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Page 1: Graphical Models - Oxford Statisticsevans/gms/lecturenotes_17.pdf · 2018. 5. 11. · There will be four problem sheets, each covering roughly four lectures’ material. MSc students

Graphical Models

Robin [email protected]

Michaelmas 2017

This version: May 11, 2018

These notes will be updated as the course goes on. If you find any mistakes or omissions,I’d be very grateful to be informed.


The course webpage is at


Here you will find problem sheets, slides and any other materials.

Problem Sheets and Classes

There will be four problem sheets, each covering roughly four lectures’ material. MScstudents will have classes in LG.01, 2pm–3pm, on Wednesdays in weeks 3, 5, 7, and onThursday of week 8.

Part C students should sign-up for classes with the online system.


Books are useful, though not required. Here are the main ones this course is based on.

1. S.L. Lauritzen, Graphical Models, Oxford University Press, 1996.

The ‘bible’ of graphical models, and much of the first half of this course is based onthis. One complication is that the book makes a distinction between two different typesof vertex, which can make some ideas look more complicated.

2. M.J. Wainwright and M.I. Jordan, Graphical Models, Exponential Families, and Vari-ational Inference, Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, 2008.

Relevant for the later part of the course, and for understanding much of the compu-tational advantages of graphical models. Available for free at https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~wainwrig/Papers/WaiJor08_FTML.pdf.


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3. J. Pearl, Causality, third edition, Cambridge, 2013.

Book dealing with the causal interpretation of directed models, which we will touchupon.

4. D. Koller and N. Friedman, Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques,MIT Press, 2009.

A complementary book, written from a machine learning perspective.

5. A. Agresti Categorical Data Analysis, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.

As the name suggests, covers most of the material we will use for discussing con-tingency tables and log-linear models, as well as some data examples. Available forfree at https://mathdept.iut.ac.ir/sites/mathdept.iut.ac.ir/files/AGRESTI.PDF. There is also an updated third edition, but I will be using this second one.


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1 Introduction 6

2 Conditional Independence 7

2.1 Independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2 Conditional Independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.3 Statistical Inference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.4 The Multivariate Gaussian Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3 Contingency Tables 12

3.1 Computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.2 Log-linear models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.3 Conditional Independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4 Undirected Graphical Models 16

4.1 Undirected Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4.2 Markov Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4.3 Cliques and Factorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

4.4 Decomposability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

4.5 Separator Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

4.6 Non-Decomposable Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

5 Gaussian Graphical Models 26

5.1 Gaussian Graphical Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

5.2 Maximum Likelihood Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

5.3 Data Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

6 The Lasso and Graphical Lasso 29

6.1 The Lasso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

6.2 Sparsity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

6.3 The Graphical Lasso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

6.4 Selection of the Penalty Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

7 Directed Graphical Models 35

7.1 Markov Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

7.2 Ancestrality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37


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7.3 Statistical Inference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

7.4 Markov Equivalence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

7.5 Directed Graphs, Undirected Graphs, and Decomposability . . . . . . . . . 41

8 Junction Trees and Message Passing 43

8.1 Junction Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

8.2 Message Passing and the Junction Tree Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

8.3 Directed Graphs and Triangulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

8.4 Evidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

9 Causal Inference 54

9.1 Interventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

9.2 Adjustment Sets and Back-Door Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

9.3 Paths and d-separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

9.4 Back-door Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

9.5 Example: HIV Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

9.6 Gaussian Causal Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

10 Model Selection and Causal Discovery 62

10.1 Faithfulness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

10.2 Markov Equivalence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

10.3 The PC Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

10.4 Working with Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

11 Gibbs Sampling 66

11.1 Simulation Under Evidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71


Page 5: Graphical Models - Oxford Statisticsevans/gms/lecturenotes_17.pdf · 2018. 5. 11. · There will be four problem sheets, each covering roughly four lectures’ material. MSc students

Recommended Prerequisites

Knowledge of Part A Probability and Statistics is assumed. Part B Applied Statistics andFoundations of Statistical Inference would be useful, but not essential.

Aims and Objectives

This course will give an overview of the use of graphical models as a tool for statisticalinference. Graphical models relate the structure of a graph to the structure of a multivari-ate probability distribution, usually via conditional independence constraints. This hastwo broad uses: first, conditional independence can provide vast savings in computationaleffort, both in terms of the representation of large multivariate models and in perform-ing inference with them; this makes graphical models very popular for dealing with bigdata problems. Second, conditional independence can be used as a tool to discover hid-den structure in data, such as that relating to the direction of causality or to unobservedprocesses. As such, graphical models are widely used in genetics, medicine, epidemiology,statistical physics, economics, the social sciences and elsewhere.

Students will develop an understanding of the use of conditional independence and graph-ical structures for dealing with multivariate statistical models. They will appreciate howthis is applied to causal modelling, and to computation in large-scale statistical problems.


Independence, conditional independence, graphoid axioms [1]

Contingency tables, log-linear models. [1]

Undirected graphs, cliques, paths; factorization and global Markov property, Hammersley-Clifford Theorem (statement only) [1]

Trees, cycles, chords, decomposability, triangulation, Running intersection property. [1]

Maximum likelihood in decomposable models. The multivariate Gaussian distribution andGaussian graphical models. The graphical Lasso. [2]

Directed acyclic graphs, factorization. Paths, d-separation. Ancestral sets and sub-models.Moralization. Decomposable models as intersection of directed and undirected models. [3]

DAGs as causal models, calculus of intervention. Causal faithfulness, constraint-basedlearning. [2]

Junction trees; message passing. Computation of marginal and conditional probabilities,introduction of evidence. [3]

Exponential families, mean and canonical parameterizations. The Ising model, Gibbssampling. [2]


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1 Introduction

The modern world is replete with sources of massively multivariate data, sometimes called‘big data’. In many cases, the number of variables being measured (p) exceeds the numberof samples available (n), and in almost all cases the number of possible ways of classifyingindividuals is greater than n.


• There are around 25,000 human genes, which gives more possible human genomesthan humans who have ever existed. Even if a gene is present, whether or not it isexpressed depends upon other genes and also environmental factors. Good geneticdata sets might have a few thousand individuals in, the best ones have one hundredthousand. How do we study what effect these genes have on diseases, or on eachother’s expression?

• A doctor has to diagnose one (or more) of hundreds of different possible diseasesin a patient with a handful out of thousands of possible symptoms, and with a fewpieces of information about his medical history. She can perhaps order some teststo provide evidence in favour of one condition or another. How should she decidewhether the evidence is behind a particular condition?

• Photographs are typically made up of millions of pixels, each of which can take oneof 2563 ≈ 17 million colours. How do we train a computer to recognize the object inan image?

The nature of these data sets leads to two related challenges: a statistical challenge anda computational one. Both are features of the so-called curse of dimensionality. Thestatistical problems are easy to see: suppose I ask 1,000 people 10 questions each withtwo answers. This gives 210 = 1024 possible response patterns, so that it is impossibleto observe all the response patterns, and in practice we won’t observe most of them evenonce. How can we sensibly estimate the probability of those missing response patterns infuture?

The computational problem is related. Suppose now that I know the distribution ofoutcomes, so I have P (XV = xV ) for every xV ∈ XV . How can I compute the marginalprobability of a particular variable? Well:

P (Xi = xi) =∑xV \{i}

P (XV = xV ).

But notice that, if p = |V | is large, say 1,000 variables, then this sum could easily involve21000 ≈ 10301 terms! Even for a very fast computer this is totally infeasible, and of coursewe wouldn’t be able to store all the probabilities in the first place.

Each of these examples—although theoretically massive—has a lot of underlying structurethat makes the problem potentially tractable. Particular medical symptoms are closelytied to particular diseases, with probabilities that we understand. Adjacent pixels inphotographs are often almost the same; if every pixel were completely different we wouldnever discern an image.

Graphical models provide a convenient way of modelling this structure, and make it com-putationally feasible to perform calculations with the networks.


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2 Conditional Independence

The primary tool we will use to provide statistical and computationally feasible modelsis conditional independence. This ensures that distributions factorize into smaller piecesthat can be evaluated separately and quickly.

2.1 Independence

Recall that two discrete variables X and Y are independent if

P (X = x, Y = y) = P (X = x) · P (Y = y) ∀x ∈ X , y ∈ Y.

Note that this is equivalent to

P (X = x |Y = y) = P (X = x) whenever P (Y = y) > 0, ∀x ∈ X .

In other words, knowing the value of Y gives us no information about the distribution ofX; we say that Y is irrelevant for X. Similarly, two variables with joint density fXY areindependent if

fXY (x, y) = fX(x) · fY (y) ∀x ∈ X , y ∈ Y.

The qualification that these expressions hold for all (x, y) ∈ X × Y, a product space, isvery important1, and sometimes forgotten.

Example 2.1. Suppose that X,W are independent Exponential(λ) random variables.Define Y = X +W . Then the joint density of X and Y is

fXY (x, y) =

{λ2e−λy if y > x > 0,0 otherwise


Note that the expression within the valid range for x, y factorizes, so when performing theusual change of variables one may mistakenly conclude that X and Y are independent.

2.2 Conditional Independence

Given random variables X,Y we denote the joint density p(x, y), and call

p(y) =

∫Xp(x, y) dx.

the marginal density (of Y ). The conditional density of X given Y is defined as anyfunction p(x | y) such that

p(x, y) = p(y) · p(x | y).

Note that if p(y) > 0 then the solution is unique and given by the familiar expression

p(x | y) =p(x, y)


1Of course, for continuous random variables densities are only defined up to a set of measure zero, sothe condition should really read ‘almost everywhere’. We will ignore such measure theoretic niceties inthis course.


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Definition 2.2. Let X,Y be random variables defined on a product space X × Y; let Zbe a third random variable so that the joint density is p(x, y, z). We say that X and Yare conditionally independent given Z if

p(x | y, z) = p(x | z), ∀x ∈ X , y ∈ Y, z ∈ Z such that p(y, z) > 0.

When this holds we write X ⊥⊥ Y | Z [p], possibly omitting the p for brevity.

In other words, once Z = z is known, the value of Y provides no additional informationthat would allow us to predict or model X. If Z is degenerate—that is, there is some zsuch that P (Z = z) = 1, then the definition above is the same as saying that X and Yare independent. This is called marginal independence, and denoted X ⊥⊥ Y .

Example 2.3. LetX1, . . . , Xk be a Markov chain. ThenXk is independent ofX1, . . . , Xk−2conditional upon Xk−1:

P (Xk = x | Xk−1 = xk−1, · · · , X1 = x1) = P (Xk = x | Xk−1 = xk−1)

for all x, xk−1, . . . , x1. That is, Xk ⊥⊥ X1, . . . , Xk−2 | Xk−1. This is known as the Markovproperty, or memoryless property.

Although the definition of conditional independence appears to be asymmetric in X andY , in fact it is not: if X gives no additional information about Y then the reverse is alsotrue, as the following theorem shows.

Theorem 2.4. Let X,Y, Z be random variables on a Cartesian product space. The fol-lowing are equivalent.

(i) p(x | y, z) = p(x | z) for all x, y, z such that p(y, z) > 0;

(ii) p(x, y | z) = p(x | z) · p(y | z) for all x, y, z such that p(z) > 0;

(iii) p(x, y, z) = p(y, z) · p(x | z) for all x, y, z such that p(z) > 0;

(iv) p(z) · p(x, y, z) = p(x, z) · p(y, z) for all x, y, z;

(v) p(x, y, z) = f(x, z) · g(y, z) for some functions f, g and all x, y, z.

Proof. Note that p(y, z) > 0 implies p(z) > 0, so (i) =⇒ (ii) follows from multiplying byp(y | z), and (ii) =⇒ (iii) by multiplying by p(z). (iii) =⇒ (i) directly.

The equivalence of (iii) and (iv) is also clear, and (iii) implies (v). It remains to provethat (v) implies the others. Suppose that (v) holds. Then

p(y, z) =

∫p(x, y, z) dx = g(y, z)

∫f(x, z) dx = g(y, z) · f(z).

If f(z) > 0 (which happens whenever p(z) > 0) we have

p(x, y, z) =f(x, z)

f(z)p(y, z).

But by definition f(x, z)/f(z) is p(x | y, z), and it does not depend upon y, so we obtain(iii).


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Conditional independence is a complicated and often unintuitive notion, as the next ex-ample illustrates.

Example 2.5 (Simpson’s Paradox). Below is a famous data set that records the races ofthe victim and defendants in various murder cases in Florida between 1976 and 1987, andwhether or not the death penalty was imposed upon the killer. The data are presented ascounts, though we can turn this into an empirical probability distribution by dividing bythe total, 674.

Victim White Victim BlackDefendant White Black Defendant White Black

Yes 53 11 Yes 0 4No 414 37 No 16 139

The marginal table has

Defendant White Black

Yes 53 15No 430 176

Here we see that the chance of receiving a death sentence is approximately independentof the defendant’s race. P (Death | White) = 53/(53 + 430) = 0.11, P (Death | Black) =15/(15 + 176) = 0.08. (One could fiddle the numbers to obtain exact independence.)

However, restricting only to cases where the victim is white we see that black defendantshave nearly a 1/3 chance of receiving the death penalty, compared to about 1/8 for whites.And for black victims the story is the same, a handful of blacks were were sentenced todeath while no white defendants were. (In fact we will see in Chapter 3 that this conditionaldependence is not statistically significant either, but for the purposes of this discussionthis doesn’t matter: we could multiply all the numbers by 10 and get a data set in whichthe correlations are significant. For more on this data set, take a look at Example 2.3.2in the book Categorical Data Analysis by Agresti).

The previous example teaches us the valuable lesson that marginal independence doesnot imply conditional independence (nor vice versa). More generally, conditioning onadditional things may result in dependence being induced. However, there are propertiesthat relate conditional independences, the most important of which are given in the nexttheorem.

Theorem 2.6 (Graphoid Axioms). Conditional independence satisfies the following prop-erties, sometimes called the graphoid axioms.

1. X ⊥⊥ Y | Z =⇒ Y ⊥⊥ X | Z;

2. X ⊥⊥ Y,W | Z =⇒ X ⊥⊥ Y | Z;

3. X ⊥⊥ Y,W | Z =⇒ X ⊥⊥W | Y,Z;

4. X ⊥⊥W | Y,Z and X ⊥⊥ Y | Z =⇒ X ⊥⊥ Y,W | Z;

5. if p(x, y, z, w) > 0, then X ⊥⊥W | Y,Z and X ⊥⊥ Y |W,Z =⇒ X ⊥⊥ Y,W | Z.


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These properties are sometimes referred to respectively as symmetry, decomposition, weakunion, contraction and intersection.

Proof. 1. Symmetry follows from Theorem 2.4

2. Starting from p(x, y, w | z) = p(x | z)p(y, w | z) and integrating out w gives p(x, y | z) =p(x | z)p(y | z).

3. and 4: see Examples sheet.

5. By Theorem 2.4 we have p(x, y, w, z) = f(x, y, z)g(y, w, z) and p(x, y, w, z) = f(x,w, z)g(y, w, z).By positivity, taking ratios shows that

f(x, y, z) =f(x,w, z)g(y, w, z)

g(y, w, z)

=f(x,w0, z)g(y, w0, z)

g(y, w0, z)

for any w0, since the LHS does not depend upon w; now we see that the right handside is a function of x, z times a function of y, z, so

f(x, y, z) = a(x, z) · b(y, z).

Plugging into the first expression gives the result.

Remark 2.7. Properties 2–4 can be combined into a single ‘chain rule’:

X ⊥⊥W | Y,Z and X ⊥⊥ Y | Z ⇐⇒ X ⊥⊥ Y,W | Z.

The fifth property is often extremely useful (as we shall see), but doesn’t generally hold ifthe distribution is not positive: see the Examples Sheet.

2.3 Statistical Inference

Conditional independence crops up in various areas of statistics; here is an example thatshould be familiar.

Example 2.8. Suppose that X ∼ fθ for some parameter θ ∈ Θ. We say that T ≡ t(X)is a sufficient statistic for θ if the likelihood can be written as

L(θ | X = x) = fθ(x) = g(t(x), θ) · h(x).

Note that under a Bayesian interpretation of θ, this is equivalent to saying that X ⊥⊥ θ | T .

Conditional independence can also give huge computational advantages for dealing withcomplex distributions and large datasets. Take random variables X,Y, Z on a productspace with joint density

pθ(x, y, z) = gη(x, y) · hζ(y, z), ∀x, y, z, θ,

for some functions g, h, where θ = (η, ζ) is a Cartesian product.


