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Page 1: Guide to the Larger Realm - Alliance Denver...Guide to the Larger Realm a treaty of sorts, to put the question to rest once and for all. The Registrar itself maybe one of the most

Guide to the Larger Realm

Being an overview of the Kingdom of Acarthia and surrounding lands

compiled by the Lorekeepers of the Loremasters Guild


x. Map of the Kingdom Being a map of the known world, centering on the Kingdom of Acarthia.

xi. Map of the Duchy Being a map of the Duchy of Acarthia within the Kingdom of Acarthia.

I. Beyond the Kingdom Being a guide to the lands outside the Kingdom of Acarthia and the lands beyond life.

II. Estate System Being an overview of estates and a review of the duchies, baronies, and freeholds in the Kingdom.

III. Royal Estates Being an accounting of the royal fiefs and estates of the Kingdom of Acarthia.

IV. Ducal Estates Being an accounting of the fiefs and estates of the Duchy of Acarthia.

Page 2: Guide to the Larger Realm - Alliance Denver...Guide to the Larger Realm a treaty of sorts, to put the question to rest once and for all. The Registrar itself maybe one of the most

Guide to the Larger Realm

x. Map of the Kingdom and Beyond


Page 3: Guide to the Larger Realm - Alliance Denver...Guide to the Larger Realm a treaty of sorts, to put the question to rest once and for all. The Registrar itself maybe one of the most

Guide to the Larger Realm

xi. Map of the Duchy of Acarthia


Page 4: Guide to the Larger Realm - Alliance Denver...Guide to the Larger Realm a treaty of sorts, to put the question to rest once and for all. The Registrar itself maybe one of the most

Guide to the Larger Realm

I. Beyond the Kingdom An accounting of the lands beyond the Kingdom of Acarthia, be they friend or foe, and the lands beyond life known as the Graveyards.

Lands Beyond the Kingdom The White Fang Mountains are home to the dwarves below it and the trolls above it. The dwarves are known to venture into Yalinth and Ungsteen and have become staunch allies in war and trade. They are renowned smiths and enjoy a good ale and a strong axe or hammer. Dwarven battles with the trolls have become legendary with great warriors on both sides battling through the pages of history. The trolls have been known to make trouble for many and have been seen lately throughout the Howling Woods. The Yalinth Hills are home to the high orc clans, and the chieftains of these clans have all sworn an oath of alliance with Acarthia, and as such are recognized citizens of the realm. They enjoy a good fight and proving their dominance with one another, as well as a fine weapon, armor, and shield. There are also orc clans in the Hills and it is popular belief that the high orcs keep them in line. While they will usually never fight each other, clan wars have been known to happen. Garthok is the home to the High ogres. Similarly to the High orcs, there was a time when the High ogres and ogres lived near one another. Many years past, however, the High ogres kicked out the ogres among them and sent them to live far away. It was said that too many of them were caught casting necromancy and had to be killed for their actions. The Seven Hills is home to the tribes of sarr that roam the eastern lands. It is said that each hill has its own king, and that five of the seven hills are made up entirely of one type of sarr. The other two hills also have two kings, but they welcome all types of sarr to their lands. It is rumored that from time to time these kings and tribes go to war with one another, and often result in the death of a king. There are gnoll tribes located to the west, and in times of war with the gnolls, the sarr Kings of the Seven Hills will put aside their differences for the chance to kill gnolls together in battle. The Foothills are home to the race of hoblings, well known for their fondness of food and drink, as well as pranks, trickery, and coin. They are ruled by a council of hoblings who like to get together, eat and drink, and not really do much else in the way of traditional human politicking. Mystic Marsh is the homeland of the mystic wood elves, a race that is believed to descend from the Satyrs of faerie lore. They live in separate tribes and are known for their hospitality, art, music, craftsmanship, and are a people filled with a rich cultural heritage. Wylands (Pronounced “ (h)wīllands") is the homeland of the race known as wylderkin, a race of various animal people. They live in separate areas or villages, but they do have a ruling council of seven prominent elders who only meet when threats or conflict demands it. There are a few port towns where much mingling does take place between the different animal species. In The Mixed Village, for example, many are known to take jobs on the docks or on the ships, or even peddle their wares in shops and at the market. It is here that rumors of piracy on the seas have even emerged. Querene is home to the Stone elves, a mysterious race known for controlling their emotions by total suppression. It is said they have developed mental abilities due to this suppression and ultimate control of their minds. They are also known for their celestial magics and close attention to studying the arts in all forms.


