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Page 1: Guatemalan Hospital to Be Equipped by AMRFAssobmo, Steve Vibert, Nashoba, and David Hathaway, AMRF volunteer, delivering the chair. The Nashoba Learning Group is a school for Autism

NEWSAMRFAmerican Medical Resources Foundation, Inc. Volume 22, No. 1, Spring, 2011

Assisting our less fortunate neighbors by donating medical equipment and supplies to hospitals and clinics in developing nations.

Guatemalan Hospital to Be Equipped by AMRF

Twelve year old Priscila Andrea Güitz Del Cid, who lives in the Municipio de Chi-maltenango, Guatemala received a cochlear implant through the efforts of AMRF President/CEO, Victor Sologaistoa. Victor has been very active in obtaining cochlear

implants for disadvantaged children. The selected children are brought to US hospitals for this procedure and training. In 2010 he coordinated the implant project for Priscila. Sur-gery was successfully performed on April 27 at the New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City. The Worldwide Children’s Foundation and the hospital will be hosting Priscila and her mother at no cost to them for medical services, surgery and trans-portation. Priscila will stay in the hospital for surgery and then in the New York City area for approximately 35-45 days for surgery and recovery. Although this is not a program of AMRF, we are very proud of Victor’s activities in this field and his help for Priscila.

The municipality of Santa Catarina Mita, Jutiapa located about 100 miles southeast of from Guatemala City will soon have a new hospital equipped by AMRF. A project

of collecting, testing and refurbishing medical equipment donated for the most part by New England hospitals and clinics has been initiated this spring by AMRF. Shipment of the first 40 ft container of medical equipment and hospital supplies will probably take place this summer. The construction of the building is virtually com-pleted to house services for maternity, general medicine, dentistry, pediatrics, emer-gency services, morgue and pharmacy. The population of the local neighborhoods is 115,000, and the 40-bed hospital is expected to serve the larger communities of the sur-rounding area of Mancomunidad Lago de Güija as well.

The hospital is needed because the remoteness of Santa Catarina and its surrounding communities from the existing more centrally located state and

national hospitals makes it difficult for patients without financial resources to get to existing, more centrally located hospitals. Especially vulnerable are babies, young children, wom-en and the elderly of the region. Following the delivery of the ested medical equip-ment, AMRF will offer technical support to

the staff of the hospital as needed. This program is being made possible through the generosity of Dr. Pat Hough and Dr. David Fredrick of SABA Medical School Foundation, who are supporting AMRF’s missions to assist the less fortunate.

Cochlear Implant for Guatemalan Girl

Priscilla Andrea Güitz Fel Cid

Page 2: Guatemalan Hospital to Be Equipped by AMRFAssobmo, Steve Vibert, Nashoba, and David Hathaway, AMRF volunteer, delivering the chair. The Nashoba Learning Group is a school for Autism


AMRFThe American Medical Resources Foundation donates used, but totally functional medical equipment to hospi-tals serving the needy worldwide. AMRF also develops and provides training programs for medical equipment repair technicians and hospital managers responsible for the maintenance, repair, and calibration of medical equipment.

AMRF NEWSis published periodically by the American Medical Resources Foundation, Inc. AMRF is a tax exempt, nonprofit charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Mas-sachusetts. AMRF is registered by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Please address all correspondence to: AMRF, P. O. Box 3609, Brockton, MA 02304-3609. 508–580–3301. website:www.amrf.com. Email: [email protected]. This issue of the AMRF NEWS was written by Kay Barney, designed and typeset by Bob Schecter for Bartleby Scriveners, “Newsletters and Content for All Media.”

Board of DirectorsChairman Thomas MagliocchettiPresident & CEO Victor Sologaistoa

Directors K. H. Barney • Steve CunninghamSusan Colantuono • Myra Edens Mason (Skip) Irving • Thomas Magliocchetti Natasha Ryback, MD • Victor Sologaistoa

Assistance to Hospitals in MexicoAMRF has been recently engaged to provide medical equipment and hos-pital supplies to a series of hospitals serving needy communities scattered throughout Mexico. Sponsoring these donations are the Red Internacio-nal de Ayuda a los Niños (International Network of Help for Children) located in Mexico City, and A Quién Corresponda from Garralda in the United States. Both foundations work together in hopes of filling a great need in Mexico. Following a meeting at AMRF in Brockton, the first 40 ft container of medical equipment and hospital supplies has been prepared and is ready to be shipped.

