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  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    1811 Blake- Milton: a Poem

    1818 Shelley: Frankenstein o El moderno Prometeo

    1820 Blake- Jerusalem: The Emanation of TheGiant Alion

    1821 Hegel: Philosophy of Right!e "uin#e$: Confessions of an En%lishO&ium Eater

    1822 Fourier: Thorie analyti!ue du "haleur

    182# !e "uin#e$: Mur'er Consi'ere' as Oneof the (ine Arts

    18$1 Carl$le: )artor Resartus

    18$2 Faraday: E%perimental Resear"hes &nEle"tri"ity

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    18$' *e%el: Aestheti#s

    18$# Hegel: Philosophy of History!i#kens: The Posthumous Pa&ers of thePi#k+i#k Clu

    18($,a%ner : !er (lie%en'e *olln'er

    18(8 )ar% * Engels: )anifesto of the +ommunistParty

    18'1,agner : -per und .rama )el/ille: )oy .i"k

    18'# audelaire: es Fleurs du mal

    18'3 .ar4in : The origin of the Spe"ies)ill : -n ierty

    1850 audelaire: es Paradis arti6"iels

    1851 )ill : 7tilitarianism

    185' Carroll: Ali#e.s A'/entures in

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    185# &sen: Peer ynt)ar% : .as 9apital 1;

    1853,a%ner : !as Rhein%ol' Lautr0amont: Los #antos 'e Mal'oror

    Tolstoi: a guerra y la paues 4 Cro>uis eta%a#eries '.un %ros Bonhomme en ois

    !euss$: Jeu Prelu'esQ Book 4a o]te Douou%Ra/el: Three Poems of )allarm)assenet : Panurge

    )tra/insk$: Le )a#re 'u &rintem&s 4 ThreeJa&anese L$ri#s 4 Three Little )on%s9 Re#ole#tions from m$ #hil'hoo';Proko6e/: EpisodesG -p? 12

    /es: O/er the Pa/ements 4 )trin% "uartetNo

    Brmory Sho4G @; I Bi#$#le ,heelPi#asso: GuitarQ )heet Musi# an' Glass6afka: Contem&la#in!as 3rteil 4 !er *ei2era4ren"e: Sons and o/ersProust: S4annQs ,ayFirst "ross4ord puueXas &ie2as &ara #ello $&iano O&DD 4 )on%s 9; for so&rano F

    Mallarm0: 3n #ou& 'e 'es 9&stumo;Marinetti: 8an% Tum TuumRoussel: Lo#us )olus!u#ham&: Bottle Ra#k

    Br"hduke Ferdinand assassinated,-R. ,BR &Panama +anal openedFirst heart surgery on a dog

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    or#hestra 4 )onata for #ello F &iano

    Ra/el: Piano Trio)atie: Sports et di/ertissements I *euress0#ulaires et instantan0es

    )tra/insk$: Le Rossi%nol 4 Priaoutki9Pleasant )on%s;

    -rnstein : Sui"ide in an Birplane/es: Pla#es in Ne+ En%lan' 4 General,illiam Booth Enters nto *ea/en

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    +o4ell: .ynami" )otion

    Hindemith: ustige Sinfonietta fr kleines-r"hester op? (

    S"hoenerg: Four -r"hestral SongsG op?22

    Bartk: )uite o&D BBH 4 (i/e )on%s o&DKBB HD 4 (i/e )on%s o&D BBH

    )tra/insk$: Renar'

    /es: (ourth )$m&hon$

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    omProkoe/: Piano )onata No 4 Piano

    )onata No 4 )$m&hon$ NoD 4

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    or#hestra; 4 La

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    Ber%: ,o22e#k 4 ,einQ ,ei un' Gesan% o& ,eern: )e#hs Lie'er f1r

    )in%stimme un' /ier nstrumente o&D


  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    anggaard: .en store )ester kommer


