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Sola scriptura


Zekeniam Y’Ishra’al

Sherut haRitztzuy

(the ministry of reconciliation)

by whom we have now received the

( Atonement)

Reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy

Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration

(AHaYaH (He was), HoYAH (He is), and YihYAH (He will be).



YaHuWaH ב

Devarim 6:4

Hear, Y’Ishra'al: YHWH is our Aluahiym! YHWH Is One!

Devarim 6:5

And you shall love [long for] ALuaHiYM with

all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your might. (me'ode)


My Memorial for generation after generation.”

Shemot 3:13-16

This is MY NAME for ever,

1. Aluahiym of your father’s Abraham, Yitzchak [Isaac], and Ya’aqob

[Jacob], has sent me to you. This is my name forever, and this is my

memorial for generation to generation." and I appeared to Abraham, to

Yitzchak, and to Ya’aqob as hashadday [the almighty]. And my name,

2. was not well known (famous) to them.



The ministry of reconciliation

Message of Reconciliation

Torah sh’Bichtav

(Written Torah)

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear?

“Sola Scriptura”

(the Scriptures alone is authoritative for faith)


(in His Name)

[Yah -hoo-Wah]

is the Name of the Creator.


(YâHuWsHúa`) is His Son

[Al-u-heem - ALHYM] means "Mighty Ones“ or "Power"

Means Set-apart, Pure.

(Qodesh) also means "Set-apart"

Raukh (Raukh) is the Ibry (Hebrew) name for His "Presence", pictured

as the Counselor, Helper, and Advocate, the One Who "proceeds from

the Father"

Tehillim 27:5

For in the day of trouble He will keep me secretly in His booth. In the

covering of His Tent He will hide me. On a Rock He raises me up.

is for you too!

Scripture speaks of a secret place where we can simply go, be alone, be

protected, pray,

and hear from

ב YâHuWsHúa.

Knowing there is such a place is a matter of faith. Going back time and

again, that's a matter of building a relationship. You need not have an

advanced degree in any subject, need not have memorized Scripture

from beginning to end, but instead

Be aware the

Of Y’Ishra’al

Has a place for each Jew and Gentile who will open their minds and

hearts to Him.

Mt 6:5-8

When you pray, you shall not be as the role-fakers, for they love to

stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets,

that they may be seen by men. Most certainly, I tell you, they have

received their reward. But you, when you pray, enter into your inner

chamber, and having shut your door, pray to your Father Who is in

secret, and your Father Who sees in secret shall reward you openly. In

praying, don’t use vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do; for they think

that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Therefore don’t be

like them, don't you see that your Father knows what things you need

before you ask Him.

The truth in reality is visited in this secret place AND must be shared

by those who will live or else ... they will perish ... in darkness.

It is written

Lu 11:33

“No one, when he has lit a Lamp, puts it in a cellar or under a basket,

but on a stand, that those who come in may see the Light.

Tehillim. 119:105

Your Word is a Lamp to my feet, and a Light (aur) for my path.

The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is good, your whole

body is also full of Light; but when it is evil, your body also is full of

darkness. Therefore see whether the light that is in you isn’t darkness.

If therefore your whole body is full of Light, having no part dark, it

shall be wholly full of Light, as when the Lamp with its bright shining

gives you Light.”


With this in mind, heart soul and strength let us study together in the


And now brothers and sisters

Come out of the secret place bearing light!

Who see it from afar? The Secret Place, here, shines a bit of light so

many can see from afar. The topics we have chosen are addressed to

Jew and Gentile together. We do this because that is what the Bible

does. This opens the window to make more sense of what Scripture

tells us!

In the secret place is plain language, something simple to read. This is a

mere starting place for deeper consideration.

If the Raukh of

has moved your Raukh to seek out his word


Before the study I wish to point out that only the WORD is the

TRUTH, be it days, months, years, hence the calendar is “sola

Scriptura” based.




And it shall speak words opposing the Most High, and it will wear

down the pure ones of the Most High Ones, and it will try to change set

times (Festivals) and Law, (Lawlessness) and they shall be granted into

its hand for a time and times and half of a time.

And then I will profess to them,

‘Never did I acknowledge you: even if you are on My lap and do not do

the will of My Father Who is in heaven, out of My lap will I cast you

away! Depart from Me, all ye workers of Lawlessness!’

So that in them is fulfilled the prediction of Yshá`Yâhuw, which says:

“You shall surely hear, but you shall not understand; and you shall

surely see, but you shall not perceive! For the heart of this people has

grown thick, and they do hardly hear with the ears, and they have shut

their eyes, lest they should see with their eyes, and with their ears

they should hear, and their heart should understand, and they should

return to Me and I should cure them.

The Hebrew Bible is fully aware of that. Deuteronomy declares the

worship of sun, moon,

and stars as allotted by

that is to all the other peoples

Dev 4:19.

And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto Shomayim, and when thou seest


Shemesh, and the yarei'ach, and the kokhavim, even all the tz’va

HaShomayim, shouldest be driven to hishtachaveh (bow down, worship)

them, and serve them which Hashem Aloheicha hath divided unto kol

HaGoyim under kol HaShomayim.

Duet 4:19

"or lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens and see the sun, the

moon, the stars, and all the armies of heaven, you should be impelled

to bow down to them or enslave yourselves to these [things] that

has apportioned to all the nations under the whole heaven;

Anyone can see the heavenly bodies, but we have heard from

There is no “hard copy” of Him! People want something they can

identify with, which is what makes the “god-man” concept so attractive,

because it makes them think they can be gods too. We can only

understand what

Allows us to know about Himself, and we cannot control what we cannot

comprehend. Apportioned: divided, assigned, distributed; Aramaic,

"designated to serve". I.e., He gave them to all the nations and they

are common (contrast v. 20).

But none of them is to be identified specifically with

Dev 4:20

But Hashem hath taken you, and brought you forth

Out of the iron furnace, even out of Mitzrayim, to be unto Him an Am

Nachalah (a people of inheritance), as ye are yom hazeh.

Deut 4:20.


has selected you, and brought you out from the crucible of iron--from

Egypt--to become His own--for the purpose of being a people [that are

His own] prized possession, just as [is the case] today."

Any wood placed into a furnace for smelting iron would be consumed

immediately. Egypt completely used them up, while feeding them—like

pack animals. Even the products forged of iron there—chariots—were

used to kill them. Now they were going to a place that would serve

them rather than consuming them. Nothing in the Tabernacle was

made of iron;

Had no use for it at this point. Prized possession: How awesome! Why

throw away such a rare privilege and settle for something that the

nations all stoop to--nations that He considered a mere drop in the

bucket in comparison


Surely the Goyim are like a drop in a bucket, and are accounted as dust

of the scales; surely He taketh up the iyim (islands) like fine dust.

Isa 40:15

See, nations are as a drop in a bucket, and are reckoned as dust on the

balance. See, He lifts up isles as fine dust.

Today we see the illegitimate worship of these celestial bodies, within

those who claim to WORSHIP

How many more times will Y’Ishra’al turned to


Melachim Bais 23:5,

And he did away with hakemarim (the idol priests), whom the Melachim

of YahuwDah had ordained to burn ketoret in the high places in the

towns of YahuwDah, and in the places around Yerushalayim; them also


Burned ketoret unto Ba'al, to the shemesh, and to the yarei'ach, and to

the mazalot (constellations) and to all the Tzeva HaShomayim.

2 kgs 23:5

And he put down the black-robed priests whom the sovereigns of

YahuwDah had appointed to burn incense on the high places in the

cities of YahuwDah and in the places all around Yerushalayim, and those

who burned incense to Baʽal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the

constellations, and to all the host of the heavens

Melachim Bais 23:11

And he took away the susim that the Melachim of YahuwDah had

dedicated to the shemesh, at the entrance of the Beis Hashem, by the

chamber of Natan-Melech the saris, which was in the colonnades, and

set eish to merkevot


2 Ki 23:11

And he did away with the horses that the sovereigns of YahuwDah had

given to the sun, at the entrance to the House of

By the room of Nathan-Melek ̱ the eunuch, that were in the court. And

he burned the chariots of the sun with fire.

Yirmeyah 8:2

And they shall spread them out before the shemesh, and the yarei'ach,

and all the tz'va haShomayim, whom they have loved, and whom they

have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have

consulted, and whom they have worshiped; they shall not be gathered

up, nor be buried in a kever; they shall be like domen upon the surface

of ha'Âthâ´m ah.

