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MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF CUSTODIAN"To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through; that is to be a nurse."

- courtesy Rawsi Williams, RNDear Gyandeep member,

We all know that Nursing is indeed one of the noblest professions in the world. It is a practice of providing care for the sick and infirm, and is a vital component of medical care. For every patient, constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon and so nowadays a trained nurse has become one of the great blessings of humanity. Today, we require more and more persons who care, who are sensitive enough to provide succor to the wounded, the hurt, the ailing; and we are lucky to see an increasing number of young and bright students seeking their career in Nursing. We, at Elsevier are working every bit to provide rich and quality content and to impart best knowledge to the young and aspiring nurses.

We have a reason to celebrate Nursing! This year again during the Nurses week (6-12 May), the whole world celebrated the hard work and dedication of nurses who work long and hard to put smiles on the faces of their patients. Elsevier Gyandeep

finds this occasion to wish not only the Nurses, but also the Nursing students, and specially the Nursing Faculty who act as a facilitator of learning, serve as role models, provide mentoring and nurture both leadership as well as clinical skills in the Nursing students. Elsevier Gyandeep pays tribute to the values that the nursing legend Florence Nightingale sought to practice and establish, whose birth anniversary on 12 May the world celebrates as International Nurses Day. We acknowledge the contribution of nursing faculty to the society and respect them for the time they devote for advancing the nursing profession and passing along their knowledge to the next generation of nurses.

The current Gyandeep issue has been given a theme, "Nursing Leadership". We would like to give special thanks to Ms. Rupa Ashok Verma, Principal, MKSSS College of Nursing for Women, Nagpur for contributing an article for this newsletter. We hope that all our readers & contributors continue to lend support to this newsletter. You can also send news related to your college/school, your views and short write-ups including human interest items, particularly concerning the nurses. You may also provide us your review/feedback on any of Elsevier's Book.

We request you to stay connected to us and let us know how we can actuate this Gyandeepprogramme further to contribute more to your community.


Ajit SharmaChief custodian, GyandeepElsevier Health Sciences, India


The phrase "Nursing Leadership" should convey a direct connection to the discipline of nursing. The focus of nursing leaders is to nurse. All the activities related to the role are ultimately centered on those being nursed. Nursing leaders must be able to articulate nursing's unique role in the healthcare team. This calls for a substantive understanding of caring as the essence of nursing.

Caring is the core intention that directs all actions. Within the framework of caring, the nursing leader is responsible for rising to the challenges that make hearing the calls for nursing difficult, as well as securing the resources needed to truly nurse.

Caring-based nursing leadership calls for a commitment on the part of the nurse to know himself or herself as a caring person. Mayeroff (1971), a philosopher, offered a view of caring that takes it out of the emotive realm and moves towards an understanding of it as an expression of one's humanness. He described the following concepts as expressions of caring: knowing, alternating rhythms, courage, patience, hope, honesty, trust and humility.

Appreciating how one lives courage, hope, patience and so on enhances the knowing of self and others as caring. Caring-based nursing leadership sees all people as living the concept of caring uniquely. It is grounded in a desire to know others as caring and to create, maintain and support an environment for practice in which calls for nursing can be heard and nurturing responses supported.

Dear Gyandeep Member,

Elsevier Gyandeep has a mission: To build a community of leaders who can interact & share knowledge and expertise amongst Nursing professionals. We have always strived hard to add value to your academic pursuits through timely knowledge updates, meetings, seminars and association with Nursing Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs).

As part of this endeavor, Elsevier Gyandeep held Focus Group Interactions across various regions of the India. During the meet, many esteemed knowledge leaders come across the table and share the experiences and pearls of wisdom to give an insight into the world of health sciences. After organizing successful and much appreciated Principals Meets across India last year, we have now opened the registrations for this year.

If you would like us to conduct Nursing principals Meet in your city, register yourself at

or write to us at http://bit.ly/[email protected]


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ALL NURSES ARE LEADERS..A leader is a one who excels at interpersonal relationships and inspires willing followers. They function within a variety of formal and informal roles. Leaders are creative and innovative; utilizing their personal influence to empower others and challenging the status quo.