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Then suppose we wish to find the maximum likelihood estimate of θ; well this is justθ = (η, ζ) where

η = arg maxη


gη(xi, yi), ζ = arg maxζ


hζ(yi, zi).

So we can maximize these two pieces separately. Notice in particular that we don’t needall the data in either case!

If in a Bayesian mood, we might impose a prior π(η, ζ) = π(η)π(ζ). Then

π(η, ζ | x,y, z) ∝ π(η) · π(ζ) ·∏i

gη(xi, yi) · hζ(yi, zi)




gη(xi, yi)



hζ(yi, zi)

}= π(η | x,y) · π(ζ | y, z).

Applying Theorem 2.4(ii) we see that η ⊥⊥ ζ | X,Y ,Z, and so we can perform inferenceabout this distribution for the two pieces separately (e.g. by running an MCMC procedureor finding the posterior mode).

Indeed, each piece only require part of the data, and for large problems this can be atremendous computational saving.

2.4 The Multivariate Gaussian Distribution

Let XV = (X1, . . . , Xp)T ∈ Rp be a random vector. Let µ ∈ Rp and Σ ∈ Rp×p be a positive

definite symmetric matrix. We say that XV has a multivariate Gaussian distributionwith parameters µ and Σ if the joint density is

f(xV ) =1



2(xV − µ)TΣ−1(xV − µ)

}, xV ∈ Rp.

This is also called the multivariate normal distribution. The concentration matrix isK ≡ Σ−1.

Proposition 2.9. Let XV have a multivariate Gaussian distribution with concentrationmatrix K = Σ−1. Then Xi ⊥⊥ Xj | XV \{i,j} if and only if kij = 0, where kij is thecorresponding entry in the concentration matrix.

Proof. The log-density is

log f(xV ) = −1

2(xV − µ)TK(xV − µ) + const

where the constant term does not depend upon xV . It is clear that the only term involvingboth xi and xj is −kij(xi − µi)(xj − µj). Hence, kij = 0 if and only if the log-density hasseparate terms for each of xi and xj .

We will return to the multivariate Gaussian distribution in Chapter 5.


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3 Contingency Tables

For much of the rest of the course we will be dealing with collections of random variablesXV ≡ (Xv : v ∈ V ), indexed by a set V = {1, . . . , p}. Each Xv takes values in the set Xv.For a subset of the variables A ⊆ V , we write XA to denote (Xv : v ∈ A).

In this section we will assume that our variables Xv are discrete with a finite set oflevels Xv ≡ {1, . . . , dv}. Though we use integers as labels, they can represent somethingcompletely arbitrary and unordered such as religion, social preference, or a car model.

Given a vector of these categories X(i)V = (X

(i)1 , . . . , X

(i)p ) sampled over individuals i =

1, . . . , n, it is helpful to cross-tabulate their responses. Define:

n(xV ) ≡n∑i=1

1{X(i)1 = x1, . . . , X

(i)p = xp},

i.e. the number of individuals who have the response pattern xV . These counts are thesufficient statistics for a multinomial model, whose log-likelihood is

l(p;n) =∑xV

n(xV ) log p(xV ), p(xV ) ≥ 0,∑xV

p(xV ) = 1.

Each possibility xV is called a cell of the table. Given a subset of the responses A ⊆ Vwe may be interested in the marginal table:

n(xA) ≡∑xB

n(xA, xB),

where B = V \A.

Example 3.1. Consider the death penalty data again:

Victim White Victim BlackDefendant White Black Defendant White Black

Yes 53 11 Yes 0 4No 414 37 No 16 139

The marginal table has

Defendant White Black

Yes 53 15No 430 176

3.1 Computation

As noted in the introduction, even a moderately sized contingency table will cause statisti-cal problems in practice due to the curse of dimensionality. If we have k binary variables,then the contingency table will have 2k cells. Even for k = 10 we will have over a thousandpossibilities, and for k = 50 there are too many to cells to store in a computer’s memory.

Conditional independence can help, however; suppose that XA ⊥⊥ XB | XS for someA ∪B ∪ S = V , so that we have

p(xV ) = p(xS) · p(xA | xS) · p(xB | xS).


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Now we can store each of these factors in computer memory separately, which means2s + 2a+s + 2b+s = 2s(1 + 2a + 2b) cells instead of 2s+a+b. This is a considerable saving ifs is small. With respect to calculations, if we want to find P (Xv = 1) and v ∈ A, then weneed only sum over the 2s+a entries in p(xS) · p(xA | xS) rather than the 2a+b+s entries inp(xV ).

Of course, if there are other conditional independences then one might imagine that furthercomputational savings are possible: indeed this is correct, and is one of the main ideasbehind graphical models.

3.2 Log-linear models

The log-linear parameters for p(xV ) > 0 are defined by the relation

log p(xV ) =∑A⊆V


= λ∅ + λ1(x1) + · · ·+ λV (xV ),

and the identifiability constraint λA(xA) = 0 whenever xa = 1 for some a ∈ A. (Otheridentifiability constraints can also be used.)

In the case of binary variables (that is, each variable takes only two states, dv = 2,Xv = {1, 2}), there is only one possibly non-zero level for each log-linear parameter λA(xA),which is when xA = (2, . . . , 2). In this case we will simply write λA = λA(2, . . . , 2). Wewill proceed under this assumption from now on.

Example 3.2. Consider a 2 × 2 table with probabilities πij = P (X = i, Y = j). Thelog-linear parametrization has

log π11 = λ∅ log π21 = λ∅ + λX

log π12 = λ∅ + λY log π22 = λ∅ + λX + λY + λXY .

From this we can deduce that

λXY = logπ11π22π21π12


The quantity expλXY is called the odds ratio between X and Y , and is a fundamentalquantity in statistical inference.

Multinomial models can be fitted as Poisson GLMs using the following fact:

Proposition 3.3. Let Xi ∼ Poisson(µi) independently, and let N =∑k

i=1Xi. Then,

N ∼ Poisson(∑i


(X1, . . . , Xk) | N = n ∼ Multinom(n, (π1, . . . , πk)),

where πi = µi/∑

i µi.


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3.3 Conditional Independence

Log-linear parameters provide a convenient way of expressing conditional independenceconstraints, since factorization of a density is equivalent to an additive separation of thelog-density.

Theorem 3.4. Let p > 0 be a discrete distribution on XV with associated log-linearparameters λC , C ⊆ V . The conditional independence Xa ⊥⊥ Xb | XV \{a,b} holds if andonly if λC = 0 for all {a, b} ⊆ C ⊆ V .

Proof. See examples sheet.

If there is a conditional independence, then the log-linear parameters can be calculated byjust looking at the distribution of each ‘piece’ of the conditional independence separately.For example, suppose that XA ⊥⊥ XB | XC , where A∪B ∪C = V . Then by Theorem 2.4,we have

p(xC) · p(xA, xB, xC) = p(xA, xC) · p(xB, xC),

and hence

log p(xA, xB, xC) = log p(xA, xC) + log p(xB, xC)− log p(xC).

Then applying the log-linear expansions to each term, we get∑W⊆V

λW (xW ) =∑

W⊆A∪CλACW (xW ) +


λBCW (xW )−∑W⊆C

λCW (xW ),

where λBC By equating terms we can see that

λW (xW ) = λACW (xW ) for any W ⊆ A ∪ C with W ∩A 6= ∅λW (xW ) = λBCW (xW ) for any W ⊆ B ∪ C with W ∩B 6= ∅λW (xW ) = λACW (xW ) + λBCW (xW )− λCW (xW ) for any W ⊆ C.

So under this conditional independence, the log-linear parameters for p(xV ) are easilyobtainable from those for p(xA, xC) and p(xB, xC).

Example 3.5. Let us now try applying this to our death penalty dataset using R. Thefile deathpen.txt is available on the class website.

> df <- read.table("deathpen.txt", header=TRUE)

> df

DeathPen Defendant Victim freq

1 Yes White White 53

2 No White White 414

3 Yes Black White 11

4 No Black White 37

5 Yes White Black 0

6 No White Black 16

7 Yes Black Black 4

8 No Black Black 139


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We can fit log-linear models using the glm() command with a Poisson response. Thisgives the model DeathPen ⊥⊥ Defendant | Victim.

> mod1 = glm(freq ~ DeathPen*Victim + Defendant*Victim,

+ family=poisson, data=df)

> summary(mod1)$coefficients

The output (edited for brevity) is:


Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)

(Intercept) 4.0610 0.1258 32.283 < 2e-16 ***

DeathPenNo 1.9526 0.1336 14.618 < 2e-16 ***

VictimBlack -4.9711 0.5675 -8.760 < 2e-16 ***

DefendantBlack -2.2751 0.1516 -15.010 < 2e-16 ***

DeathPenNo:VictimBlack 1.7045 0.5237 3.255 0.00114 **

VictimBlack:DefendantBlack 4.4654 0.3041 14.685 < 2e-16 ***

We can verify that the coefficient of Victim-Defendant is the same as the marginal logodds-ratio between those two variables by fitting a model that ignores whether or not thedeath penalty was administered:

> mod2 = glm(freq ~ Defendant*Victim,

+ family=poisson, data=df)

> summary(mod2)$coefficients

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)

(Intercept) 5.45318 0.04627 117.84 <2e-16 ***

DefendantBlack -2.27513 0.15157 -15.01 <2e-16 ***

VictimBlack -3.37374 0.25423 -13.27 <2e-16 ***

DefendantBlack:VictimBlack 4.46538 0.30407 14.69 <2e-16 ***

Note that the parameter estimates relating to the Defendant’s race (and their standarderrors) are the same as in the larger model.

It is perhaps easier just to recover the predicted counts under the model:

> count1 <- predict.glm(mod1, type="response")

> count1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

58.035 408.965 5.965 42.035 0.403 15.597 3.597 139.403

Compare these to the actual counts: a goodness of fit test can be performed by usingPearson’s χ2 test or (almost equivalently) by looking at the residual deviance of the model.


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4 Undirected Graphical Models

Conditional independence is, in general, a rather complicated object. In fact, one canderive a countably infinite number of properties like those in Theorem 2.6 to try to describeit. Graphical models are a class of conditional independence models with particularly niceproperties. In this section we introduce undirected graphical models.

4.1 Undirected Graphs

Definition 4.1. Let V be a finite set. An undirected graph G is a pair (V,E) where:

• V are the vertices;

• E ⊆ {{i, j} : i, j ∈ V, i 6= j} is a set of unordered distinct pairs of V , called edges.

We represent graphs by drawing the vertices (also called nodes) and then joining pairs ofvertices by a line if there is an edge between them.

Example 4.2. The graph in Figure 1(a) has five vertices and six edges:

V = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};E = {{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {3, 5}, {4, 5}}.

We write i ∼ j if {i, j} ∈ E, and say that i and j are adjacent in the graph. The verticesadjacent to i are called the neighbours of i, and the set of neighbours is often called theboundary of i and denoted bdG(i).

A path in a graph is a sequence of adjacent vertices, without repetition. For example,1 − 2 − 3 − 5 is a path in the graph in Figure 1(a). However 3 − 1 − 2 − 3 − 4 is not apath, since the vertex 3 appears twice. The length of a path is the number of edges in it.There is trivially a path of length zero from each vertex to itself.

Definition 4.3 (Separation). Let A,B, S ⊆ V . We say that A and B are separated by Sin G (and write A ⊥s B | S [G]) if every path from any a ∈ A to any b ∈ B contains atleast one vertex in S.

For example, {1, 2} is separated from {5} by {3} in Figure 1(a).

Note that there is no need for A,B, S to be disjoint for the definition to make sense,though in practice this is usually assumed.

Given a subset of vertices W ⊆ V , we define the induced subgraph GW of G to be the graphwith vertices W , and all edges from G whose endpoints are contained in W . For example,the induced subgraph of Figure 1(a) over {2, 3, 5} is the graph 2− 3− 5.

We remark that A and B are separated by S (where S ∩A = S ∩B = ∅) if and only if Aand B are separated by ∅ in GV \S .

4.2 Markov Properties

A graphical model is a statistical model based on the structure of a graph. We associateeach vertex v with a random variable Xv, and infer structure (a model) on the joint


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1 2



Figure 1: Two undirected graphs.





Figure 2: An undirected graph.

distribution of the random variables from the structure of the graph. In all the exampleswe consider, the model will be defined by conditional independences arising from missingedges in the graph.

Definition 4.4. Let G be a graph with vertices V , and let p be a probability distributionover the random variables XV . We say that p satisfies the pairwise Markov property forG if

i 6∼ j in G =⇒ Xi ⊥⊥ Xj | XV \{i,j} [p].

In other words, whenever an edge is missing in G there is a corresponding conditionalindependence in p.

Example 4.5. Looking at the graph in Figure 2, we see that there are two missing edges,{1, 4} and {2, 4}. Therefore a distribution obeys the pairwise Markov property for thisgraph if and only if X1 ⊥⊥ X4 | X2, X3 and X2 ⊥⊥ X4 | X1, X3.

Note that, if the distribution is positive then we can apply Property 5 of Theorem 2.6 toobtain that X1, X2 ⊥⊥ X4 | X3.

The word ‘Markov’ is used by analogy with Markov chains, in which a similar independencestructure is observed. In fact, undirected graph models are often called Markov randomfields or Markov networks in the machine learning literature.

Definition 4.6. We say that p satisfies the global Markov property for G if for any disjointsets A,B, S

A ⊥s B | S in G =⇒ XA ⊥⊥ XB | XS [p].

In other words, whenever a separation is present in G there is a corresponding conditionalindependence in p.


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Proposition 4.7. The global Markov property implies the pairwise Markov property.

Proof. If i 6∼ j then clearly any path from i to j first visits a vertex in V \ {i, j}. HenceV \ {i, j} separates i and j.

We will shortly see that the pairwise property ‘almost’ implies the global property.

It is common, though a pet peeve of your lecturer, to confuse a ‘graph’ with a ‘graphicalmodel’. A graph is—as should now be clear from the definitions above—a purely mathe-matical (as opposed to statistical) object; a graphical model is a statistical model that isbased on the structure of a graph.

4.3 Cliques and Factorization

The pairwise Markov property implies a conditional independence involving all the vari-ables represented in a graph for each edge that is missing from the graph; from Theorem 2.4it is therefore a factorization on the joint distribution. A natural question is whether theseseparate factorizations can be combined into a single constraint on the joint distribution;in this section we show that they can, at least for positive distributions.

Definition 4.8. Let G be a graph with vertices V . We say C is complete if i ∼ j for everyi, j ∈ C. A maximal complete set is called a clique. We will denote the set of cliques in agraph by C(G).

The cliques of Figure 1(a) are {1, 2, 3} and {3, 4, 5}, and the complete sets are any subsetsof these vertices. Note that {v} is trivially complete in any graph.

The graph in Figure 1(b) has cliques {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4} and {1, 4}.

Definition 4.9. Let G be a graph with vertices V . We say a distribution with density pfactorizes according to G if

p(xV ) =∏


ψC(xC) (1)

for some functions ψC . The functions ψC are called potentials.

Recalling Theorem 2.4, it is clear that this factorization implies conditional independenceconstraints. In fact, it implies those conditional independence statements given by theglobal Markov property.

Theorem 4.10. If p(xV ) factorizes according to G, then p obeys the global Markov propertywith respect to G.

Proof. Suppose that S separates A and B in G. Let A be the set of vertices that areconnected to A by paths in GV \S ; in particular, B ∩ A = ∅. Let B = V \ (A ∪ S), so that

A and B are separated by S, V = A ∪ B ∪ S, and A ⊆ A, B ⊆ B.

Every clique in G must be a subset of either A ∪ S or B ∪ S, since there are no edgesbetween A and B. Hence we can write∏

C∈CψC(xC) =


ψC(xC) ·∏C∈CB


= f(xA, xS) · f(xB, xS).


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and hence XA ⊥⊥ XB | XS . Then applying property 2 of Theorem 2.6 gives XA ⊥⊥ XB |XS .

Theorem 4.11 (Hammersley-Clifford Theorem). If p(xV ) > 0 obeys the pairwise Markovproperty with respect to G, then p factorizes according to G.

The proof of this is omitted, but if of interest it can be found in Lauritzen’s book.

