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MEDIA PACK 2015www.iog.org

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"To promote quality surfaces and quality services andestablish the IOG as 'the' leading professional organisationfor grounds management, recognised by the nationalgoverning bodies and the public, private and voluntarysectors for it's industry knowledge and technical expertise."

To achieve this we work closely with the National GoverningBodies of Sport to develop sport and sporting surfaces in theUK and Ireland, to develop training courses, and to ensure thatrecognition of the profession and the need for qualitystandards at all levels is at the top of their agenda.

We deliver a range of local, regional and national events includingseminars, conferences and awards programmes, in conjunctionwith leading representatives from all facets of the industry. Wealso run a leading industry exhibition - SALTEX (Sports AmenitiesLandscaping Trade Exhibition).

We work in partnership with colleges and awarding bodies toensure there are adequate and appropriate educationalopportunities for all sectors of the industry. We are also intouch with a wide range of employment matters whichenables us to provide employers and employees alike with upto date advice on all aspects of employment from Health andSafety issues to recommended salaries and job descriptions.

Most importantly, we try to ensure that all of our products andservices, including membership, represent true value formoney. As an organisation committed to supporting ourindustry we reinvest in, and subsidise, many of our activities inorder to ensure access for all.

The IOG has a proud history and can point to manysuccesses for 80 years, with a strong membership base,successful events and award-winning magazine TheGroundsman.

The Institute of Groundsmanship (IOG) was established in 1934 to develop and raise theprofile of professional and non-professional groundsmanship here in the UK and aroundthe world. We provide a voice for our membership and offer the highest quality training,support and advice to those working in the groundscare industry.


Published by The Institute of Groundsmanship

June 2014 £4.00


Neil courts successCOVER FOCUS

WORLD CUP SPECIALUK expertise exported

REAL REWARDSfrom artificial surface


offer FREE advice at SALTEX

The Groundsman is the UK’sleading monthly magazine foranyone involved in groundsmaintenance

The Groundsman, like noother monthly magazine, takesa closer look at industryissues, practical and intricatemethods, productenhancements and offersadvice in a jargon-free mannerusing regular analysis,comments and detailedfeatures from around theworld. Publishing monthlyenables The Groundsman toreact to key announcementsand changes to the UKturfcare industry.

Our Vision

The Publication

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Head/Deputy GroundsmanGreenkeeperSports Ground ManagerLocal Authority Parks OfficerLeisure Facilities ManagerLandscape Gardener & DesignerLandscape ArchitectPark KeeperArboristEstate ManagerBursarPrincipalOwnerGeneral ManagerChief Leisure OfficerGrounds ManagerContracts Manager


Readership Profile

The Groundsman, first published more than 50 years ago, reaches an IOG membershipsubscription of more than 5,500 industry professionals across the UK and parts of Europe. Itstotal readership is in excess of 10,000 decision makers and those actively involved in groundsmaintenance and development.

The IOG has access to more than 8,800 known and named registered email addresses whoreceive a digital interactive version of The Groundsman magazine every month along with theIOG’s monthly eNewsletter.

Public Sector -Local authorities & parish councilsContractors -Maintenance, landscaping, gardening,construction & forestryEducation -Universities, schools & collegesPrivate Sector Facilities - Football, cricket, golf, tennis, rugby, bowls,hockey & racecourseAttractions, Tourism & Heritage -Country park, national estate, zoo, leisure park& holiday parkDealers & Manufacturers -Machinery, materials, play & plant equipment

Industry Sector Profile

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JANUARYl Grass Seedl Artificial Surface

Maintenancel BTME Preview

FEBRUARYl Aerationl UTVs and ATVsl BTME Review

MARCHl Pedestrian Mowersl Compact Tractors

MAYl Weed and Pest

Controll Spraying Equipment

JUNEl Line Markingl Natural and Artificial

Surface Maintenance

JULYl Fertilisersl Sweepers, Blowers

Collectors and Vacs

SEPTEMBERl Top Dressers and

Spreadersl Brushcutters

OCTOBERl IOG SALTEX Previewl Aerationl Fuel Storage, Delivery

and Efficiency

NOVEMBERl Estate Management

Equipmentl Drainage


APRILl Ride-On and

Mounted Mowersl Irrigation


AUGUSTl Artificial Surface


DECEMBERl IOG SALTEX Reviewl Trailersl IOG Conference

and Industry Awards Review

Turfcare professionals at all levels, from the volunteer upwards, need to be aware of the very latestinnovative products for quality surfaces and optimum performances.

The Groundsman publishes detailed articles and case-studies based on face-to-face interviewswith professional and non-professional experts in the turfcare industry. Key contributors alsovolunteer to share their opinions and interpretation of effective groundsmanship.

