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P5 Home Learning Activities 09.03.21

Good Morning P5 😊 Happy Tuesday!

Writing – Personal

LI: To write a personal letter.

SC: I can…

• Use an appropriate layout.

• Write in paragraphs.

• Describe myself in detail.

• Use adjectives to describe my appearance and personality.

• Identify my strengths and hopes for the future.

Challenge: I can use a range of connectives to up-level my sentences.

Task 1: You are going to be writing a letter to your future self.

Read the information below to find out what information you will need to include.

What would you

like to tell your

future self?

Task 2: Planning

A letter to

my future


Paragraph 1

Introduce self –

age, where you live,

family, appearance,


Paragraph 2

Describe your likes

and dislikes

Paragraph 3

Describe hopes for

the future. Job,

family, where you

would like to live

Questions for your

future self

Task 3: I can describe my appearance and personality. Look carefully at the word bank below

and add to your planning sheet.


gangling; gaunt; lanky; scrawny; skinny; spindly; withered / agile; athletic; lean; petite; slender;

slight; slim; thin; trim; willowy; big-boned; chubby; fat; muscular; voluptuous;

Skin Colour

apricot; black; bronze; brown; caramel; cream; ebony; fair; ivory; lily-white; milky; white


Appearance - blush; flush; freckled; glowing; pale; pasty; rosy; sallow; splotchy;

Hair colour

Black - coal black; jet black; raven; sable; ebony; charcoal; ink-black; sooty;

Dark Brown - brunet/te (male/female - male form rarely used); auburn; chestnut; chestnut brown; walnut;

Light Brown - ash brown; mousey; chocolate; sandy; tawny; golden brown; nutmeg; nut brown; cinnamon;

Red - fiery red; ginger; rusty; rust red; redhead; honey red; reddish brown; russet; copper; burnt sienna;

Blonde- ash blonde; strawberry blonde; platinum blonde; flaxen; honey-coloured; towheaded; light blonde;

yellow-brown; fair-haired; champagne; tawny-gold; golden-haired; yellow-haired;

White - grey; silver; hoary; hoaryhead; snow-white; silver-grey;

Hair style

Afro; beehive; bob; braids; bun; coiffure; corkscrew curls; curls; crew cut; dreadlocks; French

braid; mohawk; page boy; pigtails; pompadour; ponytail; shorn; skinhead; topknot; wedge / crop;

fringe; locks; ringlets; strands; wisps;

Hair condition

disarrayed; disheveled; ill-kempt; knotted; messed up; messy; mussed up; mussy; uncombed;

unkempt; ragged; ruffled; shaggy; tangled; tousled; twisted; untidy; matted / combed; kempt;

neat; neatly combed; thick; tidy; / greasy; oily / dry; / flecked; grizzled; wiry;

Eye colour

Blue - bright blue; dark blue; light blue; luminous blue; piercing blue; sky blue;

Brown - dark brown; light brown;

Green - emerald; jade; light green; dark green; bright green; sea green;

Grey - light grey; dark grey; deep grey; stone; stone grey; cobalt; slate grey;

Hazel - light hazel;


Loud, outgoing, quiet, reserved, brave, artistic, caring, charming, confident, cheerful, funny,

clever, cool, energetic, gentle, happy, helpful, calm, neat, lively, diligent, thoughtful, creative

Task 4: Challenge – I can use a range of connectives to up-level my sentences.

Look carefully at the word bank below and add to your planning sheet.

Task 5: Use your notes to write your letter to your future self

Example: A letter to my future self_______________

Dear Poppy,

I am you in March 2021 and at the moment I’m 10 years old and in Primary 5. I live at

14 Flower Lane, Alloway with my lovely mummy, hilarious daddy and the best little sister

ever, Rosie. I also have an energetic dog called Lilly. Do you remember what you looked

like then? Well to remind you, I am very small and petite. Am I really tall in the future?

I have fair skin, rosy cheeks, luminous blue eyes and thick strawberry blonde hair which

I like to wear in pig tails. I am quite quiet and reserved however I can be very

adventurous and outgoing when I am with my best friends.

My favourite hobby is making up funky dance routines in my bedroom. Do you still do

this now? I also love being creative and drawing beautiful pictures. My favourite food is

Daddy’s chocolate chip pancakes (I have these for breakfast every Saturday). My

favourite animal is a panda because they are super cute! I like most things but I

absolutely hate getting up early!

