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  • 8/3/2019 Gte Fundamentals


    Fundamentals of GTE :

    1. An example of a divergent duct is the-------jet pipe at the exit from the turbine

    2.A turbo-prop engine derives its thrust from----reaction of the prop-wash

    3.On an axial flow, dual compressor forward fan engine, the fan turns the same

    speed as the--- low pressure turbine

    4.Jet nozzle is locate---- at the exhaust

    5.Axial flow turbojet engine highest gas pressure occurs at... compressor outlet

    6.If LP shaft shears.... turbine runaway occurs

    7.Density of gas.... weight/volume

    8.Heat and mechanical energy are mutually convertible and 1 CHU isequal to....


    9.Turbojet engine gives....large acceleration to a small mass of air

    10.ESHP.... shaft horsepower + exhaust efflux11.Engine most likely to have noise suppressor installed.... turbojet

    12.In a dual axial flow or twin spool compressor system with a free power turbine,

    Nf would indicate... free power turbine speed

    13.The noise suppression system that increases the frequency of sound is termed....

    multi-lobe type nozzle

    14.The accessory gearbox of a high bypass engine is.... on the hp Compressor


    15.The purpose of a diffuser is to.... increase the static pressure of the air

    16.A gas turbine engine comprises 3 main sections....turbine, compressor and


    17.The hottest casing is the ---HPT

    18. Which has the better combination....

    Centrifugal compressor, axial flow turbine, can type combustion chamber

    19. Statement that is true for a high bypass ratio turbofan....

    the compressor assembly is larger and combustion chamber smaller than their turbojet

    Equivalent20.A waisted drive shaft is primarily to....provide a fuse if the driven component is overloaded

    21.A turbojet engine is smoother running that a piston engine because....

    it has no reciprocating parts

    22. Section that provides proper mixing of fuel and efficient burning of the


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    Combustion section only

    23.Unit generally used to measure aircraft noise....

    Effective perceived noise decibels (EPNdB)

    24. Core engine or gas generator made up of following components....

    Turbine, combustion chamber, compressor25. There is no peak pressure in a jet engine because of....

    Continuous flow of air

    26.A nozzle is choked when the gas flow through it is....


    27.A high bypass engine results in....

    overall slower airflow and greater propulsive efficiency

    28.In a free turbine....

    There is no mechanical connection with the compressor

    29.The advantage of a geared, fan type, dual spool engine is....

    a geared fan does not need a separate turbine to have a different speed from the compressor

    and the compressor is not limited to the fan speed

    30.If a volume of a mass of air is 546 cubic feet at 273K, at 273K it will be....

    2 cubic feet greater

    31.In a pure jet engine, the rate of pressure rise is greatest atthe....

    compressor stage

    32. Ram effect is....

    Conversion of kinetic energy to pressure energy at the face of the compressor33. Example of a divergent duct....

    jet pipe at the exit from the exhaust

    34.Part of the jet engine has the most potential energy

    ....just before the combustion chamber

    Engine performance:

    1. At constant RPM, the pressure ratio of the compressor and the temprise

    across the compressor....Remains constant irrespective of height

    2. Method of comparing engine efficiencies is by comparing....

    Specific fuel consumption

    3. Engine section tha t will produce the most amount of discrete noise....


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    4. Gas pressure is greatest at the....

    Compressor outlet

    5. Thrust rating on a FADEC engine can be changed by....

    Changing the engine rating plug

    6. The RP M for max po we r wo ul d be . . . . lower on a colder day7.As the speed of an aircraft increases, the momentum thrust of an engine


    decrease (momentum thrust is a product of the difference between aircraft speed and the jet

    efflux speed)

    8.Specific fuel consumption for a turbo prop engine....

    decreases with increase in aircraft speed

    9.Reduction in engine efficiency can be caused by....

    ice formation on air intake

    10.Power is adjusted in a gas turbine engine by....

    increasing air and fuel flow

    11.Ram recovery is the point at which intake....

    total pressure equals ambient pressure

    12.The point of maximum velocity in the engine is in the....

    exhaust exit nozzle

    13.Through turbine rotor blades, the pressure....

    decreases, temp and velocity decreases

    14.To maintain the selected RPM of a gas turbine at altitude....the pilot will have to throttle back

    15.Ultimate limiting factor of turbine engine operation....

    turbine inlet temp

    16.Ram effect due to aircraft forward speed will cause the thrust of theengine to....

    remain constant

    17.Increasing ram effect with increased speed....

    increases thrust dueto increased maximum airflow18.Temperature of the mass airflow through a gas turbineengine....

    increases from the inlet, thru the compressor and thediffuser into the burner and

    decreases thru the turbine intothe exhaust

    19.Most engines try to keep a uniform...

    flame temp

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    20.If the throttle position remains constant...

    with increasing OAT, RPMand TGT will increase

    21.What happens to thrust as an aircraft climbs with a fixed throttleposition....

    thrust decreases

    22.Compressor type that gives the greatest advantage for both startingflexibilityand improved high altitude performance....

    split spool, axialflow

    23.Some turbo prop and turbojet engines are equipped with two spool orsplit

    compressors. When these engines are operated at high altitudes,the....

    low pressure rotor will increase in speed as thecompressor load decreases in the lower density


    24.Effect of high atmospheric humidity have on the operation of a jetengine....

    has little or no effect

    25.The engine rating plug is.....

    permanently connected to the enginecasing

    26.Ram recovery is a measure of....

    intake efficiency

    27.The speed of the low pressure compressor increases as the inlet tempbecomes

    colder because...

    the fuel controller senses thedecreased T2 and schedules an increase in fuel flow

    tomaintain the proper fuel air ratio with the denser air

    28.Flat rated thrust is defined as....the thrust at the ambient temperature point above which thrust drops below 100%

    29.With an increase in forward speed, the engine thrust...

    decreases slightly but recover due to ram effect

    30.The propulsive efficiency is...

    high with a low mass flow acceleration

    31.At constant RPM, the pressure ratio of the compressor and the temprise across the


    remains constant irrespective of height32. Across the turbines, there is.... a general temp drop

    33. Hottest component in a gas turbine engine is the.... nozzle guide vanes

    34.Statement that is true regarding jet engines...

    .at higher enginespeeds, thrust increases rapidly with small increases in RPM

    35.Turbine inlet temp is approx....

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    850-1700 degrees celcius

    36.What effect does high atmospheric humidity have on the operation of a jet


    has little or no effect

    37.Ram pressure recovery will generally take effect at aircraft speeds of....Mach 0.1-0.2

    38.Factor that limits EGT is the....


