+ All Categories

• Master of Science in Human Resource Management

• Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management

• Online Master of Science in HumanResource Management

• Online Graduate Certificate in HumanResource Management



If you want to take the next step in your career,you have come to the right place.

Emmanuel College: Building Leadership in Human Resource Man-agement

Emmanuel College's graduate programs in human resource management complement theneeds and knowledge of professionals and their employers through the development of spe-cialized academic opportunities. Emmanuel's goal is to educate highly productive human re-source leaders, critical thinkers, contributors to the community, and responsivedecision-makers. Through the skills and networks acquired in this program, students will beable to respond to the specific challenges of the field of human resource management.

The Format: Supporting Professional Growth

The programs are offered in a convenient, accelerated format on campus in Boston,Quincy and Woburn, or online. On-campus courses meet just one evening per week inseven-week sessions. Online courses are also delivered in seven-week sessions, but in anasynchronous format. Courses in the online program are offered in a cohort model withtwo starts per year: fall (September) and spring (January). The on-campus program of-fers an additional summer start in May. Successful completion of 18 credits satisfies theacademic requirements needed to earn a Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Man-agement in one year. A Master of Science in Human Resource Management can beearned in two years with the completion of 36 credits. Students should apply to the pro-gram from which they intend to graduate.

The Curriculum: A Cutting-Edge Approach

The knowledge and skills gained in the graduate-level human resource management curricu-lum can be immediately applied on the job. Using a case study approach and interactivetechnology platforms, our instructors cover critical elements of human resource manage-ment, including communication, negotiation, hiring, compensation, and benefits. Studentsfurther their understanding through interaction with a growing network of current and fu-ture leaders in the human resource field.

Make the next step in your human resources careera challenging and rewarding one.

As the field of human resources continues to raise complex issues, a need

exists for human resource managers who will be capable of responding

to these ever-changing challenges. Becoming a leader in the profession

starts by choosing a graduate or certificate program that can empower

and inspire you.

The U.S. Department of Labor forecasts that job opportunities for man-

agers and specialists in human resources, training and labor relations will

grow faster than any other occupation through 2016. Opportunities for

career advancement are within your reach. At Emmanuel College, we

are here to guide you towards that next step.

Our degree and certificate programs in human resources cover the bodies

of knowledge needed to prepare you for advancement in your career.

Be ready to immerse yourself in a program that will both academically

and personally challenge you to bring out your best.

Master of Science in Human Resource Management (HRM)(11 courses/36 credits)


HRM 9009 Leadership and Organizational Behavior

HRM 9014 Organizational Development

HRM 9015 Financial Management

HRM 9019 Negotiation and Conflict Management

HRM 9028 Managing Diversity in Contemporary Organizations

HRM 9029 Management Information Systems

HRM 9032 Labor and Employee Relations

HRM 9034 Employment and Recruitment Practices

HRM 9035 Compensation and Benefits

HRM 9036 Strategic Planning and Management

HRM 9038 Capstone Seminar (6 credits)

Compensation and Benefits may be waived for those students who have earned a designationas a Certified Compensation Professional (CCP) or as a Certified Benefits Professional (CBP).

Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management (HRC)(6 courses/18 credits)


HRM 9009 Leadership and Organizational Behavior

HRM 9028 Managing Diversity in Contemporary Organizations

HRM 9032 Labor and Employee Relations

HRM 9034 Employment and Recruitment Practices

HRM 9035 Compensation and Benefits

HRM 9036 Strategic Planning and Management

Upon completion of the Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management students havethe option of continuing toward a Master of Science in Human Resource Management (HRM)by successfully completing 18 additional credits at Emmanuel.

“As I look back on my career

after graduating from Em-

manuel, I can truly say that the

mission and vision our College

embodies has been instrumen-

tal in my personal and profes-

sional success.”

– Clara Musto, BA ’77, HRM ’08

Senior Vice President

Countrywide Mortgage, Bank of America

“I want to continue to develop

as a strategic leader and be seen

as someone who is worthy of

promotion…to be able to do

that, I need to have a degree.”

– Janet Duncan-RumseyHRM ‘10

Human Resources Manager

Coca-Cola Enterprises

The Master of Science in Human Resource Management and the Graduate Certificate in HumanResource Management are offered in both face-to-face and online formats.

Dean’s Message

“Emmanuel College is a leader for

the liberal arts and professional de-

grees. Working professionals take

courses at our main campus in the

growing Longwood Medical and Aca-

demic Area, or through fully online

degree offerings. The experience at

Emmanuel includes exceptional

teaching, innovative resources, and

personal career counseling. Our cer-

tificate and degree programs chal-

lenge and inspire our students for


success - both today and tomorrow.”


Dr. Judith MarleyDean, Graduate & Professional Programs

THE FACULTY: EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONALS IN HUMAN RESOURCESOur faculty members bring experience from employers such as Verizon Wireless,Huron Consulting, Hewlett Packard, government agencies and some of the world'sbest medical centers. Bringing together current knowledge and theory, they addressthe ever-changing needs of human resources professionals today in ways that go farbeyond typical textbook learning. Your professors and advisors will do more thanjust teach. This kind of experience simply can't be matched at larger schools servingworking professionals.


Call today to begin the conversation. Contact an Enrollment Counselorat 617-735-9700 or [email protected] to discuss your goals and receivemore information.

Access our application online at gpp.emmanuel.edu. Then click on “Apply Now!”To be eligible for admission, candidates must possess a bachelor's degree from a re-gionally accredited academic institution.


1. Completed application (No GRE or GMAT scores required)

2. Official transcript(s) to verify bachelor’s degree with a GPA of 2.5 or above and of-ficial transcripts from all regionally accredited academic institutions attended

3. Two letters of recommendation

4. Admissions essay

5. Current résumé

6. Personal interview with an Enrollment Counselor (may be conducted by phone forapplicants outside the Boston area)

400 The Fenway, Boston, Massachusetts 02115

617-735-9700 800-331-3227 617-507-0434 (fax)

[email protected] gpp.emmanuel.edu

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