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Shawn Xu, University of Missouri


Green Campus with GSHP:Practice of an American School in China

Shawn Y. Xu, Ph.D.University of Missouri

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

2 American Schools in China

Private school with permission of Chinese governments

Children of employee’s of U.S. and foreign companies and organizations in China

American curriculum

American teachers and staff

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

3 Concordia International School

Located in Pudong (Eastern Shanghai)

Jingqiao Export Manufacturing Region

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

4 Concordia International School

Soccer field

New office/classroomcomplex


Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

5 Building Space

Existing building space: 230,000 sft

New construction space: 140,000 sft

Total GSHP conditioned: 370,000 sft

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

6 Building Functions

Class rooms

Administration offices

Teacher’s offices

Art center




Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

7 Building Functions

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

8 Conventional Systems

Oil furnace for heating in winter

Central chiller for cooling

Small units of water loop HP with cooling tower

Roof-top AC system

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

9 Motivations for GSHP

Green campus, on-site fossil fuel free;

Utility saving and 5-6 years payback

Education tool and energy efficiency course

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

10 Implementation Team

GSHP design: Shawn Xu, Ph.D.

Contractor: Asia Clean Utility Solutions

Mechanical: ZE Engineering

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

11 Space and Load

New Construction Retrofitting

TOTALBlok 4 Blok 1 Blok 2 & 3

Floor space

Sft 12,716 6,000 15,670 34,386

M2 136,875 64,584 168,672 370,131

Cooling load

Kw 2,085 940 2,398 5,423

Ton 593 267 682 1,542

Heating load

Kw 903 760 1,880 3,543

Ton 257 216 535 1007

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

12 System Configuration

Water pump


Vertical ground loop

Water pump

Water pump


Wall Standing


New Construction Retrofitting

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

13 Loop Location

Located under the soccer filed

Underground space of 80,000 sft

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

14 Soil Property Test

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

15 Site Survey

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

16 Loop Field Excavation

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

17 Loop Installation

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

18 Loop Details

Number of boreholes: 900

Depth of boreholes: 250 ft

Pipe length (DN1-1/2’): 198 km (650,000ft)

Pipe length (DN6.0’): ): 3.2 km(10,200ft)

HDPE valves: 1830

Total joints: 9570

Drilling machines on site: 18

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

19 Mechanical Room

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

20 Ductwork and Terminal System

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

21 Test and Start-Up

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

22 Green Roof

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

23 Green Roof

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

24 Visitors to the School

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

25 Potentials

Higher energy prices

Natural gas: $0.3-0.5/Nm3

Electricity: $0.10-0.15/Kw-hr

Lower labor cost: $2.0-3.0/hr

Typical payback year 2-5

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

26 Potentials

Private and public schools

Winter and summer operation

Third party investment and utility services

Shawn Xu, University of Missouri

27 Contact

Shawn Y. Xu, Ph.D.

Institute for Energy Technologies

University of Missouri

Columbia, MO 65211

Phone: 882-4051

Email: [email protected]

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