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  • 7/27/2019 Grammar 1 Chapter 1


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    Present and present sirnple-l'lrr' prcsint c()ntinrrotrs tTlrc p'r

  • 7/27/2019 Grammar 1 Chapter 1




    B T'horrghts, fbeiirrgs and srarc:' 'We normal-ly use the prescnt siirrple with verbs of rhinl:ing and feeling:

    N o*' () r' so/ trctirtrcs?Look at these example.s:

    I'rn palntlnga plcturo.

    PRESEN'I (:ONTINUOUS'Wc r.rse ttre prcsent continuous tbrsorrrctlriug happening novr. I?l paintinga picture lrreans that I am in the rniddlc oIdoing it.

    Hcr:e are s,J;n1e ITtC,ff exattrples:It's raining at tlte momertt,Dorr't switch otf the TV. .l'm u,atching it,Look.'[']wt man i.s taking a p.hoto of you.

    I know Jane quite weil.Tcriroorary or pcinrancntiCornpare:

    Present c:ontinuous or simple?

    Paris lies on the Riuer Selne.

    PILES-lrNT SIMPLE'We usc the prcscnr sinrple for rcpcaccdactiorrs. I paint ptctut'(s nlcans that I tio itagain and agaiu.

    It always rains at tlrc u,eakcttd.I watch telcvisiort tttost evcnings.Jcrenty is a pl,otograp.lrcr. He ta\es pitotosfora netusPdPer

    PF.ESENT SIMPLE'We use the present simplc for a routirre orsicuacion tirat rve see as pemranent:

    I work at a sports slrcp. It's a penttanent job.They liue in a vcq, nicefat.

    I think l,oLt're rig!,t. Jrlh likes herjob. t'Lc wottts a new bike.We also use it to calk abouc statcs and pemlane nc facrs (see Unir 3):C

    PR,ESEI.I'T CONTINUOUS\Me t-lsr: rhe present continuous 6or arou;ine or situarion thar we .(;ee f,stemporary, fbr a short pe.iod:I'm worleittg at a sports shoyfrrr six weeks.At t\e moment they're livin.p, in a vcrysmall-f,at.

    D Tlic prr-,s.-'nt contirluotls ivitli alrvaysln this spe:ial pattern always rne:ins 'very ofien' or''coo often':

    Pete r is ahuays in.vitingJie*ds here. (= He very often invites thcm.)['m always naking silly mistd:e.s. (= 1 makc siUy mistakes roo ofccn.)Alrvay's v,'itlr the prJscnt sirnl,lc I'trc;ltls'cvcry tirt:c':

    Peter always ittuites his pareuts :o stay at Chdstnras.I alit'a7,s nwka silly nislakes u.'ittt't I',n tauing an exattt


    Now comF,are:

  • 7/27/2019 Grammar 1 Chapter 1


    . t 'rl- :'

    D EXET|SE '10: Use either the SIMPLE PRESENT or the PBESENT PROGRESSIVE of' the verbs in parenthesesl. Diane can't come to the phone because she (wash) is wathin4

    her hair.

    3. Kathy (y.t, unully*) - in the fronr row duringclass, but today she (sdt) in the last row.4. Please be quiet, I (qy) -- .- to concentrste.the door to. (I-&k, 1xru, ahtay*) ----your apartment when yotr leave?6. I wrote ro my friend lasr rveek. She hasn't answered my letter yet- [ (zlcir,

    .rtilJ*) for a reply.7. After three days o[ rain. I'm glad that the sun (s/rirre)

    again today... 8/ Every morning, the.sun (shine) in my hedroom

    9. A: l,ook! It (snazo)B: It's beautiful! This is the first time I've ever seen snow. lt (snau, not*)

    in my country.10. Mike is a student. btrt he Go, not*) -_ ___ ___ roschool right now because it's summer. tle (attend)

    college from Sepremtrer to May every year, but in the summers he (haoe,tLtually*)he ktorh)

    a iab at the pdit office. In fact.there this summer.

  • 7/27/2019 Grammar 1 Chapter 1




    Ccrtain vrrh*s are ,,,,, ,* *-lthc [.rogrcssite tenses. tScc jChart I -9. r \\'rth thcsc vcrt's, irhe simple l,rcscnt mav indi- |catc a situat i,rn th:rt exists iright n,rw, rt lhe momcnt ol Ispcrkinp __j

    (el(h)( i)

    ( a ) Water cor'srsss ol'hvdrogen and0xygen.( b ) Ivlost animals Eift only lor fr.rod( c ) I'he'*'orld & rrrund.

