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Download - GRAN Analyzer


What he does?What he does?

1.1.Checking parameters of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL cells Checking parameters of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL cells from printouts of the command RLDEP of different BSCs.from printouts of the command RLDEP of different BSCs.(bsic, bcchno, lac, cellid)(bsic, bcchno, lac, cellid)

2. Checking cells with number of relations = 02. Checking cells with number of relations = 0(Cells without neighbor is not normal)(Cells without neighbor is not normal)

3. Comparing nccperm list and ncc of neighbor cells3. Comparing nccperm list and ncc of neighbor cells(Relation does not work if ncc is not in nccperm)(Relation does not work if ncc is not in nccperm)

4. Comparing active and idle BA lists of cells with 4. Comparing active and idle BA lists of cells with bcchno of neighbor cells. bcchno of neighbor cells. (Only frequencies of neighbor cells must be in BA lists)(Only frequencies of neighbor cells must be in BA lists)

5. Checking parameter CS for neighbors5. Checking parameter CS for neighbors(Cells of the same sites must have parameter CS = YES)(Cells of the same sites must have parameter CS = YES)

6. Checking Cell of BSC on MSC6. Checking Cell of BSC on MSC

7. Export data to Excel7. Export data to Excel

Output cmd and XLS files will be generated for Checking and changing.Output cmd and XLS files will be generated for Checking and changing.

How to check?How to check?

1. Collect printouts of these command for all BSC1. Collect printouts of these command for all BSC


2. Collect printouts of the command MGCEP for all MSC 2. Collect printouts of the command MGCEP for all MSC which work with these BSC (not mandatory)which work with these BSC (not mandatory)


One file = one BSC/MSCOne file = one BSC/MSC

3. Launch application.3. Launch application.

-choose files of BSC-choose files of BSC

-Choose files of MSC (not mandatory, You can put cancel)-Choose files of MSC (not mandatory, You can put cancel)

-choose place of output cmd-choose place of output cmdfile will be named automatically AnalyzerOutput_date_Time.txtfile will be named automatically AnalyzerOutput_date_Time.txt

- If you need to export collected datA to Excel, PUT YES- If you need to export collected datA to Excel, PUT YES

4. Use output file for correcting and checking.4. Use output file for correcting and checking.

Excel file looks like this Excel file looks like this

Please send your feedback to etarvla Please send your feedback to etarvla If Application doesn’t work, please send logs and screen shot If Application doesn’t work, please send logs and screen shot of FUALTof FUALT(([email protected]).).

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