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Page 1: Goodwood School News September 28th Week 10€¦ · 2016. 9. 28. · September 28th Week 10 CRICOS Provider no. 00018A y Goodwood School News t A Message from Deb … Our new reception

September 28th Week 10

CRICOS Provider no. 00018A








Goodwood School News








t R



A Message from Deb …

Our new reception students for 2017 had a fabulous

first visit last week. They were involved in a range of activities

and visited parts of the school with Deb and the Student Ambassador Leaders. At the same time the children who will be starting their preschool year in 2017 were able to visit the preschool.

Our IELC classes entertained many last week!

It was wonderful to join the Intensive English Language Classes and their families at their annual concert and shared dinner.

Congratulations to all of our staff and Carmen for her leadership of our team. Choir Magic Last week certainly was the week to feel proud. I had the honour to attend the Festival of Music Choir Concert. It was, once again, a very moving performance and our students were fabulous. Asbestos removal during the holidays Please ensure you are not on site on these dates:

Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th October between 9am - 3pm or Monday 10th October between 11am -3pm. Asbestos is being removed from 16N as part of the building work for our new classrooms. North yard Restrictions Please discuss, with your child/ren the restrictions that will be in place in the north yard next term. There will be a fence around Shelley’s

old classroom and the toilets. All students will have to use the main yard toilets. Early years teachers will be explicitly walking children around the restrictions early next term. The north yard gates will be locked during term 4 and no entry/exit allowed. Please use alternate gates. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Oval not in use We have been working to ensure our oval is the best it can be. This week we have had the oval top dressed and it can not be used until Wednesday 12th October.

Student Absence and Lateness If your child has been away without explanation or regularly late you will receive a letter early next term asking you to explain your child's absences or lateness. We are noticing that a large number of students are regularly late. Over time this can often reduce a substantial amount of your child’s learning time and lead to future bad habits in terms of being punctual and taking responsibility for their lives. Catherine, Carrie and I will be

asking parents and children to meet with us to discuss how we can ensure children are attending and arriving on time. Parent Opinion Survey—please refer to an email sent on 21st September On Monday 17th October we have a student free day to conduct a school review. As part of this day we analyse our School Achievement data and student, Parent and Staff opinion data.

Taking into account the community’s opinions about how our school operates and the learning opportunities provided, supports us to meet the needs of all stakeholders. We would appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this Opinion Survey by Thursday 29th September. M&S Fees for 2017 Please refer to an email being sent regarding the 2017 M&S fees. All parents/caregivers are invited

to attend the next Governing Council Meeting in Week 3 next term, on Monday 31st October at 7.30pm, to discuss the fees. Staffing We welcome Nicole Tamasi, Elizabeth MacAuslan and Michelle Plenty to the permanent team of staff at Goodwood. Nicole and Elizabeth will be managing our front office. Michelle will be working in the library and supporting students in classroom programs.

We hope to be able to announce the name of our new Deputy Principal by the end of term. A notice will be sent through the Tiqbiz communication app. It has been an extremely busy term and I would like to thank everyone for their hard work. We hope our children have a relaxing holiday break and look forward to seeing their smiling faces next term.

Kind regards

Deborah Brassington, Principal

Page 2: Goodwood School News September 28th Week 10€¦ · 2016. 9. 28. · September 28th Week 10 CRICOS Provider no. 00018A y Goodwood School News t A Message from Deb … Our new reception

Preschool Transition Visits In week 8 we welcomed over 60 preschool children to the school on their first transition visit. Our student leaders helped show the children around the school.

Great Achievements at Goodwood

We might order lunch from the canteen...

We were able to do many different


We might need to go to OSHC or Vacation Care...

We played the musical instruments in the north yard!

We made a book ... We created patterns...

Page 3: Goodwood School News September 28th Week 10€¦ · 2016. 9. 28. · September 28th Week 10 CRICOS Provider no. 00018A y Goodwood School News t A Message from Deb … Our new reception

Great Achievements at Goodwood

The IELC Concert and Shared Dinner… The IELC students and families enjoyed a lovely shared dinner and concert last week.

Sleeping with the Lions Our year 6 students had a fabulous camp at Monarto Zoo. Congratulations to the students for their engagement with all aspects of the camp organisation and participation. We had parents and staff volunteers who helped make this event the success it was. Many thanks to Mr Hunt for his commitment and dedication to

providing his children with this opportunity. The power of these experiences are invaluable.