    39. The highest heat to metal contact in a jet engine is....

    the turbine inlet guide vanes

    40.To ensure an engine maintains self-sustaining speed....

    idle increases with density decrease

    41.The main factor considered when designing an engine is....

    maximum turbine temp


    1. In takes a re des igned to

    decelerate the free air stream flow

    2.The inlet door of a variable geometry intake at supersonic speeds will be


    3.The inlet door of a variable geometry intake is open atsubsonic speeds

    4.A variable geometry intake at subsonic speeds

    throat area is increased

    5. The purpose of a bell mouth compressor inlet is to maximize the

    aerodynamic efficiency of the inlet

    6. What is true for a bell mouth intake (is a convergent duct) velocity

    increases and pressure decreases7. An increase in the Ram Ratio of an intake will increase the temp of the


    8 . In take momentum drag causes

    a decrease in thrust at low airspeeds

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    9.In a variable geometry intake, the velocity of the air on the engine

    compressor face is controlled by Shock-wave pattern, ramp and spill doors

    10. In a subsonic multi-engine aircraft, a normal inlet duct will increase in size

    front to rear along the length of the duct

    11. With an electrical ice protection system, the heating elements operate partcontinuous-part intermittent

    12.A bell mouth compressor inlet is used on helicopters

    13.Variable Ramp Intakes restrict airflow by creating shock-waves in the intake

    14. The most efficient engine intake on subsonic or low supersonic aircraft is


    15.A turboprop engine inlet anti-ice system operates


    16.An aircraft flying at

    Supersonic speed, to reduce the air velocity at the compressor, the variable


    throat area is decreased

    17.The cycling speed of the electrical de-icing mat.

    is affected byweather conditions

    18.Ram Ratio in regard to air intakes is the relationshipbetween.

    ambient pressure and compressor inlet pressure

    19.Vortex dissipaters prevent engine FOD by

    a stream of enginebleed air blown toward the ground ahead of the engine20.Pitot type intakes are used in

    subsonic aircraft

    21.As an aircraft approaches the transonic range, the aerodynamicefficiency of a

    pitot type intake.

    decreases due to the shock wave

    22.Electrical de-icing operates.

    continuously and intermittently

    23.A well designed intake will take advantage of forward speed byconverting kinetic energy into pressure energy

    24.The variable inlet guide vanes are operated.

    by fuel pressure

    25.If an inlet is choked then the velocity.

    decreases and pressureincreases

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    1.In a turbine engine with a dual spool compressor, the low


    seeks its own best operating speed

    2.In flight, failure of compressor bleed valve (jammed open) will makeengine run


    lower RPM than normal

    3.In a dual compressor, the low pressure compressor (LPC) speed tendsto change


    the CIT of LPC

    4.On which blade type may a mid-span shroud most likely beused.

    long, narrow chord type blades5.Advantage of centrifugal flow compressor is its high.

    pressure riseper stage

    6.2 types of centrifugal compressor impellers are.

    single entry anddouble entry

    7.Pressure rise across a single spool axial flow compressor is in the orderof.

    up to 15:1

    8.During low RPM range, variable intake guide vanes and bleed

    valvesarea at.

    maximum swirl position and bleed valves open

    9.Advantage of a multi-spool compressor is.

    quicker accelerationand better control of stall characteristics

    10.Engine bleed at high speed is

    .sometimes open

    11.Centrifugal compressor produces a compression ratio.

    lower thanthe axial flow compresso

    12.Why in an axial flow compressor is the cross sectional area of thecompressorair duct reduced at each stage.

    to maintain thevelocity of the air under rising pressure

    13.On a high bypass ratio engine, what medium operates the VBV.


    14.Abradable lining around the fan is to.

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    strengthen the EPR value

    15.Compressor surge is caused by.

    over fuelling

    16.Purpose of stator blades in the compressor section.

    control thedirection of the airflow17.Inlet guide vanes are fitted to.

    control the angle of airflow intothe compressor

    18.Type of combustion chamber is most suited for centrifugalcompressors.

    multiple-can type

    19.Surge margin of an axial flow compressors.

    the margin betweenthe compressor working line and the surge line

    20.A bleed valve.

    relieves compressor choking at low RPM

    21.What is the function of the stator vane assembly at the discharge endof a typical

    axial flow compressor.

    to straighten airflow toeliminate turbulence

    22.Which of the following can cause fan blade shingling in a turbofanengine.

    large, rapid throttle movements and FOD

    23.Advantage of an axial flow over a centrifugal flow gas turbineengine.

    high peak efficiencies

    24.What is the profile of a compressor blade.

    a cut out that reducesblade tip thickness25.How does a dual axial flow compressor improve the efficiency of aturbojet


    higher compression ratios can be obtained

    26.The stator vanes in an axial-flow compressor.

    convert velocityenergy into pressure energy

    27.A function of a cascade vanes in a turbojet engine compressorsection.

    to remove air swirl before the combustion chamber

    28.Stall will occur in the high pressure stages of an axial flow

    compressorbecause.air mass flow is reduced when the compressor isturning at high speed

    29.Purpose of bleed valve, located at the beginning stages of thecompressor is to.

    vent some of the air overboard to prevent acompressor stall

    30.No damage is permissible on.

    a shroud-fillet area

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    31.Air thru the compressor, before entering the combustion chamberpasses.

    thru divergent passage to increase the pressure

    32.Purpose of rotating guide vanes on a centrifugal compressor isto.

    direct the air smoothly into the impeller

    33.Variable inlet guide vanes prevent.compressor stalling

    34.The diffuser after the compressor, before the combustionchamber.

    decreases velocity, pressure increases

    35.Cascade vanes in the intake of a centrifugal compressor areto.

    provide a pre-swirl to incoming air

    36.A function of the cascade vane in a turbojet engine compressorsection.

    to remove air swirl before the combustion chamber

    37.Purpose of the diffuser vanes of a centrifugal compressor serve.

    toconvert kinetic energy into pressure energy

    38.An axial flow compressor surges when.

    all stages are stalled

    39.Phase of engine operation will bleed valves be fully open.


    40.Compressor stage.

    one rotor plus one stator

    41.Tip speed of a centrifugal compressor can reach.

    Mach 1.2 / 1.342.An axial flow compressor compresses the air by.


    43.Cascade Effect is related to.

    axial flow compressors

    44.What is the normal pressure rise across each compressor stage of anaxial flow



    45.Diffuser vanes are used in jet engines to convert.

    kinetic energyinto potential energy thru divergence46.Stator vanes in an axial-flow compressor.

    convert velocity energyinto pressure energy

    47.A compressor stage stalls when.

    smooth airflow is disrupted

    48.Purpose of a counter-rotating spool in some dual or triple-spoolcompressors is.

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    dampening gyroscopic effects

    49.The optimum air speed for entrance into the compressor isapprox.

    Mach 0.4

    50.The effect of different stages in an axial flow compressor is.

    tomultiply the pressure by each succeeding stage51.An axial compressor case annulus is.


    52.If the RPM of an axial flow compressor remains constant, the angle of attack of

    the rotor blades can be changed by.

    changing thevelocity of the airflow

    53.Compressor stalls may be eliminated by using which of the followingsystems.

    compressor bleed-air system and variable vanesystem

    54.The fan speed of a twin spool axial compressor engine is the same asthe.

    low pressure compressor

    55.The vanes of a diffuser in a centrifugal compressor.

    are tangentialto the impeller

    56.Primary factor which controls the pressure ratio of an axial flowcompressor.

    number of stages in compressor

    57.The compression ratio of an axial flow compressor is a functionof.

    number of compressor stages

    58.What units in a gas turbine engine aid in guiding the airflow during lowthrust

    engine operations.inlet guide vanes

    59.For any given power lever setting, the speed of the high pressurecompressor is

    held constant by.

    the fuel control governor

    60.Compressor stall is caused by.

    a high angle of attack airflow thruthe first stages of compression

    61.Energy changes that take place in the impeller of a centrifugalcompressor are.

    pressure increase, velocity increase, tempincrease

    62.Compressor blades reduce in length.

    from LP to HP section tomaintain uniform velocity in compressor

    63.A bypass engine LP compressor.

    supplies more air than isrequired for combustion

    64.Severe rubbing of turbine engine compressor blades will usuallycause.