We can now summarize our Markov properties as follows:

factorization =⇒ global Markov property =⇒ pairwise Markov property,

and if p is positive, then we also have

pairwise Markov property =⇒ factorization,

so all three are equivalent. The result is not true in general if p is not strictly positive.

Example 4.12. Let X3 and X4 be independent Bernoulli variables with P (X3 = 1) =P (X4 = 1) = 1

2 , and P (X1 = X2 = X4) = 1. Then X4 ⊥⊥ X1 | X2, X3 and X4 ⊥⊥ X2 |X1, X3, but X4 6⊥⊥ X1, X2 | X3.

Hence, P satisfies the pairwise Markov property with respect to Figure 2, but not theglobal Markov property.

It is important to note that one can define models of the form (1) that are not graphical,if the sets C do not correspond to the cliques of a graph. See the Examples Sheet.

4.4 Decomposability

Given the discussion in Section 2.3 we might wonder whether we can always performinference on cliques separately in graphical models? The answer turns out to be that, ingeneral, we can’t—at least not without being more careful. However, for a particularlyimportant subclass known as decomposable models, we can.

Definition 4.13. Let G be an undirected graph with vertices V = A ∪ S ∪ B, whereA,B, S are disjoint sets. We say that (A,S,B) constitutes a decomposition of G if:

• GS is complete;

• A and B are separated by S in G.

If A and B are both non-empty we say the decomposition is proper.

Example 4.14. Consider the graph in Figure 1(a). Here {1, 2} is separated from {4, 5}by {3}, and {3} is trivially complete so ({1, 2}, {3}, {4, 5}) is a decomposition. Note that({2}, {1, 3}, {4, 5}) is also a decomposition, for example. We say that a decomposition isminimal if there is no subset of S that can be used to separate A and B.

The graph in Figure 1(b) cannot be decomposed, since the only possible separating sets are{1, 3} and {2, 4}, which are not complete. A graph which cannot be (properly) decomposedis called prime.


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1 2





1 2


3 3




Figure 3: Left: a decomposable graph. Right: the results of a possible decomposition ofthe graph, ({1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}).

Definition 4.15. Let G be a graph. We say that G is decomposable if it is complete, orthere is a proper decomposition (A,S,B) and both GA∪S and GB∪S are also decomposable.

The graph in Figure 1(a) is decomposable, because using the decomposition ({1, 2}, {3}, {4, 5})we can see that G{1,2,3} and G{3,4,5} are complete (and therefore decomposable by defini-tion).

The graph in Figure 3 can be decomposed as shown, into G{1,2,3,4} and G{3,4,5,6}, both ofwhich are themselves decomposable.

Definition 4.16. Let C be a collection of subsets of V . We say that the sets C satisfythe running intersection property if there is an ordering C1, . . . , Ck, such that for everyj = 2, . . . , k there exists σ(j) < j with

Cj ∩j−1⋃i=1

Ci = Cj ∩ Cσ(j).

In other words, the intersection of each set with all the previously seen objects is containedin a single set.

Example 4.17. The sets {1, 2, 3}, {3, 4}, {2, 3, 5}, {3, 5, 6} satisfy the running intersectionproperty, under that ordering.

The sets {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {1, 4} cannot be ordered in such a way.

Proposition 4.18. If C1, . . . , Ck satisfy the running intersection property, then there isa graph whose cliques are precisely (the inclusion maximal elements of) C = {C1, . . . , Ck}.

Proof. This is left as an exercise for the interested reader.

Definition 4.19. Let G be an undirected graph. A cycle is a sequence of vertices〈v1, . . . , vk〉 for k ≥ 3, such that there is a path v1 − · · · − vk and an edge vk − v1.

A chord on a cycle is any edge between two vertices not adjacent on the cycle. We say thata graph is chordal or triangulated if whenever there is a cycle of length ≥ 4, it contains achord.

Beware of taking the word ‘triangulated’ at face value: the graph in Figure 4(b) is nottriangulated because of the cycle 1− 2− 5− 4, which contains no chords.


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Figure 4: Two undirected graphs: (a) is chordal, (b) is not.

Theorem 4.20. Let G be an undirected graph. The following are equivalent:

(i) G is decomposable;

(ii) G is triangulated;

(iii) every minimal a, b-separator is complete;

(iv) the cliques of G satisfy the running intersection property.

Proof. (i) =⇒ (ii). We proceed by induction on p, the number of vertices in the graph.Let G be decomposable; if it is complete then it is clearly triangulated, so the result holdsfor p = 1. Otherwise, let (A,S,B) be a proper decomposition, so that GA∪S and GB∪Sare both have strictly fewer vertices and are decomposable. By the induction hypothesis,there are no chordless cycles entirely contained in A∪ S or B ∪ S, so any such cycle mustcontain a vertex a ∈ A and b ∈ B. Then the cycle must pass through S twice, and sinceS is complete this means there is a chord on the cycle.

(ii) =⇒ (iii). Suppose there is a minimal a, b-separator, say S, which is not complete;let s1, s2 ∈ S be non-adjacent. Since the separator is minimal there is a path π1 from ato b via s1 ∈ S, and another path π2 from a to b via s2 ∈ S, and neither of these pathsintersects any other element of S. By concatenating the paths we obtain a closed walk;by shrinking the end of the paths to any vertices which are common to both we obtaina cycle. Make the cycle of minimal length by traversing chords, and we end up with achordless cycle of length ≥ 4.

(iii) =⇒ (iv). If the graph is complete there is nothing to prove, otherwise pick a, b notadjacent and let S be a minimal separator. As in Theorem 4.10, let A be the connectedcomponent of a in GV \S , and B the rest. Then apply the result by induction to the strictlysmaller graphs GA∪S and GB∪S . Then claim that this gives a series of cliques that satisfiesthe RIP. [See Examples Sheet 2.]

(iv) =⇒ (i). We proceed by induction, on the number of cliques. If k = 1 there is nothingto prove. Let Rk = V \ Ck, and Sk = Ck ∩

⋃k−1i=1 Ci; we claim that (Rk, Sk, Ck \ Sk) is a

proper decomposition, and that the graph GRk∪Sk has k − 1 cliques that also satisfy therunning intersection property.

Corollary 4.21. Let G be decomposable and (A,S,B) be a proper decomposition. ThenGA∪S and GB∪S are also decomposable.


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Proof. If G is triangulated then so are any induced subgraphs of G.

This corollary reassures us that to check if a graph is decomposable we can just go aheadand start decomposing, and we will never have to ‘back track’.

Definition 4.22. A forest is a graph that contains no cycles. If a forest is connected wecall it a tree.

All forests (and hence trees) are decomposable, since they are clearly triangulated. In fact,the relationship between trees and connected decomposable graphs is more fundamentalthan this. Decomposable graphs are ‘tree-like’, in a sense we will make precise later in thecourse (Section 8). This turns out to be extremely useful for computational reasons.

4.5 Separator Sets

Let G be a decomposable graph, and let C1, . . . , Ck be an ordering of the cliques whichsatisfies running intersection. Define the jth separator set for j ≥ 2 as

Sj ≡ Cj ∩j−1⋃i=1

Ci = Cj ∩ Cσ(j).

By convention S1 = ∅.

Lemma 4.23. Let G be a graph with decomposition (A,S,B), and let p be a distribu-tion; then p factorizes with respect to G if and only if its marginals p(xA∪S) and p(xB∪S)factorize according to GA∪S and GB∪S respectively, and

p(xV ) · p(xS) = p(xA∪S) · p(xB∪S). (2)

Proof. Note that, as observed in the proof of Theorem 4.10, every clique in GA∪S is a(subset of a) clique in G. Hence if (2) and the factorizations with respect to those subgraphshold, then we can see that p factorizes with respect to G.

Now suppose that p factorizes with respect to G, and note that this implies that p obeys theglobal Markov property with respect to G. From the decomposition, we have A ⊥s B | Sin G, and so by the global Markov property applied to G we obtain the independence XA ⊥⊥XB | XS [p]; this gives us the equation (2) by Theorem 2.4. Since this is a decomposition,all cliques of G are contained either within A∪S or B ∪S (or both). Let A be the cliquescontained in A ∪ S, and B the rest.

Then p(xV ) =∏C∈A ψC(xC) ·

∏C∈B ψC(xC) = h(xA, xS) · k(xB, xS). Substituting p(xV )

into (2) and integrating both sides with respect to xA gives

p(xS) · k(xB, xS)

∫h(xA, xS) dxA = p(xS) · p(xB, xS)

p(xS) · k(xB, xS) · h(xS) = p(xS) · p(xB, xS),

which shows that p(xB, xS) = ψ′S(xS)∏C∈B ψC as required.


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Theorem 4.24. Let G be a decomposable graph with cliques C1, . . . , Ck. Then p factorizeswith respect to G if and only if

p(xV ) =k∏i=1

p(xCi\Si | xSi) =k∏i=1



Further, the quantities p(xCi\Si | xSi) are variation independent (i.e. they may jointly takeany set of values that would be valid individually), so inference for p(xV ) can be based onseparate inferences for each p(xCi).

Proof. If p factorizes in the manner suggested then it satisfies the factorization propertyfor G.

For the converse we proceed by induction on k. If k = 1 the result is trivial. Otherwise,note that Ck \Sk is separated from Hk ≡

(⋃i<k Ci

)\Sk by Sk, so we have a decomposition

(Hk, Sk, Ck \ Sk), and hence applying Lemma 4.23,

p(xSk) · p(xV ) = p(xCk) · p(xHk , xSk)

where p(xHk , xSk) factorizes according to GHk∪Sk . This is the graph with cliques C1, . . . , Ck−1,which trivially also satisfy running intersection. Hence, by the induction hypothesis

p(xSk) · p(xV ) = p(xCk) ·k−1∏i=1



giving the required result.

The variation independence follows from the fact that p(xCk\Sk | xSk) can take the formof any valid probability distribution.

This result is extremely useful for statistical inference, since we only need to consider themargins of variables corresponding to cliques. Suppose we have a contingency table withcounts n(xV ). The likelihood for a decomposable graph is

l(p;n) =∑xV

n(xV ) log p(xV )


n(xV )


log p(xCi\Si | xSi)




n(xCi) log p(xCi\Si | xSi),

so inference about p(xCi\Si | xSi) should be based entirely upon n(xCi). Using Lagrangemultipliers (see also Sheet 0, Question 4) we can see that the likelihood is maximized bychoosing

p(xCi\Si | xSi) =n(xCi)

n(xSi), i.e. p(xCi) =



using the empirical distribution for each clique.


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4.6 Non-Decomposable Models

It would be natural to ask at this point whether the closed-form results for decomposablemodels also hold for general undirected graph models; unfortunately they do not. However,from our discussion about exponential families we can say the following:

Theorem 4.25. Let G be an undirected graph, and suppose we have counts n(xV ). Thenthe maximum likelihood estimate p under the set of distributions that are Markov to G isthe unique element in which

n · p(xC) = n(xC).

The iterative proportional fitting (IPF) algorithm, also sometimes called the iterative pro-portional scaling (IPS) algorithm, starts with a discrete distribution that satisfies theMarkov property for the graph G (usually we pick the uniform distribution, so that every-thing is independent), and then iteratively fixes each margin p(xC) to match the requireddistribution using the update step:

p(t+1)(xV ) = p(t)(xV ) · p(xC)


= p(t)(xV \C | xC) · p(xC).

Note that this is closely related to the message passing algorithm in Section 8.

Algorithm 1 Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF) algorithm.

function IPF(collection of consistent margins q(xCi) for sets C1, . . . , Ck)set p(xV ) to uniform distribution;while maxi maxxCi |p(xCi)− q(xCi)| > tol do

for i in 1, . . . , k doupdate p(xV ) to p(xV \Ci | xCi) · q(xCi);

end forend whilereturn distribution p with margins p(xCi) = q(xCi).

end function

The sequence of distributions in IPF converges to the MLE p(xV ). To see this, firstnote that the update (3) ensures that the moments for the sufficient statistics involvingthe clique C are matched. Second, after each update step the joint distribution remainsMarkov with respect to G: this can be seen easily by considering the factorization. Per-forming each step increases the likelihood, and since the log-likelihood is concave, this sortof co-ordinate based iterative updating scheme will converge to the global maximum.

Example 4.26. Consider the 4-cycle in Figure 20(a), with cliques {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {1, 4}.

Suppose we have data from n = 96 observations as shown in the table below (the column‘count’).


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X1 X2 X3 X4 count step 0 step 1 step 2 step 3 step 4 n0 0 0 0 5 6 7.5 13 13 12.59 12.61 0 0 0 10 6 3.75 6.5 6.5 6.97 6.950 1 0 0 20 6 9.25 11.97 11.97 11.59 11.581 1 0 0 1 6 3.5 4.53 4.53 4.86 4.870 0 1 0 0 6 7.5 2 1.17 1.13 1.131 0 1 0 3 6 3.75 1 0.58 0.63 0.630 1 1 0 4 6 9.25 6.53 3.81 3.69 3.691 1 1 0 0 6 3.5 2.47 1.44 1.55 1.550 0 0 1 24 6 7.5 13 13 13.33 13.351 0 0 1 0 6 3.75 6.5 6.5 6.11 6.10 1 0 1 9 6 9.25 11.97 11.97 12.28 12.271 1 0 1 3 6 3.5 4.53 4.53 4.26 4.280 0 1 1 1 6 7.5 2 2.83 2.91 2.911 0 1 1 2 6 3.75 1 1.42 1.33 1.330 1 1 1 4 6 9.25 6.53 9.25 9.49 9.461 1 1 1 10 6 3.5 2.47 3.5 3.29 3.3

The marginals over the cliques are:

n(x12) X2 = 0 1

X1 = 0 30 371 15 14

n(x23) X3 = 0 1

X2 = 0 39 61 33 18

n(x34) X4 = 0 1

X3 = 0 36 361 7 17

n(x14) X4 = 0 1

X1 = 0 29 381 14 15

To implement IPF, we start with a uniform table, given in the column ‘step 0’. We thenscale the entries so as to match the X1, X2 margin above. For instance, the four entriescorresponding to X1 = X2 = 0 are scaled to add up to 30; this gives the column ‘step1’. This is repeated for each of the other cliques, giving steps 2–4. By the fourth stepthe distribution of all cliques has been updated, but note that the margin over X1, X2 isnow 29.96, 15.04, 37.04, 13.96. We keep cycling until the process converges to the finalcolumn, which matches all four margins.


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5 Gaussian Graphical Models

Recall that XV has a multivariate Gaussian distribution with parameters µ and Σ ifthe joint density is

f(xV ) =1



2(xV − µ)TΣ−1(xV − µ)

}, xV ∈ Rp.

Exercise: show that EX = µ and CovX = Σ (hint: using the Cholesky decompositionwrite Σ = LLT , where L is a lower triangular invertible matrix, and use a change ofvariables).

Proposition 5.1. Let XV ∼ Np(µ,Σ), and let A be a q × p matrix of full rank q. Then

AXV ∼ Nq(Aµ,AΣAT ).

In particular, for any U ⊆ V we have XU ∼ Nq(µU ,ΣUU ).

Proof sketch (you should fill in the gaps). For q = p this just follows from applying thetransformation Z = AXV to the density of XV . If q < p then since Σ is positive definitewe can write Σ = LLT for a non-singular lower triangular matrix L; then construct anon-singular p× p matrix

A =


)whose first q rows are A, and such that AL has its first q rows orthogonal to its last p− qrows. Then




)and the first q components have the desired marginal distribution.

For simplicity of notation, we will assume throughout that µ = 0.

5.1 Gaussian Graphical Models

We only consider the case in which Σ is positive definite, so all our density functions arestrictly positive. Hence, by the Hammersley-Clifford Theorem, the pairwise and globalMarkov properties, and the factorization criterion all lead to the same conditional inde-pendence restrictions. If any of these hold, we will say that Σ ‘is Markov with respect to’a graph, without ambiguity.

Recall that XA ⊥⊥ XB if and only if ΣAB = 0, and note that a corollary of this is thatX ⊥⊥ Y and X ⊥⊥ Z does imply X ⊥⊥ Y, Z for jointly Gaussian random variables.

Theorem 5.2. Let XV ∼ Np(µ,Σ) for positive definite Σ, with K = Σ−1. Then thedistribution of XV is Markov with respect to G if and only if kab = 0 whenever a 6∼ b in G.

Proof. This follows immediately from Proposition 2.9.


