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For the Fiscal Years

2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21

January 30, 2018

This document is available at http://www.mcmaster.ca/bms/BMS_FS_Budgeting.htm

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Operating Budget Guidelines 2018/19  


Table of Contents

A.  Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 2 

B.  Information and Changes for 2018/19 .................................................................................................... 2 

C.  Submission Timetable .............................................................................................................................. 6 

D.  Budget Allocation Framework ................................................................................................................. 7 

E.  Format of Budget Submission .................................................................................................................. 7 

1)  Objectives of the Budget Submission .................................................................................................. 8 

2)  Revenues, Recoveries and Transfers ................................................................................................... 9 

I.  Framework Allocations .................................................................................................................... 9 

II.  Other Revenue, Recoveries and Transfers ....................................................................................... 9 

3)  Expenditures ........................................................................................................................................ 9 

I.  Salaries and Wages ........................................................................................................................ 10 

II.  Benefits .......................................................................................................................................... 10 

III.  Non‐Salary Expenses .................................................................................................................. 11 

IV.  Employee Full‐Time Equivalent (FTE) ......................................................................................... 11 

V.  Occupancy Cost .............................................................................................................................. 12 

4)  Operating Surplus (Deficit) ................................................................................................................. 12 

5)  Analysis of Appropriations ................................................................................................................. 12 

6)  Reallocation Requests ........................................................................................................................ 12 

7)  Adherence to the Budget Guidelines ................................................................................................. 13 

F.  Contact Information ............................................................................................................................... 13 

Appendix A – Budget Allocation Framework ................................................................................................. 14 

Appendix B – 2018/19 Budget Cycle Timelines ............................................................................................. 20 

Appendix C – Ongoing vs. One‐Time Revenue and Expenditure Guidelines ................................................. 21 

Appendix D – Labour/Benefit Account Mapping ........................................................................................... 22 

Appendix E – Transfer Accounts .................................................................................................................... 24 

Appendix F – Frequently Asked Questions .................................................................................................... 25 

Appendix G – Budget Submission Checklist ................................................................................................... 29 


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Operating Budget Guidelines 2018/19  


A. INTRODUCTION The Operating Budget Guidelines are provided as a budget development framework to ensure consistency across the University. For 2018/19, framework allocations continue to be made according to the methodology of the budget model implemented in 2014/15. The budget model is a hybrid activity-based budget (ABB) model where activity units (Faculties) are allocated a share of central revenue based on activity, and support units receive an annual fixed budget based upon prior year’s allocation plus increments related to determined priorities. The details of the budget model may be seen at http://budgetmodel.mcmaster.ca/. The budget for 2018/19 will be developed in the Hyperion system, which is integrated with the PeopleSoft system. The 2017/18 projection and 2018/19 budget submissions in Hyperion will be transferred into PeopleSoft after the budget process for 2018/19 is finalized. A brief overview of the Hyperion submission is given in Section E.

B. INFORMATION AND CHANGES FOR 2018/19 The following is a list of key information and changes and is not intended to be exhaustive: The budget planning horizon will cover the three-year period 2018/19 to

2020/21. Submissions should include projections for 2017/18, with high-level projections required for the following two years 2019/20 and 2020/21. The 2018/19 budget should be based on a detailed analysis by department and program which will be used as the benchmark for actual results, while the two following years may project revenue and expenses at the envelope level, incorporating major changes. The specific budget approval will be limited to the 2018/19 fiscal year while the future years remain a working document.

NEW Budget presentations will continue to take place separately for support

units and activity units, however the timing of presentations will be several weeks later. In addition to members of the Budget Committee, the budget conferences will be attended by Deans and faculty Directors of Administration to provide feedback on the processes and services they are supporting. The complete schedule is shown in Section C.

Revenue projections will be based on the new Provincial funding framework for grants and tuition. Allocation amounts are shown in Appendix A.

o Support unit allocations include approved strategic investments, as well as a contribution to salary increases for 2018/19.

o Activity unit true-up allocations for 2016/17 and projections for 2017/18 will be available by the end of September for use in the 5 Month Review.

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Operating Budget Guidelines 2018/19  


Activity unit allocations for the 2018/19 budget and outer years based on the November 1 count will be confirmed in mid-December.

The short timeline for presentations results in a large amount of material to be

reviewed in a short period of time. The budget submission templates – one for activity units and one for support units - highlight important information in the main part of the narrative. Please be sure to download the updated template for the 2018/19 budget from the Downloads section of the Budgeting Services web site at http://www.mcmaster.ca/bms/BMS_FS_Budgeting.htm. It is strongly recommended to limit narrative submissions to no more than 12 pages plus appendices.

The provincial Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA) will be renewed effective May 1, 2017. This agreement supports McMaster’s institutional strategy, and budgeted activities must contribute to achievement of its stated objectives. In order to meet institutional reporting requirements, each envelope must report achievement of SMA commitments and SMA goals for the next three years. These items should be highlighted in point form in Section 3.2 of the narrative, with additional details to be provided in an appendix.

NEW Sections of the narrative templates have been revised to allow Budget Committee members to quickly focus on the major issues and activities in each envelope: - Section 1 Key Considerations: This new section is intended to provide context

to Budget Committee members who may not be familiar with your operation. Provide brief bullet points describing the environment and issues that are essential to understanding the remainder of the budget document.

- Section 8 Balancing the Budget: This section has been revised to provide a more complete picture of activities in the envelope, links to strategy and financial impacts. Space has been provided to describe two cost pressures and two new initiatives – sections may be added or deleted if necessary. Each new initiative and cost pressure must contain a description of the item, explain how it links to the SMA, outline the impact on other stakeholders, and detail any related actions planned. Equally important, a section has been added to describe any non-priority activities to be reduced or eliminated.

Please note the following information to be included in the budget submission

narrative: - All assumptions must be consistent with these guidelines and no deviations

are allowed. Envelope Managers should highlight concerns in their narrative submissions.

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Operating Budget Guidelines 2018/19  


- Net assignable square meters (NASM) and other budget model drivers will continue to be reported as part of the submission, to be provided by Budgeting Services as part of the cover page summary of the budget. The drivers that will be reported for your envelope will be posted in the Downloads section of the Budgeting Services web site at http://www.mcmaster.ca/bms/BMS_FS_Budgeting.htm.

- A section outlining budgeted positions is included in the narrative. While the FTEs calculated in Hyperion are based on hours worked, this section focuses on trends in fully-staffed complement. Details of requirements are included in the narrative template. For the 2018/19 budget, FTEs will be calculated by Hyperion based on the hours forecast for each employee. This calculation will be consistent with the FTEs used as a driver in the budget model, which includes hours worked by all employees as recorded in the HR payroll system through salary accounts. For more information, please see Section E 3.IV and Appendix F 6.

- NEW Microsoft Office 365 software is now provided through McMaster’s site

license (see http://www.mcmaster.ca/uts/licensing/index.html). The cost of individual licenses covered by the site license should not be budgeted.

- Significant planned capital expenditures must be included. The link to the

capitalization policy can be found at http://www.mcmaster.ca/policy/General/BusOp/Capital_Assets_Policy.pdf

- Details and explanations of all one-time revenue and expenses must be

provided (see Appendix C). Please note that contractually limited appointments (CLAs) are not considered to be a one-time expense unless the position will not continue.

- Reasons for major variances (>$100K and 10%) of the 2017/18 projection and

2018/19 budget from original budget and prior year actual must be explained.

- Details of transfers outside your envelope balancing to your submission must be provided in the appendix to your narrative. Before including a transfer in your budget you must confirm that the other side of the transfer has been budgeted. A report template will be provided in Hyperion.

Hyperion will be used for entering and managing budgets. Information on how to

use Hyperion is available in the Mosaic Resources section of the Budgeting Services web site at http://www.mcmaster.ca/bms/BMS_FS_Budgeting.htm Refresher training sessions will be announced. Assumptions for salary increases in accordance with collective agreements and benefit rates in accordance with rates approved by the Budget Committee will be loaded into Hyperion to facilitate calculation of the compensation budget. The 2018/19 budget in

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Operating Budget Guidelines 2018/19  


Hyperion will be entered the PeopleSoft GL after approval. Refer to Section E for more information.

For management purposes, a distinction must be made in faculty salaries between tenure stream (tenure track and tenured), teaching stream (teaching track and permanent teaching), special stream (CAWAR), and CLA. Accounts have been set up to track these categories (see Appendix D). Employee data pre-populated from the HR system will include the actual account being charged with salary and benefit expenses. If an employee appears in an incorrect account, the HR Event Form should be completed to make the correction in the HR system. Contact Budgeting Services if you have questions about the best way to correct information in the budget (contact information in Section F).

Appendix F Frequently Asked Questions will be updated as further questions

arise and posted to http://www.mcmaster.ca/bms/BMS_FS_Budgeting.htm.


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Operating Budget Guidelines 2018/19  


C. SUBMISSION TIMETABLE The dates for the various budget envelope submissions and presentations are shown in the table below. The Vice-President must review and approve your budget before it is forwarded to Budgeting Services. Material must be submitted to Budgeting Services on the specified date for review at the following Budget Committee meeting. Workflow is used in Hyperion to transfer control of the budget from submitter to approver within the envelope. Please submit the final narrative (in Word format) and financial report electronically to your Budgeting Services representative (see contact information in Section F) for presentation to Budget Committee.


BudgetDue in Send to Budget Committee

Envelope Budgeting Budget Committee PresentationBudget Envelope Manager Services Committee Presentation If Requested

UTS/Technology Fund G. Gray 09-Oct-17 16-Oct-17 30-Oct-17Student Affairs S. Van Koughnett 09-Oct-17 16-Oct-17 30-Oct-17Graduate Studies/Scholarships D. Welch 09-Oct-17 16-Oct-17 30-Oct-17MacPherson Institute A. Ahmad 09-Oct-17 16-Oct-17 30-Oct-17Museum of Art C. Podedworny 09-Oct-17 16-Oct-17 02-Nov-17President/Strategic Priorities P. Deane 09-Oct-17 16-Oct-17 02-Nov-17University Secretariat P. Deane 09-Oct-17 16-Oct-17 02-Nov-17Provost Office/Academic Contingency D. Wilkinson 09-Oct-17 16-Oct-17 02-Nov-17University Advancement M. Williams 11-Oct-17 18-Oct-17 01-Nov-17Research R. Baker 11-Oct-17 18-Oct-17 01-Nov-17Administration R. Couldrey 11-Oct-17 18-Oct-17 01-Nov-17Facility Support Envelope including MIP rent R. Couldrey 11-Oct-17 18-Oct-17 01-Nov-17HSC Library P. O'Byrne 12-Oct-17 19-Oct-17 02-Nov-17University Library V. Lewis 12-Oct-17 19-Oct-17 02-Nov-17Registrar/Undergraduate Scholarships M. Poole 12-Oct-17 19-Oct-17 02-Nov-17Non-academic ancillaries R. Couldrey/D. Henne 12-Mar-18 19-Mar-18 02-Apr-18Continuing Education L. Carter 12-Mar-18 19-Mar-18 02-Apr-18Business L. Waverman 12-Mar-18 19-Mar-18 02-Apr-18Engineering I. Puri 12-Mar-18 19-Mar-18 02-Apr-18Arts and Science Program J. Wilson 12-Mar-18 19-Mar-18 04-Apr-18Health Sciences including deployed services P. O'Byrne 14-Mar-18 21-Mar-18 04-Apr-18Humanities K. Cruikshank 14-Mar-18 21-Mar-18 04-Apr-18Science M. MacDonald 14-Mar-18 21-Mar-18 04-Apr-18Social Sciences J. Hurley 14-Mar-18 21-Mar-18 04-Apr-18University Fund/Academic Funding Allocations D. Wilkinson 14-Mar-18 21-Mar-18 04-Apr-18Tuition and Other Fees J. Lee 18-Apr-18 18-Apr-18 25-Apr-18

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Operating Budget Guidelines 2018/19  


D. BUDGET ALLOCATION FRAMEWORK Support unit allocations for 2018/19 to 2020/21 are shown in Appendix A. Activity unit allocations will follow when revenue projections based on the November 1 count have been incorporated into the budget model. Only 2018/19 allocations are approved as part of the budget process. Allocations for 2019/20 and 2020/21 are estimates for planning purposes only. Final adjustments to activity units’ 2017/18 allocations for actual revenue and enrolment will be made during the 2018/19 fiscal year. Any questions on the framework may be directed to [email protected], which is monitored by the offices of Institutional Research and Analysis and Budgeting Services.