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    65.Stagger angle is used on the compressor blades to.

    maintain exitvelocity of airflow at the same value along blade length

    66.An axial compressor case annulus is.

    convergent (all axial flowcompressor case annulus are convergent to maintainaconstant axial velocity thru the compressor)

    67.In an axial flow compressor is the cross sectional area of thecompressor air duct

    reduced at each stage.

    to maintain thevelocity of the air under rising pressure

    68.The root of the compressor blades are loosely fitted to the compressordisks. This

    is because.

    it aids easy blade assembly and itprovides a vibration damping effect

    Combustion section:

    1.A tubo-annular gas turbine combustion system consists of.

    a numberof flame tubes in an annular air casing

    2 .Di lu t ion a i r i s p laced.

    in the dilution zone of the combustionchamber after the primary zone

    3.Why is i t necessary to have a combust ion chamber drain.to

    allowunburnt fuel to drain away.

    to prevent initial over-fuelling onstart-up or hot start

    4 .A torodia l vor tex i s.a region in the combustion chamber of lowvelocity recirculation

    5.The main purpose of combustion is to

    .increase gas velocity

    6.What is a cannular combustion system.

    a set of flame tubes,enclosed in a common air casing

    7. Another name for a cannular combustion chamber is.


    8 .Duplex burners have.

    two calibrated outletsone for low speed,second for high speed9.Combustion sections used in turbine engines.

    multiple can, annularand can annular

    10.Component that creates a vortex in a gas turbine flame tube.


    11.In a turbo prop engine, combustion takes place atconstant.

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    12.Air thru the combustion chamber retains a constant.


    13.Percentage mass airflow taken by flame tube snout.

    18%14.Percentage mass airflow which bypasses the flame tube snout.


    15.A combustion chamber has a.

    divergent inlet, convergent outlet

    16.The purpose of the nose or snout in a combustion chamber.

    to act asa diffuser to slow the airflow down

    17.Combustion chamber drain valve closed.

    by combustion chambergas pressure

    18.Combustor air that is not used to support combustion.

    will film coolthe liner and dilute combustion chamber exit temp

    19.Air used for combustion is.


    20.Overall air/fuel ration of a combustion chamber can varybetween.

    45:1 and 130:1

    21.Air passing thru the combustion section of a jet engine is.

    most usedfor cooling

    22.In the combustion chamber.static pressure decreases slightyand volume increases

    23.Flame stabilization in a combustion chamber is achieved by.

    theairflow pattern

    24.At high rotational speed at sea level, a duple burner would be passingfuel via


    primary and the main nozzle

    25.When light-up takes place

    .interconnectors spread the heat toadjacent flame tubes

    26.Combustion liner walls cooled in a gas turbine engine.by secondaryair flowing thru the combustion chamber

    27.In an annular combustor (thru flow).

    it requires less cooling airdue to its minimal surface area

    28.Fuel entering the combustion chamber from an atomizer spray nozzleenters as.

    a fuel/air mixture

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    29.A duplex burner uses.

    small burner at low rpm and both burnersat high rpm

    30.Component that creates a vortex in a gas turbine flame tube.


    31.Hot spots in the combustion section of a turbojet engine are possiblydue to.malfunctioning fuel nozzles

    32.A shroud placed around fuel nozzles.

    prevents carbon build up

    33.In which type of turbine engine combustion chamber is the case andliner

    removed and installed as one unit during routinemaintenance.


    34.Purpose of swirl vanes in the combustion chamber is to produce.


    8.As hot gasses flow thru an impulse turbine blading, thevelocity....remains

    constant9.An impulse turbine blade arrangement forms....constant passage10.A

    slow constant growth in a turbine blade is known as....secondarycreep11.The

    passage between adjacent nozzle guide vanes forms....convergentduct12.Turbine

    engine components are never manufactured by....gas welding13.Impulse turbine

    blades run cooler than reaction bladesbecause....temperature drop across NGV is

    greater14.Fir tree turbine blade attachment locates the blade....allowsslightmovement15.Stress rupture cracks usually appear on turbine blades

    at....across heleading or trailing edge at the right angle to the edge16.What is meant

    by a shrouded turbine....the turbine blades are shapedso that their ends forma a band or

    shroud17.hot streaking is caused by....a partially clogged fuel nozzle18.Creep of

    turbine blades is....due to thermal and centrifugal forces19.Nozzle guide vanes are

    fitted to....increase velocity of gas flow20.Temperature thru the turbine stages

    generally....decreases21.As the hot gasses flow thru an impulse turbine blading,

    thevelocity....remains constant22.Nozzle guide vane bow is an indication

    of....engine overheat23.Turbine nozzle diaphragms located on the upstream side ofeachturbine wheel are used....to increase the velocity of the heated gassesflowing

    past this point24.Alloys used for gas turbine nozzles are....inconel, nimonic and

    GMR-23525.Turbine disk growth is due to.... a permanent change in disk

    diameter26.Dirt particles in the air going into the compressor of a turbine

    enginewill form a coating on all except the....turbine blades

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    27.How is a radial turbine driven....by change of momentum and angle

    of airflow28.The forces driving a turbine round are due to....impulse and reaction


    1.The jet pipe of a gas turbine engine.

    protects the airframe fromheat damage2.Lobe type exhaust noise suppressors are made from

    heat resistantalloy

    3 .A supersonic duct i s

    convergent then divergent along its length

    4.When should thrust reversers be used

    low RPM and low forwardspeed

    5.The purpose of a propelling nozzle (convergence) is to

    increase thevelocity of the air and increase thrust

    6.If the exit area of the nozzle is too large, the effect is.

    exit velocitylower causing loss of thrust

    7.As air flows out at the outflow of a choked nozzle.

    velocityincreases and pressure decreases (convergent duct-exhaust)

    8.Exhaust noise can be reduced by.

    increasing the mixing rate

    9.A convergent exhaust nozzle produces mainly.

    momentum thrust

    10.To have minimum friction in the jet pipe, it should be.long andsmall diameter

    11.A convergent-divergent nozzle.

    makes maximum use of pressurethrust

    12.The purpose of a propelling nozzle of a gas turbine engine isdesigned.

    to increase the velocity and decrease the pressureof the gas stream leaving the

    nozzle (increase thrust)

    13.The exhaust section is designed to.

    impart a high exit velocity tothe exhaust gasses

    14.The struts on the exhaust cone.supports the exhaust cone andstraighten the gas airflow

    15.On front fan engines, to obtain thrust reversal

    cold stream isreversed

    16.Reverse thrust can only be selected when the throttle is.


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    17.Thrust reversers utilizing pneumatics actuating system receivesoperating pressure


    engine bleed air system

    18.An exhaust cone placed aft of the turbine in a jet engine will cause thepressure

    in the first part of the exhaust duct to.increase andvelocity to decrease

    19.The function of the exhaust cone assy of a turbine engine isto.

    straighten and collect the exhaust gasses into a solidexhaust jet

    20.Hot spots on the tail cone of a turbine engine are possible indicators of a

    malfunctioning fuel nozzle or.

    a faulty combustion chamber

    21.A nozzle is choked when the engine inlet airflow is.

    subsonic andsupersonic

    22.What is the proper operating sequence of using thrustreversers..

    retard thrust levers to grd idle, select reversethrust, then advance power levers as

    required, and then retardthrust reverser levers to grd idle

    23.Noise from a jet wake when untreated by suppression is

    low freq,high decibel

    24.A choked nozzle

    increases thrust

    bearing and seals :

    1.A carbon seal has which type of sealing arrangement....full contactwith race

    2 .Some labyr in th sea ls . . .

    control the outflow of air at the turbine(can be air seals or oil seals)

    3.An abradable lining in the fan case...

    provides acoustic medium

    4.Why are oil seals pressurized...

    to ensure minimum oil loss

    5.The highest turbine bearing temp takes place...

    at shut-down6.Seals on gas turbine engine restrict leakage of oil by...

    air pressure

    7.What is the purpose of pressure balance seal...

    to ensure thelocation bearing is adequately loaded throughout the enginethrust range

    8.The function of labyrinth seals is to create...

