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illy Joel comes off as such a determinedly average

guy that it’s tempting to undervalue his extraordi

nary gifts. A straight-shooting product of subur

ban Long Island, he’s studiously resisted cultivat

ing a rock-star persona or anything that smacks of

showbiz artifice. Instead, he’s hewed to his calling

as a songwriter, keyboardist and singer with as

straightforward a disposition as someone who’s sold nearly a hundred mil

lion records can muster. As an artist, Joel has exhibited stylistic daring and

impeccable musicianship while assembling one of the great catalogs of pop

ular songs in this century. His induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

confirms his expressed desire to make music that “meant something during

the time in which I lived . . . and to be able to transcend that time.” His is

already a formidable legacy and yet one that remains a work

in progress as he moves on to the next round of self-imposed

challenges. Lately that has meant creating instrumental

pieces in a classical style inspired by Nineteenth-Century

Romantic composers like Schubert - not exacdy Top Forty material, but

then again we’re talking about Billy Joel, so you never know, ms Joel is an

amalgam of seemingly opposing qualities that, in fact, betoken an artist of

range and complexity: He is the bittersweet pop crooner of “Piano Man”|

the jazz-tinged romantic of “Just the Way You Are” ; and the composer of

lacerating hard rock (“Big Shot” ), ambitious pop miniatures in the vein of

the later Beatles (The Nylon Curtain) and open-hearted homages to the

golden age of Top Forty rock & soul (An Innocent Man). His style is a mosa

ic, an aggregate of the many different sounds he’s adopted and interpreted

over the years, ms The complexities multiply when Joel’s life is examined

in closer detail. As a youth he was both a classically trained pianist and an

amateur pugilist. He is a well-read autodidact who didn’t finish high school

Singer, songwriter and keyboardist Billy Joel, on tour in Minneapolis, October 17,1978


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because of his chronic truancy, a result of play ing till dawn in working bands. For much of his professional life, Joel has attired himself in the unassuming, well-tailored threads of a blues-lov ing hipster, though there were those early years when he affected psychedelic vestments with his band the Hassles and donned the bulky armor of a marauding Hun with the short-lived group Attila. His influences include Beethoven, the Beatles, Broadw ay musicals, Dave B rubeck,George Gershwin, Phil Spector and Ray Charles — one no less significant to him than the other.Reviewers have found both sentimentality and arrogance in his work. He is as sharp as a tack but also has naively blundered into bad business arrangements. Joel has been branded a poet and a punk, the “ bard of the ’burbs” and an inter national superstar.

William Martin Joel was bom on May £, l949-> in the Bronx. He was the son of a German Jew whose family immigrated to America by way of Cuba when the Nazi campaign of anti-Semitism

in the late Thirties forced them to flee their homeland. The Joels moved horn the Bronx to Hicksville, near Levittown, in what was a prototypical suburban neighborhood of nearly identical tract homes. The placid surface of the Joels’ suburban dream was broken when Howard Joel left the family, moving to Vienna. Eight-year-old Billy Joel found himself in the then unusual situation of inhabiting a one- parent household, which undoubtedly fueled his rebellious streak as well as triggered in him degrees of both hardness and sensitivity.

Joel evinced an early affinity for the piano and began taking lessons (against his will) at four. The training would continue until

This page: W ith the

Hassles, ca. 1968; Oppo

site, top: Debut Columbia

recording artist; w ith

Jon Small in A ttila

he was sixteen, b y w hich time Joel was already a veteran of a name-changing rock & roll band: the Echoes, then the Emerald Lords and finally, the Lost Souls. In 1967 Joel was invited to join a popular Long Island bar band, the Hassles, which played

blue-eyed psychedelic soul After the Hassles recorded two albums for United Artists, The Hassles (1967) and Hour o f the Wolf (1969)^ Joel and drummer Jon Small left to form Attila, an organ-and-drums duo that cut one hard ’n’ heavy LP for Epic (sample lyric: “ I spit


on those who call me names” ). Thereupon, a bout of near-suicidal depression and a brief internment in a mental ward drove Joel to the saner pastures of the budding early-Seventies singer/songwriter movement. His debut, Cold Spring Harbor, was cut in California with an impressive cast of session players and released on. the Family Productions label.

