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,VOL. xn

Pre•id•nl'• Reception Will Finl E'ffllt Of Com·

mmcemenl Week


_...._ <'OllUll4JllC111t1CtU W~k "'Ill IJti 0 110

ut tb1:t 111ut1I ~·~•Hui •-.ib on Utt: 1elwol QICD•1ar lbl• )'t .. r. An OUl• flltt111l1111 1wo;nun will 11'(1 1:.lv(J11 oarh dll.)' lu «'OHllll011CtJlll1111 l WN,k w h ich 1u·cordh11~ 111 1tu.1 l'11 lm11lur or ewc u ll

l111111ed hy tht• g,dlt\lulollrallou unite r«~ullr, wlll tM, 1110 •ffk. M•T : -4· !ll, In llldlllon. &.tnnd11. Tu~d•r 1t1d Wed11•-.1h•)' 11rc bcl111t alv"u owor lU I ho lloCCond 11t·mt'tlll:r fh1411 oxarulna.·




At. • ••• mmlac h1!.ld h1 th• dta~I T11•"4iaJ" morntu 1t.e ttn .. Banquet la He.Id Friday E• .. rtc)MI or a lleratuu1 campU11 hn· nin1 In The Y. W. Room IJrOYt'lnf'MI fund, In tlut form or "

trust. w .. 1,. • ..,., •• .-,., •b• .,,,,.," BLICKINSTAFF TOASTMASTER bodT. Th" mf'1•1i•g • ·•• h1 cba.rc-o uf ' ,

.~ehh II•'~ ,\ \"'rfrd ,hli\l-.•l"""'l h•g l 'ro&N m

;111:~· /,·u:· .. ~":,f't,.,:~~:.·~·,·,~· ~~:1·~~;:: w .. s •:11JO,)t~l Hr Uo lh C.IJtHetA /ur t h•• 1·nn11111111. 111• •· .: 11tt<o~d I.ho d~lro thl\I h,. -..ould 1111.,. to~ Iii" t ·..,11° lu1lh.1t: llll 11.od.il rum·llo1u• for n11n11u,. •• b<"-a11.tlf11I.,. •nr cltr po&tk lb" , ., •• ,, lllf'I Y. W , l', A. '"1111111"\ Or. \'otli r 1troui;111 11u1 1h., faf't !hat tu~111hN'll t•)llf'ro111~·•I h1 houar or

Ullr 1·11011111• llt'~tlli II 8rllltl t!r C'ff,rlf'1)' 11( lhllh" 11tlvlttun1 111111 Ow lll4'h1bur• o r t n .. '(!l!I. l llOl'll " h r n lil w r)' , 1ou.I 11111n• t ht,> Y. M. (.!. A. 1•111th1111 aml the i r Uowt•r h 1•1l11. lht 11hm atnl cd th~ • o1uh·l11or111 loin 1>'1 /tl11y 1.1v1 nln~ Ill 1rn

.JGOU ftllh11all1 n:•nld tak ... ca.re or lbt" eh:hl u"1 lu• k dlm1t•1 In thu Y • W .

u11·kt"fltl of llo~ nun111a•. nHJDI ill. r1.·1I • ntl wl1llu C'nlur IM'iltWO

Air f'. A. V11 11h111tu, 11rNhltml uf :;~.~ ::~'1\11: 11 11:;1,~u.'".:::~:n:~~,~~1~1~;~1~~

·romorrt1~· evehl11g from Ill lo 11 n'C'~uc-k 1hu Melllu: r .iou <'nllrJ;tJ .\1111!1 !::11~•·:;11:'~,1li;,t;:::,.:~~=~1~~l;;;~~:<i:~~: uu1nlJ,.•rf'. 11ml 1~ rt!u1Hr11t 1v111tlhUed

Quarlelle wlll broadeaiu a varied Jll'Ql{nhl CrQm nadlu •U11li111 tO'll, Wick• \'anhttian ht"o"c•l m•l that thrift wu th(_• pru"raul r .. ll•w>l11« Iii~· mt*I •l

1 kl ht' ua 1o~rom tc(l lo rb;bl. Lloyd J)t,i;p. Oral tt!'Dnr, W•llt'r .. 111u111re, ~111d lh8 pri•• lplo of a\·huc. •bk-h NI• ll1111t Hll<b11tdatt .,,,. , The J•n_-.Jdf'Dl'• lcir,pt n

10 1 \t!l.:Or. >"r• d Elllas bCLrht1iK•. tOll\'"C'r llumbur7 I" now fllllt•Jll Air. >:111"1• .-ld~d H lt.O'i\ 1113 .. tl'r.

~~!~~n~::::ut~~~I 1~11:;,1:c ~~r::I~ olaef!\, atid noa Curlle. ba~. Tht.l tiHrld wUt ht• auhUcll h)' Mr». An11ia .,14~;~1~1\ 11~11•~;",,,."7~;:,1 1~1t;11,~1~;·:;11~ Uc1I .:••;1111111111; 1111;1 •1111':. ll!~i~:

R:t.1urd1t1J1 !1Yl'11h1g t,1141)' twcnl )'-rlUh TD le, dlr~tor a nd 1uprauu. uud LoJd Joh1111ouu. 11lunhtl. p1utlf'"lar "l11u., hut a rou1•n.tlon flf :a:~;;''1~11·c::;tr ~'1~·~· ~;~ wHll

at ttlf:l1l o'dull. 11111 ··~ Th~ prn1Mnial •aa •nanl· ~..!Jt(k- n.•l • JMJh alu• onr ttl• Su•day, Mar t•~••Y•IJ:Hlil bH bHa QUADRANGLE OUT MAY 27 mou•I) adnpll'd hr lh+' cta.n IR tablt!.. Tbtt iolur .-ht hit> ,... t•r11i"r

df"lllP•Ce4 a• lhe aan'9al homera•· l'.\Lt:~U\IC lhf'lr vattnu• t'I•• mccitlup ,.-Tfd•.1 hrrh .... t ftllt In lht' ••·ti 1111111 cu11• hu; Hwa.day. Hr. f"nnk II. t •rumpadl:· tnnrulnJ: II rf'Dtl• 11• roll1n~·•: rllh.."tl '-'lllt "blk tuhil• ouul In' lhlJ er ur Chlr111 wlll prearh tho llOPl\t• .,,:'~·,::~':~n~=~~t 1~:~ :~ ~"':r; W~l:.~~~J'· Mar ::: utJdlli1lloin Wt" lltt" m1•1nbera uf tba daa.• uf whilv lrlaHl(.ttl.u 1,,,,.,. .. p&;.1.,...ntd•

::r!.~:,.~;:~~~r ·~.,e~~r:bat10


t~ Quadra•itlf! wllf be ,..d, for dlstrl· Yrld;ay, Jotar : 1- >tC'l',.•nuu II. N :<~~;.~~~~·~::~::.~'~;.:.~;~ prt;:;! 1~h~t-u:iilr..flW'~ runtil bad 1.>r. Ver•v • Y . Sclilwalm. McPbeno• b•tlun Ille Int wed!; or Kboul, pr-ott. Ah1•n ll.1uqu1:I 11raY€'"IQrUI .... ud for Me.l!hcr.o• t.VI· IM"llti::d !11ietn'ff•h'•~ a ll1r..,• ..-u11r!M! \Jltt•

t•on@cf' l'rnldent. •Ill pm.tit lhtt ably ou Wo•uby, M•r ?~. Memblr.n Mo1ul•f· Mar :7 ' " w, .. iu1."Mlar. h,•11:t:. 1111 hf'rehy bfn•I nu~lve. lo '-.,.. nt:"r t.•unt1bolln111: uf .::rA\rt•f1111l rntkl•ll na«alaureatc l)crn1un In the Cullecci ol the a111rt under tl•c. dlrectlot1 or ll•t ::o 1\rt t;xh lltll ta hllJtlt 11uch a fund •ttonlla111: tu Ille • Ith undk-d •h\•rr