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Guide to the Larger Realm

The Fens are home to the race of lizardmen. Not many people have had many dealings with them as of yet, however, traveling merchants have mentioned that they are very protective around their ancestral lands and will defend them to the death if need be. They also made note that they did not seem that aggressive as one would believe a monstrous looking race to behave. Singe Desert is home to no one except the Naga, a race of snake­men. They are aggressive creatures and live their harsh lives in the burning hot desert and within the Black Mountains. It is believed that they have enemies among the dark elves, but no one is certain. The Black Mountains is home to the underworld of the dark elves. No one has seen what lies below their surface for they are a secretive race, and only a few scouts have been known to travel the surface world in exploration and adventure. It is said that their two chief enemies are Naga, who sometimes attempt to invade their kingdom, and the Bugbears, who live in the mountains above and often try to tunnel into the subterranean world. Quilleralene is home to the high elves. They too are somewhat xenophobic and only allow elves into their kingdom. Their gleaming cities can be seen from across the river and are protected by a magical barrier. They are ruled by a queen who has reigned for as long as human existence has been recorded. Aspen Woods is home of the Wood elves and Wild elves. To draw a distinction, the Wood elves were originally from Quilleralene but left a long time ago due to political turmoil involving the queen's son. When they discovered the Aspen Woods, they began building treetop villages for their new homes. Not long after, the Wild elves, the native inhabitants, found these new elves in their forest and weren't sure what to think. The Wild elves live in nomadic tribes that travel around the Aspen Woods, protecting and defending the land, and following game herds. When they saw the Wood elves building permanent residences, they invited them to live their nomadic way instead. Despite philosophical differences, they remained allies in times of crisis, and often work together to protect the forest. The Council of Wood elves, the five member ruling body of the Aspen Woods, insists on always including a member of the Wild elves among them. It was the Wild elves who taught the Wood elves how to be true rangers and stewards of the forest. Together they protect and patrol the secret groves and dark places within the forest, as well as keeping out all non­elven trespassers. There are a few estates along the road between Tasis and the Aspen Woods where travelers and trade are allowed, but woe to the person who strays into elven lands without permission. Howling Woods is home to a great number of tribes of various monster races, such as ogres, trolls, orcs, goblins, kobolds, and more. It is rumored to have been the site of a great battle of a different age, and explorers are sometimes seen excavating locations under heavy guard. The woods got its name due to the very large population of wolves in the area, who can be heard howling long into the night. Orcs have tamed many of them and use them in hunting and in battle.

The Graveyards The question of where the spirit goes beyond the final death is one that scholars have debated for centuries. For some, spirits seem to wander the world listless and tormented, while others seem to go to places of racial importance. It is clear however that evidence reports that many spirits travel to be registered within the Book of the Dead which is held by The Registrar. A being of fabled power, The Registrar usually appears as a slim and wiry man. His power can be seldom contested within his own realm. Seen in front of his writing table and over his great book, it is thought that The Registrar records all deaths taken within the area under his control. Even less known perhaps is what The Registrar actually is. It isn't a man or a woman, but research shows it is a compact, an alliance of sort among the overlords of all elements. It is thought that elementals war over many things, including the recruitment of spirits into their ranks to be refashioned as elementals. Great elemental wars have raged across the land, as elementals of power fought to possess the greatest lot of spirits to recruit for their armies. The Graveyards themselves may very well be the result of some great war,


Page 6: Guide to the Larger Realm - Alliance Denver...Guide to the Larger Realm a treaty of sorts, to put the question to rest once and for all. The Registrar itself maybe one of the most