Poor distribution and a bad mastering job that resulted in sped-up vocals ensured the LP’s obscurity, while an oppressive managerial con tract and dwindling revenues drove the frustrated Joel to vanish For six months, he labored as a lounge pianist in L A under the pseudo nym Bill Martin, pecking out standards for a gallery of lost souls drink

ing their troubles away. Joel emerged from the experience with a slice- of-life song about his suffocating gig as a piano man that, ironically, vaulted him to the kind of stardom that guaranteed he’d never have to play such places again. At this point, Joel’s solo career gained focus and momentum as he signed with Columbia and recorded Piano Man. The tide track peaked at Number 2% the album reached Number 27,

With the ascent o f “ Piano Man” Joel inaugurated a run of hit sin gles that, for its time, is almost without equal in extent and duration. From 1074 to 1003? J°el had at least one single hovering somewhere in the Top Forty in each of those twenty years but three. Joel has racked up almost enough hits - thirty-three, to date - to fill his own

Top Forty treasure chest Thirteen have made the Top Ten, and three climbed to Number One: “ It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me” (1080), “ Tell Her About It” (1083) and “Wj Didn’t Start the Fire” (1080). Joel recendy tied the Beades for the most m u ltip latin um album s in th e United States.

This is a remarkable accomplishment fo r several reasons. F irst, Joel has maintained all along that he is, b y his own estimation, an album artist who doesn ’ t w rite w ith an audien ce in mind Given that logic, it may seem sur prising that so many of his extracted nuggets have hit the Top Forty target over the years. But Joel’s track record owes much to his unfailing knack as a pop craftsman, regardless o f context. Second, Joel (like Elton John) connect ed with a mass audience as a pianist. The uncharismatic piano, an immobile eighty-eight-keyed leviathan, lacks the visceral impact of the electric guitar,



which was the currency of the realm during rock’s Seventies reign. Third, Joel has survived tumultuous shifts in musical trends that have engulfed popular music, from the zebra-striped, garage-pop affectations of the early-Eighties new wave (lampooned, to the con sternation of critics, in “ It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me” ) to the sea change that has elevated alternative rock, gangsta rap and teeny- bop pop like Hanson and ’N Sync to youth culture’s center stage in this decade. Finally, Joel succeeded fo f many years without the support of critics; in fact, the g u lf between artist and rock-crit intelligentsia erupted into open, acrimonious feuding. Peacetime came with the near-unanimous praise accorded such works as The Nylon Curtain and An Innocent Man.

With Joel’s induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, per haps his ongoing critical reappraisal will be retroactively extend ed to some of his underappreciated albums of the Seventies. In par

Left: Joel answering

questions from Russian

reporters before per

form ing the firs t o f three

concerts in Moscow,

1987; Bottom: A t M adi

son Square Garden, 1998

ticular, his third Columbia LP, Turnstiles, merits a closer listen. Released in 107 , the year of the Bicentennial, it is one of the more insightful mirrors to have been held up to American society b y a rock & roller at that historic juncture. With the benefit of hindsight, it now looks to be one of the quintessential album s o f the Seventies.Even I077’ s The Stranger, though it sold extravagantly - enough to make it the biggest-selling long player in Columbia’s history f®£ a time, outdistancing Simon and Garfunkel’s Bridge Over Troubled Water—has never been properly accorded its due as a polished and innovative piece of music. With its fluid, jazzy, melodic pop sheen and compositional cunning, it mined a well-manicured mother lode similar to that of Steely Dan’s Aja, minus the irony. From that point forward, one can skip down the years along the milestones of a hit-

¡¡Studded career, nodding w ith pleasure at the nuanced, pure- pop ga it o f “ A llen to w n ,” the irresistible sing-along whimsical ity of “ Uptown Girl,” the affec tionate street-corner harmonies o f “ T h e L o n g e st T im e ,” th e head s-u p m essage o f “ You’re O n ly Human (Second W ind),” the rapid-patter history lesson of “ We Didn’t Start the Fire,” the hard-rocking self-examination of “ I Go to Extremes” and the exot ic s w ir l « v o ic e s c o u r s in g

through “ River of Dreams.”W here his river flows next is anyone’s guess, but it will be fas

cinating to chart the further progress of this willing prisoner of the muse. “ Music is more than enough for me,” Joel promised in 1Q93? ‘‘'and I will spend the rest of my life exploring it and being enchanted by it.” #



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