Yirmeyah 8:2 ;( modern version)

And shall spread them before the sun and the moon and all the host of

the heavens, which they have loved and which they have served and

after which they have walked, which they have sought, and to which

they have bowed themselves. They shall not be gathered nor buried;

they shall be for dung on the face of the earth.

And He brought me into the khatzer Beis Hashem hapenimit [i.e., the

Court of the Kohanim], and, hinnei, at the petach (entrance) of the

Heikhal Hashem, between the Ulam and the Mizbe'ach, were about five

and twenty ish, with their backs toward the Heikhal Hashem, and their

faces toward the east; and they bowing down toward the east

worshiping the sun.

Ezek 8:16

And He brought me into the inner court of the

House of

And there, at the door of the

Hĕk ̱al of

Between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men with

their backs toward the

Hĕk ̱al of

And their faces toward the east, and they were bowing themselves

eastward to the sun.

Yet in the creation story these celestial elements are simply taken as

creatures like any others

Any word Highlighted is a point to ponder the treasure hidden in


are failing

their citizens

The importance of the social, economic, ecological and environmental

of mankind particularly urgent today, when men act as lords of the

Earth, owning and controlling vast tracts, depleting and destroying her

gifts, despoiling her of her treasures for their own short-sighted gain

and pleasure,

A court heard arguments this week in a lawsuit brought by Dutch

citizens for failing to act on climate change.

Wherever governments are in crisis, in transition, or in absentia, people

are using digital media to try to improve their condition, to build new

organizations, and to craft new institutional arrangements. Technology

is, in a way, enabling new kinds of states.

On April 1, 2014, charges were filed against the Swedish government

and three of its agencies to the nation’s Chancellor of Justice for

widespread and systematic violations of the much heralded “public

principle” I). The violations occurred when the government failed to

respond to over 4,000 citizen requests for information related to the

ubiquitous spraying of aerosols over the country from aircrafts (a k a

“chemtrailing”) that has been going on for several years.

An estimated 60,000 children a year are missing out on good exam

results because of a “massive gap in attainment” between top

performing state schools and those lagging behind, the Government’s

“social mobility” tsar has warned.

Disabled people in this Britain are twice as likely to live in poverty. The

reality of having vast extra living costs or being too ill to work is not an

excuse for government, but a damning indictment of its failure. The

coalition government has compounded disadvantage. Policies such as the

bedroom tax and council tax cuts have, almost willfully, increased

inequality. Each policy change imposed on disabled or chronically ill

people has been a cut – a slash to support, or punitive, flawed hoops to

jump through – dressed up as reform.

European authorities have known since mid-2011 that the US could

conduct surveillance on EU citizens. But experts say that European

countries had little interest in picking a fight with their ally in


European policymakers are eating the ashes of their failed policy in

Ukraine. Anyone who six months ago said that the Yanukovych regime

would use live ammunition against protestors would have been

denounced as a scaremonger. Now it is happening on the streets of a

European capital.

"Growth will not be achieved simply by stamping the word onto an

austerity treaty, because austerity kills growth"

- The austerity programs being rolled out in virtually every member

state of the European Union (EU) – particularly in Greece, Portugal,

Spain and Italy – have failed to reach their stated objective of

consolidating public finances in order to solve sovereign debt crises.

Instead, these programs – which entail massive public spending cuts in

sectors such as education, health and governance – are “leading to

collective folly” and even to “a social breakdown” across the continent,

according to numerous economic experts.


The importance of the social, economic, ecological and environmental of

mankind particularly urgent today, when men act as lords of the Earth,

owning and controlling vast tracts, depleting and destroying her gifts,

despoiling her of her treasures for their own short-sighted gain and

pleasure, without ever pausing to consider: To true believers in YHWH,

we know that Satan is the ruler of this world, He is the Prince of the

power of the air, broadcasting his world domination, But His Reign is

about to come to an end…..

Has followers of YaHuWsHua we are also not part of this world; But

look to the fore coming Kingdom Of YHWH once again creating Eden

upon this earth: The prize is beyond belief for many and their faith is


A Question ending with a question mark

Luk 18:8

I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the

Son of man cometh, will he find faith on the earth?

I say to you that He shall do right to them speedily. But when the Son

of ’Âthâ´m comes, shall He find the belief on the earth?”

Prayer is the utterance of faith.

I do not doubt my faith it is what keeps me, thought the darkness, He

gave me Hope, through loneness a friend, pain, and suffering I have

caused, depletes my Raukh, until I now understand what I am NOT, so

many tears, supplications, wanting to be loved, but in the darkness is a

glimmer of light, the size of a pin head, but it dispels fear….. My

punishment has not been pardoned, actions give way to consequences,

my life is a testimony to that; but I hide the tear, seek the forgotten


Yâhuwchânâ´n 18:36

YaHuWsHua answered, “My reign is not of this world. If My reign

were of this world,

So who really owns all this?

For what purpose did He make it?

The Torah commands us to appoint seasons and special years in which

we all reflect on who owns everything and learn to respect His creation.

To the Anointed among the mankind we hear

WaYiqra (and He Called) us to walk in the light; to this end he gave us

the Festival’s has signposting the way home; We read of these

festivals ( Yearly Sabbaths) and guard them diligently, for they are

commanded of us:

WaYiqra This book begins where Shemot left off:

The Dwelling Place (mishkan) has been built, and there is now a shift

from chiefly historical records to specific instructions about what is to

take place there and how to relate to YHWH’s dwelling among us

after having moved away due to His bride’s unfaithfulness. He is

now back in the House, and the focus is on what we can do to run the

household in such a way that He will want to stay. The many

ceremonies described in this book teach us to know our own hearts and

relate to the rest of YHWH’s people. Central to this are the animals,

grain, oil, and wine brought to the sanctuary. The first inaccuracy we

must dispel is the notion that these are “sacrifices”. There is no hint

of this concept in the Hebrew terminology, and even “offerings”,

though used here at times to deal with English grammatical structure,

is a very inadequate way to think of them. The actual Hebrew term

means “an approach” or “drawing near” (qorban). This makes a world of

difference in how we regard them. They are all things we would find on

our own tables. This is about dinner, for eating together is still how

agreements are sealed even today. When a man wants to get closer to

a woman, he takes her to dinner to find out what she likes.

This is about intimacy with YHWH, which is never a sacrifice,

but a blessing.

Even the sadder parts of the book are lessons in what to bring to His

table and what not to bring to it. He is most commonly thought of as a

King or a Father. As individuals, it is easier to relate to one of these,

but we must never be satisfied with only those two relationships.

These make it easy to remain somewhat distant from Him, rather than

coming as close as He wants us to come. With Y’Ishra’al, He more

often describes Himself as a Husband. But He offers this relationship

only to His people as a whole; no individual comes close enough to

pleasing Him the way a bride should. In many cases the proceedings

are not so different from how the pagans did it, and this seems to be

all right with YHWH. They were not necessarily trying to bribe their

Aluahiym as it might seem if we are trying to discern what is different

about the Torah. If we are obsessed about doing nothing at all the way

pagans do things, we will not only make unnecessary enemies, but miss

some important life lessons. They wanted their deities to like them so

they would be accepted by them, so they did what they thought

pleased them so they might get some pleasure back. This is not bad in


Eden means “delight” or “pleasure”, and that is what humans were

made for.

Eden is our root; things work best when we know who we are. Humans

were created for pleasure. The Torah keeps it in balance, for even in

Eden ‘Âthâ´m and Chauwâ´h had to work and guard the Garden. Just

as if your “garden” is your job or your marriage, you get out of it what

you put into it.

There are some differences in how YHWH says He wants to be

approached. The altar to which gifts to Him are brought is not to be

made from hewn stones.

Shemot 20:25

"'And if you fashion an altar made of stone for Me, you shall not build

them of cut stones, because if you wield your cutting-tool on it, you

profane it.

"Build them": the plural is in the original. "Build" can connote "have or

obtain children". This gives us a clue as to what the altar stones are

really a picture of. Profane: to pollute, violate, defile, desecrate,

prostitute, or treat as common (and thus no longer useful to YHWH).

