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Page 1: GREASE INTERCEPTORS - Precastprecast.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Chapter-7-GreaseIntercepto… · typically found on a job site – temperature, curing conditions, craftsmanship

LEED Reference GuideFor Precast Concrete Products


Page 2: GREASE INTERCEPTORS - Precastprecast.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Chapter-7-GreaseIntercepto… · typically found on a job site – temperature, curing conditions, craftsmanship



LEED Reference Guide for Precast Concrete Products • www.precast.org

National Precast Concrete Association 1320 City Center Dr. Suite 200, Carmel, IN 46032 (800) 366-7731 | www.precast.org

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered; however, National Precast Concrete Association acts as a mediator without approving, disapproving or guaranteeing the validity or accuracy of any data, claim or opinion appearing herein. Information is provided and disseminated with the understanding that the National Precast Concrete Association is not engaged in rendering engineering, legal or any other professional services. If engineering, legal or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be obtained. The National Precast Concrete Association does not assume and hereby disclaims liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in the material contained herein, regardless of whether such errors result from negligence, accident or any other cause whatsoever.

The Credit Requirements listed in this document are contained within the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System developed by the United States Green Building Council. For more information on the LEED Green Building Rating System, please visit www.usgbc.org.

For additional information about using precast concrete within the LEED system, please visit www.precast.org

Eating greasy foods may or may not clog your arteries, but one thing is for certain: grease that enters our wastewater systems from restaurants and other dining establishments will eventually clog a sewer system. With the ever-increasing number of restaurants located in North America, the need for effective removal of fats, oils and greases is vitally important. Precast concrete grease interceptors are the perfect choice to meet these needs.

Precast concrete grease interceptors remove grease from the waste stream and bring the water to acceptable effluent standards before discharging it into a sanitary sewer system. Grease interceptors are easy to maintain and large enough to hold considerable amounts of grease. Located underground and outside the kitchen area, precast concrete grease interceptors help keep restaurants and other commercial kitchen areas sanitary by removing waste from the cooking area.

Advantages of Precast Concrete Grease Interceptors ......................................................................... 3

LEED Retail Construction• SS5.1–SiteDevelopment–ProtectOrRestoreHabitat ................................................................ 4• MR4–RecycledContent ................................................................................................................ 5• MR5–RegionalMaterials................................................................................................................ 6

LEED New Construction• SS5.1–SiteDevelopment–ProtectOrRestoreHabitat ................................................................ 7• MR4–RecycledContent ................................................................................................................ 8• MR5–RegionalMaterials................................................................................................................ 9

Page 3: GREASE INTERCEPTORS - Precastprecast.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Chapter-7-GreaseIntercepto… · typically found on a job site – temperature, curing conditions, craftsmanship



LEED Reference Guide for Precast Concrete Products • www.precast.org

Built toughThe strength of precast concrete gradually increases overtime.Othermaterialscandeteriorate,experiencecreepandstressrelaxation,losestrengthand/or deflect over time. The load-carrying capacity of precast concrete is derived from its own structural qualities and does not rely on the strength or quality of the surrounding backfill materials. Precast concrete grease interceptors can easily support vehicular loads typically found near food service establishments, allowing for convenient placement under a parking lot.

It’s all about the qualityBecause precast concrete products are manufactured inacontrolledplantenvironment,theyexhibithighquality and uniformity. Problems affecting quality typicallyfoundonajobsite–temperature,curingconditions,craftsmanshipandmaterialquality–arenearly eliminated in a plant environment.Precast concrete products manufactured in a quality-controlled environment and installed with high-quality sealants offer a superior solution to watertightness requirements. Standard watertight sealants are formulated to adhere to precast concrete, making watertight multiple-seam precast concrete structures routine.

Ready when you areWith thousands of manufacturers throughout North America, precast concrete products can be ordered from plants in most cities or regions. Since precast structures are manufactured in advances and stored at the plant, they are readily available when needed at the job site. This ensures competitive pricing and a ready supply, which can save days, weeks or even months on a project compared with cast-in-place concrete and other materials.