On Wednesday the 21st of September Mr Hunt’s Year 6 class went on camp to Monarto Zoo. We completed many ranger activities such as shovelling rhino poo, finding evidence whether a rhino escaped and if there

was a poacher lurking around, making paths out of saw dust around the campsite, observing the behaviour of chimpanzees and the movement of giraffes, just to name a few. We made really cool passports using recycled materials. Even with Mr Hunt driving the bus and making torturous dad jokes we managed to survive the best camp ever. By Olivia and Yashika

Royal Adelaide Show Achievements Congratulations to these students on receiving awards for

their work on Carnevale Italian masks. A number of students submitted their work. Well done to all!!!

13N Democracy in Action! On the 26th of September 2016, our class held a Class Election. During

Civics and Citizenship, we have been learn ing about the Government, the different people who make decisions and why it is important to have rules. We came up with our own parties and policies and presented them to the class. In the election, we had ballot cards and we had to label the cards from one to seven, from the people

we would most like to rule the classroom to the least. The seven running Prime Ministers all wrote winning speeches in preparation. At the end of the day, our teacher announced the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister. As Prime Minister of 13N, this Wednesday I will be ruling the classroom. We look forward to having Ria sit on the floor with us all day. Written by Prime Minister Elsie Hartwig

Pedal Prix Update

The Pedal Prix's final race of the year, the massive 24hr endurance race was held on the 24th and 25th September. It was heart stopping. The Black Rhino had a hard fought tussle for 3rd place from the start against favourites Highgate Primary, but after 22 hours of non-stop racing had built up a nice 5 lap lead sitting on 3rd. After being hit by another trike a serious mechanical problem meant a nerve-racking long pit stop, and left 3rd and 4th back on the same lap. The Black Rhino on 4th, a 2 minute gap to 3rd and only 90mins of racing to go! An absolutely huge effort by the already worn out riders and

an awe-inspiring push in the last 15 minutes by exhausted year 7 Ethan B pulled back the gap to a tiny 14secs, 670kms ridden and a fantastic 4th place by the barest of margins. Goodwood Primary School riders for the 24hr race were Zac M, Ethan B, Blake S, Jayden B and Oscar J. The Black Rhinos also finished 4th overall for the 2016 series, a great effort. Thanks for the parent support and special thanks to Manager Tim.

Page 4: Goodwood School News September 28th Week 10€¦ · 2016. 9. 28. · September 28th Week 10 CRICOS Provider no. 00018A y Goodwood School News t A Message from Deb … Our new reception

17N Reception Class Assembly Congratulations on Shelley and Jayne’s Receptions on their confidence presenting at assembly last week. It was great to see students from their buddy class supporting them to present.

Festival of Music Choir On Wednesday 21st September, 17 of our students performed on stage at Festival Theatre as part of the Public Primary Schools Festival of Music. Our school was also represented by Haneulle and Abbey who were soloists on the night, and Methasha who was the choreograph director for last Saturday.

The Primary Schools Festival of Music, an official state icon, is a public school-based music education program which is collaboration between DECD and the SAPPS Music Society which gives all SA public primary students the opportunity to perform at a prestigious venue. This year the Festival started in the jungle (Jungle Rhythm), looked at environmental sustainability through

the commissioned work “Mission Possible” and ended Bollywood style with “Jai Ho”. In between there were a number of Assisting Artists from public primary and secondary schools, other choir items that presented different musical genre and two pieces that specifically showcased the talents of the orchestra.

I always find this event very moving and it leaves me with such a sense of pride of the wonderful achievements of our students. I wish to also acknowledge the total of 27 year 7 and 6 children who have sung in the choir all year for their commitment and effort. Many thanks go to Gay Wood and Diane Toole for all their coaching

and support of the students throughout the year. Congratulations also goes to Haneulle who will be part of the choir recording the songs for the 2017 Festival of Music CD. This CD is used by all schools across the state to learn the songs for next year’s concert. This is a fabulous achievement and we wish her all the best with this project.

Orienteering We want to congratulate Toby on being selected to participate in the South Australian Schools Orienteering team for 2016. The Schools competition will form part of the Australian Championship week to be in held South Eastern QLD.

This is a fantastic achievement and we wish him all the best for this event and future challenges he takes up in life.

Great Achievements at Goodwood

Goodie Traders continue to promote the Village of Goodwood…. You may have noticed our recent addition to the front fence, celebrating the 75th birthday of the Capri Cinema.

We would like to say a special thank you to the Goodwood Trading Association for their creative and engaging fence art work.

