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Page 1: Great People In The World Albert Einstein Chairman Mao.
Page 3: Great People In The World Albert Einstein Chairman Mao.

He fought for the black people and was in prison for thirty years . He helped the black people to get the same rights as white people .

Nelson Mandel (1918- )South Africa

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He founded the first Republic in China in 1911 after many year’s fighting . He strongly believed in the three principles :


people’s rights ;

people’s livelihood .

Sun Yat-sen(1866-1925),China

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As a great person

Should he/she help others?

Should he/she get on well with others

Should he/she be willing to do public service?

Should he/she be active in society activities?

Should he/she never lose heart when he/she is in great trouble?

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As a great person, he/she should help others, get on well with others, be willing to do public service, be active in society activities and never lose heart when he/she is in great trouble and so on.

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What kind of person are you? Questions

•Do you always do your own homework?

•Do you ask for help when you think it


•Do you help others with their work when they

ask you?

•Do you get on well with your classmates?

•Are you willing to do public service work

without pay?

Yes No

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What kind of person are you? Do you have the qualities to be a great person?

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What kind of person are you?•You friend needs bus fare home but you

want to buy something to eat. Would

you refuse to help?

•Are you active in school activities?

•Do you have hobbies?

•Do you easily lose heart when you are

in trouble?

• Do you often help old people or little

children when they need help?

Yes No

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P34:Read the passage , give the general idea of each part :Part 1 Paragraphs 1---2

Part 11 Paragraphs 3---5

It tells us about Elias’ life before he met Nelson Mandela .

It describes the change of Elias’ life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did .

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P35 Comprehending1. Read these statements . Tell whether they are

true or false and why . True False

1 Elias met Nelson Mandela at school .

2 Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer .

3 Elias was unable to read or write because

he was lazy .

4 Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job .

5 Elias was happy blowing up government

buildings .

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6 Nelson Mandela believed that black True False

people were being treated as well as

white people in South Africa .

7 Nelson Mandela thought violence was

a good way to help black people .

8 The government were happy with Nelson

Mandela and the ANC .

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2 Now make a timetable of Elias’ life until he met Nelson

Mandela ,using the reading to help you .Work out the year

in which he was born and then fit in the other events in his

life till he was fourteen.1940- 1948-

1942- 1950-

1944- 1952-

1946- 1954-

He was born .

He was a two-year-old baby .

He left school .

Nelson Mandela opened his law firm .

He was four years old .

He was 12 and met Mandela .

He began school .

He was 14 and encouraged by Mandela .

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1 period (n.)

1) length or portion of time 一段时间,时期

There were long periods when we had no news of him .

Tomorrow’s weather will be cloudy with sunny periods .

2) (time allowed for a ) lesson in school 课时,一节课

three periods of chemistry a week 一个星期三节化学课

2 advise

1)advise sb. on sth. 就……给某人出主意

The English teacher advises us on how to learn English well .

Page 22: Great People In The World Albert Einstein Chairman Mao.

2) 后面可加名词,代词,动名词

The doctor advised taking more exercise .

3) advise sb. to do sth.

Our monitor ___________________more spoken English

and listening .

4) advise 的名词 advice ,是不可数名词

a piece of advice give sb. advice on …


3 The last years have seen the greatest numbers of laws

stopping our rights and progress…

advises me to practise

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see / find 在此句意为“见证,目睹”,为某事发生之时,主语常为时间 :

The last few months have seen more and more

traffic accidents .

Yesterday saw a terrible car accident in front of our school .


Mandela saw a great deal of suffering in his life .

4…only then did we decide to answer violence with violence .

当修饰副词或状语置于句首时,句子要局部 / 部分倒装:

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Only after the lesson did she understand it.

Only recently have I thought of them .

如果 only 引导主语就不用倒装:

Only some of the children understood it.

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Choose the best answer to complete each sentence .

1 Elias was unhappy in the prison because ________

A he was kept with the criminals

B the prison guards studied with him

C he had to study D he could not study for a degree

2 Nelson Mandela showed how good a leader he was because

A he fought the guards in prison

B he refused to let the guards study in his school

C he let the guards study in his school but not take the exams

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D he let the guards study even though the prisoners could not

take the exams

3 Life for Elias was not too bad in prison because_________

A he had to study B he could study with the guards

C he wanted to study C he could study and get a degree

4 As leader of South Africa , Nelson Mandela helped prisoners of Robben Island by__________

A giving them an education B giving them money

C putting the guards in prison D giving them a job

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1 stop sb./sth. (from) doing sth. 制止(防止)某人 / 某物作某事

prevent sb./sth. (from) doing sth.

keep sb./sth. from doing sth.

leave/ keep/ have sb. doing sth.

What can stop me (from) going if I want to go ?

The heavy rain kept us from going out .

Page 29: Great People In The World Albert Einstein Chairman Mao.

2 encourage sb. to do sth.

sb. be discouraged

The bad news discourages us from doing seaside .

3 be proud to do sth.

be proud of sth.

take pride in

I ____________be a member of this organization.

We ____________our success .

am proud to

are proud of

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P37 Using Language Listening

1 Listen to the tape and find out the reason why Elias

joined the ANC Youth League .Then answer the

following questions .

1 What is a passbook ?

A A book to help you pass exams .

B A book to show your identity .

C A book to tell you where to live .

D A book to tell you how to live .

Page 31: Great People In The World Albert Einstein Chairman Mao.

2 Why is it important ?

A For traveling outside South Africa .

B For showing where you were born .

C For traveling inside South Africa .

D For getting a job .

3 What job did Elias want to do ?

A To work with other black workers .

B To work as a cleaner .

C To teach in a primary school .

D To work in the mines.

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4 Who worked underground ?

A The white workers . B The black and white workers .

C The black workers . D Foreign workers .

5 Who worked on the surface ?

A The black workers . B The black and white workers .

C The white workers . D Foreign workers .

6 Where did Elias live ?

A In a classroom . B In a home of his own .

C In a large room with beds . D With his family .

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