Nasty weather? No problemPrecast concrete increases efficiency because weather will not delay production in the plant. In addition, weather conditions at the job site do not significantly affect the schedule. Conversely, forming and placing of concrete in cast-in-place applications can result in significant delays due to poor weather conditions.

Heavyweight championWith a specific gravity of 2.40, precast concrete products resist the buoyant forces associated with underground construction. In comparison, fiberglass hasaspecificgravityof1.86andhigh-densitypolyethylene(HDPE)hasaspecificgravityof0.97.

Good for the planetPrecastconcreteisnon-toxic,environmentallysafeand made from all-natural materials, making it an ideal material for use underground. Concrete has no proven ill effects on groundwater and surface water quality. Specially designed sealants and rubber gaskets ensure that all pollutants are contained within the interceptor.

Go ahead, prove itLarge outdoor grease interceptors are the best methodtopretreatkitchenwastewater.Onlylargeoutdoor interceptors can provide maintenance accountability because of their reliance on third party maintenance contracts. When a third party provides maintenance, you have a paper trail to show compliance with local ordinances. This assurance doesnotexistforselfmaintained,under-the-sinkgrease removal systems.

For the health of itOutdoorinterceptorsprovidealevelofhealthsafety that indoor units simply cannot provide. By conducting the collection, maintenance and disposal of grease outside of the kitchen area, outdoor interceptors eliminate the health concerns created by performing these functions in the same workspace as food preparation. Precast concrete grease interceptors are the best choice for effective removal offats,oilsandgrease.Onlyproperlysizedoutdoortype grease interceptors provide acceptable effluent quality.

Easy to maintainUnfortunately a small minority of interceptors are not properly maintained. With the addition of a high-tech monitoring system information such as oil and solid levels, liquid levels and temperature can be recorded, allowinganoptimizedmaintenancescheduletobedeveloped.

Page 4: GREASE INTERCEPTORS - Precastprecast.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Chapter-7-GreaseIntercepto… · typically found on a job site – temperature, curing conditions, craftsmanship



LEED Reference Guide for Precast Concrete Products • www.precast.org

Credit Requirement Max. Points: 1 Precast Contribution


LEED Retail Construction

SS 5.1Sustainable Sites

Site DevelopmentProtect or Restore Habitat

Site Development – Protect or Restore Habitat

Case 1 – Greenfield SitesLimit all site disturbance to the following parameters: • 40feetbeyondthebuilding • 10feetbeyondsurfaceparkingandutilitieslessthan12 inches in diameter • 15feetbeyondprimaryroadwaycurbsandmainutilitybranch trenches • 25feetbeyondconstructedareaswithpermeablesurfaces (such as pervious paving areas, stormwater detention facilitiesandplayingfields)thatrequireadditionalstaging areas to limit compaction in the constructed area.

Case 2 – Previously Developed AreasDonatelandequivalenttoaminimumof50%ofthesitearea(excludingthebuildingfootprint)or20%ofthetotalsitearea(includingbuildingfootprint),whicheverisgreater,toalandtrust(seetheLEEDGuideforcompleterequirement).

Precast concrete products are cast and cured in the plant and delivered to the site ready to set so they reduce the staging area required, which can reduce the overall site disturbance.

The impact on the construction site is also reduced because there is no additional formwork, which often requires more construction area for above-ground products and larger excavationareasforundergroundproducts.

Less impact on sites can reduce construction waste, shorten the construction schedule and require fewer laborers on-site.

Page 5: GREASE INTERCEPTORS - Precastprecast.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Chapter-7-GreaseIntercepto… · typically found on a job site – temperature, curing conditions, craftsmanship



LEED Reference Guide for Precast Concrete Products • www.precast.org

Credit Requirement Max. Points: 2 Precast Contribution


LEED Retail Construction

MR 4Materials and Resources

Waste Management

Precast concrete products may contain supplementary cementitious materials such as fly ash and blast furnace slag which will add to the project’s recycled content goals.