Let us see the letters in the word LEADERSHIP as an acronym to outline the ten learnable characteristics of all nurses as leaders:

1. LIFE-LONG LEARNERPreparing to become a nurse begins long before the first day of nursing school. Acceptance into nursing school requires achieving superior grades in a wide variety of subjects. Once in nursing school, students are challenged by rigorous academic and clinical workloads. Successfully passing the nursing state board exam, clinical specialization and advanced certifications require additional hours of study. Throughout their careers nurses must continuously learn, unlearn and re-learn to keep up with changes in health care delivery, technology and evidence-based practice.

2. EMPATHETICEmpathy is the capacity to recognize or understand another's state of mind or emotion. It is characterized as the ability to put yourself into someone else's shoes. Empathy is the cornerstone of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the capacity to effectively perceive, express, and understand your emotions and the emotions of others. The competencies of emotional intelligence include self- awareness, self- management, social awareness and relationship management.

3. ADVOCATEAn advocate is one who speaks on behalf of another person. Nurses have a legal and moral duty to speak and act on the behalf of their patients. There is no greater privilege or responsibility in the profession of nursing.

4. DECISIVECritical thinking is non-linear thinking, recognizing potential consequences and preparing for various outcomes. Critical thinkers have the ability to prioritize, problem-solve, utilize available resources, collaborate, and ultimately decide on a course of action.

5. EXTRAORDINARYNurses often hear the comment from others, "I could never do what you do." The U.S. Department of Labor identifies eight universal job skills. Most occupations require four or less of these skills. Nursing requires all eight skills which include: leadership/ persuasion, problem solving, teamwork, manual dexterity, instructing others, intuition, frequent public contact and physical stamina.

6. RESILIENTAll industries, including health care are experiencing unprecedented rapid "white water" change. Change now occurs faster in a year than previously during a decade. How can nurses keep up with this pace while remaining both safe and relevant? As nurses follow their personal and professional guiding principles they will effectively choose, what must change and what must not change in nursing.

7. SUPPORTIVENurses depend on the support of other nurses. This support is demonstrated through teamwork, mentoring and the deeper bonds of friendship. These unique relationships are forged through shared experiences, successes and overcoming challenges.

8. HEROICThe literal meaning of the word hero is protector, defender or guardian. To be heroic is having or displaying the character or attributes of a hero such as being extraordinarily bold, altruistic, and determined.

9. INTUITIVEIntuition is insight or understanding of a situation that cannot be explained logically. It is often described as a "gut feeling". According to nursing expert Patricia Benner, "Intuition is not the lack of knowledge; rather it is a result of "deep" knowledge."

10. PURPOSE DRIVENNursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations." It is difficult to imagine a more significant life purpose than becoming a nurse.

EXPERIENCES ARE BEST WHEN SHARED"As a newly-qualified staff nurse I was welcomed into the Hospitals Trust by a supportive team of colleagues from clinical facilitators to doctors, all of whom share the same aim: to improve the service we deliver to patients.

I have been able to expand and develop my skills through working with patients with a variety of renal needs including gaining acute skills in the renal high dependency unit. My continuing professional development has been enhanced by working through competency packages, collaboration with the wider renal care team and the opportunity to study for a graduate certificate in renal nursing.

I love the challenges of working in an acute setting, and building relationships with patients and their families. There is nothing better than going home after a shift feeling that you have "made a difference", whether that's in an emergency situation or supporting a dying patient's family.

It's a privilege to work with a team of professionals, for whom quality and excellence is a priority. Every day brings new challenges but I get immense satisfaction from knowing that we have the resources and professionals available to give people the best care possible" said Amy Cooper, a Staff nurse, Derby Hospitals Trust.

Anne Waugh is one of the key authors to key nursing texts including Ross & Wilson Anatomy & Physiology in Health & Illness. Anne is one of two Senior Teaching Fellows in the School and is currently School Director of Academic Quality. Before becoming a teacher Anne was a charge nurse in intensive care.

