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Page 1: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Good Morning

January 5, 2015

Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures.

Reflect on the quote of the day.

Complete the Science Morning Work on your desk. It will be graded!!

Page 2: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Social Studies

• What does the word Loyal mean to you? • How do you think that relates to the word • Loyalist? Watch the below video to see if

you are right! • Review• http://education-portal.com/academy/lesson/british-loyalists-vs-american-patriots-during-the-american-revolution.html#le


Page 3: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Social StudiesLook through the book (Chapter 11) and

find two reasons/ arguments why a colonist would join the Loyalist and why they should join the Patriots.

You will find support for the Loyalist and support for the Patriots.

After you have found support for both sides you will pick a side and write a paragraph telling why.

Page 4: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Narrative Perspective

Author’s Point of View

Page 5: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Identifying Narrative Perspective

It's about the narrator (who tells the story)

We're not looking at dialogue.

We don't care what characters say.

Only the narrator's voice matters.

Page 6: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Pronoun Case

First-Person I, me, my, mine, we, us, ours,

Second-Person you, your

Third-Person he, she, her, they, them(also character's names)

We are trying to figure out the narrator's view point on the story.

Perspectives and Signal Words

Page 7: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


“I am in the room”

I = 1st Person

“You come in the room.”

You = 2nd Person

“Then he or she came in the room.”

He or She = 3rd Person

Page 8: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

First-PersonNarrator is a part of the story (character).

Often uses I or we.


I went home. Tim came over. I couldn't play.

Advantage to 1st Person• Readers see events from character’s point of view.

• Readers understand characters better.

Page 9: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


Usually for instructions

Uses “You”; from “your” perspective and presents commands


First, gather your materials. Add 1 cup sugar to flour.

Page 10: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Third-Person• Narrator usually isn’t involved.• Tells other's stories.• Lots of “He,” “She,” & character names.• Advantage: Readers are able to see the

thoughts of all characters.

Three Types of Third-Person Narration

Does the narrator tell…

Page 11: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Third-Person Omniscient

Narrator is all knowing.Narrator tells thoughts and feelings of

more than one character.

Omni = All Scient = Knowing

ExampleTim was mad at Shay. He blamed her. Shay knew Tim would be mad, but she wanted to live her life.

Page 12: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Third-Person Limited

Narrator is limited to one character.

Tells thoughts & feelings of one character


Tim was mad at Shay. He blamed her. Shay just left without saying anything. She left a note and then left him.

Page 13: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Third-Person Objective

Narrator does not reveal any character’s thoughts or feelings.

Only character’s dialogue and actions are narrated.

ExampleTim slammed the door. He walked upstairs & read a note from Shay. He kicked her trash can & started crying.

Page 14: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Tips on Identifying

• Check 1st or 2nd-person before worrying about objective, limited, or omniscient.

• Ask, “Who’s story is the narrator telling: his, mine, or someone else’s?”

• Focus on narration not dialogue.

Page 15: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


1. Read the following passages.

2. Determine the narrator’s perspective.

3. Write down your answer.

Page 16: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


When I was four months old, my mother died suddenly and my father was left to look after me all by himself… I had no brothers or sisters. So through boyhood, from the age of four months onward, there was just us two, my father and me. We lived in an old gypsy caravan behind a filling station”

Page 17: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

2 The huge man dropped his blankets and flung himself down and drank from the surface of the green pool. The small man stepped behind him. "Lennie!" he said sharply. "Lennie, for God" sakes don’t drink so much." Lennie continued to snort into the pool. The small man leaned over and shook him by the shoulder. "Lennie you gonna be sick like you was last night." Lennie dipped his whole head under, hat and all… "Tha’s good," he said. "You drink some, George." He smiled happily

Page 18: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


Foresight in Relationships

The previous night, make your plans for the next day and write them down… If you attend an exclusive Samurai’s party and feel timid, you cannot do your part in making it a successful party. You had first better prepare by convincing yourself that you will have a grand time. And you should feel grateful for the invitation.

Page 19: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


Harold Davis took a deep breath and slowly started to peel the gauze from the wound on his grandmother’s leg. “Hold on, Grandma. I’m almost done,” He said quietly. “Don’t worry, baby. It doesn’t hurt too much,” she quietly replied. “Just take your time.” Harold glanced up at his grandmother lying on the couch. He could tell she was in pain from the way she gripped the cushions, but still she managed to smile back at him.