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We introduce some notation for convenience. If M is a matrix whose rows and columnsare indexed by A ⊆ V , we write {M}A,A to indicate the matrix indexed by V whoseA,A-entries are M and with zeroes elsewhere.

Lemma 5.3. Let G be a graph with decomposition (A,S,B), and XV ∼ Np(0,Σ). Thenp(xV ) is Markov with respect to G if and only if

Σ−1 ={

(ΣA∪S,A∪S)−1}A∪S,A∪S +


}B∪S,B∪S −




and ΣA∪S,A∪S and ΣB∪S,B∪S are Markov with respect to GA∪S and GB∪S respectively.

Proof. We know from Lemma 4.23 that

p(xV ) · p(xS) = p(xA, xS) · p(xB, xS).

where p(xA, xS) and p(xB, xS) are Markov with respect to GA∪S and GB∪S respectively.Since margins of multivariate Gaussians are also multivariate Gaussian, we can insert theappropriate density for each term, take logs and rearrange to see that:

xTV Σ−1xV + xTS (ΣSS)−1xS = xTA∪S(ΣA∪S,A∪S)−1xA∪S + xTB∪S(ΣB∪S,B∪S)−1xB∪S + const.

which is a quadratic polynomial in the variables xv. By, comparing coefficients for eachterm we obtain that

Σ−1 ={

(ΣA∪S,A∪S)−1}A∪S,A∪S +


}B∪S,B∪S −




This gives the result.

Applying the previous result to a decomposable graph repeatedly we see that XV is Markovwith respect to G if and only if

Σ−1 =k∑i=1







5.2 Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Let X(1)V , . . . , X

(n)V be i.i.d. Np(0,Σ); then the maximum likelihood estimator of Σ is the

sample covariance matrix

Σ = W ≡ 1



X(i)V X

(i)TV .

Let ΣG denote the MLE for Σ under the restriction that the distribution satisfies theMarkov property for G, and KG its inverse.

Then, since the MLE of a saturated Gaussian is to have Σ = W , the maximum likelihoodestimate for K = Σ−1 is given by











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statistics mechanics


Figure 5: A graph for the maths test data.

5.3 Data Examples

Example 5.4. Whittaker (1990) analyses data on five maths test results administeredto 88 students, in analysis, algebra, vectors, mechanics and statistics. The empiricalconcentration matrix (i.e. S−1) is given by the following table (entries multiplied by 103)

mechanics vectors algebra analysis statistics

mechanics 5.24 -2.43 -2.72 0.01 -0.15vectors -2.43 10.42 -4.72 -0.79 -0.16algebra -2.72 -4.72 26.94 -7.05 -4.70analysis 0.01 -0.79 -7.05 9.88 -2.02

statistics -0.15 -0.16 -4.70 -2.02 6.45

Notice that some of the entries in the concentration matrix are quite small, suggestingthat conditional independence holds. Indeed, fitting the graphical model in Figure 5 givesan excellent fit (see Examples Sheet 2). The model suggests that ability in analysis andstatistics is independent of ability in mechanics and vector calculus, conditional on one’sfundamental abilities in algebra.


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6 The Lasso and Graphical Lasso

6.1 The Lasso

Consider the ordinary linear regression model

Yi =


xijβj + εi,

with εii.i.d.∼ N(0, σ2). The least squares estimator of β = (β1, . . . , βp)

T is

β = arg minβ‖Y −Xβ‖2 = (XTX)−1XTY,

provided that X has full column rank p. You may recall that β−β ∼ Np(0, σ2(XTX)−1),

so in particular the MLE is unbiased and achieves the Cramer-Rao lower bound exactly.Note, however, that since the estimator is a continuous random variable, the probabilitythat βj = 0 is always zero. In other words, β does not select a submodel of non-zerocoefficients.

To select a submodel for linear regression we could use, for example, sequential likelihood-ratio or t-tests, or some sort of stepwise selection with an AIC penalty:

βAIC = arg minβ‖Y −Xβ‖2 + 2σ2‖β‖0.

Here ‖β‖0 = #{j : βj 6= 0} is the L0-penalty, which counts the number of non-zero entriesin the argument. However, these approaches do not ‘scale well’, in the sense that theybecome prohibitively computationally expensive (or just don’t work) for large numbersof variables p. To solve the AIC program above, we have to fit separate models for eachsubset of the p parameters. This potentially leads to 2p different linear model fits (thoughin practice we would use some sort of search method).

An alternative is to use a different penalty, one which is convex.

βlasso = arg minβ‖Y −Xβ‖2 + λ‖β‖1. (4)

Here ‖β‖1 =∑p

i=1 |βi| is the L1-penalty. This estimator has several nice properties, whichwe will explore.

First note that, if we ignore terms not depending upon βj , we get


(zij − xijβj)2 + λ|βj | (5)

where zij = Yi −∑

k 6=j xikβk. This is just a quadratic function of βj , plus the penaltyterm, so should be relatively simple to solve. The next lemma gives us the solution.

Lemma 6.1. Let

R(µ) ≡ aµ2 − bµ+ λ|µ|

for a > 0. Then R is minimized at

µ =1

2asign(b)(|b| − λ)+,

where x+ ≡ max{x, 0}.


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−4 −2 0 2 4







Figure 6: A plot of f(x) = sign(x)(|x| − λ)+ for x ∈ (−5, 5) and λ = 1. The dashed lineis y = x.

To interpret this, first assume a = 1. The usual quadratic function would be minimizedat b/2, but the penalty function ‘shrinks’ the solution towards 0. The function f(x) =sign(x)(|x| − λ)+ is shown in Figure 6. The absolute value of x is reduced by the penaltyparameter, and values below the threshold λ are cut off to zero entirely. This is sometimescalled soft-thresholding.

To find the global minimizer of the lasso problem (4), we need to minimize with respectto each βj . Note, however, that the coefficients zij depend upon the other values β−j .The simplest way to solve this is to iteratively update each βj by solving the problem(5) and then updating the zij . This is called the method of coordinate descent, and isguaranteed to find the global maximum for problems of the form (4).

6.2 Sparsity

The lasso has the property of producing sparse estimates; that is, it can return an estimateof the parameter vector β for which a large proportion of the entries are exactly 0. This isvery useful in scientific contexts where there are a large number of possible explanationsfor an effect, but it is reasonable to assume that only a few are actually important. Forexample: ‘which subset of genes are responsible for causing this disease?’

The geometric explanation for this property can be seen by first taking the Lagrangiandual of (6). For any λ > 0, there exists a t ≥ 0 such that

βlasso(λ) = arg minβ∈B1(t)‖Y −Xβ‖2, (6)


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−2 −1 0 1 2 3−











9 11 11


Figure 7: Illustration of why the L1-penalty leads to sparse estimates. The L1-ball B1(t)for t = 1 is shown, and the maximum within it lies at the corner (0, 1).

where B1(t) = {β ∈ Rp : ‖β‖1 ≤ t}. In other words, it is equivalent to constraint theL1-norm of β to be smaller than t.

The effect of this is shown in Figure 7, which shows that the contours of the L1-norm are‘pointy’ on the axes, and therefore a local minimum can occur with positive probability.You will prove this in the case of a one-dimensional model on Examples Sheet 2.

Let β = (βS , βV \S)T , where S = {j : βj 6= 0}. We call S the set of active covariates. Inmany problems it is just as important to estimate S consistently as β. Given an estimateβ, let

S ≡ S(β) = {j : βj 6= 0};

the property of consistency for model selection is that P (S = S)→ 1 as n→∞.

It can be proved that the lasso is consistent for model selection as the amount of datan → ∞, provided certain conditions are satisfied. One is the so-called irrepresentabilitycondition, which prevents a set of active covariates from being too closely related to a setof inactive covariates. Let 1

nXTX → Σ as n → ∞, where Σ is a p × p-matrix (you may

recall that this is proportional to the Fisher information matrix for β). Then divide Σinto blocks S and N ≡ V \ S corresponding to the active and inactive covariates:

Σ =





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The irrepresentability condition requires that


ΣjS(ΣSS)−1 sign(βS) < 1,

where sign(βS) is a vector of the signs of the entries in βS (i.e. it takes values in {−1,+1}).If this condition holds, then P (S = S)→ 1 as n→∞, provided that λ is chosen to growat the appropriate rate. If the condition is violated (i.e. the expression above is strictlygreater than 1), then inconsistency is guaranteed in the sense that no value of λ will givethe correct model.

Example 6.2. Suppose that Xi1, Xi2 are independent standard normals and Xi3 = 23Xi1+

23Xi2 + 1

3Zi for some independent Zi ∼ N(0, 1). Then one can check that

Σ =

1 0 23

0 1 23


23 1


and if the active set is S = {1, 2} we get

Σ3,12(Σ−112,12) =





hence if β1, β2 have the same sign the irrepresentability condition is violated.

Picking β1 = 2 and β2 = 3 gives the lasso path shown in Figure 6.2, with the exampleshown for n = 103. For sufficiently small λ (the right-hand side of the plot) we see theestimate is approximately correct, as we expect from maximum likelihood estimation witha fairly large sample size. However, nowhere in the plot is β3 = 0, because the algorithmprefers having β3 6= 0 to (correctly) having both β1 and β2 non-zero.

6.3 The Graphical Lasso

For Gaussian graphical models, we are interested in determining the true edges of agraph from data. For a large number of variables, finding the best fitting graph by anexhaustive—or even greedy—search is infeasible. An alternative is to use a method thathas a continuous penalty function, similar to the ordinary lasso.

In this case, in terms of the concentration matrix K, the log-likelihood is

l(K;S, n) =n

2{log |K| − tr(SK)}

Recall that we obtain the conditional independence Xi ⊥⊥ Xj | XV \{i,j} (and hence canconsider the i− j edge missing from the true graph) if and only if kij = 0. This suggeststhat, to obtain a sparse graph we want to penalize the off-diagonal entries in K.

This suggests a penalized estimator of the form

Kglasso = arg minK

−n2 log |K|+ n

2tr(SK) + λ


|kij |


This is the graphical lasso estimator (sometimes called the Glasso estimator) for K(and hence for Σ). Here we only penalize the off-diagonal entries, since we do not wantthe partial covariances to be zero.

Under similar (though slightly more complicated) conditions to the ordinary lasso, thegraphical lasso is consistent for model selection.


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* * *


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0












d C




* *










0 1 2 3

Figure 8: Lasso solution path for Example 6.2, in which the irrepresentability conditiondoes not hold.

Example 6.3. The Sachs et al. (2005) data consists of measurements of 11 signallingproteins in 7,466 different cells.

> dat <- read.table("sachs_et_al.txt", header=TRUE)

> head(dat)

PIP3 Plcg PIP2 PKC PKA Raf Mek Erk P38 Jnk Akt

1 58.80 8.82 18.30 17.00 414 26.4 13.20 6.61 44.9 40.0 17.0

2 8.13 12.30 16.80 3.37 352 35.9 16.50 18.60 16.5 61.5 32.5

3 13.00 14.60 10.20 11.40 403 59.4 44.10 14.90 31.9 19.5 32.5

4 1.29 23.10 13.50 13.70 528 73.0 82.80 5.83 28.6 23.1 11.8

5 24.80 5.19 9.73 4.66 305 33.7 19.80 21.10 25.7 81.3 46.1

6 10.90 17.60 22.10 13.70 610 18.8 3.75 11.90 49.1 57.8 25.7

> S <- cov(dat)

Most of the correlations between these variables are quite large, but let’s try to find a sparsegraphical model that can explain these relationships. The glasso package implements thegraphical lasso.

> library(glasso)

> out <- glassopath(S,

+ rholist = 10^seq(from=3, to=5, length=21),


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Figure 9: The graph output by the graphical lasso algorithm applied to the Sachs et al.data, for λ = 104.

+ penalize.diagonal = FALSE, trace=0)

> names(out) # wi is the estimated inverse covariance

[1] "w" "wi" "approx" "rholist" "errflag"

6.4 Selection of the Penalty Parameter

It should be clear from the form of (4) that the penalty parameter needs to grow with n inorder to have any influence on the parameter estimate. Exactly what rate the parametershould grow at depends on what the objective of using the lasso estimator is.

There are two main approaches. If the goal is the prediction of future observations Yi,then the usual approach is to use cross-validation to select λ. This is not covered here,but see the Part B Statistical Machine Learning course.

If the goal is to select the correct model, then it is necessary for λ = λn to grow with nat a rate between O(n1/2) and O(n). You will show this in the one-dimensional case onExamples Sheet 2.


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burglar earthquake


Figure 10: A directed graph representing a burglar alarm and the reasons it might go off.

7 Directed Graphical Models

Undirected graphs represent symmetrical relationships between random variables: thevertices in an undirected graph are typically unordered. In many realistic situations therelationships we wish to model are not symmetric: for example, in regression we have aoutcome that is modelled as a function of covariates, and implicitly this suggests that thecovariates ‘come before’ the outcome (in a temporal sense or otherwise).

A further limitation of undirected graphs is that they are only able to represent conditionalindependences; marginal independences arise very naturally. For example, suppose thatwe have independent inputs to a system, and an output that is a (random) function of theinputs. An example is given in Figure 10.

Such situations are naturally represented by a directed graph.

Definition 7.1. A directed graph G is a pair (V,D), where

• V is a finite set of vertices; and

• D ⊆ V × V is a collection of edges, which are ordered pairs of vertices. Loops (i.e.edges of the form (v, v)) are not allowed.

If (v, w) ∈ D we write v → w, and say that v is a parent of w, and conversely w a child ofv. Examples are given in Figures 10 and 11(a).

We still say that v and w are adjacent if v → w or w → v. A path in G is a sequence ofdistinct vertices such that each adjacent pair in the sequence is adjacent in G. The pathis directed if all the edges point away from the beginning of the path.

For example, in the graph in Figure 11(a), 1 and 2 are parents of 3. There is a path1→ 3← 2→ 5, and there is a directed path 1→ 3→ 5 from 1 to 5.

The set of parents of w is paG(w), and the set of children of v is chG(v).

Definition 7.2. A graph contains a directed cycle if there is a directed path from v to wtogether with an edge w → v. A directed graph is acyclic if it contains no directed cycles.We call such graphs directed acyclic graphs (DAGs).

All the directed graphs considered in this course are acyclic.

A topological ordering of the vertices of the graph is an ordering 1, . . . , k such that i ∈paG(j) implies that i < j. That is, vertices at the ‘top’ of the graph come earlier in the


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ordering. Acyclicity ensures that a topological ordering always exists (see the ExamplesSheet).

We say that a is an ancestor of v if either a = v, or there is a directed path a→ · · · → v.The set of ancestors of v is denoted by anG(v). The ancestors of 4 in the DAG in Figure11(a) are anG(4) = {2, 4}. The descendants of v are defined analogously and denoteddeG(v); the non-descendants of v are ndG(v) ≡ V \ deG(v). The non-descendants of 4 inFigure 11(a) are {1, 2, 3}.

7.1 Markov Properties

As with undirected graphs, we will associate a model with each DAG via various Markovproperties. The most natural way to describe the model associated with a DAG is via afactorization criterion, so this is where we begin.

For any multivariate probability distribution p(xV ), given an arbitrary ordering of thevariables x1, . . . , xk, we can iteratively use the definition of conditional distributions tosee that

p(xV ) =k∏i=1

p(xi | x1, . . . , xi−1).

A directed acyclic graph model uses this form with a topological ordering of the graph,and states that the right-hand side of each factor only depends upon the parents of i.

Definition 7.3 (Factorization Property). Let G be a directed acyclic graph with verticesV . We say that a probability distribution p(xV ) factorizes with respect to G if

p(xV ) =∏v∈V

p(xv | xpaG(v)), xV ∈ XV .

This is clearly a conditional independence model; given a total ordering on the vertices V ,let pre<(v) = {w | w < v} denote all the vertices that precede v according to the ordering.It is not hard to see that we are requiring

p(xv | xpre<(v)) = p(xv | xpaG(v)), v ∈ V

for an arbitrary topological ordering of the vertices <. That is,

Xv ⊥⊥ Xpre<(v)\paG(v) | XpaG(v)[p]. (7)

Since the ordering is arbitrary provided that it is topological, we can pick < so that asmany vertices come before v as possible; then we see that (7) implies

Xv ⊥⊥ XndG(v)\paG(v) | XpaG(v)[p]. (8)

Distributions are said to obey the local Markov property with respect to G if they satisfy(8) for every v ∈ V .