Precast products may also contain rebar and welded wire mesh which is often made from recycled steel.

Otherlessfrequentlyusedrecycledcontent components include various fiber reinforcements, glass aggregates, silica fume, and recycled crushed concrete.

The NPCA LEED calculator helps members respond with the proper documentation required for this credit. SimplyinputtheZipCode/PostalCodeand weight for each component to generate a pdf file that can be e-mailed directly to the LEED AP, contractor or architect.

Recycled Content Points

10% 1

20% 2

Recycled Content RequirementsUse materials with recycled content such that the sum of postconsumerrecycledcontentplus1/2thepreconsumercontentconstitutesatleast10%or20%(basedoncost)ofthetotalvalueof the materials in the project. The minimum percentage materials recycled for each point threshold is:

The recycled content value of a material assembly is determined by weight. The recycled fraction of the assembly is then multiplied by the cost of the assembly to determine the recycled content value.

Mechanical,electricalandplumbingcomponentsandspecialtyitems such as elevators cannot be included in this calculation. Include only materials permanently installed in the project. FurnituremaybeincludedifitisincludedconsistentlyinMRCredit3:MaterialsReusethroughMRCredit7:CertifiedWood.

Page 6: GREASE INTERCEPTORS - Precastprecast.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Chapter-7-GreaseIntercepto… · typically found on a job site – temperature, curing conditions, craftsmanship



LEED Reference Guide for Precast Concrete Products • www.precast.org

Credit Requirement Max. Points: 2 Precast Contribution


LEED Retail Construction

MR 5Materials and Resources

Regional Materials

Because concrete uses plentiful and natural raw materials, concrete componentscanbeextracted,harvestedandmanufacturedwithin500miles of the project site. Using locally obtained raw materials helps reduce transportation distances which reduces the environmental impact of carbon emissions.

If shipping is done by rail or water, LEED Canada allows up to 2,400 km(1,500miles)fromboththemanufacturing site to the project site and the location where building materialsareextracted,harvested,recovered and processed to the manufacturing site.

The NPCA LEED Calculator helps provide the proper documentation required for this credit. Simply input the Zip code where each raw material originates and the weight of each material to generate a printable file that can be e-mailed to the LEED AP, contractor or architect.

Regional Materials


Thecalculationisbasedontheoverallmaterialscost.Materialscostsincludeallexpensestodeliverthematerialtotheprojectsite.Materialscostsshouldaccountforalltaxesandtransportationcostsincurredbythecontractorbutexcludeanycost for labor and equipment once the material has been delivered to the site.

Regional Materials of 10% = 1 point

Regional Materials of 20% = 2 points

SeetheNPCALEEDCalculatoratwww.precast.org/leedforhelpwith this credit.

See the LEED Canada guide for information on Canada’s credit requirements.

Page 7: GREASE INTERCEPTORS - Precastprecast.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Chapter-7-GreaseIntercepto… · typically found on a job site – temperature, curing conditions, craftsmanship



LEED Reference Guide for Precast Concrete Products • www.precast.org

Credit Requirement Max. Points: 1 Precast Contribution


LEED New Construction

SS 5.1Sustainable Sites

Protect or Restore Habitat

Site Development – Protect or Restore Habitat Case 1 – Greenfield SitesLimit all site disturbances to the following parameters: • 40feetbeyondthebuildingperimeter • 10feetbeyondsurfacewalkways,patios,surfaceparkingand utilitieslessthan12inchesindiameter • 15feetbeyondprimaryroadwaycurbsandmainutilitybranch trenches • 25feetbeyondconstructedareaswithpermeablesurfaces (such as pervious paving areas, stormwater detention facilitiesandplayingfields)thatrequireadditionalstaging areas to limit compaction in the constructed area, or

Case 2 – Previously Developed AreasRestoreorprotectaminimumor50%ofthesite(excludingthebuildingfootprint)or20%ofthetotalsitearea(includingbuildingfootprintarea),whicheverisgreater,withnativeoradaptedvegetation.

