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GospelTruthA n d r e w W o m m a c k M i n i s t r i e s


How to Find, Follow, and Fulfill God’s Will

Page 5

Healing Journey:

The New Normal: From Autism to Awesome

Page 10

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ContentsSpring 2013

PublisherAndrew Wommack Ministries, Inc.

Publications ManagerGreg Troup

Graphic DesignerSatoshi Yamamoto

WriterRenee Gray-Wilburn

Editorial AssistantsDavid Moore IIMelissa RoartyRenee Gray-WilburnCatherine McMorrow BakerDonna Leischner


Healing Journey


Photo CreditsSatoshi YamamotoCover, pages 2-4, 22-24, and 34-37All Bible references are from the King James Version unless otherwise noted.GospelTruth® is published by Andrew Wommack Ministries, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, Colorado Springs, CO, U.S.A. © 2013 Andrew Wommack Ministries, Inc. and its licensees. All rights reserved.The photography of Andrew and Jamie on page 3 by Terry Moore.

Where Are They Now?

On the Road with Andrew

Power of Partnership

How to Find, Follow,and Fulfill God’s Will

by Andrew Wommack

Page 5

The New Normal:From Autism to Awesome

Page 10

Uganda - October 2012Page 16

Building “The Barn”Page 22

35 years and Counting:The Future of AWM

Page 24

Andrew Wommack Ministries of Europe

Welcomes David Illingworth

Page 38

Page 41

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Dear Friends,

The Lord is doing extraordinary things through Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College. I could spend hours sharing with you and not even scratch the surface. This magazine will try to fill you in on some of the highlights. These testimonies and pictures will give you a sense of the many wonderful things the Lord has done.

But all that is happening today are really the results of seeking the Lord forty-five years ago to know His will for my life. I was in my first year of college, just going through the motions, but in my heart, I was crying out to the Lord to show me His purpose for my life. And on March 23, 1968, God showed up BIG TIME.

The last forty-five years have been a process of walking through God’s good, acceptable, and perfect will for my life. It certainly hasn’t been easy, but it’s been awesome! I wouldn’t trade what the Lord has done for me for any other life. The Lord has been very good to Jamie and me.

My main article in this magazine is on how you can find God’s will for your life. It doesn’t come automatically or by fate. If you don’t pursue God’s best, it won’t happen. And there is no way you can pursue God’s will if you don’t know what it is. As Paul told the Ephesians, you should not be ignorant but understand what the will of the Lord is (Eph. 5:17). You can know God’s will for your life. In fact, you must know God’s will for your life in order to fulfill it.

I’ve just released a new book entitled How to Find, Follow, and Fulfill God’s Will. This is a combination of three separate but related teachings into one book. I believe this is an absolute necessity for all who want to fulfill their destinies. I guarantee you, this will bless your life. We also have three separate study guides to go along with this new book, as well as the three original CD albums and DVD albums.

Lastly, check out the update on our construction at The Sanctuary in Woodland Park, Colorado. Praise the Lord, He has led me to raise up a first-rate Bible college to impact the world, and we are well on our way to accomplishing that. Thanks to everyone who is a part of what the Lord started in my life forty-five years ago. I believe the best is yet to come for us and for you.

You are blessed,

Andrew and Jamie

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Spring 2013 5

aAre you fulfilling your call? Do you even know what God has ordained for your life? If not, you’re certainly not alone. I once ministered at a Gospel Truth Seminar in Orlando, Florida, on the subject of finding God’s will. Two-thirds of the audience rose when I asked for those to stand who didn’t know if they were walking in God’s will. How can believers ever expect to build God’s kingdom if they don’t know their part?

The first thing is to realize that the Lord has a specific and unique plan for you. He’s had this plan in mind before you were even born.

Psalm 139:15-16 says,

My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, [16] your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (New International Version 1984)

You aren’t a mistake going somewhere to happen. You haven’t been placed on this earth by chance. Where and when you were born, the parents God gave you, your personality, and everything else about you was orchestrated by God for a specific purpose. But this doesn’t mean God’s will is automatically going to come

to pass in your life. It won’t. God’s will doesn’t always come to pass. Take salvation, for instance.

God’s WillHow to Find, Follow, and Fulfill

by Andrew Wommack

Where and when you were born, the parents God gave you, your personality, and everything else

about you was orchestrated by God for a specific purpose.

Second Peter 3:9 tells us,

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

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It’s clear from this scripture that God wants everyone to come to repentance and be saved, yet we know that not everyone does. God also wants everyone healed (3 John 2), yet people still live with sickness in their bodies. Likewise, God wants everyone to find and walk in the purpose He has ordained for them, yet not everyone will. But that’s not God’s fault.

Once you realize you are the one responsible for discovering God’s will, the next step is to start seeking Him for it. He’s not hiding His will from you. But you’re going to have to do some seeking to find it.

Jeremiah 29:12-13 tell us how we need to seek God:

Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. [13] And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

Notice the emphasis on seeking with all your heart. As long as you can live without knowing God’s will for your life, you will. But when you seek with all your heart, you will find His will (Matt. 7:7).

When I was a senior in high school, I was faced with having to know what God’s will for my life was. I needed to know if I was supposed to go to college, or what path God wanted me to take. I asked people in my

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You are the one responsible for discovering God’s will.

One mistake people often make in seeking God’s purpose is that they assume that whatever they’re good at in the natural must be what God

wants them to do.

church how to find God’s will. Nobody could tell me what to do.

I decided to start reading the Bible. I figured God’s Word could give me the knowledge I needed, so I stayed up until two or three o’clock every night, reading. Even though I ended up reading through the Bible two or three times during my senior year, I still didn’t have any specific direction from the Lord. But then, all of a sudden, one passage of Scripture—Romans 12:1b-2—came alive to me:

Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. [2] And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

For the next four months, I meditated on those scriptures. It was shortly after that when I had my life-changing encounter with God. As a result of that encounter, I began to see that God had called me to be a full-time minister. I don’t think it was any accident that He showed up in such a miraculous way in my life at that time. It was because I had been diligently seeking Him, wanting to know the path He had for me.

One mistake people often make in seeking God’s purpose is that they assume that whatever they’re good at in the natural must be what God wants them to do. So, if they’re naturally good at public speaking, they figure that God must have called them to a speaking ministry of some sort. I don’t believe this is always true. It certainly wasn’t true in my case. I was scared stiff of speaking in front of people.

God called me to do what is beyond my natural ability so that I would have to rely on Him to get it done. That’s why God’s will may have nothing to do with

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Supernatural peace and joy come when you’re in the center of His will.

your natural gifts. If you can do something yourself—naturally—you wouldn’t need God’s empowerment. Sometimes people’s talents may be an indication of what God’s will is, but many have gifts and talents they don’t even know exist.

Paul said that God had separated him from his mother’s womb and called him by His grace (Gal. 1:15). God purposed for Paul to be a minister of the Gospel before he was ever born. He didn’t look at Paul’s talents once he grew up and then decided He could use him. His life had been predestined, just as yours is. So, if you only look at what you’re good at to determine your purpose, you may totally miss it.

God’s perfect will is definitely worth finding. Supernatural peace and joy come when you’re in the center of His will. And God’s blessing and anointing will always be on your work when you’re doing what He’s called you to do.

God always calls you to do something totally beyond your

own ability because He wants you to depend on Him. It’s important that you wait and do things His

way and in His timing....

How to Find, Follow, and Fulfill God’s Will

Spring 2013 7

Following God’s Will…

Did you know that finding God’s will is not enough? It’s only the first step. Some people get a revelation of God’s general will for their lives but then stop seeking Him for direction on how to carry it out. Knowing God’s will is critical, but after that, you must learn how to follow His will and cooperate with Him to bring it to pass.

People may stumble across God’s will but then decide they can carry it out in their own strength. They think they have God’s plan all figured out, and they don’t take time to discover how He wants to accomplish His will through them.

Another problem is that people often won’t take time to prepare for God’s will to be fulfilled. They are moved by the need that’s around them, and they feel pressured into hurrying to bring God’s plan to pass. You can’t speed up the things of God, but you can certainly delay them.

Moses found this out the hard way and ended up delaying God’s plan by thirty years. He took matters into his own hands and killed an Egyptian, thereby totally missing God’s plan and timing for the Israelites’ deliverance. It ended up costing Moses forty years in the wilderness, which was not God’s original plan.

Throughout the Bible, we see examples of God preparing His people for the ministry He called them to. David waited thirteen years from the time he was anointed to be king, until he actually became king. Moses had to wait ten years. Paul had to wait fourteen. And then there was Abraham, who had to wait twenty-five years, until he was 100!

God always calls you to do something totally beyond your own ability because He wants you to depend on Him. It’s important that you wait and do things His way and in His timing, not only for yourself, but also for those He has called you to reach.

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planned for you, you must obey the steps He gives you. There are no shortcuts! Now, God will still love you—you’ll still be His child, you’ll still make it into heaven, and He’ll still use you in His kingdom—but you won’t fulfill His perfect will for your life.

In order to walk in the fullness of what God has for you—the good of the land—you must obey all He tells you to do. Many of you have something that God has impressed on your hearts to do, and for whatever reason, you just haven’t done it. Stop making excuses and get started! If you don’t know exactly how to do it, pray and ask God to give you wisdom (James 1:5-8).

If you feel dissatisfied or unsettled with your life and are tired of just going to work, coming home, watching television, going to bed, and getting up and doing it all over again, it may be God provoking you to start seeking out His perfect will. Don’t wait another day to begin the search for God’s will in your life.

To help you in this effort, I have released a new book: How to Find, Follow, and Fulfill God’s Will, accompanied with three study guides. I also have a series of three, five-part teachings: How to Find God’s Will, How to Follow God’s Will, and How to Fulfill God’s Will. I believe this teaching will literally change your life if you apply these principles.

