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Andrew Goldsworthy 2008

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The cell phone and the cellThe loss of calcium from cell

membranes can explain almost allbioelectromagnetic effects

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Our bodies make good antennas

Our bodies can pick up electromagneticradiation like the antenna of a radio set .

It makes currents flow inside us.Blood vessels conduct DC and lowfrequencies .

High frequencies can also pass throughcell membranes.

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Electromagnetic calcium loss has

been shown many timesSuzanne Bawin and her colleagues firstshowed this in 1975.Carl Blackman and his co-workersfollowed it up and found that calcium lossonly occurred in restricted ³amplitudewindows´

These are the field strengths thatselectively drive the strongly chargeddivalent ions clear of the membrane.

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Low frequency pulses work best

The lost calcium ions can be replaced byother ions to give a net loss of calcium.Low frequencies work best because theygive more time for the calcium to bereplaced before the field reverses.Pulses are more effective than smooth

sine waves because they catapult thecalcium from the membrane and thenleave more time for it to be replaced.

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R adio waves

R adio waves have high frequencies andhave little biological effect on their own.

But if they are pulsed or amplitudemodulated at a lower biologically activefrequency, they have a similar ³shaking´effect on the membrane and give similar biological effects.16 Hz is particularly effective.

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W hat¶s special about 16 Hz?

Potassium ions resonate and increase their energy of motion when exposed to acombination of electromagnetic fields at 16 Hzand the Earth¶s steady magnetic field.Potassium is by far the most abundant positiveion in living cells and is the one most likely toreplace calcium lost from membranes.16 Hz energises it to make it even more effectivein replacing calcium.

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Biological significance of 16Hz

Many bioelectromagnetic responses peak or trough at around 16Hz.These include growth in yeast and higher plants,

movement in diatoms, and reportedneurophysiological symptoms from TET R Aradiation (17.6 Hz).This suggests that they may all be secondary

effects due to the loss of divalent ions from cellmembranes and their replacement bypotassium.

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Positive ions stabilise membranes

Cell membranes are made of islands of protein embedded in a sheet of negativelycharged phospholipids.They are stabilised by positive ions that fitbetween the phospholipid molecules andreduce their tendency to repel oneanother.

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Calcium loss makes membranes

leakCalcium ions, with their double charge, arebetter at holding the phospholipidstogether than monovalent ions such aspotassium.The electromagnetic replacement of calcium by monovalent ions weakens themembrane, making it more likely to tear,develop temporary holes and leak.

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Mobile phone signals

GSM phones compress the digital speechdata into a series of microwave pulses thatare transmitted at a biologically active lowfrequency (217 Hz).W ithin each pulse, the coded speechsignal is also pulsating.So, information-carrying signals arepotentially more damaging.

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Cell phones damage DNA

Many studies have shown that theradiation from GSM phones breaks DNAmolecules in cultured cells within 24 hours.Because DNA is an extremely stablemolecule, the most likely explanation is theleakage of digestive enzymes through themembranes of damaged lysosomes.

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Not all cells are equally affected

According to an independent studysponsored by the European Commission,fibroblasts show severe DNA damage butlymphocytes are almost unaffected .This may be because lymphocytesroutinely break and rejoin their DNA as

part of their role in the immune system.Consequently, they may have unusuallygood DNA repair mechanisms.

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Cell phones reduce male fertility

Several studies have shown significantreductions in sperm count and viability inheavy cell phone users.This is an expected consequence fromdamage to the DNA of cells in the germline.

Further consequences are geneticmutations that will appear in futuregenerations.

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Cell phones and female fertilityW e do not yet know what heavy cell phone usedoes to female fertility since the eggs are formedin the unborn foetus and the effects will not

become apparent until the child reaches pubertymany years later.This is potentially more serious than the effectson sperm since relatively few eggs are formedand they are irreplaceable.Cell phone use should therefore beminimised during pregnancy.

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R adiation and allergies

Much of the present rise in allergies andrelated conditions can be attributed toelectromagnetic exposure releasingcalcium from cell membranes and tight

junction barriers .By increasing leakage in the tight junction

barriers that protect all of our bodysurfaces, it can promote the entry of allergens, toxins and carcinogens.