    I f,cue only a dollar right nowI don't recogtize thai man.I1.e needs a pen right now.

    John & sleepiq righl now.I need an umbrella because it irrcilnrg,John and Mary ue rc&ingon ihephone.

    The simple present is used loexpress hahitunl or ecemdus uc-tit,iry.

    'fhe present pr,,gressive expresscs an activitY thnr is i}' frirgress ul lh{ marrtcilt o/spetr&ine. Itbcgan in rhc recent past. is cutt'tinuing ar prcsent. and willprohahll' cnd at some groint inthc future.Often thc activity is of a generalnature: somelhing generilly inprogress this week, this rnonth.this year.Note. (o): The senlence meansthat writing c hook is a gtneralactivitli she is engaged in atpre.senr, but it does not mranthat at the moment ol'speakingshe is sitting at her desk withpen in hand-

    {i)(k),( l)


    I stady for two hours everynight,Ivl;- classes 6eFir at nine.lle always ears a sandwich forlunch-



    (m) I c* ra*ing lle courses thigsmester.( n ) John is t yine to improve hiswork habits.( o ) She i, urntmg anothcr book thisYea r.

  • 7/27/2019 Grammar 1 Chapter 1



    E':cercisesPresr'--nc continuolls or sinrplc? (A, B)Complctc ttrc convcnatio:r bctrv(:cn tv/o students cailcd Duncap apd parrl. ptrr:continuous orsimplc of tlre vcrbr;.D uncan: D_Agtguw,itilg for somcone?Paul: Ye.s - for Nr:i[. Wc o rual,(: liomc


    in tlrc prcscni

    l--_- in theDuncan: I'm not surc, t,r'-t, I r_---3--- -- co MrYes, I 4------What s-ie

    togctltcr ruost days. Wcsamc strcct.Davis abour somerhing.. Fic told me. What abour you?l'rere?


    o you w'aito walk1 live2 rhink3 talk4 knorv5 yorr do6 look7 rvork8 waste


    anfwhere.drys a rveek.

    Present continuous or simpie? (A-C)Co:,nplete the sentences. Put in the vecbs on the righr.Ll I t-untiW- to my par:cnts. I writt-to them every weeken

    for the sccrctary. I can'c hnd her

    d.down quite It -- r:trtside. It



    wnte. \vntcsltorvr colllcst2rts tartrcadbrybuild\VA Il Tgoclrivcris ccravelgocost

    hard, iook.Norrnally I- - ?.c sevcn rhis week. lVe're ve.y busy just now.Usually I


    rv/o ,re'^/spapcrs, but not ihc same oncser.erI day. On SundaTs I - lour or five.We

    -* e garagc ncxt r:o our housc. 'Wcsorncwherc to put the car.I haven't got a car at th: moment, so I - to rvork onthe bus this week. Usually I to wt-,rk.6 The sun in the east, relnember. It's behind us, sowest.

    'fr/e --- -- camping cvcry year. It's a good cheapholiday. Hocels too much.Present cont:inuous or 5inlsrle v,rith always (D)Wrice the sencenccs wicir arhvays.n Thar lroy ta-lks too much. @D Yotr slara tlrc door afier 1'orr evcry time. You alwa),s slam the door dter yotr:, - MrsJamesleavcs earl;' c'uery' day2 Y'ou vcry oftcn losc y

  • 7/27/2019 Grammar 1 Chapter 1



    A St]trts,111.1 ;1i.1i()rrSCompar,::


    An action rncarls solrrctlting happcrrirrg.ACTIOi\ISI'm painting tlte :loor.'fht'fanner is buyittg tlte lattd.tIe puts tlre ttta.qazittes itt tltc box.Actiou vcrb.s can bc cithcr sinrplc r:rcontinuoLrs, c.g. Hc pilts cvcrytlrittg au'ay nsist o( exist, bclong, depend on, deserye, rnatter, ntean,krrow, urtderscand, rernernl-re::, lo'ire, like.

    \/crtrs \\,i t l'r rli tllrcnt rlieaningsSometi:res on.e meaning c[a verb is a st-ate er-rd the other is an action. Compare:

    A statc nleens sonrcthing stayilrg tlrc samc.STATE,STlte doot is blue.['lrcfanner owns the lturd.I'lre bo^- contains old tnagazitt,:t.State verb:. callnot usualiy be cor'ltirntotts.N o r -l?r qfr m t e rl s*tn i rry-the 4a n d,'

    STATESI think you're right. (= believc)We huue three cars. (= o'rn)Jrf it an idiot.I comtefr

  • 7/27/2019 Grammar 1 Chapter 1



    NOt.'FRC,CRESSIl'E r.arerryesti?e: they are not usd in any oftenses. These verbs describt states (i.e.,exist)l they do nat describe ecrivirice thaiIn (s): "Ali knows" descrihes e mcnrstSome verbs arethe progressivecondirions rhatare in progressstste thEt exisrs.