Each "living stone" is shaped to fill a particular place in the living

Temple, the body of the Second Âthâ´m . The judge is not meant to

be chipped into a man of mercy; they will all balance each other out,

but each has an intense message to emphasize and this will be lost if

we are homogenized. We are not to shape these stones according to

our desire, even if rounded stones would roll off of one another. The

water of the Torah makes the sand of the descendants of Avraham

(spiritual and physical) into the mortar of a love (sharing our strengths

and gifts among the whole community) that will firmly establish us as

one building. The Temple is made of cut stones, but not cut on-site, but

the altar, in every instance, is built prior to the Temple. It is built not

of all the common people, but leaders with vision, who have not been

chopped by society to fits its categories (the grand doctrines of men

that profane the living stones). Or, if they have, they have had to be

taken out of that "building" and placed back in the rushing river-water

of the Word to be reshaped.

The reason becomes clearer when we remember that we are meant to

be “living stones” built into a “spiritual house”

1 Keyfa 2:5,

you also, as living stones, are being built up, a spiritual house, a set-

apart priesthood, to offer up spiritual slaughter offerings acceptable

to Aluahiym through YaHuWsHua HaMeshiakh

And the altar was always the first thing built. It is the doctrines of

men that are not to be cut into us. If they have been, the only way to

be “rounded back out” so that we can fit together properly is by being

put back into the flowing “river”, washed by the “water of the Word”

of YHWH.

Ephesians 5:26

in order to set it apart and cleanse it with the washing of water by the


Since the New Covenant misapplied is often the tool used to shape us

into what men want us to be, we have to spend more time in the pure,

undefiled Torah so that we can again become a people who are

concerned with drawing near in the way YHWH really wants. It is a

corrupt religion that demands self-injury and a life of poverty. We

just need to be sure we are not seeking pleasure at someone else’s

expense. The Torah gives us the shortcut to knowing which kinds of

pleasure will be profitable and which kinds will bring only trouble

between neighbors. The prophets show how those who sacrifice to

idols are really making offerings to something nonexistent, so it is

pretty foolish, but YHWH does not fault the pagans for it; the

prophets were speaking to Y’Ishra’alites who, though they had covenant

with YHWH, were going outside the camp to do the same kind of things

to some other Aluahiym. This is one reason worship in Y’Ishra’al was

centralized—so everyone did not just go off on his own. YHWH

established a common table for all of Y’Ishra’al so we would all see one

another as family. This way the priests could enforce the unity in who

we worshipped, for they could be sure of who Y’Ishra’alites were

slaughtering to. Baal might demand pleasure only at his altar and allow

his worshippers to do whatever they wanted otherwise, which made

pagan ways attractive to Y’Ishra’al at times. YHWH tells us to take

home to our own tables what we have at His—i.e., not just love YHWH

but love one another as well. One had not invested his whole life in

these animals, so the pictures were somewhat washed out. But it is not

so much about killing off the “animal side of us”; we are meant to

identify the living, breathing animal with ourselves, for the blood

coursing through their veins also brought oxygen to all parts of their

bodies. Some cultures even today drink the blood of animals that are

still alive, but YHWH did away with that part altogether so we would

not carry the identification too far. But the connection is life. Some

instructions deal with the specifics of what is to be done with the

animals’ blood. But the life of our own flesh is the blood (17:10-13), and

therefore the focus is really on bringing our own lives nearer to

YHWH. It is not even about even feeding the priesthood, though that

was a by-product. We offer what we have invested our whole lives in

to bring pleasure to the one we love. It is it is about drawing near to

our Husband. These are the instruction about how to be intimate with


(That are written 7 in all)

WaYiqra Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

YHWH spoke to Mosheh, saying,

YHWH has called to Moshe before from the midst of the burning bush,

then from the mountain, then from the midst of the cloud. His

response has been

“Here I am!”

Now He is calling as a Husband from His tent, for Y’Ishra’al to come be

with Him there and offer ourselves to Him. But He would not want us

to come without taking a bath first, or dressed in something not very

“wifely”. So He begins by specifying the way He wants to be

approached, so we will know how to be a bride who is pleasing to Him:

WaYiqra Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

“Speak to the children of Y’Ishra’al, and tell them, ‘The set feasts of

YHWH, which you shall proclaim to be Set-apart convocations, even

these are My set feasts.

If the all we had of the Torah was this chapter, we would have enough

to be able to draw near to YHWH. Appointed times: that is,

appointments He has with all of Y’Ishra’al. The term means agreed-

upon times. YHWH has fixed the times for these, for they are His,

though He allows us and even requires us to participate in them. If you

want to be part of His covenant, you must agree to them. And we must

show up at the right time—not the most convenient day nearest to

them—or we will not find Him there. But if we call one another

together at the right time, we can come with the expectation that the

Director will be there to meet us, because He made the

appointments. The term “appointed” is even used of becoming engaged

for marriage. This is exactly what YHWH intends for us, and He gave

us many occasions to rehearse for the wedding. Today, without the

Temple, we can only do rehearsals for the Rehearsals, yet they bring us

one step closer in our training. No one can do a rehearsal on his own;

he can only practice. But as we do show up for the rehearsal and

gather in unity, with our whole selves turned over to Him, we are

indeed rehearsing for the Kingdom.

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‘Six days shall work be done: but on the seventh day is a Sabbath of

solemn rest, a Set-apart convocation; you shall do no manner of work.

It is a Sabbath to YHWH in all your dwellings. ....

. [Perpetual weekly feast.]

The Pharisees even though they argued with YaHuWsHua on how the

Sabbath should be observed, they were then has now on the same page

when it came to which day

The Stumbling Block for many is Self-righteousness which becomes a

way to self-justification.

Today like the Pharisees many messiac gathers try to justify their

interpretation of the scriptures, a good example is the Scripture


The first appointed time when YHWH allows us to meet Him is the

Sabbath, and we could therefore deduce that it is the most important;

in any case it is the most frequent. The most basic of His appointed

seasons is this seven-day cycle. Calling-forth: An

Aramaic Targum interprets this as, “You should be assembled.” Though

it may be better to do it poorly than not at all, the Sabbath cannot be

properly celebrated unless we are gathered. We cannot carry out its

full symbolism when alone. We can only prove we are brothers if we

gather when the community is gathered. Work: i.e., remunerative or

which meets earthly needs. The best way to avoid it is to put our full

focus on serving one another by remaining assembled. If thoughts of

personal gain start knocking, find someone to serve! In all your

dwellings: or, wherever you live. This is not an excuse to stay home,

because the word also means “places of sitting”, which includes the

gathered assembly. This is what begins to define us as Y’Ishra’al. For

YHWH: It belongs to Him, so do not accuse someone of ruining “your

Sabbath”. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath

Márquwç. 2:27

So too the Sovereign, even of the Shabbâ´th, is the Son of ’Âthâ´m.”

Because everything created after man was created with man in mind,

and he is responsible to tend it on YHWH’s behalf. It is a gift, but it

must be used in the proper way. We can only experience it if we do it

the way YHWH prescribes. If we are faithful to do so, He will come

sit among us.

Z’kharyah 2:14

. “Give a ringing shout [of victory] and be glad, O daughter of Tzion,

because look! I am coming, and will settle in your innermost part,”

declares YHWH.

Daughter of Tzion: those who act like Hebrews, in contrast to those

who still live as the daughter of Babylon. (v. 11) Will settle: Leviticus 23

tells us over and over that His appointments would be never-ending

statutes wherever we may dwell. That term for “dwell” stems from the

word used here for “settle” (or sit). When we are following His

instructions regarding His set times, He can truly settle among His

people who form His spiritual dwelling place.

1 Keyfa 2:5,

you also, as living stones, are being built up, a spiritual house, a set-

apart priesthood, to offer up spiritual slaughter offerings acceptable

to Aluahiym through YaHuWsHua HaMeshiakh

We are not faithful as its keeper if we simply dismiss it as useless or

replace it with something of our own making!

WaYiqra Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. “

‘These are the set feasts of YHWH, even Set-apart Convocations,

which you shall proclaim in their appointed season.

We cannot stop with the Sabbath, or we are just another

denomination, rehearsing but having nothing scheduled to practice

for. Announce: Make sure scriptural calendar is shared and clearly

communicated, so that everyone can show up for the appointment on

the right day.