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    a restricted leakage of air between fixed and rotating components

    9.If ball or roller bearings found with magnetism...

    degaussed beforeuse

    10.Main bearing oil seals used with turbine engines areusually...

    labyrinth and/or carbon11.The bearings of a compressor rotor are usually.

    ball and roller

    12.In a jet engine, the rotating assembly oil seals are maintained oil tightby means


    air pressure

    13.Which of the following is true about ball and roller bearings...

    a ballbearing has less friction than any other type

    Lubricants and fuel:

    1.Advantage of mineral base lube over vegetable based lube


    2.Desirable characteristics of turbine engine oil

    high flash point

    3 .Reid Vapour pressure

    38 degrees Celsius

    4.Factors that determines the proper grade of oil to use in a


    operating speeds of bearings5.High tooth pressures and high rubbing velocit ies in spur type

    gearsrequire the use of

    an EP lubricant

    6.The result of operating an engine in extremely high temp usinglubricant

    meant for much lower temp

    oil pressure will be lowerthan normal

    7.Upon what quality or characteristics of a lubricating oil is its viscosityindex


    its rate of change in viscosity with temp change8.The specific gravity of fuel affects

    aircraft range

    9.In addition to lubricating, engine oil

    cools, seals, preventscorrosion and cushions shock loads

    10.Calorific value is the

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    amount of heat or energy in 1 pound of fuel

    11.Compared to reciprocating engine oils, the types of oils used in


    have less tendency to produce lacquer or coke

    12.DERD 2494kerosene

    13.Types of water present in aviation fuel are

    free and entrained bothharmful

    14.Ignition of fuel depends on

    both volatility and atomisation


    1.The purpose of a pressure filter in a lubrication system is to.

    protectthe oil jets

    2.In a jet engine which uses a fuel oil heat exchanger, the oil temp

    iscontrolled by a thermostatic valve that regulates the flow of.

    oil thruthe heat exchanger

    3.The oil dampened main bearing utilized in some turbine engines isused to.

    provide an oil film between the outer race and thebearing housing in order to

    reduce vibration tendencies in therotor system, and to allow for slight


    4.Oil pressure and scavenge pumps are usually.

    spur gear pumps5.What wil l happen to the return oil if the oil l ine between the

    scavengerpump and the oil cooler separates

    .the return oil will be pumpedoverboard

    6 .Oi l p ressure in the cooler i s.

    higher than the fuel pressure

    7.The possible cause when a turbine engine indicates no change inpower

    settings parameters, but oil temp is high.

    engine mainbearing distress

    8.At cruise RPM, some oil will flow thru the relief valve of a geartypeengine oil pump. This is normal as the relief valve is set at a pressurewhich is

    .lower than the pressure pump capabilities

    9.The possible combined output from all the scavenge pumps in

    alubrication system will be.

    greater than the pressure pumpoutput

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    10.Last chance filters in a lubrication system are servicedduring.

    engine overhaul

    11.What is the primary purpose of the hopper located in the oil supplytank of some

    dry sump engine installations

    .to reduce the timerequired to warm the oil to operating temp12.Primary purpose of the oil breather pressurization system that is usedon turbine


    .provides a proper oil spray pattern from themain bearing oil jets

    13.A thread type oil seal in a lubrication system.

    has a thread on astationary portion to prevent fluid leaks

    14.What would be the probable result if the oil system pressure relief valve should

    stick in the open position on a turbineengine.

    insufficient lubrication

    15.What determines the minimum particle size which will be excluded orfiltered

    by a cuno type filter.

    the spacer thickness

    16.In order to relieve excessive pump pressure in an engines internal oilsystem,

    most engines are equipped with a.

    relief valve

    17.Manufacturers normally require turbine engine oil servicing within ashort time

    after engine shut down primarily to.prevent overservicing

    18.When rotating, the gerotor type oil pump.

    draws oil into the pumpand carries it round between the gear teeth and idler

    19.What filters are used to protect oil pressure spray jets.

    in-linethread filters

    20.Low oil pressure can be detrimental to the internal engine components.however

    high oil pressure

    .should be limited to the enginemanufacturers recommendation

    21.What is the purpose of the last chance filters.to prevent damageto the oil spray nozzle

    22.A turbine engine dry sump lubrication system of the self contained,high pressure


    consists of pressure, breather andscavenge subsystems

    23.A full flow oil system has.

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    a variable oil pressure dependant uponthrottle setting

    24.When rotating, the gear type oil pump

    .draws oil into the pumpand carries it round between the gear teeth and casing

    25.What is the primary purpose of the oil breather pressurization systemthat is used

    on turbine engines.provides a proper oil spraypattern from the main bearing oil jets

    26.The air-cooled-oil-cooler has an anti-surge valve in order to.

    protectthe cooler

    27.A vane type oil pump output is controlled by.

    outlet pressureagainst spring pressure

    28.Possible failure related ferrous metal particles in turbine engine oilcauses an

    electrical indicating type magnetic chip detector to indicatetheir presence by.

    bridging the gap between the detectorcentre (positive) electrode and the ground electrode

    29.The teeth of the gears in the accessory section of an engine normallylubricated


    31.A jet engine gear box breather is prevented from leaking oil toatmosphere by

    the action of

    .impeller and centrifugal force

    32.Type of oil pumps most commonly used on turbine enginesare.

    positive displacement

    33.A scavenge filter is incorporated in a gas turbine lubrication systemto

    .protect the pressure pump34.The identification of a lubrication fluid line is the wordlubrication.

    followed by squares

    35.After making a welded repair to a pressurized type turbine engine oiltank, the

    tank should be pressure checked to.

    not less than 5psiplus the maximum operating pressure of the tank

    36.Oil pressure in the cooler is.

    higher than the fuel pressure

    37.Typical operating pressure of an oil pump in a a gas turbine lubricationsystem.

    30psi38.What is the cause of high oil temp.

    a blocked pressure filter

    39.Oil system generally used on most modern turboprop engines is.

    drysump type

    40.A spur gear pump operating in a lubrication system promotes.

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    highflow at low pressure

    41.The possible combined output from all the scavenge pumps in alubrication

    system will be.

    greater than the pressure pumpoutput

    42.Sump pressure is maintained by thebreather systemFUEL (11)

    1.What are float switches used for in the fuel system.

    to controlrefuel/defuel valves

    2.To what condition does the fuel flow respond during


    mass airflow rate thru the engine

    3 .An EEC is powered in f l igh t by.

    N2 tachogenerator


    30.Type of oil system is usually found on turbine engines.

    dry sump,pressure and spray

    4.To stabilize cams, springs and linkages within the fuel

    control,manufacturers generally recommend that all final turbine engine

    trimadjustments be made in the.

    increase direction

    5.The maximum RPM of a turbine engine is limited by.

    reduction of the fuel pump stroke by a spill valve sensitive to centrifugallygenerated fuelpressure

    6.Kinetic valves are used because.

    they are more sensitive

    7.When a throttle is selected to increase power, the pressure drop acrossthe Fuel

    Control Unit throttle orifice.

    drops then increases due toincreasing pump output

    8.During any stabilised running condition, the spill or half ball valveis.

    lightly seated

    9.With a decrease in fuel SG, what is the result when the engine isfittedwith an uncompensated fuel governor.

    maximum RPM increases

    10.An increase in fuel S.G. will cause.

    a reduction in maximum RPM

    11.What power supplies the EEC during normal operation.

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    a dedicatedgenerator

    12.A FADEC system takes measurements from enginespeed.

    temperature and pressure

    13.If the knife-edge blade in a kinetic valve is fully in.

    servo pressure isbeing bled off14.A fuel heater prevents.

    entrained water in fuel freezing

    15.A fuel heater prevents.