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How to Find, Follow, and Fulfill God’s Will

Fulfilling God’s Will…

Many Christians will master the first step of finding God’s will for their lives and then follow His will by continually seeking Him for direction. But once God actually gives them specific steps on how to walk in His will, they come up with a million excuses as to why they can’t do it.

I see this over and over again with prospective Bible college students. So many have told me that they know God wanted them to come to our college years ago, but for whatever reason—parents, children, pets, you name it—they didn’t come. The truth is, if you wait for everything in your life to line up perfectly before you obey God, you never will.

If God has told you to do something, don’t try to figure out how it will work or where the provision will come from. God told Elijah to go to a certain place and that He would provide for him when he got there. (I have a teaching on this called “A Place Called There.”) Elijah had to act in faith and go to the brook if he wanted to see God’s provision.

You’ll miss a lot if you don’t obey God. If you want to finish your race strong and do all that He has

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The God’s Will Package

CD/DVD albums How to Find God’s Will, How to Follow God’s Will, and How to Fulfill God’s Will are now available in a special package called The God’s Will Package. As a bonus, it will include a special DVD called Destiny Stories, the true stories of seven ordinary people whose lives were transformed in the pursuit of God’s will. This package has a value of $195, but I feel it is so important for everyone to hear these messages that I am making it available for price of $145.

Each of the three messages was taught live at one of our Gospel Truth Seminars. They are available on both DVD and audio CD. To order, go to our website: www.awmi.net, call our Helpline: 719-635-1111, or complete the enclosed form and mail it in the envelope provided.

CD Package includes three CD albums, the paperback book, and three study guides ― Price $145Plus Bonus DVD “Destiny Stories Volume 1”

Recorded Live DVD Package includes three Recorded Live DVD albums, the paperback book, and three study guides ― Price $145 Plus Bonus DVD “Destiny Stories Volume 1”


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Spring 2013 11

AwesomeThe New Normal: From Autism toiIt was a perfect Monday morning when Christopher McDermott held his newborn son, Timothy, for the very first time. Although the two had met only moments before, a bond of love was already forming. Christopher wanted only the best for his son, and at that moment, he couldn’t imagine anything that would keep him from it.

But any thoughts Christopher had of Timothy being a “perfect” baby quickly faded when he discovered that his child was completely inconsolable. “He’d scream and scream as though he was in pain, but the doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with him,” remembers Christopher’s wife, Deborah. As new parents, Christopher and Deborah didn’t know what to expect from a newborn, so they just assumed that most kids were like Timothy.

Aside from his fussiness, Timothy seemed to the McDermotts to be perfectly normal and happy—at least for his first few years. “When Timothy got older, we realized that he wasn’t a happy boy,” says Deborah. “He was very nervous and anxious all the time.” Problems escalated when Timothy was about nine. He had been homeschooled up to that point because the McDermotts were afraid he would be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder if he was sent to school. “He couldn’t even sit still to eat,” recalls Deborah. “He would run around the table, take a mouthful, then run around the table again.”

One of the McDermotts’ greatest fears was that Timothy would grow up alone. They were afraid for when he grew older, when they would no longer be there to protect or care for him. Christopher and Deborah decided it would be good for Timothy to have a sibling. Even Timothy thought that having a little brother was a great idea—until he had one.

Baby James, like Timothy, proved to be a difficult baby; yet, unlike Timothy, he was happy: “We suddenly realized how different it was to have a child who was bubbly and would look people in the eye,” says Christopher.

But Deborah knew she wouldn’t be able to continue to homeschool Timothy and take care of James as well. Educating Timothy was very cumbersome, as each week, Deborah felt as though she had to start completely over with what she had just taught him the week before. “But yet,” says Deborah, “Timothy had the ability to remember things he’d learn from his video or computer games…. In fact, he would discover mistakes that the Star Wars games made with regards

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choice but to take Timothy out of school and seek professional help.

While Timothy’s condition deteriorated, James began having his own problems when he was about eighteen months old: “James always had a few odd things [about him], but not enough to cause concern,” recalls Deborah. “But then he stopped talking and communicating, and then he stopped wanting people to look at him…he became bothered with lights, and then he stopped eating his food [if it wasn’t the perfect texture and just right].”

At the suggestion of Timothy’s therapist, the McDermotts also had James evaluated. He was diagnosed as having developmental delays and behavioral issues, along with obvious impairments that are on the autistic spectrum. At this point, Timothy had already been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, and now James had the possibility of the same diagnosis. Christopher and Deborah came face to face with the reality that, against all odds, they had two children with serious disabilities.

Deborah had her own challenges to confront during this time as well. Christopher took a new job, which had him traveling quite often, and because she focused on her kids 24/7, she had no circle of friends or any support system in place. She had to walk through this dark valley alone. But Deborah soon discovered that it’s during her darkest moments that God’s love and grace shine the brightest.

“One day when I was really down, I turned on Christian programming on television,” recalls Deborah. “Mothers were talking about their kids and proudly showing off their pictures…. And it just hit me, what I was really experiencing with my own family. I felt so alone and deserted. I yelled out to God, ‘Why don’t You help us?’ I had been asking Him to help for years and I was angry. I believed it was God’s fault because I had been taught that He was sovereign. I said, ‘I love my boys so much, and You’re supposed to love them more than me….’ I told Him, ‘I would die for my boys.’ He said, ‘I already did.’ I was so stunned that I just shut up.”

Deborah stared into the fireplace as she continued her conversation with God: “You did die, but what difference does it make in our situation?” God simply replied, “I’ll heal your sons.” Deborah’s faith leapt, and

to the languages on the different planets. He got very indignant that they were wrong…. Everything had to be just so with him.”

Matters became worse for Timothy after James arrived, as his parents had less time to devote to him. The McDermotts enrolled him in a small, specialized school, which they thought could help him. Instead, it only magnified his problems. Timothy began having nightmares about drowning, he lost weight, and he stopped growing. He then started having “storms,” where insignificant issues would cause him to fall to pieces.

These storms led him into dangerous behavior, such as headbutting doors or the floor, or punching himself as a result of distress. Being in public became highly stressful for Timothy, and he was very particular about his food and how it was served. He also had no coordination, which caused simple things like writing to be a major challenge. The McDermotts had no

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Healing Journey

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Deborah (pregnant with James) and Timothy

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Healing Journey

Spring 2013 13

in her heart, she immediately believed that her sons would be okay. “I remember thinking, Yes, He’ll heal them. That’s why He died, so He could heal them.” As Deborah continued to unconsciously gaze at the flickering flames, God melted away her tears, her pain, and years’ worth of anxiety. From that moment, the terror that had stalked her day and night completely vanished.

Although Deborah clung to God’s words, she still needed help. One day as she was praying, her mother, who lives several hours away, phoned to tell her to turn on the Gospel Truth. She immediately tuned in and watched the story of Hannah Terradez, whom God miraculously healed of a life-threatening disease. “As I watched that day, faith rose inside of me,” recalls Deborah. “I thought, Yes, Andrew’s talking about my God!” Christopher looked up Andrew Wommack Ministries (AWM) on the internet and, to the McDermotts’ surprise, discovered that Andrew would be in Walsall—a two-hour drive away—in two weeks.

Over the next couple of days, Deborah and Christopher diligently researched both AWM and Hannah. They were blessed and amazed by what they learned, and knew in their hearts that this was God’s answer to their cry for help. But they also knew that it would take a miracle just to get to Walsall.

Timothy couldn’t last more than fifteen minutes in a car without getting severely nauseous. James had never even been in a car for more than half an hour. Even in that short time, he screamed and cried continuously. Staying in a hotel would present a whole new set of challenges that came with being away from routine and familiar surroundings. But the McDermotts knew they had to get to the meeting.

They began watching Andrew every day, bought as many books as possible, and downloaded teachings from www.awmi.net. Their faith grew to believe God for what He said they already had. Deborah’s next step was to call Andrew Wommack Ministries of Europe and alert them to their situation. “The woman I spoke with asked me, ‘What can you believe for?’ I told her, ‘I think we can get there, but I’m not sure I can exercise my faith enough to get into the building.’ She said, ‘If you can’t get them out of the car, we’ll send a prayer team to you.’ Then she prayed in a way that I had never heard before. She was authoritative and thanked God

Timothy and Christopher

that it was already done. I hung up and thought, This is really going to happen.”

The two weeks leading up to the trip tested the McDermotts’ faith to its limits. Timothy cried with anxiety whenever the trip was mentioned, and when the day came to go, he physically fought not to get into the car. But Deborah recited to God His promise and refused to back down. As the family drove, both boys settled in and became calm—even cheerful. The miraculous was already happening.

As an additional step of faith, once the McDermotts arrived at their hotel, they ate next door at the same KFC where Hannah ate right after God healed her. Both boys—who, for their entire lives, were not only severely restricted with what they ate but also had to have their food prepared in particular ways—ate their fill of popcorn chicken and fries. God continued to answer the family’s prayers with one miracle after another to prove He was fully in control of their situation.

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“I felt that God led me to Andrew’s teachings so He could teach me what I needed to know. I listened only to Andrew for nearly six months, and in that time, my questions were answered. The teachings that helped me most were Spirit, Soul & Body, You’ve Already Got It!, and God Wants You Well. Through these, I finally understood how I had been wrongly taught about the sovereignty of God.” Deborah realizes that if she had continued believing incorrectly, her boys would not be healed today, because she would’ve thought that their condition was God’s will for them.

Once Timothy and James were healed, the McDermotts took them both back to their psychologists for another evaluation. The new diagnosis is that Timothy is a “neurodevelopmentally typical young man, and the label of Asperger’s syndrome is not applicable.” He was discharged from the doctor’s care. Likewise, James’s official report now reads, “...it is clear there has been significant progress over time in all areas associated with

During a break at the meeting, Deborah and Christopher waited in line with their sons so Andrew could pray for them. The line was long, and before their turn came, Andrew announced that it was time to return to their seats. Completely deflated, Deborah began weeping. She couldn’t leave without Andrew praying for them. Just then, someone grabbed her arm and thrust her right in front of Andrew. That someone was Paul Flanagan, director of Charis Bible College (CBC) West Midlands.