Page 20: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

5They were standing under a tree, each

with an arm round the other's neck, and Alice knew which was which in a moment, because one of them had "DUM" embroidered on his collar, and the other "DEE." "I suppose they've each got "TWEEDLE" round at the back of the collar," she said to herself. They stood so still that she quite forgot they were alive, and she was just looking round to see if the word "TWEEDLE" was written at the back of each collar, when she was startled by a voice coming from the one marked "DUM."

Page 21: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


1. First-Person

2. Third-Person Objective

3. Second-Person

4. Third-Person Limited

5. Third-Person Limited

Page 22: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Guided Practice: Let’s Practice Writing from different perspectives

First Person Point-of-View: This is where the narrator (person telling the story) is one of the characters in the story itself. This is also referred to as the “I” Point-of-View.

Example: I knew when class started that I was in trouble because I had not finished my homework.

Activity: Now, you write a sentence about your best friend using First Person Point-of-View.

Second Person Point-of-View: This where the narrator is speaking directly to the reader. This is not used often except for instruction manuals and recipes, etc.. This is also referred to as the “You” Point-of-View.

Example: You need to measure the flour to be sure there is only one-half of a cup.

Activity: Now, you write a sentence instructing the reader to finish their homework.

Third Person Limited Point-of-View: This is where the narrator is completely outside the story, but knows the thoughts an d feelings of one or two of the characters. This is also referred to as the “He, She, It” Point-of-View.

Example: Bill was very sorry that he had lied to George, but he was afraid that George would hate him.

Activity: Now, you write a sentence telling the story of how a student does not like the cafeteria food.

Page 23: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Practice Continued: Third Person Omniscient Point-of-View: This is where the narrator is completely

outside the story, but knows the thoughts and feelings

of most or all of the characters in the story. This is also referred to as the “He, She, It Knows Everything” Point-of View.

Example: Sue was so happy to have won the spelling bee that she raced home to tell her parents. Her brother, Bobby, was unhappy that he had gotten a C on an essay that same day.

Activity: Now, you write a couple of sentences showing how upset two students were over a pop-quiz they had in Algebra.

Third Person Objective Point-of-View: This is where the narrator is completely outside the story, and presents the story without presenting the thoughts or feelings of any of the characters.

Examples: Billy’s mom drove him to the movies where he met his friends. They saw an action movie.

Activity: Now, you write a sentence about a funny movie or story

Page 24: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

POTD 1/5

1)4.56 x 10 =

2)4.56 x 100 =

3)4.56 x 1,000 =

4)4.56 ÷ 10 =

5)4.56 ÷ 100 =

6)4.56 ÷ 1,000 =

Page 25: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Adding and Subtracting Decimals

NS 1.0 Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of


Page 26: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

To add decimals

• Line up the decimal points and add the columns from right to left.

• Place a decimal point in the answer directly below the other decimal points.

Page 27: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Example 10.64 + 0.39

Line up the decimal points.

0.64 + 0.39 __________________________

Add the columns. 0.64

+ 0.39 __________________________


Page 28: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Example 2

5.74 + 3.3Line up the decimal points. 5.74 + 3.3 _____________________________

Add the columns. 5.74 + 3.3 _____________________________


Page 29: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

To subtract decimals

• Line up the decimal points.• Subtract the columns from right to left,

regrouping if necessary.• Place a decimal point in the answer

directly below the other decimal points.

Page 30: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Example 10.86 – 0.49

Line up the decimal points0.86

- 0.49 __________________________

Regroup the tenths. Subtract the columns.

0.86 - 0.49 __________________________



Page 31: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


1) 8.57 – 1.65

2) 6 – 3.52

3) 7 + 3.1

4) 2.5 + 8.37

Page 32: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Good Morning!!• Follow all morning procedures

Label the following examples of heat transfer as conduction, convection, or radiation. Then EXPLAIN how this is an example of each. Remember some examples could be more than one! Complete on notebook paper. I will collect it!!1) A pot sitting on a hot burner.2) Using a heating blanket to get warm3) A person placing their hand near a hot burner4) Macaroni rising and falling in a pot of boiling water5) Putting your wet shoes on a floor vent to dry them faster

Page 33: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Reading Workshop

• Complete the Volleyball Perspective Activity

• Complete the Point of View sheet from yesterday

• Wordly Wise 8 A-C• Read a chapter in your book. Books need

to be completed by Monday

Page 34: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


• Sally added two decimal numbers that resulted in a sum of 83.12. What two addends could she have used?

• CHALLENGE: If she added three decimal numbers, what could they have been to still result in a sum of 83.12?

Page 35: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.



