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Page 1: Grow your business... Protect their investment. Property Technologies International, LLC Presentation of PTI’s suite of web-based applications for real.

Grow your business . . . Protect their investment.

Property Technologies International, LLC

Presentation of PTI’s suite of web-based applications for real estate and property management

for: Beacon Communities, LLC April 19, 2007

Page 2: Grow your business... Protect their investment. Property Technologies International, LLC Presentation of PTI’s suite of web-based applications for real.

Grow your business . . . Protect their investment.

Table of contents:

The Client PortalModule IntegrationProperty ManagementCommunicationsMaintenanceDocument ManagementVendor Management

Page 3: Grow your business... Protect their investment. Property Technologies International, LLC Presentation of PTI’s suite of web-based applications for real.

Grow your business . . . Protect their investment.

FrontGatesm is the capstone of the PTI product suite. FrontGatesm is a dynamically generated, fully customized web-portal for your clients.

This portal positively affects your business in several critical areas:

Generate several new revenue streams;Differentiate your company in the marketplace;Provide immediate cost savings and reduce the capital required for growth;Increase client retention;

The PTI architecture and design allow us to do this with minimal impact on current work processes and very low operating costs.

The PTI Suite & The Client Portal

Page 4: Grow your business... Protect their investment. Property Technologies International, LLC Presentation of PTI’s suite of web-based applications for real.

Grow your business . . . Protect their investment.

While PTI provides a full array or property software and features, we can also integrate individual module into your current operating environment.

Implementation of the PTI system enables you to:Coordinate communications across properties, portfolios, and departments;Manage workflow, client requests, and vendor services;Track time spent of tasks and projects to report billable hours to cleintsDepartment and user specific modules including interfaces optimized for hand-held devices

Module Integration

Page 5: Grow your business... Protect their investment. Property Technologies International, LLC Presentation of PTI’s suite of web-based applications for real.

Grow your business . . . Protect their investment.

In addition to the tools and features found in most property management software, the PTI suite has several additional advantages and features:

Web-based applications allow employees to log in and work from anywhere;PTI provides custom reports and ad hoc reporting capabilities; Hand-held optimized interfaces are available for all modules and usersThe vendor management tools and “Favorites” features are unique to PTI and both generate revenue and build client retention

Property Management Tools

Page 6: Grow your business... Protect their investment. Property Technologies International, LLC Presentation of PTI’s suite of web-based applications for real.

Grow your business . . . Protect their investment.

The web-based communications tools available with the PTI suite integrate communications across departments, personnel, properties and vendors.

Distributed communications turns an individuals contacts and relationships into valuable institutional knowledge. Integrated systems allow client requests to handled with “one-touch” – no retyping, filling out forms, or duplication of processes. Client requests can be translated into work orders, then into invoices without extra handlingThe vendor management tools and “Favorites” features are unique to PTI and both generate revenue and build client retention

Communications Management

Page 7: Grow your business... Protect their investment. Property Technologies International, LLC Presentation of PTI’s suite of web-based applications for real.

Grow your business . . . Protect their investment.

FrontGatesm generates revenue in both direct and indirect ways.The portal itself is a billable, monthly, service;

PTI will work with you to market the service to your clients;

Generate revenue from third party vendors – ads, features, discounts;

PTI provides usage analysis, vendor preferences, recommendations, etc.

Managing payment options allows you to leverage discounts, processing fees, volume pricing, etc;

New Revenue Streams

Page 8: Grow your business... Protect their investment. Property Technologies International, LLC Presentation of PTI’s suite of web-based applications for real.

Grow your business . . . Protect their investment.

Immediate Cost Savings

Increased efficiencies are a natural byproduct of the PTI configuration analysis and implementation.

Automated communications reduce call volume;

Self-help tools for clients, such as online payment processing, can save between $2.50 and $10.00 per transaction;

Electronic document management, (titles, 6D, Insurance certificates, A.D., living wills, etc.) reduces call volume, printing and distribution costs;

Customized application design reinforces internal work flow and “best practices”;

Universal logins for on-call staff and hand-held compatible interfaces ensure that employees always have the data they need;

Page 9: Grow your business... Protect their investment. Property Technologies International, LLC Presentation of PTI’s suite of web-based applications for real.

Grow your business . . . Protect their investment.

All of the above features work together to create a net of services and information that make your company indispensable to your clients.

Your competitors do not offer comparable services;

With each use you clients are tied more tightly to your company and your network of vendors;

Client Retention

Page 10: Grow your business... Protect their investment. Property Technologies International, LLC Presentation of PTI’s suite of web-based applications for real.

Grow your business . . . Protect their investment.

How We Do It

A comprehensive business, data, and needs analysis is always the first step in a PTI Web Suite installation.

The modular design of the PTI Web Suite allows you to implement only those features necessary to eliminate gaps or redundancies in processes, services, or computing as identified in the above analysis

PTI provides the tools you need to fully customize and integrate your data on an ongoing basis;

Maintenance Request

Requests may initiated by any MMC employee or Unit Owner via their site.

Request is viewable by Unit Owner and/or Board members at all stages of the process.

(see detail in project plan)

Completed form is transmitted to Maintenance Dispatch where request is assigned to team or individual.

Work is assigned online for logging purposes and can be transmitted via alphanumeric pager to remote teams

Upon completion, work order is updated (again via pager, if necessary).

Updated order is available to Maint. as a closed order, and to Claudia (Acct?) for charge assessment.

Completed work order, with charges, is made available to PM for approval.

(Work orders are still available to Maint. and acct. as “pending”)

PM approves charges and transmits to Unit Owner or, if order is billable to the Trust, to Jose (acct.?) for funds transfer.

Jose transfers Trust funds and updates work order as paid.

Unit Owner pays fee online at their site.

If charges are not approved, PM works Maint. & Acct. to assess billing.



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Maintenance Request Processing

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Dept. 4

PTI’s expertise enables us to integrate systems and functionality seamlessly into your company’s work-flow. Features are added and clients brought into the loop with minimal changes to employee processes or responsibilities

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