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Page 1: GRACE NOTES...vocal renditions from Samiira Hamilton & Isabella Brown and very special musical selections by guest vocalist Renee Beknow with Herb Lewis’ accompaniment. Isaiah White



GRACE NOTES Issue II Rev. Harold Andrews. Pastor May, 2013


God always does new things. God did a new thing in 1931 with the establishment of

Grace Methodist Church with a membership of sixteen in a store front. Not long after in 1938,

God brought into being the erection of what many of you refer to as the Little White Church on

this very foundation. Yes brothers and sisters, we are standing, well, we are actually sitting at

this time on holy ground. Since I mentioned it, we may as well stand and sing, “We are standing

on holy ground.”

The Little White Church was a new thing when it was built in 1938. Over the

many years it became old. It could no longer adequately meet the needs of its growing

membership and that of the community. The old church was demolished and ground was

broken for the building of a new church on November 19, 1995. That was just over seventeen

years ago. If we factor in 1984 when the dream was born, that will be altogether twenty-nine


For many years the congregation worshipped in Wesley Hall which we will now

speak of as being next door. Well, the hope was that the worshippers would be there for a

couple of months while the new sanctuary was being built. What should have been months

became years. Just as God brought the Israelites out of the wilderness with a mighty strong

arm, God brought us out of Wesley Hall, our wilderness, with a mighty strong arm as well on

Sunday, March 10, 2013. Yes, at about 3:20 pm, Sunday, March 10, we crossed over into this

new sanctuary to worship, praise and to glorify God for all that God has done for us. God kept

the church together for those intervening years. God made a way where sometimes there

seemed to be no way. We’ve crossed over and we are excited! Praise the Lord! Let us give the

Lord, Jesus Christ some well deserved praise. “Let the church say Amen!” Yes, God has spoken.

God has done a new thing by enabling us to finish this sanctuary and to move in.

Oh how we sang and danced on Consecration Sunday. The Holy City was superbly

sung by our Mass Choir. The Dancers of Praise waded in the water or so it seemed as they

executed their delicate movements with precision. The Bishop preached his heart out as he

reminded us, “Whose House is it?” The musicians, the choir director and associate director,

the acolytes, the greeters, the ushers, those who dusted and scrubbed and the hospitality and

invitation committees were all at the top of their game. The food was plentiful and delicious.

Overall, the consecration committee did an excellent job. We worshipped our God. We

celebrated. We were overjoyed and still are because God has done a new thing and we are here

to witness it.

Praise God’s Holy name!

Excerpt from sermon, “A New Thing,” March 17, 2013 by Rev. Harold Andrews

Page 2: GRACE NOTES...vocal renditions from Samiira Hamilton & Isabella Brown and very special musical selections by guest vocalist Renee Beknow with Herb Lewis’ accompaniment. Isaiah White




To the glory of God the consecration of our new sanctuary was on Sunday, March 10, 2013 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon!

Our twenty greeters and as many ushers welcomed the attendees with broad smiles, firm handshakes and open arms. The church was full to its capacity. The attendees included former members whom we hadn’t seen in a number of years. All were given a commemorative writing pen.

Many of our former pastors, and clergy and special guests marched in behind the mass choir and the Liturgical dancers, singing the processional hymn, “The Church‘s One Foundation.”

The Declaration of Purpose was done by our pastor, Rev. Harold A. Andrews; followed by the presentation of the building by the Trustees. The consecration of the building was done by our Bishop Martin D. McLee.

Our Grace Mass Choir beautifully rendered the “The Holy City” under the direction of Paul Chaplin accompanied by our Associate Director, Wilner Byas.

Our District Superintendent, Rev. Kenny Yi consecrated the Pulpit.

The placing of the Bible on the lectern followed the Hymn “Thy Word is a Lamp.”

The Old Testament reading, Genesis 28:10-22 was done by Antoinette Martin, our Lay Leader. Following that reading was Psalm 122 (Psalter 845) UMH by Rev. David Henry, President of Black Clergy Caucus and the pastor of Freeport United Methodist Church.

Our youth representation was Imani Brown, President of Methodist Youth Fellowship who read from the Epistle, I Corinthians 3:9-13, 16-17. This was followed by the hymn “Praise to the Lord the Almighty.”

The Gospel lesson taken from Matthew 16: 13-18 was read by Rev. John Simmons, President of South East Queens Cluster and pastor of Brooks United Methodist Church.

Bishop Martin D. McLee rendered the sermon “Whose House Is It?” using the text Psalm 127:1-2. During the singing of the invitational hymn, “We’ve Come This Far by Faith,” three persons came forward expressing their interest in joining our Grace family.