E. FORMAT OF BUDGET SUBMISSION Envelope managers are encouraged to set priorities for their units. This means that envelope managers should prepare a summary for the total envelope and the choices that have been made among the different units within the envelope, rather than describing the activities of each individual unit. Narrative

Updated narrative templates for activity and support units in Word format may be downloaded from the Downloads section of the Budgeting Services web site at http://www.mcmaster.ca/bms/BMS_FS_Budgeting.htm

Hyperion summary tables of major variances and transfers to be included in narrative may be found in the Downloads section of the Budgeting Services web site at http://www.mcmaster.ca/bms/BMS_FS_Budgeting.htm Hyperion Submission Report

Instructions on how to use the Hyperion system, as well as scheduled training sessions are available under the Mosaic Resources section of the Budgeting Services web site at http://www.mcmaster.ca/bms/BMS_FS_Budgeting.htm. One-on-one support is available from your Budgeting Services representative (contact information in Section F).

Budgets must be entered using Hyperion to provide a consistent format for presentation to the Budget Committee. Data in Hyperion will be pre-populated as follows:

Revenue and operating expenses

Pre-populated using the original 2017/18 budget.

Support units starting their budgets in June will be pre-populated with the original 2017/18 budget.

Activity units will prepare the 2017/18 5 Month Review from June to October. These figures will be used when the budgets are pre-populated in October.

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2019/20 and 2020/21 projections will be left blank. Plans for 2019/20 and 2020/21 are required by type of expense but do not need to be entered at the individual account level.

All Smart View comments and supporting detail cells have been carried over from the previous budget cycle, however the numbers have been updated as described above.

Numbers from the previous budget may be restored using the Smart View copy functions.

Numbers in supporting detail cells may be restored by editing the supporting details and submitting.

Instructions on how to use these functions are available in the Hyperion Reference Guide Opex Module at http://www.mcmaster.ca/bms/BMS_FS_Budgeting.htm.

Salaries and benefits

Hyperion will project salaries and benefits based on employee master data loaded from the HR system in June for support units and October for activity units.

Important: Transfers must be entered at the account level in order to balance on a consolidated basis. Interest and debt repayment should also be entered at the account level.

A formatted report for submission to the Budget Committee will be available in “Reports” in Hyperion.

You will be notified when the forms and reports are available in Hyperion, expected to be during the week of June 26 for support units and the week of November 20 for activity units.

1) OBJECTIVES OF THE BUDGET SUBMISSION The Budget Committee requests a written plan for all envelopes. Submissions that project an ongoing (structural) deficit (see Appendix C) must include a detailed plan as discussed with the Vice-President outlining how the deficit will be eliminated. At the budget presentation, assume that the group has reviewed the material provided. Be prepared to highlight your key points, which should be limited to 10 minutes. Following your presentation there will be a total of 20 minutes scheduled for discussion of the budget submission and feedback from the Budget Committee, Deans, and Directors of Administration.

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I. Framework Allocations Approved framework allocations are shown in Appendix A. Grant and tuition revenue from Provincially-funded programs is based on IRA projections. To avoid double counting, envelope managers should not include revenue received through the framework in their budgets. Expenses related to enrolment growth should be budgeted.

II. Other Revenue, Recoveries and Transfers In addition to the budget framework allocation, envelopes generate other internal and external revenue and recoveries, and may have internal transfers within the University. External revenue and recoveries represent new money to the University, while internal revenue, recoveries and transfers move money around between departments.

Revenues include the possibility of a gain or loss. External revenues would include grants, sales, fees, donations, and sponsorships. Internal revenues are generated when one University unit provides goods or services to another and receives more than the direct cost (i.e. receives a profit or overhead factor). This would include lab fees, registration for McMaster conferences, and ancillary sales. External revenue is shown in Hyperion in categories Government Grants, Tuition Fees, Research Overhead, Sales, and Investment Income. Internal revenue is included with Research Overhead and Internal Revenue in Hyperion.

Recoveries represent a reimbursement of an actual cost, with no possibility of gain or loss. Recoveries may be from internal or external sources. The amount received just recovers an amount already paid, with no profit or overhead built in. This commonly includes all or part of payroll, equipment or supply costs. Internal recoveries are included with Internal Revenue in Hyperion. External recovery accounts are shown in the Other Revenue category in Hyperion. Specific salary and benefit recoveries are categorized with salaries and benefits in Hyperion/PeopleSoft.

Transfers can be used for any internal transaction with the exception of internal revenue, and are included in the Transfer category in Hyperion. Generally, accounts on both sides of the entry must be the same. Please refer to Appendix E for a complete list of transfer accounts. Any transfers budgeted must be confirmed with the envelope on the other side. A Hyperion report balancing to the transfers budgeted at the envelope level must be included in your narrative budget submission.

3) EXPENDITURES Below are the salary, benefits, and operating expenditure guidelines to be used to develop the 2018/19 budget. Salary increase and benefit rate assumptions will be

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loaded into Hyperion along with data for each employee and will be used to calculate salary, benefit, and FTE forecasts.

I. Salaries and Wages Tenure stream (tenure track and tenured), special stream (CAWAR), teaching stream (teaching track and permanent teaching), Contractually Limited Appointments (CLAs), Graduate Teaching Assistants and Undergraduate Teaching Assistants should be budgeted in separate accounts. A complete list of salary accounts and related benefit accounts is provided in Appendix D, along with a table of all union groups and the correct account(s) to use for each. Salary and wage increase assumptions as approved by the Budget Committee have been built into Hyperion. These assumptions are based on the collective agreements in currently effect, government directives, and future across-the-board increases. Any lump sums included in collective agreements have not been included in increase rates and should be budgeted as a hedge. Salary increase assumptions are for modelling purposes only. The provincial government has tabled Bill 148, Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, which introduces equal pay for equal work based on employment status and recommends increases to the minimum wage. The increase assumption for interim employees includes a factor to take into account the new minimum wage if Bill 148 is passed, however there may be additional impacts to individual envelopes from the equal pay for equal work requirement. Please contact Human Resources to discuss any required action. Changes in faculty or staff complement should be budgeted on the expected effective date of the change (normally July 1 for faculty). Since the University’s fiscal year is May 1 through April 30, this may result in less than a full year’s expense and calculated FTE.

II. Benefits The benefit costs charged to departments consist of the employer share of statutory government remittances, pension contributions, insurance and surcharges. For 2018/19, all benefit rates will remain the same as in 2017/18. The employer contribution to the pension plan will remain at 175% of employees’ contributions1 for the budget year, however during the year details regarding changes to the pension legislation will become known allowing for updated projection analysis that will likely result in modification to benefit rates in 2019/20. The extended health and dental premiums will remain the same as last year even though costs are trending higher than the rate charged, rate changes

                                                            1 Rates  for planning purposes have been kept constant  to 175% of employee contributions.   The government has announced it will introduce pension changes effective in 2018, however the details needed to measure the impact to McMaster’s pension costs are not yet available. The large salaried plan will be measured effective July 1, 2017 with details of the new legislation expected in fall 2017. The full valuation of the plan is expected to become available by January 2018 therefore all benefit rate changes are on hold until such time that a full review can be completed.  

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are being deferred until 2019/20 when more information about pension legislation is known in an effort to examine all rates together at that time. Tables showing the components and computation of benefit rates are available in the Downloads section of the Budgeting Services web site at http://www.mcmaster.ca/bms/BMS_FS_Budgeting.htm The rates in these tables are used in the Hyperion labour planning module to calculate benefits based on salary level. Changes to actual charge-out rates are possible if more information becomes available.

III. Non-Salary Expenses Supplies and Expenses All non-salary expenditure not itemized below.

Please note that Microsoft software is now provided through McMaster’s site license. The cost of individual licenses should not be budgeted.

Capital Equipment Please refer to the capitalization policy and

provide an explanation of significant expenditures.

Scholarships and Bursaries Identify separately, all amounts paid directly to


MUFA Faculty PDA $2,200 per year in 2017/18 $2,300 per year in 2018/19 and future years MUFA Librarian PDA $1,650 per year TMG MPDA $2,500 per year

IV. Employee Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) For the 2018/19 budget, FTEs will be calculated by Hyperion based on the hours forecast for each employee. This calculation will be consistent with the FTEs used as a driver in the budget model, which includes hours worked by all employees as recorded in the HR payroll system through salary accounts. FTEs are the actual time worked compared to standard hours for that position. For example, if a department has 3 part-time employees working a total of 70 hours per week with standard 35 hours per week, the department has 2 FTEs. Information about actual paid FTEs for all employee groups is available to envelope managers through Hyperion. Please note that FTEs for TAs and sessional faculty are based on a standard 1,825 hour year and not on head count, i.e. a full-time TA of 266 hours is a 0.15 FTE, and a sessional lecturer teaching 3 units at a standard of 238 hours is a 0.13 FTE.

Please refer to the FAQs in Appendix F for additional details on FTEs.

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V. Occupancy Cost For ancillary and support units that pay for occupancy costs, base space charges are aligned with the budget model. Base services provided by Facility Services are incorporated into the rent rates. There will continue to be additional charges for enhanced and special services as negotiated by each unit. For details of rent calculations, contact your Budgeting Services representative (contact information in Section F). Insurance will be charged separately based on actual premiums paid. Costs of space are assigned based on the prior year actual space inventory (on a slip-year basis) unless otherwise notified by Budgeting Services for large new buildings opening mid-year. Changes in assigned space will be reflected in the following year’s projections, thus occupancy cost adjustments for approved relinquished space will take effect for the next budget cycle. Any unit wishing to relinquish underutilized space should provide information on the type and amount of space and the desired timeframe for relinquishing it both to Facility Services and Budgeting Services by December 31, 2017. Based on the type and amount of space, Facility Services will determine the exact space to be relinquished. Relinquished space must be of a type and configuration that would be usable by another unit. Facility Services will make all reasonable attempts to match the space to known needs expressed by other units, however, the unit to which the space was originally assigned will remain responsible for the occupancy cost until the end of the next budget cycle.

