for granted it is sad but true, the worst

pain in life is when someone you know turns into someone you knew.

606. You may fall in love with the beauty of someone but remember; finally you have to

live with character not with the beauty.

607. Be true to yourself and be less concerned with what others think of you. Do not

accept their definition of you but grow into a self definition of your own.

608. Do not show off yourself with artificial things because, the real confidence is in

your simplicity which show your character.

609. People fight for religion, die for religion but do not follow religion.

610. Ginious is one percent inspiration; ninety percent is perspiration

(Thomas Alva Edison).

611. Fortunate are those who are blessed with sincere friends and the most fortunate are

those who do not ever lose the sincere friends.

612. Some people are so much important in our life not because we enjoy their company

but because we feel too much loneliness in their absence.

613. The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.

614. Your night is as long as you decide to sleep, your destination is as far as you decide

to walk, your sky is as for as you would want to reach. All you need to do is rise. It is a

new day, spring your wings and decide to fly.

615. Never worry about the delay of your success compared to others, because

construction of a pyramid takes more time than an ordinary building.

616. Mistake which makes us humble is better than an achievement which makes us


617. Never explain yourself to anyone because the person, who likes you, does not need

it and the person who dislikes you, does not believe it.

618. Loving hundred wrong persons may not affect your life but hating one right person

will leave you broken throughout your life.

619. Forget your own happiness by trying to create a little happiness for others,

remember, when you are good to others, you are best to yourself.

620. Sometimes people are nothing, you make them something. And when they become

something, they feel that you are nothing.

621. You best relation is the one who is the first one to come in your mind when you

want to share something with anyone.

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622. We the Pakistanis work on the principle of rockets. It does not mean we aim for the

skies. It means we do not start working unless our tail is on fire.

623. Faith makes everything possible in life and love makes everything beautiful around.

624. It is very usual to ask, what is up? How are you? Had your lunch? How is life?

Everything ok? So let me ask you a real one. Did you smile today? If not, do it just now.

625. If you want to judge your relations, make a few mistakes as it is the only paint

where relationships show their originality.

626. Working towards success will make you a master, but working towards satisfaction

makes you a legend. So strive for excellence and be a legend.

627. Friendship requires little efforts, even when friends are busy with their own lives, a

simple sms reminds each other that you are not forgotten.

628. The greatest advantage of speaking truth is that you do not have to remember what

you said (Fancis Becon).

629. Between a thousand yesterdays and a million tomorrows, there is only one today and

I will not let it pass without remembering you in my prayers.

630. Yesterday, I was clever, so I wanted to change the world, today, I am wise. So I am

changing myself.

631. Funny exymorons! An oxymoron is usually defined as a phrase in which two word

of contradictory meaning are brought together, clearly misunderstood, exact estimate,

small crowd, act naturally, found missing, fully empty, pretty ugly, seriously funny, only

choice, original copies, and the mother of all happily married.

632. Do not limit yourself and always take risks because success is beyond the risks.

633. There are only two persons who ace failure in life. One who does not listen to

anyone and other, who listens to everyone.

634. If we both exchange one dollar, we both have one dollar each. But if we exchange

one good thought we both have two good thoughts (Abraham Lincion).

635. Friends and medicines play the same role in our life both take care of us in our

pains, but the difference is that friends do not have an expiry date.

636. I am not your friend if you have to think before you speak to me, I am not your

friend if my presence ever makes you feel uncomfortable, I am not your friend if you

have to think me for everything I do for you, I am not your friend if you have to ask me

for favours, I am not your friend if you think that listening to your dreams would put me

to sleep, I am not your friend if you think that seeing you in pain would not bring tears to

me, I am not your friend if you do not understand me when I shout or get angry at you

over small silly things.

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637. Even if you on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there

(Will Rogers).

638. The most critical moment in life when someone very special hurts you so deeply,

causes tears in your eyes, and ask hat happened? But you just reply, nothing.

639. Never try to examine f4riendshi; because friends are life diamonds when you hit

them, they did not break but may slip away from your life.

640. Life never seems to be the way we want it. But we live in the best way we can.

There is no perfect life but we can fill it with perfect moments.

641. Love and death are two un-invited guests, when they will come nobody knows, but

both do the same work. One takes heart and the other takes its beat

(William Shakespeare).