“Deborah quickly told Andrew our situation,” says Christopher, “and without hesitation, he simply rebuked autism and commanded healing into our boys. Then he blessed us as a family and thanked God that we would fulfill God’s plan for our lives. He then said something we will never forget: He told us that we were now the parents of normal, healthy children.”

“I remember hearing that as if the whole world went quiet, and it was just these words hanging there,” adds Deborah. “For me, it was Jesus talking to me, and it was a promise. I knew Andrew was right. We left and went to McDonald’s, where the boys ate like I’ve never seen them eat before.”

From the first day the McDermotts arrived home, the transformation they witnessed in James and Timothy was remarkable. That night, the entire family experienced their first night of peaceful sleep since the day James was born—five years earlier.

Deborah and Christopher watched in awe of God’s power as James continued to sleep through the night, month after month and year after year. The same miraculous change occurred in Timothy. “It was as if Timothy was covered in scales of autism,” says Christopher, “and over time, those scales were peeled away to reveal the amazing boy that he is today.”

Deborah attributes the miraculous changes in her boys to God’s word of healing that He spoke to her and to Andrew’s teaching, which helped her rightly understand God’s will for healing, as well as kept her faith strong during times of doubt. “When I watched Andrew, he seemed to be talking about the God that I knew…not the other one that everyone else seems to talk about,” explains Deborah. “I was confused about a lot of other teachings regarding faith and the power of words and understanding the difference between works and grace.

Healing Journey

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Deborah and James

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be when Timothy and James were young children. Deborah remembers when she could only imagine a life of normalcy: “I used to dream about all four of us going out to dinner and not worrying about anything…just like a normal family. I used to dream about going to the cinema and eating popcorn and watching a movie together. We had never done these things before. But, just as I had imagined, we went to the cinema, and we bought the popcorn. We are a normal family, and I am the mother of normal, healthy children—just like Andrew said.” You can watch a video of this testimony at: www.awmi.net/extra/healing/mcdermott. GT

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the triad of impairment with autism. As a result, the label Autism Spectrum Disorder is no longer appropriate for James and should be removed from any documentation in the future that relates to him.”

Deborah and Timothy have begun the CBC correspondence course together and are hoping to one day attend CBC as full-time students. “From there, we’ll see where the Lord guides us,” says Deborah. “But for now, we are gaining a solid foundation through the correspondence course.”

The McDermotts’ present reality and hopes for the future are so far removed from how life used to

Spring 2013 15

Raped at gunpoint, a young, scared, and pregnant Connie Weiskopf succumbed to pro-abortion counseling. Pregnant again by a live-in boyfriend, she endured a second abortion. Then, after years of guilt, she found herself battling breast cancer. It was there that her healing journey really began.

The diagnosis—malignant neoplasm. The tumor grew at an alarming rate and began to metastasize in Mike Hoesch’s body. Mike was confused, discouraged, and convinced that he was not healed, because he didn’t measure up. Then a friend gave him hope.

Debbie found her husband, Alan, lying on the ground. He had experienced a massive stroke. “One-third of his brain is permanently damaged,” said the doctors. “He will never walk, swallow, or speak again.” Yet nine days later, he walked out of the hospital, unaided.

The nurses raced Jamie Scott’s newborn girl to the ICU. X-rays showed that baby Audrey was missing a rib, major arteries, and the left side of her heart. The doctors offered little hope. “I laid my hands on her and commanded her to be whole,” said Jamie. And then the Holy Spirit spoke these words to her heart—“Watch Me work.”

Chronic pain from fibromyalgia was robbing Lance Weldgen of his life. The seventeen prescription medications he was taking had little or no lasting effect. Hope was fading until God arranged a divine encounter with other believers at a coffee shop.






Healing Journeys, Vol. 3 Item Code: 3009-DSuggested Donation $25

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Healing Journey

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6 GospelTruth14 GospelTruth

Many Gospel Truth readers probably remember when we shared about the passing of Leland Shores, the former director of Charis Bible College (CBC) Uganda. Because of Leland’s unexpected death, we were forced to close the college at the end of 2011. We weren’t giving up on the college; we were just waiting for God to bring new directors to reopen it and successfully operate and grow it.

Those directors have been found in Hank and Mary Lenz, who “resurrected” CBC Uganda at the end of January with over 150 students. Hank and Mary were former classmates as well as former employers of Leland’s when they owned a Blimpie’s sandwich shop in Colorado Springs.

CBC Colorado graduate Dean Crooks and his wife, Linda, had stepped in as the school’s interim directors and helped conduct CBC Uganda’s first graduation ceremony. But after graduation, classes were put on hold until full-time directors were hired.

Mary and Hank Lenz

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Greg Mohr, Gary Everett, and Andrew

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Fall & Winter 2012 17

Kampala city market

Villages in Karamoja, a view from an airplane

Uganda – October 2012On the Road with Andrew

Aside from the college, Andrew Wommack Ministries (AWM) has continued to make great headway in Uganda. For the past eight years, Andrew has been broadcasting the Gospel Truth on Lighthouse Television out of Kampala twice a day. This is a 50,000-watt station that was originally erected by the Chinese Communists for Idi Amin to broadcast his propaganda.

Additionally, a bookstore was established over five years ago in downtown Kampala, at the busiest intersection in the city. Nearly 10,000 people walk past that location each day. An average of twenty-five people come to the Lord, and many more receive prayer and the baptism of the Holy Spirit every week at the AWM bookstore.

Recently the Lord has opened doors for AWM to expand into one of the remotest areas of Uganda—

the Karamoja region in the northeastern part of the country. There are over one million people living in 5,000 small villages throughout Karamoja.

This entire area is completely isolated and very different from the rest of Uganda. Their isolation is due to a history of extreme violence, as people killed each other because of cattle rustling. In fact, instead of individual houses similar to those found in the rest of Uganda, the people in Karamoja live in circular villages of 200 or so people. For defense, each village is surrounded with huge thorn branches woven into hedges.

The people in the villages of Karamoja still live as their ancestors did a thousand years ago. The grass huts they call home are simply sticks with thatch coverings.

The huts are quite tiny. Though some have two levels, the bottom level is only about four feet tall, and the entire hut is only eight feet in diameter. It’s not uncommon to have families of eight or ten people living in the bottom

Spring 2013 17

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Andrew visits the village of Lodoi

portion alone! The families have no possessions, except pots for cooking and mats for sleeping. Some of the villagers do not even wear any clothing.

Perhaps the saddest part of the Karamoja existence is the overwhelming malnutrition and widespread water contamination. The people are ranchers and goat herders, but the fighting has killed all the cattle, so now all that remains are very small and thin goats. It is a hopeless situation among the villagers, with their total focus set on trying to find enough food to survive each day. They truly are only a step away from death at any given time.

Spiritual poverty is rampant as well. The Karamojan people have no idea what a Bible is or who Jesus is. Instead, they adhere to the many pagan practices of their ancestors.

But here’s the good news: God has been provided an entrance into Uganda—including the remote areas of Karamoja—and His Word is beginning to go forth in powerful ways. Ugandan president, Museveni, recently publicly repented for all his sins as well as those of his nation, and he dedicated Uganda to the Lord. Uganda is in revival, and God has positioned AWM to be a big part of what He’s doing there.

Last October, Andrew visited Karamoja with Pastor Francis, who is from southwestern Uganda and among AWM’s first group of disciples. Pastor Francis has personally discipled over 300 ministers and, with the help of Andrew Womaack Ministries, teaches the Discipleship Evangelism course on five daily radio stations, reaching thousands.

After seeing the physical and spiritual poverty of the Karamojan people, Andrew knew he had to do something to help them long term. As he shared his heart with Pastor Francis, Andrew learned that after pastoring for twenty-five years, Francis had heard from God that at the beginning of 2013, he was to turn his church over to an associate. The Lord wanted Francis to travel and teach the Discipleship Evangelism course full time. In January 2013, Pastor Francis came to work for Andrew, helping him reach the people of Karamoja.

Francis is now traveling regularly to Karamoja and using Discipleship Evangelism to train approximately one hundred believers. He teaches four or five lessons over a couple of days and then sends the disciples out in groups to show the JESUS film in the native language of the people. This in itself is a huge deal, as most of the people in this area have never seen a movie before. Just showing a movie could draw every person in the entire village to come and watch.

Ministering to people in Lodoi and Moroto

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Spring 2013 19

Effortless ChangeOn the Road with Andrew

But because it’s a movie about Jesus, they will now have a frame of reference as to who He is and what He did for them. They will finally begin to understand what crucifixion is and why Jesus died for them. Immediately after the film, Pastor Francis’s team gives an invitation to receive the Lord. Over the weeks that follow, the new converts will then be discipled by those who have already received the Discipleship Evangelism training.

In addition to these efforts, CBC Uganda will take their missions trips to the Karamoja region, which will thrust hundreds more laborers into this harvest field. With all these avenues in place, Andrew and Pastor Francis have developed a plan that will allow them to

Karamoja natives

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32 GospelTruth

reach all of the villagers in the Karamoja region with the Gospel in three years. Of course, not everyone will receive Jesus, and even fewer will ultimately become disciples, but the Karamoja harvest is still positioned to be quite large.

One of the best parts is that it will only cost about $4,000 per month for the Karamoja project. That amount will pay for Pastor Francis’s salary, travel expenses, and the purchase of the JESUS films and generators. Another $12,000 per month is needed to fund CBC Uganda, the Lighthouse Television broadcasts, and the downtown bookstore. For

approximately $16,000 per month, AWM can impact tens of millions of people in Uganda in a way that could literally change the nation.