    )#hoener%: Lie' 'er ,al'taue

    ,eern: (1nf %eistli#he f1r )o&ran un' f1nfnstrumente o& DK

    *in'emith: 6ammermusik No D o& no D4 6leine 6ammermusik o& no 4 )onate


  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    )erena'eQ O&I )uite for &iano O& K

    Honegger: Pa"i6" 2$1

    Hindemith: .as )arienleen op? 2# I 9on

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Teten f1r )o&ranQ 6larinette un'Ba_klarinette o& D 4 !rei

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    )#hoener%: (our Pie#es for Mie'Chorus O&H

    Ber%: Chamer Con#erto

    ,eern: !rei lie'er f1r )in%stimmeQ E-6arinette un' Gitarre o&DI 46la/ierst1#k for &ianoQ O& &osth 4 )at2for )trin% TrioQ M HI

    Busoni: !oktor (aust

    *in'emith: 6ammermusik No o& no4 6ammermusik No o& no 6la/iermusik un% in 'rei )t1#ken O&H 4 9on

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Co+ell: The Banshee Lilt of the Reel)lo+ Gi%ersh4in: +on"erto in FBntheil: B Ca

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Piper: Symphony @o? $

    132#)#hoener%: )trin% "uartet No

    ,eern: TrWo &ara #uer'as O&

    *in'emith: 6ammermusik No K o& no 4 6ammermusik No o& no D 46ammermusik No H o& no/ Hin und

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    f1r Or#hester o& 9(assun% /on DI;

    Hartmann: Ca

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    Hindemith: 9leine 9la/iermusik I 9la/ierst"k Iehrst"k I @eues /om Tage

    Hindemith ,eill: .er inderghMug

    )tra/insk$: "uatre Etu'es 4 Ca&ri##io for&iano an' or#hestraShostako/i"h: @e4 ailonG -p? 18 I The edugG-p? 13 I Symphony @o? $G -p? 20

    Bartk: Rha&so'ies D F for

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Ra/el: Con#erto for Left *an',eern: "uartet for

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    )#hoener%: Moses un' Aron)tra/insk$: !uo Con#ertantB7rtok: (ourt$-four !uosAntheil: Con#ierto &ara or>uesta 'e #7mara

    Prokoe/: Piano Con#erto No K)hostako/i#h: La'$ Ma#eth of Mtsensk!istri#tQ O&


    Hartmann: String uartet @o? 1 +arillionPart"h: i Po Songs,eill : !ie sieen To's1n'en)tra/insk$: PastoraleQ Chant sans &arolesBartk : Ma%$ar &aras2t'alok 9*un%arianPeasant )on%s; BB DH 4*un%arian(olkson%s 9Ma%$ar n0&'alok; BB DI)hostako/i#h : Piano Con#erto No D

    Hilton: ost Hori

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    Shostako/i"h: The impid StreamG -p? $3Bntheil: .reams

    ersh4in: Porgy and ess)essiaen: a nati/it du signeur*artmann: )im&li#ius )im&li#issimusBartk: (rom Ol'en Times BBDD)tra/insk$: Con#erto for T+o )olo PianosBer%: Lulu4

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    13$8)#hoener%:6ol ni'reBartk: Contrasts 4 )e#on'

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    Part"h : ankee .oodle Fantasy)tra/isnk$: Blueir' &as 'e 'eu 4 The )tar-

    )&an%le' BannerBartk: )uite o& BBDLutosla+ski: ue seifur#an Bio$ Casares: La in/en#in 'eMorel

    orges I ioy +asares I -"ampo: Bntolog=apoti"a argentinaLe2ama lima: Enemi%o rumor,elles: +iti!u#ham&: (irst Pa&ers of )urrealism9ehiition;

    ,,&&: @a

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    ,eern: Cantata No O&D*in'emith: )$m&honis#he Metamor&hosenOr=: Catulli Carmina3llmann: !er 6aiser /on Atlantis

