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Governance, Risk and Expected Returns:Research Frontiers in Corporate Finance

Kose JohnNew York University

20h Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting and

ManagementSeptember 8, 2012


• Corporate Governance and CEO compensation• Research areas in Finance, Economics,

Management, Accounting and Law• Appropriate for PFEAM September 2012• Many central issues remain for future research• Opportunities in theoretical and empirical work• Surveys:

• Bolton, Becht and Roell (2003)• Aggarwal (2008)

Recent Surveys

• P. Bolton, M. Becht and A. Roell, “Corporate Governance and Control”, the Handbook of the Economics of Finance, edited by George Constantinides, Milton Harris and René Stulz, North-Holland, 2003.

• Rajesh K. Aggarwal, “ Executive Compensation and Incentives,” In: Eckbo,B.E. (Ed.), Handbook of Corporate Finance: Empirical Corporate Finance, Vol. 2. In: Handbooks in Finance Series. Elsevier/North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2008.


• Very interesting interaction between risk and corporate governance

• Very interesting interaction between risk and executive compensation

• Interface of Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing

• Research Issues in these areas and some existing work

• Open Research Questions• Central Questions remain yet unanswered• Relation to Global Financial Crisis

Relationship between Governance and Risk

• Governance and Risk are closely related• Holmstrom—Risk-neutral agent case• Risk complicates design of executive


• Partial ownership agency problems• Risk complicates governance problems• Example:• Even more so in a dynamic environment• Even more so in a competitive environment

• Relative Governance

Governance and RiskCompensation and Risk

• Governance and Systematic Risk• Governance and Unsystematic Risk• Governance and Bondholders• Governance and Dividends• Tail Risk and Fake Alphas• Deferred Compensation and Claw-Back


Corporate governance

• Basic theory is missing.• Going beyond the agency theory: some

central issues.• Incomplete contracts: how institutional

mechanisms (legal, financial, banks, markets) evolve to improve governance and make up for the gap in contracting?

Corporate governance (cont’d)

• Why takeovers, monitored debt, board of directors, large institutional block holders arise as governance mechanisms? • John and Kedia (2009), John and Kedia(2010)

• How do these interact with each other?• Stakeholder governance?• Debt holder governance?• Optimal bankruptcy systems? How do they

interact with corporate governance mechanisms?

Corporate governance (cont’d)

• How does competition affect corporate governance?

• What role do financial markets play? Corporate governance and the ability to transfer large stakes of ownership.

• Market economies vs. bank-centered economies?

• Financial policy and corporate governance: debt and governance, dividends and governance?

• Economy-wide governance vs. firm-specific governance?

Overview Of Some Theoretical Research

• Design of Governance• How is the optimal governance system

structured in different economies • Growth and Governance• How does the optimal governance change as

firms grow and economies grow• Governance and regulation• Positive and negative externalities• Limited liability organizational forms and bailouts• Institutional umbrella and noninvasive regulation

Executive Compensation and Risk

• Large number of articles• Explosive Growth in options and articles• Wedge • Tying the undiversified CEO in an illiquid

fashion• Restricted stocks, options• Not characterized the benefits of incentive

compensation (theoretically or empirically)• Central trade-off

Central Issues

• What is the optimal structure of a well-designed compensation package?

• Optimal blend of restricted stocks and options?

• Theoretical and empirical work?

Central issues (cont’d)

• The correct pay-for-performance metric?• Does it measure the strength of

managerial incentives?• Appropriate for non-linear compensation

structures?• Appropriate for large firms and small


Central issues (cont’d)

• Level of CEO compensation?• Too large, or too small?

• The right institutional structure and process to determine CEO compensation?

Dynamic issues

Usual incentive compensation Manager augments the firm cash flow with a

portfolio of holdings designed to add the return distribution10% with prob. 0.9999 and -10,000 % with prob. 0.0001

This can be constructed with derivatives in a self-financing portfolio

Sequence of years with good performance and hence bonuses. Disaster state in the 20th year.

Dynamic Issues (cont’d)

• With such institutional convexities:• Optimal intertemporal compensation structure?• Deferred compensation?• Claw-back provisions?• Long-term vesting?

• Incentive structures in compensation and disclosure. High-powered incentives also provide incentives to exaggerate performance. Earnings smoothing.Competition?

Literature -Empirical

La Porta et al. (1997, 1998, 1999, 2002)• Legal Protection is an important determinant• Better legal protection is associated with

- Lower concentration of ownership and contro

- More valuable stock markets- Higher number of listed firms and



• Gompers, Ishi and Merrick (2003)• US firms in the top decile of a “governance index”

(related to takeover defenses and shareholder rights) earned significantly higher abnormal returns over those in the lowest decile.

• There are a large number of articles building on GIM. Still the effect of governance on excess returns and value remains unclear.

• Firms that increase governance do not show that increases in performance follow.


• Governance and risk-taking by managers.• Governance and systematic priced risk.• Relative governance.• Optimal level of governance is

endogenous.• Governance simultaneously chosen with

financial policy variables, and incentive features in CEO compensation.

Relationship between Financial Crisis and Governance

• Governance failures and financial crisis?• Two objective functions?• Banks holding on to toxic assets and not

lending• Dark side of complete markets• Fake alphas and systemic risk• Deferred compensation and Claw backs

• Competition?

