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Green Lane, Heaton Norris, Stockport ,SK4 2NF

Tel No: 0161 7323944 Fax No: 0161 975 5114 www.norrisbank.stockport

Anglesey Trip Return Year 5 are due back from the Anglesey residential today at 4.00pm, if it’s any different we will notify via parentmail.

ELVIS - Tribute night We are having an Elvis tribute night here at Norris Bank Primary on Friday 17th June with a performance from Paul Tye as Elvis and a disco to finish off the night. Ticket prices are £12 per person or a table of 6 for £60 which includes a veg chilli/chilli and crusty bread supper. Door opens at 7.00pm until 11.00pm with a licenced bar, tickets are on sale at the office. The evening is a fundraiser with all proceeds going towards an outdoor kitchen for the garden.

2016/2017 Term Dates Term dates for 2016/2017 are now uploaded on to our website. To access visit: www.norrisbank.stockport.sch.uk and click on the ‘Term dates’ tab.

Square One Performing Live This afternoon at 3.30pm Square One will be performing on the school staff car park, there are also cakes and hot dogs for sale. All proceeds going to the year 6 leavers party.

School Classroom/Corridor access Could we please remind parents/Guardians that classrooms and corridors are out of bounds unless supervised with a member of staff before or after the school day.

Music / Sports Tuition Fees We still have quite a few unpaid Music and Sports tuition fees due for April/May. We have permission slips at school reception if you are unable to print a copy off. We have sent reminders out, If your child takes part Please ensure payment is made promptly.

Year 6 SATs We would like to say a huge WELL DONE to the year 6 children for all their hard work during SATs this week, they took it all in their stride and we are all very proud of them. We would also like to say a big THANK YOU to year 6 team.

Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers We are participating in the Sainsbury’s Active kids voucher scheme again this year. There is a collection box in the main reception for any you want to donate to school. Many thanks for your support.

School Uniform As the summer approaches please can we remind you that school uniform is black school shoes, no crocs or flip flops please, Thank you.

School Dinners - New Menu The summer menu is now available at reception, included in this is a selection of sandwiches and grab bags for children wanting to eat lunch outside in the lovely weather. PLEASE NOTE, GRAB BAGS ARE AVAILABLE FROM TUESDAY 14th JUNE.

Dinner Money 18.04.16 — 27.05.16 April half term dinner money is £58.80

(Cheques payable to Norris Bank P.S.)

Year 2 SATs

Year 2 SATs will be running throughout the whole of May so please try not to book Medical/Dental appointments and not to book any holidays for this period.

School Class and Group Photo’s If you would like any of the school group Photo’s that have been brought home, please ensure the order form is returned no later than Wednesday 18th May.

Green Lane, Heaton Norris, Stockport ,SK4 2NF

Tel No: 0161 7323944 Fax No: 0161 975 5114 www.norrisbank.stockport

Date Description Time

Throughout May Year 2 SATs

Fri 27th May School closes 3:15pm & 3:30pm

Tue 14th June School re-opens 8:50am

Fri 17th June GLC Elvis Night fundraiser 7:00 pm

Thurs 23rd June School Closed - Polling Station (EU Referendum) All Day

Friday 24th June School re-opens 8:50am

Mon 27th June to Wed 29th June Year 4 residential to Eskdale (Group A)

Wed 29th June to Fri 1st July Year 4 residential to Eskdale (Group B)

Friday 8th July Sports Day KS2—morning


Saturday 9th July Summer Fair 12—4pm

Thurs 28th July School Closes - Summer Holidays 3:15pm & 3:30pm

Thurs 1st Sept - Fri 2nd Sept School Closed - Inset Days

Mon 5th Sept School re-opens 8:50am

If you have a general message the school office email address is: [email protected]

If you have a query for your child’s teacher, the email addresses are listed below. [email protected], emma.warrington@, freya.morton@, adele.cook@, helen.barrowcliff@, emma.furness@, sarah.mcpeake@, michelle.chorlton@, shaun.stirling@, pamela.koutsouvelis@, natalie.evans@,

elizabeth.kennerley@, tracy.burney@, pam.vaughan@, lesley.doe@, helen.mcivor@, susan.underwood@.

Remember the email will not be read until possibly that evening or the following day. Please consider the contents of the email before sending it.

Green Lane, Heaton Norris, Stockport ,SK4 2NF

Tel No: 0161 7323944 Fax No: 0161 975 5114 www.norrisbank.stockport

ELVIS—Tribute Night We are having an Elvis tribute night here at Norris Bank Primary on Friday 17th June with a performance from Paul Tye as Elvis and a disco to finish off the night. Ticket prices are £12 per person or a table of 6 for £60 which includes a veg chilli/chilli and crusty bread supper. Door opens at 7.00pm until 11.00pm with a licenced bar, tickets are on sale at the office. The evening is a fundraiser with all proceeds going towards an outdoor kitchen for the garden.

Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers We are participating in the Sainsbury’s Active kids voucher scheme again this year. There is a collection box in the main reception for any you want to donate to school. Many thanks for your support.

Music / Sports Tuition Fees We still have quite a few unpaid Music and Sports tuition fees due for April/May. We have permission slips at school reception if you are unable to print a copy off. We have sent reminders out, If your child takes part Please ensure payment is made promptly.

Year 2 SATs May

Year 2 SATs will be running throughout the whole of May so please try not to book Medical/Dental appointments and not to book any holidays for this period.

School Uniform As the summer approaches please can we remind you that school uniform is black school shoes, no crocs or flip flops please, Thank

School Dinners - New Menu The summer menu is now available at reception, included in this is a selection of sandwiches and grab bags for children wanting to eat lunch outside in the lovely weather. PLEASE NOTE, GRAB BAGS ARE AVAILABLE FROM TUESDAY 14th JUNE.

School Class and Group Photo’s If you would like any of the Photo’s that have been brought home please ensure the order form is returned no later than Wednesday 18th May.

Dinner Money 18.04.16 — 27.05.16 April half term dinner money is £58.80

(Cheques payable to Norris Bank P.S.)

Square One Performing Live This afternoon at 3.30pm Square One will be performing on the staff car park at school, there are also cakes for sale as well as hot dogs, all proceeds going towards the year 6 leavers party.

Year 6 SATs We would like to say a huge WELL DONE to the year 6 children for all their hard work during SATs this week, they took it all in their stride and we are all very proud of them. We would also like to say a big THANK YOU to year 6 team.

School Classroom/Corridor access Could we please remind parents/Guardians that classrooms and corridors are out of bounds unless supervised with a member of staff before or after the school day.

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