1 r vutt!ni, W"ol

ChurTh. Mr. J•dcke U, cdllur, and Mr. li1f!tru. TuP1ttla7, May ~,IJ :OC. nlur l'Liir. i•ruvl..toH h•rt'iaa.fler Kl fortlt: nUe.t .. .-alki~I vait•Wl"9. u~n

,,:.• s:::~::. wll~·=:~"' ·~;:,~=:: !::.t~~!=.;:.::::~:~~~ Ou1w•r4 llO••d. ..,:;,',~·:, : •• ;;; .. ~:;';",.~~ :.:~~= ::,:;:,::;.:~ ·~.:~~ .. :'.":.~:::;::; no.ms- In th" ("ommwAltr 1uul11vr· N lur 1110 l•lltll''""' uf c.Mt.lllltlll lmpru_..,. Ntrr1d1, wi.frnt, ia11tl • ulf1•u ..... " t."r;•· lu111 at el11Chl o'clock u11 TuOOa r eYo- unlquP. tiHHleu!Ji an: ••tJdpallu; tint EXAM.INATION GIVE


. 11111

r ;u1.h hal1tt1rtta 11 ) 111 lh" 1'}1.1 bt u 4,. Ml*<~!:.' 1.llll1o111 ll11rplu1,

n l n , . 'Thl,11 offerhtk ot tba Clua ut d.lly o r dl••rlbntlon. FOR W, A. A. MEMBERS lwnurr or +'t.cb ul llM!I a.bo•e uaoi,.d Jlurb Trut1llt'. ud Allii K1111&1nH.

U:9 I• rt"JJPOrle!.I to he the m.Ollt ~Ill· d•"*" uvou ~nidua1kln4 Tbl!'9e bal YuUu•hac lhe On.I ru"""' M'-' plete ••ft •t•"hdo .. f':tfort tbaL ••r PIOF. Jl E.. llOllLEI llllfm tlJ•U ron.blil pf lhQ runda eull• t-:auu1I WUnmre u •h:*"l'rhldfttll o f

r_laq blJ onr dOUI In t he JUddle MJSY WITH ADDRESSES 1.11 tiX•U1h1:iiltut1 ~h lhti W . A. A. lumarll)' m1cd aa a. girt l rt t he roll"'"" i.lrn Vuuul!l Wu11wt1'14 ur.:• 11h1.allu11 Wekl. _ ....... ~-~ ._ ~ ... contllllll llrrn wiuc ~lvf.'1 ,.Mo1ul11y uwr u· welctim•Jtl Llu.1 ttm.!llJI I•~" hrh; f l •lk .. ~...,, lfo•t ta11')Kll ltC!t'Vl•-wll.,.. wt~~- --..~ _ lug •iul lhi• ,.111111C'itul'i Wrr11 lu l l111l•·1I 10..J . ... .. r ... 'nl-., •tn '"Th" l<nl ·r,1 .. u;l1l'' 10 •Mell litih1 •l \l!U o'cluc:k 011 \V1~hm11(h•)' l'rut. II. t-:. Mui.lier ha'\ hoe•·11 h1111y al lhl' Ull't!lh•~ ll:iin ulaJil- i·tw tw\JI> .. ;m,.ry M•·l•ic.n. 1••• .11h•ril or Hu• Y. morulullJ, aml from all htdkaUuu11. II mo.n 11r lht· p;ig& .. ~l"lc i;h·h1Jt rota· Tilt"mbt•.-. •re Vr-lul• 1-:htrlilJ:;" 1,.11. ALBERT PHILIPPI AND !II. r . /\. ri•~iwu•lt• tl Ii> .,l"•111kl11~ t•u 1u•uml1.- lo he one ot ct1c rfC'heat a11d mone.:rnl!nl !ddr~. Tbn -Cltt•\lji In Mrut llummu, 1-·._.111 lh•(km.iu, llllCI 'Th•· Jilu•t 'fl'lr111..,h1". lr-ot1t or IOtrh 01iterh•11f"el of t.hlJ year. \\· hlf'h ho 1111oltt) Wt•r1·, W"hlo, 1.U11k, lJul'l!I Ufil l t•)', ELMA OAKES MARRIED Al '"" '•tw hut.lnll 111 llw tllt'"' A 1111rl10 11 u f thu JttJrlutl wlll hu ~lvun u ud Al1:A1111d•, 1'. 1'hli. Yo mJk lw y,•1)\ 1.:iw

1.,. 11, ,, ·r1..-111·r ..,;11111: '"I Im Ill• lliu•

IJ' 'cr II> t l1'' 11rt>11l'Ula l lou ut l\Wllrd11 lu - 11unll u l ~eh l.'lty. Uuduc, \\·1111.h1U1. -- --- 4111 thoul!') •• \ht) U • .\100. t::lm• \•lttl" .. 1111 "Thill I~ .11 1.111111 tllrl.''

1••1eo,c11ltfo11 of i:u~lle11cu lu tho •arl· :rud \"h1~r. PRES. SCHWALM CIVES (Ja)w~ nmt .\llwrl l'hlllppl Wt3'rf' Jllfrn 1,. hma11 "l"'k." •111 " l'11n1lltolu

m11c 11111!'• of MU\lt!-111 &lr' l l¥1lJ' .. liOtt'll _ I m:irrh•ol Ill lho• ICt>v. 4:i•urs:.•· Mt•rk(•F tl,_IJUt" 111•l11til1~ out tlu• ll41' l 111111 I "'u 11111~ •Ill .,,. dt\Vfllt!I lo lllb •

111i:::ln1t or ANOTHER ENGAGEMENT COMMENCEMENT ADDRESSES] hl•/111' 111 Alot1)'\' llh·. llu\'1•r111id M1·r~1•)' tl'i:uu.:,.lo•h wlwu 111111 •••1 t1lihl lty 11111"

:;~~~~"01;11;:111:01111~;:· ;~11111~c111111;~v:l~~r'~:1 • _ _ · _ 111.rform•·•I 111 ...... _. •• 1110111 , Thu brltlt• umlw jj 1mr1111~~'.~~:·;:11 :,1

1:11 1~1:~.1;~

liPui.kln aml lufurnuil lulkll, h) ,\ rer~nl IN>~t< uf 1l1t· I.a Y•rttir f'r•,..h11•111 v . •• S.ft•.1lm 11;1 '"'"" kUd ar1111111 wrr•· " '";n•led ~1 M:• 111 .. •lmll·•1::•: ""

110 io1uoin1i1 • .WI ..