For example, the local Markov property applied to each vertex in Figure 11(a) wouldrequire that

X1 ⊥⊥ X2, X4 X2 ⊥⊥ X1 X3 ⊥⊥ X4 | X1, X2

X4 ⊥⊥ X1, X3 | X2 X5 ⊥⊥ X1, X2 | X3, X4


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1 2

3 4



1 2

3 4



Figure 11: (a) A directed graph and (b) its moral graph.

There is some redundancy here, but not all independences that hold are given directly.For example, using Theorem 2.6 we can deduce that X4, X5 ⊥⊥ X1 | X2, X3, but we mightwonder if there is a way to tell this immediately from the graph. For such a ‘global Markovproperty’ we need to do a bit more work.

7.2 Ancestrality

We say that a set of vertices A is ancestral if it contains all its own ancestors. So, forexample, the set {1, 2, 4} is ancestral in Figure 11(a); however {1, 3} is not, because {2}is an ancestor of {3} but it not included.

Ancestral sets play an important role in directed graphs because of the following proposi-tion.

Proposition 7.4. Let A be an ancestral set in G. Then p(xV ) factorizes with respect toG only if p(xA) factorizes with respect to GA.

Proof. See Examples Sheet 3.

Now suppose we wish to interrogate whether a conditional independence XA ⊥⊥ XB | XC

holds under a DAG model. From the previous result, we can restrict ourselves to askingif this independence holds in the induced subgraph over the ancestral set anG(A∪B ∪C).

Definition 7.5. A v-structure is a triple i→ k ← j such that i 6∼ j.

Let G be a directed acyclic graph; the moral graph Gm is formed from G by joining anynon-adjacent parents and dropping the direction of edges.

In other words, the moral graph removes any ‘v-structures’ by filling in the missing edge,and then drops the direction of edges. An example is given in Figure 11.

Proposition 7.6. If pV factorizes with respect to a DAG G, then it also factorizes withrespect to the undirected graph Gm.

Proof. This follows from an inspection of the factorization and checking the cliques fromGm. See the Examples Sheet.


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Using this proposition, we see that the DAG in Figure 11(a) implies X1 ⊥⊥ X4, X5 | X2, X3,by using the global Markov property applied to the moral graph in Figure 11(b). In fact,moral graphs are used to define the global Markov property for DAGs.

Definition 7.7. We say that p(xV ) satisfies the global Markov property with respect to Gif whenever A and B are separated by C in (Gan(A∪B∪C))

m we have XA ⊥⊥ XB | XC [p].

The global Markov property is complete in the sense that any independence not exhibitedby a separation will not generally hold in distributions Markov to G. We state the resultformally here, but the proof is not given in this course.

Theorem 7.8 (Completeness of global Markov property.). Let G be a DAG. There existsa probability distribution p such that XA ⊥⊥ XB | XC [p] if and only if A ⊥s B | C in(Gan(A∪B∪C)m.

In other words, the global Markov property gives all conditional independences that areimplied by the DAG model.

We now give the main result concerning Markov equivalence, which says that each of ourthree properties give equivalent models.

Theorem 7.9. Let G be a DAG and p a probability distribution. Then the following areequivalent:

(i) p factorizes according to G;

(ii) p is globally Markov with respect to G;

(iii) p is locally Markov with respect to G.

Notice that, unlike for undirected graphs, there is no requirement of positivity on p: itis true even for degenerate distributions. There is also a ‘pairwise’ Markov property fordirected graphs, which we will not cover; see Lauritzen’s book for interest.

Proof. (i) =⇒ (ii). Let W = anG(A ∪ B ∪ C), and suppose that there is a separationbetween A and B given C in (GW )m. The distribution p(xW ) can be written as

p(xW ) =∏v∈W

p(xv | xpa(v)),

so in other words it is Markov w.r.t. GW and hence to (GW )m (see Propositions 7.6 and 7.4).But if p factorizes according to the undirected graph (GW )m then it is also globally Markovwith respect to it by Theorem 4.10, and hence the separation implies XA ⊥⊥ XB | XC [p].

(ii) =⇒ (iii). Note that moralizing only adds edges adjacent to vertices that have a childin the graph, and also that {v} ∪ ndG(v) is an ancestral set. It follows that in the moralgraph (G{v}∪ndG(v))

m, there is a separation between v and ndG(v) \ paG(v) given paG(v).

(iii) =⇒ (i). Let < be a topological ordering of the vertices in G. The local Markovproperty implies that Xv is independent of Xnd(v)\pa(v) given Xpa(v), so in particular it isindependent of Xpre<(v)\pa(v) given Xpa(v). Hence

p(xV ) =∏v

p(xv | xpre<(v)) =∏v

p(xv | xpa(v))

as required.


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7.3 Statistical Inference

The factorization of distributions that are Markov with respect to a DAG is particularlyattractive statistically because, as with the decomposable models in Theorem 4.24, theconditional distributions can all be dealt with entirely separately.

Consider again the example of a contingency table with counts n(xV ). The likelihood fora DAG model is

l(p;n) =∑xV

n(xV ) log p(xV )


n(xV )∑v∈V

log p(xv | xpa(v))


∑xv ,xpa(v)

n(xv, xpa(v)) log p(xv | xpa(v))




n(xv, xpa(v)) log p(xv | xpa(v)),

where each of the conditional distributions p(xv | xpa(v)) can be dealt with entirely sep-arately. That is, we can separately maximize each inner sum

∑xvn(xv, xpa(v)) log p(xv |

xpa(v)) subject to the restriction that∑

xvp(xv | xpa(v)) = 1, and hence obtain the MLE

p(xv | xpa(v)) =n(xv, xpa(v))


hence p(xV ) =∏v∈V

p(xv | xpa(v)) =∏v∈V

n(xv, xpa(v))


This looks rather like the result we obtained for decomposable models, and indeed we willsee that there is an important connection.

A slightly more general result is to say that if we have a separate parametric modeldefined by some parameter θv for each conditional distribution p(xv | xpa(v); θv), then wecan perform our inference on each θv separately.

Formally: the MLE for θ satisfies

p(xV ; θ) =∏v∈V

p(xv | xpa(v); θv), xV ∈ XV .

In addition, if we have independent priors π(θ) =∏v π(θv), then

π(θ | xV ) ∝ π(θ) · p(xV | θ)


π(θv) · p(xv | xpa(v), θv),

which factorizes into separate functions for each θv, showing that the θv are independentconditional on XV . Hence

π(θv | xV ) ∝ π(θv) · p(xv | xpa(v), θv),

so π(θv | xV ) = π(θv | xv, xpa(v)), and θv only depends upon Xv and Xpa(v).

In other words, the data from Xv, Xpa(v) are sufficient for each θv. This means that ifno vertex has many parents, even very large graphs represent manageable models. For


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1 2



1 2



1 2



1 2



1 2


Figure 12: (a)-(c) Three directed graphs, and (e) an undirected graph to which they areall Markov equivalent; (d) a graph which is not Markov equivalent to the others.

a Gaussian distribution we can use our results about conditional distributions to obtainclosed form expressions for the covariance matrices that are Markov with respect to agraph (see Examples Sheet 3).

7.4 Markov Equivalence

For undirected graphs, the independence Xa ⊥⊥ Xb | XV \{a,b} is implied by the graphicalmodel if and only if the edge a − b is not present in the graph. This shows that (underany choice of Markov property) each undirected graphical model is distinct.

For directed graphs this is not the case. The graphs in Figures 12 (a), (b) and (c) are alldifferent, but all imply precisely the independence X1 ⊥⊥ X2 | X3.

We say that two graphs G and G′ are Markov equivalent if any p which is Markov withrespect to G is also Markov with respect to G′, and vice-versa. This is an equivalencerelation, so we can partition graphs into sets we call Markov equivalence classes.

In model selection problems we are not trying to learn the graph itself, but rather theMarkov equivalence class of indistinguishable models. The presence or absence of edgesinduces all conditional independences, so unsurprisingly the graph of adjacencies is veryimportant.

Given a DAG G = (V,D), define the skeleton of G as the undirected graph skel(G) = (V,E),where {i, j} ∈ E if and only if either (i, j) ∈ D or (j, i) ∈ D. In other words, we drop theorientations of edges in G.

For example, the skeleton of the graphs in Figures 12(a)–(d) is the graph in Figure 12(e).

Lemma 7.10. Let G and G′ be graphs with different skeletons. Then G and G′ are notMarkov equivalent.

Proof. Suppose without loss of generality that i→ j in G but that i 6∼ j in G. Then let pbe any distribution in which Xv ⊥⊥ XV \{v} for each v ∈ V \ {i, j}, but that Xi and Xj aredependent.


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The local Markov property for G is clearly satisfied, since each variable is independent ofits non-descendants given its parents. For G′, however, we claim that the global Markovproperty is not satisfied. By Sheet 2 Question 5, there is some set C such that the GMPrequires Xi ⊥⊥ Xj | XC .

Let c ∈ C; under p we have Xc ⊥⊥ XV \{c}, so by applying property 2 of the graphoidaxioms, Xc ⊥⊥ Xj , XC\{c}. Then using properties 3 and 4 we see that Xi ⊥⊥ Xj | XC

is equivalent to Xi ⊥⊥ Xj | XC\{c}. Repeating this we end up with a requirement thatXi ⊥⊥ Xj , which does not hold by construction. Hence p is not Markov with respect to G′,and the graphs are not Markov equivalent.

Theorem 7.11. Directed graphs G and G′ are Markov equivalent if and only if they havethe same skeletons and v-structures.

Proof. We will prove the ‘only if’ direction for now: the converse is harder.

If G and G′ have different skeletons then the induced models are different by the previousLemma. Otherwise, suppose that a→ c← b is a v-structure in G but not in G′.

Let p be a distribution in which all variables other than Xa, Xb, Xc are independent of allother variables. By the factorization property, we can then pick an arbitrary

p(xV ) = p(xc | xa, xb)∏

v∈V \{c}


and obtain a distribution that is Markov with respect to G.

In G′ there is no v-structure, so either a→ c→ b, a← c→ b, or a← c← b. In particular,either a or b is a child of c. Now let A = anG({a, b, c}); we claim that there is no d ∈ Asuch that a→ d← b. To see this, note that if this is true, then d is a descendant of eachof a, b and c, and if d ∈ A it is also an ancestor of one a, b and c, so the graph is cyclic.

Now, it follows that in the moral graph (G′A)m, there is no edge between a and b, soa ⊥s b | A \ {a, b} in (G′A)m. But by a similar argument to the previous Lemma, thecorresponding independence does not hold in p, and therefore p is not Markov with respectto G′ if p(xc | xa, xb) is chosen not to factorize.

7.5 Directed Graphs, Undirected Graphs, and Decomposability

Closely related to the previous point is whether an undirected graph can represent thesame conditional independences as a directed one. The undirected graph in Figure 12(e)represents the same model as each of the directed graphs in Figures 12(a)–(c), so clearlyin some cases this occurs.

However the graph in Figure 12(d) does not induce the same model as any undirectedgraph. Indeed, it is again this ‘v-structure’ that is the important factor in determiningwhether the models are the same.

Theorem 7.12. A directed graph is Markov equivalent to an undirected graph if and onlyif it contains no v-structures.

Proof. We proceed by induction on p; the result is clearly true for graphs of size p ≤ 2.We have already established that if G is a DAG, then p being Markov with respect to Gimplies that it is also Markov with respect to Gm.


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undirected directed


Figure 13: Venn diagram of model classes introduced by directed and undirected graphs.

Now suppose that p is Markov with respect to Gm. Let v be a vertex in G withoutchildren. We will attempt to show that p(xV \{v}) is Markov with respect to GV \{v} andthat Xv ⊥⊥ XV \(pa(v)∪{v}) | Xpa(v) under p, and hence that p satisfies the local Markovproperty with respect to G.

The neighbours of v in Gm are its parents in G, and in the moral graph Gm these are alladjacent, so there is a decomposition ({v}, paG(v),W ) in Gm, whereW = V \({v}∪paG(v)).By Lemma 4.23, we have Xv ⊥⊥ XW | Xpa(v), and that p(xV \{v}) is Markov with respect to(Gm)V \{v}. Now, since G has no v-structures, (Gm)V \{v} = (GV \{v})m, so by the inductionhypothesis, p(xV \{v}) is Markov with respect to GV \{v}.

Corollary 7.13. A undirected graph is Markov equivalent to a directed graph if and onlyif it is decomposable.

Proof. This can be seen by the same decomposition and induction as in the proof of theTheorem above.

This shows that decomposable models represent the intersection of undirected and directedgraphical models.


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tuberculosis lung cancer



cancer or tub.

x-ray cough

Figure 14: The ‘Chest Clinic’ network, a fictitious diagnostic model.

8 Junction Trees and Message Passing

In this chapter we answer some of the problems mentioned in the introduction: givena large network of variables, how can we efficiently evaluate conditional and marginalprobabilities? And how should we update our beliefs given new information?

Consider the graph in Figure 25, which is a simplified diagnostic model, containing patientbackground, diseases, and symptoms. The variables represent the following indicators:

• Asia (A): the patient recently visited parts of Asia with endemic tuberculosis;

• smokes (S): the patient smokes;

• tuberculosis (T ), lung cancer (L), bronchitis (B): the patient has each of theserespective diseases;

• either (E): logical indicator of having either lung cancer or tuberculosis;

• x-ray (X): there is a shadow on the patient’s chest x-ray;

• cough (C): the patient has a pesistent cough.

In practice, we observe the background and symptoms and with to infer the probability ofdisease given this ‘evidence’. Of course, to calculate the updated probability we just needto use Bayes’ formula, but for large networks this is computationally infeasible. Insteadwe will develop an algorithm that exploits the structure of the graph to simplify thecalculations.








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For this discussion we will abuse notation mildly and use capital letters A,S,X, . . . torepresent both the random variables and the vertices, and lower case letters for states ofthe random variables. From the DAG factorization, we have

p(a, s, t, l, b, e, x, c) = p(a) · p(s) · p(t | a) · p(l | s) · p(b | s) · p(e | t, l) · p(x | e) · p(c | e, b).

Suppose a patient smokes, has not visited Asia (tuberculosis is endemic in South Asiancountries), has a negative x-ray, and a cough. Then to work out the probability of lungcancer:

p(l | x, c, a, s) =p(l, x, c | a, s)∑l p(l, x, c | a, s)

The quantity we need can be obtained from the factorization of the directed graph as

p(l, x, c | a, s) =∑t,e,b

p(t | a) · p(l | s) · p(b | s) · p(e | t, l) · p(x | e) · p(c | e, b).

There is more than one way to evaluate this quantity, because some of the summationscan be ‘pushed in’ past terms that do not depend upon them. So, for example,

p(l, x, c | a, s)

= p(l | s)∑e

p(x | e)


p(b | s) · p(c | e, b)


p(t | a) · p(e | t, l)


How computationally difficult is this to calculate? A common metric is just to total thenumber of additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions required. In our case,start with the expression in the sum

∑t p(t | a) · p(e | t, l). This has to be calculated

for each of the 16 values of t, a, e, l, and involves a single multiplication. The summationinvolves adding pairs of these expressions, so this gives 8 separate additions, and leaves anexpression depending on a, e, l. The other expression in brackets is calculated in exactlythe same way, so there are another 24 operations and expression depending on s, c, e.

Now, the outer sum is over expressions depending on a, e, l, s, c, x, and involves two mul-tiplications; this gives a total of 2× 26 = 128. The sum itself is over 32 pairs of numbers,and each of the 32 results must be multiplied by one number. So, in total we have24 + 24 + 128 + 32 + 32 = 240 operations.

The naıve way implied by the first expression requires rather more effort: each term inthe summand involves five multiplications, and there are 28 = 256 combinations. Thesum is then over 25 combinations of 8 terms (i.e. requires 7 additions). Hence we get5 × 28 + 7 × 25 = 1, 504 operations. Over larger networks with dozens or hundreds ofvariables these differences are very substantial.

This section provides a method for systematically arranging calculations of this sort in anefficient way, using the structure of a graph.

8.1 Junction Trees

We have already seen that we can write distributions that are Markov with respect to anundirected graph as a product of ‘potentials’, which are functions only of a few variables.A junction tree is a way of arranging these potentials that is computationally convenient.


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1 2 4







1, 2 2, 3, 4

2, 4, 5

4, 6

6, 7, 8


1, 2 2 2, 3, 4

2, 4

2, 4, 5

4 4, 6


6, 7, 8


Figure 15: (a) A decomposable graph and (b) a possible junction tree of its cliques. (c)The same junction tree with separator sets explicitly marked.