642. Never misunderstand a person who shows anger on you because anger is the most

easiest and childish way to express deep love.

643. Whenever you feel sad, see yourself in the mirror and say “I am so cute”. You will

smile automatically but do not make it a habit because “liers go to Hell”.

644. Unexpected results and problems are part of life. Never loose hope in any condition

because darkness of night always finishes with light of day.

645. Relations are like a glass, a scratch on one side will reflect on the other side too. So

always handle feelings carefully because that scratch cannot be removed.

646. People often change for two reasons either they have learned enough that they want

to change or they have been hurt enough that they need to change.

647. The world is a very bad place to live, not because it is full of bad people but because

good people remain silent (Einstein).

648. In the race between cat and mouse, mouse mostly wins because cat is running for

food and mouse for its life. Remember, purpose is more important than need.

649. If you fight with your lovable friend, just put aside your egos. Just hug each other

and say, I need you idiot atleast to fight with me.

650. Disappointed and ray of mercy, say, o my slaves who have been prodigal to their

own hurt! Despair not of the mercy of great supreme Allah, who forgiveth all sins. Lo!

He is the forgiving the merciful (Al Zumr-53).

651. Do not believe your doubts and do not doubt your believes.

652. Funny ultimate truths 1 whenever I find the key to success, someone changes the

lock 2 The road to success is always under construct. 3- In order to get a loan, you first

do not need it. 4- All the desirable things in life are either illegal, expensive or married 5-

Once you have brought something you will find the same item being sold somewhere

else at a cheaper rate.

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653. Faith makes all things possible, hope makes all things work, love makes all things


654. Sometimes you have to run away just to see who will run after you sometimes you

have to talk quieter just to see who is listening. Sometimes you have to step up in a fight

just to see who is by your side. Sometimes you have to make a wrong decision just to see

who is there to fix it. Sometimes you have to let go of the one you love just to see of

he/she loves you enough to come back. Find the caring people around you and never let

them go.

655. The ultimate measure of your life will not be n what you accumulate, but in what

you give away.

656. Listen carefully, I am a Muslim, kill me and call it a mistake. Imprison me and call

it security measure. Exile my people and masses and call it progress. Rob my rights,

invade my land, declare me as a terrorist and call it development. But listen, I am a

Muslim and will remain Muslim forever and remember, every fall has a rise and when

Muslims rise, everything will fall.

657. Pray is an amazing exchange. You handover your worries to Allah and Allah

handover his blessings to you.

658. Life is heaven when you have German car, American salary, Chinese food and

Pakistani wife and it is hell when car is Chinese, food German, American wife and

Pakistani salary.

659. Desting is simply the strength of your desires. If you cry at a trouble, it grows

double. If you laugh at it, it disappears like a bubble.

660. Umbrella cannot stop the rain but makes us stand in the rain, confidence may not

bring success but it gives power to face any challenge in life.

661. If you want to shine like sun, first you will have to burn like it (Adolph Hetler).

662. If you build an army of 100 loins and their leader will be a dog, the loins will die

like dogs. But if you build an army of 100 dogs and their leader will e a lion. So the all

doges will fight like lion (Nepolean Bonaparte).

663. Life never leaves you empty. It always replaces everything you lost. If it asks you to

put something down, it is because it wants you to pick up something better.

664. A man was placing flowers on the grave of his dearly mother when his attention

diverted to another man kneeling at a grave. The man seemed to be praying with

profound intensity and keep repeating why did you have to die. Why did you have to die?

The first man approached him and said, your pain is more than I have ever seen before.

For whom do you mourn so deeply? A child? A parent? The other man replied, my

wife’s first husband.

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665. Allah’s way is best. One day I asked Allah for a bunch of beautiful flowers. Instead,

he gave me cactus with thons later, I asked lum to give me butterflies. Instead, he have

me worms. I was disappointed and I wept. But few days later, I noticed that the cactus

bloomed with beautiful flowe4rs and the worms soon became butterflies. Allah wants us

to wait for the right time, for he knows all the best that he can give.

666. Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.

667. Tension, the moment you come in tension, you loose your attention and you create

confusion, this creates for you irritation and you spoil personal reputation, ultimately you

get no cooperation, this takes the things towards complication and your blood pressure

starts demanding caution and you have to understand the situation and try to find the

solution, many problems are solved with discussion and it works better for your

profession, do not think it is my free suggestion and it is only for your prevention. If you

understand my intention you will never come again in tension.