To stay updated with all that God is doing in Uganda through AWM, look for Uganda blog posts at www.awmi.net, and watch Inside Story #3 on the website. Here, you will see an interview with Greg Mohr and Shawn Mitchell, who accompanied Andrew to the village of Lodoi. You’ll also see pictures and videos from their trip. If you’d like to contribute directly to AWM’s efforts in Uganda, you may do so through the website or by calling the Helpline: 719-635-1111.

On the Road with Andrew

20 GospelTruth

The elder of Lodoi giving Andrew his staff and stool


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Discipling through PhilippiansItem Code: 434 Spiral-BoundSuggested Donation $30

Want to know how to rejoice no matter your circumstances? All you need is the right tool. Andrew’s own notes and commentary will walk you through Paul’s letter to the Philippians. You’ll discover the secrets to living a joyful life in every way possible. Take your life in a new direction—one filled with joy in the Lord and a constant attitude of rejoicing!

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22 GospelTruth

By the time this magazine gets distributed, the walls will be up at The Barn, the floor of the main level poured, and hopefully, the entire basement enclosed so that the plumbing and other infrastructure work can be completed.

It’s been a long road since the initial planning stages were implemented in the building of this first of two structures that comprise The Sanctuary, the new home of Charis Bible College’s (CBC) headquarters in Woodland Park, Colorado. Favorable weather conditions throughout most of the winter have allowed construction crews to make tremendous progress.

By the end of November, the crews were able to accomplish many of the underground structural components of The Barn: pouring footings for the basement, erecting the forms for the basement walls, and continuing the development of the road system necessary to bring in cranes and other equipment. And, by mid-January, the entire basement support structure had been completed.

Building the 90,000-square-foot Barn will allow the CBC Colorado student body to grow to over 1,300 students. Meanwhile, the construction of the second building, which includes a 2,500-seat auditorium and administrative offices, will be underway. When finished, these two buildings will be a combined 220,000 square feet!

For Andrew, The Sanctuary is a dream come true. Once the Lord showed him how he must multiply himself by raising up disciples in order to effectively take the grace message to the nations, his vision has been for the expansion of CBC. Sending out graduates throughout the world—to start expansion schools or to serve as missionaries or other ministers—is the reason for CBC.

When asked about the impact of the Bible colleges, Andrew replied, “There’s nothing else I know of

that has the potential of changing entire nations.” By expanding the capacity of the CBC headquarters in Colorado, not only will CBCs all over the world receive more support, but also the growth of new schools will increase tremendously.

“The Sanctuary project has never been about a building for me,” added Andrew. “I’m not doing this to create a legacy. This is about a tool…a tool that enables us to reach people and disciple them in a way I otherwise couldn’t.”

Building “The Barn”

Power of PartnershipP o w e r o f Pa r t n e r s h i p

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Spring 2013 23

New Numbers

As construction for The Barn got underway, Andrew soon realized that his original cost estimate of $20 million would have to be revised. “We initially projected the entire project cost of both buildings to be around $47 million, with The Barn costing about $20 million,” explained Andrew.

But now it appears that the total cost will be closer to $53 million. This is due to construction add-ons—some of which were required by the city, and others which Andrew decided to do sooner rather than later. For instance, the city required a water loop to be completed on an adjacent property, as well as the addition of a third lane to the entrance road in order to accommodate emergency vehicles. This alone will cost the ministry over $3 million.

Additionally, Andrew learned that by doing some of the work for the second building ahead of time, he would actually save money. Installing electricity for the two buildings at once, for example, saved over $250,000. And he could have decreased the upfront amount by $4 million had he not done the excavation for the second building, but it would have cost more to do it later.

“In retrospect, I feel like it was the right thing to do,” said Andrew. “But instead of $20 million for the first phase, as I had thought, and $27 million for the second phase, we now need nearly $33 million for the first phase and $20 million for the second.”

Even with all the added expenses to the first phase, the ministry has over 75 percent of Phase 1 paid for in cash. Andrew is adamant that he’s “committed to building debt free regardless of how long it takes.” But he’s also quick to add, “I believe that the Lord wants us in by the scheduled completion date of November 2013.”

At the time of writing this article, there is still just over $7 million needed to complete The Barn. An average of $500,000 per month has been donated specifically toward this project from our Foundation Builders and one-time gifts.

It won’t take much more to get The Barn completely built and paid for. Andrew asks that people just do what God puts on their hearts to do. “I’m aware that many people are struggling financially now, and there are many other ministries needing support. I really believe with all my heart that I am doing what the Lord has led me to do, and I’m pressing ahead. I’m more convinced than ever that our Bible colleges are one of the most important ways the Lord has given me to make a difference. It’s already happening. We are making a big difference.”

If you would like to give a single gift or become a Foundation Builder partner with AWM to help bring in the remainder of the necessary funding, you may call the Helpline: 719-635-1111 or donate online: www.awmi.net. You can also visit the AWM website for the latest updates on The Sanctuary project. To view an explanation of the revised cost estimates as well as a video from the building site, go to s3.awmi.net/sanctuary-jan-2013b.htm. GT

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Spring 2013 25

AWM35 Years and Counting: The Future of

fFor the past thirty-five years, since the incorporation of Andrew Wommack Ministries (AWM), the ministry has had quite an amazing history. From its humble official beginning in Lamar, Colorado, in 1978, to the first Gospel Truth radio show in Childress, Texas, to the first Gospel Truth television show in 2000, to the first Gospel Truth Seminar in 2003, to now an incredible new 220,000-square-foot Charis Bible College (CBC) Colorado headquarters, the ministry has seen explosive growth in all areas.

As Andrew looks back on his journey with the Lord—celebrating forty-five years of knowing Him intimately and experiencing the revelation of His unconditional love (which ultimately birthed his ministry) and thirty-five years of the incorporation of AWM—he can be confident that he’s used every possible avenue to spread God’s Word. He’s taken the grace-and-faith message that the Lord’s given him literally to the ends of the earth through the vehicles of radio, television, live seminars, the internet, cassette tapes and CDs, videos, and an array of printed materials.

But when Andrew looks forward into the future of AWM, what he has the greatest hope and the biggest vision for is the one thing that he always told himself he’d never have: a Bible college. Andrew will be the first to admit that he never liked the idea of starting a Bible college. In fact, it wasn’t until God showed him how

to develop a college using the current CBC model of classroom training combined with practical experience that he ever entertained the idea of having his own.

“I knew that the Lord wanted me to make disciples, not just converts,” recalls Andrew. “After God showed me His way of doing Bible college, I knew this was His avenue for discipleship.”

Charis Bible College opened its doors in the fall of 1994, and the rest, as they say, is history. Now in its nineteenth year, CBC has grown to thirty-four schools, with an additional five or six to be added during 2013. CBCs dot the globe, with schools in Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and of course, the United States.

As Andrew looks to the future, he ultimately sees hundreds of CBCs all over the world. “In the long term, the Bible colleges are what’s going to make

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Charis Bible College Extension Schools 2013

Andrew. “Right now, our broadcasts cover the U.S., and 3.2 billion people around the world have access to our program. We’re looking to just add additional broadcasts at this point, not necessarily new networks.”

One change that Andrew’s followers will see at the start of this year is the structure and quantity of Gospel Truth Seminars. For years, he and a small staff,

the biggest difference in reaching people. The new CBC campus currently under construction will lay the groundwork for us to reach tens of thousands of people.” (See “Building ‘The Barn’” on p. 22 for details on the new campus.)

“At this point in my life,” continues Andrew, “I’d rather teach people how to pray than to pray for them. Through the Bible colleges, I can do just that. I know that my teachings on television and on CDs touch people, but in some cases, it may just be for a short time. What really changes people are the Bible colleges because they produce disciples.”

Currently there are over 3,000 CBC students worldwide, including those who are studying through the correspondence courses. There are more people involved in the extension schools than there are in the CBC Colorado school, which presently has 577 students.

“My vision,” says Andrew, “is to have our Colorado school grow to at least 3,000 students, which can’t happen until we have a larger facility. If we keep the same ratio of Colorado to worldwide students as we have now, that would mean there would be about 15,000 students in our extension schools.”

When asked what timeframe he projects for such growth, he replied, “I’m turning sixty-four this year, so it needs to be soon!”

Andrew also envisions having central hubs in different parts of the world to support the various extension schools. “All of our other schools are dependent on our Colorado school. This is where we make our videos and other materials to distribute to the colleges, and this is where we have our annual directors’ meeting and other centralized programs. It will eventually be important to have hubs in other places as well.” The next potential hub may be in Russia, where CBC leaders have a vision to start 1,000 new schools within five years!

Aside from the colleges, television is another vehicle Andrew is looking to expand. After adding a daily show to TBN a while back, a second broadcast was added to DayStar in 2012. This broadcast was aired in the afternoon, which was a new market for AWM, as all of its previous programming slots were in the morning or evening.

“We now want to add broadcasts in the evening in order to pull in a totally different audience,” explains

6 GospelTruth

35 Years and Counting: The Future of AWM

6 GospelTruth26 GospelTruth

Projected Startup Schools2013/2014UNITED STATESAlpharetta, GAAtlanta, GACharlotte, NCChicago, ILClermont, FLColorado Springs, CODallas, TXDyer, INGardner, MAGreenville, SCHouston, TXJacksonville, FLKansas City, KSKenosha, WIMiami, FL

Minneapolis, MNOntario, CAOrlando, FLOswego, ILPhoenix, AZPlymouth, MARaleigh-Durham, NCSan Antonio, TXSan Jose, CATampa Bay, FLWashington D.C.