Guide to the Larger Realm

a treaty of sorts, to put the question to rest once and for all. The Registrar itself maybe one of the most powerful elementals in existence, as it is made of all elements. In any case, like a king, The Registrar sits in control of the Graveyards, placing names and destinies of an endless parade of spirits within their final resting places. The Registrar itself has fashioned caretakers for each of his Graveyards and is seldom seen without the accompaniment of two Scribes that radiate such intense foreboding that even the most stalwart loses sight of bravery and valor. There are eight regions within and without the Graveyards, each within itself to be considered a full Graveyard. When someone faces their final death, they are drawn to the Graveyards, brought before The Registrar, and questioned. It is believed that these questions determine where a spirit is sent. The Stone Halls, also known as the "Halls of Victory" (or The Brewery to others), seems to be fashioned around attention to the barbarian and dwarven people. It's said to be an endless feast of plenty, wrestling, dueling, and drinking. Guarded by a being known as The Colossus, few enter who are not placed under the scrutiny of its gaze. The Endless Hunt, also known as "The Great Chase," is led by a powerful guardian known as The Huntsman. The Hunt is an endless delight of stalking one's prey, achieving victories in battle, and facing death in glorious combat. Thought to appeal to orcs and sarr and others of a more martial bend, The Endless Hunt stalks throughout the worlds, although never leaving The Graveyard in which it is contained. The Elder Wood is the pure untouched wood. It is harmony with all that lives; it is cool breezes through the branches; it is gentle bubbling brooks. Here one can find a solemn love of nature, and a quiet reclusive existence. Guarded by the White Stag (sometimes referred to as the First Stag), the Elder Wood is thought to be the resting place of elves and dryads. The Listing Fieldsis a raucous festival and non­stop tournament. Ruled by the powerful Red Knight, it is an endless spring day, full of dancing and revelry. Thought to be the final resting place of so many of the common man and woman, in the Listing Fields, the contests never stop, mugs are never empty, the entertainment never ends, and the food is never foul. The Heroes Graveyard is sometimes called "The Land of Hallowed Deeds." Here those that strive for goodness and righteousness come to rest, discontent with only the memories that behind them, the world may still struggle against evil and villainy. Guarded by the powerful Maidens of the Swan and Sword, they are held above all spirits for the deeds they achieved during their lifetimes. The Graveyards of the Four Winds has no other name. Just the mere mention of the place reminds one that there is a spot where evil is held in esteem and wonder. Within the Four Winds there is little more than endless graves, marked with the names and the deeds of the most evil. Only in the darkest and dreariest of nights do the evil claw themselves from their graves and retell each other the sordid stories of their lives. Guarded at all times from the Four Winds themselves and their undead minions, to attempt to go to the Four Winds is beyond danger, for it is not your body that can be lost there, but your spirit. The Graveyard of the Shattered Spirits exists beyond the gates of the Graveyards. It is not really a graveyard at all, but more of a dumping ground for misfit, uncooperative, or damaged spirits. It is said to be a place of insanity, mayhem, and tragedy. The Great Library is the land of knowledge. The Librarian is a ghost­like figure who patrols the halls and ensures the scholars are left to their own devices. Many scholars and scribes are found here roaming the halls, reading ancient tomes, learning secrets about the world, and sharing knowledge with one another. It is said that all questions in life will be answered here.


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Guide to the Larger Realm


Page 8: Guide to the Larger Realm - Alliance Denver...Guide to the Larger Realm a treaty of sorts, to put the question to rest once and for all. The Registrar itself maybe one of the most

Guide to the Larger Realm

II. The Estate System The kingdom of Acarthia is divided into estates. Each estate provides income for the estate owner, provided of course that the estate is well managed. Taxes are collected at the estate level and it is from these taxes that the estate owners pay their lieges. Estates are owned by the king, duke, or baron. These people can then give their estates to their knights and lords, and it thus becomes the knight's or lord's duty to manage the estate entirely. The king, duke, and barons must always keep more estates than those beneath them. A baron gives his knights one estate, however a ducal knight may receive more. Remember that income and status come from estates, so it just would not do for a baron to have less than a knight. Even though a knight or baron may own a specific estate, it does not always mean that he or she will be found there. Most nobles own homes within Acarthia, and more have begun buying homes in New Acarthia within the ducal fiefs. It would not do for a noble to be far from the Duchess' ear while the other nobles have easy access and influence in the court. The estate owner will usually appoint a seneschal to do the actual day­to­day business of the running of the estate, although obviously, the estate owner is responsible for the well being of all the people within that estate. Some estates are "freehold" estates, meaning that they are special in the way that they have been granted a different status and usually to different groups who have earned them for various reasons. They still pay taxes, and report to the noble in their area, however, as well as abide by the laws of the duchy. The Healer's Guild and the Mage's Guild are given one freehold estate each to help them pay their expenses in exchange for their valuable service to the duchy. In order to maintain peaceful relationships with other races of Acarthia, freehold status has been given to the biata in Phoenix and the barbarians in Yalinth. Note that an estate does not equal a town. An estate may cover many square miles, and within the estate may be a number of small towns and villages. As far as travel goes, when making plans, the following guidelines should apply. Generally, a caravan can travel about 20 miles, a single rider with provisions can travel about 30 miles a day cross country. This assumes good weather on good roads. Bad weather and poor roads can cut that in half easily. A single rider dressed lightly without many provisions may be able to travel ten or twenty more. A light messenger can push a trained horse 80 miles in a day, but of course the steed will not be of much use afterwards. I do not recommend traveling on foot as the distances are much too great, but of course for some, there is no option. A hiker with provisions might be able to push himself 20 miles in day, but unless you are in peak condition, you won't be able to do that day after day. Of course, trade routes over water can speed up travel times immensely, but that is still subject to weather, tides, and wind. The kingdom is divided up into three duchies:

Acarthia (pronounced ah­CAR­thee­ah) — The Ducal Fiefs, Rivervale, Tiatar, Warchester, and Bayenna.