• Dynamically optimal compensation structures• Transparency of derivative trading• Centralized Clearing

Literature Empirical (cont’d)

• Cremers, Nair and John (RFS, 2009)• John, Litov and Yeung (JF, 2008)• John and Litov (NYU WP, 2009)• John and Kadyrzhanova (NYU WP, 2009)• John and Knyazeva (NYU WP, 2009)• John, Knyazeva and Knyazeva (JFE, 2011)• John and Kadyrzhanova (NYU WP, 2012)• Francis, John, Hasan and Waisman (JFE,


Literature Empirical (cont’d)

• Survey: Morck, Wolfenzon and Yeung (JEL, 2005)

• Xiaoji Lin (JFE February 2012)• Aslan and Kumar (RFS July 2012)

Takeovers and the Cross-Section of Returns

John, Cremers, and NairRFS 2009

The impact of takeovers on valuation

Takeover activity: idiosyncratic or (partly) systematic?Bruner (2004); Rhodes-Kropf & Viswanathan

(2005)Time-varying, takeover wavesRelated to equity market conditions

Potential effect significant Mitchell and Stafford (2003)

Median bid premium 1980-1998: 35%Lots of M&A: 3,467 completed deals in 1980-1998

Takeover impact on expected returns

Takeover likelihood Proxy for the exposure to (unobserved) state variables determining the cash flows & price of risk

More sensitive to cash flow shocks: higher required rate of returnWhy? You receive cash (takeover premium) when

you least need it (when the market is doing great).

Quintet of empirical results• Abnormal returns related to takeover vulnerability,

‘Takeover’ factor• Using estimates of takeover likelihood, construct a

takeover spread portfolio• Relative to Fama-French-Carhart four-factor model,

11.7% annualized abnormal return

Takeover factor predicts real takeover activity• Explains differences in cross-section of equity returns

Cross-sectional pricing of BM/size-sorted portfolios• Relation to to governance portfolios: Decrease

significantly once we add the Takeover factor to the asset-pricing model

Corporate Governance and Managerial Risk-Taking: Theory and Evidence

Kose John, Lubomir Litov, Bernard Yeung

Journal of Finance 2008

What is this paper about?

Large existing literatureBetter investor protection lower cost of capital, more informed and developed capital markets, better capital allocations faster growth

Offer an additional angleBetter investor protection managers undertake more value enhancing risky investment faster growth

A model + empirical evidence

Governance and Risk

Provide an agency-based rationale for the linkage between investor protection, risk-taking and growth.Corporate managers are sub-optimally conservative in the presence of large perks.Better governance mechanisms lower perks, leading to more value-enhancing risky investments.

Corporate accountability and risk-taking.

Risk-taking and growth. Not caused by income-smoothing

Merger Waves and Relative Governance

Kose John, NYU SternDalida Kadyrzhanova, University of



Classical agency viewContestable market for corporate control disciplines managers (Manne (1965), Scharfstein (1988))

Resilient puzzle: weak or no relation between ATPs and outcomes in the market for corporate control

Takeover Premiums (Comment & Schwert (1995))Takeover Likelihood (Bates, Becher, & Lemmon (2008)) “Overall, the evidence is inconsistent with the conventional wisdom that board classification is an antitakeover device that facilitates managerial entrenchment” (BBL (2008))

Main Results

• Relative Governance in a peer group of firms matter

• During merger waves the protection from ATMs make a significant difference.

Agency Costs of Idiosyncratic Volatility, Corporate Governance, and Investment

Kose John, NYU SternDalida Kadyrzhanova, University of


MotivationIdentifies new fundamental conflict of interest due to firm-specific uncertainty ‘Dark side’ of IT shocks

Agency problem may arise since managers are exposed to total risk, while shareholders aren’tManagers are under-diversified due to the specificity of their human capital, equity incentives, etc.Well-diversified shareholders only care about systematic riskKey insight: Agency problem is likely to be more severe when the wedge between total risk and priced risk (IVOL) is high Amihud & Lev (1981)

Main Hypotheses

Behavioral hypothesis: Managers of high IVOL firms will want to turn down too many risky projects & accept too many safe projects

IVOL hypothesis:

Agency costs of idiosyncratic volatility are higher for firms with ATPs, whose managers are more entrenched. First-order effect is on capital budgeting decisions (corporate investment, R&D)

Empirical EvidenceRobust evidence of agency costs of IVOL: for high IVOL

firms, entrenchment (ATPs) leads to excess managerial conservatism, i.e.

1. lower R&D & higher Capex expenditures2. higher likelihood of diversifying acquisitions3. lower firm value (Tobin’s Q)

New GMM approach to deal with omitted variables and reverse causality

To address reverse causality, additional evidence from “natural experiment”

Governance shocks (passage of state BC laws)IVOL shocks (industry IT intensity shocks)

Concluding Thoughts

• Governance and Risk are closely related• Top-Management compensation and Risk

are closely related• Opportunities abound to make central

research contributions• Governance, Compensation and

Systematic Risk• Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing• Dynamic Issues• Effect of Competition


• Need more theory • Need more careful empirical work• Perhaps more structural models of

governance and CEO compensation• More calibration in corporate finance to

sort out first order and second order effects in governance

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