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Page 1: Gut Ladingarticle gastrointestinal tract Gastrointestinal ... · for the schistosomiasis anda shunt operation) andrepeat infections are prevented, the prognosis is good as liver function

Gut 1994; 35: 1334-1337

Lading article -Tropical infection ofthe gastrointestinal tract and liver seres

Gastrointestinal manifestations of schistosomiasis

Schistosoma sp cause considerable disease in the intestinaltract and liver. All species of this blood fluke infectinghumans have this capability regardless of their primary ,target tissue: S japonicum primarily reside in mesenteric '2iveins of the small intestine; S mansoni reside chiefly in themesenteries of the large gut; and S haematobium inhabitthe venous plexus of the urinary bladder. In residence,

adult female schistosomes lay ova (from about 100/dayper worm pair in the case of S haematobium to 500 to

3500/day/pair in the case of S japonicum) in the distalend of the predestined venous plexus. Some of the eggs(usually about half) work their way through the intestinalor bladder walls into the gut or urinary bladder. If, jafter being passed in urine or faeces, the ova reach fresh sF'^iwater, a larval stage (miracidium) of the parasite hatches '-

and swims about seeking its specific freshwater snail Fp.. .. . . . > . . ~~~~~~~~Figure2: Rectal biopsy specimen from EAintermediate host to continue its life cycle for transmitting gastrointestinal schistosomiasis stained wi

the infection. S mansoni ova are present in the mucoscr Iy c-cellular infiltrate of erythrocytes and leuct

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k.. J*.. .,gyptian patient withPith haematoxin and eosin.a and submucosa along withocytes.

Gastrointestinal pathophysiologyThe eggs that are retained in the body are of interest toclinicians because they are the principal cause of disease inschistosomiasis. Many ova are swept into the hepaticsinusoids of the liver where they provoke periportal fibrosisand, subsequently, portal hypertension. Other ova areretained in the intestinal wall where they may lead tointestinal bleeding and protein loss, intestinal polyposis,and other complications. There is a direct correlation, atleast in children, between the amount of disease and theintensity of infection as measured by number of ovaexcreted in the stool and urine.Most patients with schistosomiasis have the chronic

form of the infection, which is caused by a granulomatousresponse around these retained ova.1 The incitingfactors are soluble antigens released from the eggs. Thegranuloma, changing somewhat as it matures, is composed

Figure 1: Egyptian boys admitted to the Tropical Medicine Departmentinpatient unit at Kasr El Aini Hospitalfor evaluation ofhepatosplenomegaly. They all had high egg counts ofS mansoni in theirstools without other detectable causes for the liver and spleen enlargement.

of lymphocytes, eosinophils, macrophages, and multi-nucleated giant cells. Recent investigations in rodentmodels of infection have shown that lymphocytes andmacrophages within the granuloma secrete cytokines andother factors, which promote fibrogenesis, and ultimatelyhepatic fibrosis. Chronic murine S mansoni infectionscause an imbalance in thymus helper cell activitywith an increase in Th2 subset activity and cytokines,which induce immunoglobulin E and eosinophils andconcomitantly down regulate the ThI subset with reducedinterferon gamma and interleukin 2 production.23The morbid immune response to schistosomiasis is

complex and has been extensively studied. Of particularinterest is down regulation ofgranulomatous inflammationsubsequent to the initial infection.4 A hypothesis to explainwhy only a small percentage of subjects with chronicinfections develop severe complications, for example,Symmer's pipe-stem fibrosis, intestinal polyposis, is thatthis immunosuppressive adaptation fails to develop.

Clinical gastrointestinal schistosomiasisAcute schistosomiasis syndrome, an immune complexreaction, almost never occurs in those from endemicareas. Schistosomiasis presents as a chronic diseasebecause of extensive and repeated exposures and treat-ment. Factors (for example, anti-idiotypic antibodies,schistosomal antigens) passed from immune mothersto fetuses and infants are important in the expressionof disease. Maternal to fetal immunity provides bothprotection during the first few months of life as wellas down regulation of the initial immune responseresponsible for acute schistosomiasis.5Endemic gastrointestinal schistosomiasis is almost

always insidious in onset. Most often the infected childdoes not seek medical assistance because the sympto-matology is not considered abnormal. They may report a

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Page 2: Gut Ladingarticle gastrointestinal tract Gastrointestinal ... · for the schistosomiasis anda shunt operation) andrepeat infections are prevented, the prognosis is good as liver function

Gastrointestinal manifestations of schistomiasis

Figure 3: Barium enema of the colon showing intestinal polyposis in anEgyptian patient who was heavily infected with S mansoni.

pricking sensation of the skin at the time of, or shortlyafter, bathing or other water exposure. This is sometimesfollowed by the characteristic swimmer's itch, a pruritic,erythematous, papular eruption. Intermittent blood andmucus in the stool has been associated with the presenceof, and intensity of infection.6 Diarrhoea and jaundice,however, are no more common in schistosome infectedthan in non-infected children from the same communities.Characteristic clinical signs are the presence of an enlargedliver and spleen. In S mansoni endemic areas of Brazilenlargement of the right hepatic lobe has been particularlynoted. Before the wide availability of praziquantelchemotherapy, the presence of, and magnitude of,hepatosplenomegaly correlated with the intensity of infec-tion.6 A characteristic syndrome, Egyptian splenomegaly,was highly associated with endemic schistosomiasis.7

Figure 4: Abdominal ultrasound of an Egyptian patient showing grade HIperiportalfibrosis with a widening of the distal portal tracts. (Reprintedwith permission from Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1993; 87: 132-7.