    LP filter icing

    16.In a FADEC system, how are the power supply windings for channel Aand

    channel B wound.

    on one generator with 2 separatewindings

    17.Out of the following thrust lever resolver angles, which one is theforward idle


    40 degrees

    18.When the EEC supervisory circuit senses a fault on the engine, thefault

    annunciator light will be on and the EEC will.

    remove fuel,down trimming signal immediately

    19.BPC controls the FCU by.

    pressure sensing

    20.What is the primary purpose for trimming a turbine engine fuel controlunit

    to obtain maximum thrust output when desired21.What would be the effect on the engine if the BPC half ball valve in theservo

    line sticks open.

    a reduction in fuel flow, therefore adecrease in RPM

    22.A kinetic valve is a device used to control HP pump output. This isachieved by

    movement of a..

    knife blade

    23.Which of the following inputs does the fuel control system combine tooperate a

    gas turbine engine.

    engine speed, altitude, exhausttemperature and throttle position24.In a FADEC system, the signal to the HMC is the differencebetween.

    actual N1 and computed N1

    25.Purpose of a fuel flow divider in a turbine engine duplex fuelnozzle.

    creates the primary and secondary fuel supplies

    26.Purpose of the LP fuel pump is to.

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    ensure the HP fuel pump doesnot cavitate

    27.Purpose of a silver strip on a fuel filter.

    to detect sulphur in fuel

    28.On approach.

    RPM should be above the minimum idle formaximum acceleration29.Why is the high pressure fuel pump fitted in a gas turbine engine.

    toprovide the majority of the fuel pressure to the engine

    30.How is servo pressure, which is used to control fuel pump swash plateangle


    from pump delivery pressure through a fixedrestriction

    31.During acceleration, the fuel flow is increased at a controlled rate inorder to.

    prevent surge and the risk of flame-out

    32.Where is the engine fuel shutoff valve usually located

    downstreamof the engine driven fuel pump

    33.Why is it necessary to control fuel supply to the engine during


    to prevent excessively high EGT and possiblecompressor surge

    34.What moves the swash plate away from the minimum strokeposition.

    a spring

    35.During aerobatic manoeuvres, what prevents fuel form spilling out of fuel tank


    float operated valves36.Which of the following influences the operation of an automatic fuelcontrol unit

    on a turbojet engine.

    burner pressure

    37.The basic concept of an HP fuel control is.

    constant adjustment of the swash plate angle of the HP fuel pump

    38.A FADEC consists of.

    electronic controls (EEC), sensors and anHMU

    39.During acceleration, the fuel flow is increased at a controlled rate inorder to.

    prevent surge and the risk of flame out40.A fuel trimmer unit is adjusted at altitude.

    automatically via a fueltrim unit

    41.The fuel trimmer on a turbo-prop engine is operated.

    automaticallycontrolled in conjunction with FCU

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    42.When considering a centrifugal type engine speed governor, n increasein fuel

    S.G. will cause.

    a reduction in maximum RPM

    43.A barometric pressure controller controls.

    fuel flow to suitatmospheric pressure changes44.The burner fuel flow is at a maximum at.

    I.S.A. sea level

    45.What must be done after the FCU has been replaced..

    retrim theengine

    46.On an engine powered by a FADEC, each engine has.

    1 FADEC withone channel active and the other channel monitoring with itsoutput

    drivers de-energised

    47.The position of fuel heater in fuel system is.

    before the LP fuelfilter

    48.HMU receives signals form.


    49.The EEC receives its primary power from.

    separate permanentmagnet alternator

    50.In a FADEC system, what is the result of channel A failing to reciveinformation

    from a sensor.

    channel A will take the info fromchannel B

    51.Why is an ACU fitted to a gas turbine engine..it limits the rate of increase in fuel flow during sudden acceleration

    52.The swash plate in a fuel pump when static is.

    in the maximumposition

    53.When trimming a turbine engine, the fuel control is adjusted to.

    setidle RPM and maximum speed or EPR

    54. In flight, the engine EEC controls.

    fuel flow

    55.To prevent compressor surge and overheating of the combustionchamber due to

    over fuelling..an acceleration control unit (ACU)is fitted

    56.In a FADEC system, what determines which channel is incontrol.

    whichever is the best channel

    57.What are the positions of the pressurization valve and the dump valvein a jet

    engine fuel system when the engine is shutdown.

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    pressurization valve closed, dump valve open

    58.What would be the effect on the engine if the BPC half ball valve in theservo

    line sticks open.

    a reduction of fuel flow, therefore adecrease in RPM

    59.Why is a hydro-mechanical governor fitted to a gas turbine engine fuelpump.to enable the engine to operate over a wide range of SGs

    60.The density of air is very important when mixing fuel and air to obtaina correct

    fuel to air ratio. Which of the following weighs themost.

    100 parts of dry air

    61.What causes the fuel divider valve to open in a turbine engine duplexfuel


    fuel pressure

    62.Baffles in a rigid fuel tank.

    prevents surge

    63.Why is the barometric pressure controller (BPC) fitted in a turbo-shaftengine fuel


    to vary pressure pump output in relation tothe pressure variation at the intake

    64.Which valve ensures the adequate fuel flow.

    the fuel meteringvalve

    65.Specific fuel consumption at altitude will.

    remain constant

    6.If the swash plate of a positive displacement swash plate pump isperpendicular tothe axis of the pump, the flow will be.


    67.What are the principal advantages of the duplex fuel nozzle used inmany

    turbine engines.

    provides better atomization and uniformflow pattern

    68.After a bag tank replacement, where would you disconnect the systemto carry

    out the flow checks.

    at the engine

    69.What is the purpose of the attenuator fitted between the HP fuel pumpand theBPC in a fuel system.

    it damps out pulsations in the fueldelivery to the BPC

    70.Conditions when trimming of a turbine engine be most accurate.

    nowind and low moisture

    71.Opening of fuel valve after shut down will cause.

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    risk of fire inturbine

    72.When a re-light is required in flight on a FADEC engine.

    igniter isselected automaticallyAIR SYSTEMS (12)

    1.Bleed air pressure and shut-off cock pressure is...

    200psi2.Turbine case cooling utilizes...

    fan air

    3.If air is taken from the compressor for air cond / anti-icing...

    thrust willdecrease, EGT will increase

    4.Engine anti-ice is taken from...

    HP compressor

    5.In an axial flow turbine engine, compressor bleed air is sometimesused to aid in

    cooling the...

    turbine, vanes, blades and bearings

    6.Air bleed for an anti-ice system is...

    sent through a pressureregulator

    7.When electrical anti-icing is on...

    power decreases

    8.Anti-ice bleed is controlled by...

    regulator valve

    9.On a gas turbine engine, thermal wing de-icing system derivesair...

    through a pressure regulating shut-off valve (PRSOV)10.Inlet for cooling air for the 1st stage turbine blades are fed viathe...


    1.In a gas turbine engine dc capacitor discharge ignition system, whereare the high

    voltage pulses formed

    at the triggering transformer

    2 . I n t h e H E I U t h e c h o k e

    .prolongs the discharge

    3 .A hot s ta r t i s assoc ia ted wi th.

    high EGT4.A safety feature usually employed in pneumatic starters that is used toprevent the

    starter from reaching burst speed if inlet air does notterminate on schedule is


    stator nozzle design that chokesairflow and stabilizes turbine wheel speed

    5.Advantage of pneumatic starter over electric starters is.