4) OPERATING SURPLUS (DEFICIT) The expectation of the Budget Committee is that the envelope is in either surplus or balanced position in each fiscal year. Envelopes with an operating deficit should bring forward a plan as discussed with the Vice-President on how to achieve a balanced budget. Carry forward amounts are not meant to be used to support ongoing operations.

5) ANALYSIS OF APPROPRIATIONS Appropriations are calculated on the budget submission report. The in-year operating surplus (deficit) is added/subtracted to the opening envelope appropriation to determine the ending balance at April 30.

6) REALLOCATION REQUESTS The Budget Committee will not be accepting any reallocation requests as part of the budget submission. The Budget Committee will examine the unusual and significant cost pressures that have been absorbed in your envelope and the implications for your unit’s mission as provided in the budget document template.

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7) ADHERENCE TO THE BUDGET GUIDELINES Periodically Internal Audit will conduct an audit within an envelope. It is recommended that Appendix G be used to ensure compliance.

F. CONTACT INFORMATION If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Operating Budget please contact your Budgeting Services representative:

Iain Clarkson Ext. 21960 or [email protected] Paola Morrone Ext. 23934 or [email protected] Kathy Pfeiffer Ext. 28688 or [email protected] Chris Sylvester Ext. 24766 or [email protected] Lou Mitton Ext. 24316 or [email protected]

Budgeting resources and links can be found online at: http://www.mcmaster.ca/bms/BMS_FS_Budgeting.htm The Budget Committee would like to thank you in advance for your continued commitment and effort in building a fiscally sound and accountable budget that will provide a secure future for McMaster.

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$000's Base One‐time Total Base One‐time Total Base One‐time Total Base One‐time TotalFaculties (Academic Programmes)Business            41,225                 (805)            40,420             46,755                      ‐               46,755             52,805                      ‐               52,805             55,788                      ‐               55,788 

Engineering            63,622                 (301)            63,321             73,089                      ‐               73,089             81,651                      ‐               81,651             86,285                      ‐               86,285 

Health Sciences            74,086                 (547)            73,539             77,982                      ‐               77,982             72,304                      ‐               72,304             71,790                      ‐               71,790 

Humanities            25,975                   545             26,520             27,467                      ‐               27,467             27,042                      ‐               27,042             27,666                      ‐               27,666 

Science            66,027                   (85)            65,942             72,012                      ‐               72,012             76,721                      ‐               76,721             79,347                      ‐               79,347 

Medical Radiation ‐ Mohawk share              4,166                      ‐                 4,166               4,324                      ‐                 4,324               4,539                      ‐                 4,539               4,618                      ‐                 4,618 

Social Sciences            33,755                   305             34,060             36,480                      ‐               36,480             39,417                      ‐               39,417             40,528                      ‐               40,528 

Arts & Science              1,562                     10               1,572               1,627                      ‐                 1,627               1,663                      ‐                 1,663               1,643                      ‐                 1,643 

     Sub‐total          310,418                 (878)          309,540           339,736                      ‐             339,736           356,142                      ‐             356,142           367,665                      ‐             367,665 Provost ‐ Academic PrioritiesUniversity Fund            30,853            (10,837)            20,016             25,209                   725             25,934             36,563               3,000             39,563             38,212                      ‐               38,212 

Onetime Unfunded Priorities                     ‐               10,000              (7,564)              2,436             10,000              (3,016)              6,984             10,000              (1,100)              8,900 

Revenue Projections Contingency              5,000                      ‐                 5,000               5,000                      ‐                 5,000               5,000                      ‐                 5,000 

Ongoing Unfunded Support Contingency                    25               1,649               1,674                     25                      ‐                       25               5,575                      ‐                 5,575             12,075                      ‐               12,075 

     Sub‐total            30,878             (9,188)            21,690             40,234             (6,839)            33,395             57,138                   (16)            57,122             65,287             (1,100)            64,187 

Total Faculties          341,296           (10,066)          331,230           379,970             (6,839)          373,131           413,280                   (16)          413,264           432,952             (1,100)          431,852 

2020/212017/18 2018/19 2019/20

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Operating Budget Guidelines 2018/19  


McMaster University ‐ New Budget Model ‐ Faculties Prof. Faculties Other Faculties

Projected Budget Allocation University Fund 8.00% 8.00% VP Research Discretionary Fund 10.00%2017‐18 Research Infrastructure Fund 3.00% 1.00%

Budgets prior to double stepdown allocation

Net double stepdown allocation Business Engineering

Health Sciences Humanities Science

Med Rad ‐ Mohawk

Social Sciences

Arts & Science

Other (reconciling 



Research Infrastructure 


Total (after double stepdown to support unit allocations)


Undergraduate Tuition 40,074              76,454              32,746              14,826              51,133              2,135.459        30,509              1,768                ‐                    249,645                     

UG Tuition Adjustment for tuition fee framework (143)                  (311)                  61                     67                     207                   109                   10                     ‐                             

Total UG SAG Obligation (1,797)               (6,494)               (99)                    (13)                    (52)                    ‐                    (11)                    (1)                      8,467                ‐                             

Graduate Tuition 15,822              11,246              11,125              2,854                5,114                ‐                    2,095                ‐                    ‐                    48,256                       

Operating Grant 19,266              41,955              80,893              14,979              51,506              2,234.121        21,742              1,679                ‐                    (7)                      ‐                    234,248                     

Other Income 717                   2,364                5,005                403                   1,936                ‐                    725                   116                   ‐                    7,555                ‐                    18,822                       

Gross Revenue 73,940              125,214           129,731           33,116              109,844           4,369.580        55,170              3,572                8,467                7,548                ‐                    550,972                     

Undergraduate Cross Faculty Teaching Adjustment (6,250)               (12,565)            (181)                  7,301                7,666                ‐                    4,681                (652)                  ‐                    0                                 

Revenue for Contributions 67,690              112,649           129,550           40,417              117,510           4,369.580        59,851              2,920                8,467                7,548                ‐                    550,972                     

University Fund Contribution (5,415)               (9,012)               (10,364)            (3,233)               (9,401)               ‐                    (4,788)               (234)                  42,447              ‐                    ‐                             

Research Infrastructure Fund Contribution (2,031)               (3,379)               (1,296)               (404)                  (1,175)               ‐                    (599)                  (88)                    ‐                    8,971                ‐                             

Indirect Cost of Research (excluding Royalties & CRC) 204                   4,956                11,111              417                   4,279                ‐                    728                   ‐                    25                     ‐                    21,720                       

VP Research Discretionary (10 % of ICR above) (20)                    (496)                  (1,111)               (42)                    (428)                  ‐                    (73)                    ‐                    2,170                ‐                             

Adjustments for ICR received by Journal (Contract & ERA) (17)                    (1,583)               (4,853)               (202)                  (651)                  ‐                    (13)                    ‐                    ‐                    (7,318)                        

Adjustments for Current Practices ‐                    ‐                    (5,519)               (218)                  204                   (203.983)          218                   ‐                    ‐                    (449)                  (5,968)                        

Research Infrastructure Fund Distribution 84                     2,049                4,595                172                   1,769                ‐                    301                   ‐                    ‐                    (8,971)               ‐                             

Research Excellence Fund (from UF) 40                     484                   1,085                81                     418                   ‐                    142                   (2,250)              

Revenue Prior to Shared Support Unit Allocations 60,535             105,668           123,199           36,988             112,526           4,165.598       55,768             2,599               10,661             47,296             ‐                   559,406                    

Shared Support Unit Allocations ‐ via double stepdown

Occupancy Cost 41,781             (12,872)            (721)                  (6,602)               (8,777)               (2,355)               (8,689)               ‐                    (1,718)               (46)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (28,909)                      

Deferred Maintenance 9,893               (3,495)              (160)                  (1,461)               (1,943)               (521)                  (1,923)               ‐                    (380)                  (10)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (6,398)                        

Insurance 1,159               (470)                 (18)                    (161)                  (199)                  (57)                    (212)                  ‐                    (42)                    (1)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (689)                           

MIP Occupancy 1 2,677               (244)                 ‐                    (1,623)               (587)                  (35)                    ‐                    ‐                    (188)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (2,433)                        

MIP Occupancy 2 157                   ‐                   ‐                    (157)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (157)                           

HR 6,534               (960)                 (303)                  (835)                  (3,038)               (329)                  (705)                  ‐                    (358)                  (6)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (5,575)                        

HR Employee Programs 2,055               (534)                 (107)                  (234)                  (524)                  (164)                  (337)                  ‐                    (155)                  (1)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (1,521)                        

Financial Affairs/Admin/ Inst Support 7,095               (2,431)              (510)                  (831)                  (1,590)               (429)                  (817)                  ‐                    (470)                  (16)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,663)                        

Supplementary Pension 4,738               (278)                 (387)                  (720)                  (1,725)               (391)                  (788)                  ‐                    (447)                  (3)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,460)                        

Pension Special 17,437             (4,533)              (905)                  (1,982)               (4,447)               (1,389)               (2,856)               ‐                    (1,316)               (9)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (12,904)                      

Presidential/Univ Sec 1,927               (748)                 (129)                  (210)                  (402)                  (108)                  (207)                  ‐                    (119)                  (4)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (1,179)                        

General University Expense 6,705               (2,836)              (423)                  (689)                  (1,319)               (356)                  (678)                  ‐                    (390)                  (13)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (3,869)                        

Bond Interest 7,380               (2,541)              (121)                  (1,105)               (1,469)               (394)                  (1,454)               ‐                    (288)                  (8)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,839)                        

UTS/ Technology Fund 14,744             2,447               (2,102)               (3,238)               (3,768)               (1,395)               (4,170)               ‐                    (2,366)               (151)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (17,191)                      

UTS‐ ERP 4,517               (181)                 (530)                  (817)                  (950)                  (352)                  (1,052)               ‐                    (597)                  (38)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,336)                        

UA 5,853               1,471               (858)                  (1,597)               (1,892)               (560)                  (1,562)               ‐                    (815)                  (40)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (7,324)                        

Office of the Provost 6,497               (2,421)              (446)                  (726)                  (1,390)               (375)                  (715)                  ‐                    (410)                  (14)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,076)                        

Research Support 8,984               4,780               (196)                  (2,241)               (8,600)               (175)                  (2,006)               ‐                    (547)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (13,764)                      

Student Affairs 4,241               5,684               (1,333)               (1,965)               (1,558)               (854)                  (2,619)               ‐                    (1,496)               (99)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (9,925)                        

MIIETL 1,580               662                   (294)                  (434)                  (396)                  (188)                  (578)                  ‐                    (330)                  (22)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (2,242)                        

Libraries 18,008             8,044               (3,251)               (4,852)               (5,483)               (2,154)               (6,395)               ‐                    (3,680)               (237)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (26,052)                      

HS Library 2,927               1,759               (585)                  (873)                  (986)                  (387)                  (1,150)               ‐                    (662)                  (43)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,686)                        

Registrar 5,160               7,535               (1,582)               (2,380)               (1,980)               (1,096)               (3,499)               ‐                    (2,011)               (145)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (12,695)                      

SGS 1,669               404                   (351)                  (473)                  (620)                  (146)                  (314)                  ‐                    (168)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (2,073)                        

Museum of Art 482                   485                   (114)                  (176)                  (237)                  (76)                    (227)                  ‐                    (129)                  (8)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (967)                           

UG Scholarship 5,512               604                   (806)                  (1,314)               (488)                  (558)                  (1,851)               ‐                    (1,025)               (74)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (6,116)                        