Children, almost always boys, presented with abdomensdistended by massively enlarged livers and spleens (Fig 1).These boys came from villages endemic for schistosomiasismansoni and usually had very heavy infections with greaterthan 1000 ova/g of stool.

Laboratory abnormalities associated with endemicschistosomiasis include eosinophilia, mild to moderateanaemia, and an increase in immune globulin values,mostly immunoglobulin G, and alkaline phosphatase.6Liver function tests were usually normal unless thepatient had a concomitant viral hepatitis. In addition toschistosome eggs, the infected patient also usually had redcells and mucus in their stools. Rectal biopsy specimensalmost always showed ova in the mucosa and submucosaalong with inflammation and haemorrhage (Fig 2).The most common complication of gastrointestinal

schistosomiasis, periportal fibrosis, leads to portal hyper-tension and resultant upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage.It is unusual for a patient with chronic gastrointestinalschistosomiasis to develop high grade periportal fibrosis,called Symmer's pipe stem fibrosis, but the large numberof infected subjects in endemic areas makes bleeding fromoesophageal varices an important cause of morbidity andmortality in these communities. Ifbleeding can be stopped(usually with sclerotherapy), the portal hypertension canbe reduced (with a combination of specific chemotherapyfor the schistosomiasis and a shunt operation) and repeatinfections are prevented, the prognosis is good as liverfunction remains comparatively normal unless the patienthas concomitant chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis.

Another less frequent complication, which occurs moreoften in Egypt than in Brazil and elsewhere, is intestinalpolyposis, which is caused by an exudative response to eggsretained in the wall of the large bowel. The patient com-plains of frequent bloody loose stools and usually hasanaemia and hypoproteinaemia. Polyps can be detected bybarium enema (Fig 3) and colonoscopy and may clear afterpraziquantel treatment. Those that persist can usually beremoved during colonoscopy and rarely require surgery.Hepatic failure with jaundice, ascites, small shrunkenlivers, and abnormal liver function tests occurs in somepatients with chronic gastrointestinal schistosomiasis butthey almost always have additional complications ofhepatitis B and C.

Abdominal ultrasonographyThe recent introduction of diagnostic ultrasonography,which uses a pulse echo device to record reflected waves ofa sound beam in two dimensions, has revolutionised theevaluation of schistosomal morbidity.8 9 The technique hasthe following advantages. It is comparatively inexpensiveand rapid; produces images in real time; can provideimages in any plane without revision of the format; causesno biological hazard when used in the diagnostic range; is

Figure S: Abdominal ultrasound in an Egyptian man with cirrhosis of theliver with portal hypertension showing a considerably dilated umbilical vein(UV). Please note the normal right kidney (K) and the right lobe of theliver (L).

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1336 Strickland

portable and easily used in communities8 10; and becauseof its speed, is ideal for screening populations and directinginterventions, for example, biopsies and aspirations.Abdominal ultrasound can accurately measure liver andspleen size and configuration and detect and grade peri-portal fibrosis (Fig 4)11 12 and portal hypertension (Fig 5).The technique can accurately and safely predict the pres-ence and magnitude of oesophageal varices and risk ofupper gastrointestinal haemorrhage by using a scoring sys-tem based upon the grade of periportal fibrosis, portal veindiameter, spleen size, and portasystemic anastomoses.13When it is used to screen randomly selected representativepopulations, the data generated show that hepatic abnor-malities are common in populations exposed to S mansoni,that the lesions are often asymptomatic, and in the earlierstages are reversible with praziquantel treatment.8 10 14

