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  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan


    Ground Penetrating Radarby

    Shawna Jones,Meghan McGinn,

    andNicholas Riordan

    ECE 345Julio Urbina

    Aril 3!, "!!"#ro$ec% Nu&ber '(

  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan



    Abstract)his reor% will co*er %he design, build, and %es%ing o+ a groundene%ra%ing radar sys%e&- )hegoal o+ %he ro$ec% is %o be able %o &a underground u%ili%ies in 3. di&ensional sace in order %oa*oid da&age- )he sys%e& is able %o be bro/en down in%o seara%e co&onen%s which are able %obe buil% and %es%ed seara%ely- 0% uses a +re1uency &odula%ed con%inuous wa*e radar sys%e&which allows %he signal %o be sen% and recei*ed by %he sa&e sys%e&- Unli/e con*en%ionalsys%e&s, %here is no res%ric%ion on %he ulse leng%h and does no% in*ol*e any swi%ching circui%s %oassure %he %rans&i% and recei*e signals do no% in%er+ere- Al%hough %he en%ire sys%e& was no% able%o be co&le%ed as one uni%, %he rocess o+ designing and building %he co&onen%s was a*aluable e2erience-

  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan



    Table of Contents

    i- )i%le #age-----------------------------------------iii- Abs%rac%----------------------------------------iiii- )able o+ Con%en%s------------------------------------iii

    '- 0n%roduc%ion--------------------------------------'"- .esign #rocedure-------------------------------------"

    "-'- re1uency Modula%ion-------------------------------""-"- MC Radar Subsys%e&------------------------------3"-3- An%enna .esign-------------------------------------5

    3- .esign .e%ails----------------------------------(3-'- re1uency Modula%ion------------------------------(3-" - MC .esign .e%ails-----------------------------63-3- An%enna .esign .e%ails--------------------------'!

    4- .esign 7eri+ica%ion------------------------------------''4-'- re1uency Modula%or------------------------------''4-"- MC )es%ing------------------------------------''4-3- An%enna )es%ing-----------------------------------'"

    5- Cos%s-------------------------------------------'48- Conclusion-------------------------------------'5

    8-'- Acco&lish&en%s--------------------------------'58-"- Uncer%ain%ies------------------------------------'58-3- u%ure or/9Al%erna%i*es--------------------------------'5


  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan



    1. Introduction

    0n order %o u% %oge%her a ground ene%ra%ing radar sys%e&, %he %rans&ission charac%eris%ics need%o be de%er&ined- :nce %hese are de%er&ined, %he sys%e& see&s %o be rela%i*ely easy %o hoo/ u- )hereare &any choices which will a++ec% how our design roceeds, %wo &os% ressing are %he an%enna and %he

    +re1uency range- 0n order %o de%er&ine %his we ha*e so/en wi%h &ul%ile ro+essors %o gain insigh% anddirec%ion- )hey ha*e been able %o ro*ide us wi%h so&e al%erna%i*es %o our original idea- )he +ollowing is%he &odi+ied ground ene%ra%ing radar sys%e& bloc/ diagra&-

    igure '-' ;loc/ .iagra& o+ Ground #ene%ra%ing Radar Subsys%e&s)he Modula%or will ro*ide a &odula%ed signal %o %he MC co&onen%- )he signal will &os%

    li/ely be hase &odula%ed %hrough a .S# in order %o de%er&ine wi%h a high recision i+ we ha*e are+lec%ed signal ins%ead o+ noise-)he An%enna will need %o be researched in order %o de%er&ine wha% %ye would be &os% e++ec%i*e-

    )he ossible choices righ% now are< an array o+ hal+dioles, a bow%ie, or ano%her %ye no% ye%considered- )he si=e o+ %he an%enna will need %o be on %he order or %he si=e o+ %he larges% ie in order %ogain a &ore accura%e de%er&ina%ion o+ %he loca%ion and de%h-