    Ca%e: Amores 4 )heYs Aslee& 4 Tosse' As ts Troule' 4 Totem An#estor 4 A Room

    +anguilhem: o normal y lo patolKgi"oSarte: eing and @othingness)ondrian: road4ay oogie,oogieJun%: Ps$#holo%ie un' Al#hemie


    Bartk : )onata for )olo

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    Boule2: Piano )onata no DShostako/i"h: String uartet @ $

    +arter: Piano SonataS"hoenerg: String Trio)tra/inski: Or&heus 4 Con#erto in ! UBasleCon#ertoV

    Bor%es 4 Bio$ Casares:!os fantasWasmemorales #on el seu'nimo 'e *Bustos !ome#>4 7n modelo para la muerte"on el seudKnimo de ? SuAre< yn"h

    +hagall: +o4 4ith 7mrella,arren: Bll the 9ingQs )enHit"h"o"k: @otoriousean: reat E%pe"tationsHersey: Hiroshima

    @uremerg Trials


    )aderna: iri"he su Xerlaine)#hoener%: A )ur/i/or from ,arsa+aitt: Three +ompositions for Piano

    Ca%e: Musi# for Mar#el !u#ham&

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    -r[: Bntigonae

    )#hoener%: !reimal tausen' Jahre o&KAGielen:

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    utosla4ski: ittle Suite )ala suita; I Silesian

    Tripty"h+arter: First String uartet)#hae=er c *enr$: [#ho !@Or&h0eBoule2: Pol$&honie Berio: O&us Numer 8oo 4 Con#ertinoNono: Polifoni#a-Mono'ia-Ritmi#aQ for instruments an' &er#ussion)to#khausen: )onatine 4 6reu2s&iel

    Bdorno: )inima )oraliaBrendt: os or=genes del totalitarismoorges: Bntiguas literaturas germAni"as

    Bor%es 4 Bio$ Casares: Los meores#uentos &oli#iales 9se%un'a serie;Pa

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    )tra/insk$: The Rake@s Pro%ressOr=: Trionfo 'i Afro'iteCa%e: ma%inar$ Lan's#a&e No 4 Con#ertofor Pre&are' Piano 4 Musi# of Chan%es 4 D

    !an#esLi%eti: Ri#er#are 9Oma%%io a Girolamo(res#oal'i; 4 Con#ert Romanes#Takemitsu: !istan#e 'e f0e


    utosla4ski: u"oli"sPart"h: -edipus I Ple#tra an' Per#ussion!an#es 9)at$r-Pla$ Musi# for !an#e

    Theater;Berio: El mar la maroule

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    )to#khausen: Etu'eI)&iel I 6la/ierst1#ke-

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    )to#khausen: 6ontra-Punkte I )tu'$ )tra/insk$:)e&tet 4 Praelu'ium for a22ensemle 4 Three )on%s from ,illiam)hakes&eare 4 Tan%o 9or#hestrate';

    Li%eti: Musi#a Ri#er#ata 4 )i Ba%atellesfor ,in' "uintet 4 )onata for Cello9agel: Se%tet


    ashiro: String uartet)aderna: +omposi

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Prelu'eLutosla+ski: !an#e Prelu'esLi%eti: A Ca&&ella Choral ,orks 9K cKK;Boule2: Le marteau sans maitre for alto an'

    si &la$ersNono : Canti &er D 4 &n"ontri)to#khausen : 6la/ierst1#ke < c Min%us :The Ca

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Taylor: Ca

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    ,arsa4 earG musi" forpuppet theater I Theirds )ilkG musi" for puppet theatre I .iamond.e4G musi" for puppet theater I Epitaph Brtur)ala4ski in )emoriam Iittle Tommy TiptoeG

    musi" for puppet theater I The ShoemakersT4ineG musi" for puppet theater I The S4ineherdGmusi" for puppet theater I N4yrtala the )usi"ianGor Ho4 the )ountaineer Rea"hed HomeG musi"for puppet theaterMa'erna : Continuo 4 &l "a/allo di Troia I)usi"a su due dimensioni pour Mte et andemagnti!ue)tra/insk$: Threni 9i' est lamentationesJeremiae Pro&hetae;ue*in'emith : O#tet

