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GROW YOUR AGENCYHow Employee Advocacy Increases Client Value and Drives Revenue

Adapt to new client demands1

Today’s agencies are challenged with helping clients

adapt to the convergence of paid, owned and earned

media. That’s especially true within the digital and social

media landscape. Many are adapting to this new

business environment, with progressive firms doing so

by building Employee Advocacy programs for their

clients. Not only can these programs give agencies a

competitive edge, they provide a tremendous

opportunity to increase revenue.

“Increasingly people are getting their information and

news from social newsfeeds and our research tells us

that no source is trusted more than our peers.

Dynamic Signal empowers brands to harness the power

and scale of their collective employee base to reach new

audiences and tell their stories. At the same time —

employees become more informed than ever and

empowered by that information.”

- David Armano Global Strategy Director - Edelman

The challenge with the traditional media model2

As Forrester points out:

Since communication budgets typically remain flat, (source: Holmes Report), agencies can

can only grow by accessing other budgets like digital marketing. However, they’re

increasingly earning more by offering measurement and data and content creation services.

Owned media takes longer to scale and

company communications lack trust

Paid media has declining response rates and poor


Earned media is hard to scale and hard to control

As communications evolve, so must agencies3

PR, marketing and social media are merging together

No matter where people fit within the organization chart, companies will scale

communications by harnessing the reach and impact of all employees, not just the

executive team

PR programs are being run more and more with digital and social marketing

technology, automating manual programs and allowing for instant measurement

As mobile marketing expands so will social, making both more convenient

With security remaining a major concern, companies must overcome hackers and

compliance issues to run successful digital marketing programs

Content marketing, especially visual content and video, will be increasingly popular,

with 51% of professional communicators planning to increase video budgets in 2015

(Source: PR News/PR Newswire survey)

People will become smarter about social as a proven digital marketing distribution

channel, but they must improve how messages get approved to avoid Twitter snafus

Employee Advocacy as a revenue-generating service

Social media can bridge owned (blogs, Facebook, etc.),

earned (mainstream media, engagement via social) and

paid (ads) media. But this requires more than a traditional

social program where content is pushed through the client’s

owned media channels. By adding employees into the mix,

clients can build stronger relationships by using their most

trusted voices.1

A proven model to increase business results 4

Employee Advocacy lets employees receive and post company-approved content to their

social networks, transforming them into trusted experts, advocates and contributors.

By extending their social media strategies to include employees, companies can boost

brand awareness, employee engagement and revenue. Best of all, this authentic form of

communication counters the rapid rise of social media as a paid, impression-based

advertising platform:

82% of buyers say they trust a company more when its CEO and senior leadership

team are active on social media2

77% of consumers are more likely to buy a product when they hear about it from

friends and family3

Companies with engaged employees outperform those without by up to 202%4

78% of salespeople using social media outsell their peers not using social media5

Highly engaged organizations can reduce turnover by 87% and improve

performance by 20%6

1. http://www.edelman.com/insights/intellectual-property/2014-edelman-trust-barometer/trust-in-business/trust-employee-engagement/ 2. http://www.smartbugmedia.com/blog/43-inbound-markeitng-statistic-that-will-blow-your-mind 3. http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/press-room/2012/nielsen-global-consumers-trust-in-earned-advertising-grows.html 4. http://www.gallup.com/businessjournal/163130/employee-engagement-drives-growth.aspx 5. http://www.forbes.com/sites/markfidelman/2013/05/19/study-78-of-salespeople-using-social-media-outsell-their-peers/ 6. http://www.thesocialworkplace.com/2011/08/social-knows-employee-engagement-statistics-august-2011-edition/

The new centerpiece of your social marketing strategy 5

Employee Advocacy can deliver the following results for your clients:

Increase brand awareness by 14x

Increase site traffic by 5x

Increase leads by 25% and decrease cost per lead by 13%

Increase company content amplification by 11x and content engagement by 700x

Drive 20-50% of overall event registration

Enhance your existing services6

By running scalable Employee Advocacy programs for your clients you can:

Build a content distribution channel for the valuable content you’re creating (video, imagery, copy) for clients

Extend influencer programs to include employees as trusted brand ambassadors, and scale existing programs to include hundreds, even thousands of employees

Translate social engagement into results including measurable business metrics beyond awareness, clicks, likes and comments

Save clients money while increasing agency margins

With Employee Advocacy, agencies can show brands the value of shifting paid media dol-

lars to digital storytelling through owned and earned media. Automated software

platforms lower client costs while value-added content and media strategy services

drive margins.