    )he MC &odule is %he +re1uency &odula%ed con%inuous wa*e radar &odule- 0% allows %hesys%e& %o %rans&i% and recei*e a% %he sa&e %i&e ins%ead o+ ha*ing %o design a ulsing sys%e&- 0% is arela%i*ely new %echnology and will need %o be %rea%ed as a seara%e co&onen%- ;elow is a basic diagra&o+ a MC Sys%e&-

    igure '-" ;loc/ .iagra& o+ MC Sys%e&)he rough es%i&a%es +or our design righ% now ha*e been calcula%ed using a*erages o+ soil %yes,

    de%hs, and %rans&ission charac%eris%ics- )he +re1uency range has been es%i&a%ed %o be in %he 8!!M>= ?'G>= range in order %o gain %he &os% resolu%ion- )he de%h will be +ro& '-5 &e%ers %o " &e%ers- )hisshould allows us %o achie*e a @! e++iciency o+ de%ec%ion o+ all underground ies- Also, %he band ass+il%er will be &o*ed be+ore %he de&odula%ion occurs in order %o ro*ide a cleaner signal %o %he &i2er-

    Modula%or MC An%enna

  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan



    2. Design Procedure

    2.1 Frequency Modulation

    hen designing %he +re1uency &odula%or %o suly %he &odula%ed signal %o %he an%enna %herewere a +ew *ery seci+ic design decisions %ha% were %a/en in%o accoun%- irs% is %he +unc%ionali%y o+ %he

    Radar sys%e&- e ine*i%ably wan%ed a de*ice %ha% was or%able and could be a%%ached %o a large iece o+&achinery or used by a wor/er %o de%ec% an underground ie- )his &ean% %ha% is should be rela%i*elys&all in si=e- e also needed a de*ice %ha% was caable o+ +re1uencies %ha% were in %he desired +re1uencyrange, +ro& 8!! %o '!!!M>=- )here were really %wo o%ions %ha% were a*ailable- )here was %he use o+ a.igi%al Signal #rocessor B.S# %hrough %he use o+ SD and %he use o+ a 7C:- )he .S# %ha% wasa*ailable had a sa&ling ra%e o+ 44-' />=, which would be unable %o achie*e %he desired +re1uencyou%u%- 0% was also no% as or%able as a 7C: chi- or %hese reasons %he 7C: was chosen- 0% ro*ided%he or%abili%y desired and %he er+or&ance re1uired

    ro& here a 7C: %ha% +ul+illed %he +re1uency re1uire&en% was needed- )he &os% aroria%e&odel was +ound +ro& :N Se&iconduc%ors- 0% had a +re1uency range u %o ''!! M>= and had %heabili%y %o wor/ in a *ariable or +i2ed +re1uency &ode- )o oscilla%e aroria%ely %he 7C: re1uired a

    Caaci%or ? 0nduc%or %an/- )o oera%e in %he *ariable +re1uency &ode %he caaci%or was i&le&en%edusing a %uning diode in which %he caaci%ance can be *aried wi%h %he *ol%age inu%- )he basic circui%design can be seen in ig- "-'-

    igure "- '- 7C: circui% diagra&

    )he *alue o+ %he caaci%ance %ha% is re1uired can be +ound +ro& e1ua%ion "-'-

    ro& E1s- B"-' %he desired +re1uency range dic%a%es %he caaci%ance *alues %ha% are needed +or %he ? C%an/, %he 0nduc%ance re&ains cons%an%- )he *ol%age inu% %o %he %uning diode *aried %he caaci%ance o+


  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan


    3%he %uning diode- ig- "-" shows %he caaci%ance ou%u% in rela%ion %o %he *ol%age inu% %o %he %uningdiode-

    igure "- "- )uning diode caaci%ance *s- inu% *ol%age

    )he 7C: was also designed %o oera%e in +i2ed +re1uency &ode- ig "-3 and ig "-4 show %he%yical +re1uency ou%u% wi%h resec% %o caaci%ance and induc%ance- )hese %wo *alues can be *aried %ooera%e in %he correc% +re1uency-

    igure "- 3- 7C: re1uency ou%u% *s- Caaci%ance igure "- 4- 7C: re1uency ou%u% *s- 0nduc%ance

    B0nduc%ance +i2ed a% 4 n> BCaaci%ance +i2ed a% 5

    2.2 FMCW Radar Subsystem

    )he re1uency Modula%ed Con%inuous a*e BMC radar subsys%e& is designed %o acce% %hesignal +ro& %he &odula%or, sli% %he signal be%ween %he %rans&i%%ing an%enna and %he de&odula%ionor%ion o+ %he subsys%e&- )he bloc/ diagra& +or subsys%e& is shown in igure "-5-

