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Grant Agreement [TF099878]


Protection of Basic Services

Social Accountability Program



SAIPs Finance, Grant and Operation training Presentation May 21,-22, 2013


- 12 SAIPs have met the reporting deadline which MA appreciates very much. However, the rest 18 SAIPs did not meet the deadline.

Completeness -Some SAIPs sent only a soft copy of the financial report. -Expenditure receipt was not attached by most SAIPs.-Supporting documents like timesheet, contract agreement were not attached. - Some SAIPs didn’t attach Narrative report.- Most SAIPs didn’t attach advance request form. - Some SAIPs didn’t fill the forecast table.- MA format receipt was not filled as per the instruction. - Some SAIPs remove SOE sheet ; change the formats; forecast sheet- Most SAIPs didn’t attach checklist.

Challenges in Grant Compliance

Accuracy - Some SAIPs have reported April 2013 expenses as first quarter expense.

- Ineligible costs like top-up was paid and reported as expense.- The amount listed in the invoice ledger doesn’t match with Statement of Expenditure because linkage was not maintain.


• It is important because the MA cant get fund from WB without submitting those report;

• Timely reporting will also help us to avoid cash shortage; • The fundflow is as follows:

VNG HQ transfers to


Accepted Accepted AcceptedSAIPs submit FR

to MA

MA received

and review

MA sends it to HQ

Complies the reports and

submit it with SOE

WB transfers the fund VNG HQ

VNG HQ transfers to


Cash available at HQ

Financial Reporting

• Good internal control systems of SAIPs; • Good understanding on the financial templates and overall

financial reporting requirements; • Willingness to take the comments of the MA; • Refresher training to the lead SAIPs and good improvement

afterward; • Less supervision by the lead SAIPs; • Understanding gaps on the documentation requirements; • Improper use of the Financial Reporting Template(alteration or

modification on the templates); • Less responsive and delay in submitting the revised reports after

the MA comments – few organizations; • Understanding on the contingency and admin costs calculation

and use; • Some adjustments on the Cash Forecast;

Lesson Learnt from Q1 Report

Highlights: •What does the SAIPs PP includes? i.e. Goods, Consultant and staff/employees (permanent and temporary),•No procurement shall be undertaken unless indicated in the agreed procurement plan & obtained prior approval of MA/WB,•Procurement plan shall be updated at least annually and follow the same approval process, Procurement plan revision requires: •When additional activities are encountered during the implementation period. If that is the case:

Revised procurement plan needs to be submitted. Contract registration has to be attached. (Refer. Operation

manual) Challenges:•Delay in submitting procurement plan.•Misunderstanding on the procurement templates.


SAIPs Communication Protocol

MA structure to handle Grant Management

How communication happen with SAIPs

Name: Amanuel GrunderTel: +251 (0)11 663 4661 • mob: +251 (0)912 60 07 fax: +251 (0)11 663 2567E-mail: [email protected]

Name: Edmiebirhan Nigussie Tel: +251 (0)11 663 4661 • mob: +251 (0)923 81 4830 fax: +251 (0)11 663 2567E-mail: [email protected]

Reference Organization Reference Organization ESAP2/2012/01 SOS Sahel ESAP2/2012/16 Oromia Development AssociationESAP2/2012/02 NEWA ESAP2/2012/17 Amhara Development AssociationESAP2/2012/03 ILU ESAP2/2013/18 Women Association of TigrayESAP2/2012/04 PICDO ESAP2/2012/19 AFSRESAP2/2012/05 HUNDEE ESAP2/2013/20 Redeem the GenerationESAP2/2012/06 PDN ESAP2/2013/21 Save LivesESAP2/2012/07 NSAC ESAP2/2013/22 Mums for MumsESAP2/2013/08 Hope for Children ESAP2/2013/23 KMGESAP2/2013/09 EOC - DICAC ESAP2/2013/24 Women Support AssociationESAP2/2012/10 Action for Development ESAP2/2013/25 UEWCAESAP2/2013/11 Tigray Youth Association ESAP2/2013/26 JeCCDOESAP2/2012/12 PADET ESAP2/2013/27 AA Women's AssociationESAP2/2013/13 Migbare Senay ESAP2/2013/28 OWDAESAP2/2012/14 WCAT ESAP2/2013/29 Love in ActionESAP2/2012/15 Guraghe Development Association ESAP2/2013/30 VECOD

Responsible Grant Staff

It could be through: -E-mail;-Phone calls;-Face to face discussion;- Letter;

Ways of Communication

Comply Comply

Thank You

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