Community Notices

Page 5: Goodwood School News September 28th Week 10€¦ · 2016. 9. 28. · September 28th Week 10 CRICOS Provider no. 00018A y Goodwood School News t A Message from Deb … Our new reception

Term 4 Parent Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



18 7pm Fund raising 7:30pm Building and grounds

19 2:30 Assembly Andrea 1M IELC parent transition meeting 6-7


21 9 Preschool parent committee meeting


24 5:30Finance

25 Adelaide Crows clinics

26 Year 5/6 3M Camp


28 9 Parent Tour Saturday 29th Goody Patch Open day


31 Year 7 Camp

7:30pm Governing Council

1 Nov 2 2:30 Assembly Maria 17N


4 Sunday November 6th Goodwood Art House Markets



8 Lunch R-2 dance off PAC

9 1:45 Music is Fun band 7-9 Martin Westwall at Unley primary for Govern-ing Council members


11 Remembrance Day



15 PE WEEK Lunch R-3 Lip sync battle in PAC

16 PE WEEK Transition 9-11 Parent Morning tea 2:30 Assembly Nina Carmen and Emily

17 PE WEEK Transition 9-11 Parent Morning tea

18 PE WEEK Christmas Raffle Donations due in!


21 5:30 Finance


23 Transition 9-12

5:30 Preschool parent get together

24Transition 9-12 4M and 5M Musical performance during day 4M and 5M musical in PAC 6:30pm

25 4M and 5M Musical performance during day 4M and 5M Musical PAC 6:30pm


28 Concert Early Years

29 7:30pm Governing Council

30 2:30 Assembly Holly 8M

1 DEC Holly on camp overnight

2 9 Parent Tour


5 Concert Primary Years

6 Lunch dance off for 3-7 in gym Team

7 Lip sync R-3 lunch final 6pm Preschool concert

8 6pm Preschool Concert




13 Celebrating Diversity Breakfast to celebrate our IEL Program—8am

14 Year 7 Graduation


16 Last day term 4 school finishes at 2:15


Vacation Care is filling up quickly for the upcoming holidays. If you need care for any days, please phone now to book your child in.

Student Free Day Monday 17th October Phone now if you need care for the student free day. If you have a regular morning / afternoon booking on a Monday and do not need the booking for the 17th please notify the OSHC and your name will be removed.

Page 6: Goodwood School News September 28th Week 10€¦ · 2016. 9. 28. · September 28th Week 10 CRICOS Provider no. 00018A y Goodwood School News t A Message from Deb … Our new reception

Week 9 Assembly

Congratulations to these students who received awards at last week’s assembly….


Muntaha Akhter Luke Zhao Isaac Thyer Milly Willcox Emma Swoap

Sebastian Nguyen Ethan Brooks


Esther Prieto-Puga Andy Li Japjot Kaur Jem Mullarkey Ekam Dhillon

Elijah Brooks Mehtab Randhawa Jade Farmer Finlay Horan Holly Fitzgerald

Cheol-Ho Yang


Jaime Hards Ashpreet Singh Andy Tran


Rajveer Singh Sandhu Sonny Caltagirone Laith Al-Diwan


Xavier Luke


Aurora Murphey-Eales Adeline Siebentritt Sonya Prosser

Important Dates

Friday 30th September last day term 3—school concludes at 2.15pm

Monday 17th October—STUDENT FREE DAY

Tuesday 18th October Term 4 commences Tuesday 18th October Fundraising Committee Meeting 7pm

Tuesday 18th October Building and Grounds Committee 7.30pm Wednesday 19th October Assembly Andrea 1M 2.30pm

Monday 24th October Finance Committee Meeting 5.30pm Wednesday 26th—Friday 28th October 3M Camp

Friday 28th October Parent Tour 9am Saturday 29th October Goody Patch Open Day 12-2.30pm

Monday 31st October —Wednesday 2nd November 11C Camp Monday 31st October Governing Council 7.30pm

Wednesday 2nd November Assembly Maria 17N 2.30pm

Sunday 6th November Goodwood Art House Market 10-4pm Wednesday 16th November Assembly Nina, Carmen & Emily

November 14th to 18th Physical Education Week … join in with activities throughout the week and encourage healthy life styles!!!!!

November 16th and 17th Preschool transition visits to Reception classes, parents are invited to a morning tea in the Library 9.15am

Goody Patch Open Day Saturday 29th October 12.00-2.30pm

The Theme this year is: “Be Wise with Water.” Harry Harrison will be our guest speaker! Fun for all ages, an event not to be missed. Bring the whole family and enjoy food, entertainment and take advantage of some lovely plants available for sale.

Goodwood Art House Marketplace Sunday 6th November 10.00am—4.00pm The Goodwood Art House Marketplace is a vibrant showcase of local designers and makers from the Adelaide and South Australian community.

Community Notices

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