Lomeeria (pronounced lah­MEER­i­ah) — Yalinth, Tasis, and Ungsteen Rowàn (pronounced roe­WAHN) — Norwist, Epyxia, and Phoenix


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Guide to the Larger Realm

Royal Estates An accounting of the estates and fiefs of the King.

Acarthia Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Government, Entertainment, Trade, Tourism The beginning of any journey to the kingdom would naturally begin in the capital itself. With its bustling city streets, the capital has the largest population per square mile. The capital sprawls about in the center of the kingdom, and is a large trading area, full of bazaars and markets. Be sure to stay at the Green Dragon Inn and nearby on Cotter's Field, you can expect to attend festivals, carnivals, tournaments, and other large scale entertainment regularly. Within the heart of the city, is the King's shining white castle, with its oval towers ever growing into the sky. The gates dominate the street and many a person is seen gawking at their grandeur as they stop to take it in.

Forestwatch Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Agriculture, Trapping, Tanning Forestwatch borders the Aspen Woods. Early settlers quickly learned of the healing powers of the shang root and began to cultivate it in earnest. The rich soil of the area yields remarkable quantities of the root. Shang gardens are recognizable from their filtered enclosures meant to simulate the deep woods. Shang root is exported throughout the kingdom.

Applegate Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Agriculture Next along the border of the Aspen Woods, this estate has the distinction of an abrupt end to the woods and vast open valleys. Not so much as a sapling from the Aspen Woods can be found in the area but trees transported in by settlers have taken root without issue. The settlers found the soil was appropriate for orchards and the area has come be known for its apple, cherry, and peach trees. The annual Cherry festival is held two weeks after the summer solstice.

Hargrove Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Agriculture, Forestry Like Forestwatch, Hargrove has the same distinction that the Aspen Woods trees do not intrude into this area. The residents have cultivated vast groves of oak and maple trees in cycles that allow for harvesting of the hardwoods after thirty to fifty years of growth. The maple trees also produce maple syrup which is exported throughout the kingdom.

Riverkeep Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Trade, Fishing, Military


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Guide to the Larger Realm

Riverkeep is one of the more strategic estates in the kingdom. It acts as a river gateway to the northern areas. The military has several training camps set up for navel as well as ground maneuvers.

Sparhawk Keep Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Agriculture While this area's primary products are corn and potatoes, it has become better known for its falconries. In an effort to keep crows and other pests from their crops, early farmers began raising hawks and trained them to hunt the animals that would blight their crops. Over time, the falcons of Sparhawk have become famous for their hunting and homing skills. Many of the kingdom's Keeps maintain a falconer and several hawks from Sparhawk both to help keep watch and ferry messages.

Blasdel Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Agriculture It is said there are few more fertile fields than those in Blasdel. Nearly any crop grows here almost without effort. The balance of sun and rain is perfect for a great variety of plants. The estate is known primarily for its wheat and oat but of particular note are their sunflowers. Residents of Blasdel are proud of their crops but are careful to keep their pride in check. An old story that still surfaces from time to time tells of a stranger who came through the area and was struck by the beauty of the fields in their full gala just before the fall harvest. The residents heard the praise and each claimed their field to be better than the one next to it. When the bragging escalated into fighting and the fields of the estate burned during the chaos, the stranger put a curse on the estate that it would only produce in abundance so long as the residents worked together in harmony.

Bloodworth Owner: Sir Jared Bloodworth Primary Economy: Agriculture, Livestock, Memorials This estate was the site of the most violent battle in the kingdom's history, the Battle of Gresham. In that battle, out of two armies, only a handful of people survived. The ground was said to be so saturated with blood that the crops of later years were tainted. Those eating the food would be possessed of the dead and seek vengeance or try to return to their long lost homes. Instead of crops, the area was adapted to pastures for smaller livestock, mostly goats and sheep who don't seem to be harmed by eating the grasses though many shepherds today will attest to seeing incorporeal shapes in the distance. A memorial was erected at the site of the Battle of Gresham. Warriors from all around the kingdom will make a pilgrimage to the site some time during their career to pay homage to those who have fallen in service to the kingdom. Additional memorials have been created throughout the estate. Often those making a pilgrimage will lay tokens at the memorials or bring a fallen warrior's favorite possession to a memorial that they might rest with their kindred.