    Ca%e:Con#ert for Piano F Or#hI (ontanaMiI Aria 9for Cath$ Bererian;Boule2: Po0sie &our &ou/oirBerio:Thema -maggio a Coy"e; I )e>uen2a for SuteLutosla+ski: (uneral Musi# 4 Postlu'e NoDenakis: Con#ret P-*6a%el: Ana%rama for /o#al soloistsQs&eakin% #hoir an' #hamer ensemle

    \oun%: Trio for )trin%sMonk: Misterioso

    Ta$lor: Lookin% Ahea' 4 Coltrane Time 4*ar' !ri/in% Ja22Farmer: )odern Brt


  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    )aderna: Bspetto )atilde I +on"erto per

    pianoforte e or"hestra I &l sogno di una notte dime

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    )iner I The +rimson .ress I randfathers ,inkIegend of ulandra the )iner I The )asters+hildren I The )ost Xaliant 9night I The Spider

    a"henmann: Sou/enirG )usik fr (1 &nstrumenteBndriessen: @o"turnenSh"hedrin: Humoreskeerio: .i[ren"es+o4ell: Homage to &ran)essiaen: +atalogue dQoiseau%+arter: Se"ond String uartet6a%el: Transi#in enakis:)$rmosCa%e: n'etermina#$)tra/insk$: Mo/ements for Piano F Or 4E&ita&hium 4 !oule Canon

    Li%eti: A&&aritions!a/is: 6in' of BlueMin%us: Blues an' Roots Ah 3m Min%us!inast$!ol&h$: TruthColeman: The )ha&e of Ja22 to Come*o+lin. ,oolf: Moanin. n The Moonli%htTa$lor: Ce#il Ta$lor Pla$s Cole Porter 4)tereo !ri/e 4 Lo/e for )ale

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    6a%el: Transi#in 4 )ur s#ne 9#hamermusi#al theatre &ie#e in one a#t for

    s&eakerQ mimeQ sin%erQ an' threeinstrumentalists; 4 Sonant)to#khausen: 6ontaktea"henmann : .ue iriG N4ei Studien fr-r"hesterPen'ere#ki : Anaklasis for strin%s an'&er#ussion 4 Threno'$ for the

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    )tra/insk$: Monumentum &ro Gesual'o 'i

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Ta$lor: The ,orl' Of Ce#il Ta$lorI Air


    Part"h: less This Home I Rotate the ody in allits Planes I ,ater ,ater I Cine the +al/ary

    Pen'ere#ki: (ono%rammiQ Sute an'

    #hamer or#hestraI Psalmus 1351G ele"troni"musi" I PolymorphiaG (8 strings I )usi" forpuppet theater: Ho4 ittle Hanna +ame to anBgreement 4ith the ear I ittle Tiger I Song ofthe Fo%

    a"henmann: Tripelse%tett fr e se"hsHol

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Fnf Strophen fr neun &nstrumente)aderna: !on Perlim&lin 4 Honeyr/es4)erenata 8immermann: Pr0sen#e Uallet lan#V 4

    Anti&honenBndriessen: Trois PiJ"eserio: Xisageaitt: +omposition for Synthesi

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    15part a "apella "horuses I )usi" for puppettheater: B"hilles and the oung adies I )r?T4ardo4ski I @al and .amayanti I Pino""hio IRoland the )ad Roland S

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    Hartmann: esangss

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    Mi$oshi: Con#erto for Or#hestraTakemitsu: Tetures 4 6+ai'an

    )aderna: BriaPendere"ki: +antata in honorem Blmae )atris7ni/ersitatis &agelloni"ae for 2 mi%ed "hoirs andor"hestra I Sonata for +ello and -r"hestra I Thela"ksmithG musi" for puppet theater I FuneralSongG /oi"e and piano I 7u RoiG in"idental musi"for puppet theatre?