The consecration of the Baptismal Font was done by Rev. Andrews. This was followed by the Dancers of Praise (children and adults) in a very beautiful and sacred execution of “Wade in the Water.”

The offering was done by Rev. St. Clair Samuel, Superintendent of the Metropolitan District. Rev. Samuels was formerly a layman of Grace and received support from his Grace family and pastor while attending college and seminary in answering the call to ministry.

The Benediction was given by our Bishop McLee.

Immediately after the service a large array of delicious refreshments were served in Fellowship Hall. Greeters were stationed to invite all to the shortest lines in the three different stations having the same type of food. Our menu consisted of several pasta salads, a large selection of sandwiches, assortment of fruit salads, meat balls and chicken winglets, fruit punch, cakes and other pastries.

The beauty of the new sanctuary is almost beyond description. For those who have not seen it, we invite you to see for yourself. If you have no church home we invite you to become a member of our family at Grace Unity Methodist Church of St. Albans.

To God be the glory!

Dr. Mel Hall, Reporter

Page 3: GRACE NOTES...vocal renditions from Samiira Hamilton & Isabella Brown and very special musical selections by guest vocalist Renee Beknow with Herb Lewis’ accompaniment. Isaiah White


Peace and blessings to one and all. This year’s youth mission trip took place in the wonderful South American country of Ecuador. Located high in the mountains on the western coast of the continent, where we stayed in the capital city of Quito.

The group consisted of 19 youths( including our Grace St. Albans stars, Nijah Phills and Akosha Ballantine) and 4 chaperones. Our journey began with a flight from JFK airport to Bogota, Colombia where we had a 6 hour layover until we boarded our connecting flight to Quito, Ecuador. While we waited in the airport, I sat back and watched this journey begin to unfold. I watched 19 strangers form bonds. They shared all fun activities without exclusion. The only complaint was when we were hungry. We found a Burger King in the airport and took care of our hunger. Time for the final leg of our journey. We boarded our flight and reached Ecuador in about an hour to settle in to the hotel.

Sunday morning, up for breakfast…ready for church. We arrived at the church, which was located in a village about an hour’s drive from the hotel. We were greeted by the Bishop and his wife upon our arrival at the church. The service began and although the language was different, the worship was the same. We praised God together. We all understood what was going on…the gospel being read…the praise and worship…even the joys and concerns. We never felt out of place because God was in the house.

The rest of our day, which was also election day, was filled with sightseeing around the city. The reigning President had been re-elected, and as we were nearing the Presidential Palace on our walk, he came out on his balcony to greet the people and to give his acceptance speech. There were news camera and people everywhere. The people were very excited. We continued on with our tour and ended our day with dinner at a restaurant with a breath- taking view of the city.

The work week began with our arrival back at the church. The playground which we were there to help build was located behind the church. We had prayer and then awaited instructions on what to do. The kids were all eager to get started and get the job done. The instructions were given and off to work they went. There was plenty of work to do. These kids did the work of experienced construction workers and contractors. They mixed cement, dug trenches, moved mounds of dirt and rocks and painted. Four days of hard manual labor. They did not complain about the difficulty of the job. In fact, they wanted to do more. Sometimes they didn’t even want to take breaks. These kids, who might otherwise be thought of as privileged, sheltered, and spoiled, did an excellent job. They all felt a sense of accomplishment.

In the afternoons, some of the local school children came over to the church and the Youth Ambassadors In Missions (YAMS) inter-acted with them despite the language difference. They all did arts and crafts and played games and took plenty of pictures together. It was an experience of a lifetime for them all. They saw how those kids all lived a simple life and were quite happy and were no different from them.

Overall, the trip was a huge success. Our YAMS were proud of their accomplishments and enjoyed the time spent with the children. They realized that their work made a difference in someone else’s life and that God was using them to get it done. All of the YAMS wanted to extend the trip another day or two because they wanted to continue the work. God is amazing.

I am grateful for the opportunity to not just be a Youth Leader at Grace but to also be able to minister youth in general. If this is how God sees fit to use me, then I shall not fight it.

Blessings to all,

Tyrone Johnson

Page 4: GRACE NOTES...vocal renditions from Samiira Hamilton & Isabella Brown and very special musical selections by guest vocalist Renee Beknow with Herb Lewis’ accompaniment. Isaiah White



What made the affair so elegant? Everything! The decorations in the new fellowship hall, the exquisite and delicious food and pastries, tea (hot and cold), the music, the performers, the five honorees and attending guests.

Were you there? If not, you missed this very special event. If you were, it is hoped that this writing will remind you of the splendid and most enjoyable evening we had.