fa('Dlt)' ~f'tn~ and .., .. ,, of !bl! II•• "C.:awpu .. Tlu1~ • .-u1ttaln"' 101 arlh 1•1 1f .. H•erhu: a 1110111 .. r ut ,..1m1at1 ,i(_r IJl'lrnl01 'I l••flJC•' a~d ~afll"f' t illmorf' 0:1;.•n::.•tl 1: I• ll.11t r• .i•I Uh, l\••,"

d @llllf. II l'I llf'Vbab~ lhal lhls yNr'• W11t:""rnhu: lhr ;rnn•HlnHmf'nl or Illa lnib-lll Dtldn_•,.io.r~ ht \ 011'1!0114 hll"h or Md'h .. ,....1n ( ollrJ:tto, The hrhlf' II rnl 1~ 11111 "'· ''I"( Mh .. , ... f';ll~••»• I Ill I I I II h <'PhM;;~nwut ur ~11 .. 'il M11rr Hlida·n· 1id1ooht. Hvthlr>!J t • u 1•m:.11><"11t+'11l11 111 ;.1111 i;romm oirc hoth f11t 11lt'r 1el111h•11tit. :ioml 1' hi I

1 W

1 I •tart, IA& \'crH« ;1h111111n, 111 U<tvhl l .• m1l11ia111t htt .iptok•• r.l II"• full11111olt1PJ 11f Ml'l'h£1r10o11 f 0 111•,:1". I •! ~•tom lt'-llt'!r" no w ~ qu l ti 1 m llr tu I at I . h 1 h1. o:.." t-" 11 111111 11.u• I t '1o1llM. ""' • •

Ull~'b::wr:-rha .. bft."ll •h..,.h:uatetl 11; llruhall1·r. 11tritdu .. 1 ... . ,, i\kPbrnuu. J\aw.a• hhch "'b•oot _ fl.1h.1, ~•hl ...


hut11 t.u'"IJllwr ur ll••· .i ..... ul '!). Mr. tt!r t"lllu••11t·,:.:;::~1:;:"',.: 1:•1"1•~·;1:-~!!' , • ....._ l.Mf- ~U 1~ mnr•l"a 111 h.•• ttk Nlti!t HruMkt'r is 11•1• lt"Mt'l1lna: lu lhf" t'lu1qo, llMhl• r. Mhll 1 .. 1111 ... , Th• 1•ti1lh1lf'I tolo1M tu f "'lllr• In l'k:vo ttv 11•:~•:11t •• ·h• lltrlt •P"r"' l•lh'­

o\•M••I l'lau. IMJ 1trtt1:nm .. 111 ._.. l..a Vt<rnf' l'kmi ftU1r)' Vh()(tl~ ""d ,....,.k'• 111ot::t""11• ri1 .. h11 lto1• f atttuu, fol" tht- ..-t1111las:: ,.. tuH1I ,.,.,.. Th" , Art r' •::, .. 1i1. ~ ~o-rllhJ! th• ~tlNl• l 1.t h f'I f •• , 1 1 (' 1 Mr. Urnl)ll\: .. r han. a ll'l9itin11 JU ''bt'J.l\11!Y1I•, llon•lll• UI, \\ l1111u.1 ... ut.1 r11n1J1.- •Ill 1111Jeud Ill• 1111mm•-r Ill 11r an nJ

~.:~'~11~1~1~ Al •: •• ~llh~> 1: ~~= fl;,.: "' lhu l'11llfur11li1 llh;:l1 a.c:hooh. t 'ul!lllf'l•rn. • l\1111Joo1•, Nt<l1r-.. J1k:. .. ml Wl11.-uu11lu. th·~~:~·~: .. .,., pr• ... "'' ••·r•'· t•rnf 1111111 •luc: lh4t Att1111al Alum•I loauqut"t for ~ro lhu:I• 11 ... ~"' .. "'· \I,- \ ' t', ttlc 11Cradu1ll•K f"laa.it wlll lw hf'ld I• 1 ~h• .. INll. Mi.,. .• tto llol 1,.1uoan •ttd lbi" C'olln:e c•an-111 .,....... . FINALE \tlltlrod f..Amll, Htu•f ) \follf:.•·1 . Juhn

Tho Y"rtf· lfn-1 Ann•,.I l'ornu1..sH""(b 1 ... i.rnau, l'•ul 11 .. ._. i'.. f 'f,01 u• A

l•('lll •Ill t~ held 'b l ho ('ollu•• I , 1.luk~ Mlltoou ,.:..Orh, l,..•11111• T"111et, t •tiu rd1 Audllorhun "' lt•ti Q'C' h:M-11: QJI TI1 .. "li•I I~ ht 1oh::lal uul .. "''" 111 .. , n.om1IJ,.,,..J !\•.•ll·•t1• 11111 111 • \I.. It"' IN•~ )t,n· lh .. T lh·i· ..-nivplly t1"ri •J ,\l.ttlr• • • t>I• ti11 11'41'1'1•, IOI\ J>'ridar ntorPlns • .N:ay lhlr1Y·fln;L h t '"""'or •••-rlh<--2rt11o U1U'14 p.\r-t. l ft.•li •·I 1u-10 \uM" \\ UI 11 • • 't'ntll•'f"•ard WllH• .- .. llhtmn· tt•n• Ill ..... ,,. rrt· c·t .. rJ ... A HU wood, bt•d at lhl' Kort· It Is -d but lb .. K•C...-lhCill"tll , ,.,.. , .. ,, .... 11111111 ~· .. '" 'Ill• 1101 t.11 .. .,,, lt11• k > t'tird hll:. ........ 111r '"""~_, .. !Ill• ···h ·-.1 tt .. m ,,,,. \ ., tl-1 ., .... 1111 ""It ulor.:) nt·JWlf"l,.rnl uf lhe lh1.i.-rr..a1) 11111~ QN: 1."<ilR,t.:rly •.1hl~11t for lhtlr 1h•1 hu• lh11 01 llll•l t•.th1 •tohll•·•l •o1i•l1

11twrr I• 1111t1tl11·r 1•1mh111alio11 •hlih lhorulol l 'il 1 "lh• hut• .i·• w1•1fl thfl

"' Ml"'°"md km1:. "'"~l.1·r uf taallu1111I lu\!•d 011(!11 111 1•vm•· l1t1IJ1l h1 do OIOlll" tihdJ' "'hld1 h ""'II h•I 111••1" l\lll '"' II i!'I d•ouhlf•il U 1111' lt•IOl'llillllt'lli "' )If~,,.., ll•illl 1111• I.• 11 l,oH, N11on1I r••rn)l: nlllou, will tldh1•r 1110 onm· ltwit1;::. · ·011 >"'""· w., 11.u·,.. l1"l'&1 1:.1111. hl(ICll"'l •I r r .. 1u1 .. 111.1lloH .. 11 " '•Ill" 1<o1u""'" Mlill t'o1luro111ln will ill;lt. ... '" \\'lt1J1•H• . 11 .. ,.1 ..... 11 f.YK.,111• 1ni11

111e11r.o111t•ut MtlllrNl'I Thtt llll-.: ur 01" rul nmJ I llfH'r m•¥"•-r '1a11 .. 1 aot.tbf'r ''-'"' • wtrw1tr. hnu.•·•••v l;'tlMhl un,lu • tlw rn1.-,ll1l;.11iu1t llwu .. 1f . ..., •• 1.11 .. t.l .. rh ' "'" 11•,.e. ' '""""' a1hlr.-.: h.i1111 '"-"'" au11u1u1t••d •• Jlrl •II }1otr .. - Wlla1 • II"'. •11.<11.t a fur1 llQ• If 1 um1.1u '''" 1 011ltt h • 1nl· Wluoluui 111111 lh.lldd11~"" way ,_.., 0111 .,,11 , th lo 11 ..,.,.,,,._ !'\tll'* llo1rt1no11111,