UG Bursaries 3,500               (0)                      (449)                  (732)                  (365)                  (311)                  (1,031)               ‐                    (571)                  (41)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (3,500)                        

Grad Scholarship 13,782             658                   (2,450)               (3,288)               (4,322)               (1,021)               (2,192)               ‐                    (1,168)               ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (14,440)                      

Branding and Marketing 1,500               12                     (177)                  (330)                  (391)                  (116)                  (322)                  ‐                    (168)                  (8)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (1,512)                        

Adjustments for Current Practices ‐ Support Units ‐                    ‐                    4,264                ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (2,493)               ‐                    ‐                    1,771                         

Total Shared Support Unit Allocations 208,494          0                       (19,309)           (42,046)           (55,183)           (16,294)           (48,347)           ‐                   (22,013)           (1,037)              (2,493)              ‐                   ‐                   (206,723)                  

Net Revenue 41,225             63,622             68,016             20,694             64,178             4,165.598       33,755             1,562               8,168               47,296             ‐                   352,683                    

UF Supplement ‐                    ‐                    5,849                5,281                937                   ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (12,067.000)    ‐                    ‐                             

UF Supplement 2 ‐ Grants top up 221                   911                   (1,132.475)       ‐                             

Base Net Projected Budget 2017‐18 41,225             63,622             74,086             25,975             66,027             4,166               33,755             1,562               8,168               34,097             ‐                   352,683                    

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Operating Budget Guidelines 2018/19  


McMaster University ‐ New Budget Model ‐ Faculties Prof. Faculties Other Faculties

Projected Budget Allocation University Fund 8.00% 8.00% VP Research Discretionary Fund 10.00%2018‐19 Research Infrastructure Fund 3.00% 1.00%

Budgets prior to double stepdown allocation

Net double stepdown allocation Business Engineering

Health Sciences Humanities Science

Med Rad ‐ Mohawk

Social Sciences

Arts & Science

Other (reconciling 



Research Infrastructure 


Total (after double stepdown to support unit allocations)


Undergraduate Tuition 49,438              91,402              34,367              15,980              58,888              2,272                33,667              1,832                ‐                    287,846                     

UG Tuition Adjustment for tuition fee framework (143)                  (311)                  61                     67                     207                   109                   10                     ‐                             

Total UG SAG Obligation (1,920)               (7,129)               (105)                  (13)                    (54)                    ‐                    (11)                    (1)                      9,233                ‐                             

Graduate Tuition 16,113              12,593              11,720              2,843                5,206                ‐                    2,097                ‐                    ‐                    50,573                       

Operating Grant 19,220              43,500              81,420              14,661              51,421              2,264                21,198              1,679                ‐                    5                        ‐                    235,368                     

Other Income 717                   2,364                5,005                403                   1,936                ‐                    725                   116                   ‐                    7,485                ‐                    18,752                       

Gross Revenue 83,426              142,420           132,468           33,940              117,604           4,536                57,785              3,636                9,233                7,490                ‐                    592,539                     

Undergraduate Cross Faculty Teaching Adjustment (7,030)               (15,202)            (43)                    7,994                9,242                ‐                    5,678                (639)                  ‐                    0                                 

Revenue for Contributions 76,395              127,218           132,425           41,934              126,846           4,536                63,463              2,997                9,233                7,490                ‐                    592,539                     

University Fund Contribution (6,112)               (10,177)            (10,594)            (3,355)               (10,148)            ‐                    (5,077)               (240)                  45,702              ‐                    ‐                             

Research Infrastructure Fund Contribution (2,292)               (3,817)               (1,324)               (419)                  (1,268)               ‐                    (635)                  (90)                    ‐                    9,845                ‐                             

Indirect Cost of Research (excluding Royalties & CRC) 204                   4,956                11,111              417                   4,279                ‐                    728                   ‐                    25                     ‐                    21,720                       

VP Research Discretionary (10 % of ICR above) (20)                    (496)                  (1,111)               (42)                    (428)                  ‐                    (73)                    ‐                    2,170                ‐                             

Adjustments for ICR received by Journal (Contract & ERA) (17)                    (1,583)               (4,853)               (202)                  (651)                  ‐                    (13)                    ‐                    ‐                    (7,318)                        

Adjustments for Current Practices (1,274)               (1,943)               (4,294)               (396)                  (764)                  (213)                  (382)                  ‐                    5,000                ‐                    (4,266)                        

Research Infrastructure Fund Distribution 93                     2,249                5,042                189                   1,942                ‐                    330                   ‐                    ‐                    (9,845)               ‐                             

Research Excellence Fund (from UF) 40                     484                   1,085                81                     418                   ‐                    142                   (2,250)              

Revenue Prior to Shared Support Unit Allocations 67,017             116,892           127,488           38,207             120,226           4,324               58,484             2,667               16,427             50,943             ‐                   602,675                    

Shared Support Unit Allocations ‐ via double stepdown

Occupancy Cost 42,072             (13,107)            (832)                  (6,662)               (8,857)               (2,273)               (8,561)               ‐                    (1,733)               (47)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (28,965)                      

Deferred Maintenance 9,893               (3,529)              (183)                  (1,464)               (1,946)               (499)                  (1,881)               ‐                    (381)                  (10)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (6,364)                        

Insurance 1,159               (475)                 (20)                    (161)                  (199)                  (55)                    (207)                  ‐                    (42)                    (1)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (684)                           

MIP Occupancy 1 2,677               (244)                 ‐                    (1,623)               (587)                  (35)                    ‐                    ‐                    (188)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (2,433)                        

MIP Occupancy 2 157                   ‐                   ‐                    (157)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (157)                           

HR 6,728               (995)                 (311)                  (858)                  (3,125)               (338)                  (726)                  ‐                    (368)                  (7)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (5,734)                        

HR Employee Programs 2,055               (534)                 (107)                  (234)                  (524)                  (164)                  (337)                  ‐                    (155)                  (1)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (1,521)                        

Financial Affairs/Admin/ Inst Support 7,301               (2,514)              (524)                  (853)                  (1,631)               (440)                  (839)                  ‐                    (482)                  (16)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,787)                        

Supplementary Pension 4,738               (239)                 (391)                  (727)                  (1,740)               (394)                  (795)                  ‐                    (450)                  (3)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,499)                        

Pension Special 17,437             (4,533)              (905)                  (1,982)               (4,447)               (1,389)               (2,856)               ‐                    (1,316)               (9)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (12,904)                      

Presidential/Univ Sec 1,962               (762)                 (131)                  (214)                  (409)                  (110)                  (210)                  ‐                    (121)                  (4)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (1,200)                        

General University Expense 6,705               (2,825)              (425)                  (692)                  (1,322)               (357)                  (680)                  ‐                    (391)                  (13)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (3,880)                        

Bond Interest 7,380               (2,565)              (138)                  (1,108)               (1,472)               (378)                  (1,423)               ‐                    (288)                  (8)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,815)                        

UTS/ Technology Fund 15,072             2,519               (2,212)               (3,426)               (3,793)               (1,366)               (4,293)               ‐                    (2,349)               (151)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (17,591)                      

UTS‐ ERP 4,517               (176)                 (546)                  (845)                  (936)                  (337)                  (1,059)               ‐                    (580)                  (37)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,341)                        

UA 6,072               1,498               (941)                  (1,704)               (1,878)               (552)                  (1,636)               ‐                    (820)                  (40)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (7,570)                        

Office of the Provost 7,410               (2,833)              (501)                  (816)                  (1,560)               (421)                  (803)                  ‐                    (461)                  (15)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,577)                        

Research Support 9,377               5,137               (207)                  (2,363)               (9,069)               (184)                  (2,115)               ‐                    (576)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (14,514)                      

Student Affairs 4,888               5,763               (1,468)               (2,183)               (1,657)               (872)                  (2,819)               ‐                    (1,549)               (104)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (10,651)                      

MIIETL 1,663               672                   (315)                  (468)                  (407)                  (187)                  (604)                  ‐                    (332)                  (22)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (2,335)                        

Libraries 18,861             8,130               (3,466)               (5,212)               (5,580)               (2,132)               (6,667)               ‐                    (3,694)               (240)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (26,991)                      

HS Library 3,083               1,779               (624)                  (939)                  (1,005)               (384)                  (1,201)               ‐                    (665)                  (43)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,862)                        

Registrar 5,341               7,600               (1,673)               (2,494)               (1,991)               (1,066)               (3,590)               ‐                    (1,983)               (144)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (12,941)                      

SGS 1,828               410                   (374)                  (550)                  (658)                  (149)                  (334)                  ‐                    (173)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (2,238)                        

Museum of Art 505                   491                   (121)                  (188)                  (240)                  (75)                    (235)                  ‐                    (129)                  (8)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (996)                           

UG Scholarship 5,512               633                   (838)                  (1,347)               (497)                  (533)                  (1,864)               ‐                    (993)                  (72)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (6,145)                        

UG Bursaries 3,500               (0)                      (465)                  (748)                  (366)                  (296)                  (1,035)               ‐                    (551)                  (40)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (3,500)                        

Grad Scholarship 13,796             687                   (2,418)               (3,557)               (4,261)               (961)                  (2,163)               ‐                    (1,122)               ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (14,483)                      

Branding and Marketing 1,000               13                     (126)                  (228)                  (251)                  (74)                    (219)                  ‐                    (110)                  (5)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (1,013)                        

Adjustments for Current Practices ‐ Support Units ‐                    ‐                    4,387                ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,387)               ‐                    ‐                    0                                 

Total Shared Support Unit Allocations 212,690          0                       (20,262)           (43,803)           (56,021)           (16,021)           (49,152)           ‐                   (22,004)           (1,040)              (4,387)              ‐                   ‐                   (212,690)                  

Net Revenue 46,755             73,089             71,467             22,186             71,075             4,324               36,480             1,627               12,041             50,943             ‐                   389,985                    

UF Supplement ‐                    ‐                    5,849                5,281                937                   ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (12,067)            ‐                    ‐                             

UF Supplement 2 ‐ Grants top up 667                   (667)                  ‐                             

Base Net Projected Budget 2018‐19 46,755             73,089             77,982             27,467             72,012             4,324               36,480             1,627               12,041             38,209             ‐                   389,985                    

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Operating Budget Guidelines 2018/19  


McMaster University ‐ New Budget Model ‐ Faculties Prof. Faculties Other Faculties

Projected Budget Allocation University Fund 8.00% 8.00% VP Research Discretionary Fund 10.00%2019‐20 Research Infrastructure Fund 3.00% 1.00%

Budgets prior to double stepdown allocation

Net double stepdown allocation Business Engineering

Health Sciences Humanities Science

Med Rad ‐ Mohawk

Social Sciences

Arts & Science

Other (reconciling 



Research Infrastructure 


Total (after double stepdown to support unit allocations)


Undergraduate Tuition 57,827              104,337           35,902              17,427              67,248              2,443                37,369              1,920                ‐                    324,475                     

UG Tuition Adjustment for tuition fee framework (143)                  (311)                  61                     67                     207                   109                   10                     ‐                             

Total UG SAG Obligation (1,997)               (7,640)               (110)                  (13)                    (57)                    ‐                    (11)                    (1)                      9,829                ‐                             

Graduate Tuition 16,395              13,203              11,932              2,918                5,336                ‐                    2,116                ‐                    ‐                    51,899                       