668. Do not listen to those people who say “STOP DREAMING AND FACE


669. To become successful in make three factories, ice factory in your brain, sugar

factory in your tongue and finally love factory in your heart.

670. The shortest distance between a problem and its solution is the distance between

your knees and floor. The one who, kneels down to Allah, can stand up to anything.

671. It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted.

672. Lonely hours are the best hours of life because it is the only time we share our

deepest secrets with the most trusted person in the world our friends.

673. Always try your best to get whatever you love, otherwise you will be forced to love

whatever you get.

674. Life will never provide warranties and guaranties. It only provides possibilities and

opportunities. It is upto us to convert them into success.

675. I asked a wise man, how do I get the best out of life? He answered face your past

without regret, handle your present with confidence, prepare for the future without fear,

then he added, keep the faith and drop the fear. Do not believe your doubts and never

doubt your beliefs. Life is wonderful it you know how to live.

676. Tree leaves not look green forever, roses not look fresh forever, but I pray to Allah

that smile on your lips stay forever.

677. Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person, in like

expecting the loin not to attack you because you are a vegetarian (Abraham Lincoin).

678. If you can smile when you are completely broken then, there can be nothing that can

break you next time.

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679. Sacrifice is greater than love, character is greater than beauty, humanity is greater

than wealth but nothing is greater than your inside good and always have a unique

character like salt. Its presence is not felt but its absence makes all things tasteless


680. One tear burns 100 drops of blood. If someone is weeping for you it means he is

dying for you (William Shakespeare).

681. Expression of the face could be seen by everyone but the depression of heart could

be understood only by the best one. Do not lose them in life.

682. Anyone can love rose but no one loves a leaf that adds beauty to it so do not love

someone who is beautiful but love the one who makes your life beautiful.

683. A stranger seated next to a child on an earoplane. Stranger tu5rned to him and said.

Let us talk child what would you like to talk about? Stranger how about nuclear topic.

But let me ask you deer all eat grass. Yet deer excetes pellets, cow flat potty and horse

clumps, why? Stranger I have no idea! Child: do you really feel qualified enough to

discuss issue when you do not know about shit.

684. Life is spent in three stupid stages. Teenage: have time and energy but no money.

Working age: have money and energy but no time. Old age: have time and money but no


685. Quran leadership, those who, if we give them power in the land, establish worship

and pay poor-due and enjoin kindness and forbid iniquity. And great supreme Allah’s is

the sequel of events (Haj-41).

686. Graveyards are filled with those people who often used to consider themselves

indispensable for this world (Charles Degaal).

687. Do not judge your close ones by the way they speak, judge them by the way they

care, because care is the real outcome of true sincerity.

688. If you stand for a reason, be prepared to stand alone like a tree. And if you fall on

the ground, fall as a seed that grows back to fight again.

689. The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall

(Che Guevara).

690. Strange facts, 1 there is always a little truth behind every just kidding. 2- There is

always a little knowledge behind every I do not know. 3- There is always a little emotion

behind every I do not care. 4- There is always a little pain behind every it is ok. What we

see and what we hear is not what we always get.

691. Some people hurt us by words, some by actions. But the biggest hurt I believe is

when someone ignore when we value them more than every thing else.

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692. Non smokers: I hate cigarette so I do not touch it smokers: I too hate cigarette so I

burn it attitude matters.

693. Argument wins the situation but loses the person so never argue with your loved and

dear ones. Because situation is not important persons are important

(Old Greek Proverb).

694. It is not what happens to you but how you react to it that matters.

695. If an egg breaks due to outside force. Inside life ends. If it breaks from inside. Life

begins. Great things always begin from inside. Always try to make your inside strong.

696. Sijjin, illiyen, listen that the record of the sinful men is in sijjin. Do you know? That

what thing is sijjin? A written record. Listen that the record of the pious men is in illiyin.

Do you know? That what thing is illiyin? A written record (Al- Motafifeen).

697. Two places are most valueable in the world. The nicest place is to in someone’s

thoughts and the safest place is to be in someone’s prayers.

698. Small minds always discuss people. Average minds always discuss events. Great

minds always discuss ideas. Genius minds always work in silence.