The Mistress of Ceremony: Hazel McIntosh was her usual competent self - making sure that everything moved smoothly and well.

The stage was set for an elegant afternoon by giving the history of Tea Parties, by Dezlin Pitt. According to the legend, it began in England by Queen Victoria’s (1819-1901) Ladies-in-Waiting.

We were well entertained by such musicians as Mr. Herb Lewis on the saxophone, vocal renditions from Samiira Hamilton & Isabella Brown and very special musical selections by guest vocalist Renee Beknow with Herb Lewis’ accompaniment. Isaiah White was our Mime performer with great style and class. Our young Dancers of Praise did an elegant performance of “Wade in the Water.”

Of course, the ladies strutting - elegantly dressed and showing off the fine hats of Joyce Lewis. Two gents accompanied the ladies in their well tailored suits and hats.

The beaming honorees were Kamiel Brown-Davis, Wanda Jackson, Mary Johnson, Karen Kelly and Norma Rock (who unfortunately was not able to attend due to illness.)

Friends and family members congratulated the honorees and expressed their affection and endearing words of love and gratitude.

Especially moving were Jackie Jackson (Wanda’s niece who grew up in Grace and was a very active youngster) and Wanda’s son Eddie who was very emotional in his expressions of love and gratitude to and for his mom.

Our pastor, Rev. Harold A. Andrews, between the Invocation and Benediction circled around greeting guests.

Thanks to the Women’s Day Committee and others for all of the work involved in planning such an elegant affair and a delightful afternoon. A good time was had by all!

Reporter, Dr. Mel Hall



Saturday, May 4, 2013

Page 5: GRACE NOTES...vocal renditions from Samiira Hamilton & Isabella Brown and very special musical selections by guest vocalist Renee Beknow with Herb Lewis’ accompaniment. Isaiah White



The mission of the Women’s Day Committee is to honor women within the congregation who display qualities that reinforces christian values while serving the church and the community. In addition, the committee creates fund-raising events that facilitate the support of GUMC’s various ministries and mortgage fund. The committee does not nominate the same person more than once and honors women who display the following qualities:

active tithing member (most have been members since childhood), participate in more than one ministry, share their talents and time with the church and community, eagerly become involved with planning church activities and events.

A journal is published to commemorate the Women’s Day event. Businesses, organizations, families and friends are solicited by the committee and honorees to advertise in the journal. After many years of being of being inactive, Marion Berthoud, in the year 2000, revived the Women’s Day Committee. She became the chairperson, Ernestine Mumford, the co-chair; Hazel McIntosh, treasurer; and Norma Watkins, secretary. Since then, the committee has organized an annual Women’s Day event at Antun’s Catering Hall to honor women from GUMC congregation. The first event held at Antun’s, six women were honored and approximately four hundred people attended . Throughout the years since then, the committee has honored as many as twenty women at one event and have raised as much as fifty thousand dollars ($50, 000). The largest amount of guests who have attended any one event was eight hundred (800). This committee is considered the largest fund-raising group for the church. This year, for the first time, the committee decided to give Antun’s a break and hold the annual Women’s Day event at GUMC’s Fellowship Hall. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Women’s Day Committee, contact Donna Perez. By Sharon Webley.

Page 6: GRACE NOTES...vocal renditions from Samiira Hamilton & Isabella Brown and very special musical selections by guest vocalist Renee Beknow with Herb Lewis’ accompaniment. Isaiah White




In the tropical regions of the world seasons are not what they are in the temperate zones. Growing up I

did not think about spring, summer, autumn, and winter. We thought in terms of hurricane season,

mango season, breadfruit season, butterfly season and so on. How wonderful! Personal lives are full of

several different seasons which could be equated with natural seasons, but personal lives are far more


We are blessed to know that: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under

heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a

time to kill, and a time to heal;….. a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to

dance; ...” Ecclesiastes 3: 1-22. Still, that does not make us relax and accept the experiences and

challenges which come our way. Most of us panic when there are shifts in what we have come to

consider normal or comfortable. Seasons of life are related to what is happening in our environment as

well as to ageing, changing careers, financial and business downturns, personal relationships, political

climate and to health conditions. In fact, we can safely anticipate different seasons in all areas of our

lives, no matter how well we plan for equilibrium or success.

What we should consider is saving our energy from moping about the downside in seasons and rather

building it up in anticipation of the inevitable upside. Christians should be ahead of the game since we

have a multitude of assurances to rely on, when faced with daunting reality.

