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Green Purchasing Tools from Washington State

Tina S imcich, Waste 2 Resource ProgramDepartment of Ecology

Buy Green, Save Green

Reuse and Surplus Programs

Eliminates purchase costs and shipping fees

Reduces procurement staff cost.

Reduces cost of trash haulage.

Reduces toxics and GHG emissions associated with the lifecycle of new products and packaging.

Buy Green, Save Green Website

Green Products

Are frequently price neutral. Offer energy and water savings. Offer greater durability.Reduce maintenance costs. Eliminate or reduce solid waste haulage fees. Reduce injuries. Reduce purchases overall.

Green Products Cost Profile

Cheaper: traffic safety equipment, toner cartridgesSame: janitorial paper, computers, cleaning products, inkGood payback: vehicles, appliancesSomewhat volatile: copy paper, oil (within 10%)

From New York State presentation on Advancing Green Chemistry in Government Procurement (Responsible Purchasing Network)

Green Cleaning Programs

Reduce the number of cleaning chemicals used.

Often use a dilution control system which reduces costly overuse of chemicals.

Reduce hazardous waste management costs.

Increase facility lifespan. May reduce water bills. Better indoor air quality. Reduce splash and exposure

injuries. Microfiber mops cost more initially

but reduce janitorial staff injuries.

What’s Your Story?

Who is Buying Green?

King County

Clark County

City of Spokane

City of Tacoma

Snohomish County

City of Seattle

Pierce County

Whatcom County

NASPO Opportunity Assessments

EPP Overview

Compostable Food Serviceware

Imaging Equipment

Architectural Paint

Traffic Control Paint

Written by Responsible Purchasing Network for the Departments of Ecology and Enterprise Services

Green Purchasing Listserv


Tina Simcich

Dept of Ecology


[email protected]


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