    a"henmann: &ntro/ersion && fr 8 &nstrumente6a%el: Mat#h 4 Phono&honie@ono: a Fari"a illuminata)essiaen: +ouleurs de la "it "eleste

    Part"h: Bnd on the Se/enth .ay Petals Fell onPataluma)ingus: The reat +on"ert.a/is: The +omplete +on"ert 135(Berio: (olk )on%soung: The ,ellTuned Piano)tra/insk$: Ele%$ for J(6 4 (anfare for aNe+ Theatre 4

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    )aderna : Bulodia per othar I Stele per .iotima

    Pendere"ki: #apriccio for $boe and %% !trin&s /The 'a&ic Grinder,musi" for puppet theater IThe !uperheroG "hildrenQs opera

    La#henmann: !cenariofr Tonand 4Streichtrio If1r uen2a Q for

    ,oman.s uen2a KQ for TromonLi%eti: Nou/elles a/entures 4 Re>iuemBirt+istle: Tra%oe'iaRile$: n CRei#h: tYs Gonna Rain

    )onk: )onk)he&&: (ire Musi# 4 -n This @ight4 Ne+ Thin%

    Blthusser : Pour )ar% I ire le "apitalBataille : Le Pro#s 'e Gilles 'e RaisTouraine: So"iologie de la"tionorges: iteraturas germAni"as medie/ales I

    &ntrodu""iKn a la literatura inglesaPa

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    at Ne+&ort 4.a/is: E?S?P?+oltrane: Bs"ension I -m I 9ulu Se )ama I SunShip

    Han"o"k: )aiden Xoyage+oleman: Bt the olden +ir"le Sto"kholmoy Hut"herson: .ialogue I +omponentsBndre4 Hill: +ompulsion)organ: Te igolo


    An'riessen: Beatles )on%s)#hnittke: )trin% "uartet No D 4 +on"erto@o? 2 for Xiolin and +hamer -r"hestra

    Part#h: !elusion of the (ur$Berio: )e>uen2a uiem Canti#lesI The O+lan' the Puss$#at)hankar: Prahati 4 Purl$a 6al$a 4 )+ara c

    6akaliLi%eti: Lu Aeternaenakis: Orestea 4 Nomos Al&haPrt: Pro et Contra9#ello $ or>uesta; 4 n')$m&hon$Takemitsu: E#li&se 4 *ika 4 ,ind HorsePen'ere#ki: Passion A##or'in% to )t Luke 4!e natura sonoris D

    La#an: [#ritsBdorno: .ial"ti"a negati/areimas: Smanti!ue stru"turale


  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Rei#h: Come Out8a&&a: (reak OutJohn Coltrane: A Lo/e )u&reme!a/is: Miles )miles

    Ta$lor:3nit )tru#turesI Con>uista'or 4)tu'ent )tu'ies 9The Great Paris Con#ert;Shepp: Br"hie Shepp i/e &n San Fran"is"o IThree For a uarterG -ne For B .ime I )ama TooTightSonny +riss: This &s +rissSun Ra: atman Roin


    )aderna: +on"erto per ooe e or"hestra n 2 I

    ,idmungG per /iolino soloBndriessen: Bna"hronie &Berio: Chemins Lutosla+ski: )$m&hon$ No Ca%e: (ontana Mi)to#khausen: MiturI Pro2ession 46om&ositionsstu'ioBerio: )e>uen2a

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Phantasie f1r Or%el mit Oli%ati 4*alleluah 9for /oi#es;

    Takemitsu: No/emer )te&sI Asterism8a&&a: Asolutel$ (ree

    Ca&tain Beefheart: )afe As MilkBaile$: Pie#es for Guitar

    )onk: StraightG @o +haser9irk: The &nMated TearShepp: The )agi" of CuCuTyner: The Real )"+oy