CANADAToronto, Canada

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Spring 2013 27

along with volunteers, traveled throughout the U.S. conducting these seminars several times a year. He also presented Gospel Truth Seminars in select locations overseas. In 2013, Andrew will be holding events in seven new areas, but instead of the usual Thursday-through-Saturday format, each event will only be for one evening.

Andrew is calling these shorter events Gospel Truth Rallies. There are, however, still two full-length Gospel Truth Seminars planned for 2013—in Atlanta and in Chicago. (For a complete listing of upcoming events, please check the AWM website: www.awmi.net.)

“We’ve learned that we draw the same-sized crowds whether we hold an event for one night or for three full

CENTRAL &SOUTH AMERICABelize City, BelizeBuenos Aires, ArgentinaQuerétaro, MexicoRio de Janeiro, Brazil

EUROPEBelfast, Northern IrelandBirkenfeld, GermanyBrugg, SwitzerlandLodz, PolandLondon East, England

ASIAChennai, IndiaHong Kong, ChinaHyderabad, IndiaMumbai, India

AUSTRALIAGold Coast, Australia

Charis Bible College Extension Schools 2013

35 Years and Counting: The Future of AWM

Naarden, The NetherlandsNaberezhnye Chelny, RussiaSt. Petersburg, RussiaWest Midlands, EnglandYorkshire, England

AFRICAHarare, ZimbabweHeidelberg, South AfricaKampala, Uganda

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24 GospelTruth

days, so it makes sense to do the shorter rallies,” says Andrew. “It saves us money on travel expenses, and we don’t need to take as many people with us, so they’re not being pulled away from their jobs at the ministry.”

In general, Andrew would like to eventually see a decreased travel schedule in his future. When he travels overseas, he prefers to hold meetings back to back so that he can return home sooner. But that often means little sleep on the road and a longer recovery time once he gets home.

When asked about upcoming short- and long-term goals for the ministry, Andrew admits to not having specific goals: “God has never given me goals per se. I do best when I just maintain my relationship with

Him and listen for His leading. He tells me what to do one step at a time, and that’s what I do. I’ve never set goals for myself. It’s not until after I get involved with something—like the Bible college or television—that I can actually see what’s going on and what God wants to do with it. I rarely know what’s happening ahead of time. I just try to be obedient to what I hear from God.”

After thirty-five successful years of ministry, that strategy seems to be working quite well. And it’s probably good advice for all of us. As Andrew states, “There’s a lot less stress to life this way. If you just seek the Lord, I can guarantee you will be better off in the future than you are now. He will make everything work out.” GT

6 GospelTruth6 GospelTruth28 GospelTruth


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35 Years and Counting: The Future of AWM

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C h a r i s B i B l e C o l l e g eColoraDo

Combining the rich teaching of God’s Word with a practical, hands-on ministry experience

in a Two-Year Program.Night Classes also available.

For more information, visit our website:

www.CharisBibleCollege.orgor call: 719-635-6029.

Ask about Extension School locations.

Change Your Life, Change the World

Spring 2013 29

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Four great schools. One tough decision!

newa whole

program for Charis Bible College graduates

Third-year students choose a school where they attend specialized classes from 8 a.m.-9:45 a.m. and then have Bible classes from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Currently, these classes are only offered at CBC Colorado’s day school. If you have already completed the third year, you are welcome to come back and sign up for another specialized school and attend for just the first two hours of the school day and pay only half the tuition cost!

Go online for more information: www.CharisBibleCollege.org, or call us: 719-635-6029





Fall & Winter 2011 2530 GospelTruth

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A brief testimony of walking out “God Wants You Well.” Both my husband

and daughter, on previous plane and car rides, had motion sickness. I had

called the Andrew Wommack Ministries Helpline, and a sweet woman agreed

with me in prayer over our upcoming trip, that the healing that is ours

would manifest in my husband’s and daughter’s bodies. Three days before

going on the trip, my husband chose to go on a water-only fast for the

purpose of telling his body that it was already healed and to purge himself

of any unbelief that might linger in regards to traveling. On the plane, my

husband was free of any symptoms of motion sickness! After landing, he said

that he still had a small battle in his thoughts, since he had fasted and had

no food in his stomach to cause any issues. So, to really test this healing, my

sweet husband ordered a large meat-lovers’ pizza and ate it twenty minutes

prior to takeoff. He laughed, saying he felt even better on the way back,

PRAISE GOD! Our daughter did have motion sickness on the way there and

back, but even in the midst of vomiting, she and I sang “Rejoice in the Lord

Always,” and there was peace in our midst.

This past weekend, we went camping as a family and had to drive about

two hours to the campsite. About thirty minutes from our destination, my

daughter starts yelling that she doesn’t feel good. We stopped the car and

prayed for her body to get in line with the Word and specifically had my

husband speak to the motion sickness. We made it to the camp with no

issues. On our return trip, no symptoms of motion sickness ever manifested.

Victory is ours in Jesus!

As Jesus is, so are we in this world! God, thank You for opening Your

Word to us, revealing Your truth, and squishing all those religious traditions

and doctrines that were stealing the abundant life You have for our family!

K. J. McKinney, TX

We just want to say how much we thank God for you and Jamie’s faithfulness to press through all these years, and alleluia, what a harvest that has, is, and continues to come in through your awesome teaching! We were sooo blessed to be with you last week. The healing I received with my hearing and neck! PRAISE THE LORD! What a great time in the Word and with other believers. We share Jesus everywhere we go and what a great life now that we know and continue to grow and know who we are in Christ! Forgiven, redeemed, healed, delivered, set free, rich, prosperous! AMEN! Just like you say, “This GOOD NEWS will put a shout in a corpse!” Thank you again, and we look forward to coming to Colorado Springs very soon. We give infinite worship, thanks, praise, honor, and glory with charity to God for all He has, is, and continues to do in our lives.God’s continued Favor and Blessings unto you all moment by moment! Agape always.

D. and M. G. Roanoke, Virginia

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Dear Fellow Ministers:

For years, friends have asked me to start a ministers’ association. They tell me they feel disconnected and isolated. They say they need the friendships of other like-minded ministers and that they are looking for support and encouragement. I’ve prayed about this for years, and it’s time to act.

We have developed, the Association of Related Ministries International. If you’re a pastor, traveling teacher or evangelist, church staff member, or a minister from a parachurch organization, you’re invited to be a part.

I believe that the Lord has uniquely positioned Andrew Wommack Ministries (AWM) and Charis Bible College (CBC) to accomplish this. Through CBC, its staff, and a network of ministry professionals, we are able to bring extensive resources to the table.

My purpose for ARMI is to serve you. My determination is to ensure that ARMI never becomes self-serving. I believe that this new organization will help ministers like you from across our nation and around the world fulfill their calling.God bless you,

Andrew Wommack

Andrew WommackPresident & Founder

Online application for membership available starting April 2, 2013: www.armi-member.org

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Dr. Barry Burns comes to us with a wealth of executive and ministry experience. He received his BS degree from East Tennessee State University, participated in the MS degree program in Business Administration at the University of North Carolina and completed his Masters in Ministry and his Doctor of Ministry degrees at Bethany Theological Seminary.

He was involved in the formation, organization, and development of the International Convention of Faith Ministries (ICFM) and served as their national director for United States operations. He and his wife, Ann, have served as a pastoral team for the last thirty-seven years. Their television program, Reigning In Life, is aired on DirecTV, Dish Network, on the internet on Cross.TV.

Dr. Barry BurnsInternational Director


Our long-term goals are to make available to each constituent member continuing education opportunities, professional development programs, and ministry services. In addition, we plan to conduct workshops on legal issues, financial and business management, media and internet use, praise and worship, and church growth.

We also plan to make available specific services targeted to those who serve in ministry areas such as mental health counseling, financial planning aid, ministerial restoration services, crisis intervention, and church-problem resolutions.


All Active Members Will Receive—

• Andrew Wommack’s Living Commentary ($120 value)• 20 percent discount on the CBC Store products. This includes but is not limited to:

• Correspondence Courses• Prayer Ministry Training Manual• “Setting Your Financial House in Order”• Healing School Flash Drive• Go to www.charisbiblecollege.org/store for a complete list of products available

• Monthly DVDs by CBC instructors and special guest speakers• Free workshops at the international convention and all regional meetings


The annual dues for membership in ARMI will be $360 per year.

ARMI Kick-Off MeetingJune 19-21, 2013

at 850 Elkton Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80907For more information, call Larry Hodge: 719-272-3358

or email him: [email protected]

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The Church ChannelDirecTV, Ch. 371 / Dish Network, Ch. 258 / G14, T1 / G15, T22 / G17, T13 / G19, T27 / Glorystar, Ch.103 / Olympusat, G23, T7 M-F 12:00 p.m. Cornerstone TV (WPCB)G19, T23 / Glorystar, Ch. 113 M-F 7:00 a.m. CNLG19, T14 M-F 3:30 p.m. CTNDirecTV, Ch. 376 / Dish Network, Ch. 267 M-F 6:00 a.m.Daystar NetworkAMC 1, T5 / AT&T U-Verse, Ch. 563 / DirecTV, Ch. 369 / Dish Network, Ch. 263 / G18, T3 / Glorystar, Ch. 100 / Olympusat, G23, T7 / SES 1, T3 / Verizon FIOS, Ch. 293 / World TV, G19, T11 M-F 8:30 a.m. & 2:30 p.m.GEB AmericaDirecTV, Ch. 363 M-F 6:30 p.m.God TVDirecTV-HD, Ch. 365 / Galaxy 19, T11 M-F 7:30 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.

TBNDirecTV, Ch. 372 / Dish Network, Ch. 260 / G14, T1 / G19, T27 / Glorystar, Ch. 101 / Olympusat, G23, T7 M-F 6:30 a.m. TCT NetworkDirecTV, Ch. 377 M-F 11:00 p.m. TLN AMC 1, T19 M-F 7:30 a.m.