Torath Kohanim 23:146

If we announce them to others, we are not likely to forget to keep

them ourselves. The Hasidic masters say that each of them is a tool

for “calling forth” a gift of spiritual nutrition, for specific things are

especially accessible as we arrive at these junctures each year:

embedded in Passover is the gift of freedom. The Torah can be

especially understood at Shavuoth, Yom T’ruah is a time when the

Kingdom is the special focus, and repentance is most available at Yom


A tree is planted firmly in the earth, but it is the shadow that


Feast # 1

PASSOVER WaYiqra Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month in the evening,

is YHWH’s Passover.

Passover: specifically not the day or the meal, but the slaughtering

of a particular lamb. Between: from a root word meaning "discernibly

distinct". Evenings: Most literally the term means "mixtures" or

"transitions"--i.e., so "between the evenings" means the time after

there is a noticeable difference marking the fact that day is waning

and the time there is a noticeable transition from dusk to darkness, so

the lamb is slaughtered around sundown, at the end of the fourteenth.

Shemoth 12:14

This day (Passover) shall be to you for a memorial, and you shall guard

it as a feast to YHWH: throughout your generations you shall guard it

as a feast by an ordinance forever.

Feast: the word means “moving in a circle”. Generations is from a word

for “gyration”. As the gyration of a top keeps it upright when spinning,

or a ceiling fan must be balanced to spin properly, remembrance of the

feast of unleavened bread keeps our “circle” in balance. Keeping it in

season connects us to the other generations. But once we lost track of

the right season, soon the “fan” spun so wildly that it was turned off

altogether for our ancestors, but we can reclaim it.


“‘Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread; even the first day you

shall put away leaven out of your houses, for whoever eats leavened

bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut

off from Y’Ishra’al.

Note that we are not just commanded to not eat leaven, but to actually

eat unleavened bread. YaHuWsHua calls himself the bread that came

down from heaven

Yâhuwchânâ’n 6:51-56

I am the Living Bread, because I came down from the heavens; if

anyone might (spiritually) eat from this Bread, he shall be made to live

for the age. And also the Bread which I will give is My flesh, which I

will donate for the life of the world.”

Yâhuwchânâ’n 6:52.

Then those “Yehuwthím” were quarreling with each other, saying:

“How is this One able to give us His flesh to eat?”

Yâhuwchânâ’n 6:53.

Therefore Yâhuwshúa` said to them:

“’Âmë´n, ’âmë´n (Certainly) I say to you, unless ye shall have

[spiritually] eaten the flesh of the Son of ’Âthâ´m and shall have

[spiritually] drunk His blood, ye do not have Life in yourselves.

Yâhuwchânâ’n 6:54.

He who [spiritually] eats of My flesh and drinks My blood

possesses endless life, and I will raise him up at the Last Day;

Yâhuwchânâ’n 6:55.

For My flesh truly is food and My blood truly is a drink.

and equates his body with the bread of Passover. He alone was without

sin, and we must "consume" his flesh (which is true food, he says)--have

a definite part in him, not just cease from sinning. But in Hebrew

"flesh" and "good news" are the same--so what he said was that we

must "consume his glad news".

Yâhuwchânâ’n 6:56.

He who [spiritually] eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides within

Me and I within him.

If you do not understand one word that makes this a study,

please, please study the following

The Glad Tidings of Phílippos 25 explains that His flesh, the Bread of

Life, is the Word of YHWH, and that His blood is the ( Raukh) spirit of

the Pure One. Now we see how eating spiritual food is doing the will of

the Father and finishing His work ( 4: 34). The will we must work is in

verse 29, trusting in Him Who He came forth, YHWH; Yâhuwshúa` by

name. Eating His flesh thus means becoming Him by joining to Him,

Tâ’ówm 7 says you are what you eat. If you maintain the Word in your

heart, the Father sends the Raukh (spirit) of the Pure One to you,

which is His blood. Thus if you trust in Him Who He sent forth, and

His Word dwells in you, the Son and Father will abide in you. Since His

blood is the Raukh (spirit) of the Pure One, drinking His blood

spiritually is receiving the new covenant (He was covenanted), which is

poured out for the liberation from sins concerning many

Bber. 1:27

Aluahiym created Âthâ´m in His Own image [and the Powerful One

filled the man with His shadow]. In Aluahiym image He created him;

male and female He created them.

which includes the concept of a single particular person (“him”) or the

entirety of Mankind (“them”). At this stage both were the same. Again,

the two are both a description of The "Ancient Âthâ´m " once bore the

"full image of YHWH", which has in it both masculine and feminine

qualities, until the two were separated (see below) in order to be able

to voluntarily come back together. Thus the image was lost (more

completely in ch. 3), but at the right time in history the Messenger and

Message of YHWH was "made flesh" (by YHWH) and there again

existed a Man "in whom the fullness of Aluahiym nature dwelt bodily",

who could rightfully be called "the image of the invisible Aluahiym"

Qowloçíym 1:15;

Who is the Image


Numbers 12: 8

With him I will speak mouth to mouth, even plainly, and not in riddles;

and he shall see YHWH’s form. Why then were you not afraid to speak

against My servant, against Moshah?

of the unseen mighty One, Firstborn of all creatures :

The `Ivríyth (Hebrew) “Bkhówr” (Greek “Protótokos”) means

first/foremost-born, literally, and emphasizes the chief position of

this One, and doesn’t necessarily mean that He was chronologically

born first. He was born from a virgin, Miryâ´m, but that was not the

beginning of His existence

(Miykhâ´h 5: 2,

But you, Bayith Lechem Ephrathah, are not to be lightly esteemed

among the thousands of Yahuwdah: from out of you One shall come

forth to Me the One to become Ruler in Ysra'al; Whose goings forth

are from of ancient times, from everlasting.

quoted in

MattithYâ´huw 2:5

And they said to him:

“In Bë´yth-Léchem of Yâhuwthâ´h; for thus it has been written

through the Predicator:

MattithYâ´huw 2:6.

‘But you, Bë´yth-Léchem Éphrâ´thâh, are not to be lightly esteemed

among the thousands of Yâhuwthâ´h: from you One for Me shall

emerge to be Ruler in Y’ishrâ’a´l! And His excursions are from of old,

from the days of eternity!

…And He will stand, and He will shepherd them in the Strength of

YHWH, and they shall live by the Majesty of the Name of YHWH,

their mighty One, for then He will be great unto the ends of the earth!’

[Miykhâ´h 5: 2, 4 LXX]

He took the position away from ’Âthâ´m, just as ’Ephráyim from

R’uwvë´n, and as Ya`aqóv from `Ësâ´w. This is one of those scripture

many, who wish to negate other scriptures using isolated

misinterpreted verses, stretch to allege He was created. This is

totally against the context.

Qowloçíym 2:9

Because bodily within Him is permanently housed all the contents of

the Mightiness.

who revealed and manifested as far as possible the One no one can

ever see.

Yâhuwchânâ’n 1:18

“No man has ever discerned the mighty One” ,declared that One Who

is the sole-of-kin Son, the One being in the bosom of the Father.

His obedience (at the precise point at which the first Âthâ´m failed,

Philippians 2:6

Who, while existing in “the Tmunath (Form) of YHWH” did not deem it

plunder to be an Equal to the ’Äl (Power),

Who, existing in the form of Aluahiym, didn’t consider equality with

Aluahiym a thing to be grasped, (as did Chauwâ´h and Âthâ´m?

Bber. 3:6

When the woman saw that the tree was good for food [lust of the

flesh], and that it was a delight [craving] to the eyes [lust of the eyes],

and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise [pride of life],

she took of its fruit, and ate; and she gave some to her husband with

her, and he ate.

- "be like Aluahiym"

"Beneficial...to the eyes...insight": Compare these three areas of

temptation as seen in

Matt. 4:2

He fasted 40 days and 40 nights, and afterwards He was starving.

Since the Hebrew version says that the day He was immersed was

the beginning of the season of repentance (3:11), this period would

culminate in the day the whole nation was fasting, Yom Kippur. The

body can feed off stored reserves for up to 40 days only, then it

begins consuming its own tissue as food. Being "in the likeness of sinful

flesh, yet without sin", YaHuWsHua would be able to last the maximum

length of time before literally becoming truly hungry. This--when at his

lowest ebb physically--is the time when temptation came to him, so

that no one could ever say they were tempted beyond what He had

experienced. (1 Cor. 10:13) Moshe and Aliyahu also fasted 40 days to

prepare for momentous spiritual events, and he is probably going to the

same place they were--Mt. Sinai. (See note on verse 8.) This wilderness

is beautiful, but a desert nonetheless. Here YaHuWsHua actually

gained strength for the many stresses of the ministry that he would

face. He had to come aside and draw into the Father to prepare for it.