Operating Grant 19,072              44,110              81,370              14,571              51,532              2,320                21,030              1,679                ‐                    12                     ‐                    235,697                     

Other Income 717                   2,364                5,005                403                   1,936                ‐                    725                   116                   ‐                    7,619                ‐                    18,886                       

Gross Revenue 91,872              156,063           134,161           35,372              126,203           4,763                61,339              3,724                9,829                7,631                ‐                    630,956                     

Undergraduate Cross Faculty Teaching Adjustment (7,536)               (16,577)            81                     8,673                9,796                ‐                    6,205                (642)                  ‐                    0                                 

Revenue for Contributions 84,336              139,486           134,241           44,046              135,999           4,763                67,544              3,082                9,829                7,631                ‐                    630,956                     

University Fund Contribution (6,747)               (11,159)            (10,739)            (3,524)               (10,880)            ‐                    (5,404)               (247)                  48,699              ‐                    ‐                             

Research Infrastructure Fund Contribution (2,530)               (4,185)               (1,342)               (440)                  (1,360)               ‐                    (675)                  (92)                    ‐                    10,625              ‐                             

Indirect Cost of Research (excluding Royalties & CRC) 204                   4,956                11,111              417                   4,279                ‐                    728                   ‐                    25                     ‐                    21,720                       

VP Research Discretionary (10 % of ICR above) (20)                    (496)                  (1,111)               (42)                    (428)                  ‐                    (73)                    ‐                    2,170                ‐                             

Adjustments for ICR received by Journal (Contract & ERA) (17)                    (1,583)               (4,853)               (202)                  (651)                  ‐                    (13)                    ‐                    ‐                    (7,318)                        

Adjustments for Current Practices (1,822)               (3,033)               (5,879)               (823)                  (2,080)               (224)                  (947)                  (27)                    5,000                ‐                    (9,836)                        

Research Infrastructure Fund Distribution 100                   2,427                5,442                204                   2,096                ‐                    357                   ‐                    ‐                    (10,625)            ‐                             

Research Excellence Fund (from UF) 40                     484                   1,085                81                     418                   ‐                    142                   (2,250)              

Revenue Prior to Shared Support Unit Allocations 73,544             126,898           127,954           39,717             127,392           4,539               61,659             2,716               17,023             54,079             ‐                   635,522                    

Shared Support Unit Allocations ‐ via double stepdown

Occupancy Cost 42,072             (13,070)            (833)                  (6,671)               (8,868)               (2,276)               (8,572)               ‐                    (1,736)               (47)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (29,002)                      

Deferred Maintenance 9,893               (3,529)              (183)                  (1,464)               (1,946)               (499)                  (1,881)               ‐                    (381)                  (10)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (6,364)                        

Insurance 1,159               (475)                 (20)                    (161)                  (199)                  (55)                    (207)                  ‐                    (42)                    (1)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (684)                           

MIP Occupancy 1 2,677               (244)                 ‐                    (1,623)               (587)                  (35)                    ‐                    ‐                    (188)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (2,433)                        

MIP Occupancy 2 157                   ‐                   ‐                    (157)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (157)                           

HR 6,728               (984)                 (312)                  (860)                  (3,131)               (339)                  (727)                  ‐                    (369)                  (7)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (5,744)                        

HR Employee Programs 2,055               (534)                 (107)                  (234)                  (524)                  (164)                  (337)                  ‐                    (155)                  (1)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (1,521)                        

Financial Affairs/Admin/ Inst Support 7,301               (2,502)              (525)                  (855)                  (1,635)               (441)                  (842)                  ‐                    (483)                  (16)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,799)                        

Supplementary Pension 4,738               (238)                 (391)                  (727)                  (1,740)               (395)                  (795)                  ‐                    (451)                  (3)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,500)                        

Pension Special 17,437             (4,533)              (905)                  (1,982)               (4,447)               (1,389)               (2,856)               ‐                    (1,316)               (9)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (12,904)                      

Presidential/Univ Sec 1,962               (759)                 (132)                  (215)                  (410)                  (111)                  (211)                  ‐                    (121)                  (4)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (1,203)                        

General University Expense 6,705               (2,824)              (425)                  (692)                  (1,322)               (357)                  (681)                  ‐                    (391)                  (13)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (3,881)                        

Bond Interest 9,922               (3,529)              (184)                  (1,470)               (1,955)               (502)                  (1,889)               ‐                    (383)                  (10)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (6,393)                        

UTS/ Technology Fund 16,522             2,526               (2,416)               (3,782)               (4,021)               (1,446)               (4,711)               ‐                    (2,509)               (162)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (19,048)                      

UTS‐ ERP 4,517               (172)                 (551)                  (863)                  (917)                  (330)                  (1,075)               ‐                    (572)                  (37)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,345)                        

UA 6,072               1,518               (989)                  (1,752)               (1,809)               (536)                  (1,656)               ‐                    (811)                  (38)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (7,591)                        

Office of the Provost 7,410               (2,821)              (502)                  (818)                  (1,564)               (422)                  (805)                  ‐                    (462)                  (15)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,590)                        

Research Support 9,377               5,239               (208)                  (2,380)               (9,133)               (185)                  (2,130)               ‐                    (581)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (14,616)                      

Student Affairs 4,888               5,906               (1,496)               (2,255)               (1,648)               (860)                  (2,889)               ‐                    (1,543)               (104)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (10,794)                      

MIIETL 1,663               685                   (319)                  (480)                  (400)                  (183)                  (615)                  ‐                    (329)                  (22)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (2,348)                        

Libraries 19,261             8,387               (3,580)               (5,451)               (5,584)               (2,134)               (6,924)               ‐                    (3,731)               (243)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (27,648)                      

HS Library 3,183               1,833               (650)                  (989)                  (1,013)               (387)                  (1,256)               ‐                    (677)                  (44)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (5,016)                        

Registrar 5,341               7,863               (1,736)               (2,596)               (1,980)               (1,053)               (3,705)               ‐                    (1,988)               (145)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (13,204)                      

SGS 1,828               416                   (362)                  (566)                  (655)                  (151)                  (338)                  ‐                    (171)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (2,244)                        

Museum of Art 505                   506                   (124)                  (195)                  (238)                  (74)                    (242)                  ‐                    (129)                  (8)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (1,011)                        

UG Scholarship 5,512               634                   (848)                  (1,367)               (495)                  (515)                  (1,878)               ‐                    (972)                  (71)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (6,146)                        

UG Bursaries 3,500               ‐                   (471)                  (759)                  (362)                  (286)                  (1,043)               ‐                    (540)                  (39)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (3,500)                        

Grad Scholarship 13,796             688                   (2,338)               (3,650)               (4,229)               (978)                  (2,185)               ‐                    (1,104)               ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (14,484)                      

Branding and Marketing 1,000               12                     (132)                  (234)                  (241)                  (72)                    (221)                  ‐                    (108)                  (5)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (1,012)                        

Adjustments for Current Practices ‐ Support Units ‐                    ‐                    4,387                ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    1,163                ‐                    ‐                    5,550                         

Total Shared Support Unit Allocations 217,182          0                       (20,739)           (45,247)           (56,667)           (16,175)           (50,671)           ‐                   (22,242)           (1,053)              1,163               ‐                   ‐                   (211,632)                  

Net Revenue 52,805             81,651             71,287             23,542             76,721             4,539               39,417             1,663               18,187             54,079             ‐                   423,890                    

UF Supplement ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    3,500                ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (3,500)               ‐                    ‐                             

UF Supplement 2 ‐ Grants top up 1,017                (1,017)               ‐                             

Base Net Projected Budget 2019‐20 52,805             81,651             72,304             27,042             76,721             4,539               39,417             1,663               18,187             49,563             ‐                   423,890                    

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Operating Budget Guidelines 2018/19  



McMaster University ‐ New Budget Model ‐ Faculties Prof. Faculties Other Faculties

Projected Budget Allocation University Fund 8.00% 8.00% VP Research Discretionary Fund 10.00%2020‐21 Research Infrastructure Fund 3.00% 1.00%

Budgets prior to double stepdown allocation

Net double stepdown allocation Business Engineering

Health Sciences Humanities Science

Med Rad ‐ Mohawk

Social Sciences

Arts & Science

Other (reconciling 



Research Infrastructure 


Total (after double stepdown to support unit allocations)


Undergraduate Tuition 61,980              111,802           36,766              18,296              71,867              2,508                39,431              1,926                ‐                    344,577                     

UG Tuition Adjustment for tuition fee framework (143)                  (311)                  61                     67                     207                   109                   10                     ‐                             

Total UG SAG Obligation (1,965)               (7,892)               (111)                  (13)                    (58)                    ‐                    (11)                    (1)                      10,051              ‐                             

Graduate Tuition 16,651              13,515              12,035              2,994                5,435                ‐                    2,101                ‐                    ‐                    52,731                       

Operating Grant 18,837              44,458              81,408              14,616              51,655              2,338                20,837              1,679                ‐                    14                     ‐                    235,843                     

Other Income 717                   2,364                5,005                403                   1,936                ‐                    725                   116                   ‐                    4,658                ‐                    15,925                       

Gross Revenue 96,078              163,937           135,165           36,362              131,041           4,846                63,193              3,730                10,051              4,672                ‐                    649,075                     

Undergraduate Cross Faculty Teaching Adjustment (7,547)               (17,106)            144                   8,921                9,888                ‐                    6,345                (644)                  ‐                    (0)                                

Revenue for Contributions 88,531              146,831           135,309           45,283              140,929           4,846                69,537              3,086                10,051              4,672                ‐                    649,075                     

University Fund Contribution (7,083)               (11,746)            (10,825)            (3,623)               (11,274)            ‐                    (5,563)               (247)                  50,360              ‐                    ‐                             

Research Infrastructure Fund Contribution (2,656)               (4,405)               (1,353)               (453)                  (1,409)               ‐                    (695)                  (93)                    ‐                    11,064              ‐                             

Indirect Cost of Research (excluding Royalties & CRC) 204                   4,956                11,111              417                   4,279                ‐                    728                   ‐                    25                     ‐                    21,720                       

VP Research Discretionary (10 % of ICR above) (20)                    (496)                  (1,111)               (42)                    (428)                  ‐                    (73)                    ‐                    2,170                ‐                             

Adjustments for ICR received by Journal (Contract & ERA) (17)                    (1,583)               (4,853)               (202)                  (651)                  ‐                    (13)                    ‐                    ‐                    (7,318)                        

Adjustments for Current Practices (2,446)               (4,364)               (7,753)               (1,315)               (3,619)               (228)                  (1,609)               (58)                    5,000                ‐                    (16,392)                      

Research Infrastructure Fund Distribution 104                   2,528                5,666                212                   2,182                ‐                    371                   ‐                    ‐                    (11,064)            ‐                             

Research Excellence Fund (from UF) 40                     484                   1,085                81                     418                   ‐                    142                   (2,250)              

Revenue Prior to Shared Support Unit Allocations 76,657             132,204           127,277           40,359             130,427           4,618               62,825             2,688               17,245             52,782             ‐                   647,085                    

Shared Support Unit Allocations ‐ via double stepdown

Occupancy Cost 42,072             (13,067)            (833)                  (6,672)               (8,869)               (2,276)               (8,573)               ‐                    (1,736)               (47)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (29,005)                      