Why Dynamic Signal7

Choose the industry leader: We created Employee Advocacy and have more clients

than anyone in the category

We’re global: We offer the only solution with customers on six continents across

15 regions

Go mobile: We were first to launch, and continue to lead on iOS and Android devices

Be compliant: Our technology integrates with clients’ Single Sign On (SSO) processes

Enjoy content targeting and personalization: Our content divisions and machine

learning platform tailor the right content to the right person (or group) at the right time

based on their preferences

Integrate with major business systems: Dynamic Signal works seamlessly with

Salesforce Chatter, Bit.ly, Weibo, Adobe Marketing Cloud, IBM Connections and more

Leverage the must-have combination: No one else pairs enterprise-grade technology

that integrates with your global business processes with an extremely easy to use

employee experience

Employee Advocacy in action

IBM and SAP, both Dynamic Signal

clients, saved $2 million each in

equivalent paid media. IBM increased

owned media traffic to its website

through their Dynamic Signal

Employee Advocacy program.

5 of the top 6 PR agencies partner with Dynamic Signal

Why Dynamic Signal9

Dynamic Signal is trusted by agencies large and small, within the paid, earned and owned

media space. We are fortunate to be able to count the following agencies among our


“Dynamic Signal gets our content and news in the hands of the people

who matter the most, our employees. It helps us create engaged, proud

brand champions--the ultimate competitive advantage.” Wendi Smith ~ Managing Director, Agency Communications & Content @ Mindshare

“Dynamic Signal is a powerful and flexible application that we can use in

a variety of ways to expand and deepen the level of engagement of our

employees on behalf of our clients and the firm.” Gary F. Grates ~ Principal @ W2O Group

“Employee advocacy is critical for sales and marketing, but it also has a

tremendous impact on your overall business. Dynamic Signal has been an

extension of my team. They get to know and understand the company,

the product, and the culture just as much as we do.” Michael Brito ~ SVP - LewisPulse

The #1 Platform for Employee Advocacy and EngagementKeep employees informed and engaged while empowering them to easily share company-approved content on social, transforming them into experts, advocates, and contributors.

Trusted by Over 200 of the World’s Leading Brands

News Sharing Messaging Analytics

Reaching a New Audience Is Harder Than Ever Internal Communications is Broken- Organic social media is dying -

- Content creation is costly & time consuming -- Consumers are overwhelmed with content -

- Employees are disconnected at work - - Many have no email or intranet access -

- Outdated technologies are not mobile first -

Keep employees engaged, connected and informed with the latest relevant brand and industry news.

Empower employees to share company content and reach millions of potential customers.

Keep your brand safe, on message, and compliant on social media.

See results, improve KPIs for marketing, communications, HR, sales and finance.

Dynamic Signal’s VoiceStorm platform solves these challenges by providing employees access to relevant content on any device to discover, view, and share, while measuring the impact and results.

7 of the top 10 social enterprises are Dynamic

Signal customers

10B+ impressions generated from external social sharing across all

our customers

More dedicated funding towards Employee

Advocacy than any other vendor in the category

5 of the top 6 PR Agencies in the world use Dynamic

Signal internally and suggest it for their customers

www.dynamicsignal.comf DynamicSignal l DynamicSignal t @Dynamic_Signal

Would you like to learn more about how an Employee Advocacy platform will drive value for your company?

We would love to show you how Dynamic Signal has powered hundreds of successful programs around the globe.

Companies with a formal Employee Advocacy program saw 2X the benefits over those that did not have one.

Learn more about how to do this for your company, contact us today.

[email protected] - 650-231-2550

(Source: Hinge Research)

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