" ..:uro1i., •1Jd llw A1Utrln11 ld!'ll.I ... Ill•! h ... trrl. • r•'"o1•lo·d It• 1 ... 1i li11u"' 1.,. d!h••r Im.it lll'l' llh" M•' ldl.1u •• 11111 Miidre d f'lau111 11tr,, ti lr.n 11f'lnli t1H1dt1 lo h tH'f' 0111)' 11111• n1o.rc R11mlny lo 11111 uud l'ril•• lt111I Ml111 u•1ll1 1t11• 11111 "'' II 11r uittn ·r11,, ...-1uto· ~111 1·h•1f'J.:" 1.ln• ~""''""'L IJr. Y.11.,.•ornl Rht: hhl Ulllh'1•/'1'4, "('ll ri!OI• PIO :1114) 111 W11 l k clhWll 111 llm .-.utr0.11• •• 111111w•. l1il IJ.) I ull " ll I~ r1 hit •I llmt ri.t Ii• r .,f ''Wl11tJ1

1ru " 11111101 l•Ut~ l<'lr

lhrnlitur; Our l'l•lll~111iu11" 011 }"rlllar with lodo·d JJ11111lot &11111 l'Wt.~tl) h1 · 1·11C'lu ~m "Ill I·•· 1 .. 1w11I 1!111o111o •Ill• ""·nlni• u·,iJ ul 111•· ••--.r-Atl°'h:t 110 GANSON WINS FOURTH ~~.·.~n.~, .. •l (HI~ u( lhlJ 1IU•HWWU lt'rl"ka..ai::~d J;h&h«. .. - •ll-'l 11 llftO l ltl'i: lt.,.d i.f •ir m .. 11 •lil1h •IU 111•11• 1111uh1 IN ESSAY CONT£ST .1


... nuh· W tud aricr 1iluu mu111b ... or llJI•• 1111111110111 111.111' 11111• • lolid•" , 1 '"" , 1,-lr.;llllll•ir .. r "ftl11111i=. 111oor-k 1111d 1•h1)'-11101o1tl)' 11luy. (JUllllt.'r 111111 l< i•h 11111. Ml 1:1111 1 ... 11,.111 111

,,11. , Yoho l'ltll•" yuu1q.; ; lnm

W. A. A. MAKE PLANS • Tim IHI 1, ufll!JUJ; wilt h1,1 l11h11lJll••l l Hl'I! dli41~111 llHll f111 u n1I I I Ii 110~1tlfll" ~ .. , , ""'''' lttlll: luowu l1t•ll'41..•fl Ill kll M1 l.11• 1:1111 •111, 11111111(, 11l11flltl

0\'1.'r lln111 artcr ~to11{1f1)' 1/11: !7• :Slj,• t lmt Ulll1 111111 i 11 .11m, 11r 1111111t 11ml • •t-r llu ,,,11 "' "U•• Yt't:t11-l l '11111ta foitilh hi Iii• 1.,.t11tW" lnf•11 m.1I .,...,

l'io.ti• for lhe wmllll!C Tt.-ar •Ct't' :':t-:u. Th" 1,.:::o YrhlaUc will hit.-~ dre•D•-8 •1f tlth ,,,.,._ •Hrl) ll11lr •Ill Ulrl, fi•• w . ... 1 •• 1, 1 _.., ' "" .. 1:1•111 '!<IY 1.,111, 1 "" _''"' K .. u.,.. -.ii!IJN1

11-._.UAAJ"d by tllu e,1.erulfve buard of oo ttnuh:rlnc d::ho uf •11rcl11i:; f1 ttl up t,rhh:e tt1 .. P:I• bt I •(t·11 tl1•· ~ 1 u11• t" Wldt• 01,..11 ~I'·" t.•!i"', z~u" flri·y lilM"W "ltld• , 1,. 111 111, 1 w•outll Mllf.c ll• H• ll1u Wo1ar11'1J }.lhle11., A•.OChatlon 111 Ibo lilePll .,r Ar1i1>ld 11" 11 11.ud IJairll:lii~ ur lnd1,1i.1t r. • hi,,; "111rr. II " ' ork11, ll"n'"I o i..o1.1; !""" • 110t1• 1I ''.'4l1lllt1K

t heir ruveU11• i.uo. TJ111r111d1t)' c weolt111:. t l)u1.·e •Ill IJC at a lit'emlum. t:l11M·1, 11 1111 \\'1 •I• r u htill"tllf wl1 1 l.&1n11.•1I n t'l1·1" lt1 1t1111ri1v• hf min U1,.•ll:to'" Hh• """ ll""'•111I• •I It rt iJ11l111r11 ,\IDOMJr 0111"' t h lup. Iha crou p con· MIMW'Jurl 111111 l"JLll-tlaiia •·ill hu\ls trnllu lu •• 111•·~•hn: fn •hli h Irma •II"'· l•1t·n1. , ... 1.,, 1 .. 111 .... :..arl>" t111..,. ,,,,,.. lu r a lt. aldcred .... llJIC*li.Uflt or ma);lnJ • to eomproml~e by proml•Jug lo nad t•D\.t. trJ(l$fbutl•" 11.nt u11 11o1rt .Win Jill""'6•rl It'" uah' • fh•llu of l111tt>

apurU .:llM•1• ror •II slrb· 1por1-. ~~'!'d:~;·:~~~!:\~e~:::n~~:~':i ~::P1::(_;~tt~;.'""1 1 1"' hlr anll t i. 1111w, JUMIOR CLASS 9-ECTS

• f':IN.n•• In Ille •••rd• fur h9 llh hu11111•\'er a.nd lhe "t•rr.ouala" ... 111 Tbl1 11 lh" 1111• 11011 •Jll uvn fl ha .. '""'""a ••Jiiii• rrul >"''"r wltl• r•ll'll. ""' """'


" fQr f':IDdldatu nsa k,,. up mnict of th•· •p•r~. hruok ,.,. '" 1 llll"h' 11'' fhl• 1P1IU1111u•r'" M'-~r:.l'r11·• ··,i.-.,. .. Jn11m• 111~'" aod .. ,.., T k• J1.1111 .. r •I-· 1"' 1 i·rr,.. ... tn'Jr• l •r • «•dt•I coaodl riepraeu tatJ"t Loui!it.ua and J\anM• •Ill s-rl Ht:J h•fr I•• poiw•r-flll lannihr .. HI t'OaN"ftlraUu•" nf 1oid 0""'11 .1.ad vu la~ ••d .. 1 .. tt•it .,u1••f fll'f' , .,,, •u,.• ud .... , f'O••IUN cllalr••n4 4adlr ... I~ li&tJ'" ralrr •Ill •""'"fl fl••b nc.11:....tf'd lb.I• lb• o1"" ur 1111 , ... •rll •pprttf•t• tit-! ,~ ..... I•=- ,..-b•t+•I lf'f'ai. Tlli". ,,,..t .. •I ... r-

lQT$ ud. ........ u "'b"' ... Cor-D rro• , ••• ,.. ·~ "'J Q11;• Uri.Ir. ..... II I Y.1for1 0 I "'f'•C'h ••II .... ,.r,-oD~ • • fol&t1.... 11Ct 1o1 ....... H!Uh 111Hlu• lAWTt.IN"e 8&nha.r1, A. n. .• ,,, Ike ··~wtn" 1>( 1111-. pl•ln 1u tw 11~" how ,..11a1• pt'i)plv'a )ho1 th• •.;r11tlou or (''°rr)·nne iioVC11: • •r; "" .. pn·'°'l•I• hi, r, IUlil Wini':