2015 Feature Programme


Industry News – a review of what’shappening in the groundscare sector

IOG News – IOG news, regional viewsand an update from key IOG personnel

Grow with the IOG – how the IOG’sexpert training and education initiativescan aid new or advanced careeropportunities in groundsmanship

Get into Grounds – grassrootsgroundsmanship for young people andvolunteers

Ahead of the Game – we talk toprofessional groundsmen about turftrends and industry challenges

IOG Best Practice – taking a closer lookat our 2014 IOG Industry Award Winners

Technical Update – a round-up of theindustry’s latest research, developmentand innovations

Profile – an interview with a leading figurewithin the groundscare sector or reporton a round-table event

IOG In Action – a focus on productlaunches and developments and howthey are used in practice

Case Studies – a ‘day in the life’ formatthat reviews ‘on-the-job’ groundscarepractice

Maintenance Calendar – a monthlyguide to grounds maintenance

Weather – what to expect for the monthahead - using Greencast’s forecasts andpredictions


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Advertising Opportunties

Quarter Page: 136mm x 87mm (vertical)

66mm x 180mm (horizontal)

Half Page: 277mm x 87mm (vertical)

36mm x 180mm (horizontal)

Full Page: 297mm x 210mm (3mm bleed)

Double Page: 297mm x 420mm (40mm gutter)

Display AdvertisingFull page: £1,135Half Page: £700Quarter Page: £490Double page spread: £1,925

Classified AdvertisingClassified: £20.50 per single column cmRecruitment: £490 per Quarter Page (Advert will also be placed on the Jobs Section ofthe IOG website for one month)

Series Discounts3 insertions 5%, 6 insertions 10%, 12 insertions 15%

IOG Corporate Member discount5% off rate card

All material to be supplied as high-resolution flattened CMYK pdf files, with fonts outlined, set at300dpi with 3mm bleed and trim marks. Artwork emailed to [email protected]

Mechanical Data (hxw)


One Block: 48mm x 50mm

Two Block 110mm x 48mm (vertical)

48mm x 105mm (horizontal)

Three Block: 175mm x 48mm (vertical)

48mm x 160mm (horizontal)

Four Block: 110mm x 105mm


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384,172pageviews in 10 months

126,215visits in 10 months

of traffic from search engines

Key Facts


IOG Online – www.iog.org

The IOG website gives immediate online access to industry news, along with training courseawareness and career development advice. It also creates access to many of the very latestvacancy availability from across the UK.

The IOG website boasts impressive statistics and an ideal starting point for your brand or productpromotion. There have been 384,172 page views of www.iog.org between 1 January – 31 October2013. Break that down further, means there have been over 125,000 visits to the website,approximately 12,500 per month.

The home page alone has received nearly 100,000 page views in this time, and an average viewer stayson the home page for over 14 minutes. More than 80% of the traffic to the site arrives via search engines.

Advertising Opportunities

Animated & staticButtons of 137x137pixels are available onthe home page.

Price: £250.00 per month


For a targeted campaign why not send yourown ebulletin to our membership email data topromote your products or events. Our data canbe broken down by region or by other variableson request.

From £150 per 1,000 contacts (min. 3,000 emails)

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IOG Handbook

The IOG Handbook is an essential aid throughout the year forthe turfcare professional. Access is at hand for professionalmonth-by-month maintenance advice, career development andtraining awareness along with an introduction to ‘your’ IOG.

The IOG members’ handbook includes a diary and interviewswith professionals giving an insight into their knowledge andexpertise and detailed profiles of many recognised andestablished industry brands and manufacturers.

The IOG Handbook will handed to all IOG National Conference2015 delegates when they arrive for registration, madeavailable at the IOG Industry Awards evening and mailed alongwith the December issue of The Groundsman magazine.

Advertising Opportunities

Profiles:Two-page Profile: £350Full Page advert along with a detailed company profile on a facing page.Includes logo branding, two images, full contact details and a 200-wordoverview. Unlimited Handbook Index listing entries

Single-page Profile: £250Detailed company profile including logo branding, two images, full contactdetails and a 200-word overview. Unlimited Handbook Index listing entries

Half-page Profile: £150Detailed company profile including logo branding, single image, full contactdetails and a 100-word overview. Six Handbook Index listing entries

Profile Entry: £100Our basic entry option, and including logo branding, full contact details andsix Handbook index listing entries

Individual Advertisements:Exclusive Full-page Advertisement - £550.00Full-page advertisement booked in one of the following prominentpositions: Inside Front Cover, Inside Back Cover and Back Page.

Full-page Advertisement - £400.00Full-page advertisement booked within the Handbook.

Half-Page Advertisement - £250.00Half-page advertisemnet booked amongst the Handbook.

IOG handbook

The ultimate handbook for the groundscare industry


Calendar Month Sponsorship -£350.00

Your company can sponsor one oftwelve months available as part of theIOG Handbook diary. Monthsponsorship offers impressivecorporate exposure and includes aFull-page advert facing that month’smaintenance advice along withfour/five individual strap adverts at thefoot of each week throughout yoursponsorship month.

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Managing EditorKaren [email protected]: 01908 522987

Features EditorColin [email protected]: 01634 832221

Product EditorPaul [email protected]: 01952 234000

ContactsDesignGemma [email protected]

AdvertisingPaul HawkinsMedia Commercial [email protected]: 01952 234000

Kellie WakeCommercial [email protected]: 01952 234000

Grosvenor House, Central Park, Telford, TF2 9TW

01952 234000 www.tspltd.co.uk



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