TV Stations

ALABAMABerry WSSF/57 6:30 a.m.Birmingham W49AY/49 6:00 a.m. WABM/68 8:30 a.m. WBUN/28 7:30 a.m. WTJP/60 5:30 a.m.Decatur WYAM/56 6:00 a.m.Fayette WSSG/63 6:30 a.m.

Huntsville WHDF/15 1:30 p.m. WHVD/34 7:30 a.m.Mobile WDPM/18 7:30 a.m. WFNA/55 10:00 a.m. WMPV/21 5:30 a.m.Montgomery WETA/39 7:30 a.m. WFRZ/34 6:00 a.m. WMCF/45 5:30 a.m.ALASKAAnchorage KCFT/35 3:00 a.m. KYUR/13 6:30 a.m. Fairbanks KATN/2 6:30 a.m.Juneau KJUD/8 6:30 a.m.ARIZONABullhead City K65FI/65 5:00 a.m.Holbrook KDTP/11 5:30 a.m.Lake Havasu City K27EC/27 5:00 a.m.Phoenix KDPH/48 5:30 a.m. KPAZ/21 4:30 a.m.Tucson KPCE/29 5:30 a.m.ARKANSASEl Dorado KARD/14 8:00 a.m.Ft. Smith KFTA/24 8:00 a.m. KWOG/57 7:30 a.m.Hot Springs KVTH/26 3:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m. Jonesboro KVTJ/48 3:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m.Little Rock KVTN/25 3:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m. KKAP/36 7:30 a.m. CALIFORNIALos Angeles KOCE/50.3(DTV) 5:30 a.m. KPCD/40 5:30 a.m. KSCD/38 5:30 a.m. KTBN/40 3:30 a.m. KTBV/12 4:00 a.m.Porterville KFVD/15 5:30 a.m.Redding KVER/4 4:00 a.m.Sacramento KACA/34 5:30 a.m. KMSX/42 4:00 a.m. KRJR/44 5:30 a.m. San Diego C4SD/4(Cable) 2:00 p.m.San Francisco KDAS/18 5:30 a.m. KDTS/8 5:30 a.m. KTLN/68 6:30 a.m.COLORADOColorado Springs KWHS/51 12:00 p.m. Comcast/6 12:00 p.m. Denver KCDO/3 7:30 a.m. KDNF/44 6:30 a.m. KPJR/38 4:30 a.m. KRMT/41 6:30 a.m. Durango K16GZ/16 5:00 a.m.

Ft. Collins KDNF/44 6:30 a.m. DELAWAREWilmington WWDD/40 8:30 a.m.DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAWashington W45DN/45 7:00 a.m. WDCA/20 7:30 a.m. WDDN/23 8:30 a.m.FLORIDADeFuniak Springs WWEO/24 6:30 a.m.Ft. Myers-Naples WRXY/49 9:00 a.m.Jacksonville WUJF/33 8:30 a.m.Marianna WBIF/51 7:30 a.m.Miami WHFT/45 6:30 a.m.Orlando WDTO/50 8:30 a.m. WHLV/52 6:30 a.m. WOCD/27 8:30 a.m. WTGL/45 1:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m. 10:30 p.m.Panama City WGOM/10 6:30 a.m.Pensacola WCTY/46 6:00 a.m. WFNA/55 10:00 a.m. WHBR/33 5:00 a.m. WMPV/21 5:30 a.m.Tallahassee WEWA/17 7:30 a.m. WVUP/45 6:00 a.m.Tampa WCLF/22 6:00 a.m. Sat. 8:00 p.m. WSVT/18 8:30 a.m.West Palm Beach WFGC/61 12:30 p.m. WSLF/35 8:30 a.m.GEORGIAAtlanta WATL/36 6:00 a.m. WDTA/35 8:30 a.m. WHSG/63 6:30 a.m.Augusta WBPI/49 1:00 p.m.Columbus WYBU/16 6:00 a.m.Dalton WDDA/6 8:30 a.m.Gainesville W28CD/28 8:30 a.m. WGGD/23 8:30 a.m. Macon WDMA/31 8:30 a.m. WGNM/64 6:00 a.m.Savannah WGSA/34 7:30 a.m.HAWAIIHonolulu KAAH/26 3:30 a.m. KAUI/51 7:30 a.m. KWBN/44 7:30 a.m.IDAHOBoise KNIN/9 6:30 a.m.Twin Falls KXTF/35 7:30 a.m.

ILLINOISAlton W50CH/50 6:00 a.m.

Gospel TruthNorth America Television & Radio

All programs air Monday through Friday, Eastern Time, unless otherwise noted.6 GospelTruth34 GospelTruth

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Chicago TLN/(Cable) 6:30 a.m. WDCI/57 7:30 a.m. WJYS/62 8:00 a.m. WWTO/35 5:30 a.m.Decatur WLCF/45 5:00 a.m.Peoria-Bloomington WAOE/59 8:00 a.m.Rockford TLN/(Cable) 6:30 a.m.INDIANAFt. Wayne W38EA/38 11:00 p.m. WINM/63 11:00 p.m.Indianapolis WCLJ/42 6:30 a.m. WDTI/44 8:30 a.m.South Bend WEID/18 8:30 a.m.IOWACedar Rapids KFXA/28 6:30 a.m. KFXB/40 10:00 a.m.KANSASHoisington KOCW/14 7:00 a.m.Kansas City KCDN/43 7:30 a.m. KSMO/62 9:30 a.m.Salina KAAS/18 7:00 a.m.Topeka K40IJ/40 6:00 a.m.Wichita-Hutchinson KWKD/28 7:30 a.m. KSAS/24 7:00 a.m. KENTUCKYKeavy WVTN/48 10:00 a.m.Lexington WBLU/62 8:30 a.m. WDKY/56 6:00 a.m.Louisville WBKI/28 8:30 a.m. WBNA/21 10:30 a.m.Paducah WDKA/49 8:30 a.m. WTCT/27 10:00 p.m.LOUISIANABaton Rouge KBDT/48 7:30 a.m. WGMB/44 7:00 a.m.Lafayette KADN/15 6:00 a.m.Monroe KARD/14 8:00 a.m.New Orleans KNLD/28 7:30 a.m. WHNO/20 11:00 a.m.Shreveport KSHV/45 8:00 a.m. MAINEPortland WLLB/15 8:30 a.m.MARYLANDBaltimore WNUV/54 6:30 a.m.Ocean City W35CS/35 7:00 a.m.MASSACHUSETTS Boston WDWA/23 8:30 a.m. WYDN/48 8:30 a.m.MICHIGANAnn Arbor W27CN/27 11:00 p.m.Detroit WADL/38 8:30 a.m. WDWO/18 11:00 p.m. WUDT/23 8:30 a.m.

Flint-Saginaw WAQP/49 11:00 p.m. Grand Rapids WTLJ/54 11:00 p.m. WUHQ/29 8:30 a.m.Kalamazoo W26BX/26 11:00 p.m.Lansing WSYM/47 8:30 a.m.MINNESOTAMinneapolis WDMI/13 7:30 a.m. WUCW/23 7:30 a.m. MISSISSIPPIJackson WJKO/39 7:30 a.m.MISSOURICape Girardeau WDKA/49 8:30 a.m. WTCT/27 10:00 p.m.Columbia KNLJ/25 7:00 a.m.Kansas City KCDN/43 7:30 a.m. KSMO/62 9:30 a.m.Springfield KOZL/27 9:30a.m. KWBM/31 7:30 a.m.St. Joseph KTAJ/16 5:30 a.m.St. Louis KUMO/51 7:30 a.m. WPXS/13 7:30 a.m.NEBRASKAOmaha KOHA/48 7:30 a.m. NEVADALas Vegas KLVD/23 5:30 a.m. KVCW/33 6:30 a.m.NEW MEXICOAlbuquerque-Santa Fe KAZQ/32 6:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. KNAT/23 4:30 a.m.NEW YORKAlbany WDTB/28 8:30 a.m.Brooklyn WBQM/3 7:00 a.m.Buffalo WBNF/15 11:00 p.m. WNYB/26 11:00 p.m.DeWitt WIXT/40 7:00 a.m.Ithaca WNYI/20 8:30 a.m.Manhattan WMBQ/46 7:00 a.m.New York WTBY/27(Digital) 6:30 a.m. WWOR/9 5:00 a.m.Oneida WTKO/15 7:00 a.m.Rochester W42BV/42 11:00 p.m.Syracuse WDSS/38 8:30 a.m. WONO/11 7:00 a.m.Utica WVVC/40 7:00 a.m.NORTH CAROLINAAsheville WAEN/48 8:30 a.m.Charlotte WDMC/25 8:30 a.m. WMYT/55 6:00 a.m.Fayetteville WDRN/45 8:30 a.m.Greensboro/ Winston-Salem WLXI/61 11:00 p.m. WMYV/48 8:30 a.m.