Rainsford Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Agriculture The great natural walls located in the center of this estate stand out against the relatively benign landscape around them. How the great shafts of rock were lifted to their dramatic heights is unknown. The deep lakes on the lee side of the wall are also a source of mystery as they don't seem to have bottoms. The water is


Page 11: Guide to the Larger Realm - Alliance Denver...Guide to the Larger Realm a treaty of sorts, to put the question to rest once and for all. The Registrar itself maybe one of the most

Guide to the Larger Realm

clear and deceiving in its depth. Since the early days, there have been sightings of a large, graceful, but elusive creature hiding in the depths of the lake.

Whitehall Owner: Sir Jaime Whitehall Primary Economy: Marble The quarries of Whitehall have produced some of the most impressive marble in the kingdom. Statues have been carved from distinctive pieces. The gold­veined white marble lines the floors of the primary hallways of the King's castle and throne room. It is said by some of the quarry workers that the stone speaks to them, but often this has been explained away by the lack of sleep many miners experience after several years of working in the pits.

Cosgrave Owner: Sir Dorek Cosgrave Primary Economy: Wine The vineyards of Cosgrave are famous throughout the kingdom. Whether white or red grapes are used, the wines from this area are always outstanding. Of note is Causeway Cellars whose bottles are on contract to the King's castle. Visitors to the area should take note to remain indoors during the mid­night hours. Legend has it that the first Cosgrave, a celestial caster, summoned small creatures to ensure the vines in the area remained undisturbed as the family slept and that the creatures were never released from their duties even though Mage Cosgrave passed away more than a hundred years ago.

Port Cosgrave Owner: Sir Nathan Cosgrave Primary Economy: Fishing, Agriculture, Trade By an agreement between Cosgrave and Coldstone, Cosgrave exports only food and drink. The arrangement has been longstanding between the knights of these estates and came about due to early disputes. Rumors surface from time to time that Coldstone is trading food and drink but each investigation by Cosgrave has so far yielded no evidence of wrongdoing.

Tiberion Keep Owner: Duchess Ilianna Tiberion Primary Economy: Rider Training Tiberion Keep is the heart of the kingdom's messenger service, the Acarthian Riders. While the Riders are stationed throughout the kingdom, and their primary headquarters are in Acarthia Proper, the training grounds for young horses and riders is in Tiberion Keep. Throughout the estate are spread vast pastures, hay and grain fields, and training centers. Visitors are welcome at the training centers scattered across the estate as long as they check in with the seneschal and obtain a visitor's pass which will allow them limited access.

Coldstone Owner: Sir Teagan Coldstone Primary Economy: Cheese


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Guide to the Larger Realm

When it comes to dairy products, no estate can equal the cheeses created in Coldstone. Some say it is the natural cool of the stones just below the surface that allow even the average dairy farmer to create perfect cheese. Varieties range from bland and soft to flavorful and sharp to bitter and hard. Each cheese has a use and a best cooking practice. Visitors to the region should be certain to pick up a copy of the cheese guide, “I just bought a wheel, what do I do?” as the volume is both amusing and informative.

Coldstone Port Owner: Sir Geoffrey Coldstone Primary Economy: Trade, Shipping By an agreement between Coldstone and Cosgrave, Coldstone may harvest fish to feed their estate but may export only goods. The arrangement has been longstanding between the knights of these estates and came about due to early disputes. Rumors surface from time to time that Cosgrave is trading goods but each investigation by Coldstone has so far yielded no evidence of wrongdoing.

Harper's Landing Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Agriculture, Fishing, Shipping Located along the coast of the Starfall Sea, this estate has fertile hills to the north known for their production of carrots, onions, garlic, and tomatoes. The southern region hosts cozy fishing villages all along the Sea. The fishermen of Harper's Landing will attest that the sea in their area is not as easygoing as the beaches of Seaside and they are sometimes challenged by monsters from the depths. Still, a sharp eye for potential trouble keeps most men returning safely each night.

Aldridge Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Tourism, Pearls, Shipping This estate, along the Starfall Sea, is about as diverse as they come. The northern hills of Aldridge have enough forestry and agriculture to support the estate's population. The dramatic hills produce impressive waterfalls, particularly during spring thaw to the north or heavy summer rains. The coast is rocky and unforgiving when trying to traverse it but has some of the best views of the Starfall Sea. Along the coastal trail, at the height of the Clarion Cliffs, is an ancient circle of standing stones. While other stone circles can be found scattered throughout the kingdom, they do not compare to the Clarion Stones. The use of these long forgotten circles has never been firmly determined. The Clarion Stones are also famous for the lovers who have come there to make solemn vows but were never heard from again. Just into the waters of the Starfall Sea are endless oyster beds which yield both food and pearls. From time to time those tending the oyster beds will swear they have seen humanoid­like creatures swimming in the water as if they were born to it. Yet when the divers surface, there is no sign of any such creature. Often these incidents have been attributed to the madness that divers experience when they remain underwater too long.