Deferred Maintenance 9,893               (3,529)              (183)                  (1,464)               (1,946)               (499)                  (1,881)               ‐                    (381)                  (10)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (6,364)                        

Insurance 1,159               (475)                 (20)                    (161)                  (199)                  (55)                    (207)                  ‐                    (42)                    (1)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (684)                           

MIP Occupancy 1 2,677               (244)                 ‐                    (1,623)               (587)                  (35)                    ‐                    ‐                    (188)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (2,433)                        

MIP Occupancy 2 157                   ‐                   ‐                    (157)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (157)                           

HR 6,728               (984)                 (312)                  (860)                  (3,131)               (339)                  (727)                  ‐                    (369)                  (7)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (5,745)                        

HR Employee Programs 2,055               (534)                 (107)                  (234)                  (524)                  (164)                  (337)                  ‐                    (155)                  (1)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (1,521)                        

Financial Affairs/Admin/ Inst Support 7,301               (2,501)              (525)                  (856)                  (1,636)               (442)                  (842)                  ‐                    (484)                  (16)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,800)                        

Supplementary Pension 4,738               (237)                 (391)                  (727)                  (1,740)               (395)                  (795)                  ‐                    (451)                  (3)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,501)                        

Pension Special 17,437             (4,533)              (905)                  (1,982)               (4,447)               (1,389)               (2,856)               ‐                    (1,316)               (9)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (12,904)                      

Presidential/Univ Sec 1,962               (758)                 (132)                  (215)                  (410)                  (111)                  (211)                  ‐                    (121)                  (4)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (1,204)                        

General University Expense 6,705               (2,824)              (425)                  (692)                  (1,322)               (357)                  (681)                  ‐                    (391)                  (13)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (3,881)                        

Bond Interest 10,089             (3,593)              (187)                  (1,494)               (1,986)               (510)                  (1,920)               ‐                    (389)                  (10)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (6,496)                        

UTS/ Technology Fund 17,022             2,522               (2,473)               (3,948)               (4,068)               (1,471)               (4,857)               ‐                    (2,562)               (163)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (19,543)                      

UTS‐ ERP 4,517               (169)                 (550)                  (878)                  (905)                  (327)                  (1,081)               ‐                    (570)                  (36)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,348)                        

UA 6,072               1,520               (1,022)               (1,803)               (1,737)               (528)                  (1,660)               ‐                    (807)                  (36)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (7,592)                        

Office of the Provost 7,410               (2,820)              (503)                  (818)                  (1,564)               (422)                  (805)                  ‐                    (462)                  (15)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (4,591)                        

Research Support 9,377               5,246               (208)                  (2,381)               (9,137)               (185)                  (2,131)               ‐                    (581)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (14,623)                      

Student Affairs 4,888               5,916               (1,491)               (2,297)               (1,627)               (852)                  (2,902)               ‐                    (1,534)               (102)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (10,804)                      

MIIETL 1,663               686                   (318)                  (489)                  (394)                  (181)                  (618)                  ‐                    (327)                  (22)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (2,349)                        

Libraries 19,661             8,404               (3,625)               (5,636)               (5,584)               (2,147)               (7,064)               ‐                    (3,767)               (243)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (28,065)                      

HS Library 3,283               1,837               (661)                  (1,028)               (1,019)               (392)                  (1,289)               ‐                    (687)                  (44)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (5,120)                        

Registrar 5,341               7,880               (1,732)               (2,654)               (1,951)               (1,041)               (3,725)               ‐                    (1,978)               (142)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (13,221)                      

SGS 1,828               417                   (361)                  (571)                  (649)                  (154)                  (339)                  ‐                    (170)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (2,245)                        

Museum of Art 505                   508                   (124)                  (198)                  (235)                  (74)                    (244)                  ‐                    (129)                  (8)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (1,013)                        

UG Scholarship 5,512               634                   (844)                  (1,390)               (492)                  (507)                  (1,881)               ‐                    (963)                  (69)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (6,146)                        

UG Bursaries 3,500               (0)                      (469)                  (772)                  (359)                  (282)                  (1,045)               ‐                    (535)                  (38)                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (3,500)                        

Grad Scholarship 13,796             688                   (2,334)               (3,679)               (4,192)               (991)                  (2,191)               ‐                    (1,097)               ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (14,484)                      

Branding and Marketing 1,000               12                     (136)                  (240)                  (232)                  (70)                    (221)                  ‐                    (108)                  (5)                      ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (1,012)                        

Adjustments for Current Practices ‐ Support Units ‐                    ‐                    4,387                ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    7,663                ‐                    ‐                    12,050                       

Total Shared Support Unit Allocations 218,349          0                       (20,869)           (45,920)           (56,557)           (16,193)           (51,080)           ‐                   (22,297)           (1,045)              7,663               ‐                   ‐                   (206,299)                  

Net Revenue 55,788             86,285             70,720             24,166             79,347             4,618               40,528             1,643               24,909             52,782             ‐                   440,786                    

UF Supplement ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    3,500                ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (3,500)               ‐                    ‐                             

UF Supplement 2 ‐ Grants top up 1,070                (1,070)              

Base Net Projected Budget 2020‐21 55,788             86,285             71,790             27,666             79,347             4,618               40,528             1,643               24,909             48,212             ‐                   440,786                    

Page 20: GUIDELINES FOR PREPARATION OF OPERATING BUDGETS Budget Guidelines Operati… · GUIDELINES FOR PREPARATION OF OPERATING BUDGETS For the ... This document is available at ... - Section

Operating Budget Guidelines 2018/19  


Support Units  


2016/17 base cfwd

Salary adjustment

Other base allocations




Salary adjustment

Other base allocations




Base allocations




Base allocations




Academic SupportOffice of the Provost              6,057                     68                   270               6,395                      ‐                 6,395                   120                   790               7,305                      ‐                 7,305                      ‐                 7,305                      ‐                 7,305                      ‐                 7,305                      ‐                 7,305 

Museum of Art                  469                     13                      ‐                     482                      ‐                     482                     23                      ‐                     505                      ‐                     505                      ‐                     505                      ‐                     505                      ‐                     505                      ‐                     505 

MIIETL              1,533                     47                      ‐                 1,580                     59               1,639                     83                      ‐                 1,663                      ‐                 1,663                      ‐                 1,663                      ‐                 1,663                      ‐                 1,663                      ‐                 1,663 

University Library            17,692                   124                   192             18,008                   475             18,483                   222                   631             18,861                      ‐               18,861                   400             19,261                      ‐               19,261                   400             19,661                      ‐               19,661 

Health Sciences Library              2,899                     28                      ‐                 2,927                   100               3,027                     56                   100               3,083                      ‐                 3,083                   100               3,183                      ‐                 3,183                   100               3,283                      ‐                 3,283 

Registrar              4,589                   104                   300               4,993                      ‐                 4,993                   177                      ‐                 5,170                      ‐                 5,170                      ‐                 5,170                      ‐                 5,170                      ‐                 5,170                      ‐                 5,170 

     Sub‐total            33,239                   384                   762             34,385                   634             35,019                   681               1,521             36,587                      ‐               36,587                   500             37,087                      ‐               37,087                   500             37,587                      ‐               37,587 Research SupportResearch              7,112                   182                      ‐                 7,294                     25               7,319                   336                      ‐                 7,630                      ‐                 7,630                      ‐                 7,630                      ‐                 7,630                      ‐                 7,630                      ‐                 7,630 

VP Research Discretionary Fund              1,510                      ‐                     660               2,170                       9               2,179                      ‐                        ‐                 2,170                      ‐                 2,170                      ‐                 2,170                      ‐                 2,170                      ‐                 2,170                      ‐                 2,170 

Nuclear Reactor Debt                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                       ‐   

     Sub‐total              8,622                   182                   660               9,464                     34               9,498                   336                      ‐                 9,800                      ‐                 9,800                      ‐                 9,800                      ‐                 9,800                      ‐                 9,800                      ‐                 9,800 Student SupportGraduate Scholarships/Bursaries            13,774                       8                      ‐               13,782                      ‐               13,782                     14                      ‐               13,796                      ‐               13,796                      ‐               13,796                      ‐               13,796                      ‐               13,796                      ‐               13,796 

School of Graduate Studies              1,641                     28                      ‐                 1,669                      ‐                 1,669                     44                   115               1,828                      ‐                 1,828                      ‐                 1,828                      ‐                 1,828                      ‐                 1,828                      ‐                 1,828 

Student Affairs              4,196                     45                      ‐                 4,241                      ‐                 4,241                     67                   580               4,888                      ‐                 4,888                      ‐                 4,888                      ‐                 4,888                      ‐                 4,888                      ‐                 4,888 

Undergraduate Scholarships            13,397                     35               4,047             17,479                     99             17,578                      ‐                     766             18,245                   850             19,095                   596             18,841                      ‐               18,841                   222             19,063                      ‐               19,063 

     Sub‐total            33,008                   116               4,047             37,171                     99             37,270                   125               1,461             38,757                   850             39,607                   596             39,353                      ‐               39,353                   222             39,575                      ‐               39,575 Facilities SupportFacilities Services            14,770                   189                   129             15,088               1,149             16,237                   245                 (494)            14,839               1,396             16,235                      ‐               14,839                      ‐               14,839                      ‐               14,839                      ‐               14,839 

HSC Maintenance               3,727                      ‐                        ‐                 3,727                      ‐                 3,727                      ‐                        ‐                 3,727                      ‐                 3,727                      ‐                 3,727                      ‐                 3,727                      ‐                 3,727                      ‐                 3,727 

Utilities (incl. HSC Utilities)            23,071                     30                      ‐               23,101                      ‐               23,101                     49                      ‐               23,150                      ‐               23,150                      ‐               23,150                      ‐               23,150                      ‐               23,150                      ‐               23,150 

Security                     ‐                        ‐                 1,838               1,838                      ‐                 1,838                     38                      ‐                 1,876                   100               1,976                      ‐                 1,876                   100               1,976                      ‐                 1,876                   100               1,976 

Deferred Maintenance              9,893                      ‐                        ‐                 9,893                   334             10,227                      ‐                        ‐                 9,893                      ‐                 9,893                      ‐                 9,893                      ‐                 9,893                      ‐                 9,893                      ‐                 9,893 

Bond Interest              7,380                      ‐                        ‐                 7,380               2,709             10,089                      ‐                        ‐                 7,380               2,709             10,089               2,542               9,922                   167             10,089                   167             10,089                      ‐               10,089 

Renovation contingency                  974                      ‐                        ‐                     974                      ‐                     974                      ‐                        ‐                     974                      ‐                     974                      ‐                     974                      ‐                     974                      ‐                     974                      ‐                     974 

     Sub‐total            59,815                   219               1,967             62,001               4,192             66,193                   332                 (494)            61,839               4,205             66,044               2,542             64,381                   267             64,648                   167             64,548                   100             64,648 Institutional SupportAdministration            16,312                   245              (1,838)            14,719                      ‐               14,719                   371                      ‐               15,090                      ‐               15,090                      ‐               15,090                      ‐               15,090                      ‐               15,090                      ‐               15,090 

UTS            13,110                   167                   760             14,037               3,989             18,026                   273                     43             14,353               2,025             16,378                   500             14,853               1,500             16,353                   500             15,353               1,000             16,353 

UTS Asset Management                  250                      ‐                        ‐                     250                      ‐                     250                      ‐                        ‐                     250                   950               1,200                   950               1,200                      ‐                 1,200                      ‐                 1,200                      ‐                 1,200 

