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Golf and Your Career

Does Golf Help Your Career?

A Survey taken by 1,400 CFOs from a sample of U.S. companies were asked, “How important do you feel it is for business professionals to play golf in order to enhance their careers? Over a third indicated that it is “very important” or

“somewhat important” Playing golf with a potential client or

company is an excellent way to gauge compatibility and see the qualities of a person in the unique setting of a golf course

4Reasons Golf is Good for Your Career

1. Great networking abilities.2. Makes a great impression.3. Enhances analytical thinking. 4. Relieves stress.

Networking Abilities

Golfers have a median household income of more than $80,000, and 93 percent of them own at least one home.

Those statistics coupled with the fact that golf is a luxury sport (it's about $40 on average to play one round) makes its players generally affluent and successful.

Playing golf with someone allows for ample conversation, prepare what you want to talk about beforehand.

Making a Great Impression

Having a fluid swing, competitive attitude, and patience under pressure will impress whoever you are golfing with and translate to a work environment.

To avoid looking foolish you should make an effort to look at the rules, as all rulings in golf are self enforced.

It is okay to be a sub-par player but doing something against the rules or ignoring the rules can easily be perceived as your attitude towards business/work.

Enforces Analytical Thinking

As much as golf is a physical sport, it is also a thinking one, too. Every shot requires certain thought processes.

A player must gauge possible yardage, wind factors, breaks on the greens, outcome of a bad shot.

Success on the golf course is dependent on your ability to observe the details of each and every shot which translates to how you would think in a work like environment.

Relieves Stress

Not only is golf help improve your physical attributes, it helps relieve stress.

There is nothing better than getting out on a beautiful day to play golf as opposed to sitting in a cubicle.

Golf helps you realize that like the business world, if you hit a bad shot or screw up you need to forget about it and move on to stop it from happening.

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