    {a) Ali &rotlts this grammar

    NONPROCRESS [!'E (ensrra3 rrd$)I4ir* br ie e kir'd msn.ile f:er r crr.ThkfdodE*eco{i.Ti*se lloecr* re:I gord.i:*.r iruncrfly. Do you ra* it)The cat's furjrlr sofr.She k*s cold. t'll lrd her my corr.Heryrrob

  • 7/27/2019 Grammar 1 Chapter 1



    ahour verb tenses. !ilhar (rilirrfr, luu)(da)

    5. There's a book on m], desk, but it(belong, not).- to me.6. Dennis ([t)


    class. This aflternoon she (ielp)assignment because he (wdersand, rut) -material they (work)

    8. Right now I (hoA)

    (need)7. Barbara (runr, ofun)

    A: No, I (ta[k, not)the bluc suit-

    B: Oh. | (hnotL,, not\

    - the roofo[his house roday, and hesome help. Can you hdtp h;ml

    other students in her mathSteve with his rharh

    theirn in their class this rvcck.

    at Janet. She (iooA) --

    next to

    about thethe blue and gold dressl

    about her- | (mean)Ihe rvoman s'ho (zr:cor)

    angry. I wonder what's the matter. She {haz,el

    any fun right now.9. A: Who is that woman who (srcn$

    the windorv?B: Which woman2 (Talh,you)

    !*'oman who (wear)

    10. A:



    I (recognize. not)her.

    Close your eyes. Now listen carefully. What {hear. _,-ou)? What (do, I)

    | (beliexe)-

    you (ru6)the top o[ your desk with your hand.C-lose, but noi exactllr right. Try again. ({'i-sten, you)

    carefulll''?Ahal \bu (nr&):

    A: Rightl1,our hands together.

  • 7/27/2019 Grammar 1 Chapter 1



    lixercisesStates and acrions (A)Say which verbs cxpress sratcs and rvhichO t rppkc ro orrr ncvr nci5lhborrrs.1 They scern vcry nicc.2 The husband b:rildr houses.3 Our old house cloesn'E exist any n1orc.4 I h:rve ro go ro the dcritisr.5 t,Vhac does 'dentist'11r_e1a?V'erbs with different nleanings (B)Gavin is visiringJudy and baby Emma. p,r in rhe correcr form of tire verb.Gayin: Hello,Judy. I rang at about ten, but chere was noreply.Oh, that was pr,>bably w-hen lo-_wauil*tg_chedoctor.'Where's litrle, Emnra?Shc's asleep. Shc l- ._-._ agirl at che mornent. I 2photos ofher:.Oh, she's lovely. i 3

    cxPress ectlolts.-tt;lipn -

    very goodat theseshe

    0 saw,/was see iltg12

    s./ s lJelltglook/'rn lookingthink,/'nr thinkinglooks/'s iookingdicin'r firlwasn'cfitcinghas,/'s iravingthinks/'s rhinkinghave./'re havinq


    9 rveighed/r,,,as10 weighcd,/,.vas1L see./'nr seeing



    -f ucly:

    4---- l>eautiful.Thatjecket was roo big rhen. Irs--_- prop,erly.In this one:;lr.t: 6----- her


    tea..{nd in this onr: she 7 aboutsomething. I'nr noc sure wha.t.You 8-- lcrs ofphoros ofherd.ready.tr{ark cook tlris c,ne, look. Shc cried all rhc cime rhenurse 9- - -h,:r. When she wasborn, shc I )--- four kilos, youknow.

    lsurte verbs in the corrtirruous (C)Write a sentcnce whictr (irll,>lvs on. rlhoosc from these sentences.I thir.k ic's going tc-r suir me. And I'vc srill goc a clra'ccI've never wanted t.o phange it. it uses a.lot oIpctrol.It'$ too cxpensive'to buy. ! piay ir c.rcry wcekcrrd. "/

    rvc : Illrvc r , hi r

    to \\,rn 1t.


    I cnjoy tlrc game. _Lplay_fityc-tl--uskend.J'hc car costs a lor r>f money. -----I'he car is cc,sting a l,tt c't'rnoney. -I'rn liking rrly ocw j,:ir. ---- ..d

    cDI lil:c my jot . -- -

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