  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan



    igure "-5 Modi+ied MC Radar Subsys%e&)he ower di*ider ro*ides %he &a$ori%y o+ %he signal %o %he %rans&i%%ing an%enna, %he re&aining

    or%ion is sen% on %o %he &i2er- )he %rans&i%%ed signal is de%ec%ed by %he recei*ing an%enna and %hena&li+ied by a lownoise a&li+ier %o coun%ere++ec% %he a%%enua%ion in %he ground- )he a&li+ied signalis %hen +il%ered %o lea*e only %he +re1uency range o+ 5!!''!! M>=- :nce +il%er, %he signal is coheren%ly

    de&odula%ed by %he &i2er %he signal has co&le%ed %he MC radar subsys%e& or%ion o+ %he groundene%ra%ing radar sys%e&-

    )he &i2er and %he lownoise a&li+ier were ob%ained %hrough Ma2i& Se&iconduc%ors- )hesear%s were hard %o +ind in %he desired +re1uency range, bu% once +ound %heir oera%ing charac%eris%icswere a%%rac%i*e +or %his ro$ec%- )able "-' con%ains seci+ica%ions +or %he MAF"84! owNoise A&li+iera% @!!M>=-

    )able "-' MAF"84! >0G>0G>)E. S#EC00CA)0:NS

    :era%ing re1uency BM>= Noise igure Gain Re*erse 0sola%ion

    MAF"84! 4!! %o '5!! -@ d; '5-' d; 4! d;

    )he seci+ica%ions +or %he MAF"86" .own con*er%er Mi2er are gi*en in )able "-"0G>0G>)E. S#EC00CA)0:NS0nu% BM>= : BM>= 0 BM>= Noise igure Ba% @!! M>=

    MAF"86" 4!! %o "5!! 4!! %o "5!! '! %o 5!! 8-3 d;

    )he ower di*ider is a 3or% de*ice designed %o ro*ide 65 ower %o %he %rans&i%%ing an%ennaand %he re&aining '5 in%o %he &i2er- )hese *alues were chosen arbi%rarily as i% could ha*e been anyra%io desired- Since %he ower le*el re%urning %o %he recei*ing an%enna can *ary based on groundcondi%ions, &ore ower was desired %o oera%e %he &i2er- )he ower di*ider was based on %he il/inson#ower di*ider- )here was a resis%or resen% %o be able %o co&bine ower which was eli&ina%ed +ro& %hedesign as %his would only be wor/ing as a di*ider-

    #ower .i*ider )rans&i%

    Recei*e;and assil%erMi2er

    :u%u% Signal



  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan



    igure "-8 #ower .i*ider .iagra&)he o*erall sys%e& i&edance +or %he subsys%e& is 5! :h&s- )his was chosen %o corresond %o

    %he i&edance o+ %he &i2er and %he lownoise a&li+ier- 0n une1ual ower di*ision, %he ou%u% o+ or%s "and 3 do no% corresond %o %he sys%e& i&edance- 0n order %o ro*ide %he &a%ching, %wo 1uar%erwa*eleng%h sec%ions o+ lines were u% in lace, &'and &"- )he wa*eleng%h was chosen based on %hecen%er +re1uency o+ (5! M>=- 0n order %o design %he ower di*ider, %he +ollowing e1ua%ions are used

    igure "-( ;and ass il%er Micros%ri )o 7iew)he inu% and ou%u% i&edances are &a%ched %o %he sys%e& i&edance- Each s%ub, A,;, and C

    are 1uar%er wa*eleng%h long- )he %wo ou%side subs are o+ %he sa&e i&edance wi%h %he inner s%ub beinga lower i&edance-

    S%ubs 0&edance



    #or% '

    #or% "

    #or% 3



    A ; A

    C C

  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan



    2.3 ntenna Design

    )o design an an%enna +or %his alica%ion, cer%ain cri%eria were considered- irs%, a widebandwid%h %o ensure accura%e resul%s o*er %he en%ire 8!!'!!! M>= range was necessary- Secondly,direc%i*i%y o+ %he bea& was considered- 0% is re+erable %o ha*e all o+ %he energy roaga%ing in onedirec%ion, since %he radar is only loo/ing in%o %he ground- )he %hird considera%ion was abili%y %o si&ula%e%he design- )his allowed s&all changes %o be &ade and resul%s obser*ed 1uic/ly-