Moorefield Keep Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Weapons


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Guide to the Larger Realm

In the early days of the kingdom the need for a steady flow of combat weapons was paramount. Moorefield Keep became the prominent supplier of such weapons. The best weaponsmiths were recruited to the estate. In addition the best weaponmasters were also recruited to the area. To this day the best weapons come from Moorefield Keep. It is also home of the training grounds for the King's Elite Guard, and advanced training for knights. His Majesty King Nigel Moorefield uses the estate's Keep as his private retreat when he takes short respites from his royal duties.

Dockside Owner: Sir Zachary Blaine Primary Economy: Ship Building, Shipping While much of the timber from Fairview goes to King's Yards, enough filters down to Dockside to allow for the building of merchant ships. The deep watered ports along the coast allow for larger vessels than anywhere else along the Starfall Sea. The main roads from the ports inland are heavily patrolled as this is the primary merchant export estate. The ports are busy trading centers and those with some coin can often find fantastic deals if they are willing to purchase in bulk quantities. The dock workers here have long since organized and those looking for employment are strongly encouraged to visit with a representative in the harbor master's office before approaching any ship's captain or first mate.

Fairview Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Forestry, Iron From some of the taller hills in Fairview a visitor can see either the Starfall Sea or the Corsith River. But the views aren't the only asset of this estate. The hills are rich in iron and the miners work tirelessly to pull the seemingly endless amount of ore from the ground. All around the hills of Fairview are deep, lush forests that are cultivated as crops. The great pines are harvested for their straight wood that is sent down the Fairview River to the King's Yard to be made into ships.

King's Foundry Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Blacksmithing Most of the ore from Fairview is brought to the King's Foundry where it is smelted, carbon added, and great steel pieces are created to detailed engineering specifications. The highest grade steel is sent to Moorefield Keep where the kingdom's best combat weapons are forged. Foundry work is dangerous, however, and accidents have killed many steel workers. Some say the spirits of those workers are in the steel of the foundries and surface once in a while in a sword, ship, or war machine.

King's Yards Owner: King Nigel Moorefield Primary Economy: Ship Building


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Guide to the Larger Realm

Timber from Fairview and finished steel products from King's Foundry are critical to the economic health of this estate. Not only are the King's ships built here but other large engines for war and protection of the kingdom. The estate is heavily guarded and patrolled and the military keeps an active presence. Many of the naval officers learn shipwright skills as part of their training. The King's River Fleet berths in this estate and after long periods on the river or coming in from the Starfall Sea the sailors can be anxious for land, food, and company of the opposite persuasion. The Navy has strict policies on behavior and, in general, the towns in this estate are quiet.


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Guide to the Larger Realm

The Ducal Fiefs An accounting of the fiefs and estates of the Duchy of Acarthia.

Aspen Keep Ducal Fiefs Owner: Duchess Ilianna Managed by: Sir Jonathan Tiberion, Jr. Primary Economy: Agriculture, Trapping, Tanning, Travel Aspen Keep is gateway to the nearby baronies of Ungsteen and Tasis, as well as being the patrol area of the roads that lead north on the Western edge of the Aspen Woods. In the early days of the kingdom, it was unknown what to think of the mysterious elves that inhabited the woods, and a keep was erected to keep watch. In time, the elves have proved to be helpful and formed an alliance, but doubt exists due to several undead attacks that have seemed to launch from within The Aspen Woods. Some of the ducal forces remained stationed here throughout the war, for fear of the undead returning.

Warwickshire Ducal Fiefs Owner: Sir Regis Xesxes Primary Economy: Artesian Wells, Horses If there is a place where the rich and famous gather in the duchy, it is the estate of Warwickshire. The pastures are home to some of the most diverse and finest breeds of horses in the kingdom. The Acarthian army has training grounds for their heavy and light mounted cavalry in this estate. The wealthy have built expansive homes among the rolling hills and scattered copses of trees. Small rivers wind throughout the estate fed by artesian wells. The well water is some of the purest in the duchy, possibly even the kingdom, and is exported throughout the land for consumption. Some of the more elite wells produce water that is used in ritual magic. Courtiers are trained in art, music, net ball, needlepoint, dance, and other fine crafts at the prominent Scola Novus Sollertia near the eastern edge of the estate.