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    high power-to-weight ratio

    6.An igniter plug for a large gas turbine takes the form of a.

    surfacedischarge plug

    7.When removing turbine engine igniter plug, to eliminate possibility of receiving

    a lethal shock, the ignition switch is turned off and..thetransformer exciter input lead is disconnected and the centreelectrode grounded to the

    engine after disconnecting theigniter lead from the plug and waiting the prescribed time

    8.Pneumatic s tar ters are usual ly designed with what types of

    airflowimpingement systems.

    redial inward flow turbine and axial-flowturbine

    9.Voltage at the igniter plug depends on.

    gap in the ignition systembox

    10.A starter has 2 hole to check the.

    level of oil

    11.A glow plug may be used in place of a spark plug on.

    small engines

    12.An electrical starter-generator is.

    series wound with high torque

    13.On a gas turbine engine DC starting circuit, if there is an open circuiton the

    contact of the over speed relay.

    no supply is connected tothe starter motor

    14.To avoid lethal electric shock from ignition system, ground.theignition lead

    15.A hot start with excessive temperatures may be caused by.

    throttlepartly open

    16.High energy ignition is required because of the

    .high flash point of the fuel

    17.The resistor in a DC starter motor.

    prevents current surge whenmotor is at low rpm

    18.Purpose of the current limiting resistor in a starter circuit

    .is toprevent an initial current surge19.On a low energy dual ignition system (

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    21.A HEIU is rated in


    22.A DC starter motor disconnects due to.

    current decreasingswitching off an overspeed relay

    23.Why do turbine engine ignition systems require high energy.toignite the fuel under conditions of high altitude and low temp

    24.A clicking sound heard at engine coast-down in a pneumatic starterincorporating

    a sprag clutch ratchet assembly is a n indication of.

    thepawls re-contacting and riding on the ratchet gear

    25.Air turbine starters are generally designed so that reduction geardistress or

    damage may be detected by

    .inspection of a magneticchip detector

    26.In the HEIU, the discharge resistors.

    allows the capacitors todischarge when the unit is switched off

    27.When is ignition used.

    for relight and start up

    28.Type used on turbine engine.

    capacitor discharge

    29.A safety feature usually employed in pneumatic starters that is used if the clutch

    does not release from the engine drive at the proper timeduring start is the.

    drive shaft shear point

    30.A dry motoring cycle would be required to.clear engine after a wetstart

    31.A glow plug.

    operates electrically.used on small engines

    32.Caution when handling damaged hermetically sealed turbine ignitertransformer


    some contain radioactive material

    33.A HEIU works by.

    a discharging capacitor

    34.When an engine being started by an air starter reaches self sustainingspeed.the starter valve is disconnected by the fly weight cut-out switch in the starter

    35.After an unsuccessful start of a n engine.

    unburnt fuel can beevacuated by

    motoring the engine with HP cock closed

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    36.Voltage at the igniter plug is.

    governed by the air gap in the HEIUbox

    37.In a gas turbine engine DC capacitor discharge ignition system whereare the

    high voltage pulses formed.

    at the triggering transformer38.The field of the DC starter motor used on gas turbine engineis.

    series or compound

    39.The purpose of an under current relay in a starter-generator system isto.

    disconnect power from the starter-generator and ignitionwhen sufficient engine speed

    is reached

    40.In an electrical starting system, the slow start resistor is short circuitedby the.

    time switch

    41.First instrument indication of a successful start of a turbine engine.

    arise in the exhaust gas temp

    42.Inspection of pneumatic starters by maintenance technicians usuallyincludes

    checking the.

    oil level and magnetic drain plugcondition

    43.Turbine blade is most commonly used in air starter motors.


    44.If the engine fails to light-up, the starter cycle is cancelled by.

    a timeswitchENGINE INDICATING SYSTEMS (14)

    1.In what units are gas turbine engine tachometers calibrated.percentof engine RPM

    2.Fuel f low is measured in.

    lbs/hrs or kg/hrs

    3.Instruments that measure relatively high fluid pressures, such as oilpressure

    gauges are usually what type.

    bourdon tube

    4.A common type of electrically operated oil temp gaugeutilizes.

    either a wheatstone bridge or ratiometer circuit

    5.EGT indicator on a gas turbine engine provides a relative indication of the.turbine inlet temp

    6.Engine pressure ration is the total pressure ratio between the

    frontof the compressor and the rear of the turbine

    7.What happens when bulb type thermometer resistive element goesopen


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    reads more than ambient

    8.In a thermocouple temp sensing system, what is the purpose of

    thecompensating resistor.

    to correct for varying ambient temp atthe cold junction

    9.What power supply is required for a thermocouple systemwork.neither of the above

    10.Thermocouple metals most frequently used are.

    constantan andcopper

    11.Regarding an engine EGT detection system, which of the followingstatements

    is true.

    chromel is positive and alumel is negative

    12.How are EGT thermocouples connected.


    13.Motor driven impeller and turbine fuel flow transmitted are designed totransmit


    using aircraft electrical system power

    14.Fuel flow indication is taken from.

    after either HP pump or LPpump

    15.In a tachometer generator.

    frequency output is proportional toengine

    speed16.A thermocouple indicator is basically a.

    milivoltmeter17.Instruments that provide readings of low or negative pressure, such asmanifold

    pressure gauges are usually.

    diaphragm and bellowstype

    18.The gauge on a bulb type temp indicator shows zero. This could becaused by.

    two cables shorting together by the sensor

    19.What unit in a tachometer system sends information to theindicator.

    3 phase AC generator

    20.In a multi-thermocouple loop, if one thermocouple goes open circuit,the

    indication..will have no effect on temp indication

    21.Vibration signals when picked up.

    the frequencies are filtered toexclude unwanted frequencies

    22.A tachogenerator to indicate revs/min requires.

    no power

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    23.N2 is taken from.

    a tachometer on the accessory gearbox

    24.A thermocouple indicator is connected to the.

    cold junction

    25.EGT gauge indication.needs NO POWER, it is self generating

    26.When testing an EGT system.

    the OAT is always taken intoconsideration

    27.What instrument on a gas turbine engine should be monitored tominimize the

    possibility of a Hot Start.

    turbine inlet temp

    28.The indication on a thermocouple-type EGT indicator is producedby.

    a current generated by the temp difference betweendissimilar metal hot and cold


    29.On an aircraft turbine engine operating at a constant power, theapplication of

    engine anti-icing will result in.

    noticeable shift in EPR

    30.What will the EPR reading be if the P1 sensor probe becomes blockedon take-


    EPR reading higher than actual

    31.Thrust in a high bypass fan engine is indicated by.

    N1 RPM or EPR32.What indication is available to show that thrust reverser has beenselected.

    an amber reverser unlocked light illuminates

    33.Torsional deflection in a turboprop engine shaft is an indication of



    34.Thrust in a high bypass engine.

    is not indicated in flight

    35.A ballast resistor is fitted

    in series, to give identical resistancevalues to all airframe36.Torque pressure is usually read from a.

    direct reading pressuregauge

    37.Modern oil pressure servo transmitters sense.

    differential pressure

    38.Engine oil temp gauges indicate the temp of the oil.

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    at the oil cooler

    39.On an EGT thermocouple system, the hot junction.

    placeddownstream of the combustion chamber

    40.Motor driven impeller and turbine fuel flow transmitters are designedto transmit

    data.using aircraft electrical system power

    41.EGT is displayed in.

    degrees celsius

    42.Torque measurement in a gas turbine engine is.

    required onlywhen the turbine drives a propeller

    43.EGT thermocouples are usually made of.

    chromel and alumel

    44.Oil temp thermocouples are usually constructed of

    iron constantan

    45.A red triangle, dot or diamond mark on an engine instrument face orglass


    the maximum limit for high transients such asstarting

    46.On an RPM system using a synchronous generator, the pointer isdeflected by.

    an AC servometer

    47.On an aircraft turbine engine operating at a constant power, theapplication of

    engine anti-icing will result in.

    noticeable shift in EPR48.A CIT sensor is made up of.