Raleigh/Durham WLFL/22 6:00 a.m. WRAY/30 11:00 p.m. WWIW/44 8:30 a.m.Statesville WHWD/21 8:30 a.m.Wilmington WSFX/26 6:30 a.m.OHIO Cincinnati WDYC/36 8:30 a.m. WSTR/64 6:30 a.m.Cleveland WCDN/7 8:30 a.m. WDLI/17 6:30 a.m. WRLM/47 11:00 p.m. WUAB/43 5:30 a.m.Columbus WCLL/19 8:30 a.m. WSFJ/51 6:30 a.m. WTTE/28 6:00 a.m.Dayton WKOI/43 6:30 a.m.Springfield WLWD/20 8:30a.m.Toledo WDTJ/18 8:30 a.m. WLMB/40 10:30 a.m. Youngstown Joshua Channel 7:30 a.m. 11:00 p.m.OKLAHOMADurant Victory Life Network CommuniCom Cable/12 11:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m.Lawton KJBO/35 9:30 a.m.Oklahoma City KOCM/46 7:30 a.m. KOCB/34 6:30 a.m. KTBO/14 5:30 a.m.Tulsa KDOR/17 5:30 a.m. KGEB/53 5:30 p.m. KTZT/29 7:30 a.m. KWHB/47 11:30 a.m.OREGON Eugene KLSR/34 8:30 a.m.Medford KMVU/26 6:30 a.m.Portland KNMT/24 3:30 a.m. KPDX/49 6:00 a.m.PENNSYLVANIAAltoona WKBS/47 7:00 a.m.Brookville W45BT/45 7:00 a.m.Elliottsburg W12CA/12 7:00 a.m.Harrisburg W07DP/35.1 7:00 a.m. W35BT/35 7:00 a.m. WGCB/49 9:00 a.m.Middleburg W18BC/18 7:00 a.m.Philadelphia WELL/45 8:30 a.m. WWDD/40 8:30 a.m. WGTW/48 6:30 a.m.Pittsburgh WPCB/40 7:00 a.m. WPDN/24 8:30 a.m.Sharon W29CO/29 7:00 a.m.Wilkes-Barre- Scranton W43CO/36.1 7:00 a.m.Wilmington W36DO/36.1 7:00 a.m.

Spring 2013 35All programs air Monday through Friday, Eastern Time, unless otherwise noted.

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36 GospelTruth

Conuma Cble, Ch. 399 Cross Country Cable, Ch. 399

MTS TV, Ch. 21 Omega Cable, Ch. 42 Rogers Digital, Ch. 241 SaskTel, Ch. 282 Shaw Cable, Ch. 166 Shaw Direct, Ch. 399 Source Cable, Ch. 122 Telus, Ch. 158 Your Link, Ch. 399 CJIL

Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. Ch. 17

The Miracle Channel (CJIL) Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. Bell TV, Ch. 652 Shaw Direct, Ch. 357 Telus Satellite, Ch. 652

Internet Access to the Television Programs Is Available

at http://www.awmi.net/tv

Radio Stations

ALABAMAMobile WMOB 1360 AM 5:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.ARIZONAPhoenix KXXT 1010 AM 8:45 a.m.CALIFORNIALos Angeles KTYM 1460 AM 10:15 a.m.COLORADODenver KLTT 670 AM 6:45 a.m. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington WFAX 1220 AM 9:00 a.m.FLORIDACocoa WMIE 91.5 FM 7:15 a.m.Daytona Beach WKTO 88.7 FM 11:15 a.m. 11:00 p.m.Jacksonville WJNJ 1320 AM 6:45 p.m.GEORGIAAtlanta WAEC 860 AM 10:30 a.m.Augusta WRMK 100.3 FM 3:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 4:15 p.m.IDAHOHailey KLCW 105.5 FM 8:45 p.m.Twin Falls KAGF 105.5 FM 6:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m 9:00 p.m. 12:00 Midnight

SOUTH CAROLINACharleston WMMP/36 6:00 a.m.Columbia WKDC/50 8:30 a.m. WZRB/47 7:30 a.m.Greenville-Spartanburg WGGS/16 7:30 a.m.Spartanburg WSQY/51 8:30 a.m.SOUTH DAKOTASioux Falls KWSF/53 7:30 a.m.TENNESSEE Chattanooga WELF/23 6:30 a.m.Ducktown WCTD/22 8:30 a.m.Jackson WJTD/42 7:30 a.m.Knoxville WDTT/24 8:30 a.m. WTNZ/43 6:30 a.m.Memphis WBUY/40 5:30 a.m. WDNM/59 7:30 a.m. WDYR/33 10:00 p.m.Nashville WHTN/39 6:00 a.m. WNTU/26 7:30 a.m. WRTN/17 7:30 a.m. WPGD/50 5:30 a.m.Tri-Cities WEMT/39 7:00 a.m.TEXASAmarillo KCIT/14 7:00 a.m. KDAX/40 7:30 a.m.Austin KNVA/54 8:00 a.m. Bryan KYLE/28 6:00 a.m.Corpus Christi KDCP/19 7:30 a.m.Dallas-Ft. Worth KDTN/2 7:30 a.m. KDTX/58 5:30 a.m. KHFD/51 6:00 a.m. KTXD/47 7:00 a.m.Houston KLTJ/22 7:30 a.m.Jasper K54JK/54 6:30 a.m.Killeen KADT/16 7:30 a.m.Longview KLPN/58 6:30 a.m.Louise KDHU/50 7:30 a.m.Lubbock KMYL/22 8:00 a.m.Odessa-Midland KPEJ/24 7:30 a.m.Paris KPTD/49 7:30 a.m.San Antonio KMYS/35 6:30 a.m. KQVE/13 7:30 a.m.Tyler KTPN/48 6:30 a.m.Waco-Temple-Bryan KWKT/44 6:00 a.m.Wichita Falls KJBO/35 9:30 a.m.UTAHSalt Lake City KSUD/45 6:30 a.m. KTMW/20 7:00 a.m. KUBX/58 6:30 a.m. KUTF/12 6:30 a.m.VIRGINIABishop WJDW/23 7:30 a.m.Front Royal WAZF/28 10:30 a.m.Harrisonburg WAZH/24 10:30 a.m. WAZT/10 10:30 a.m.Luray WAZC/16 10:30 a.m.

Lynchburg WWCW/21 6:00 a.m.Norfolk W25CS/25 8:30 a.m. WTPC/21 6:30 a.m. WTVZ/33 7:00 a.m.Richmond WRID/48 8:30 a.m. WRLH/35 6:00 a.m.Roanoke-Lynchburg WWCW/20(Digital) 6:00 a.m. WFXR/27 6:00 a.m.Staunton-Waynesboro WAZM/25 10:30 a.m.Tri-Cities WEMT/39 7:00 a.m.Winchester WAZW/48 10:30 a.m. WAZW/46.1(Digital) 10:30 a.m.WASHINGTONSeattle-Tacoma KTBW/20 3:30 a.m. KWDK/56 5:30 a.m. KSTW/11 6:00 p.m.Spokane KAYU/28 6:30 a.m. KDYS/32 5:30 a.m. KQUP/47 5:30 a.m.WEST VIRGINIACharleston WTSF/61 8:30 a.m.Clarksburg W21CJ/21 7:00 a.m.WISCONSINGreen Bay WGBD/49 7:30 a.m.Janesville WDMW/45 7:30 a.m.Madison WMWD/38 7:30 a.m.Milwaukee WWRS/52 5:30 a.m.WYOMINGCheyenne KMAH/39 5:00 a.m.Laramie KPAH/24 5:00 a.m.

Sky Angel - IPTVAngel Two Channel 102 6:00 a.m. Sun. 7:30 p.m.The Church Channel Channel 134 6:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.Daystar Channel 111 8:30 a.m.Total Christian TV Channel 133 11:00 p.m.WPCB (Cornerstone) Channel 128 7:00 a.m.

Canada Satellite TV Broadcasts

CTS (National) 7:30 a.m. Tue.-Sat.3:30 a.m. Bell TV, Ch. 651 Cable (Check listings for channel) Shaw Direct, Ch. 355CTS (Toronto/Kitchener/Hamilton) Ch. 36CTS (London) Ch. 14CTS (Ottawa) Ch. 42Grace TV

Monday - Friday 4:00 a.m./11:00 a.m. City West Cable, Ch. 97 Cogeco, Ch. 186

Gospel TruthNorth America Television & Radio

All programs air Monday through Friday, Eastern Time, unless otherwise noted.

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INTERNET RADIOActs Radio Ministries 12:00 p.m.www.actsministry.orgAt the Feet of Jesus Ministries www.atfjesus.org 7:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.Fresh Start Broadcasting www.freshstartbroadcasting.com 5:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m.Global Gospel Beacon www.globalgospelbeacon.com Available 24/7Gospel Impact Radio www.gospelimpactradio.com 7:00 a.m. Prince of Peace Radio www.princeofpeaceradio.net 2:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Three G Radio www.threegradio.com 1:30 p.m. Word of Faith Broadcasting www.wofr.org 8:30 a.m. Word of God Broadcasting www.wordnet.org 9:15 a.m. Sky Angel - IPTVOasis Network, Ch. 214 4:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.

Internet Access to the Radio Programs Is Availableat http://www.awmi.net/radio

ILLINOISRockford WHJG 93.3 FM 1:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m.KANSASKansas City KCNW 1380 AM 11:00 a.m.KENTUCKYKeavy WVCT 91.5 FM 10:00 a.m.LOUISIANANew Orleans WVOG 600 AM 12:15 p.m.Shreveport KSYB 1300 AM 9:45 a.m.MARYLANDLaVale WWPN 101.1 FM 5:00 a.m. WWPN 107.9 FM 5:00 a.m.MASSACHUSETTSBoston WROL 950 AM 11:00 a.m.New Bedford WFHL 88.1 FM 7:00 a.m.MICHIGANGrand Rapids WFUR 1570 AM 8:30 a.m.MINNESOTAMinneapolis WLKX 95.9 FM 2:30 p.m.MISSISSIPPIJackson WTWZ 1120 AM 11:15 a.m.MISSOURIBranson KOZO 89.7 FM 3:30 a.m.Joplin KKLL 1100 AM 12:45 p.m.Kansas City KCNW 1380 AM 11:00 a.m.Springfield KOZO93.7FM 3:30a.m.St. Louis KXEN 1010 AM 9:00 a.m.NEBRASKAOmaha KCRO 660 AM 5:45 a.m.NORTH CAROLINAAlbemarle WSPC 1010 AM Sat. 7:00 a.m. Sun. 10:30 a.m. WZKY 1580 AM Sun. 8:00 a.m.Charlotte WOGR 1540 AM 9:15 a.m. WOGR 88.3 FM 9:15 a.m.Cherryville WCSL 1590 AM 11:15 p.m.Gastonia WOGR 1420 AM 9:15 a.m.Salisbury WOGR 93.3 FM 9:15 a.m.Winston-Salem WBFJ 1550 AM 12:15 p.m.OHIOCanton WOFN 88.7 FM 4:30 a.m.Cincinnati WCNW 1560 AM 9:00 a.m.OKLAHOMAEnid Translator 89.1 FM 3:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.Lawton KJRF 91.1 FM 1:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Translator 96.3 FM 3:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.