University Secretariat                  778                     10                      ‐                     788                      ‐                     788                     19                      ‐                     807                      ‐                     807                      ‐                     807                      ‐                     807                      ‐                     807                      ‐                     807 

Presidential Budget               1,128                     11                      ‐                 1,139                      ‐                 1,139                     16                      ‐                 1,155                      ‐                 1,155                      ‐                 1,155                      ‐                 1,155                      ‐                 1,155                      ‐                 1,155 

University Advancement              5,193                   113                      ‐                 5,306                      ‐                 5,306                   206                      ‐                 5,512                      ‐                 5,512                      ‐                 5,512                      ‐                 5,512                      ‐                 5,512                      ‐                 5,512 

General University              7,850                     14                      ‐                 7,864               2,660             10,524                      ‐                        ‐                 7,864                   800               8,664                      ‐                 7,864                      ‐                 7,864                      ‐                 7,864                      ‐                 7,864 

     Sub‐total            44,621                   560             (1,078)            44,103               6,649             50,752                   885                     43             45,031               3,775             48,806               1,450             46,481               1,500             47,981                   500             46,981               1,000             47,981 Institutional Priority allocationsTechnology Renewal                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                 4,517               4,517                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐                 4,517               4,517                      ‐                        ‐                 4,517               4,517                      ‐                        ‐                 4,517               4,517 

Pension/post‐retirement benefits                     ‐                        ‐   

Supplemental pension              6,962                      ‐                   (902)              6,060                      ‐                 6,060                      ‐                (1,322)              4,738                      ‐                 4,738                      ‐                 4,738                      ‐                 4,738                      ‐                 4,738                      ‐                 4,738 

Pension special payments              8,054                      ‐                 1,500               9,554                      ‐                 9,554                      ‐                        ‐                 9,554                      ‐                 9,554                      ‐                 9,554                      ‐                 9,554                      ‐                 9,554                      ‐                 9,554 

Post‐retirement benefits past service              7,883                      ‐                        ‐                 7,883                      ‐                 7,883                      ‐                        ‐                 7,883                      ‐                 7,883                      ‐                 7,883                      ‐                 7,883                      ‐                 7,883                      ‐                 7,883 

Branding and Marketing              1,500               1,500               2,403               3,903                      ‐                   (500)              1,000               1,443               2,443                      ‐                 1,000               1,416               2,416                      ‐                 1,000                      ‐                 1,000 

Strategic Priorities                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                       ‐   

     Sub‐total            22,899                      ‐                 2,098             24,997               6,920             31,917                      ‐               (1,822)            23,175               5,960             29,135                      ‐               23,175               5,933             29,108                      ‐               23,175               4,517             27,692 

Total support units          202,204               1,461               8,456           212,121             18,528           230,649               2,359                   709           215,189             14,790           229,979               5,088           220,277               7,700           227,977               1,389           221,666               5,617           227,283 

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Week of IRABudgeting 

ServicesSupport Units


CommitteeDeans Activity Units Ancillary Units PVP

Jun 26/17Issue support unit 


Approve FY18 benefits 

& support unit 


Jul 3/17

Jul 10/17

Jul 17/17

Jul 24/17

Jul 31/17

Aug 7/17

Aug 14/17Finalize FY17 actual 


Aug 21/17Issue FY17 actual 


Aug 28/17

Sep 4/17

Sep 11/17Finalize FY18 

estimated revenue

Sep 18/17

Sep 25/17Issue FY18 estimated 


Review FY17 actual 

and FY18 estimated 


Oct 2/17Budget submissions 


Oct 9/17

Oct 16/17Send support unit 

submissions to Budget 5 Month Review due 6 Month Review due

Oct 23/17

Oct 30/17

Nov 6/17Written feedback on 


Send 5 Month Review 

to PRC

Resubmissions due if 


Send support unit 

resubmissions to 

Budget Committee if 


Response to Deans' 

written feedback

Receive support unit 

resubmissions if 


Rank unfunded 


Approve activity & 

ancillary unit 

Nov 27/17Finalize revenue 


Approve unfunded 


Dec 4/17

Dec 11/17Issue activity unit 


Review activity unit 


Dec 18/17

Dec 25/17

Jan 1/18

Jan 8/18

Jan 15/18

Jan 22/18

Jan 29/18

Feb 5/18

Feb 12/18

Feb 19/18

Feb 26/18

Mar 5/18Update revenue 


Mar 12/18

Mar 19/18

Send budget 

submissions to Budget 

Committee & Deans

Mar 26/18

Apr 2/18

Apr 9/18

Apr 16/18Send consolidated 

budget draft 

Review consolidated 

budget draft


resubmissions if 

Apr 30/18Send final 

consolidated budget 

May 7/18Approve final 

consolidated budget

May 14/18

May 21/18

May 28/18

Jun 4/18

Issue activity & 

ancillary unit 

guidelines without 


Nov 13/17

Nov 20/17

Revise budgets for approved priorities

Budget resubmissions due if necessary

Apr 23/18

Support unit budget presentations

Work on budgets

(14 weeks) Work on 5 Month 


(16 weeks)

Work on 6 Month 


(16 weeks)

Review support unit submissions

Activity & ancillary unit presentations

Review activity & ancillary unit submissions

Budget submissions due

Work on 9 Month 

Review & budgets

(16 weeks)

Work on 9 Month 

Review & budgets

(16 weeks)

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APPENDIX C – ONGOING VS. ONE-TIME REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE GUIDELINES It is important to separate one-time from ongoing items within budget reporting to be able to clearly identify if a unit’s funding/revenue can sustain its level of operations on a continual basis.

Ongoing expenditures

An ongoing item is one that is incurred in the normal operations of a unit. It is a part of the regular activities and required on a continual basis for the efficient and productive running of the unit. Examples would be salaries and benefits for permanent employees, supplies, telecommunications, printing, computer purchases (if done on a rotating basis through the unit), and travel.

One-Time Expenditures

One-time items are those that would occur within a single reporting period and which are unlikely to recur in the future, although they could cross over multiple reporting periods. These would be items that are not part of the normal activities of a unit. Examples would be severance payments, consultants/contractual staffing used for a specific time-defined project, computer purchase that would be large and one-time (system replacements), large capital purchases, large renovations.

Structural Deficit

A structural deficit occurs when the regular ongoing costs within a unit exceed the regular ongoing revenue/allocation for that unit. This means that the income is not sufficient to cover the costs of regular ongoing operations. A structural deficit in the ongoing operations of a unit cannot be sustained as it shows that the unit will not be able to cover its costs on a continual basis. A deficit in the ongoing operations of a unit may not be considered a structural deficit if there is a reasonable strategy to address the deficit.

One-Time Deficit

A budget deficit may be incurred in a particular year within an area due to one-time expenses. This does not mean that the deficit will occur in all years, as the expenses will reduce to normal levels once the one-time event has been completed.

Ongoing One-time Total Ongoing One-time TotalYear 1

Revenue 1,000 50 1,050 1,000 50 1,050Expenses 1,050 1,050 950 150 1,100Surplus (deficit) (50) 50 0 50 (100) (50)

Year 2Revenue 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000Expenses 1,050 1,050 950 950Surplus (deficit) (50) 0 (50) 50 0 50

Cumulative surplus (deficit) (100) 50 (50) 100 (100) 0

Structural deficit One-time deficit

A structural deficit will continue to build and is unsustainable.

A one-time deficit can be covered by surpluses in other years.

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Salary Account Description Benefit Account DescriptionACADEMIC FULL‐TIME

500001 Academic Full  Time Salary 510001 Benefits Academic FT

500005 Academic Ceil  GUAR/Other 510005 FB PT Other Academic

500131 Academic Teach Track 510131 FB Academic ‐ Teach Track

ACADEMIC STIPENDS500111 Academic Admin Stipend 510001 Benefits  Academic FT

500002 Academic FHS Stipend 510002 FB Academic FHS Stipend

ACADEMIC CLA500121 Academic ‐ CLA 510121 FB Academic ‐ CLA

ACADEMIC CAWAR500141 Academic ‐ Cawar 510141 FB Academic ‐ CAWAR

ACADEMIC PART‐TIME501001 Academic Salary Part Time 511009 FB PT Academic

501002 Honoraria Academic Part Time 511010 FB PT Other Academic

501003 Academic Salary Incentives  PT 511009 FB PT Academic

501004 Salary Undergrad Student Can 511001 FB PT Undergrad Student ‐ CDN

501005 Salary Masters Student Can 511002 FB PT Masters  Student ‐ CDN

501006 Salary PhD Student Can 511004 FB PT Ph.D Student ‐ CDN

501007 Salary PostDoc Fellows 511003 FB PT PostDoc Fellow ‐ CDN

501008 Salary Undergrad Studt Foreign 511005 FB PT Undergrad Stud ‐ Foreign

501009 Salary Masters Student Foreign 511006 FB PT Masters  Student ‐ Foreig

501010 Salary PhD Student Foreign 511008 FB PT Ph.D Student ‐ Foreign

501011 Salary PostDoc Fellows  Foreign 511007 FB PT PostDoc Fellow ‐ Foreign

501012 Salary Session Lecture PT 511011 FB Sessional  Lecturer

501013 Faculty supervision 511010 FB PT Other Academic

501014 Invigil iating 511010 FB PT Other Academic

501015 Salary Part Time Marking 511009 FB PT Academic

501016 Clinical  Scholars 511009 FB PT Academic

TA522001 TA‐Graduate In Time FT 532001 FB TA‐Graduate In Time FT

522002 TA‐Grad OverTime/Non Mac 532002 FB TA‐Grad OverTime/Non Mac

522011 TA‐ Undergraduate 532011 FB TA‐ Undergraduate

NON‐ACADEMIC FULL‐TIME540001 Support Salaries FT 550001 Benefits Support Full  Time

540002 Supports C/S Sec 550020 FB Support C/S

540003 Support Clinical  Educ/Hospital 550020 FB Support C/S

540005 Support FT‐ Other 550050 Benefits Support FT ‐ Other

570001 Hourly Staff Wages 571001 FB Hourly Staff Wages

NON‐ACADEMIC PART‐TIME541001 Support Salaries Part Time 551001 FB Support PT

541002 Honoraria Non Academic PT 551050 Honoraria Non Academic PT

541003 PIP's  Nurse Salaries 551004 FB PIP's Nurse

541004 Support Sal  Desk Clerks PT 551002 FB Support Desk Cleck PT

541005 Shift Premiums PT 551001 FB Support PT

541007 Transcriptions SA 551050 Benefits Support Full  Time

541008 Supp Sal  WorkStudy/McWork PT 551008 FB Support Work Study/McWork

541010 Support Salaries PT Overtime 551010 FB Support Staff OverTime

541050 Support Sal  PT Other 551050 FB Support Other PT

541051 For MACVIP Clearing Errors 551050 FB Support Other PT

541099 Invalid Combo HCM Earnings 551099 Invalid Combo HCM Deductions

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Salary accounts by union group