Matt. 4:3.

Then, approaching him, the tempter said, "If You are the Son of

Aluahiym, why not just tell these stones to turn into bread?"

“Son of Aluahiym” is a title for the king in the royal line of Dawyid. (2

Shmu’al 7:14) The adversary—whether the “demon on his left shoulder”

or simply his own mind, which is often one’s worst enemy—was tempting

him to take this further than the idiomatic level to the wrong way many

others later interpreted the phrase, and telling him to make some

“manna”! At Mt. Sinai, the stones he would be seeing are the 12 pillars

Moshe set up. Knowing that his job was to bring the 12 tribes of

Y’Ishra’al back home, the temptation would be to turn them into a

means of gaining personal wealth--"bread" in the idiomatic sense. But

the location held the antidote: it would immediately remind him of

Moshe, who was also all about bringing the 12 tribes home, and when he

was in sight of the job being complete, he died. YaHuWsHua would

realize, "That's not what Moshe would do." He was not there to be

served but to serve. Everything in Y’Ishra’al was out of order, so a

throne had to take a back seat to retrieving the tribes by redemption

to restore the balance.

Matt. 4:4.

But answering, He said, "It has been written, 'Not on bread alone will

mankind stay alive, but on every word that proceeds through YHWH's


Devarim 8:3

He humbled you, and allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna,

which you didn’t know, neither did your father’s know; that He might

make you know that man does not live by bread only, but by every Word

that proceeds out of the mouth of YHWH does man live.

Again, here is a test of whether we are being led by YHWH or not:

Are we hungering for more? Are we being fed by things we had never

heard of? We would not have paid attention if we were not starving,

yet still we so often looked to empty calories to fill our hunger rather

than accepting the true nourishment He provided. What we walked in

before was made by men for our comfort, but YHWH gives us what we

truly need. We must not get tired of it and, like our ancestors, want

what we had when we were slaves. Y’Ishra’al is not limited to the usual

means of sustenance. He provides through a variety of sources and

makes some of the wells dry up so that we will recognize that He is

behind them all, and not start trusting the means rather than the

provider. We don’t know how it will come to us, but what we need is

always there. This keeps life an adventure. (See also 11:10-11) He

then moves directly from speaking about manna to speaking about what

comes from YHWH’s mouth. When He told Y’Ishra’al how to gather

the manna, He said to do it, literally, “a word a day”. (shemot. 16:4)

This, too, comes from His mouth and as the manna fills your mouth,

YHWH’s words are what is to fill our mouths, not just community for

its own sake. The Torah is also likened to bread (Amos 8:11), and if we

do not know His words, we are not armed for the tests. Like baby

birds who do not know what their parents are bringing, we have to

trust Him to feed us what will nourish us because it is coming from the

right source. In the wilderness, Moshe was also the “mouth” of YHWH,

and the Torah is still the test for all else that seems to be from His

mouth. Again He has been feeding us with things we did not know

before--like the Sabbath, His appointed times, the kosher laws, etc.

Knowledge that we have not seen for thousands of years is now flowing

from this book. This is what we are to live for, not just to gain a

livelihood and fill our bellies.

By admitting that he is only a man, though anointed for a special

position, he shuts the enemy down, because he will not play his game.

Notice the pun on the Hebrew definition of “wilderness” (midbar) as

“the place of words”. One of those words was that everyone fast on

Yom Kippur (the 40th of the days especially devoted to repentance), so

he had to at least wait until the day was over to eat. So he will not use

his position to do his own will even when hungry. Whoever he is, he

knows he is not to be about his own hungers but about YHWH’s word.

The purpose of the wilderness is to learn to eat what YHWH actually

provides (v. 11), not be our own provision. The Shem Tov version

includes only the first phrase of the quote, a common Hebrew style of

allusion to the whole. (Also in v. 6.)

Matt. 4:5.

Then the Adversary took him to the Sacred City, and stood him on the

wing of the Temple,

Sacred City: Some Hebrew mss. Simply say Yerushalayim. Wing: a

pointed extremity, in this case the corner of Herodus' complex;

compare Dani’al 9:27. The term is used of four corners of a garment,

and a place of YHWH's special protection, which is what the Temple is,

and haSatan highlights this. The Shem Tov text has, "the highest point

in all the Temple".

Matt. 4:6.

and told him, "If You are the Son of Aluahiym, jump off, because it is

written, 'He shall give His angels charge concerning you, so that you

won't stub your foot against a stone.'" [Tehillim 91:11]

The southwestern corner of the Temple complex at that time was

above a market area on the outside that would be bustling with

commerce, and He would be noticed by huge crowds. Son of Aluahiym:

the Shem Tov text leaves out "son of".

Matt. 4:7.

YaHuWsHua said to him, "It has been written elsewhere, 'You shall not

put YHWH your Aluahiym to the test.'"

Deut. 6:16

Do not put YHWH your Aluahiym to the test, as you tested Him at


Massah even means "the place of testing". The story can be found in

Shemot 12:2-7. There our ancestors “tempted” Him by contending

with the man who brought the Torah, doing things their own way, and

whining. Stay clear of things too close to the fence; do not be like

child who like to test the limits of how close he can get to disobeying

and still get away with it.

Matt. 4:8.

Again the Adversary took him to an extremely lofty mountain, and

showed him all the kingdoms of the world with their magnificence.

Again: not used in verse 5, so it is not just another way of listing

items in a series. This is a strong hint that he is back at the same

location where the first temptation took place. Magnificence:

splendor, or the esteem that their subjects would give him. Note the

parallels between Chauwâ´h (’Âthâ´m ) temptation and YaHuWsHua

(Bber. 3): casting doubt on Aluahiym words, then twisting them, and

the appeal to the flesh, the desire of the eyes, and prestige.

Matt. 4:9.

And he told him, "I will give you all of these if you fall down and

worship me."

They were his to give since he had tricked ‘Âthâ´m out of his

dominion over earth. Instead YaHuWsHua chose to redeem them

legitimately. Satan had the right to kill every sinner. But YaHuWsHua

did not deserve death, so in dying He made Satan legally a murderer,

thus stripping him of all rights--though his de facto reign continues

until YaHuWsHua returns to reclaim the earth.

Matt. 4:10.

Then YaHuWsHua said to him, "Get out of here, Satan! For it has been

written, 'It is YHWH your Aluahiym that you shall worship, and you

shall serve Him only."


1 Yoch 2:16.

Because all that which is within the world, the lust of the flesh and the

lust of the eyes and the boasting of the present state of existence, is

not from the One of the Father, rather, is from the one of the world;

Actually the first two characteristics were true of every tree in the

Garden (2:9), and the third was only her perception, for this would not

be inherently visible in the fruit itself. The accuser took advantage of

the innate traits in the woman that were necessary for sympathetic

mothering, but her husband, who had been placed in authority over her

to protect this area of vulnerability, knew better, and thus bore the

greater guilt. If he was with her, why did he not stop her? Like

Aharon when Moshe struck the rock, he stood by and let her do wrong.

Did he love her enough to wish rather to be condemned along with her

than to retain his purity but lose her to Aluahiym judgment? Thus, in a

way, Âthâ´m indeed left his Father to cling to his wife (2:24).

made it possible for others to have the hope of sharing the restoration

in the Day in which we see him.

1 Yâhuwchânâ’n 3:2

Beloved, we are now sons of YHWH, but what we are to become has not

yet been rendered apparent; yet we discern that, when He might be

manifested, we are to become like Him, for we are to see Him just as

He is.

Male and female: the root words themselves mean "marked" and

"pierced"--the very description of the one who later did what was

necessary to restore the full image of Aluahiym.

Yash. 53

Zkh. 12:10

. “And I will pour out on the House of Dawyid and on the inhabitants of

Yerushalayim a spirit of acceptance and of begging for favor, and they

will show regard to Me, the one they have pierced through, and they

will mourn for Him as one laments for an only son, [to the point of]

being in bitterness over Him like the bitterness over a firstborn.