Zumar's Rest Ducal Fiefs Owner: Dame Audrianna Kettredge Primary Economy: Trade, Hunting, Tourism Zumar is the name of a powerful elven wizard who lived (and perhaps still lives) in this estate shut up in a grand keep made of the forest itself. You can see the wooden towers rising through the trees from a distance, but that's usually the only sight you will get from it, as there are all manner of strange guardians who patrol the grounds and the forests nearby. Tourists are advised not to stray too far into the forests surrounding the woods for this reason. In the early days of the kingdom, Zumar was a significant ally to thwarting the forces that threatened civilization. No one has heard from him or seen him in over a hundred years.


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The "Rest" part of the estate was given to the estate as adventurers and military alike would often take forays into unchartered lands to the north, northwest, and west, then come back here for some rest and relaxation. There are many great places to eat, stores to shop in, and many inns to stay at while passing through.

Tyrok's Fist Ducal Fiefs Owner: Sir Garret Kane Primary Economy: Trade, Hunting, Brewing Tyrok's Fist is home to a large portion of the ducal forces. There are training grounds and several ducal forts and barracks around the border of this estate. Many of the finest soldiers have come through the training grounds here and then were sent off to war. When New Acarthia was attacked by Dargok's forces, it was from here Duke Jonathan lead the charge south to defeat him. As for the name of the estate, is it said that in the early days of the kingdom, Tyrok was a local hero. His tomb, which is still visible in a park dedicated to him, gives no story about his deeds or accomplishments, it just says, "Hero to the People." Perhaps one day we can ascertain what was so special about his fist.

Old Town Ducal Fiefs Owner: Duchess Ilianna Tiberion Managed by: Lady Thyria Primary Economy: Financial, Accounting, Government Oldtown is the financial center of the Ducal Fiefs. Counting houses are commonplace here, and a building known as The Scales of Trade is where all trading takes place on a large scale. Rumor has it that the Merchants Guild of Acarthia has had some run­ins with several members and officials within the estate of Oldtown though no one knows why. Despite these run­ins, many counting houses still do business with the MGOA. Oldtown is dotted with fine taverns and restaurants as well as a large amount of small residences. Several powerful merchants have enormous mansions in Oldtown.

Smithville Ducal Fiefs Owner: Duchess Ilianna Tiberion Managed by: Sir Jonathan Tiberion, Jr. Primary Economy: Smithing, Horse Breeding You will not find a more comprehensive area of forges other than the ones located on the western half of this estate. Many dwarves seeking their fortune in human lands have come to set up shop here, as well as some barbarians. Not to be outdone, it was the humans who originally built many of the forges here and still ply their craft for many to see. Some take on apprentices from time to time, as they need assistance selling their wares to many who pass through. There is also a smithing museum here and for the charge of one copper piece, you will not be disappointed. On the eastern half of the estate, you will find many pastures where horses roam with free will. Many breeders have stables in this area and supply a great many steeds to nobles and adventurers alike.

Woodvale Ducal Fiefs


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Owner: Sir Jonathan Tiberion, Jr. Primary Economy: Timber, Pig Farming

Woodvale is known for its pigs, and in fact, there are so many pigs here they outnumber the people. While effort is made to keep the estate clean, there have been a few times where massive amounts of swine have broken loose from their pens and devoured local gardens and farms. Woodvale is also the home of a rare, dare I say, mythical creature of epic proportions. In the night, some pigs go missing and some fences get knocked down. In the morning, the surviving pigs look terrified, and avoid the blood stained area where something devoured a few of them. One day, several goblins came sprinting through this estate seeking shelter and protection from "Thunder Lizard." When asked what it was, they described a lizard the size of a house who stalks them from time to time. Only a large monstrous belch, and cracking timber, echoed through the tops of the trees and the goblins lived another day.

Merchants Row Ducal Fiefs Owner: Duchess Ilianna Tiberion Managed by: Lord Jadar Primary Economy: Trade, Coopering, Cobbling, Brewing, Smithing, Alchemy Merchants Row is exactly as it sounds. All the many streets are all considered a marketplace, and are fair game for any trader to set up shop and sell his wares on any given day. In addition, it is known for its stalwart foot­ware, its masterful barrel making, and full bodied ales. Anyone traveling through should be sure to stop by the Boot and Barrel Bar to try the latest brew from the hobling Brewmaster, Darius Nimblefingers.