1, 2 2, 3 1, 3

Figure 16: A tree of sets that is not a junction tree.

Let T be a tree (i.e. a connected, undirected graph without any cycles) with vertices Vcontained in the power set of V ; that is, each vertex of T is a subset of V . We say thatT is a junction tree if whenever we have Ci, Cj ∈ V with Ci ∩ Cj 6= ∅, there is a (unique)path π in T from Ci to Cj such that for every vertex C on the path, Ci ∩ Cj ⊆ C.

Example 8.1. The graph in Figure 15(b) is a junction tree. Note that, for example,{2, 4, 5} and {4, 6} have a non-zero intersection {4}, and that indeed 4 is contained on theintermediate vertex {2, 3, 4}.

The graph in Figure 16 is not a junction tree, because the sets {1, 2} and {1, 3} havethe non-empty intersection {1}, but the intermediate sets in the tree (i.e. {2, 3}) do notcontain {1}; this more general object is sometimes called a clique tree. The fact that thesesets cannot be arranged in a junction tree is a consequence of these sets not satisfying therunning intersection property (under any ordering), as the next result shows.

Proposition 8.2. If T is a junction tree then its vertices V can be ordered to satisfythe running intersection property. Conversely, if a collection of sets satisfies the runningintersection property they can be arranged into a junction tree.

Proof. We proceed by induction on k = |V|. If k ≤ 2 then both the junction tree andrunning intersection conditions are always satisfied. Otherwise, since T is a tree it containsa leaf (i.e. a vertex joined to exactly one other), say Ck which is adjacent to Cσ(k).


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Consider T −k, the graph obtained by removing Ck from T . The set of paths between Ciand Cj vertices in T −k is the same as the set of such paths in T : we cannot have pathsvia Ck because it would require repetition of Cσ(k). Hence T −k is still a junction tree, andby induction its elements C1, . . . , Ck−1 satisfy the RIP.

But then by the definition of a junction tree, Ck ∩⋃i<k Ci = Ck ∩ Cσ(k), so C1, . . . , Ck

satisfies the RIP.

For the converse result, again by induction just join the final set Ck to Cσ(k) and it is clearthat we obtain a junction tree by definition of running intersection.

In other words, this result shows that junction trees are available for the cliques of de-composable graphs. The graph in Figure 15(a) for example has cliques {1, 2}, {2, 3, 4},{2, 4, 5}, {4, 6} and {6, 7, 8}. Since it is a decomposable graph, these satisfy the runningintersection property, and can be arranged in a junction tree such as the one in Figure15(b). Notice that this is not unique, since we could join either (or both) of {1, 2} or {4, 6}to {2, 4, 5} instead of {2, 3, 4}.

We can explicitly add in the separator sets as nodes in our tree, so that each edge containsan additional node, as shown in Figure 15(c).

We will associate each node C in our junction tree with a potential ψC(xC) ≥ 0, which isa function over the variables in the corresponding set. We say that two potentials ψC , ψDare consistent if ∑


ψC(xC) = f(xC∩D) =∑xD\C


That is, the margins of ψC and ψD over C ∩D are the same.

Of course, the standard example of when we would have consistent margins comes wheneach potential is the margin of a probability distribution. Indeed, this relationship turnsout to be quite fundamental.

Proposition 8.3. Let C1, . . . , Ck satisfy the running intersection property with separatorsets S2, . . . , Sk, and let

p(xV ) =k∏i=1



(where S1 = ∅ and ψ∅ = 1 by convention). Then each ψCi(xCi) = p(xCi) and ψSi(xSi) =p(xSi) if (and only if) each pair of potentials is consistent.

Proof. The only if is clear, since margins of a distribution are indeed consistent in thisway.

For the converse we proceed by induction on k; for k = 1 there is nothing to prove.Otherwise, let Rk = Ck \ Sk

(= Ck \

⋃i<k Ci

), so

p(xV \Rk) =∑xRk

p(xV ) =



ψSi(xSi)× 1





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Since the cliques are consistent, we have∑xRk



ψSk(xSk)= 1,


p(xV \Rk) =k−1∏i=1


ψSi(xSi). (9)

By the induction hypothesis, we have that ψCi(xCi) = p(xCi) for i ≤ k − 1. In addition,by the RIP Sk = Ck ∩ Cj for some j < k, and hence by consistency

ψSk(xSk) =∑


ψCj (xCj ) =∑


p(xCj ) = p(xSk).

Finally, substituting (9) into our original expression, we have

p(xV ) = p(xV \Rk)ψCk(xCk)

ψSk(xSk)= p(xV \Rk)



and so p(xRk | xV \Rk) =ψCk (xCk )

p(xSk )by definition of conditional probabilities. Since this only

depends upon xCk , this is also p(xRk | xSk). Hence,

ψCk(xCk) = p(xRk | xSk) · p(xSk) = p(xCk)

as required.

If a graph is not decomposable then we can triangulate it by adding edges. We discusswill this further later on.

8.2 Message Passing and the Junction Tree Algorithm

We have seen that having locally consistent potentials is enough to deduce that we havecorrectly calculated marginal probabilities. The obvious question now is how we arrive atconsistent margins in the first place. In fact we shall do this with ‘local’ update steps,that alter potentials to become consistent without altering the overall distribution. Wewill show that this leads to consistency in a finite number of steps.

Suppose that two cliques C and D are adjacent in the junction tree, with a separator setS = C ∩D. An update from C to D consists of replacing ψS and ψD with the following:

ψ′S(xS) =∑xC\S

ψC(xC), ψ′D(xD) =ψ′S(xS)


This operation is also known as message passing, with the ‘message’ ψ′S(xS) being passedfrom C to D. We note three important points about this updating step:

• after updating, ψC and ψ′S are consistent;


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• if ψD and ψS are consistent, then so are ψ′D and ψ′S : to see this, note that∑xD\S

ψ′D(xD) =∑xD\S







so if ψS and ψD are consistent then ψS(xS) =∑

xD\SψD(xD) and we are left with

ψ′S .

• the product over all clique potentials∏C∈C ψC(xC)∏S∈S ψS(xS)

is unchanged: the only altered terms are ψD and ψS , and by definition of ψ′D wehave




Hence, updating preserves the joint distribution and does not upset margins that arealready consistent. The junction tree algorithm is a way of updating all the margins suchthat, when it is complete, they are all consistent.

Let T be a tree. Given any node t ∈ T , we can ‘root’ the tree at t, and replace it witha directed graph in which all the edges point away from t.2 The junction tree algorithminvolves messages being passed from the edge of the junction tree (the leaves) towards achosen root (the collection phase), and then being sent away from that root back down tothe leaves (the distribution phase). Once these steps are completed, the potentials will allbe consistent. This process is also called belief propagation.

Algorithm 2 Collect and distribute steps of the junction tree algorithm.

function Collect(rooted tree T , potentials ψt)let 1 < . . . < k be a topological ordering of Tfor t in k, . . . , 2 do

send message from ψt to ψσ(t);end forreturn updated potentials ψt

end function

function Distribute(rooted tree T , potentials ψt)let 1 < . . . < k be a topological ordering of Tfor t in 2, . . . , k do

send message from ψσ(t) to ψt;end forreturn updated potentials ψt

end function

The junction tree algorithm consists of running Collect(T , ψt) and Distribute(T , ψ′t),as given in Algorithm 2.

2This process always gives a Markov equivalent graph although, of course, we are not really applyingthe Markov property to our junction tree. The directions are just for convenience.


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1, 2 2, 3, 4

2, 4, 5

4, 6

6, 7, 8






1, 2 2, 3, 4

2, 4, 5

4, 6

6, 7, 8






Figure 17: Illustration of the junction tree algorithm with {2, 3, 4} chosen as the root. (a)Collect steps towards the root: note that the {4, 6} to {2, 3, 4} step must happen after the{6, 7, 8} to {4, 6} update. (b) Distribute steps away from the root and towards the leaves:this time the constraint on the ordering is reversed.

Theorem 8.4. Let T be a junction tree with potentials ψCi(xCi). After running thejunction tree algorithm, all pairs of potentials will be consistent.

Proof. We have already seen that each message passing step will make the separator nodeconsistent with the child node. It follows that each pair ψCi and ψSi are consistent after thecollection step. We also know that this consistency will be preserved after future updatesfrom ψCσ(i) . Hence, after the distribution step, each ψCi and ψSi remain consistent, andψCσ(i) and ψSi become consistent for each i. Hence, every adjacent pair of cliques is nowconsistent.

But whenever Ci∩Cj 6= ∅ there is a path in the junction tree such that every intermediateclique also contains Ci ∩ Cj , so this local consistency implies global consistency of thetree.

Remark 8.5. In practice, message passing is often done in parallel, and it is not hard toprove that if all potentials update simultaneously then the potentials will converge to aconsistent solution in at most d steps, where d is the width of the tree.

Example 8.6. Suppose we have just two tables, ψXY and ψY Z arranged in the junctiontree:


representing a distribution in which X ⊥⊥ Z | Y . We can initialize by setting

ψXY (x, y) = p(x | y) ψY Z(y, z) = p(y, z) ψY (y) = 1,

so that p(x, y, z) = p(y, z) · p(x | y) = ψY ZψXY /ψY .

Now, we could pick Y Z as the root node of our tree, so the collection step consists ofreplacing

ψ′Y (y) =∑x

ψXY (x, y) =∑x

p(x | y) = 1;

so ψ′Y and ψY are the same; hence the collection step leaves ψY and ψY Z unchanged.


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Figure 18: The moral graph of the Chest Clinic network, and a possible triangulation.

The distribution step consists of

ψ′′Y (y) =∑z

ψY Z(y, z) =∑z

p(y, z) = p(y);

ψ′XY (x, y) =ψ′′Y (y)

ψY (y)ψXY (x, y) =


1p(x | y) = p(x, y);

Hence, after performing both steps, each potential is the marginal distribution correspond-ing to those variables.

In junction graphs that are not trees it is still possible to perform message passing, butconvergence is not guaranteed. This is known as ‘loopy belief propagation, and is a topicof current research.

8.3 Directed Graphs and Triangulation

How does any of this relate to directed graphs? And what should we do if our model is notdecomposable? In this case we cannot immediately form a junction tree. However, all isnot lost, since we can always embed our model in a larger model which is decomposable.

For a directed graph, we start by taking the moral graph, so that we obtain an undirectedmodel. If the directed model is decomposable then so is the moral graph. If the moralgraph is still not decomposable, then we can triangulate it by adding edges to obtain adecomposable graph. Figure 18(b) contains a triangulation of the moral graph of Figure25. We can arrange the cliques as

{L,E,B}, {T,E,L}, {L,B, S}, {E,C,B}, {A, T}, {E,X},

giving rise to the junction tree in Figure 19

Taking the 4-cycle in Figure 20(a) as an example, we can add chords to the cycle untilwe obtain a graph that is triangulated; a resulting graph is called a triangulation. Thisprocess is not unique, as is obvious from this example. Given the new graph we can forma junction tree for the larger model.

Naturally, to keep our computations efficient we want the cliques in the model to remainsmall when we triangulate: after all, we could always embed our graph in the completemodel! Finding a triangulation that is ‘optimal’—in the sense of giving the smallest


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Figure 19: A possible junction tree for the Chest Clinic network, and (right) with separatorsets drawn on.

1 2



1 2



Figure 20: A non-decomposable graph, and a possible triangulation of it.

cliques—is a very hard problem in general. Some approximate and heuristic methodsexist. A simple method, Tarjan elimination, is given on Examples Sheet 3.

Suppose we have a directed graphical model embedded within a decomposable modelC1, . . . , Ck. For each vertex v, the set {v} ∪ paG(v) is contained within at least one ofthese cliques. Assigning each vertex arbitrarily to one such clique, let v(C) be the verticesassigned to C. Then we can set ψC(xC) =

∏v∈v(C) p(xv | xpa(v)) and ψS(xS) = 1, and we





p(xv | xpa(v)) = p(xV ).

This is called initialization. Now if we run the junction tree algorithm to obtain consistentpotentials, then these will just be the marginal probabilities for each clique.

8.4 Evidence

The junction tree gives us a mechanism for calculating marginal distributions for quantitiesthat are contained in the same clique. How should we deal with queries about conditionaldistributions for quantities that may not be adjacent? For example, what difference doesit make to our chest clinic network if a patient smokes?

We can answer this by introducing ‘evidence’ into our tables, and then propagating itthrough the tree. The new evidence corresponds to replacing an existing marginal table


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with one in which the event that occurred has probability 1: for example,

p(s) =smokes doesn’t smoke

0.25 0.75becomes p(s) =

smokes doesn’t smoke

1 0.

Let our evidence be the event {Xe = ye} for some relevant node e; we can write the newjoint distribution as

p(xV | Xe = ye) = p(xV , xe)1{xe=ye}


Thus, replacing

ψ′C(xC)← ψC(xC) ·1{xe=ye}


for any potential with C 3 e will alter the joint distribution in the required way. If thepotentials are already consistent then p(ye) can be calculated from ψC directly.

Of course, after replacing ψC the potentials will no longer be consistent, and therefore thejunction tree algorithm needs to be run again. In fact, only a distribution step with ψCchosen as the root node is needed.

Proposition 8.7. Suppose that potentials Ψ for a junction tree T with root C are allconsistent, except for ψC . Then after running Distribute(T ,Ψ), all potentials are con-sistent.

Proof. Each separator set potential is already consistent with the clique potential(s) ‘away’from C in the graph. This consistency is preserved, and distribution will ensure thateach separator set is consistent with the clique potentials ‘towards’ C. Hence, all cliquepotentials and separator sets are now consistent.

If we try to introduce evidence in two different places without propagating in betweenthen we may not obtain the conditional distribution that we want. To see this, consideragain our very simple example with two cliques:


If the potentials are already consistent, then ψXY = p(x, y) and ψY Z = p(y, z) withψY = p(y). Now suppose we want to introduce two pieces of evidence: {X = x∗} and{Z = z∗}. To introduce the first, we replace ψXY with

ψ′XY = ψXY1{x=x∗}

p(x∗)= p(y | x∗)1{x=x∗}.

This means that the potentials are jointly representing the distribution q in which

q(x, y, z) =ψ′XY (x, y)ψY Z(y, z)

ψY (y)=p(y | x∗) · p(y, z)

p(y)1{x=x∗} = p(y, z | x∗)1{x=x∗},

as required.


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Now, the second would be introduced by replacing ψY Z with

ψ′Y Z = p(y | z∗)1{z=z∗}.

But now this gives

r(x, y, z) =ψ′XY (x, y)ψ′Y Z(y, z)

ψY (y)=p(y | x∗) · p(y | z∗)


=p(y, x∗) · p(y, z∗)p(y)p(x∗)p(y∗)


= p(y | x∗, z∗) p(x∗, z∗)


where the last equality holds from applying Theorem 2.4(iv) to X ⊥⊥ Z | Y . Now sinceX 6⊥⊥ Z in general, this final expression is not equal to p(y | x∗, z∗).


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9 Causal Inference

Causal inference, at its heart, asks what would happen if we were to perform an experimentin a system. This is different to the more familiar forms of prediction using conditionaldistributions, as the following example illustrates.

Example 9.1. Suppose that a health and safety inspector is interested in the safety of aset of outdoor steps. She commissions a study that monitors the weather conditions eachday, and whether anyone slips on the steps.

She finds that it rains (making the steps wet, W = 1) on 40% of days, and that thetemperature is below freezing (making the steps icy, I = 1) on one day out of 10, and thatthese happen independently. Given the four possible conditions, she finds the probabilityof someone slipping each day is:

P (S = s |W, I)W I s = 0 s = 1

0 0 0.95 0.051 0 0.9 0.10 1 0.8 0.21 1 0.5 0.5

So, for example, if it is icy but not wet then the probability of someone slipping is 0.2.

Now, suppose we know that someone has slipped on the steps: what is the probabilitythat the steps were wet? Using Bayes’ formula,

P (W = 1 | S = 1) =

∑i P (W = 1) · P (I = i) · P (S = 1 |W = 1, I = i)∑

f,w P (W = w) · P (I = i) · P (S = 1 |W = w, I = i)


0.1= 0.59.

Unsurprisingly, if someone slips then this is predictive of wet steps: since the probabilityincreases from 0.4 to 0.59. Similarly, if there is no slip then the probability decreasesslightly to P (W = 1 | S = 0) = 0.38.