Over a firstborn: This is the ultimate in weeping. Y’shua is indeed

called the “firstborn”. (Luke 2:7; Rom. 8:29; Col. 1:15, 18; Heb. 11:28;

12:23) This is the prelude to both houses of Y’Ishra’al choosing one

king to rule over both. Interestingly, while it was the tribe of Yehudah

that first crowned YaHuWsHUa’s ancestor Dawyid, Yehudah was the

last tribe to accept him back after the rebellion of Avshalom, who is a

picture of the Counterfeit Messiah. (2 Shmu’al 2:4; 19:11)

Because he made a way to get us back to “oneness”, restoring the

possibility of relationship that Âthâ´m had with YHWH, we are told

that in Him there is neither male nor female.

Galatians 3:28

There, there is not a Yâhuwthíy nor a Hellenist , there is not a

bondman nor a freeman, there is not a male not a female, for ye all are

one within the Anointed Yâhuwshúa`!


Aramaic translation says here Aramean (Arâmíy). Someone thought it

refers to ones’ local nationality. I believe “Hellenist” is original here

since current day Christians are “Hellenists”, because they have

numerous Greek words and deities in their worship.

Says Atham, before Chawwah was separated out from him, was

created male and female. The root meanings of these words, though,

are “marked (or striped) and pierced”, which was true for YaHuWsHua

and is particular true of matzah; thus, it is in many ways a picture of


This day (Passover) shall be a memorial, and you shall guard it as a

feast to YHWH; throughout your generations you shall guard it as a

feast by an ordinance forever. Seven days you shall eat unleavened

bread; even the first day you shall put away leaven out of your houses,

for whosoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the

seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Y’Ishra’al. …

In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you

shall eat unleavened bread, until the twenty first day (the end to the

20th day) of the month at evening.

Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses, for whoever

eats that which is leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the

congregation of Y’Ishra’al, whether he be a foreigner, or one who is

born in the land.

Ychezqa’l Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

In the first month, in the fourteenth day of the month, you shall have

the Pesach, a feast of seven days; unleavened bread shall be eaten.

Feast # 2


("And He called")

On the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened

bread to YHWH. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread.

This week begins with the Passover Seder as the 14th moves into the

15th, the full moon, a symbol of Y’Ishra’al at its zenith of reflecting

YHWH. (The way to write the number”15” in Hebrew spells “Yah”.) You

shall eat: a positive command which is just as important as the

command not to eat anything leavened. In fact, this time He does not

even mention the part about eating no leaven, as in Shemot 12. It is

little help to refrain from evil influences if we do not also partake of

what is unleavened. (Compare Mat. 12:43-45.) one of the reasons we

eat no leaven during this time is because we are “between the mixings”

(v. 5): We used to be mixed with Egypt or whatever modern equivalent

held us captive to its agendas. Now we have disengaged from that, but

we are on the way to being mixed into a new “loaf of bread” that is the

picture of the Kingdom. So we need a time of heightened awareness of

which we are allowing ourselves to be mixed with, and to do that we

must draw back from the picture of what permeates. In this season

leaven is a picture of sin, especially pride, which makes us appear as

more than we really are, because the puffing up of the bread adds no

nutritional value. Any other time, leaven is a picture of the Kingdom

(which is also intended to permeate every aspect of our lives, v. 17;

Mat. 13:33); that is the mixing we want to be part of.

VaYiqra 23:7

("And He called")

In the first day you shall have a Set-apart convocation. You shall do no

regular work. (Work of Service)

Work of service: This is a combination of the two different Hebrew

words for work, so it makes us pause and examine what is meant. It is

essentially “service for pay”. The type of work done by the Levites in

the Temple on all the Sacred days is described the same way (1 Chron.

23:28), because what Y’Ishra’al brings to YHWH is their pay. Here it

refers to labor that serves anything other than YHWH and His

community—and that includes not serving self. (Ezek. 33:30-31;

Yochanan 6:27) On Passover we are permitted to act like the

priesthood in that we deal with the blood of the lamb ourselves, but

never for pay. Any other time we are overstepping our rights to deal

with the blood. This time it teaches us, so the “pay” is in the doing.

VaYiqra 23:8

("And He called")

But you shall offer an offering made by fire to YHWH seven days. In

the seventh day is a Set-apart convocation: you shall do no regular


According to Shemot 12:16, the only permissible labor on the high

days of the festivals (other than the Sabbath and Yom haKippurim) is

that which has to do with the preparation of food.

Feast # 3

VaYiqra Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

YHWH spoke to Moshah, saying,

VaYiqra Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

“Speak to the children of Yshra’al, and tell them, ‘When you have come

into the Land which I give to you, and shall reap it’s the harvest, then

you shall bring the sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the


Reaped its harvest: literally, "cut off its cutting-off". The work of

an evangelist (Eph. 4) is to sever the grain from the field (which

YaHuWsHua says represents the world)--the first of a series of

procedures involved in making bread (something YHWH can use) out of

many grains of wheat. Omer: the dry equivalent of about two liters;

more precisely the measure of the final processed results of one sheaf

of grain. According to the Mishnah, 16 pounds of harvested grain, after

being fully processed, produce five pounds of sifted flour. This

reminds us of Gideon's sifting down his army at YHWH's command--

and becoming a formidable barley loaf! An omer was deemed by YHWH

to be the appropriate measure of “manna” that an average person could

eat in one day. (Shemot. 16:16-18) So it symbolizes one person, and is

thus a picture of bringing oneself to be turned over to YHWH for the

process of becoming useful to His community.

VaYiqra Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

And he shall wave the sheaf before YHWH, to be accepted for you. On

the next day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it. [This is the

first day of the week after the Sabbath that falls during the Feast of


Sabbath: the next weekly Sabbath that falls after the Passover,

according to the Tzadduqim (Sadducees). The P'rushim (Pharisees)

interpreted it as the "high Sabbath", the first day of the Feast of

Unleavened Bread. But in that case it would be the Hebrew term

“shabbaton”. Nonetheless, the rabbinical reckoning has followed the


VaYiqra Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

On the day when you wave the sheaf, you shall offer a male lamb

without blemish a year old for a burnt offering to YHWH.

At any other time, a bread offering is supplemental to the offering

of an animal, or the substitute for an animal or bird if one is extremely

poor. (e.g., Lev. 5:11; 6:13; Num. 15:4) Here, however, the bread is

primary and the lamb is supplementary. Since this Firstfruits of the

Barley Harvest falls on the same day that YaHuWsHua was

resurrected (compare I Cor. 15:20), it reminds us that the reason that

Lamb was offered was for the sake of the one bread (1 Cor. 10:17)—

the community of unified Israel, not the other way around. The lamb is

not fully prepared to be offered until the bread is completely ready; it

is the only thing that can make YaHuWsHua’s offering effective.

VaYiqra Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

The meal offering with it shall be two tenth parts of an efah of fine

flour mingled with oil, an offering made by fire to YHWH for a

pleasant aroma; and the drink offering with it shall be of wine, the

fourth part of a hin.

VaYiqra Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

You shall eat neither bread, nor roasted grain, nor fresh grain, until

this same day, until you have brought the offering of your Aluahiym.

This is a statute forever throughout your generations in all your


I.e., eat nothing from the new harvest until the firstfruits are

offered. Grain may not be eaten in any form until He has been brought

His portion. And we should not use for our own benefit any form of

increase we receive (whether in finances, skills, honor, knowledge, or

strength) until we have recognized YHWH for it and acknowledged our

responsibility to use it for His community. This very day: or "selfsame"

day, but the word used literally means "bones", which reminds us of

Y'hezq'al's vision of dry bones coming back together again. This is the

day on which we commence the counting of the measure--the time of a

Body, also called "one bread", growing into a mature person.

YaHuWsHua is called the Firstfruits (same as Firstborn in Hebrew) of

the resurrection, and this was the "very day" his "flesh and bones"

rose from the dead. The Body--to be gathered in from the lost sheep

scattered throughout the world in many "dwelling-places"--could not be

born until the Head was:

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“‘You shall count from the next day after the Sabbath [first day of the

week], from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering;

seven Sabbaths shall be completed:

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Even to the next day after the seventh Sabbath you shall number

fifty days; and you shall offer a new meal offering to YHWH.