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Many illnesses are exacerbated

An increase in the permeability of our cellmembranes and tight junction barriers canaccount for the increase in many ³modernillnesses´.These include asthma, various allergies,multiple chemical sensitivities, skin rashes,

bowel cancer, type-1 diabetes, Crohn¶sdisease, celiac disease, irritable bowelsyndrome and multiple sclerosis.

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Electromagnetic hypersensitivity

Some people can ³feel´ the radiationbecause it affects their nervous systems.Symptoms include headaches, dizzinessnumbness, pins and needles, fatigue,cramps and cardiac arrhythmia.These symptoms resemble those of low

blood calcium and magnesium (whichwould also remove these ions from cellmembranes and make them leak).

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Electromagnetic exposurestimulates the brain

Electromagnetically-induced membrane leakagein neurones will increase their cytosolic calciumconcentration.

Programmed rises in cytosolic calcium are anormal prerequisite for the release of neurotransmitters that pass signals to other neurones.

A higher background concentration means thishappens sooner and speeds our reaction time tosimple stimuli.

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Membrane leakage and attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder

In addition to its speeding signal transmission,membrane leakage in neurones will alsoincrease the production of spurious signals.

These will stimulate random thoughts , create amental fog, and result in a loss of concentration .Tasks that could be affected include learning inclassrooms fitted with W ifi and driving a car while using a cell phone (even hands-free typeshave this effect).

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The present 6000 percent increase inautism coincides with the proliferation of cell phones and microwave ovens.This too can be explained in terms of membrane leakage and the generation of spurious signals in the child¶s brain.

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Development of autism

A child learns the basics of socialinteractions in its first year of life.These become hard-wired when under-used neuronal connections are pruned.Any electromagnetic disruption of thislearning will then be made permanent.

The nature and severity of this disruptioncould then give rise to the whole spectrumof irreversible autistic disorders.

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Defence mechanisms

Living organisms have evolved mechanisms todefend themselves against the non-ionisingradiation from lightning in thunderstorms.

Extra calcium leaking into cells is expelled.Heat-shock proteins are produced to protectenzymes from damage.

Ornithine decarboxylase is activated to makepolyamines that protect nucleic acids.

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Defence comes at a costW hen deployed, the defence mechanismstemporarily disrupt normal metabolism and placeheavy demands on cellular resources.This can normally be tolerated for a short time,e.g. the duration of a thunderstorm or a brief phone call.But permanent exposure, e.g. from base stationantennas may be more damaging.

R esources have to be diverted permanentlyfrom both physical activity and the immunesystem, causing fatigue and an increased risk of developing cancer and other illnesses.

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DECT phones and W ifi

The continuous radiation from most DECTcordless phone base stations and W ifi routerscan have similar effects to exposure to cell

phone base stations.The only currently-produced DECT phone thatautomatically switches off the base station whennot in use is the Orchid Low R adiation Phone,which is available from www.rowtex.co.ukW ifi and DECT baby alarms should be avoided .

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W hy are we not all affected?

This is due to natural biological variability.Some people may be predisposed to radiationdamage because of low blood calcium or magnesium.Others may have weaker defence mechanisms.N.B. Many people are electrosensitive but do not

realise it; they have the symptoms, but becausethey are permanently exposed to the radiation,they regard them as ³normal´.

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Antennas on water towers

A further consequence of this ³chemicaltransmission´ could be the distribution of toxic effects in water coming from water towers fitted with cell phone antennas.W e should therefore avoid puttingantennas on water towers since it couldspread the radiation effects through thewater system far beyond the range of the radiation itself.

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There is an urgent need for both governmentsand the cell phone industries to recognise thefull implications of what they are doing.

The effects on electrosensitive people and thosewith allergy-related conditions are bad enough intheir own right but, with roughly half the world¶spopulation already owning a cell phone, thegenetic effects now threaten the future of theentire human race.

Andrew Goldsworthy 2008

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