Now suppose the health and safety inspector insists that salt and grit be placed on thesteps, so that they never get icy. Given this event, how would we estimate the probabilityof slipping? Well, this should just depend on whether the steps are wet as before, butalways with I = 0. So our new distribution is P (R = r, S = s | I = 0). In particular, thismeans that the overall probability of someone slipping is P (S = 1 | I = 0) = 0.07, downfrom P (S = 1) = 0.1.

Consider a third scenario: suppose that the health and safety inspector shuts the steps,so that no-one can slip (S = 0). What happens to the probability of the steps being icy?Following the same approach as above, we would look at P (I = 1 | S = 0) = 0.34, which ishigher than P (I = 1) = 0.1 But this is surely absurd: health and safety inspector’s actionswill have no affect on the local climate! Indeed, we would expect that the probability oficy steps remains at P (I = 1) = 0.1, regardless of the action taken to fix S = 0.

The asymmetry in the previous example is an example of a causal relationship. Ordinaryprediction is, in some sense, symmetric: if the steps being icy increase the chance of aslip, then a slip makes it more likely that it was icy. However, causal prediction is not


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rain ice



rain ice



Figure 21: (a) A causal DAG on three vertices; (b) after intervening on ‘slip’ none of thevariables are correlated.





Figure 22: (a) A causal DAG on three vertices, and (b) after intervening on X.

symmetric: if I make it rain then that will makes the steps wet, but if I make the stepswet then it will not cause it to start raining.

The scenarios of adding grit to prevent ice, or of closing the steps are examples of interven-tions or treatments that affect the variables in the system and the relationships betweenthem. If we intervene in a system in such a way as to set a variable such as S = s, wedenote the resulting distribution of other variables as

P (R = r, I = i | do(S = s)).

The example above shows that in some cases this is the same as the relevant conditionaldistribution, but not always:

P (S = s | do(I = i)) = P (S = s | I = i)

P (I = i | do(S = s)) = P (I = i).

Directed graphs provide a convenient framework for representing the structural assump-tions underlying a causal system, and the asymmetry in interventions. We can think ofeach edge v → w as saying that Xv is a ‘direct cause’ of Xw; i.e. that it affects it in a waythat is not mediated by any of the other variables. In our example, the system could berepresented by the graph in Figure 21(a).

9.1 Interventions

Let G be a directed acyclic graph representing a causal system, and let p be a probabilitydistribution over the variables XV . An intervention on a variable w ∈ V does two things:

• graphically we represent this by removing edges pointing into w (i.e. of the formv → w);


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• probabilistically, we replace our usual factorization

p(xV ) =∏v∈V

p(xv | xpa(v))


p(xV \{w} | do(x∗w)) = p(xV )1{xw=x∗w}

p(x∗w | xpa(w))

= 1{xw=x∗w}∏

v∈V \{w}

p(xv | xpa(v)).

In words, we are assuming that w no longer depends upon its parents, but has been fixedto x∗w; hence the p(xw | xpa(w)) factor is replaced with the indicator function that assignsprobability 1 to the event that {Xw = x∗w}. Other variables will continue to depend upontheir parents according to the same conditionals p(xv | xpa(v)).

When we say a graph and its associated probability distribution is causal, we mean that weare making the assumption that, if we were to intervene on a variable Xv via some exper-iment, then the distribution would change in the way described above. This assumptionis something that has to be justified in specific applied examples.

Example 9.2 (Confounding). Consider the graph in Figure 22(a); here Z causally affectsboth X and Y , so some of the observed correlation between X and Y will be due to this‘common cause’ Z. We say that X and Y are ‘confounded’ by Z. Suppose we interveneto fix X = x, so that it is no longer causally affected by Z. Hence, we go from

p(z, x, y) = p(z) · p(x | z) · p(y | z, x)


p(z, y | do(x∗)) = p(z) · p(y | z, x∗).

Note that this last object is not generally the same as the ordinary conditional distribution:

p(z, y | x∗) = p(z | x∗) · p(y | z, x∗)p(z, y | do(x∗)) = p(z) · p(y | z, x∗).

Example 9.3. Suppose we have a group of 64 people, half men and half women. We askthem whether they smoke, and test them for lung damage. The results are given by thefollowing table.

women mennot smoke smoke not smoke smoke

no damage 21 6 6 6damage 3 2 2 18

Given that a person smokes, the probability that they have lung damage is P (D = 1 |S = 1) = 20

32 = 58 . If someone doesn’t smoke the probability is P (D = 1 | S = 0) = 5

32 .

What happens if we had prevented everyone from smoking? Would this mean that only532 × 64 = 10 of our participants showed lung damage? If we assume the following causalmodel, then the answer is no.


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smokes damage

We have (taking G = 0 to represent male) that

P (D = 1 | do(S = 0)) =∑g

P (D = 1 | S = 0, G = g) · P (G = g)

= P (D = 1 | S = 0, G = 0) · P (G = 0) + P (D = 1 | S = 0, G = 1) · P (G = 1)


8· 1



24· 1






So in fact, we would expect 316 × 64 = 12 people to have damage if no-one was able to


The difference can be accounted for by the fact that some of the chance of getting lungdamage is determined by gender. If we ‘observe’ that someone does not smoke then theyare more likely to be female; but forcing someone not to smoke does not make them morelikely to be female!

9.2 Adjustment Sets and Back-Door Paths

For this section we will assume we are interested in the distribution of Y after interveningon Z. The method given above for finding p(y | do(z)) appears to involve summing overall the variables in the graph:

p(y | do(z)) =∑xW

p(y, z, xW )

p(z | xpa(z))

Here we present some methods for ‘adjusting’ by only a small number of variables.

Lemma 9.4. Let G be a causal DAG. Then

p(y | do(z)) =∑xpa(z)

p(y | z, xpa(z)) · p(xpa(z)).

Proof. Let XV be divided into Y, Z,Xpa(z) and XW , where XW is any other variable (thatis, not Y , Z, nor a parent of Z). Then

p(y, xpa(z), xW | do(z)) =p(y, z, xpa(z), xW )

p(z | xpa(z))= p(y, xW | z, xpa(z)) · p(xpa(z)).


p(y | do(z)) =∑

xW ,xpa(z)

p(y, xW | z, xpa(z)) · p(xpa(z))



p(y, xW | z, xpa(z))


p(xpa(z))p(y | z, xpa(z))


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Figure 23: A causal directed graph.

as required.

This result is called an ‘adjustment’ formula. Applied to the graph in Figure 23, forexample, it would tell us that p(y | do(x)) =

∑z,t p(y | x, z, t) · p(z, t), so, for example, we

do not need to consider W . In fact, though, you might notice that Y ⊥⊥ T | X,Z, so wecan write

p(y | do(x)) =∑z,t

p(y | x, z) · p(z, t)


p(y | x, z) · p(z),

and we only need to adjust for Z! Further,

p(y | do(x)) =∑z

p(y | x, z) · p(z) =∑z,w

p(y, w | x, z) · p(z)


p(y | x,w, z) · p(w | x, z) · p(z)


p(y | x,w) · p(w | z) · p(z)


p(y | x,w) · p(w, z)


p(y | x,w) · p(w);

the fourth equality here uses the fact that W ⊥⊥ X | Z and Y ⊥⊥ Z | W,X, which can beseen from the graph.

So, in other words, we could adjust by W instead of Z! This illustrates that there are oftenmultiple equivalent ways of obtaining the same causal quantity. We will give a criterionfor valid adjustment sets, but we first need an extra definition and theorem to prove thiscriterion correct.

9.3 Paths and d-separation

Let G be a directed graph and π a path in G. We say that an internal vertex t on π is acollider if the edges adjacent to t meet as → t←. Otherwise (→ t→, ← t←, or ← t→)we say t is a non-collider.

Let π be a path from a to b. We say that π is open given (or conditional on) C ⊆ V \{a, b}if


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• all colliders on π are in anG(C);

• all non-colliders are outside C.

(Recall that C ⊆ anG(C).) A path which is not open given C is said to be blocked by C.

Example 9.5. Consider the graph in Figure 23. There are two paths from T to W :

T → X ← Z →W T → X → Y ←W.

Without conditioning on any variable, both these paths are both blocked, since theycontain colliders. Given {Y }, however, both paths are open, because Y is the only collideron the second path, and the only collider on the first is X, which is an ancestor of Y .Given {Z, Y }, the first path is blocked because Z is a non-collider, but the second is open.

Definition 9.6. Let A,B,C be disjoint sets of vertices in G (C may be empty). We saythat A and B are d-separated given C if every path from a ∈ A to b ∈ B is blocked by C.

Theorem 9.7. Let G be a DAG and let A,B,C be disjoint subsets of G. Then A isd-separated from B by C in G if and only if A is separated from B by C in (Gan(A∪B∪C))


In other words, this gives us an alternative version of the global Markov property forDAGs: instead of being based on paths in moral graphs, we can use paths in the originalDAG.

Proof (not examinable). Suppose A is not d-separated from B by C in G, so there is anopen path π in G from some a ∈ A to some b ∈ B. Dividing the path up into sectionsof the form ← · · · ←→ · · · →, we see that π must lie within anG(A ∪ B ∪ C), becauseevery collider must be an ancestor of C, and the extreme vertices are in A and B. Eachof the colliders i → k ← j gives an additional edge i − j in the moral graph and so canbe avoided; all the other vertices are not in C since the path is open. Hence we obtain apath from a ∈ A to b ∈ B in the moral graph that avoids C.

Conversely, suppose A is not separated from B by C in (Gan(A∪B∪C))m, so there is a path π

in (Gan(A∪B∪C))m from some a ∈ A to some b ∈ B that does not traverse any element of C.

Each such path is made up of edges in the original graph and edges added over v-structures.Suppose an edge corresponds to a v-structure over k; then k is in anG(A ∪ B ∪ C). If kis an ancestor of C then the path remains open; otherwise, if k is an ancestor of A thenthere is a directed path from k to a′ ∈ A, and every vertex on it is a non-collider that isnot contained in C. Hence we can obtain a path with fewer edges over v-structures froma′ to b. Repeating this process we obtain a path from A to B in which every edge is eitherin G or is a v-structure over an ancestor of C. Hence the path is open.

9.4 Back-door Adjustment

We say that C is a back-door adjustment set for the ordered pair (v, w) if

• no vertex in C is a descendant of v.

• every path from v to w with an arrow into v (i.e. starting v ← · · · ) is blocked by C;


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Theorem 9.8. Let C be a back-door adjustment set for (v, w). Then

p(xw | do(xv)) =∑xC

p(xC) · p(xw | xv, xC).

That is, C is a valid adjustment set for the causal distribution.

Proof. Since no vertex in C is a descendant of v, we have that Xv ⊥⊥ XC | Xpa(v) usingthe local Markov property. We also claim that w is d-separated from paG(v) by C ∪ {v}.

To see this, suppose for contradition that there is an open path π from w to some t ∈ paG(v)given C ∪ {v}. If π is also open given C, then we can add the edge t→ v to find an openpath from w to v. If π is not open given C, this can only be because there is a colliders on π that is an ancestor of v but not of C; hence there is a directed path from s to vthat does not contain any element of C. In this case, simply concatenate the path fromw to s with this directed path (shortening if necessary) to obtain an open path from w tov. Either way we obtain a path from w to v that is open given C and ends → v, whichcontradicts our assumptions.

We conclude that w is d-separated from paG(v) by C ∪ {v}, and hence the global Markovproperty implies that Xw ⊥⊥ Xpa(v) | Xv, XC . Then:

p(xw | do(xv)) =∑xpa(v)

p(xpa(v)) · p(xw | xv, xpa(v))



p(xw, xC | xv, xpa(v))



p(xw | xC , xv, xpa(v)) · p(xC | xv, xpa(v))



p(xw | xC , xv) · p(xC | xpa(v))


p(xw | xC , xv)∑xpa(v)

p(xpa(v)) · p(xC | xpa(v))


p(xC) · p(xw | xv, xC).

Proposition 9.9. Let G be a causal DAG. The set paG(v) is a back-door adjustment setfor (v, w).

Proof. Any (v, w) back-door path starts with an edge v ← t, so clearly t ∈ paG(v) is anon-collider on the path, which is therefore blocked.

9.5 Example: HIV Treatment

Figure 24 depicts a situation that arises in HIV treatment, and more generally in thetreatment of chronic diseases. A doctor prescribes patients with AZT (A), which is knownto reduce AIDS related mortality, but also harms the immune system of the patient,increasing the risk of opportunistic infections such as pneumonia (L). If pneumonia arises,


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Figure 24: Causal diagram representing treatment for HIV patients. A is treatment withAZT (an anti-retroviral drug), L represents infection with pneumonia, B treatment withantibiotics, and Y survival.

patients are generally treated with antibiotics (B), and the outcome of interest is 5 yearsurvival (Y ).

An epidemiologist might ask what the effect on survival would be if we treated all patientswith antibiotics and AZT from the start, without waiting for an infection to present. Whatwould this do to survival?


p(y | do(a, b)) =∑l

p(y | a, l, b)p(l | a),

so the answer can be determined directly from observed data without having to performan experiment.

P (Y = 1 | do(A = 1, B = 1)) =1∑l=0

P (Y = 1 | A = 1, L = l, B = 1) · P (L = l | A = 1).

Note that, in this case, there is no ‘back-door’ like solution, because L is a descendant ofA so cannot form part of a back-door set, but without including on L the back-door pathB ← L→ Y will introduce spurious (i.e. non-causal) correlations.

9.6 Gaussian Causal Models

The adjustment formula can be thought of as averaging the conditional distribution overa portion of the population:

p(y | do(z)) =∑xC

p(xC) · p(y | z, xC).

If the variables we are dealing with are multivariate Gaussian, then conditional distribu-tions such as p(y | z, xC) are determined by regressing Y on Z,XC using a simple linearmodel.

The regression coefficient between Z and Y in such a model is the same for all valuesof XC = xC , and therefore in this case we can forget the averaging and just look at theregression to obtain the causal effect. Consider the example in Figure 23: if we regress Y onX then the estimate we obtain is biased because of the back-door path X ← Z →W → Y ;but if we add in Z or W (or both), then the estimate will be unbiased. See slides for anexample.


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10 Model Selection and Causal Discovery

So far we have tended to study the models in this course in a ‘forwards’ manner; that is, wefirst define the model (such as a set of distributions satisfying a particular factorization),and then derive properties of it (such as a list of conditional independences). This in turnwill give us properties that we expect data generated from these models to display. Instatistics, however, we have to reverse this process: we start with some data, and want toinfer the process that generated it!

We have already seen one approach to this in Section 6, where we performed a form ofpenalized maximum likelihood estimation to infer the structure of an undirected graph. Inthis section we will consider a more direct approach that tries to check which conditionalindependences hold in the data, and then reconstructs the graph accordingly.

Example 10.1. Suppose we measure three variables X,Y, Z over n individuals, and ob-serve empirically (i.e. approximately in the data) that X ⊥⊥ Y , but no other independenceshold. Which directed graph(s) are consistent with this data? The obvious answer wouldseem to be X → Z ← Y , since this graph implies the only independence we see, and noothers.

10.1 Faithfulness

There is a danger in the approach given in the previous example, as we now illustrate.

> n <- 1000

> X <- rnorm(n)

> Z <- X + rnorm(n)

> Y <- X - Z + rnorm(n)

> summary(lm(Y ~ X))$coefficients # no significant effect of X on Y

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept) -0.023 0.043 -0.53 0.60

X -0.025 0.043 -0.57 0.57

The generating mechanism above comes from the graph with topological order X,Z, Y andall edges present, so we would not expect to get any independences at all. However, becausewe have chosen the coefficients very carefully, there is actually no marginal correlationbetween X and Y .

Z = βxzX + εz

Y = βxyX + βzyZ + εy


Y = βxyX + βzy(βxzX + εz) + εy

= (βxy + βzyβxz)X + βzyεz + εy,

so if βxy + βzyβxz = 0, then there will be a marginal independence between X and Y . Inthe example above we picked βxy = βxy = 1 and βzy = −1, which satisfies this condition.


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The fact that we can do this should not be surprising, since the graph with all edgespresent gives a saturated model; that is, it does not place any restrictions at all on thedistribution. Therefore, we can create any multivariate Gaussian distribution on threevariables using the construction above. Of course, the same applies to larger graphs andlarger models.