• ' llo bu lleell IU~1•l•C ha UH t~lk l~ho ud K•a•• tAl1lleat!J ar .. mlud.a do " lhu111·· 111 rmlfluloo11 1•1 ce.mt111t aod '-OOlllOlldat" mo·rc: flt•· ,.,.,.n1ar1. Murlln 11 ... ,,, r. lr't'il•Ul•f', OHr. Okl.L Kliloot._ I• now •&.Iliac at • ..-u1 dlatul"t! apart tlat lt i. wna· ¥orrlll uid Skk .. ,-.; .. •IU .._ u•ll tr••• .. 4.,olOpawau·· o f U:a--U. run-•• 1.l•lc "'•11· 111 iuu..,.11 r•P tl..e INta.e or bla ti.th. Mn. 1lb1 clert•I •a.a.& e.1«-1rkJau aa4 ,,,.._ e4 la o•• •l•I• (f,. .... ,.,. or ••ltl ' liht 1~~ loe .. ..,.ala.a: •r 111• r-•tatl•~. t n •• U•a. ·• •1141 ll•t•

'hat.L cram- wUI do. lta.U wlU aoc 9'fe• M moat la J•H. Su~ .-,.tph1 ka•• all ... ,. • .... re I pat vut l"",--C. C. ol.d lifehh....-1,



l 1 ..... ,t1o·• bt"'---=====~----$1.GO p-r J l"'Ar

1.-,.., .. ·1··

A ddrMllt &JI Hrr,.pond~11~ t o THE SPECTATOR

lllc.PMnoa, Kana.



~ c:ol1e1t aale Qu1r1~ue a.'lrtJ at tM ~mmenttmtnl prftC-f'Hlill • t Ca•-1oa laat aJ1"t.11airt" N'f.Om,.aied Dr. V. F. Sd1w1)• Ill.ere. lie P•• tbe ad• drflll or Ut• en.nine-.

'l'UR Tnrstu:n

TJ1e cJ~ar ... Jed man whn Jtnnw11: •·or Into (!I Ch IJIOUlh or 11n.hcr.

fo:At'.h l)le<:lt uoC:I part W:lnd Whl>IO, MU•l io the n ratn1 u t l•OOr

Wblt'.lt gh•u the work or a toal!

W .. !-THA .llfKI

ror lht.lr P1tt.ron11.e durt111 the PHl 1ear

n.~i!c~ !~e11:;0;,~~:: ~11~:;~:~:: Chae. Daron Shoe

TUBSDAY, llAY I t, 1919

Mct'beraon :Steam Laundry

R.,mond Landeo, Agt.

Willi thla, lhlt lllt IMUe of lhl!! "HJM)t;ltl.lor ," llllt IU!.t'.@Hfly ,., our C(lll• t r l'1•Uou to tlaHe tol•Mh• tHM'9. We be• no apo1og:r for them, lb• readera llt.Y"t alrtadJ l>eta lllnd: • • d • DJ' ••1 • h1 apoloa.lae tor that t o which wa b&H auemptH to 11u a., be.V:. We ale 1hb1 mean. or Ulanklns a lofal 1D4 a ble ~atl. Tbe lnt erHl In th 1u1k al ha.nd, 'he eooptrallo11, a.nd th• r1tt)fuln111 lo dutr ot ea,.h 11tafl m~n•b«r hve m2dn th1• P•I~ poulble. T..._ qHUfkallOH are 111lnH r etlJ appretlattd hJ tltt" ~Utor. Tb• t Ulclenc1 ot lM ~ .. , .... a t.art .... t.tta lan.ta•lllle. TIM HIPDOU t.My MUr@d from

~~ ~;::-:: ~:• o~:~,::;,::a~·d:111~~::-ld-r::::0: =1::: ~·~

The Coll•s• Studenb I llat k ol lb• bamm•r'• ~,.mrulns. Shop

Dads: o f th• tnnt• tit.at aw-lnJC, !;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T'lllen..LI lh• t"f• th.t 11t•n• tllf'm, -Watcblni 1hrou11:h 11trt•q and ; •ir

B ... ket 11J Boya' Dorm '

llH·H ''R~ator .. ha.,, twen t horou1hl1 prorf'd, A.min tu t hf"U people Wa NJ. "'T'baall: JOU''.

A1 tba t om•f-Dt•• •nt aMllnn appl'Ok-h~ Wt! bl's:ln to rc:allt~ that lbe Halon llu• rome to a plat'fl In life, 1 h• at1alnmeo1 o r Which merll11 reco1· •UJOL ft .. w• IM1la 10 talk abo•t reUeston... and lbe Uh. Ylleatoon ....... wit.al ,roea.k 10 ronnttt Y'lt~ a thae "° t •ll or upt.ratloa aad Ill.ope aa H•••aHlaHI. T'beJ' .-m to Hll'ltMI a hit or fh•aUt7. and ~mm•.ce-

JJtrala. Thf!re h 1h• M ind wbk:l1 plan.a 1hom,

Bxlc of tbe tu·awn 1ho Ur.In?

Ml&llt or ll1e roa.rlnc bolle:r. P'or<:e or lh• englnn'• thru1u.

Strenstll or Ibo awcatlnit toner GrNllJ In U\Me we 1ruiu.

D• t b&c.k or them 14alkla llll" ~hMD• ...


Maud's Flower Shop FOR

Everything in Flowers CORSAGES A SPECIALTY

.,.,.l ll aot a naal tbln1, II 11 a. bed naln.c. Someon4' wondtf11 whf we do ThP Thln'ur who dr1Yt9 1blno

not w t ll a • l•Jplns atone. That ttoo.t i1ul In o 111111:1 more nearl1 our lnl• r• lhrou.ch , Iii~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~;~ pNtattoa of U11 ldee. bat M>metblnc with nsore 1!1nlflcan~ la needed. Ila.de of tho J ab--lbe Oreuu•r We llh to tblak o f t h• eommf'IH'l!nlH:l .N&AQn u a apl1n1boArc1. R ow ... Wbo'1 makl Df: lbe Drca• f'OraO

al ra•• .. aH reaUr AOt 1:Mtaa11fyl at alU Pet'hlpit._bat Lb.ere I• a r f!M!mb1HN. trae?