I am really good at putting on shows and performing for my family so when I am older I

hope to be a famous singer and dancer. I would love to perform on stage and be in

musicals in the West End. I hope to be living in London with my best friend Holly and

have lots of pets too!

Thank you for reading my letter.

Love, Me 😊

Hot – Written independently in jotter Mild - template

Numeracy- Money

LI: To compare and order amounts

I can convert between pounds and pence

I know that 100p is equivalent to £1.00

I can use my knowledge of multiplication and division to convert between pounds and


I can use my knowledge of place value to recognise the value of a given amount

I can correctly position the decimal point to show the value of a given amount


Convert amounts of money and order them by their value

1. Write the amounts of money as pounds and add in the correct symbol in between to compare them ( < = >) :

a) £1.50 50p b) 78p £1.08 c) 120p £0.22

d) 456p £4.60 e) 306p £3.06 f) 208p £2.88

2. Write the amounts of money as pence and add in the correct symbol in between to compare them:(< + >)

a) £0.60 6p b) 88p £0.88 c) 127p £0.27

d) 353p £5.33 e) 399p £4.00 f) 321p £3.10

3. Write these amounts of money as pounds and put them in ascending order:

£3.50 345p £3.05 430p

120p £0.22 112p £1.35

456p £4.60 406p £4.50

267p £3.06 344p £2.03


4. Write these amounts of money as pence and put them in descending order.

£5.50 545p £4.05 504p

620p £0.26 612p £0.20

156p £1.60 100p £0.50

467p £4.06 456p £6.04





Task 1:

Task 2:

1. Write these amounts of money as pounds and put them in ascending order:

£3.50 345p £3.05 430p

120p £0.22 112p £11.20

456p £4.60 4006p £46.50

2367p £23.06 3444p £26.03


Challenge: Problem Solving

2. Write these amounts of money as pence and put them in descending order.

£5.50 545p £4.05 504p

620p £0.26 612p £60.20

156p £1.60 1000p £10.50

4467p £44.06 4406p £6.04



Task 1

1. Write the amounts of money as pounds and add in the correct symbol in between to compare them: (< + >)

a) £3.50 345p b) 78p £7.08 c) 120p £0.22

d) 456p £4.60 e) 2306p £23.06 f) 2008p £20.88

2. Write the amounts of money as pence and add in the correct symbol in between to compare them: ( < + > )

a) £0.60 6p b) 88p £0.88 c) 127p £0.27

d) 353p £5.33 e) 1399p £139.00 f) 8001p £8.10

3. Write these amounts of money as pounds and put them in ascending order:

£3.50 345p £3.05 430p

120p £0.22 112p £11.20

456p £4.60 4006p £46.50

2367p £23.06 3444p £26.03


4. Write these amounts of money as pence and put them in descending order.

£5.50 545p £4.05 504p

620p £0.26 612p £60.20

156p £1.60 1000p £10.50

4467p £44.06 4406p £6.04


Task 2:

Task 3: Problem Solving


Mastery – To use my knowledge of the value of money to explain my reasoning


Emily, Tim and Jane are at the shop paying for sweets.

Tim has got £1.52 and Jane has got 146p.

Emily has got more money than Jane but less money than Tim.

How much money could Emily have? Explain your answer.


Tanvi and Toby have collected money for charity.

Tanvi has collected 354p whereas Toby has collected £3.54.

Tanvi says, “I have collected more money than Toby because

3.54 is a smaller number than 354.”

Is she correct? Explain how you know.


Use these digits to make a price that is more than three

pounds but less than five pounds.

How many prices can you make following these rules?

Put all of your answers in ascending order.

4. What would you rather have, seven 20p coins or three 50p coins?

Explain your answer fully.


LI: to list and describe characteristics of living organisms.

SC: I can define the terms








When you look at the world around you, how do you categorise or group what you see?

One of the broadest groupings is 'living' and 'non-living'. This may sound simple, but it

is sometimes difficult to decide whether something is truly alive or not. Here we look

at the characteristics of living things

Task 1: Pre- meet task

What do all living things have in common?

Follow up task

Task 1:

Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpO52VTHecQ and take notes on the 7

characteristics of living organisms.

Can you think of an acronym to remember the 7 Characteristics e.g. Mrs Nerg

Using the definitions you have found, create a glossary ( use the PowerPoint to

help) .

• Describe the characteristics

• Draw a piture to support your definition.

Word Definition in my own


Example or Picture

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