Page 36: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Pizza Orders PBL

• Scan the QR code and complete the project within your group. At the bottom of the print out write a 5 sentence summary of how you can apply decimal concepts in the real world.

• $8.00 per person• ***Make sure you look at the rubrichttp://alex.state.al.us/lesson_view.php?id=24001

Page 37: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


• Gallery Walk to present projects.• Pick your top 5 projects

Page 38: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

January 7, 2015

• Good Morning!!• Follow all morning procedures• Complete your Social Studies morning



Page 39: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


Heat Transfer Song


Complete Science Review Sheet in your groups. #teamworkmakesthedreamwork

Page 40: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


Guided• Review POV passages• Guided Reading Groups


Independent• “Bah Humbug!” Complete

perspective graphic organizer and create 5 EOG style HIGHER LEVEL Questions!!

• Complete School Uniforms Perspective Activity

• Guided Reading Novels– Reading Response Journal– Character Study

Page 41: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Math POTDJordy collects butterflies. The table shows the wingspan of his favorite five butterflies.

1. If placed side-by-side, what is the combined wingspan of the Red Glider and the Peacock Butterfly?

2. How much greater is the wingspan of the Orea Banner than the Great Copper?

Page 42: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.



Page 43: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Multiplying Decimals &

Page 44: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Step 1:

Multiply as if the factors were whole numbers

Page 45: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Step 1: 8.5


4 2 5

1 7 0 0

2 1 2 5 next…..

Page 46: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Step 2:

Count the total decimals places in

the factors

Page 47: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Step 1: 8.5


4 2 5

1 7 0 0

2 1 2 5 next…..

Page 48: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Step 3:

Give the product the total decimal

places of the factors

Page 49: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Step 1: 8.5


4 2 5

1 7 0 0

2 1 .2 5

Page 50: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Try These:

1. 4.8 2. 3.55 x 0.5 x .05

Page 51: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


1. 4.8 2. 3.55 x 0.5 x .05

= 2.40 = 0.1775

Page 52: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

DETERMINING WHERE THE DECIMAL GOEShttp://www.mathsisfun.com/numbers/decimals-


Complete QUIZ QUESTIONS for practice

Page 54: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

January 8, 2014

Good Morning!!! Happy New Thursday!!! • Complete SAB Unit 6 pages 69-70.

Choose 5 problems to work out…No one-digit numbers!!!


Page 55: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

ScienceHeat Transfer Songhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUEPGMnRqGs

Review Science from yesterdayhttp://elementaryscience.cmswiki.wikispaces.net/file/view/Heat%20Energy%205.P.3.pdf/536019188/Heat%20Energy%205.P.3.pdf

Heat and Heat transfer

Ready and Study the Sections Energy Likes to Move -More Transfer of Energy.

Write a one sentence summary for EACH section and create a HIGH LEVEL EOG question for each section.


Page 56: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

POTD 1/8

1) Ed bought a drink for $1.50 and a sandwich for $2.75. He has $13.50 left. How much did he start with?

2) Which is the correct placement of the decimal for the product of 31.3 x 0.4?

A. 1252

B. 125.2

C. 12.52

D. 1.252

Page 57: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

• complete SAB 71-74 (unit 6)

Page 58: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Science Gallery Walk

Page 59: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Good Morning!!• Follow All Morning Procedures• Complete your unfinished work from this

week (Social Studies, Reading Skill Work)

Page 60: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Science Cont’d from ThursdayReview Science from yesterdayhttp://elementaryscience.cmswiki.wikispaces.net/file/view/Heat%20Energy%205.P.3.pdf/536019188/Heat%20Energy%205.P.3.pdf

Heat and Heat transfer

Ready and Study the Sections Energy Likes to Move -More Transfer of Energy.

Write a one sentence summary for EACH section and create a HIGH LEVEL EOG question for each section.


Page 61: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Reading Guided

Guided Reading Groups Independent

• Paired Passages “Black Beauty” “Secret Garden”

• Guided Reading Novels• Reading Response Journal• Character Study

• “Bah Humbug!” Complete perspective graphic organizer and create 5 EOG style HIGHER LEVEL Questions!!

• Complete School Uniforms Perspective Activity

• Wordly Wise 8 A-C

Page 62: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


1) 34.25 + 5.3 =

2) 67.4 – 4.18

3) 12.5 x 5.6=

Page 63: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.

Operation Sort

• Complete the

Page 64: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


Operation Sort

Page 65: Good Morning January 5, 2015 Come in silently and follow all the morning procedures. Reflect on the quote of the day. Complete the Science Morning Work.


• STEM Fair Winners• Complete unfinished work from this week

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