    )he bow%ie an%enna aeared %o be %he bes% o%ion +or se*eral reasons- 0% sa%is+ied %hebandwid%h re1uire&en%, and NEC so+%ware was a*ailable +or si&ula%ion uroses- )i&e and budge%res%rain%s also led %o %he bow%ie being %he &os% +a*orable %ye o+ an%enna- Cons%ruc%ion re1uired *ery+ew &a%erials a% a low cos%- )he %i&e sa*ed on cons%ruc%ing %he s%ruc%ure, %here+ore, could be sen%%uning i% %o %he necessary +re1uencies-

  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan



    3. Design Details3.1 Frequency Modulation

    hen designing %he +inali=ed circui% we wan%ed a con%inuous sine wa*e %ha% *aried linearly +ro&8!! %o '!!! M>=- )he &odula%ing signal used is a saw%oo%h +unc%ion %ha% *aries o*er one %i&e eriod+ro& 8!! %o '!!!- )he carrier signal is a sine wa*e- )hese along wi%h %he &odula%ed ou%u% signal can beseen in ig 3-'-

    0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5600





    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20-1





    igure 3- '- re1uency &odula%ion signals

    )he circui% design +ro& %he &anu+ac%urer called +or a 4! n> induc%or- )his *alue was no%a*ailable in %he #ar%s ShoL %he s&alles% *alue a*ailable was a 3-' u> induc%or- Also, as can be seen inig- "-3 and ig "-4 a s&aller induc%ance would allow a larger caaci%or in %he %an/, hence %he *alue o+'! n> was chosen because wi%h a 5 caaci%or %he +re1uency ou%u% would be (!! M>=, which iswi%hin our +re1uency range- Since a iece o+ wire has a '! n> induc%ance associa%ed wi%h i% a wire wasused +or %he induc%or in %he C %an/- E1ua%ion "-' was %hen used %o +ind %he correc% *alues o+ %hecaaci%ance +or %he desired +re1uency ou%u%- )he induc%ance was +i2ed a% '! n>-

    ro& here %he e2ac% caaci%ance was +ound +or bo%h %he &a2i&u& and &ini&u& +re1uencies-

    )he e2ac% *alues are in )able 3-' below-

    Carrier Signal

    Modula%ing Signal

    Modula%ed Signal

    )i&e Bns


    )i&e Bns

  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan



    )able 3- ' Caaci%ance and re1uencyFrequency (M!" Ca#acitance (#F"

    $%% (-!41%%% "-53

    )hese *alues were rounded %o 3 and ( - )here+ore %he ac%ual +re1uency ou%u% was @'6

    M>= on %he high end and 8!' M>= on %he low end- )he ne2% s%e was %o use ig- " %o +ind %he *ol%ageinu% %ha% would ro*ide %he desired caaci%ance- )able 3-" con%ains all %he calcula%ed *alues-

    )able 3- " re1uency ou%u% and 7ol%age inu% +or Caaci%ance 7alues

    Ca#acitance (#F" Frequency (M!" &oltage 'n#ut (&"

    3.% @'6-@ '5.% 8!'-5 '!

    )he +inali=ed circui% can be seen in ig- 3-" is %he circui% +or %he *ariable +re1uency ou%u%- or a+i2ed +re1uency ou%u% %he )uning diode is relaced wi%h a caaci%or-

    igure 3- " inal +re1uency &odula%or circui% diagra&

    )he 7C: and )uning diode were deli*ered as sur+ace &oun% ar%s and were soldered on a#rin%ed Circui% board a+%er which %he circui% could be co&le%ed-

    3.) FMC* Design Details

    )he i&edances o+ all lines %o be used in %he circui% were calcula%ed- :nce %his was co&le%e, %hei&edances were &aed in%o %he leng%hs and wid%hs which would be used in %he &icros%ri circui%-)hese e1ua%ions can be +ound in #o=ar '8",'83-

    )able 3-3 Su&&ary o+ ine Charac%eris%ics

    0&edanceB eng%hB&& id%hB&&

    !" '!! (5-'6 "-'

    !' '(-5 (!-4 "6-4

    R" "' N9A N9A

  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan



    R3 '"! N9A N9A

    &' 3"-4 ('-@3 '3-3

    &" ((-5 (4-8 3-5

    S%ub A Bg/H' 38-( ('-@3 ''-3

    S%ub ; Bg/H" '6-35 (!-4 "8-6

    )he layou% o+ %he circui% is gi*en below-

    igure 3-3 ;oard ayou% +or MC)he circui% +or %he &i2er and %he low noise a&li+ier were %a/en +ro& %he da%a shee%s which ca&e

    wi%h %he chis- All co&onen% *alues were seci+ied in %he li%era%ure- )hey are show in igures 3-4 and3-5 on %he ne2% age-

    igure 3-4 Circui% or Ma2"84!