Otr lf'&dHtM at&ad on the brtnk nf '1111 IN'!& or life . rMdJ', aufons lo ... fin. ----- J c PENNEY c~ her• ror th. "M1111 1•lm mti1 dtf)(tn.d on lhu way In whleb lho ••lmmcr laD.ve1 "DADDY LONG-LE.CS,. ' ' the 1prl111 boar•. A lot d1JM"nd11 011 1he 1prtuaboard toO, whe ther nr Ml It IS A BIC SUCCESS 1 tu N~ )(al• • )lrrbc,..._ · .:. Jt .... and 1trona and ru1M IBr llJt work. The 1prlnitboa.r cl f'rotn whkh our ... 10,.. 11.,1 on tb•lr a • IJD o f IUe I• J••I aa s1ru1J1t a• lhD errort• pat forth The e Yulna of )OJ' I~. All khoola "A F d f th F • ty'' In to1ttaa ban made II, Ill 11prlni ftUde tt>rinlnl!d hf lhf! Qua11ly O( prepar• OaJ, the t:Uy nudllorhun WIUI tlllOO rien 0 e a~l 1ulon that h u been m1111te 1t1 the year• preceecllnk lt111 uft.O. It 1111 our w l1'h Rll lo wllnC!t1ill l ht'I 11roil11ct lo11 or J en.11 n•r gra d aDltl IMn thl.11 11prlnklH>111rd lht It 1;\. n 11prlngb<ward o r suct:t:H WtJbaltir'11 frrnr DCL <omctly, 1'>i!i141)'" 14 ' aa4 lbt tbtlr eounti on 1he 1n or m t mat be rr111ttut a.nd bapp7. Lon1-Lu11," hr •h~ mcmJ1~"' or 1he ~ / ~~I.-. ,..__ J/.


1 /Ill. I _! tollece d ramatic: art ~laM under 11'0 ~ ___ direction o f M 11"' D(!lla l.chm11n •

Thon ar<! -1101 1&l11tne d b1 llOAltCP. The p11111f'()Ulers11rou n1I Judy Ah• ~ ... TICKLERS KOL.LEH. lh1'• tlend. bon. Ru1h Arulenon. lil l1rllllun t 11r- ~ ~·C.) _.....\ ·

-Giibert MJU11· phian &Jrl and her "l".Nulllr 1..on1J· ~ Tk nr tNt wllUH Ra 11dosmu W a:11." Jobn IAbmu. • lio. •hlunn M

41M IO 1Mr• won•t be •"t In lhl.I By The Way rH•1lo1 b .. ldt'ntltJ' 10 her took ~.'-0.r, _ _.. ~'- - >'\ llau. ____________

11er from '1he John Orle r home u d ----'.. - •

• - - Ml.II" Thrua Malone nf Abllie.nc 1ttnt her lo C!ollr1u1. J utlr 1row lnlo tl Ha wu home trom H11U• on 11i. a~nt tlut latter pan 0 1 lu.t week a bea•llfot ro•nll' woman a111I bffama ~

:::·:w..-<~7.:l~=· c~~:nh~ • .-~::~ wleb ampu rrtend._ ~!~e_;.:' :::.; ~:!·,~·~:::e::~&~ 1~~·;::=41!• ~:':\tcktl hanKlna r>ldr:le Dunn of Hntchln.nn YlaJted ~~~;;r n~fd a;:;:

0j:~.,~=''P:::~: Somewher~ nar you, there is a sign like thb. tr•• one ot ctt.e ltouou of ht. coat . hi• tou11n. Ml1111 Th~lma n,utie from mar r lase to Judr ibe wut him ••or Jt is :l friendly sign-one that promises Quality. "Clatate. • U.t t. , .... taa on '"r Friday to Buoda1. ilftaWMt d e t e11rN 10 ttYM I U•it fa('"t1I 3Jways at a Sa.Ying-and back of that promise -n· ... w... - - 01 bor ••Ion• .. •• • .,..,._, 1• bo-.! st:uids the honor of a great Company.

" Olli. lNt .. a daedc • .otllu: I ,,.. Mil&ea Lota Of.II aad nor Dro•• Sh wu Ytr1 nnb1pp7 and flnallr at a &a.at• ... checked '"''coat". wore Yffll: e:ad cocat.a al Ute C. &. wrota lo "Dadd1 Lon.,.Lep" uldni

Preaaatlr •olhtr badted oat a pair Linden home In Windom. for perml•lon 10 conie and talk 10' To the Man of the Honse it means sturdier ot crouett aad , ..... too, bore • - - him about h•r trovb1·H . llt'r baop~1 ahoe:s a.nd clo th.es at lower-than-usual prices. H iJ tar . Jiff• ll•le• JlaUoa ... 1aue11 lira. a. .. ,.. ... <0m.pltte •lten •b• &eu•t>d wife lcnowt it u a store wbtte she c.an find wha•

""C1a.rNitt,"' aa.Jd alllf!, " jo•t what Hwlb 116waan of Cle• E1dtt lbt tflal J~"I• Pendle1on and •·f>add1 ' tita4 of ctaaet .... oatt" week tad. -'-- Lon1-Le11" we"' one •n" tbe umo' she wants at a price she can afford.

__ ~rton.

TM 11r1 It.Al la uHall1 dua u ·i tOr Mluel Cot11t1n~ Rank in and Mii· Mnk wu rur nlt.bed M1ween lht The next dme you Me. tha.t aip drop in a.nd lflt laat al.Ht• date illo.l d baH """ fired S•en.oa •Ptent IAl•Td•7 and acu b1 1be Mr Pllnwon Balon 01tll~ look around. y oa will 6.od it ao hones• depend-. ...... hnlH. 8ondaJ' •t t bf' lliobH! of U11• latter ne-r tn •Ddn t he dlr«Uon f)f rrot. Lcw11 ""

__ Wtnd.om! Doll. Tb• me.mben ot ll1t eountr a ble ai.f:n,~ real "friend of the fam_ily."

Jlf'lke: " Whrl'I lbe fUIUlf paJM!:rT'' Crl•t: " C.•Q' ,.ptrJ Toda1 aln'I

hMaf, I told 10• AOl 10 tall:e that W•-•llM".

-- 11'Ath1alln1 ~'""" •~ro ,11:ue11c.t 01 the 11::::::::::::::::::::::~' Mlu Enlyn H.lchard1. 'Ill, who bu , 111 wbl~h WH oonM>red by th& bft.tri t~eblH at Centt'rYlll• ll home <:ommlllM dlrecUn• tho f:nteruln· • ow ror tbc aummer. meat for the nnu.al "AU Stboul•

-- 0.1". -- Miu u.,hma Conner or w1c1111a

Profeasiona~ Di.rectory "llull•I," bo <rled In l• nd" ton ... •l11lod Mloo lllnndo Aop from Mondor WORLD SERVICE l'D,OUP

" I M•e.r io .. ct ht tbNI" lO WeidnNdu ut tut week. \IA! Dr. V. N. Robb & Son Dr. L. G. REIFF ,.,,._ •• ••M ,.,, ... tht1 11ta.Jd MEET FOil UST TIME ..W. " H4t...a.eara for ..... rtar No•lce• and Ch.,18 Colllu The World R4tnl~ Oroup mel for

Ha IHl D'lffCIUI' lbla r ear on Thura• 4a7 eeYalq. ProftMOr Heckman ad·

OP'l'O---8 te JI A. Ill. 1 I to e P . K.


