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Page 1: INVITATIONwpa.amu.edu.pl/__data/assets/pdf...DZIEDZICTWO-KULTUROWE_201… · h) J. Pruszyński, Dziedzictwo kultury Polski - jego straty i ochrona prawna, Kantor Wydawniczy „Zakamycze”,


Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts in Kalisz

Institute of Scientific Information


to an 8th International Scientific Conference




The conference is held under the auspices:

President of the City of Kalisz Mr Grzegorz Sapiński

Rector of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Professor Andrzej Lesicki

Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts AMU

Professor Piotr Łuszczykiewicz

Director of the Regional Museum of the Kalisz Land

Ms. Sylwia Kucharska

Medial Patronage:

Page 2: INVITATIONwpa.amu.edu.pl/__data/assets/pdf...DZIEDZICTWO-KULTUROWE_201… · h) J. Pruszyński, Dziedzictwo kultury Polski - jego straty i ochrona prawna, Kantor Wydawniczy „Zakamycze”,

Conference dates: 7–8th September 2017

Conference location: The Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts of the Adam Mickiewicz University, St. Nowy Świat 28-30, 62-800 Kalisz, Poland

Cultural heritage plays an invaluable role in the existence, development

and continuance of a society. In the day of widespread migration, globalisation and merging of countries through international organisations and unions there arises the question of effective protection of cultural heritage on an international, national and a local stage.

The aim of this conference is to highlight the broadly defined problem of the devaluation of cultural memory and the protection of cultural heritage. The event is held periodically. The interdisciplinary exchange of studies and opinions is intended for popularisation and rehabilitation of heritage.

We invite you to submit your propositions of presentations.

Exemplary subjects:

* Activity of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), International Council on Archives (ICA) and other specialized institutions for the cause of cultural heritage

* Protection and popularisation of tangible and intangible heritage

* International relations in the area of culture

* Protection of cultural heritage in transfrontier and subregional areas

* The monuments and the culture of national and ethnic minorities

* The life in diaspora and the protection of cultural heritage

* Cultural, artistic, literary comparative studies and translatology in the context of heritage, history and identity

* The lost heritage. Revindication of cultural assets

* The history of a site. Cultural landscape. Artistic geography

* Protection of cultural assets in the face of globalisation, migration and armed conflicts

* Conservation, restoration and adaptation of buildings listed as monuments

* Unknown artefacts of cultural heritage

* Cultural heritage and natural heritage

* The law and the protection of cultural and environmental/natural heritage

Page 3: INVITATIONwpa.amu.edu.pl/__data/assets/pdf...DZIEDZICTWO-KULTUROWE_201… · h) J. Pruszyński, Dziedzictwo kultury Polski - jego straty i ochrona prawna, Kantor Wydawniczy „Zakamycze”,

Conference details:

Active participation in the conference is granted on the basis of an application sheet which must be filled in and submitted via email at [email protected] by 17

th June 2017

The presentations of the speakers are expected to be 15 minutes long The conference fee is 390 PLN (the fee covers the cost of conference participation,

conference materials, conference proceedings, coffee buffet, dinners and supper) The languages of the conference sessions and of the articles for printing are Polish,

English, German or another congress language (French, Spanish or Russian) spoken by the participant

The articles will be published in the form of a ranked book according to the criteria and

procedure for granting the category of scientific research units (the materials may also be published in an electronic form)

Contact: Ph.D. Samanta Kowalska, [email protected] There is a possibility of booking a room in “Dom Studenta” (Academic Hostel), the hall of

residence of the Faculty, at an affordable additional cost. The building is situated within the same complex where the conference will be held


Application Sheet

8th I n t e r n a t i o n a l S c i e n t i f i c C o n f e r e n c e


„Cultural Heritage – Protection, Memory, International Cooperation”

Kalisz, 7–8th September 2017

Name and surname: ……………………………………………………………................................

Name and address of the institution: …......................................................................................