    )aderna: Xolete spararmij +hi /uole spararmij

    musi!ue de s"Jne pour e taleau de &ones"o; INomies"horus I a morte ha fatto lQuo/o"olonna sonora originale dellQomonimo 6lm diiulio uesti;

    S"hnittke: Pianissimo I Sonata @o? 2 for Xiolin andPiano uasi una Sonata; I Serenade8immermann: Musi>ue &our les sou&ers 'u3u RoiQ Uallet noirVLa#henmann: temAf1r (l5teQ )timme9Me22oso&ran; un'

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    )to#khausen: 6ur2+ellen4)timmun%Hen

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    ra%ton: Silen"eTaylor: The reat +on"ert of +e"il Taylor @uits dela Fondation )aeght;Sun Ra: Btlantis

    +annonall Bdderley: +ountry Prea"her)alipiero: .on Tartufo a""hettone


    yars: Pre)ediae/al )etri"s I )ade in Hong9ong)aderna: rande Bulodia I Tempo ieroPendere"ki: ?treniaPart 1 The Entomment of+hristG sopranoG me

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Re/en%eI Contem&o.H 4 Total Musi#TheaterLutosla+ski: Cello Con#ertoCa%e: mesosti#s for M! 4 )on% Books F

    Em&t$ ,or's 4 )olo for /oi#e 4 The $eare%ins to e ri&&e'Li%eti: Chamer Con#ertoRei#h: (our or%ans 4 Phase Patterns!a/is: n A )ilent ,a$ 4 Bit#hes Bre+ I ATriute To Ja#k JohnsonI la"k eauty I Li/eat the (illmore 4 Miles !a/is Li/e at the(illmore East 9Mar#h HQ DH;Ca&tain Beefheart: Li#k M$ !e#als O= Ba$4 Mirror ManM#Lau%hlin: !e/otion 4 ,here (ortune)miles

    Coleman: The Art of the m&ro/isers)" +oy Tyner: E%tensions)he&&: Ar#hie )he&& an' the (ull MoonEnsemle Li/e n Anties 4 Pit"hin +an

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    ryars: 1G 2G 12$( I The S!uirrel and TheRi"ketty Ra"ketty ridge

    )aderna: Cuilliard Serenade Tempo iero &&;G peror"hestra da "amera e nastro I PiJ"e pour &/ryGper /iolon I SoloG per ooe I XiolaG per /iola sola

    Bperghis: a Tragi!ue Histoire du n"roman"ienHironimo et de son mirrorPendere"ki: ?trenia, art @The 0esurrection of#hrist, 6/e soloistsG t4o mi%ed "horusesG oys"hoirG or"hestra I rBlude, 4indsG per"ussionGkeyoardG and doule asses IActions,a

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    6a%el: Eoti#a 4 Pro%rammPrt: r')$m&hon$Rei#h: !rummin%8a&&a: (illmore EastQ JuneQ DHDI

    MotelsCan: Ta%o Ma%o)ingus: et )y +hildren Hear the )usi"!a/is: Li/e-E/il*ollan'4Philli&s: Musi# (rom T+o BassesCir#le: Paris c Con#ertM#Lau%hlin: M$ Goals Be$on'M#Lau%hlin-Maha/ishnu Or#hestra: Thenner Mountin% (lameColeman: T+insailey: Solo uitar)he&&: (or LosersI Things Ha/e ot To +hange

    I Br"hie Shepp Philly Coe Cones,eather Report: ,eather Report I & Sing Theody Ele"tri"

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    Part"h: The .reamer That Remains)aderna: BuraG per or"hestra I iogramma I

    .ialodiaG per Mauto e ooe I iardino religioso IStZnd"hen fr TiniG for /iolin and /iola I XenetianCournalG per tenoreG or"hestra e nastro I Xi/o e+os"ien

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  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    9for or#hestra;Takemitsu: (oliosLi%eti: )an (ran#is#o Pol$&hon$N$man: Bell )et