In order to make progress, we will have to introduce an additional assumption to protectagainst this possibility.

Definition 10.2. Let p(xV ) be a distribution that is Markov with respect to a directedgraph G. Recall that as a consequence of Theorem 9.7, d-separation in G implies theexistence of a conditional independence in p:

A ⊥d B | C [G] =⇒ XA ⊥⊥ XB | XC [p].

We say that p(xV ) is faithful with respect to G if the reverse implication also holds:

A ⊥d B | C [G] ⇐⇒ XA ⊥⊥ XB | XC [p].

Faithfulness allows us to use conditional independences to reconstruct facts about thegraph, and not worry that those conditional independences just occurred ‘by chance’.

Is it a reasonable assumption? Consider the set of parameters for which it fails in theprevious example: i.e. those for which βxy + βzyβxz = 0. The full model consists ofall (βxy, βxz, βzy)

T ∈ R3, whereas the subset for which βxy + βzyβxz = 0 is only two-dimensional. In this sense, if we were to put any Lebesgue measure on the set of allparameters, the measure of the set for which βxy + βzyβxz = 0 would be zero. There area finite number of other equations we need to consider corresponding to other conditionalindependences, but the union of a finite number of measure zero sets also has measurezero.

That is, ‘almost all’ parameter values satisfy the faithfulness condition. Faithfulness isnot an innocuous assumption by any means, but it is reasonable in many cases and someassumption of this kind is necessary to make progress in causal discovery problems.

10.2 Markov Equivalence

We already know that two different directed graphs, say G1 and G2, may induce the sameconditional independences; that is, they may be Markov equivalent. In this case, we cannotdistinguish between G1 and G2, we can only hope to find the Markov equivalence class.

Of course, if the system itself is causal then we should expect that the correct graphcould be determined, if we were able to perform an appropriate experiment (or set ofexperiments) to intervene on some of the variables.

10.3 The PC Algorithm

The PC Algorithm is a systematic method for testing conditional independence constraintsand then reconstructing a graph from the results. Let us suppose, for the time being, thatwe have access to a ‘oracle’ conditional independence test which will correctly tell uswhether a conditional independence holds in p. (Since p is faithful, this is equivalent tobeing able to check d-separation relations in G.)


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The pseudocode in Algorithm 3 can reconstruct such a graph. How does it proceed? Westart with the function Skeleton, which reconstructs the skeleton of G; begin with acomplete, undirected graph H.

• First, we go through every pair of vertices i, j, and test whether the marginal inde-pendence Xi ⊥⊥ Xj holds; if it does, remove the edge i− j from H.

• After this, for every remaining edge i− j we start testing conditional independencesof the form Xi ⊥⊥ Xj | Xk; if this holds for any k then we also remove i− j. We onlytest k if either k ∼ i or k ∼ j in H.

• We now repeat the above for sets of size 2, 3 and so on; each time we only considersets C containing only neighbours of i or only neighbours of j.

Provided that all our conditional independence tests were accurate, this is guaranteed toreturn the correct skeleton for G. How do we orient the edges? The priority is to findv-structures, since once we have these we will have found the Markov equivalence clase.This can be done straightforwardly given the previous algorithm, and this is the purposeof the function Orient.

• In the skeleton H look at every triple i − k − j with i 6∼ j, and consider the set Cthat was used when we removed i− j from the skeleton.

• If k 6∈ C then i− k − j is a v-structure, so orient the edges into k. If k ∈ C then itis not.

Proposition 10.3. Skeleton returns the skeleton of G, and Orient fills in preciselythe v-strictures of G.

Proof. If i ∼ j in G then clearly they cannot be d-separated, hence if p is faithful wewill never remove the edge from H. Conversely, if i 6∼ j in G then i is d-separated fromj by paG(i) (possibly after interchanging i and j). Since none of the edges between iand its parents are removed from H, we will eventually try C = paG(i) and find thatXi ⊥⊥ Xj | XC .

For the orientation, if i → k ← j then clearly i and j are not d-separated by any setcontaining k since this path would be open. Conversely, if it is not a v-structure then k isa non-collider on this path, and hence the path is open unless k is included in C.

10.4 Working with Data

Of course, in reality we never have an oracle independence test, and instead have to makedo with data. In this case we can run the algorithm exactly as before, but use a hypothesistest to check whether Xi ⊥⊥ Xj | XC . The exact choice of test will depend upon the kindof data we have (e.g. continuous or discrete, linear or non-linear relationships).

Typically, we select a significance level α (such as 0.05) in advance, and use it for all tests.If the test rejects—that is, there is evidence of conditional dependence—we leave the edgein place, and otherwise we remove it. This tends to mean that for small datasets we obtainfairly sparse graphs, because there is not enough evidence to show that some true edgesare present.


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Algorithm 3 Pseudocode of the PC Algorithm.

function Skeleton(distribution p(xV ))Start with complete undirected graph H;for k in 0, 1, . . . , p− 2 do

for every i ∼ j in H dofor C ⊆ bdH(i) \ {j} or C ⊆ bdH(j) \ {i} with |C| = k do

if Xi ⊥⊥ Xj | XC [p(xV )] thenremove i− j edge from H;record SepSet(i, j) = C;exit loop over C and move to next edge in H.

end ifend for

end forend forreturn H, collection of Sepset(i, j)s.

end functionfunction Orient(Skeleton H, collection of Sepset(i, j)s)

for every triple i− k − j in H with i 6∼ j doif k 6∈ SepSet(i, j) then

orient i→ k ← j.end if

end forreturn H, collection of Sepset(i, j)s.

end function

For discrete random variables, the two most common conditional independence tests arethe Pearson’s χ2-test and the likelihood ratio test (sometimes called a G2-test in thesocial statistics literature). We have already seen that testing X ⊥⊥ Y | Z corresponds tocomparing

Λ = 2∑x,y,z

n(x, y, z) logn(x, y, z) · n(z)

n(x, z) · n(y, z)

to an appropriate χ2-distribution, where (for example) n(x, z) are the marginal countsover X = x, Z = z.

For Gaussian random variables, we can either use a likelihood ratio test or make use ofFisher’s z-transformation. Recall that two normal random variables X and Y areindependent conditional on a set of variables Z = (Z1, . . . , Zd) if and only if the X,Yentry in the corresponding concentration matrix, kxy = 0. If the concentration matrix isscaled so that the diagonal entries are all 1, we get the matrix of partial correlations.Specifically, the partial correlation between X and Y is defined by

ρxy·z ≡ −kxy√kxx · kyy

Fisher’s z-tranformation uses

u =

√n− 3− d


1 + ρxy·z1− ρxy·z


and for large n is approximately standard normally distributed.


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11 Gibbs Sampling

Not all interesting graphs can be triangulated in such a way as to give a junction tree withsmall cliques. This makes operations such as marginalization and updating with evidenceintractable for large graphs. Alternative approaches to inference are based on Markovchain Monte Carlo.

Gibbs Sampling gives a method of sampling from complicated joint distibutions, even ifwe are unable to obtain the normalizing constant. The idea is that we divide our distri-bution into simpler univariate conditional distributions, which often have nice parametricforms. Even if the univariate conditional is not a simple model, computing the normaliz-ing constant only requires a one-dimensional integral (or sum), which is relatively easy toevaulate.

Example 11.1 (Ising Model). Let Xv ∈ {−1,+1}, and let G(V,E) be a graph. The Isingmodel assumes that

p(x; θ) ∝ exp

θ ∑{i,j}∈E



this is commonly used in the case of variables arranged on a p× p grid, such as in a blackand white image.

Note that

p(x; θ) =exp

{θ∑{i,j}∈E xixj



{θ∑{i,j}∈E xixj

} =exp

{θ∑{i,j}∈E xixj



cannot generally be computed because the sum to obtain Z(θ) is intractable. The quantityZ(θ) is sometimes called the partition function.

Of course, if G is decomposable then we can perform these calculations using the expressionfrom Theorem 4.24. But for non-decomposable graphs, there is generally no such niceexpression.

To avoid this problem we introduce a very useful Markov chain Monte Carlo method calledGibbs Sampling. Suppose we wish to simulate from a distribution p(x1, . . . , xk), and aregiven each of the conditionals:

p(xi | x−i) = p(xi | x1, . . . , xi−1, xi+1, . . . , xk).

The Gibbs Sampler is an algorithm that samples as follows:

Algorithm 4 Single iteration of the Gibbs sampler.

function Gibbs(current state x1, . . . , xk, conditional distributions p(xi | x−i))for i in 1, . . . , k do

sample x∗i from p(xi | x∗1, . . . , x∗i−1, xi+1, . . . , xk) ;end forreturn new state (x∗1, . . . , x


end function


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Repeatedly applying this algorithm gives a Markov chain on x1, . . . , xk. Under mild con-ditions, the unique stationary distribution of the Markov chain is the joint distribution p,and the distribution of the state of the chain will converge to p. Hence, the state can beused as a sample from p. A potential disadvantage is that it may take a long time for theMarkov chain to converge. We will not attempt to prove these facts, but see the AdvancedSimulation course next term for more details.

Example 11.2. Suppose that p is a bivariate normal distribution with mean µ = (µ1, µ2)and covariance matrix K−1. Then

log p(x1 | x2) = −1

2(x− µ)TK(x− µ) + const

= −1

2k11(x1 − µ1)2 − k12(x1 − µ1)(x2 − µ2)−


2k22(x2 − µ2)2 + const

= −1


21 + (k11µ1 − k12(x2 − µ2))x1 + const

= −1


(x1 − µ1 +


(x2 − µ2))2

+ const.

Hence, the conditional distribution of X1 | X2 = x2 is Gaussian with mean µ1− k12k11

(x2−µ2)and variance k−111 .

A similar result holds for X2 | X1 = x1. Hence the Gibbs sampler consists of the following

steps, starting from some initial (x(0)1 , x

(0)2 ), for t = 1, 2, . . .,

• draw x(t)1 from N(µ1 − k12


(t−1)2 − µ2), k−111 );

• draw x(t)2 from N(µ2 − k12


(t)1 − µ1), k

−122 ).

In the case where µ1 = µ2 = 0 and the variances are 1, one can show that K =


(1 −ρ−ρ 1

), where ρ is the correlation. This gives updates of the form x1 | x2 ∼

N(ρx2, (1− ρ2)−1). We implement this in the R code below.

> ## Gaussian Gibbs sampler

> rho <- 0.9 ## correlation

> N <- 200 ## number of samples

> x <- y <- numeric(N)

> x[1] <- y[1] <- 0


> for (i in 2:N) {+ x[i] <- rnorm(1, mean=rho*y[i-1], sd=sqrt(1-rho^2))

+ y[i] <- rnorm(1, mean=rho*x[i], sd=sqrt(1-rho^2))

+ }>

> plot(x,y, type="l")


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−3 −2 −1 0 1 2







Notice that there is correlation between the samples, as evidenced by the fact that theMarkov chain tends to stay close to the previous step.

Applying Gibbs sampling to the Ising model makes it much easier to obtain samples from.Even though the joint distribution is hard to evaluate, the full conditional distribution ofeach variable is simple, because we have:

p(xi | xV \{i}, θ) ∝ exp

θxi ∑j∈bdG(i)


p(xi | xV \{i}, θ) =


j∈bdG(i) xj




j∈bdG(i) xj

} ;

this is much easier to compute, because we only have to sum over a single variable xi.

Example 11.3. Consider a model in which X ∼ Bernoulli(π) and Y | X = x ∼ N(θx, 1)independently for i = 1, . . . , n. We place priors π ∼ Beta(a, b) and θx ∼ N(0, 1) forx = 0, 1.

Now suppose we observe Y but not X. The posterior distribution for the parameters is

p(π, θ0, θ1 | y) ∝ p(y | π, θ0, θ1)p(π, θ0, θ1).

Unfortunately this is (relatively) hard to evaluate because p(Y | π, θ0, θ1) does not have asimple form. However, we can instead consider

p(x, π, θ0, θ1 | y) ∝ p(y | x, θ0, θ1) · p(x | π) · p(π, θ0, θ1).


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This is easy to work with because each factor on the right hand side has a simple closedform. In particular,

P (X = 1 | Y, θ0, θ1, π) =π exp(−(Y − θ1)2/2)

π exp(−(Y − θ1)2/2) + (1− π) exp(−(Y − θ0)2/2)

π | X ∼ Beta(a+X, b+ (1−X))

θ1 | X,Y ∼ N(




1 +X

)θ0 | X,Y ∼ N




1 + (1−X)


Since the full conditionals are easy to evaluate, we can just run a Gibbs sampler to obtaina sample from the joint posterior distribution of X and the parameters given Y . We can(if we choose) then just ignore the X samples and keep the sample of parameters.

> set.seed(674)

> ## generate data

> n <- 1000

> pi <- 0.3

> theta <- c(-1,1)

> X <- rbinom(n, 1, pi)

> Y <- rnorm(n, mean=theta[X+1], sd=1)


> ## initial states

> N <- 1000

> pi_samps <- numeric(N)

> theta_samps <- matrix(0, N, 2)

> X_samp <- rbinom(n, 1, 0.5) # random starting point


> a <- b <- 1 ## prior for pi


> ## run Gibbs sampler

> for (i in 1:N) {+ sumX <- sum(X_samp)

+ pi_samps[i] = rbeta(1, a+sumX, b+n-sumX)

+ theta_samps[i,1] = rnorm(1, sum(Y*(1-X_samp))/(1+n-sumX), 1/(1+n-sumX))

+ theta_samps[i,2] = rnorm(1, sum(Y*X_samp)/(1+sumX), 1/(1+sumX))

+ p <- pi_samps[i]*dnorm(Y, theta_samps[i,2])

+ p <- p/(p + (1-pi_samps[i])*dnorm(Y, theta_samps[i,1]))

+ X_samp <- rbinom(n, 1, p)

+ }>

> par(mfrow=c(1,2))

> plot(pi_samps, type="l")

> plot(theta_samps[,1], type="l")


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0 200 400 600 800 1000
















0 200 400 600 800 1000−












, 1


> par(mfrow=c(1,2))

> hist(pi_samps, col=2, breaks=50)

> hist(theta_samps[,1], col=4, breaks=50)

Histogram of pi_samps






0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50






Histogram of theta_samps[, 1]

theta_samps[, 1]





−1.0 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4








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tuberculosis lung cancer



x-ray cough

Figure 25: The ‘Chest Clinic’ network, a fictitious diagnostic model.

11.1 Simulation Under Evidence

Gibbs sampling gives a useful alternative method for estimating probability distributionsafter the introduction of evidence. In Section 8 we made use of junction trees on de-composable graphs to compute such probabilities exactly; using Gibbs sampling we cansimulate data from such a distribution without assuming that the graph is decomposable.

Consider again the Chest Clinic network, and suppose that we have:

p(xV ) =∏v∈V

p(xv | xpa(v)).

We’ve seen that one very efficient way to perform inference in this model is to form ajunction tree, and compute the probabilities using it. This is a form of exact inference,since our algorithm will give us the exact probability.

An alternative is to simulate data from the network, and then use that data to estimatethe probability. (In this context of such a small model, this is not a sensible strategy, andwe do it here only for illustration!)

Gibbs requires that the joint distribution is positive to guarantee that the Markov chaincan get from any state to any other state (i.e. that it is irreducible), so we remove the‘Either’ node from our model. To run the Gibbs algorithm, we need to compute fullconditionals; i.e. the distribution of each variable conditional on every other. In practiceof course, conditional independence means that only some variables will be involved (thosein the Markov blanket).

For example, we can read off from the graph that

p(b | a, s, l, t, x, c) = p(b | s, c, l, t)


p(b | a, s, l, t, x, c) ∝∏v∈V

p(xv | xpa(v)),

and we need only retain terms that contain b. Hence

p(b | a, s, l, t, x, c) ∝ p(b | s) · p(c|b, t, l),


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which shows the same result. To compute it fully, we just

p(b | a, s, l, t, x, c) =p(b | s) · p(c|b, t, l)∑b′ p(b

′ | s) · p(c|b′, t, l),

Now, suppose we are interested in the probability of tuberculosis for a person with no visitto Asia, a non-smoker, a positive x-ray, and no cough.

We can instantiate the seven variables so that those four match the values above, and thenrun a Gibbs sampler that only updates the remaining three values.

Of course, since we only obtain samples any inference we do is only approximate, anddepending on the convergence properties of the chain it may require a very long time togive a good approximation.


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