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sweet suspension

Page 4: Graduate Collection 2012

fiberform is a moulding process for creating clothing

from {liquid}. From the outset,the intention of this experiment was

to determine a method of moulding garments, the result is a fresh way to achieve shapes and effects not possible with conventional construction methods. Any shape formed with the right base measurements and surface finish can become a weightless, vibrant wearable form. It bypasses traditional weaving and construct- ion, substituting these for industrial carving, vacuum forming and heat setting. Fibres are bonded in a plastic mould using a dilute adhesive so- lution, making a strong, customizable non-woven mat.

{SWEET SUSPENSION), the first set of garments produced using this method, are 5 hollow, three-dimensional structures ‘welded’ together wit- hout a single stitch. Their aesthetic is derived from implications and associati- ons of the method. Each garment captures a sweet collapse, frozen movement and change inspired by classical sculpture and liquid itself. Exaggerated bright fo- rms, dimensional florals, fruit scents & intertwined, sinister lizards teeter on a d-

elicate line separatingsickly&sweet. As a new method FIBERFORM still poses more questions than it answers,

& further development is needed, particularly replacing or altering the latex component to a more sustainable adhesive, reducing crushing and reducing waste made during carving and mould release. Never intending to ‘replace’, FIBERFORM incites thought, creating & illuminating new possibilities. The bold result has exceeded expectation

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ABOUT FIBER FORMINGprocess development

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covered with plaster compound for vacuum forming

plan base measurements

create form from high gradepolystyrene and non-firing clay

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edges welded together with latex and covered with more fibers

fibers and dilute solution hand layed into mould and dried at 35 degrees overnight

2mm think plastic

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snap freezing a moment between sweetness and disarray

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sweet suspension 2012samanthaclare

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• Canbecrushableanddelicate,oncecreasedthegarmentispermanentlyweakened

• Canbedifficulttoachievesomefinerdetailslikeflowers,andconcealeduntilitcanbedriedandtakenitout

• ‘Crisping’of thelatex,thatisbothrandomandseeminglyuncontrollable

• Unabletotryonbeforefinalgarmentismade,andmajorfitchangesmustthenbemadeintoanewsculptureoraltered at mould stage (if using vacuum form moulds)

• Useof latex,allergenicandmadefromnon-renewableresources


• Createsweightlessvolume

• Whateveryoucanmakeintoamouldcanbecomeagarment

• Achieveshapes,formsandeffectsthatcannotbeachievedwithconventionaltechniques

• Minimalfibersusedbecauseof adhesiveaddition

• Easyto‘weld’togetherandcovermistakesandseams

• Socustomizable,canusearangeof differentfibers


Thisprojecthasbarelyscratchedthesurfaceof whatispossibleintermsof mouldinggarments.These advantages and disadvantages are areas to look into in the future to both further and refinetheidea.Althoughitcouldneverreplaceconventionalconstructionmethodstomakereadytoweargarments,forwearableart,asanartmediumortomakeaccessoriesorspecificitems,Fiberformisaninterestingconceptwithhugepotential.

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thanks to

JohnSandie & andy

Brian & Jiminstitute of food nutrition & human health, massey university

Cliodhna BierneAmelia & matt

Gracie Ridley-Smithkirsty bunny

human dynamogeoffery cox


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