“He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and

knowledge to those who have understanding; ..” Daniel 2:21

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

Galatians 6:9

“He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not

wither. In all that he does, he prospers.” Psalm 1:3

When we do not remind ourselves of the changeability of seasons, it causes us to question our faith,

blame ourselves, blame God and even get deeply depressed as we focus on what’s wrong but not on the

power that is still operating in our lives to move us from one season to the next.

Midlife is often dreaded as a ‘crisis’, but one of the scariest seasons of life for many is approaching old-

age. This may involve ending a career, reduced income, having to relocate and re-organize to survive,

having chronic health problems and having separation from loved ones – either as children move away

or as spouses pass on. That third-age season may be fully enjoyed by some who are able to relax and

enjoy what they have worked for over decades, doing what they have always wanted to do. The bottom

line is that ‘to each his/her own season’. Our season’s value depends on the path we are taking and

the journey on which we are. In our seasons, we learn lessons – if we so desire. We are prepared for

the next level of spiritual, mental and emotional growth. God’s word assures us that: “For as the rain

and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth

and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my

mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in

the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:10-11. It is our job to trust in that power.

Page 7: GRACE NOTES...vocal renditions from Samiira Hamilton & Isabella Brown and very special musical selections by guest vocalist Renee Beknow with Herb Lewis’ accompaniment. Isaiah White

SEASONS OF LIFE (continued) Every phase of our lives is temporary, from childhood to the geriatric stage and in these modern times,

the changes and challenges are more frequent and frightening. The English word ‘season’ is derived

from Latin and old French meaning TO SOW, but it also means ‘to make food more palatable’. Two

powerful meanings are embodied in one word. Seasons are intended for planting, growing and reaping.

Our quality of life in each season depends on our discernment, vision, faith, and perseverance. While we

are going through upheavals, it feels like they will never end, but they do. Even the ant is attuned to

seasons. How can you benefit from yours?

Hyacinth E. Bailey –Copyright©2013

********************************************************************************** LETTER FROM



“My dear girl, the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through”.

If when we talk, I repeat the same thing a thousand times, don’t interrupt to say...”You said the same

thing a minute ago”... Just listen, please. Try to remember the times when you were little and I

would read the same story night after night until you would fall asleep.

When I don’t want to take a bath, don’t be mad and don’t embarrass me. Remember when I had to

run after you making excuses and trying to get you to take a shower when you were just a girl?

When you see how ignorant I am when it comes to new technology, give me the time to learn and

don’t look at me that way... remember, honey, I patiently taught you how to do many things like

eating appropriately, getting dressed, combing your hair and dealing with life’s issues everyday.

The day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand

what I’m going through.

If I occasionally lose track of what we’re talking about, give me the time to remember, and if I

can’t, don’t be nervous, impatient or arrogant. Just know in your heart that the most important thing

for me is to be with you.

When my old tired legs don’t let me move quickly as before, give me your hand the same way that I

offered mine to you when you first walked.

When those days come, don’t feel sad... just be with me and understand me while I get to the end of

my life with love.

I’ll cherish and thank you for the gift of time and joy we shared. With a big smile and the huge love

I’ve always had for you, I just want to say... “I love you my darling daughter”.


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Baby Shower for Babies Born in prison.

Every year in April , Class 20 sponsors a baby shower. Members and friends of Grace are asked

to donate new clothing for newborns to age two. This year the annual event was held on April

27th in Wesley Hall. The guest speaker was Rev. Annie Bovian, Executive Director of Women

Advocate Ministry (WAM).

WAM provides support to incarcerated women and their children. The women who give birth

while incarcerated are allowed to keep their babies until the child reaches the age of two. The

child is then placed with relatives or in foster care, if the mother remains incarcerated.


THE VBS Team is preparing for the summer program and is asking for volunteers.

VBS will offer three weeks of free summer day camp to elementary school age children

(ages 6 to 12) from July 8th to July 26, 2013. Children will be taught bible scriptures,

religious songs, music, arts and crafts and go on trips.

There is a limit to the number of youngsters accepted. Please see Hazel Knights, Fleur

Greene or Pearl Benjamin, or contact the church office at 718-465-5621 for more


Page 9: GRACE NOTES...vocal renditions from Samiira Hamilton & Isabella Brown and very special musical selections by guest vocalist Renee Beknow with Herb Lewis’ accompaniment. Isaiah White


Thanks to Sister Sarah Sweetwine for her generous gift of $50 to the Communications Committee.




There are sixteen (16) books of the Bible hidden in this story. Try to find them. It took one preacher

20 minutes to find 15 books and 3 weeks to find the sixteenth.