New Acarthia Ducal Fiefs Owner: Duchess Ilianna Tiberion Primary Economy: Trade, Agriculture, Entertainment, Adventurers, Brewing Since the beginning of the War of a Thousand Skirmishes, New Acarthia is the estate where the Duke and Duchess, and many other nobles, had been seen spending much of their time, meeting with military commanders and staging attacks and preparing defenses. Followed closely by the nobles are the adventurers who gather here in the hopes of brushing shoulders with nobility and make a name for themselves as they seek fame and fortune. Enemies of the kingdom are thusly attracted to this estate for the same reason. If you're an adventurer, the place to hang out is undoubtedly the Deepjug Tavern. Other taverns may cater to farmers and handymen, but the Deepjug Tavern seems to cater to nobles and adventurers. Because nobles and adventurers have more money than the common peasant, the prices are slightly higher than you would pay in a less respectable place. If you want to make connections, this is the place to be.

Solace Freehold Owner: Healers Guild of Acarthia Primary Economy: Research, Medical, Alchemy Besides being the home of Acarthia's Healers Guild, Solace is also the sight of the Valacious Proudmore School of Alchemical Studies. The school itself specializes in analyzing newly discovered toxins in an effort to produce antidotes and is generally credited with accidently creating the popular, Intoxicant Elixir, and the liquid light.


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The guild's efforts over the last seven years to provide a safe place for orphans and refugees has also increased the popularity if this tiny estate tremendously.

Darrikton Ducal Fiefs Owner: Sir Victor Blasdel Primary Economy: Alchemy, Timber, Hunting, agriculture The forests of Darrikton are some of the most beautiful places in the duchy. It is thought to be the dying place of a life elemental, for one small area within the forest possesses trees that glow with a beautiful white light. People come here to relax, as if when you are in the light, nothing in the world can harm you. In addition, it is known for its massive mushroom growing economy.

Woodhaven Ducal Fiefs Owner: Duchess Ilianna Tiberion Managed by: Dame Ishani Tiberion Primary Economy: Cart and Wagon Making, Agriculture Woodhaven is known for the several craftsmen who manufacture carts and wagons. Unfortunately, some are better than others. These carts and wagons are sold at lots, and some take up huge amounts of space in the streets of the town, often blocking local traffic. There are used wagon lots, new wagon lots, and discount cart auctions. Careful inspection should take place before any coin is exchanged. Woodhaven is also a good place for individuals seeking work as many caravans begin here and pass through on many trade routes on the western edge of the kingdom. They are often in need of drivers, heavy lifters, and muscle should problems arise on the road. In addition, there are several taverns here that are frequented by dangerous people. Woodhaven is also known for its out of control wagon races, which always leads to a few resurrections each year.

Meadowville Ducal Fiefs Owner: Duchess Ilianna Tiberion Managed by: Lord Taurin Primary Economy: Agriculture No true visit to the Ducal Fiefs could be considered complete without a stop at the ducal summer residence of Meadowville. The beautiful rolling hills and forests surround the most beautiful castle in the Fiefs, now occupied by Her Grace Duchess Ilianna Tiberion. Meadowville also serves as the headquarters of the ducal army, where many army tournaments take place at various times throughout the year. We haven't had one since before the war, but are hoping to once again, since the war has ended. Wolfwatch Battle Day is usually celebrated officially here with a number of parades and military ceremonies.

Wolfwatch Ducal Fiefs Owner: Dame Ishani Tiberion Primary Economy: Entertainment, Trade, Tourism Wolfwatch was the estate once known simply for its being the final resting place of historical Acarthian hero, Titus Wolfwatch. However, in the past twenty years, Wolfwatch appears to be somewhat cursed, being the


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site of numerous events and tribulations. Wolfwatch is primarily agricultural, directly serving the needs of Acarthia. The superstitious feeling that evil is drawn here has led to some of the largest and wealthiest families moving elsewhere. Coincidentally, many forces heading to attack Acarthia pass through here unchallenged. Wolfwatch's largest village serves as the location for several acting troupes and performer's guilds, and it is often popular among artisans for cheap rent.

Seaside Ducal Fiefs Owner: Duchess Ilianna Tiberion Managed by: Dame Ishani Primary Economy: Tourism, Shipping, Fishing, Waylaying Seaside is a center of the Acarthian Ducal Merchant Fleet, and many powerful merchants have warehouses just beyond the docks. The often rowdy sailors of Seaside frequently brawl in the tavern that clutter this section of the Fiefs, but luckily the stalwart Acarthian Ducal Marines patrol the area to keep injuries and damage to a minimum. The area is also known for its organized crime and mild levels of corruption. If there is a Thieves Guild in Acarthia, this must be the center of it. The southern half of the estate is a popular tourist destination. It boasts beautiful beaches and private resorts. Many weddings of the wealthy are booked here, as the shores offer spectacular views of the sea.


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