Code Union Group Account

CFA Clinical Faculty

500001 Academic Full Time

500005 Academic Ceiling Guarantee

500131 Academic Teaching Track

500111 Academic Admin Stipend

500002 Academic FHS Stipend

500121 Academic Contractually Limited Appointment

500141 Academic CAWAR

CLF Clinical Fellows 501007 Salary Post‐Doctoral Fellows

CLS Clinical Scholar 501016  Clinical Scholars

CP1 Teaching Assistants CUPE Unit 1

522001 TA Graduate In Time FT

522002 TA Graduate Over Time/Non Mac

522011 TA Undergraduate

CP2 Sessional Faculty CUPE Unit 2 501012 Salary Sessional Lecture PT

CP3 Post‐Doctoral Fellows CUPE Unit 3 501007 Salary Post‐Doctoral Fellows

CPM Sessional Music Faculty CUPE Unit 2 501001 Academic Salary PT

CVA Conversational Assistants 501001 Academic Salary PT

ESA Interim541001 Support Salaries PT

541008 Work Study/McWork

HSP Hospitality SEIU 570001 Hourly Staff Wages

MCH Machinists SEIU 570001 Hourly Staff Wages

MFF MUFA Faculty

500001 Academic Full Time

500005 Academic Ceiling Guarantee

500131 Academic Teaching Track

500111 Academic Admin Stipend

500002 Academic FHS Stipend

500121 Academic Contractually Limited Appointment

500141 Academic CAWAR

MFL MUFA Librarians 540001 Support Salaries FT

MUL MUALA 540001 Support Salaries FT

OMC Facility Services casual 570001 Hourly Staff Wages

OPE IUOE Operating Engineers 570001 Hourly Staff Wages

OPM Operations & Maintenance BUC 570001 Hourly Staff Wages

OTA Other Academic Persons of Interest 500001 Academic Full Time Salary

OTP Outside Paid Faculty N/A

PDF Post‐Doctoral Fellows Non‐Union 501007 Salary Post‐Doctoral Fellows

RAA Research Associate Academic 541001 Support Salaries PT

SAA Senior Academic Officers 500001 Academic Full Time Salary

SAO Senior Administrative Officers 540001 Support Salaries FT

TMG TMGPermanent:  540001 Support Salaries FT

Limited Term:  541001 Support Salaries PT

UF1 Staff Unifor Unit 1Permanent:  540001 Support Salaries FT

Limited Term:  541001 Support Salaries PT

UF3 Parking Unifor Unit 3 570001 Hourly Staff Wages

UF4 Security Unifor Unit 4 570001 Hourly Staff Wages

ZAC Academic Converted 501001 Academic Salary PT

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20 30 45 50/55 60 70/75/77 72/78 80/85

Operating AncillarySpecifically Externally Funded

Research CapitalTrusts & 

EndowmentsCost of Practice

FHS Research Description

1.  Transfers within the same FundGeneral transfers

Within the same budget envelope 480040 480040 480040

To/from a different budget envelope 480050 480050 480050

Specific transfers

Operating allocation 480000 Allocations of central operating funds per the budget framework.

University Fund specific allocations 480005Allocations from the University Fund to activity units for specific purposes, and to support 

units for on‐going funding ‐ entry initiated by the Provost's Office.

University Fund funded priorities 480010Used only in the University Fund to record the total of current funding awarded by the 

Budget Committee.

Appropriation transfers 480099 480099 480099May be used to transfer appropriation balances between departments/programs within 

the same envelope.  Appears below the total surplus/deficit, before net income.

Deferred exam fee transfers 480105 Transfer fee revenue to Faculties ‐ entry initiated by the Registrar's Office.

Internal research subgrants 480050480040 Dr

480050 CrSubgrants to research projects within the same Fund.

Research residuals 480200 480200 Remaining balance in research projects transferred to unrestricted Funds 50 or 80.

2.  Transfers between different Funds

General transfers not specified below 480150 480150 480150 480150

Internally funded research awards* 480925 480925 480925 480925Grants funded by Faculty departments, transferred to research projects.  If the original 

source is Trust, Fund 55 or 85 must be credited.

Research subgrants between projects 480150480150 Dr

480950 CrSubgrants to projects between FHS Research and MRF.

Research overhead income

CRC 475002 Cr 475002 Cr 809005 Dr 809005 Dr

ERA 475003 Cr 475003 Cr 809005 Dr 809005 Dr

Contract overhead 475004 Cr 475004 Cr 809005 Dr 809005 Dr

Research royalties 489100 489100 489100 Royalties earned on intellectual property ‐ entry initiated by MILO.

Ancillary/Operating internal rent 480055 480055Rent charge for specified departments reimbursing Facility Services ‐ entry initiated by 

Financial Services.

Ancillary contribution to Operating 480065 480065 Percentage of ancillary sales contributed to operating funds.

Capital from all Funds Restricted to Facility Services for capital transfers.

Research to Capital 480920 480920 480920 Transfer from research projects for capital  ‐ initiated by Facility Services.

3.  Trusts

Between Trust and all ledgers* 480700 480700 480700 480700 480700 480700 480700Almost exclusively transfers out of trusts Fund 77.  On rare occasions may be a transfer to 


Investment income allocated (75 to 77) 480750Restricted to Financial Affairs department ‐ allocation from Fund 75 to 77 for trust 


Required match from other Funds to Trust 480770 480770 480770 480770 480770 480770 Used only for matching funds transferred to trust as per trust gift agreement.

Interest transfer to Operating 480772 480772Restricted to Financial Affairs department ‐ Investment income from internal endowments 

allocated to Fund 20 for spending.

Trust administration to Advancement 480751 480751 Restricted to Financial Affairs department ‐ administration fee charged to trusts.

April 2016

480900 ‐ 480910

Transfer accounts are used only for journal entries within MAC01.  Both sides of the journal entry must use the same account number except as noted on lines below.  They may not be used for deposits or expenses.


*Trust funding transferred to research through operating:  Revenue is recognized in trust when transferred, expense in trust in account 480700 when transfer made (received in operating in 480700), transfer from operating to research (55/85) in 

480925 which nets in expense

Overhead/administration fee charged to research projects and reimbursed to 


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1. How do appropriations and carry-forwards work? How do we show them? Appropriations and carry-forwards are unspent (surplus) or overspent (deficit) funds from the previous year. Appropriations or carry-forwards are shown at the bottom of the budget submission form. The opening balance for a particular year should be the closing balance from the prior year for each category. Total revenue, expenses and appropriations for all types (ongoing and one-time) are summarized in the last lines of the form. A_6000 Surplus/Deficit: The total of revenue and expense before reallocation of appropriations within the envelope for the type (On-Going, One-Time or All Type) selected in the point of view. A_480099 Appropriation transfer: Optional reallocation of appropriations between departments and programs within the same envelope and fund. A_3000 Net Income: The total increase or decrease during the year after all revenue, expense and appropriation transfers for the type (On-Going, One-Time or All Type) selected in the point of view. Note that this total could be different than the Deficit or (Surplus) – All Types if the point of view has selected only On-Going or One-Time. Total Revenue – All Types: The total of all ongoing and one-time revenue. Total Expenses – All Types: The total of all ongoing and one-time expenses. Deficit or (Surplus) – All Types: The net of all ongoing and one-time revenue and expenses. Appropriation Transfers – All Types: The net of all ongoing and one-time appropriation transfers. Opening Appropriations – All Types:

Actual and 8 Month Review: Actual ending appropriations carried forward from the prior year

Budget: Ending appropriations carried forward in the current forecast

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PS Adjustments – All Types: Actual year-to-date journal entries to appropriation accounts in PeopleSoft GL. The only entries to appropriations should be corrections of errors occurring in the prior year-end roll-over. Closing Appropriations – All Types: Total of Deficit/(Surplus), Opening Appropriations, Appropriation Transfers, and PS Adjustments

2. Why is there such a long time between submission and presentation?

Budgeting Services needs the time to review budget submission prior to forwarding it to Budget Committee. The Budget Committee also needs time to review the submission before the meeting.

3. What are Ancillaries? Ancillaries are units that operate as profit centres. They generate their own revenue to cover both the direct and indirect expenses of their operations. The University has six areas that operate as profit centres. They are:

Media Production Services Campus Store Hospitality Services Parking Housing & Conference Services Centre for Continuing Education

4. If your budget is rolled up into a larger unit, how do you know what your allocation is?

To get your allocation you can contact your Director of Administration, Business Manager or Budgeting Services.

Revenue and Funding

5. How do we budget for recoveries received for work done by part-time employees? When do we use the 'Recoveries' line? Normally, recoveries for part-time staff (Work-study, MacWork) go directly against the salary account where the salary is paid from. In some cases departments may wish to use a part-time salary recovery account (541801).


6. How are FTEs calculated? What about FTTEs?

FTEs are not head counts. For Unifor and TMG staff, FTEs are calculated based on time worked as a proportion of total hours available in the year, depending on the standard work week of that employee:

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35 hours/week = 1,825 hours/year 37.5 hours/week = 1,955 hours/year 40 hours/week = 2,086 hours/year

For employees working a total of 1,217 hours in a year on a position with a standard work week of 35 hours, the calculation would be:

1,217 hours worked/1,825 hours available = 0.67 FTE

Faculty FTTEs (full-time teaching equivalent) are normally the same as FTEs, and are not needed on the submission.

7. Where can I find details of my FTEs?

A report showing actual and projected hours and the resulting FTE calculation is part of the Hyperion labour planning module forms under 2.2 Planners. Total hours by employee are available on form 05. Labour Hours Input, with calculated FTE available in the last column. Details of FTE by account are available on form 10. FTE By Empl & Account.

8. Do you count contract positions?

All hours paid to employees on salary accounts through the HR payroll system are counted toward FTE.

9. How do you account for part-time/casual?

Part-time/casual staff costs should be included in the part-time account of the category in which they fall i.e., Academic or Support.

10. What salary and wage assumptions will be used?

Salary expense estimates calculated through Hyperion will be based on the

signed collective agreements with McMaster University. For estimates in the absence of specific salary details, assume the continuation of the current contract or agreement including, where applicable, across the board, scale, merit, and CPM increases. Assumptions used in the Hyperion labour planning module may be viewed in the forms under 2.1 Admin. Salary estimates are for modelling purposes only.

11. How should positions undergoing evaluation be handled?

Budget the salary costs at the expected pay rate after evaluation, including any retroactive amounts that may be payable. Adjustment may be made to the employee’s hourly rate through Hyperion on form 04. Existing Employees - Input, with retroactive payments entered as a hedge.

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12. Most of my staff are single and I have consistently been under budget in benefits when using this formula? Can I revise the formula? The benefits rates prepopulated as part of the assumptions in Hyperion consist of a factor for each employee group that will bring the overall rate closer to the actual charges. If the resulting calculation is unreasonable, a hedge may be entered.

13. Do you have to budget MPDA even if staff never use it?

Yes. MPDA budgets must be allocated as long as the employee is part of the department.


14. How can I tell which account to use for capital?

Projects performed by Facility Services and funded from operating accounts must use transfer account 480910. Other accounts outlined in the capital assets policy are: Equipment/furniture/vehicles > $5,000 610000 Equipment - Major

610015 Office Furniture & Fixtures 610010 Vehicle Purchase

Computer Equipment > $2,000 610030 Equipment - Computer Computer Software/Systems > $5,000 610040 Renovations and Alterations > $100,000 that extend the useful life of the asset


Minor renovations and alterations should be charged to account 620000. For full details refer to the Capital Assets policy at http://www.mcmaster.ca/policy/General/BusOp/Capital_Assets_Policy.pdf.


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