I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lulu, kept

people looking so hard for facts and for others, it was a revelation. Some were in

a jam, especially since some of the books were not capitalized, but the truth struck

home to numbers of readers. To others it was a real job. We want it to be most

fascinating few moments for you. Yes, there will be some really easy ones to spot.

Others may require judges to help them. I will quickly admit it usually takes a

minister to find one of them and there will be loud lamentations when it is found. A little lady

said she brews a cup a tea, so she can concentrate better. See how many you can complete.

Relax now for there are really sixteen names of books of the Bible in this story. Answers in the

church office.

Page 10: GRACE NOTES...vocal renditions from Samiira Hamilton & Isabella Brown and very special musical selections by guest vocalist Renee Beknow with Herb Lewis’ accompaniment. Isaiah White




Let's start off with Breaking Gardening News

For all of you that love to plant IMPATIENS. There is a widespread fungus that is attacking

impatiens. It's spreading to such a degree that some local nurseries aren't even going to sell

them this year. Blame the Doway Mildew, a pervasive, untreatable fungus that targets

Impatiens. If you saw your Impatiens last year look yellow and spotty, then the leaves fell off,

it probably wasn't your fault.

There is some good news. QVC, and some nurseries are selling SUN IMPATIENS.

These cannot get the fungus. They look a lot like regular Impatiens but they grow to be larger.


Ok Great Play on Broadway

If you want to go to a play that you will totally enjoy from beginning to end,

you must see Motown the Musical, at the Lunt-Fontanne Theater.

Whatever age you are you will just love the music, dancing and the story.

Great way to start off the Spring. Over One million people have seen and enjoyed it in the

first 3 weeks since it opened. I rate this a high 5. The best play ever. We should get a bus from

the church and all go.

Page 11: GRACE NOTES...vocal renditions from Samiira Hamilton & Isabella Brown and very special musical selections by guest vocalist Renee Beknow with Herb Lewis’ accompaniment. Isaiah White

A personal report……………………………………………………………….by Hyacinth E. Bailey


I have visited several famous museums across the world, from those in Cairo with King Tut, in Prague

and Budapest, to the Louvre in Paris and the Prado in Madrid as well as the Smithsonian and so on.

However, as usual you make the rounds everywhere else but at home. The Museum of Modern Art in

Manhattan*, after all its modernization with the funds of the terribly rich, is available to those with little

or no funds. I found the architecture around it, a work of art itself.

Luckily I visited MOMA on my birthday and got a discount. More luckily I did not go when it was ‘free

viewing time’ 4-8p.m.on Fridays, because little did I know that the museum would then become Grand

Central and Penn Station combined. Therefore, this is a word of warning to you. Pay and go in your own


Don’t plan to eat inside the museum’s three eateries. Make plans to dine outside afterwards. You may

stop for coffee though if you wish. It is a great place to take a group of kids, if you are thinking about

that, because the exhibits are not just great art, but sculptures, designs, photography and films about

interesting subjects. If you are really into art, there is the Book Store. Of course, all of this is online for

you to educate yourself, as well as to know what new exhibitions are on. By the way, the audio gadget

you receive gives you a private review of several pieces as you stop by them and try to make sense of

who the artist is or was, and how the masterpiece came to be. In other words, you are not left in the dark,

if you are not on a guided tour. There are specific times for guided tours.

There are five floors with multiple rooms, so decide whether you can endure all five or choose what you

really want to see. At least, don’t wear heels.

So, I am just sharing with you that I spent my last birthday with the likes of Picasso, Klimt, Matisse,

Miro, Monet and the like. There was a colorful series of 30 paintings depicting the migration of Black

Americans from the South to the North in search of work early in the last century.

I took some photos, if you can see them here and the guard had to tell me to turn off my flash when I

tried to capture the famous: The Scream (all $120 million dollars worth).

Is there a designer or artist in you? Get to your canvas and judge for yourself.

*53rd and 5th Ave, via the E train.

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Grace united methodist church

Of st. Albans

200-08 Murdock Avenue, St. Albans, New York 11412

Church Office: 718-465-5621 Email: [email protected]

Website: www.graceumcstalbans.org Visit us on facebook-GUMC

Worship Hours

Sunday School: 8:30 am to 9:30 am

Church worship services: 9:45 am

Friendship Circle (Seniors) Bible study on Wednesdays at 10:00 am

Bible Study on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm

One hour of prayer every Friday at 7:30 pm

Addtional Bible Study offered last Friday of every month at 7:30 pm

Grace Notes Newsletter Committee : Sharon Webley, Team leader; Hyacinth Bailey, Team co-leader;

Dr. Mel Hall, Mavelin Germain, Fleur Greene, Wanda Jackson, Sarah Sweetwine, Patricia Yarber.

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