    49.Why do helicopters require a minimum of two synchronous


    one indicates engine RPM and the other main rotorRPM

    50.In addition to fuel quantity, a computerized fuel system (CFS) with atotalizer

    indicator provides indication of how many of the


    fuel flow rate, fuel used since reset or initial startup, fuel time remaining at current powersetting

    51.If the thermocouple leads were inadvertently crossed at installation,what would

    the EGT gauge pointer indicate.

    moves off scale on thezero side of the meter

    52.Thermocouple leads.

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    are designed for a specific installation andmay not be altered

    53.The fuel flow indication data sent from motor driven impeller andturbine, and

    motorless type fuel flow transmitters is a measureof.

    fuel mass flow

    54.Engine pressure ration is determined by.dividing turbine outlettotal pressure by engine inlet total pressure

    55.In a capacitive type fuel quantity indicating system the tank units areconnected

    .in parallel

    56.The resistance of a temp bulb is.

    increases with an increase intemp

    57.The indicator of a tachometer system is responsive to changein.


    58.The RPM indication of a synchronous AC motor tachometer is governedby the



    59.How is the N! and N2 measured on a triple spool engine.

    pulse typespeed probes

    60.The compensation device on an EGT system..

    does not needcalibration

    61.Integrating fuel flow gives.

    total fuel consumed

    62.In a thermocouple system, the size of the EMF that is produced is aresult of.the difference between the hot and cold junction

    63.What is the primary purpose of the tachometer on an axial compressorturbine


    monitor engine RPM during starting and toindicate overspeed conditions

    64.Engine vibration is monitored using.

    piezoelectric accelerometer

    65.The turbine discharge pressure indicator sensor islocated

    .immediately aft of the last turbine stage

    66.Where is Turbine Outlet Temperature (TOT) measured.downstreamof the turbine

    67.If there is a restriction in the oil pressure line, the gauge will.


    68.A bourdon tube instrument may be used to indicate.

    pressure andtemperature

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    69.Vibration pick-ups are located.

    on both fan and turbine cases

    70.On an EGT thermocouple system, the hot junction

    .is placeddownstream of the combustion chamber

    71.thrust in a bypass engine.is not indicated in flight

    72.The fuel flow indicator rotor and needle for a motor impeller andturbine

    indicating system is driven by.

    an electrical signalPOWER AUGMENTATION SYSTEMS (15)

    1.Water methanol injection is used

    at a combination of higher thannormal air temp & high altitude take off conditions

    2.During operation of the engine equipped with water injection system,the

    metering of the coolant to the system is

    due to atmosphericpressure

    3.When reheat is selected and in operation, the mass gas flow

    remainsthe same

    4.The main reason for adding methanol to the water is to

    preventmixture freezing

    5.Methanol is added to water when augmenting thrust in order to

    reclaim lost heat at the turbines

    6.Water used in a thrust augmentation system should be demineralisedto prevent

    fouling the blades and vanes7 .When reheat i s used , EPR

    remains constant

    8.On a turboprop engine, water methanol for cooling is injected intothe

    compressor inlet or outlet

    9 .Water /methanol i s in jec ted

    at high temp or high altitudes

    10.Afterburning is initiated in order to

    increase the local speed of sound at the jet nozzle

    11.When using water methanol in an axial flow compressor, it is injectedinto thecompressor inlet or burner section

    12.How is the flame stabilised in the reheat system of a gas turbineengine

    by ensuring that the gas velocity is grater than theflame velocity

    13.Injection of water/methanol into compressor inlet causes

    increase inpower without the need for burning extra fuel

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    14.Water methanol injection will increase thrust by up to


    15.Screech liners in the afterburning jet pipe

    prevents cyclicvibrations of large amplitude

    16.The primary purpose of water injection is tocool the turbine

    17.Water or water/methanol injected into the combustion chamber inletincreases

    mass airflow through the turbine

    18.Reheat is the term used to describeadding

    fuel in the exhaustsection

    19.The reheat ignition system which incorporates a platinum/rhodiumelement is

    known as

    catalytic ignition


    1 . I f an EPR gauge i s ins ta l led on turbofans as a measure of power

    output,what is used on a turbo-prop

    torque meter

    2 .What type of reduction gear is used on most turboprop modern


    epicyclic reduction gear

    3.In a turboprop the propellers produce75-85% of total thrust

    4.Torque measurement is taken from the

    reduction gearbox

    5.A free turbine is usually found on a


    6 . A f r e e t u r b i n e i s

    connected directly to the power output shaft

    7 .A d i rec t d r ive tu rboprop engine

    uses a reduction gearbox to reduceRPM of propeller8.A turboprop reduction gear is normally


    9 .What cont ro ls the fue l t r immer on a tu rboprop engine

    Engine SpeedGoverner

    10.A propeller engine oil has

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    higher viscosity than turbojets

    11.The fuel flow in a turboprop engine within the constant speed range



    12.Fuel trimming on a turboprop engine isgoverner controlled

    TURBO-SHAFT (17)

    1.On a twin spool turbo-shaf t engine, the free turb ine is connected tothe...

    output gearbox

    2.A turbo-shaf t engine has . . .

    a power shaft which is not connected tothe compressor

    3.In the majority of helicopters, the thrust generated by the gasgenerator is

    absorbed by the

    ...free power turbine

    4.Which type of torquemeters are used on turbo-shaft engines...

    electro-mechanical and oil

    5 .A curv ic coupl ing . . .

    accurately aligns the driving and driven shaftsAPU (18)

    1.Usually most of the load placed on an APU occurs when

    the bleedair valve is opened

    2.The function of an APU air inlet plenum is tostabilize the pressureof the air before it enters the compressor

    3.2 most important signals when monitoring APU

    EGT and oilpressure

    4 .An APU shut down i s in i t ia ted by

    low oil pressure, fire warning,hot oil tem

    p5.Electrical speed control switches on an APU are set at

    35%, 95% and100%

    6.An APU start cycle is completed at

    95%7 . A n A P U c o n s i s t s o f

    a power compressor and a load compressor

    8.An APU is usually rotated during start by

    an electric starter

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    9.One of the accessories driven from the APU gearbox is a

    centrifugalswitch, the purpose of which is to

    cancel the ignition circuits andarm the overspeed protection circuits

    10.APU cooling before shutdown may be accomplished by

    closing thebleed air valve11.Generally, when maximum APU shaft output power is being used inconjunction

    with pneumatic power

    pneumatic loading will beautomatically modulated to maintain safe EGT

    12.What initiates APU shutdown

    fire detection, low oil pressure,high oil temperaturePOWERPLANT INSTALLATION


    1 . F e e d e r s a r e

    heavy duty electrical generator cables

    2.The spring back and cushion on an engine power lever is

    used toprevent the controls hitting the fuel control stops

    3.Fibrous metallic lining for noise suppression is used

    in hot area

    4.Rubber anti-vibration pads are fitted to engine

    pylons to preventvibration thru the airframe

    5.The minimum bend radius for a continuous loop type fire wire

    1 inch

    6.Forward engine mounts take which loadsthrust, vertical and shearloads

    7.What are installed in an engine mounting to tune out the worst


    rubber encased wire-mesh vibration isolators

    8.Engine thrust is transmitted thru mountings that

    allows for radialand axial expansion

    9.Acoustic linings made from composite materials used on engine

    coldsection only

    10.Rubber clips which hold the electrical wires are used forheatabsorption

    11.When checking the effect of inertia on the engine after heavy landing,check


    module alignment firstFIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS (20)

    1.What are the types of continuous f ire detect ionsystem.

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    capacitance and resistance

    2.What is used as an extinguishant in fire bottles.