On'f L&Nnir'1 C10Lllln1 8tora OMco ._ 7M - 11 ... ""'

-- ~t1nt the week end at lhe Non•" · - •to llMt s:ltl• doa't ll:now .... dlfft t • lao11e nur Peabod y. 4reued tbt Oraup on tbe aa.'Jet.t otl.._ _____ ..... ._ ___ _,,._ _________ _ Mee bet•te• &ttH•lo• and lnltftlloa. __

-- Raymoad BulllYll:. wWtf!d at a .,_.to Nt.Phano11 Col"a• campa.L I I • - .. • • ...:_.__. _... • ~tiUI Wbt tllit '9.'er1d St"~ Oroa, C.•'fDUrr:-.A.:-X:.a:-llr.;iiiiilliii;;;;-ilr--wn .. -L..-.,F..,....,...--,,..... .. -1

...... Tr. Dorado I.alt week ud. 11 be -- T'btt Md,.._. was ffl'J' pra.ctka1, ftt ~~ ~ -::....~8'»11 A ...... l\l'll '°"' Off ....._rll·

..... It'• a ...-,1 f'Omfo" 10 b6 alone,

........ ,, ... ,., """*''la •kl ,.,., •r rt lJnde.U or Wiadom la • lntplratloHl, Ila enspbaalud tbe Id• Ottke ..._ It f ...._ u to u A. K. J to 1 p , .,,

1u 1t or tile brottler t..ef .. d " l"alua· et b'fi•a ' lto•P fH11Q. Tiii• Oroup · ~M ~ ..,O<k Kall. Uo.14 .. a .,.,...tu.al , .. ,. ..... tor .,..._: om. 111: a.. HIX 11 t. 11 .A.. K. I tot P. ~)

-- lite ••'"' 11o4r. mu.• • ,i.e. tMl -ho depatetlo• 1-... ...,.. ot1l otW •or. ..... eral orsaalaattoo.lr-;:=---::::--i::-.----.... lr-...,,:-:--="===,,,..-

... ,., ,,_ ... a • .-,. Tito llt- ••ool l'ff<L A numbor of •••r ,,... Dr. W. C.HMdllll E. L HODG£~· 1 au1• Ell1aHr1u, Ralll 8UcQut&tt, deal HawtJolb W'<tff a.ad•: dOMr PnmcrAJr ... --- D••Yl•T lie• DfftJ . aa4 I.eta WIM aa4I feooOP9ftU .. ~ ..... t.M 0,._p u• Ila.a la - Onr -.. , ......... a~ Baroid f'uafitM lM ran .... a.11-~- Uto Coa-'t•- 0nr -..t ..... - -•

~ ~ -- ---- - -, ..... ~TM -- Ar ......... Dlblo .... , ..... d.-ioul - ·· - - - - - -'I, I




TRUST PllND PROPOSAL 'W. room Ja:ttttt•r ah.uaoon at roar • Drotu.or 01 Obtrlln (Olt~se tou•tt ~Or. J . J.•Yodv w1U •vat st Uae .aenic\ a.nd u.att.afJ' m--.hoda. IS CJ'fEN IN CRA.Pn ta.1rt1o·e1cX-lf. Thfs dtM:uulon camt lbt U 1oolr t'•• an &Yttna• or • Nnarre r-ommanllJ Dlf pro«nm Clt&ll Towel Shop.

cc:-u ..... ,,_ ,_. O..> u o or lb• tterla or Yotalloua.t y~r •nd a hair 1tcer lM•lnc !M"hool nut v.-1a11, )faiJ' : 1. Othtr nnmbtta --------'--'---·t•afd .. ,ee •eetlap wbkb han bolea to Ila• \bf"lr TCW'l'l.IOnJ;, on ebt pron-m •nt an ~9lert11ilame:ni ~=========-~~ bf rraduallaa ell.MM •nd h tball be bald d ar1a1 t tfe put w.ek ander lb.e -- b7 a •ro•p trom C~tbaay CollKt 2lld "'lllooW•-•-~llf'oo-""'f\olal!I dff'med a mon1 oltllra\foa on ttl• Hipl~ o f •be Y-. v;. C. A.. n,. CH"fla !kftool nt Tttbaoloa an add'"" lti; 1' A ift~•• Kan.s:u ~ -)Drt ot MKlt da_.. to Dff th f•Dlk CouJdttle g tbe poaU•,lJlUea for H~ltt •J11lt~ ,., h 'fOr o f IM f'OI ,._. H WlpaPf'r ~ltll;. . . ' In , .... 9'.aoer. adnaNmffll • .ad lhe edanUoa.t is wn•fdttfnC 1119 .~u1ton or ••~ __

let:lln• 2• I• •••tuoa 10 lh caQ Qa.allrlHUona tor H{ranN la eadl. , .. ,1u trttt-m. tlrlDa ,, • ._.,. UH• bial.IDtt'I ""Id ID ~· u-tu.,.1 or nd• llrw. Qtia.u .. pola1M oat 1kr pro. oolfan ot au~lkllC'.C ••r ttllrH • f 1M MlM f'.ditk Mtaarrtr wu la Ka:n-uadHlln• C'lua N tllwtl•kfo,. d ... l1'8lf. •bld1 h M.lbg mad~ ln 1llne: qurl""'" au C111 la..i •et:11 n•. Sh.e rlsltf'd a 16UIC'd. It •tll•U M th• d•tr of nett flt:ld... \ -- •h·l~t' • tllfle t .. ., .. ,..._ to fOadHl a n111,.1n for •d· Tiiie a.an,.. pbues of nan.I~ 1D.3lt~ Ott• ' •••ford •t•d"ll la ""'' Hw ln'l. h!

dJlklul pied&• ._.. ,.., toatrll»a· !~o~ ~::~t~.-::~tt:ble ~·~· tlll~ llYIDlt oa ''" ,.. .. p .. It.A• •• ------tlou fro• IM•Mn Ol •Id cl.au. C P_ J"S.k'al ,- op. ••lo•obl1t. :\ ••"f'' f'Gnd.ctt"d bf Ou DHllH!N l.s t o l•PTOTe ~' ~tJoa l. Tll• Nll«OH of ••7 •bliP •nd • llc.e fntttftt• follow th:lit mHH or a QH• lo•fttll'fl N"tfflt"d •P~ruc·..- ••d Wf'. eQoy k. Prompt

••p1ld Pk>4ft'll •• dare or 1Mitu1tr e:k••H:I. _ n~ '"'""'"• ntt•lt "' """" .r:, e----~~------atta.11 bt! maM .. ,. tllle Dula• Mia• Tb• medlieal profe.lou b: oae of aboo~r 1b"' a....-nc. ... bTln• one"" to 'r-..... ____ ------~--~ ,-------------. a_JU or >ttPbtt"llO• Co11t-••· bl"Oad DPport•nlliH lO 1..ltO!§e wlao Uf'f'T ••om••· ~ ..... I i

Seruon 4. Tbl• te•d. to be 4nlc- pouH& hlch 1• tellocttal ••d Ph,.._ STATIONERY natH N It.Cl C..mput lmriro.,.ment 11 causun~ttoaw. bot It :111.so ~all'ft V A.LUES Pund or Mt Phenon Co1t"lf'. •hall bO lone ud ardoati work In p~ra- Thf' Sundar NII Ion 11t ,._ ... Wlthh• Al L h~fd In ln11n bJ 11'CI Oulint•• Man- tfoaa. litn.. Qua..ndus qaotf'd St2tlsl~ 1-~df' pli tcmd lht' "" t{,..CtnalN ot men- ove..tt l,i:f'mf'nl ot ll'llld colltat1 and •hall 1"' a)lowlni:; th.-: t.r1e nDtnbtt or ,..-o m6n the Wlrhll:a So111hwf"<df'lrt1 0111~opath D ru1 Co..


Thurt. - Fri. and Sat.

. ....