Passover is the barley harvest; Shavuot ("weeks" or simply “sevens”)

is the wheat harvest, so whenever barley is mentioned in Scripture, it

falls during this season. Fresh: or new, i.e., from the new harvest. This

time it is not barley, but wheat, which is much more definable than

barley, which remains more coarse no matter how it is sifted. These

fifty days are a time to transform us into more refined, so we can

more easily be mingled into a unified “loaf” for YHWH to enjoy:

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You shall bring out of your habitations two loaves of bread for a wave

offering made of two tenth parts of an efah of fine flour. They shall

be baked with yeast, for first fruits to YHWH.

Wheat flour was more costly than the barley more commonly used in

ancient times. By tradition, the two tablets of stone (were brought

down from Mt. Sinai on this very day of Shavuoth. They correspond

with these two loaves, one representing the kingdom of Yehudah, to

whom he came first, and the other, the "lost sheep of the House of

Israel", the "other flock", who were scattered among all nations. Fine:

In Second-Temple times it was sifted 13 times. Leavened: this is why

they had to be a wave offering; no leaven can be offered on the altar.

Leaven is often a picture of sin. YaHuWsHua, who was sinless, was

offered first. But here, it depicts the complete permeation of the

Kingdom in our lives so that we come to full maturity as His unified

household. (Mat. 13:33) So remove the old leaven (1 Cor. 5:7)—so the

right kind of leaven can have its full effect.

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You shall present with the bread seven lambs without blemish a year

old, one young bull, and two rams. They shall be a burnt offering to

YHWH, with their meal offering, and their drink offerings, even an

offering made by fire, of a sweet aroma to YHWH.

It does not say to burn them up, though that is what was literally

done, but rather to bring near those who ascend to YHWH; thus it can

also refer to the people who are brought back into the Land as the dry

bones, since a person who immigrates to Israel is indeed called an

"ascender". Each slaughter has its bread offering, coinciding with

what we are to become--"one bread and one body"—to supplement

YaHuWsHua's blood that was shed.

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You shall offer one male goat for a sin offering, and two male lambs a

year old for a slaughter of peace offerings.

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The priest shall wave them with the bread of the first fruits for a

wave offering before YHWH, with the two lambs. They shall be Set-

apart to YHWH for the priest.

For the priest: Who but YaHuWsHua is called our great high priest?

And as the prince in his Kingdom, he will indeed offer the sacrifices on

the festivals. (Y’hezq’al 45:7-22)

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You shall make proclamation on the same day: there shall be a Set-

apart convocation to you; you shall do no regular work. This is a statute

forever in all your dwellings throughout your generations.

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‘When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap into

the corners of your field, neither shall you gather the gleanings of your

harvest: you shall leave them for the poor, and for the foreigner. I am

YHWH your Aluahiym.’”

Ruth, a "type" of the Northern Kingdom's return through our

kinsman-redeemer, benefitted from this law; a way was made for her

to survive, though Naomi had lost the link to her inheritance. But Boaz

did more than he was required to. How large is a corner? It depends

how generous one is. If this law is followed, the poor are truly cared

for, and those who pass through the Land see that, in contrast to and

to make amends for the evil report the ten spies gave, this Land does

not devour its inhabitants, but provides bread without price and no one

lacks. He wants His Land to be honored. The Land belongs to YHWH,

and the more we leave, the more it takes care of the stranger, widow,

or orphan. How great do you want YHWH’s reputation to be?

Feast #4

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YHWH spoke to Moshah, saying,

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“Speak to the children of Yshra’al, saying, ‘In the seventh month, on

the first day of the month [a new moon], shall be a solemn rest to you,

a memorial of blowing of shofars, a Set-apart convocation.

Seventh month: This day is often called Rosh ha Shanah (the head of

the year), but only on the civil calendar; YHWH changed Aviv to the

first month for the holy festival calendar. The biblical name for this

day is the Feast of Trumpets, or the Day of the Awakening Blast. This

puts the focus on the heavenly rather than the earthly. Reminder: a

warning that the Day of Judgment is about to come after only nine

more days. Awakening blast: or shout, ear-splitting acclamation. This

day has long been associated with the resurrection of the dead in

Jewish tradition. One of its events is called the "last trump”, so the

time the dead will be raised is likely to actually be on this day one year.

It is the only festival that falls on a new moon, which is never fully

predictable, because it commences only when the new moon is actually

sighted. Thus it is called the "hidden day". One way of describing it

was "no man knows the hour or the day", so when YaHuWsHua said this

his hearers would immediately know which festival he was talking about.

But if one is watching for the signs (as with watching the moon), he can

estimate fairly closely when it will appear. It is also the day of the

coronation of our King. (Tehillim 98:6)

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You shall do no regular work; and you shall offer an offering made by

fire to YHWH.’”

Work of service: even the normal Temple ceremonies which continued

every Sabbath and on the other festivals; on this day, the focus is

completely on blowing the trumpets and this one offering. The fire

correlates with our works being tested “by fire” so they will survive on

the great Day of Judgment:

Feast # 5

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YHWH spoke to Moshah, saying,

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“However on the tenth day of this seventh month is Yom Kippur: it shall

be a Set-apart convocation to you, and you shall afflict yourselves; and

you shall offer an offering made by fire to YHWH.

Rehearsal: also a "calling together" (convocation). Be occupied with

what motivates you: often translated "afflict your souls", which is

taken to mean a complete fast (e.g., Yesh.58:3). It can read "suppress

your appetites", but the main point is to drop everything and force

yourself to think about where your priorities lie, where you have

wronged others, and what needs to be done to fix them, so that you

may enter into the fullness of joy intended for the next festival that

follows hard on its heels. A whole day is allotted in which we can

concentrate on this, having no other responsibilities. “What motivates

you” or “where your appetites are” (nephesh, our life-force or “soul”) is

also described in Torah as where we are to set YHWH’s words and

what we are to guard so that we do not forget what He has done. So it

is more a mental exercise. Fasting is never commanded as such, but

this tradition stemmed from not requiring anyone to work for someone

else, even to prepare meals, just like on the Sabbath, only even more

intensely, so that one’s full focus can be given to soul-searching and

bringing closure where we still have something against our brothers or

sisters, so that we can enjoy the feast together with no ill will getting

in the way. In the original Hebrew text, there were no vowel points,

and the word for "fire offering" is spelled exactly like "woman" or

"wife", so on the deeper level it tells us that when we suppress our own

appetites, we can bring YHWH a bride, because when we get our eyes

off ourselves, we can become one body. (See note on v. 30.) This

comes at the end of the day, but first YaHuWsHua tells us to get

things right with our brothers. (Matt. 5:24) Jewish tradition says

YHWH will not forgive us on this day if the humans who have suffered

because of our sins have not already forgiven us.

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You shall do no manner of work in that same day; for it is Yom Kippur,

to make atonement for you before YHWH your Aluahiym.

In the sanctuary, some rituals are carried out that symbolize a

covering (or sealing-over) being made for times we have treated set-

apart things as ordinary or common. It is a national event about a

covering on Israel as a whole. The focus shifted to personal practices

after there ceased to be a cohesive structure to the nation, especially

in exile. But the traditional fasting itself never appears in Torah.

Fasting is usually a practice associated with calamity, whether trying to

keep it at bay or mourning over it, and that does not fit the flow of the

days the precede and succeed this one. Yeshayahu 58 even calls into

questions whether we should fast at all; at the very least, we should

not make some people work so that others can fast, looking down on the

rest. It is meant to be a day to learn to share our resources with the

needy. Our focus should not be on the details of what not to do

(especially when it causes great argument), but on the reason we cease:

so there are no distractions that take our thoughts away from what

must be accomplished if we are to be refreshed (the root meaning of

nephesh), having laid the old problems to rest so that we can make a

fresh start. This is a day when no one is to have anything else to worry

about so that nothing stands in the way of dealing with things we have

not had leisure all year to think about because of having other fires to

put out—or things we have avoided confronting. What a rare gift! It

should not be something we dread, but something we welcome!

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For whoever it is who shall not deny himself in that same day; shall be

cut off from his people.