    Beefheart: Blueeans F Mooneans 43n#on'itionall$ Guarantee'Can: )oon O/er BaalumaMin%us: At Carne%ie *all!a/is: Bi% (un 4 !ark Ma%us8a&&a: A&ostro&he 9;I Ro$ an'Else+here 4 A Token of *is Etreme)antana-Ali#e Coltrane: lluminationsM#Lau%hlin-Maha/ishnu Or#hestra:A&o#al$&se 4

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa



    +age: Etudes Bustralesrisey: Partiels@ono: Bl ran Sole +ari"o dQBmoreRihm: O Notte 4 )$m&honieBerio: a cronne 4 Chemins uestaenakis: 6assan'ra 4 6hoa 4 ? r Tra#0es Ata6a%el: Cuarteto &ara #uer'as b 4 Tant2 -)#hulBirt+istle: En'less Para'ePrt: ArosOst: 6ristal+elt

    Takemitsu: *ear The ,ater !reamin% 4 Allin T+ili%ht

    Bdams: @i%on in +hinaNan#arro+: )tu'$ for Pla$er Piano No 4)trin% "uartet No 4 Trilo%$Ca%e: Musi# (or 4 JC Meets )un Ra 4 Musi#for T+oRei#h: Ele#tri# Counter&ointGlass:

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    9lingende u"hstaenoeels: )an in The Ele/ator)to#khausen: Monta% aus Li#htouleuen2a Q for Guitarenakis: Tauri&hanieAn'riessen: The MaterieN$man: !ro+nin% $ Numers4)trin%"uartet No Rihm: )#h+een'e Be%e%nun4 Na#ht+a#htLa#henmann: Alle%ro sostenuto

    Takemitsu: Tree Line 4 T+ill $ T+ili%ht

    +arter: -oe +on"ertoBdams: Fearful Symmetries

    Nan#arro+: )tu'$ for Pla$er Piano No KCa%e: (i/e 4 DDRei#h: !i=erent Trains8a&&a: Guitar 4 \C!TO)A D 4 \C!TO)A 4Broa'+a$ the *ar' ,a$ 4 )t Patri#ks !a$ Li/e in Bar#elona!a/is: Li/e Aroun' The ,orl'Corea: E$e of the Behol'erBre#ker: !on.t Tr$ This At *omeAer#romie: John Aer#romie-Mar#Johnson-Peter Erskine8orn: Ne+s (rom Lulu

    .i%on: Sons of Sisyphus

    ar"=a )Ar!ue

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    futuraI U*a$ >ue #aminarV soXan'oLi%eti: !er )ummer6urt7%: Grastein9agel: 8+ei AkteI Phantasiest1#kI Musik fur

    tasteninstrumente F or#hester 4 Les i'0eses

    La#henmann: Rei%ner seli%er GeisterTa/ener: The Prote#tin%

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    -r"hestra I )o

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Ca%e: Tenenakis: Gen'$ Ro7 6rino'iLi%eti: Misterios 'el Ma#aro6a%el: 'en DDD9Garle' ne+s for

    aritone an' instruments;

    8a&&a: The Best Ban' \ou Ne/er *ear' n\our Life 4\C!TO)A 4 Make A Ja22 Noise*ere 4 Beat the Boots Monk: AtlasAn'riessen: *out 4 ) is for )anG )usi"G)o

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Leonar'oNan#arro+: Piano )tu'ies 9arran%e' $\/ar Mikhasho=;enakis: )HLi%eti:

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Rei#h: The Ca/e

    8a&&a: Ahea' of their TimeI The \ello+)hark 4 Ein een als E%tra/agan

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    N$man: The 8oo !uetuaidulina: String uartet @o? ( I .an"er on aTightropeS"o6eld: Hand Ci/e.i%on: Xade )e"um


    Fuieda: yro Tango)iyoshi: Phenomene sonore &&Rihm:

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa




  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    f1r /iola '@amore solo)to#khausen: Mitt+o#h aus Li#htRihm: Etu'e '.a&rs )0ra&hinuaidulina: Xiola +on"ertoBndriessen: Trilogy of The ast .ay

