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  • The aim of this project entitled Rocket launching Simulation is to build a graphics package using OpenGL technology & Microsoft Visual C++ as the platform for compilation

    It deals with various implementations of OpenGL functions to render objects using primitives.

    It also demonstrates animating objects using transformation functions in OpenGL.

    The scene consists of: A area which is suitable to build an rocket.

    A space vehicle which is rendered using Basic primitives & it can be moved on pressing key manually.ABSTRACT

  • INTRODUCTIONOpen graphics library is a standard specification defining a cross platform API for writing applications that produce 2D and 3D computer graphics.

    GL library. OpenGL Utility Library (GLU)OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT), ApplicationsCADScientific visualizationFlight simulation Video games

  • EXISTING SYSTEMThe existing system does not provide facility to get the internal working of the rocket.

    The existing system provide the normal flying of a rocket.

    This system does not provide key stroke input to interact with the system .

    This system had the option of carrying only satellites.

    Some realtime effects are not implemented.



    Rocket can be simulated into the real model.

    Rockets provided with the real time effects are useful in providing information about communication system .

    In this system fuel injection mechanism and combustion process are visualized.

    Toggle view can be useful in knowing the internal structure of the rockets and its implementation which is helpful in analyzing the fault during assembling of the parts. EX:-Rocket models used in space missions and also in Defence operations.


  • PROJECT IMPLEMENTATIONVoid display() It clears color buffer bits and the Matrix Mode is initially set to Projection mode & then to Model view mode.

    It calls the following functions: Void starting()Void internal()Void working()

    Void starting() It provides the the initial scene of a rocket supported with towerlines.

  • Void body() displays body of the rocket by calling body() function.Void flag() displays flag on the rocket by calling flag() function.Void internal() It provides internal construction for rocket using many call back functions.Void fuel tankpipe() It is mainly concerned with flow of fuel from fuel tank to pump for further operation.Void Oxygentankpipe() It is mainly concerned with flow of oxygen from oxygen tank to pump for further operation.void Pumphexagon() It forms an outer support for inner cylindrical pump constructed using circle_draw() function.

  • void working() This section explain the internal operation of a rocket.

    Void satellite() It controls the entire rocket by keeping an eye on working of rocket.Void cumbustionchamberpipe() It functions as a flow pipe from pump to lower parts of rocket for ignition operation.Void cumbustionchamber() In this chamber the actual working takes place with mix of fuel and oxygen gas.Void ignite() After all the callback functions are defined the rocket launch initiation takes in a countdown manner by calling this function.

  • The picture shown below is the initial view of the scene .This Provides the various option that could be performed on rocket.OUTPUT

  • Press option s or S displayed on the scene and choose overall view which looks something as shown in the picture below.This demonstrates the another view of the scene with tower lines.

  • press option i or I which is displayed on the scene.The scene which provides the internal structure of a rocket.

  • Press w or W to obtain the scene of rocket working.The scene provide the LAUNCH option along with internal parts of the rocket.Click on launch option.

  • This scene provides the view of internal working after clicking the LAUNCH option.The number 7 on the scene shows the countdown for the launching of rocket.

  • This is the view of the scene when rocket is launched.At this moment tower lines, ground are removed.Ground , hills , stars are all translated.


    The rocket can be enhanced by providing animation for working of rocket in the space.

    The rocket can be enhanced from 2D model to 3D model.

    We can use this project for developing a real time rocket .

    We can add texture effect by using the instructions available in the OpenGL.

    Changing the environment around it to make more interactive.

    The unmounting of the satellite in space from the rocket can be shown.The rotation of the satellite in space on its orbit can be tracked.


    This project called ROCKET SIMULATION LAUNCHING is an implementation to demonstrate the skills I have learnt in while executing the graphics laboratory programs.

    While working out with the project, I came out with various aspects and interesting facts about OpenGL functions & the relevant way of using those functions.

  • REFERENCES Interactive computer graphics by Edward angel Computer Graphics using OpenGL by F.S.Hill & Stephen.M.Kelly OpenGL graphics through application by Robert Whitrow OpenGL Bible by Richard Wright



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