Person: or soul, individual. Occupied: often rendered “humbled”. On

this day it is especially honorable to confess our sins, to establish the

fact that it is always honorable to do so, for the thoughtfulness put

into this day is meant to carry over into the rest of the year. It

chiefly means “get busy”, pushing yourself to do the hard things;

repentance can only be proven by our actions. It means subjugating

your emotions and desires, so that you will continue to be considerate

of others and prevent the need to repent of the same sins again. The

“soul” or “self” we are to “suppress” is part of a whole; the covering

offered on this day is not just about the individual. Cut off: not

necessarily put to death, but if someone does not participate, he no

longer shares in the common memories the rest of us have. He no

longer has the connection that these shared experiences bring, and is

effectively isolated and “lives alone”. So we must judge ourselves so

we will not need to be judged. Most religions speak of a Day of

Judgment, but Torah alone allows us such a new beginning every year.

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Whoever it is who does any manner of work in that same day, that

person I will destroy from among his people.

This particular day: On this day alone is it possible for willful sins to be

forgiven, and on this day alone does the high priest forge a covering in

the holiest place for the entire community as a whole unit. Doors are

opened on this day in the heavenlies to give us the power to overcome

our sins, but if we do not calculate the appointed day according to His

sign in the New Moon, we will miss them. Such a person is like the one

who comes to the wedding feast without the proper garment and is

cast into the "outer darkness", away from where all the joy is. (Matt.

22:13) If we have not repented by now, additional efforts will be

futile, and we must “lie in the bed we have made”--or rest in the fact

that our sins are covered.

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You shall do no manner of work: it is a statute forever throughout your

generations in all your dwellings.

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It shall be a Sabbath of solemn rest for you, and you shall deny

yourselves. In the ninth day of the month at evening, from evening to

evening, you shall keep your Sabbath.”

This is the only festival actually called a "Sabbath". (Passover is not,

thus precluding the Pharisaical interpretation as in verse 11.) The

ninth: the evening of the ninth actually begins the 10th of the month,

since, as we see in the creation account, the day begins at evening, in

darkness, just as we begin our lives in the dark womb, and the Day of

YHWH will begin with wrath and great terror on the earth.


( not to them who live by YHWHS CALENDAR)

Ignored by almost everyone

This day sets the scriptural Feast days for the year; this is one of the

hidden treasures that many fail to see in the world today



Sabbath cannot be a fast day, this Sabbath is not YHWHS but yours;

can the Sabbath be a sin

The number 10 symbolizes a complete congregation, so by the 10th we

should be putting our own (sins) selves away, thus enabling our joy to be

made complete.

Feast # 6 Tabernacles

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YHWH spoke to Moshah, saying,

Also: this passage is linked to the one before it. One reason we

strive to purify our souls on Yom Kippur is to be ready for Sukkoth,

which is called "the season of our joy".

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“Speak to the children of Y’Ishra’al, and say, ‘On the fifteenth day of

this seventh month is the feast of booths for seven days to YHWH.

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On the first day shall be a Set-apart convocation: you shall do no

regular work.

Feast # 7 Last Great Day

[Sh'mini Atzeret],

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Seven days you shall offer an offering made by fire to YHWH.

On the eighth day shall be a Set-apart convocation to you;

And you shall offer an offering made by fire to YHWH. It is a solemn

assembly; you shall do no regular work.

Affectionate farewell: continuation, extension, detaining for an extra

day, or closing encore. Now called the "Eighth Conclusion" [Sh'mini

Atzeret], this day is a separate festival added onto Sukkoth, since

technically it only has seven days. It is sometimes also called

"Rejoicing in the Torah". This is the day on which YaHuWsHua called

out loudly in the temple that if anyone was thirsty for living water (a

symbol of the Torah as applied through its spirit, not just the letter),

they should come to him and drink. (Yochanan 7). Sacred rehearsal: an

ingathering of the flock, because "atzeret" also means to assemble and

enclose, as in an embrace or in a sheepfold. It suggests retaining what

has been accomplished during the seven days—a prophecy of the world

to come after the Kingdom. One could work during the intermediate

days, but how can one be part of bringing the offering in Yerushalayim

on those days if he is somewhere else? We learn most if we assemble

for the whole week.

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“‘These are the appointed feasts of YHWH, which you shall proclaim to

be Set-apart convocations, to offer an offering made by fire to

YHWH, a burnt offering, and a meal offering, a slaughter, and drink

offerings, each on its own day;

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Besides the Sabbaths of YHWH, and besides your gifts, and besides all

your vows, and besides all your freewill offerings, which you give to


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“‘So on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have

gathered in the fruits of the land, you shall keep the feast of YHWH

seven days: on the first day shall be a solemn rest, and on the eighth

day shall be a solemn rest.

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You shall take on the first day the fruit of goodly trees, branches of

palm trees, and boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and

you shall rejoice before YHWH your Aluahiym seven days.

Fruit of majestic trees: traditionally, the citron (better known by its

Aramaic name, etrog), which looks like a large, bright lemon.

Interwoven foliage: traditionally, the one that best meets this

requirement is the myrtle (Hadassah). The palm’s component is a lulav,

and traditionally these four are held together and waved in four

directions, symbolizing the reuniting of the community that constitutes

the image of Elohim from the north, south, east, and west. Long willow

branches were also gathered in a valley west of Yerushalayim called

Matzah ("the source"), and carried in a swishing motion all the way to

the temple, where they circled the altar of burnt offerings seven

times (on the seventh day as Y’hoshua had done at Y’rikho) and then

built a sukkah [booth or hut] out of them over the top of the altar.

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You shall keep it a feast to YHWH seven days in the year: it is a

statute forever throughout your generations; you shall keep it in the

seventh month.

Dancing in a circle: the wave offering itself may have been a

gracefully-choreographed dance. Revolving around His cycles of

creation, starting with the Sabbath, keeps us ascending on the spiral

staircase that leads us closer to Him. He reiterates that we are to do

so in the seventh month, because as soon as the Northern Kingdom

separated from Yehudah, Yarav’am moved it to the eighth. If you

participate in Constantine’s “changing of the times and laws”—

worshipping on Sunday instead of the Sabbath, celebrating the

moveable “Easter” rather than the fixed Passover, etc.--, you are doing

no better.

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You shall dwell in booths seven days. All who are native-born in

Y’Ishra'al shall dwell in booths,

Live: literally, "sit", not necessarily sleep, though this is traditional.

Temporary dwellings: Heb., Sukkoth. Live: literally, "sit", not

necessarily sleep. It is being in them during the days, not the nights

that counts. Home-born: literally, "springing up from the native soil".

Deuteronomy 16:14 tells us that this includes slaves born in the

household. In another sense, it could refer to those who are of

Israelite stock, though not born in the Land, who "spring up" from

among the nations unexpectedly as they are doing in these last days.

Sukkoth is one festival that will certainly be celebrated in the Kingdom

and all nations will be required to send representatives to Yerushalayim

for it. (Zkh. 14:16-19).

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That your generations may know that I made the children of Y’Ishra'al

to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Mitsrayim. I

am YHWH your Aluahiym.’”

YHWH Himself is said to dwell in a "sukkah of darkness and thick

clouds" (Tehillim. 18:11), so the sukkah was present in the Tent of

Appointment. Living in the sukkah is training for living in His presence

as the community of His people. As we see in Bber. 33:17, a sukkah is a

place for livestock, and He sees us as His flocks following one

shepherd, which is what His tent is all about

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Moshah declared to the children of Y’Ishra'al the appointed feasts

of YHWH.

In His Name

Blessed be, in His name

YHWH be with you.' and they answered him, YHWH bless you.' "

Be not blind to the truth

And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard

that YâHuWsHúa` passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O

YHWH, [thou] Ben David. An YâHuWsHúa` stood still, and called them,

and said, what will ye that I shall do unto you they say unto Him,

YHWH, that our eyes may be opened. So YâHuWsHúa` had compassion

[on them], and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received

sight, and they followed him.

His servant and yours

shalowm in Righteousness

by the GRACE of YHWH




Remember me and pray for me that YHWH will be gracious unto me and

be merciful unto my sins which I have sinned against him. Peace be to

them that read and that hear these things and to their servants:

Amein and Amein

Freely ye have received, freely give

A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel

Vineyard, though worthy of his Comfortable support while in the work.

Should never preach for hire, or make a secular traffic of the Raukh

(Raukhual work): what a scandal is it for a man to traffic with gifts

which he pretends, at least, to have received from the Raukh

HaQodesh, of which he is not the master, but the dispenser. He who

preaches to get a living, or make a fortune, is guilty of the most

infamous sacrilege

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