699. If care is a raindrop, I send you shower. If happiness is petal, I send you flowers if

smile is second, I send you hours. If prayer is water, I send you sea. If joy are leaves, I

send you trees because I want to see you happy forever.

700. Words written on the entrance of oxford university, I know I am something because

God does not create garbage.

701. If a drop of water falls in lake, there is no identity. But if it falls on a leaf of lotus, it

shines like a pearl so choose the best place where you would whine.

702. How blessed I am to be a Muslim! I say a simple salam to someone, I am rewarded.

I smile at someone, I am rewarded, I pray in masjid, with jammat, I am rewarded twenty

seven times more than those who pray alone. I begin anything with besmillah that action

of mine is rewa4rded. I think of doing good deed. I am rewarded, I control my temper, I

am rewarded. I hold the glass with my right hand while drinking I am rewarded. So proud

to be a Muslim.

703. If you look at what you have in life, you will always have more. If you look at what

you do not have in life. You will never have enough.

704. Do not look back when you are moving to success but do not forget to look back

after reaching success.

705. The belivers who show the most perfect faith are those who have the best character

and the best of you are those who are best to their wives (Tirmidhi).

706. Do not see others doing better than you, eat your own records everyday, because

success is a fight between you and yourself.

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707. The biggest temptation of life is to convert dreams into reality but the biggest defeat

of life comes when we surrender our dreams to reality.

708. A man is not finished when he is defeated, he is finished when he quits. So never

quit because winners never quit and quitters never win.

709. Ever body seems to be special at first sight. But only the special ones maintain their

level of dignity till the last sight of life.

710. The trouble with the world is that the stupids are confident and the intelligents are

full of doubts (Adolph Hitler).

711. Arguing with boss is like wrestling with a donkey in the mud. After some time you

will realize that the donkey is enjoying and you are getting dirty.

712. Genious and successful people do not relax in work, they sleep with dreams and

awake with determination and commitment.

713. Great supreme Allah is he who sendeth the winds so that they raise clouds, and

spreadeth them along the sky as pleaseth him and causeth them to break and you see the

rain downpouring from within them, and when he make it to fall on whom he will of his

bondmen, lo! They rejoice (Rome-48).

714. Do not walk proudly on the earth. You feet cannot tear apart the earth nor are you as

tall as the mountains (Al-Quran).

715. Even though I clutch my blanket and growl when the alarm rings. Thank you lord,

that I can hear. There are many who are deaf. Even though I keep my eyes closed against

the morning light as long as possible. Thank you lord, that I can see. Many are blind.

Even though I huddle in my bed and put off rising. Thank you lord, that I have the

strength to rise. There are many who are bedridden. Even though the first hour of my day

is hectic, when socks are lost, toast is burned and tempers are short. Thank you lord, for

my family. There are many who are lonely. Even though our breakfast table never looks

like the pictures in magazines, and the menu is at times unbalanced. Thank you lord for

the food we have. There are many who are hungry. Thank you Allah for everything.

706. Hardwork is like stairs and luck is like lift sometimes lift may ail but stairs will

always take you at the top.

717. I believe in love at 1st sight, because I have loved my mother ever since I opened my


718. No nation, No people, who are worth living as a nation can achieve anything great

without great sacrifice (Quaid-e-Azam M. Ali Jinnah).

719. Good people are life street lights along the roads. They do not make the distance

short but they light up the path and make the walk easy and safe.

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720. Million of trees in the world are accidently planted by squirrels who bury nuts and

then forget where they hide them do good and forget.

721. When I came back in fain. Brother asked why did not you take an umbrella? Sister

adviced why did not you wait till train stopped? Father angrily warned, only after getting

cold, you will realize. But mother while drying near, said! Stupid rain could not it wait

till my child come home that is mother.

722. One day dreams asked life, when shall he come true life smiled and replied, never

because the all off you come true I will loss my meaning.

723. The rider should first greet the pedestrian, and the pedestrian the one who is seated

and a small group should greet a larger group (Muslim).

724. Everyone wants to go to Jajjah, but nobody is ready to die.

725. Believe where others doubt, work where others refuse, save where others waste, stay

where others quit and you will win where others loose.

726. If you go out looking for friends, you are going to find they are very scarce. If you

go out to be a friend, you will find them everywhere (Zig Zigler).

727. There is undoubtedly a great deal of truth in what you said man’s challenge to aim

in happiness. That is the philosophy of competition.