    Har/ey: Per"ussion +on"erto8a&&a: *a/e O=en'e' someoneZLi%eti: Le Gan' Ma#are 9DH /ersion;Boule2: Anathemes 6a%el: Pla$ Ba#k Pla$Mar$: Portraits T0moinsCan: )a#rile'%e'Bre#ker: T+o Blo#ks (rom The E'%eBaile$ c Methen$: The )i%n of (our8orn: Ne+ Tra'itions in East Asian BarBan's 4 !uras !u#ham&N$man: Enem$ 8ero

    Roy: The od of Small Things


    ley: Fan"y +hamer )usi"Rei"h and 9orot: Hindenburg8a&&a: M$ster$ !is#Boule2: )ur in#isesMar$ : Oets Crois0s6+i : !istori 9Noah;Can : nner )&a#e c Out of Rea#hBaile$: Pla$ Ba#ks8orn: The BrieN$man: Ra/enous

    O3T O( ACTON): Bet+een Performan#ean' the Oe#tQ D c DHarnes: EnglandG EnglandTed Hughes: irthday etters)unro: The o/e of a ood ,omanTom ,olfe: B )an in FullShakespeare in o/e 6lm;Spielerg: Sa/ing Pri/ate Ryan 6lm;,in"hester: Professor and the )adman


    ley: Bre ,e There etj I ((

    )ar'u$: Ora #om&leta+oet

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    (rith: Trav# ContinuesBaile$: MirakleN$man: The Claim

    Monnet: Biilolo

    Mar$: Aarthus

    8orn: Cartoon Musi# F ) MGate+a$: Li/e in Montreal


  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    Murail: Les Tra/au et les oursE5t/5s: Jet )tream 4 Ja22 m&ro/isationsLa#henmann: Gri'oenakis: Perse&olis Remies)to#khausen: Euro&a-Gruss

    Glass: )ao&honeN$man c )an%am: Mi#hael N$man Meetsn'ian Masters*an#o#k-Bre#ker-*ar%ro/e: !ire#tions inMusi#Aer#romie: Cat N MouseBaile$: Balla's8orn: Cora 9Game Pie#es; 4 *emo&hila#S"o6eld: zeram


    Fuikura: Poison )ushroom)to#khausen: )onnta% aus Li#htLi%eti: *amur%is#hes 6on2ert

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    200')urail? Pour adou"ir le "ours du tempsLa#henmann: Con#ertini8a&&a: Joe.s MAsa%e

    8orn: M$sterium(rith: Ele/enth *our


    Fuikura: Bandoned Time)urail: Bmaris et .ul"ius B!uis I gendesuraines I es Ruines "ir"ulairesThe Frank Nappa BBBF@RBB irthday undle8a&&a: ma%inar$ !iseases 4 MO(O 4 Tran#e-(usion!eJohnette: The Ele&hant )lee&s ut )tillRememers8orn: Moon#hil' 4 Astronome

    200#Nan#arro+-Ar'itti: "uartets an' )tu'ies8a&&a: The !u Room )&e#ial8orn: )i Litanies (or *elio%aalus

    Al/a Notro: erro


    Bndriessen: The Hague Ha"king I a +ommediaNappa: The Frank Nappa aaa{fnr{aaa irthday

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


    undle I One )hot !eal


    oeels: The E%perien"e of ThingsBndriessen: ifeFrisell: .isfarmerAl/a Noto: erro Al/a Noto R$ui#hi )akamoto +ithEnsemle Mo'ern8a&&a: Lum&$ Mone$


    Bndriessen: Bnas @inBle%ander Raskato/: B .ogQs Heart)urail: es sept Paroles


    8a&&a: (ee'in% The Monkies At Ma Maison 4Carne%ie *all)uhal Ri"hard Brams: Sound.an"e

  • 7/25/2019 Gran Cronologa


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