Prior to that she worked as a staff nurse in general medicine, general surgery, neurosurgery and intensive care - in London, Edinburgh and Saudi Arabia.

Anne entered nursing education in 1987 and has been involved in all aspects of teaching, development and management of preregistration adult nursing. She has extensive programme leader experience in preregistration Adult Nursing, BSc (top up) Nursing and BSc

(Hons) Veterinary Nursing Programmes.

Read all about our exclusive interview with Anne Waugh, author of Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness! Know what she believes is the most important quality among student nurses, differences between nursing education in UK and developing countries, evidence based nursing, and lot more. Simply visit the link

and check out the interview with Anne Waugh.

Everyone has their own story and Elsevier would like to hear yours. If you're

feeling a little inspired, please share your story with us! We're sure others

would love to hear it. Tell us about [choose 1 or more]:

nWhy did you become a nurse?

nWhat was your best nursing experience?

nWho was your most memorable patient?

nWhy do you continue to work as hard as you do?

nWhen did you first realize that nursing was your purpose?

Be as creative as you can with your story!

Please register with us at

to share your stories.


Read all about our interview with Anne Waugh, Author of Ross & Wilson Anatomy & Physiology in Health & Illness!


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Elsevier: Your Knowledge Partner for Life

THE CRITICAL NEED FOR STUDENT LEADERSThis article is compiled by Mrs. Rupa Ashok Verma, Principal, Maharshee Karve Stree Shikshan Sansthas College of Nursing for Women, Nagpur.

Ask staff from community organizations about what they feel students need to learn in college, and you will hear a common answer: Students need to learn leadership skills. They need to learn leadership skills in college, so that they can help their communities. Surprisingly, this same answer is heard when personnel managers of both big and small companies are asked to identify qualities they look for in hiring recent college graduates. They also rank a job candidate's leadership skills as the main factor in hiring. Community groups and companies equate leadership with the ability to work well with other people. Understanding of leadership is so significant for our world today.

Sadly, in college classes today, few students learn the leadership skills they need for their future jobs or to serve their communities. In most universities, the development of student leadership skills is not part of the academic curriculum but relegated to "extra-curricular" activities - i.e., it is regarded as part of students' non-academic activities in clubs and organizations.

However, for most students, learning leadership skills in college is not easy because they need to do this in addition to their academic work. This challenge is especially difficult for students who need to work in order to pay for their education. Unlike students who are better-off, they may not have the time to participate in student groups in order to learn leadership skills.

Moreover, not all student groups in college understand their critical mission for providing students opportunities for leadership development. By their nature, some student groups are simply social clubs, while others are narrowly defined around a particular function. Given this reality, then, what can a student do to gain the necessary leadership skills that will empower them to serve their communities and prepare for future jobs?

Although there are no simple answers, students need to rethink their understanding of college and the skills they want to acquire from their college education. This rethinking needs to occur on both small and big scales. On the small scale, students need to choose electives carefully; they need to find classes that can provide opportunities for leadership development, especially if classes in their majors do not provide such opportunities. Similarly, within their existing classes, students need to see certain assignments, such as group projects, as opportunities to work on leadership skills.

Often, college professors stress group work and small group discussions in their classrooms without explaining to their students the importance of such work. If each professor were to begin a group assignment with a discussion of the importance that personnel managers in

both small and large companies place on leadership skills and working well with others in making their hiring discussions, students would gain a new appreciation for group work in classes.

charismatic people? The most effective leadership training programs occur in everyday settings - i.e., in the course of a community group planning an event or a student group holding a meeting. These everyday venues potentially can serve as opportunities for leadership development for all members. However, for these everyday venues to be transformed into leadership training sites, a shift in consciousness of the members of the group is essential. This shift requires rejecting not only the old ideas of traditional leadership but also the prevalent thinking that leadership development can only happen on "special" occasions - e.g., at special institutes. Instead, members of the group must transform their consciousness to see the work of the group itself as a leadership training institute. The "culture of mentoring" helps to explain the process of leadership development in groups promoting shared leadership. A mentor is a trusted advocate, ally, and guide. A mentor nurtures growth, helping the mentee to realize the potential within them. The mentor does this through a combination of methods: by modeling new behavior, by having the mentee assist in a new task (such as through an apprenticeship), or by allowing the mentee to work individually with guidance.