    #ower .i*ider Micros%ri

    ;and ass il%er



    #or% '

    #or% "

    #or% 3

    ow NoiseA&li+ier


  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan



    igure 3-5 Circui% +or MAF"86")he board was &illed by #ro+essor Jenni+er ;ernhard- )he ou%lines o+ %he circui%s were gi*en and

    %he res% had %o e%ched wi%h #C; e%ching solu%ion- :nce %his was co&le%e %he res% o+ %he co&onen%swhich were no% &icros%ri line could be a%%ached- Since %he s%ubs o+ %he band ass +il%er are shor%ed,%here was addi%ional wor/ needed in order %o &a/e %he circui% wor/ as in%ended-3.3 Antenna Design Details

    A+%er see/ing inu% +ro& +acul%y and e2%ensi*e research on %he 0n%erne%, %he bow%ie an%enna waschosen %o roaga%e %he signal +or %he ground ene%ra%ing radar sys%e&- )he ri&ary design ara&e%ersare heigh% and +lare angle- An o*erall leng%h o+ O9" &e%ers is generally used %o &ini&i=e %he e++ec%s o+couling- A +lare angle o+ 8! degrees was +ound %o be %he %yical *alue- )his was *eri+ied in %hesi&ula%ions-

    Si&ula%ions were er+or&ed and %he ara&e%ers were ad$us%ed %o &ini&i=e %he 7SR o+ %hean%enna- :nce %he design had been su++icien%ly o%i&i=ed, cons%ruc%ion began- )his was no% a di++icul%rocess, bu% %he &os% challenging ar% was ye% %o co&e- A balun was used %o bring %he resonan%+re1uency in%o %he 8!!'!!! M>= range- )he leng%h o+ %he balun &us% be a 1uar%erwa*eleng%h %o+unc%ion roerly-

    eng%h H 94 H 3e6 &9s 9 (5!e8 >= 9 4 H'!!c&

    )he calcula%ions were &ade a% (5! M>= because i% was sligh%ly below %he &idoin% o+ %he range-)he si=e o+ %he an%enna would allow i% %o resona%e a% %he higher +re1uency ranges, so %he balun wascons%ruc%ed %o ensure %ha% %he lower +re1uencies would be included in %he range- >owe*er, since %herange is so large, %he calcula%ions were only aro2i&a%e- )he ideal leng%h was achie*ed in %he %es%inghase-


  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan



    +. Design &erification

    +.1 Frequency Modulator

    )o %es% %he e++ec%i*eness o+ %he re1uency Modula%or %he ># Sec%ral Analy=er was used- )hesec%ral analy=er &easured %he ou%u% +re1uency- A si/e on %he screen indica%ed %he ower o+ %he+re1uency %ha% was ou%u%%ed- )he ac%ual +re1uency %ha% was ou%u%%ed by %he +inished &odula%or waslower %han e2ec%ed, aro2i&a%ely 5"! M>= and would no% &odula%e *ery well- )he ou%u% ended ubeing a +i2ed +re1uency- )he ou%u% %o %he Sec%ral Analy=er can be seen in igure 4-'-

    igure 4- ':u%u% re1uency o+ %he 7C:

    )he reason +or %he lower +re1uency ou%u% %han e2ec%ed was due %o %he use o+ a wire as %he '!n> induc%or +or %he C %an/- )he C %an/ re1uired a caaci%or and an induc%or wi%h a high K+ac%or-Meaning %ha% i% needed de*ices %ha% were reliable a% %he high oscilla%ing +re1uencies in %he 7C:- A wiredoes no% ha*e a high enough K+ac%or +or %his de*ice- ;y %he %i&e %his was disco*ered i% was %oo la%e %oorder an induc%or +or %he circui% bu% gi*en &ore %i&e %ha% is wha% would ha*e been done- 0ns%ead aninduc%or was used +or %es%ing uroses %o &a/e sure %he &odula%ion would occur- )able 4-' bellowshows %he +re1uency ou%u% e2ec% +ro& calcula%ions and %he ac%ual +re1uency ou%u% +or di++eren%caaci%ance *alues and a 3-' u induc%or- )he +re1uencies ac%ually ou%u%%ed were rela%i*ely close %o %hee2ec%ed *alues-

    )able 4- ' Co&arison o+ Measured and calcula%ed re1uency ou%u%

    Ca#acitance (#F" Calculated Frequency

    ,ut#ut (M!"