Gastrointestinal manifestations ofS haematobiuminfectionAdult flukes of S haematobium primarily reside in thevenous plexus of the urinary bladder. Ova pass throughthe bladder wall and out in the urine. Therefore,pathophysiology of schistosomiasis haematobia is almostexclusively limited to the genitourinary tract. About 20years ago, however, physicians in upper Egypt, where onlyS haematobium was endemic, began to occasionally reportpatients having hepatosplenomegaly with no evidence ofpast or present infection with S mansoni, or other causesfor the liver lesions.'5 These patients had S haematobiumegg granulomas and schistosomal fibrosis in liver biopsyspecimens. Other evidence suggesting S haematobium cancause periportal fibrosis is the frequency that its ova couldbe detected in rectal snip biopsy specimens. In fact, thisremains a means of diagnosing schistosomiasis haematobiain patients who are not excreting the eggs in their urine.Abdominal ultrasound provided a means of confirming

that S haematobium infection could cause periportalfibrosis. I recently collaborated with two Egyptiangroups performing epidemiological investigations ofschoolchildren in upper'6 and middle'7 Egypt, areasendemic for S haematobium, but not S mansoni. Themethodology differed, but the results were similar:hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and borderline or grade Iperiportal fibrosis were frequently present in the childrenin the two communities. All three abnormalities weremore frequently present in children having S haematobiuminfections than in those not having ova in their urine. Inaddition, a control population matched for age and sexfrom a nearby city where exposure to S haematobium isvery rare had virtually no hepatomegaly, splenomegaly orperiportal fibrosis detected by ultrasound. The subject ofhepatic lesions caused by S haematobium infection remainscontroversial, and to this point, it has only been reported inmiddle and upper Egypt.15-17

Interrelation between gastrointestinalschistosomiasis and hepatitis B and hepatitis Cviral infectionsMost patients with schistosomiasis who have liver failure(for example, jaundice, ascites, and abnormal liver functiontests) have a concomitant complication of viral hepatitis.Hepatic biopsy and ultrasound have shown the frequentoccurrence of both schistosomiasis mansoni and chronicactive hepatitis or cirrhosis, or both, in patients with chronicliver disease."l The association between hepatitis B andhepatosplenic schistosomiasis has been reported fromBrazil,'8 upper Egypt,'9 and the Philippines.20 These studiesdid not show an increased risk for hepatitis B infection in

patients with schistosomiasis.18 19 21 Despite this, it isgenerally believed that hepatosplenic schistosomiasispredisposes to hepatitis B viral infection. Hepatitis B viralinfection could be more frequent in patients with, thanwithout, schistosomiasis: because (a) asymptomatic patientswith schistosomiasis would be more frequently detectedwhen they have symptomatic hepatitis; and (b) hepatitis B(and probably hepatitis C) could be transmitted by reusingcontaminated needles when schistosomiasis was treatedparenterally.22A recent follow up study of 145 adult patients with acute

viral hepatitis has clearly shown that patients with activeS mansoni infection have prolonged clearances of hepatitisB (and probably hepatitis C) infections. Those withconcomitant infections had a threefold greater (25% v 9%)carrier rate of hepatitis B surface antigen one year after anacute hepatitis B infection in comparison with those whodid not have S mansoni ova in their stools or rectal snipbiopsy specimens. In addition, they also had highermean values for liver function test results and a higherpercentage with abnormal liver function tests duringfollow up visits. Splenomegaly was more common in thosewith concomitant schistosomiasis, and, when present,persisted for one year in 69% of those having both acuteviral hepatitis and schistosomiasis.21

Very recent data, again from investigations with twodifferent Egyptian groups, shows hepatitis C antibodieswere present in 47-2% and 73-5% of patients who werebeing evaluated for chronic liver disease (submitted data).As expected, the anti-HCV rate was higher in thoseexhibiting complications of viral hepatitis (that is, chronicactive hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma) thanin those with schistosomal hepatic fibrosis. The anti-HCVrates in the second group (33%) were, however, about50%/ greater than that of the general adult population(about 20%), which includes many with schistosomalinfections. The odds ratio of having an active S mansoniinfection (in comparison with no or inactive infections)was 2 1 (p=0 002) in 1023 Egyptian patients with chronicliver disease. Clearly, there is a relation in rural areas ofEgypt between schistosomiasis mansoni and hepatitis Cinfection. This virus could have been transmitted, as wasmentioned for hepatitis B infection, with the reuse ofneedles for parenteral treatment for schistosomiasis. Ibelieve endemic schistosomiasis is an important reason forthe very high prevalence ofHCV infection in Egypt and donot think the reuse of contaminated needles fully explainsthis association. A recent study showing an imbalance in Thelper cell subsets in mice infected with S mansoni resultsin a delayed clearance of a viral infection after challenge23encourages me to use this approach for investigatingthe interrelation between schistosomiasis mansoni andhepatitis B and C infections.


International Health Program,Department ofEpidemiology and Preventive Medicine,University ofMaryland School ofMedicine,Baltimore, Maryland 21201, USA

This publication was partially sponsored by the Egyptian Ministry ofHealth/USAID-funded Schistosomiasis Research Project, 263-014.2, grant02-02-12.

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Gastrointestinal manifestations of schistomiasis 1337

4 Ottesen EA, Hiatt RA, Cheever A, Sotomayor ZR, Neva FA. Theacquisition and loss of antigen-specific cellular immune responsiveness inacute schistosomiasis in man. Clin Exp Immunol 1978; 33: 38-45.

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