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Page 1: GÉRARD DE NERVAL FRENCH WRITER AND POETnie-images.s3.amazonaws.com/gall_content/2020/4/2020_4... · 2020. 4. 20. · 02 “Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.” GÉRARD

02 “Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.”GÉRARD DE NERVAL, FRENCH WRITER AND POET ACTIVITY






Want to boost your generalknowledge? Take this exciting

test. Rest assured, it will really test you!

Q1: Which one of the followingis not needed in a nuclear

fission reactor?A: Moderator B: CoolantC: Accelerator D: Control device

Q2: When items or jewellerymade of metals such as

copper or nickel are placed in asolution having a salt of gold, a thinfilm of gold is deposited by A: cooling to below 0°C B: heatingabove 100°C C: passing an electric

current D: just keeping it for 10 min

Q3: A body is charged negative-ly. It implies that

A: it has lost some of its protons

B: it has acquired some electrons

from outside C: it has lost some of itselectrons D: None of the above

Q4: Contact lenses are madefrom

A: polyvinyl chloride B:polystyreneC: Lucite D: Teflon

Q5: Water is a good coolantand is used to cool engines

of cars, buses, trucks

etc. This is because water has aA: high specific heatB: low surface tension C:high boil-ing point D: Teflon

Q6: Which one among the fol-lowing metals is used for

making boats because it does notget corroded by sea water?A: Tungsten B: NickelC: Antimony D: Titanium

Q7: Which one among the fol-lowing is a sin smelling

agent (strong smelling compound)added to LPG cylinder to help thedetection of gas leakage? A: Ethanol B: ThioethanolC: Methane D: Chloroform

CURRICULUM EXERCISESQ1. What is an Isotope?Q2. Fill in the blanks:A. A turbine is said to have an axial dischargewhen the steam leaves the blade tip at__________ to the direction of the blade motion.

Q3. Identify the following:

Answer:(1) Isotopes are variants of a particular chemical elementwhich differ in neutron number, and consequently in nucleon number.All isotopes of a given element have the same number of protons butdifferent numbers of neutrons in each atom. (2) A) 90° (3) The firstBEST motor bus in Mumbai ran in 1926. Buses that ran between 1928and 1930 had postboxes for passengers to deposit their letters.

taciturn: (adj)inclined to silence;reserved in speech;reluctant to join inconversation. Dour,stern, and silent inexpression andmanner.

Synonymous words:aloof, laconic,brooding, curt, cold,close, distant, dumb,

mute, quiet, reserved,speechless, silent,withdrawn, etc

Examples: No onewould dare mess withhim, the taciturn andvengeful leader thathe is. Tall and taciturn,he exuded the easyauthority of a youngman used to moneyand the deferencethat came with it.



ARNAV MAKANI, class 10th the Gurukul School, Panchkula

TISHAYA TAKKAR, class 1, Bhai Parmanand Vidya MandirSchool, Delhi

Q1: When a person publiclyannounces they cannot repay

their loans it is calledA: Deposit B:Bankruptcy C: Mortgage

Q2: In financial transactions, a CD is a:

A: Certificate of DebtB: Certificate of DepositC: Citizen’s DepositD: Certificate of Collateral

Q3: Which of the following is nota direct tax?

A: Sales tax B: Income taxC: Wealth tax D: Estate duty

Q4: The Indian economy is

A: Capitalist B: SocialisticC: MixedD: Federal

Q5: Which certifica-tion indicates a

guarantee of quality foragricultural food productslike ghee, honey, etc.?

A: ISI B: AgmarkC: BIS D: All of above

Q6: The economic liberalisationwas introduced in _____

A: 1991 B: 1990C: 1985 D: 1988

Q7: When was the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF)


A: 1944 B: 1945C: 1948 D: 1950

Q8: As a verb, “to finance” is toprovide funds for business

or for an individual's large purchases(car, home, etc.)

A: True B: False

Q9: Paying the balance on yourcard every month helps you

get a good

A: Credit ratingB: Net income C: Tax

ANSWERS TOPIC: SCIENCE Theme: Chemistry 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B TOPIC: ECONOMY Theme: Finance 1. A 2. B 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 A 7. B 8. A 9. A

SCIENCETheme: Chemistry

ECONOMYTheme: Finance

P eople often complainabout the various restric-tions imposed on them.

But right now I am looking at thepositiveaspects of thislockdown,which aremany. I amlearning some-thing newevery day -from doing the otherwise-mun-dane household chores to tryingexciting new recipes, it's been agreat learning experience. I amreading more books outside thesyllabus, trying to keep up withcurrent affairs and, most impor-tantly, spending time with my fam-ily. I am listening to my favouritemusicians - Shawn Mendes, CamilaCabello, Marshmello and AlanWalker. Goes without saying, I amre-reading my textbooks for thethree papers which have beenpostponed. POORVI SORABA, Class X, Little

Flower Public School, Bengaluru.

T o create good habits, we should make up our mind towork towards it. We need to: *make a plan and identifythe procedure. *Adapt good food habits by eating fruits

and vegetables and adding more healthy unprocessed foods inour diet. Avoid junk food. *Adapt good drinking habit. Drink plen-ty of water and stay hydrated. Also, drink water before going tobed. In summer it's best to drink lime juice, coconut water, but-termilk, instead of having juice. *Make good night time routineslike reading. *Read good books before bedtime for a restfulsleep. *Do possible exercises both at home and outdoors. Asexercising is hard to start all of a sudden, start simple. *Developa habit of being well-organised.

DEVA NANDA M RAJ, class X, Carmel School Peyad,


A sking the question, why I should learn to code,today, is the same as asking why I should learn toread and write in the 14th century. Programming is

more handy in day to day tasks and professional life morethan you think. Once a computer programmer was facing theproblem of going to the video rental store again and againto rent DVDs, so he decided to make a website where videoscould be uploaded and he and his friends could enjoy themat their ease. Today we know that website as YouTube.Similarly once a teen in his college dorm got the idea to cre-ate a website where he could list names of his friends withtheir photos and now we know him as Mark Zuckerberg. So,learn coding! VAIBHAV DEVNANI, XII, Jayshree Periwal High School, Jaipur

Answers: 1) A. massive 2) A. Belfast 3) C. 10 4) D. first 5) B. Carpathia


Timeless Titanic SURYAKUMARI DENNISON, Teacher,

Aavishkar Academy

In the early hours of April 15, 1912,a stately ocean liner sank to thedepths of the Atlantic Ocean. Shelives on in legend and through afilm that won several AcademyAwards. Answer each of thesequeries.

1. Which of these words meansTitanic?A. massive 2. matchless 3. magnif-icent 4. maritime

2. In which city was Titanicbuilt?A. Belfast B. Berlin C. Boston D.Bradford3. On what date in April didTitanic leave Southampton forNew York?A. 14 B. 12 C. 10 d. 84. On which of her voyages didTitanic strike an iceberg?A. fourth B. third C. second D. first5. Which ship rushed to the aidof Titanic and rescued sur-vivors?A. Cavalier B. Carpathia C.Colossus D. Columbia


With kids all over the house and the entirehousehold work thrust onto the shoulders ofthe lady teachers, life is indeed not withoutwoes. A new struggle has begun, strugglingto tide over the technical limitations and togain mastery over handling technology,making ppts or videos etc.Amidst all this, assuring the panic stricken seniorcitizens of the family and the depressed kids isimperative too.It has become very important to spend quality

time with all family members to assure themthat this is just a passing phase.

SUNITHA R DEY, coordinator, Lakshmipat Singhania

Academy Kolkata

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