    3 . E l e c t r i c a l f i r e .

    use carbon dioxide4.A fire detection system that operates on the rate of temp rise isa.

    theromocouple system

    5.Co2 ex t inguish f i re by.

    contact with the air converts theliquid into snow and gas which smothers the flame

    6.Rubber clips supporting a firewire is to

    .insulate from enginevibration

    7.In a resistance type firewire, when hot.

    resistance decreases

    8.A fire detection system operates on the principle of a buildup of gaspressure

    within a tube proportional to temperature. Which of thefollowing systems does this

    statement define.

    Lindbergcontinuous element system

    9.The following fire detection systems uses heat in the normal testingof the


    the thermocouple system and the Lindbergsystem

    10.The safest fire extinguishing agent to use from a standpoint of toxicity and

    corrosion hazards.bromotriflouromethane (Halon1301)

    11.Fenwall fire detection system use spot detectors wired in parallelbetween two

    separate circuits

    .so that a single fault may existin the system without sounding a false alarm

    12.When pulling fire handle.

    closes fuel shut-off valve, hydraulicshut-off valve, disconnects the generator field and

    arms thefire extinguishing system

    13.The following fire detection systems will detect a fire when an element is

    inoperative but will not test when the test circuit is energized.the Kidde system and the Fen wall system

    14.A continuous loop fire detector is what type of detector.

    overheat detector

    15.Fire extinguishing agent distributed in the engine section.

    spraynozzles and perforated tubing

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    16.The most satisfactory extinguishing agent for an intake fire is.


    17.When testing a two pin fire bottle connector.

    short two pinstogether

    18.Fire extinguishing systems activated by.electrically dischargedcartridges

    19.After a fire is extinguished or overheat condition removed in aircraftequipped

    with a Systron-Donner fire detector, the detectionsystem.

    automatically resets

    20.The fire detection system that uses two wires imbedded in aceramic core within

    a tube is the.

    Kidde system

    21.The test switch of a continuous loop detector gives a..

    continuitycheckit is a overheat detector

    22.A fuel or oil fire is defined as a.

    Class B fire

    23.A fire involving energized electrical equipment is defined asa.

    Class E fire

    24.Gas type fire wires operate by utilizing.

    the change in the gas pressure

    25.Methyl bromide fire extinguisher are installed with neck.

    at the bottom26.Principle of operation of the continuous loop fire detector system sensor.

    core resistance material which prevents currentflow at normal temp

    27.Kidde fault free fire detection system has.

    2 internal wires inthe sensing element

    28.The fire detection system that uses a single wire surrounded by acontinuous

    string of ceramic beads in a tube is the.


    29.The explosive cartridge in the discharge valve of a fire extinguishercontainer

    is.a life dated unit

    30.The operating principle of the spot detector sensor in a firedetection system

    .a bimetallic theromoswitch that closeswhen heated to a high temp

    31.When testing a squib on a fire bottle, you use a..

    low currentohmmeter

  • 8/3/2019 Gte Fundamentals


    32.Which of the following fire detectors are commonly used in thepower section of

    an engine nacelle.

    rate of temp rise detectors

    33.Fire wire clips have rubber in them to

    .support the wireinsulate from engine vibration34.For fire detection and extinguishing purposes, aircraft powerplantareas are

    divided into fire zones based on

    the volume andsmoothness of the airflow thru engine compartments

    35.Two continuous-loop fire detection systems that will not test due toa broken

    detector element are the

    Kidde and Fenwall System

    36.The use of water on Class D fires.

    will cause the fire to burnmore violently and can cause explosions

    37.When testing an installed fire bottle

    .a safety ohmmeter isused

    38.On a fire bottle, if the indicator pin was protruding, this wouldindicate.

    extinguisher had been fired

    39.Omission of crushable washer on engine fire-wire connectorwill.

    allow moisture ingress

    40.Extinguisher spray rings checked for freedom from obstruction.

    byblowing thru with compressed air41.When testing a squib on a fire bottle, use a.

    low currentohmmeter

    42.In a Fenwall fire detection system.

    the tube is inconel and wireis nickel

    43.What retains the nitrogen charge and fire extinguishing agent in ahigh rate of

    discharge (HRD) container.

    breakable disk orfusible disk ENGINE MONITORING AND GROUND OPERATIONS


    1.Which of the following is the least likely indication of a mainbearingfailure

    high oil pressure

    2.First engine instrument indication of a successful start of aturbine


    a rise in the exhaust gas temp

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    3.Galling is a condition caused by excessive.


    4.If a burner was down, in a multi-can system, the engine wouldtend to.


    5 .A Hot Star t re fers to.high EGT before idle RPM isachieved

    6.Which engine variables is the most critical during turbine


    turbine inlet temp

    7.Possible cause if a gas turbine engine has high exhaust gastemp, high

    fuel flow and low RPM at all engine powersettings

    .turbine damage or loss of turbine efficiency

    8.After shutdown, flames are present in the exhaust pipe. Theprobable

    cause is.

    a defective pressurizing and dumpvalve

    9.A cool-off period prior to shutdown of a turbine engine is doneto.

    allow the turbine wheel to cool before the casecontracts around it

    10.The recurrent ingestion of dust or other fine airborneparticulates into an engine

    can result in.

    erosion damage tothe compressor and turbine sections

    11.If the run down time is less than the minimum stated for a givenengine.

    the rotating assembly is being restricted12.In the event of stall occurring.

    close throttle

    13.Run down time is indicative of.

    the freedom of rotation of the compressor

    14.In regard to using a turbine engine oil analysis program, which isnot true.

    generally, an accurate trend forecast may bemade after an engines first oil sample analysis

    15.A rotation pad on an accessory drive gearbox is providedfor.

    N2 rotation

    16.A Hung Start is indicated by.failure to reach idle RPM

    17.When the engine will not run up to idle after reaching startingspeed, the likely

    fault is.


    18.The blending of blades and vanes in a turbine engine.

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    shouldbe performed parallel to the length of the blade usingsmooth contours to minimize

    stress points

    19.During start, if a bleed valve is stuck closed.

    EGT will belower than normal

    20.Starting an engine with a bleed valve stuck closed wouldcause.possible stalling of the engine

    21.If a turbine engine is unable to reach take off EPR before its EGTlimit is

    reached, this is an indication that the.

    compressormay be contaminated or damaged

    22.If a compressor surge occurs

    coughing in the compressorand vibration occurs

    23.Flame-out (lean) occurs due to

    .low pressure at low enginespeeds

    24.After an engine fails to light on start, u

    may carry out a drymotor after a period of time prior to another startattempt

    25.What should be done initially if a turbine engine catches firewhen starting.

    turn off the fuel and continue enginerotation with the starter

    26.A Wet Start is indicated by

    .no temperature indication(due to lack of ignition)

    27.What must not be used during an engine compressorwash.

    chlorine28.Mark turbine components only with.

    layout dye, commercialfelt tip marker or chalk


    1.Fuel system inhibiting oil is...

    mineral oil

    2.Which part of the engine is most likely fatal if hydraulic fluid was

    toleak on it...


    3.Installed engine must be re-preserved af ter preservation at leastevery...6 months

    4.To inhibit the fuel system of an installed engine...

    pump oil into theengine when stationary

    5.When removing engine for long-term s torage, bleed valves shouldbe...

    open but blanked

  • 8/3/2019 Gte Fundamentals


    6.Small cuts in a MVP engine storage bag can be repaired...

    withadhesive PVC tapeUNVERIFIED (23)

    1.Normal gas turbine engine stating sequence...

    starter, ignition, fuel

    2.Which material is used for gas turbine engine fuel lines...stainlesssteel

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