    Actual Frequency ,ut#ut


    8-3 38-!' 3"-(

    5 4!-43 3@-'

    3-3 4@-(8 4(-@

    +.) FMC* Testing

    )he oera%ional band o+ %he band ass +il%er is +ro& 8(56(5 M>=- )his is where %he%rans&ission o+ %he signal and %he re+lec%ion is abo*e and below, resec%i*ely, 3 d;- )he desired bandwas +ro& 5!! %o '!!! M>=- )his lea*es an error o+ 8!- Since designing %his co&onen%, new%echni1ues were learned %o e2and %he bandwid%h- )here is one issue wi%hin %he oera%ional band %ha%

    5!! 5"! 54!re1uency BM>=

  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan


  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan





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  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan



    $. Conclusion$.1 Acco2#lis2ents

    )here are a +ew *ery i&or%an% acco&lish&en%s +ro& %his ro$ec%- irs%, gi*en how li%%le any o+us /new abou% radar sys%e&s be+ore beginning we ha*e learned a grea% deal- )he +irs% hal+ o+ %he ro$ec%was si&ly learning in+or&a%ion %ha% was essen%ial %o co&le%e i%s design- :n %o o+ learning abou%building our indi*idual ar%s we all learned how a radar sys%e& essen%ially wor/s- )he seci+ic MC

    radar %ha% we chose %o design is a rela%i*ely new %echnology and %his was ano%her large acco&lish&en%+or us, %o be able %o ada% a newer %echnology %o ou% ro$ec%-

    )he o%her &a$or acco&lish&en% we &ade was %o ha*e ar%s %ha% were &os%ly wor/ing- )hean%enna was resona%ing in %he correc% +re1uency range, %he +re1uency ou%u% was a li%%le low bu% wi%hin%he resona%ing +re1uencies o+ %he an%enna and %he band ass +il%er was wor/ing- )hough all %he ar%swere unable %o co&e %oge%her %here were asec%s %ha% +unc%ioned roerly-

    $.) 4ncertainties

    )here are a +ew issues %ha% we +aced while designing %his ro$ec% %ha% ul%i&a%ely a++ec%ed %heou%co&e- )he bigges% issue was %he inabili%y %o %es% %he %hree ar%s %oge%her- e had e*ery%hing ready %o

    %es% %oge%her, including bo2es wi%h ie and dir% %o send %he signal in%o and recei*e i% +ro&- )his was&ainly due %o %he e1ui&en% we needed %o %es% %he re%urn signal was unable %o be &o*ed and %hen a ar%was da&aged $us% rior %o %he de&o- >ad we had a li%%le &ore %i&e i% would ha*e co&e %oge%her %o be%es%ed- )he o%her &a$or issues are %he si=e o+ %he an%enna and %he lower %han desired +re1uency ou%u% o+%he &odula%or- )he larger si=ed an%enna &a/es %he &odel i&ossible %o be laced on a iece o+&achinery, as originally desired- )he higher +re1uency would no% allow %he ies %o ac%ually be seen, bu%%hese could also ha*e been i&ro*ed wi%h &ore %i&e-

    $.3 Future *or56Alternati7es

    )his ro$ec% is an e2cellen% ro$ec% %o be carried on- )here are a +ew i&ro*e&en%s %ha% could be &ade-.i++eren% %yes o+ an%ennas could be used- )his &igh% i&ro*e direc%i*i%y +or less ower loss- )here &ayalso be be%%er ways %o %es% %he er+or&ance o+ %he an%ennas- or %he &odula%or an induc%or and acaaci%or wi%h a high K+ac%or would bring %he +re1uency range u- or %he rocessing o+ %he signal+inding &e%hods %o i&ro*e %he band ass +il%er and %he ower di*ider could be e2lored- All in all %hisro$ec% has been *ery challenging and o%hers would bene+i% +ro& i&ro*ing our design in %he +u%ure-

  • 8/9/2019 Ground Penetrating Radar - Shawna Jones, Meghan McGinn, Nicholas Riordan



    References'- .- J- .aniels, Sur+ace #ene%ra%ing Radar- ondon < 0ns%i%u%ion o+ Elec%rical Engineers, '@@8-

    "- GeoRadar 0nc. T>ow G#R or/s ebruary "!!", h%%

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