There are also a handful of students who are experienced public speakers; usually they have developed their abilities outside the classroom as teachers in youth clubs and churches and possibly even through family gatherings. In an organization characterized by shared leadership, the more experienced speakers would be paired with the less experienced. However, as mentors the more experienced speakers would not push the less experienced students into situations where they would speak before a crowd of 50 or 100 people. Instead, the more experienced student would watch for opportunities in everyday life to gradually introduce the mentee to public speaking: e.g., to help with an announcement here and there, to take responsibility for a small part of a presentation while the experienced speaker would do the main part etc.

Student organizations contain many such opportunities for leadership development. In fact, think of what would happen if a student group consciously adopted the shared leadership model and conducted leadership development for members as part of the ongoing work of the group. If each semester members of the group did a leadership training exercise and each member identified one skill to develop in the course of that semester, think how much stronger that group would become by the end of that semester.

If that same exercise were conducted each succeeding semester and became part of that organization's ongoing activities, think how many new leadership skills each member would possess by the time he or she graduated from college.

Finally, students need to help student groups change their understanding of leadership and leadership training. Most student groups approach these questions from the framework of past centuries, not yet recognizing the new leadership models that have emerged in recent times..

Most leadership training programs are based on the traditional concept of leadership. Thus, young people are trained in command and direction functions: to run meetings, give orders to others, speak in public, etc. These training programs are also based on the assumption that there is a leadership crisis in most communities - that there are not enough leaders.

All of us commonly hear that leaders are not born but are made. But how are leaders "made" - i.e., how is leadership developed? Is it necessary for people to go to special leadership training institutes and spend large sums of money? Can they learn leadership skills by listening to inspiring and

Leadership Development Is a Life-long Process - But College Years Are a Critical Period

Mrs. Rupa Ashok Verma has an approximately 10 years of experience in teaching nursing students and she's working as a principal since last 5 years.

She has published more than I0 articles in various national nursing journals. Also she has written

several health and career related articles in newspapers.

Her personal philosophy about educating young students is that, "Teaching Young nursing students is a promise to strengthen the future of our profession, to create more compassionate caring culture, ensuring evidence based practice and service for humanity". As a principal she aspires to develop Love for Nursing Profession among her students. She believes in promoting professional growth, team work, and co-operation among her staff, and makes a coordinated effort with Parents and guardians of students to ensure that they remain disciplined and focussed.

Bharat Ratna Maharshi Dhondo Kesav Karve is her role model. She is very much inspired by his activities towards women education and other social reform movements. As he said, "Women Education and National Development are closely related."

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GYANDEEP QUIZ #12.2Q: What's the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men?Q: What does "CPR" stand for in medical emergencies?Q: What, along with heart disease and cancer, accounts for

64 percent of U.S. deaths?Q: What virus did the World Health Organization say

would infect 40 million people by the year 2000?Q: What do cosmetic surgeons remove 200,00 pounds of

from Americans per year?Q: What do doctors look at through an ophthalmoscope?

Send your answers to our email id: [email protected]

Answers to Gyandeep Quiz:Issue Jan-March'121. Which of the following drugs precipitate depression?a) Reserpine b) Clonidine c) Methyldopa

2. A hypothesis which a researcher tries to disprove is:a) Research hypothesis c) Alternate hypothesis d)Positive hypothesis

3. Which of these are not retroperitoneal?a) Inferior vena cava c)Ascending colon d) Rectum

4. Which of these values does not exhibit the contraction characteristics of smooth muscles?a) Slow b) Periodic d)Protracted

5. What is the most common cause of hyperkalaemia?a) Metabolic acidosis b) Hypoaldosteronism d) Insulin deficiency

d) All of the above

b) Null hypothesis

b) Spleen

c) Incessant

c) Renal impairment




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