728. Remember, No human condition is ever permanent then you will not be over joyed

in good fortune nor too scornful in misfortune (Socrates).

729. Worthless people live only to eat and drink people of worth eat and drink only to

live (Socrates).

730. If a man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known how he

employs it (Socrates).

731. Personality is who we are and what we do when everybody is watching. character is

who we are and what we do when nobody is watching.

732. Feel good if someone misses you feel better when someone likes you. Feel best

when someone cares for you and feel proud when someone never forgets you in prayers.

733. Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said

it unless it agrees with your own reason and your won common sense (Buddha).

734. An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that

exists only as an idea (Buddha).

735. Have compassion for all being rich and poor alike, each has their suffering, some

suffer too mach, other too little (Buddha).

736. Common looking people are the best in the world that is the reason the lord makes

so many of them (Abraham Lincoin).

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737. The ultimate authority must always rest with the individual’s own reason and critical

analysis (Dalai Lama).

738. Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complox it takes a touch of

genious, and move in the opposite direction (Albert Einstein).

739. A man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss

the attention it deserves (Albert Einstein).

740. At fifteen life had taught me undeniably that surrender, in its place, was as

honorable as resistance, especially if one had no choice (Maya Angelou).

741. Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in

the darkness of destructive selfishness (Martin Lutherking).

742. And often times exusing of a fault doth make the fault the worse by the cause

(William Shakespeare).

743. He who has injured there was either stronger or weaker than thee. if weaker, spare

him if stronger, spare thyself.

744. If you can look into the seeds of time and say which grain will grow and which will

not speak then to me (William Shakespeare).

745. It is not in the stars to hold our desting but in our selves (William Shakespeare).

746. Our doubts are traitors, and make us loose the good we often might win, by fearing

to attempt (William Shakespeare).

747. Neither a borrower nor a lender be for loan often loses both itself and friend

(William Shakespeare).

748. All human actions have one or more of these seven causes, chance, nature,

compulsions, habit, reason, passion and desire (Aristotle).

749. Bring your desires down to your present means. Increase them only when your

increased means permit (Aristotle).

750. Anybody can become angry. That is easy. But to be angry with the right person and

to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose and in the right way.

That is not within everybody’s power and is not easy (Aristotle).

751. A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a god barker. Aman is not

considered a good man because he is a good talker (Buddha).

752. Discipline is remembering what you want (David Campbell).

753. Discipline is a bridge between goals and accomplishment (Jim Rohn).

754. Thanks giving opens the windows of opportunity to flow your way (Jim Rohn).

755. Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly

(Robbert -F-Kennedy).

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756. An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity, a pessimist sees a calamity in

every opportunity (Winston Churchill).

757. Our main business is no to see what lies dimly at a distance but to do what lies

clearly at hand (Thomas Carlyle).

758. The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we

are moving (Oliver Wendell Holmes).

759. Every adversity, every failure, every heartache comes with it the seed of an equal or

greater benefit (Nepoleon Hill).

760. The simplest and shortest ethical percept is to be served by others as little as

possible, and to serve others as much as possible (Leo Tolsstoy).

761. If there is one thing I would banish from earth it is fear and the only way to do that

is to see that there in nothing to fear nothing in all of life to be afraid of (Henry ford).

762. Hope lies in dreams in one’s imagination and in the courgage of those who dare to

make dreams into reality (Jonas salk).

763. If you cannot be a pencil to write anyone’s happiness, then try atleast to be a nice

rubber to erase someone’s ssorrows.

764. There is no love in peace who ever seeks peace is lost (Paulo Coelho).

765. To be kind is more important than to be right often people need a patient heart that

listens not a brilliant mind that speaks.

766. Find timer for the special ones in your life otherwise one day you will get time but

not the special one to share it with you.

767. There is no wealth like reason, no poverty like ignorance, no heritager like culture

and no aid like consultation.

768. You can never find a perfect friend in me because what makes me human is my

imperfection, but be assured that I will always be your friend not perfect but true.

769. A good apology has three parts I am sorry it is my fault, and what can I do to make

it right but most of the people miss the third part.

770. Much silence and a good disposition, there are no two works better than those

(Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH)).

771. When God wants to drive a person insane, He grants that person’s every wish

(Paulo Coelho).


Page 51: GOLDEN WORDS by ShahnAleemJara

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