McAlester Translator 91.1 FM 3:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.Miami Translator 88.1 FM 3:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.Oklahoma City KMSI 88.1 FM 3:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.Ponca City Translator 90.3 FM 3:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.Tulsa KNYD 90.5 FM 3:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. KDIM 88.1 FM 3:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.OREGONKlamath Falls KZZF 107.7 FM 9:30 a.m.Portland KKPZ 1330 AM 9:30 a.m.PENNSYLVANIACashtown WFKJ 890 AM 3:30 a.m.TENNESSEEKnoxville WKXV 900 AM 12:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m.TEXASAustin KFIT 1060 AM 11:30 a.m.Brownwood KBUB 90.3 FM 11:15 a.m. Corpus Christi KCTA 1030 AM 11:00 a.m.Dallas KDKR 91.3 FM 10:30 a.m.New Boston KLBW 1530 AM 10:30 a.m. Sun. 12:30 p.m.VIRGINIAFalls Church WFAX 1220 AM 9:00 a.m.Yorktown WYCS 91.5 FM 4:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m.WEST VIRGINIACharleston WJYP 1300 AM 9:30 a.m.

Item Code: S09 Suggested Donation $15

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Worthy Is the LambItem Code: S07 Suggested Donation $15

The Story of Jesus

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Spring 2013 39

David IllingworthAndrew Wommack Ministries of Europe

WelcomespPure gold streams of water poured from a waterfall, emptying into a serene, shimmering gold pool. As David Illingworth gazed upon the beauty of the scene, he sensed the Lord beckoning him to stand in the pool under the golden waterfall. David obeyed and as he did, the gold water was absorbed into every fiber of his being. At that moment, he realized he wasn’t standing under a waterfall made of water but, rather, of God’s pure, unconditional love.

After receiving this life-changing vision in 2009, David knew without a doubt that God was calling him into kingdom service and out of the corporate world he had known his entire life. “At first I didn’t know what God was calling me to do,” says David. “I just felt compelled to learn more about God and His love.”

A year prior, David was exposed to Andrew Wommack Ministries Europe (AWME) when a friend was diagnosed with cancer. David was given Andrew’s teaching God Wants You Well, and it completely changed the way he thought about and prayed for healing. Andrew taught God’s Word in a way that David had never heard before, and he wanted to hear more. In the fall of 2009, he enrolled in the Charis Bible College (CBC) correspondence course from his home in England.

After devouring the lessons, David was ready to move to Walsall and begin his second year at CBC. His wife, Lesley, wasn’t thrilled with the idea at first. But

God spoke to her heart, and the Illingworths were off to Walsall. Upon graduating in 2011, David and Lesley decided to return for a third year.

“During my second year, God told me He wanted me to get to know Him. But during my third year, He said He needed me to get to know myself,” recalls David. By the end of David’s third year, God’s love had given him an unshakable hope, solidifying his faith and enabling him to minister in God’s grace. “I grew to understand who I am in God’s love, which has released peace into my heart,” explains David.

After their third year at CBC, the Illingworths didn’t know where to go next. “I had no plans and no open doors,” says David. “God just kept telling me to wait.” With his vast business background in sales, management, and organizational consulting, along with his global experiences from traveling to over seventy-five countries, there were numerous paths in the natural he could have pursued. But instead of pushing

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40 GospelTruth

doors open, he simply waited on God. The payoff came in the form of a phone call.

“I received a call one day informing me that I was being considered as the new CEO of AWME,” recalls David. “As I thought about it, I realized the position perfectly fulfilled all that God had shown me and prepared me for over the years.”

In September 2012, David took the helm at AWME, taking over for Will Graham who had stepped down after serving as director since 2005. Under Will’s leadership, teaching materials have been translated into many European, African, and Asian languages, and Walsall became home for AWME and CBC West

Midlands. But Will’s heart was primarily that of a pastor, and in May 2012, the opportunity arose for him to return as a full-time pastor to a growing church.

Now that David is on board, he hopes to concentrate on developing relationships within the surrounding communities as well as nearby churches. “Many of the churches in the area see us as undermining their authority. We’re working on building trust by partnering with them to serve those in our cities,” says David. He’s confident that once those in Walsall and beyond taste of God’s love through these relationships, they will want to be a part of what AWME has to offer.

Andrew Wommack Ministries Europe Welcomes David Illingworth


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At CBC, the Eastwoods learned about God’s grace and love, how to live victorious Christian lives, and how to pray effectively—for themselves and for others. Charla recalls, “We were trained to minister. We volunteered on the prayer line, we effectively ministered discipleship, and we even traveled to other countries to minister.” In May of 2001, the Eastwoods became graduates of CBC Colorado.

Upon graduation, Mark and Charla returned to Kansas and began serving as prayer ministers at Gospel Truth Seminars around the country. “Using the training we had received at school, along with the opportunity for practical application, we were able to minister God’s love and grace to hundreds—seeing signs, wonders, and miracles following,” says Mark.

During this time, God arranged many divine appointments for the Eastwoods, and they began holding local Bible studies and meetings, where they taught the Discipleship Evangelism program while ministering and praying for people. In 2011, God opened a door for them to intern with CBC Kansas City when the director, Cody Hull, relocated to Houston to start a new CBC. In March 2012, the Eastwoods were chosen to take the helm as directors at CBC Kansas City.

“The 2012-2013 school year has been an exciting one,” says Charla. “The college relocated, we have all- new classes for first-year students, and we have hungry students who are learning and growing quickly…. Our second-year class has already been on a missions trip to Nicaragua, where they saw blind eyes opened and many physical ailments healed, along with salvations and baptisms in the Holy Spirit.”

Mark and Charla have caught Andrew’s vision of planting Charis Bible Colleges all over the world. They have seen firsthand how the message of God’s goodness and grace that is taught at CBC is both life giving and life changing. As the newest directors of CBC Kansas City, the Eastwoods have the opportunity to impact their home community—and ultimately the world—in a bigger way than they ever thought possible. And it all started with a teaching tape that led them to CBC over ten years ago.

Mark and Charla Eastwood met in rural Kansas in 1990, and both truly believed they were born again. But when they realized that neither of their lives showed any visible fruit of the peace and joy that Jesus has promised to those who follow Him, they knew something wasn’t right.

As they sought the Lord, He led them to watch Kenneth Copeland’s television program, where they heard truths of God’s Word that they had never before been taught. Once they got a glimpse of all God had for them, they became immersed in learning more of His Word and His ways: “We learned about divine healing, which we knew nothing about,” says Mark. “I prayed for Charla, and the sinus headaches she’d been plagued with almost daily for more than two decades were gone, never to return. We were off and running!”

After several years of walking with the Lord in a Spirit-led relationship, God put it on their hearts to attend Bible college. They had no idea of where to even begin searching for a Bible college, but God did. God led Mark into a conversation on his construction job site one day, and he was given a cassette tape of one of Andrew’s teachings.

After learning more about Andrew and his ministry, they also discovered that he had a Bible college. At the time, Charis Bible College (CBC) Colorado was Andrew’s only college, so the Eastwoods began their studies via the correspondence program. After finishing their first year at CBC, they relocated to Colorado Springs to complete the second-year program.

Where Are They Now?


Mark and Charla Eastwood

Spring 2013 41

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For more information, visit our website: www.awmi.netClick on “MEETINGS”

invite you to the

Andrew & Jamie Wommack

MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLICEveryone is welcome! No registration required.

Phoenix, AZ, January 2-4, 2014

Atlanta, GA, May 9-11, 2013

Chigago, IL, August 15-17, 2013

Dr. Creflo Dollar of World Changers Church International will be a guest speaker at the seminar. He will teach Friday at 10:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. and

Saturday at 10:00 a.m.

Guest SpeakerDr. Creflo Dollar

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For more information on any of these events,go to our website: www.awmi.net or call our Helpline: 719-635-1111.

The Solid Rock of Atlanta 3740 Dekalb Technology Parkway | Atlanta, GAGrace Church 9610 South Garnett | Broken Arrow, OKSummer Family Bible Conference 190 S. Cascade Ave. | Colorado Springs, COWorld Changers Church 2500 Burdett Road | College Park, GAFreedom Christian Center Camp Meeting 4020 Freedom Drive | Charlotte, NCCornerstone Church 120 Cornerstone Drive | Johnson City, TNCharis Christian Center 720 Elkton Drive | Colorado Springs, CO

May 12, 2013May 19, 2013

July 1-5, 2013July 19, 2013

September 8-13, 2013September 14-15, 2013

September 29, 2013

Additional Meetings & Locations

Jacksonville, FL

Orlando, FL

Miami, FL

Washington, D.C.

Raleigh-Durham, NC

Philadelphia, PA

Shreveport, LA

April 4, 2013

April 5, 2013

April 6, 2013

April 25, 2013

April 27, 2013

July 27, 2013

November 14, 2013

For more information, visit our website: www.awmi.netClick on “MEETINGS”

MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLICEveryone is welcome! No registration required.

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Andrew Wommack Ministries/Charis Bible CollegeP.O. Box 3333Colorado Springs, CO 80934



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Over 22 hours of related teachings on prayer by Andrew Wommack are included in this simple, easy-to-use card. A $124 value is now available as an MP3 on a USB card for $45. Use it, share it, give it to a friend or loved one.

To order, go to our website: www.awmi.net, call: 719-635-1111,

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