Academic title/degree: ……………………………………………………………………………….. Mailing address:.......................................................................................................................... Phone number, e-mail: …………………………………………….................................................

Page 4: INVITATIONwpa.amu.edu.pl/__data/assets/pdf...DZIEDZICTWO-KULTUROWE_201… · h) J. Pruszyński, Dziedzictwo kultury Polski - jego straty i ochrona prawna, Kantor Wydawniczy „Zakamycze”,

Title of the presentation:...……………………………………………………………………………..


Abstract: …………………………………………………………………………………………………






Are you planning to use media equipment in your presentation? If so, please specify them:


Do you plan to take advantage of the supper offer on the first day of the conference?


Would you like to make a reservation in the “Dom Studenta” hall of residence? If so, please

specify the date: …………………...............................................................................................

Information concerning the recipient of the invoice for conference participation:

Name of the institution/Name and surname ….............................................................



Tax identification number (NIP): ……………………........................................................

Date legible signature of the conference participant

EDITING GUIDELINES - the text file ought to be named with the name and surname of the author, saved in the WORD - the article should be at least 15 pages long - page formatting: Margins (a function of the WORD program):

a) top: 5,3 cm b) bottom: 5,2 cm c) left and right: 3,8 cm d) binding margin: 1 cm

Page 5: INVITATIONwpa.amu.edu.pl/__data/assets/pdf...DZIEDZICTWO-KULTUROWE_201… · h) J. Pruszyński, Dziedzictwo kultury Polski - jego straty i ochrona prawna, Kantor Wydawniczy „Zakamycze”,

- the author's name, surname and institution or workplace should be entered in the top-left corner above the text - the font of the body of the text: 12 Times New Roman, single line spacing - indentations should be created with the tabulator key - footnotes should be created with the automatic footnote function in the WORD program. Footnote font: 10 Times New Roman, single line spacing - bibliography formatting as exemplified below:

a) S.A. Bąk, Działania Unii Europejskiej na rzecz kultury i turystyki kulturowej, Warszawa 2007, p. 84 and pp. b) M. Golka, Socjologia kultury, Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Scholar”, Warszawa 2008, p. 268-271 c) M. Malinowski, Polonia na Kubie, [in:] K. Dembicz (ed.), Relacje Polska – Kuba. Historia i współczesność, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Centrum Studiów Latynoamerykańskich, Warszawa 2013, p. 91-117 d) E. Milewska, Polsko-brazylijskie związki literackie, [in:] A. Dembicz, M. Kula (eds.), Relacje Polska – Brazylia. Historia i współczesność, Warszawa 1996, p. 77-86 e) Á. Peresztegi, Problem własności dóbr kultury na Węgrzech, [in:] G. Czubek, P. Kosiewski (eds.), Dobra kultury i problemy własności. Doświadczenia Europy Środkowej po 1989, Fundacja im. Stefana Batorego, Wydawnictwo „Trio”, Warszawa 2005, p. 97-107 f) A. Przyborowska-Klimczak, W.S. Staszewski, S. Wrzosek, Międzynarodowa współpraca w dziedzinie kultury. Wybór dwustronnych umów zawartych przez Polskę, Radom 2002, p. 12 g) B. Przybyszewska-Jarmińska, Zawikłane losy rękopisu Canzoni e concerti Adama Jarzębskiego, „Spotkania z Zabytkami” 2015, no. 7-8, p. 15 h) J. Pruszyński, Dziedzictwo kultury Polski - jego straty i ochrona prawna, Kantor Wydawniczy „Zakamycze”, vol. I, Kraków 2001, p. 42-43, 47

- they article may contain black and white as well as colour photographs; it is required that their author and the source are provided. Charts, tables etc. are also allowed. - please prepare an abstract and the key words of the article - the title of the article, the abstract and the key words need to be translated into English. If the text was originally written in English, the above elements need to be translated into one of the other conference languages mentioned above - please include a bibliography section listing the used sources at the end of the article

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