See the LEED Canada guide for information on Canada’s credit requirements.

Precast concrete products are cast and cured in the plant and delivered to the site ready to set so they reduce the staging area required, which can reduce the overall site disturbance.

The impact on the construction site is also reduced because there is no additional formwork, which often requires more construction area for above-ground products and larger excavationareasforundergroundproducts.

Less impact on sites can reduce construction waste, shorten the construction schedule and require fewer laborers on-site.

Page 8: GREASE INTERCEPTORS - Precastprecast.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Chapter-7-GreaseIntercepto… · typically found on a job site – temperature, curing conditions, craftsmanship



LEED Reference Guide for Precast Concrete Products • www.precast.org

Credit Requirement Max. Points: 2 Precast Contribution


LEED New Construction

MR 4Materials and Resources

Recycled Content

Precast concrete products may contain supplementary cementitious materials such as fly ash and blast furnace slag which will add to the project’s recycled content goals.

Precast products may also contain rebar and welded wire mesh which is often made from recycled steel.

Otherlessfrequentlyusedrecycledcontent components include various fiber reinforcements, glass aggregates, silica fume, and recycled crushed concrete.

The NPCA LEED calculator helps members respond with the proper documentation required for this credit. SimplyinputtheZipCode/PostalCodeand weight for each component to generate a pdf file that can be e-mailed directly to the LEED AP, contractor or architect.

Recycled Content Points

10% 1

20% 2

Recycled Content Use materials with recycled content such that the sum of postconsumerrecycledcontentplus1/2thepreconsumercontentconstitutesatleast10%or20%(basedoncost)ofthetotalvalueof the materials in the project. The minimum percentage materials recycled for each point threshold is:

The recycled content value of a material assembly is determined by weight. The recycled fraction of the assembly is then multiplied by the cost of the assembly to determine the recycled content value.

Mechanical,electricalandplumbingcomponentsandspecialtyitems such as elevators cannot be included in this calculation. Include only materials permanently installed in the project. FurnituremaybeincludedifitisincludedconsistentlyinMRCredit3:MaterialsReusethroughMRCredit7:CertifiedWood.

Page 9: GREASE INTERCEPTORS - Precastprecast.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Chapter-7-GreaseIntercepto… · typically found on a job site – temperature, curing conditions, craftsmanship



LEED Reference Guide for Precast Concrete Products • www.precast.org

Credit Requirement Max. Points: 2 Precast Contribution


LEED New Construction

MR 5Materials and Resources

Regional Materials

Because concrete uses plentiful and natural raw materials, concrete componentscanbeextracted,harvestedandmanufacturedwithin500miles of the project site. Using locally obtained raw materials helps reduce transportation distances which reduces the environmental impact of carbon emissions.

If shipping is done by rail or water, LEED Canada allows up to 2,400 km(1,500miles)fromboththemanufacturing site to the project site and the location where building materialsareextracted,harvested,recovered and processed to the manufacturing site.

The NPCA LEED Calculator helps provide the proper documentation required for this credit. Simply input the Zip code where each raw material originates and the weight of each material to generate a printable file that can be e-mailed to the LEED AP, contractor or architect.

Regional Materials Usematerialsorproductsthathavebeenextracted,harvested,andmanufacturedwithin500milesoftheprojectsite.

Thecalculationisbasedontheoverallmaterialscost.Materialscostsincludeallexpensestodeliverthematerialtotheprojectsite.Materialscostsshouldaccountforalltaxesandtransportationcostsincurredbythecontractorbutexcludeanycost for labor and equipment once the material has been delivered to the site.

Regional Materials of 10% = 1 point

Regional Materials of 20% = 2 points

SeetheNPCALEEDCalculatoratwww.precast.org/leedforhelpwith this credit.

See the LEED Canada guide for information on Canada’s credit requirements.

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