Dental Chair Trains Autistics

Kathy Romeo, Fundraising Administrator, AMRF’s Jean Assobmo, Steve Vibert, Nashoba, and David Hathaway, AMRF volunteer, delivering the chair.

The Nashoba Learning Group is a school for Autism located in Bedford, MA. It accepts students from 3 to 22 who can’t be helped or educated in the Public Sec-tor. Most of the children at the Learn-ing Group have never been to a dentist because of their disabilities, so it has insti-tuted a program with Tufts University to have a dental student come to Nashoba to enable the students to receive dental care, but also to get them used to a dental visit. AMRF was happy to donate a dental chair for this program. Kathy reports, “The chair is working out wonderfully. Our dental program is in full swing and the kids are doing great.”

Joe, with his teacher Jenny, demonstrating the chair.

Medical equipment delivered to Atlixco, Mexico.

Page 3: Guatemalan Hospital to Be Equipped by AMRFAssobmo, Steve Vibert, Nashoba, and David Hathaway, AMRF volunteer, delivering the chair. The Nashoba Learning Group is a school for Autism


AMRF Shipments and ServicesShipped in December 2010

Recipient of Containers Shipped (Quantity and Length)Hospital Centro Médico, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, Partial Container Ophthalmological Equipment, sponsored by the Asoci- ación Para el Desarrollo y Bienestar del Niño; in coop- eration with the Asociación Salvadoreña Pro-Salud Rural (USA)

Ready to be ShippedAsociación Dominicana de Rehabilitación 1 – 40 ft. Physical therapy, treadmills, occupational therapy, x-ray, ultrasound, dental, exam tables, wheelchairs, other patient handling equipment, hospital supplies, sponsored by the Asociación Dominicana de RehabilitaciónHospitals in Bosaso Puntland, Somalia 1 – 40 ft. Mammogram, anesthesia, x-ray, ultrasound diagnos- tic, other operating room equipment, monitors,

defibrillators, pulse oxymeters, beds, wheelchairs, other patient handling equipment, hospital supplies, Sponsored by the Humanitarian Endeavoring Society of Bosaso, Somalia. Hospitals in México 1 – 40 ft. Anesthesia, x-ray, ultrasound diagnostic, operating room equipment, x-ray, patient monitors, ventila- tors, dialysis, dental chairs, dental x-ray, infant incubators, patient handling equipment, wheel- chairs, hospital supplies. Sponsored by RED Interna- cional de Ayuda a los Niños

Shipments in PreparationHospitals in Bosaso Puntland, Somalia 1 – 40ft. Similar to Somalia container number one, above

Hospital Municipal Santa Catarina Mita, Santa Catarina, Jutiapa, Guatemala 1 – 40 ft. Medical equipment requirements being finalized.

AMRF Celebrates 22nd Anniversary

Victor Sologaistoa describes the year’s activities to volunteers, board members and guests at the Carleton-Willard Village.

Chairman Tom Magliocchetti and Sally Magliocchetti (second from left) with new Director, Skip Irving, and Ann Irving.

President/CEO Victor Sologaistoa and Dorothea Webster.

Shirley and Dave Hamblen, Jim and Barbara Hizroth, Pat Blum.

Shirley and Ted Bergey, Marjorie and John Nickles.

Page 4: Guatemalan Hospital to Be Equipped by AMRFAssobmo, Steve Vibert, Nashoba, and David Hathaway, AMRF volunteer, delivering the chair. The Nashoba Learning Group is a school for Autism


AMRFAmerican Medical Resources Foundation, Inc.P.O. Box 360946 North Montello St.Brockton, MA 02304-3609

Tel. : (508) 580-3301Fax: (508) 580-3301Internet: www.amrf.come-mail: [email protected]

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Can You Help Us With Equipment or Supplies From Your Hospital or Company?Donations of used, functioning or repairable medical equipment or supplies are urgently needed for shipment to hospitals and clinics serving the poor in developing countries around the world. We will arrange pickup and/or shipping from anywhere in the U.S. Equipment donations from for-profit orga-nizations are exempt from Federal Income Tax. Donors should check with their tax advisors to

establish the value of the charitable deduction. We are in need of any equipment and supplies used in patient care. All the equipment is checked and repaired as needed in our own facility before being donated to hospitals overseas. All donations will be greatly appreciated by the re-cipient. Please call 508. 580.3301 or fax 508.580.3301 with a list of equipment to donate. Or you may contact us by e-mail: [email protected]


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