N l'C':ltt"il .a l ho l11ttretlon ur uld •ho b1u•e ~nurred thls pro te PIC?'. It- lht~ltal. amcm11t • •Imm Wlll )llM lmilnel'• muuemeru. Th lnume Dletelln I• a oomparatfvttlf,...new \'f'roA ll1mm1nq or Mtf"h<'ftf'n, 1 r------------ ll K.UI AXO l'l:•U: ' , .. tliit aliall A<'Cfl'I frorn ll'nr h ln•M.I• ftthl •·hlcb open~ t o th~ student of for tnt-r Fltlllf'nl ctt Mi l'hf'ni<m Col OUR BUSINESS 1nonlll' 11hall be adlll'd to thn 11rlnel1•• I home Monomles nrfou!' :and a prac1 .. loti. i1 fl.Um 11nlll lhe t11dn•·men1 ..t1all b ft Ive 11<'Ct1pnllona. -- BATl'ERJES 4'CJml)ICINI !Jr I.ha rlnAI addlllou Ill The flll}Cllker concluded her il111cu1- ~H~11 guulrn f.t'l.,>H•11t!rff wtu t cf\rh BERG BATTERY STA. 1nn1lo hr 1h" c~l"INJ o r 1932. Thl'rO- alou t.>• KnYit~Jt Uint no girl 6hould !ll .. :llnwurth 111'0,:l )'cnr. 11rtnr lho oirnuAI Income from th~ cnuir n \'Octulon toward whlr h nh4l __



t11nd Mhnll h o dl111110110ll n t 111 n clor1l hMI 110 eymirnthy or 1\klns:. llalilli llowf'r" tin,. "N·11rr1l n i1n11I·

wJtll thlJ filjllrlL 111 which tllh1 eudntt- mn~~ ~~~t!lt~~~':~i;!Jtk~~:·~~·1~.n=n~Jl'i"~~~ t!on 1P1u·J1lnn mr,uuul n1'lt' 111 !lht SCllAFFER'S "BACHELOR'S PARADISE" ::::~1~~1:~'~:~11~~:dc~'!~~:11::;~: ant thnt Mrs. Quamin!\' df~UP!!IOll I hlll111111burr. hlRtl tU'hflr)) fnr 11rx1 e.!.:~dMaEndTop.w.1Nn'e1 I ,\l.,"O

Mon, and TuH.

m,.ut Commluoe. 8nlll ~ommhtao woi. m 1u·h ap11rec lntr<l. yeru. • ..... fl.hl'\11 btt J)erpe111Gttd In tho u1ua.l ~ ... ., .. --.-:'I'.-. - - l 'hono :J.u Vitaphone Vaudeville A cta ma11nt-r far 1ht dh1ttunement ot the FflO.\l OTH ER llll.T .. ~ '-----------....! ll1ce>m1t trom lhl1t ea1towme nt. (!t), -- BALDWIN .::::::===-------..-~-.:._---~--------

Htoc:tlon r.. Thi• ••reement aha II A lour I.A beofng q frercd lo !'lhulenla MUSIC S TORE not be C"onat.rutd •• prKh1dln1 anr it the Unlnn-lty ot W!lSblnatun utlon on tht port or ll'UbHflH'nt whleb wnt oonT all the prlnrl1J31 t""-8 or tedl•ldua1• to add to lbla dtlM "r rite o-rle nl. Semln:.r trt"dlt

1_, helni ~lvr-n 10 t~ lh.3.t 1:t.kP 1he '------------'I MldOWSIHI.

S«tlo• t. T111l1 rud, •• llfnt'Q utabll1bt"d, abaO M touldttf'd I.I • pert o r lh• Oeural F.ndowraea1 J'vnd.9 of Mt,_enon C0Ut1t.

t onr.

The ho11or Q11tem 1.5 a ·~lnT't'nl 10 dtie!ldnr. 109.t '11.•dM~ oat al l:itt 11 tbe CnlnnhT ot Cslitomb c.Wm. arn>·rdln1: to • q aC!!ltloau:aJrc Bent out by Pill Reta Ka~.

GIFTS .....



Print a

Rookwooil Poltery

C raduation Carda

For anytbin&' in muta call

Peoples Meat Market

We Dcliv<!r


216 N. Maio

;'For Goodneu Sake"



SmalleY,'s "W·R" Flour

' . ~·



Skagga Safeway Store a

" l ll!4ft'lhullun \\'llhtluf

"Why Buy • I Safe, .. y?"

IJ,.uoH 81tt wrr Rio~ orlnM­l r nUtr HU\'t '''°'"'• mnrtt wll•· fa«'lory 11,.nk~ •• 11 mn,.,. t'On•l,.l· ~•' a:aYlao.

.. F« e.uer Barber . MtM~--.. Kaa11..

mado by

The Wall Rogalaky Milling Co.

........................ ____ .. __ UPSHAW

Furniture and Undertaking Co. Ambul<LDCe Ser-rice Day o r Niaht

S. T . Boat~ J . W. Upabaw

utablubed 1897 Offiae Phoae 117

McPherson, K...o Senice. J l ft 8. ,,ant

Otrlcen for the ~mtas ,..,. torl!...-----~-----' l'------------'1'::::::::::::::::::::::::::=~ tk M Cl•b were alKtN at tb1 mett· • las or tM orpehaU011 la.at •Jaltt. n..1 No•ken, ca,c.ala or ti.ti unl;------------------------"'!I D•Udo1 ll'ldlroa teem aad tbo u:t Cac• MHd, ..... elected PffttdH111. RHbea Rowm1a, •.at, Motltlr )fol" ..

Pberwon a:rtd11tr. wu tleclecl •k!e­Prt'eldtnt. Otlller ofUcen elected Wtn Wra1 Whltt:nM lt, eorre t•rJ-tNUur. er, and ll1rol4 "Dtirr-feei" trl11 , •tu• dt!Dt roa.,t-11 rt,,...•talln. Whl1e-11fldr hH won lliroe roo1 ball lell~NI. 1rnd Crl11 bu been dolni thl lon11 dl•lanra runnlDI ror l bt OulldOlll lhe PH l thret lrack MllOMI.

Ttrnchlns on the • arlou1 pbHM or 11111101111. men1c1no. OJld nietelll!I nt 1uHu1lbl o pruro11~lon1 ror the tntlogc alrl. Mn . n. 11. Quon1lu11, ?tit. D., apoko t.o " 1troup or a 1r11 In lht Y.

Eat Candy

Get Excellent Candy of All Kinch, SiZft, nd Forma at

n. eon. .. ..,.. se-

Snyder Candy Co.

Get your ticketa Now

"Outward Bound" CITY AUDITPRIUM May 28, 8:30 p. m.

Reaerve 1eat1 at Bixby, Lindaay & Co. Starti~g 7:30 A. M. Monday and Tueaday, ......

May 27 and 28

For Graduation WATCHES


Bixby, Lindsay & Co. Dnlp-Jewe),y

··················································· We

THANKS tnkc t hi• opportunity lo thank you for your

1,acronage and hope our bll8ineM rclation11 in the future will be • • pleal!Anl M

they have in the pruit


Lawson-Sweeney .................................................... et


1:Jie Farm~• ~c:_ Insurance Co. =


' ' . C:AG$ .J'Otra


Sports tra.l1Jlug wu t'!vtdui'iccil In tbe cop· Ulla l7PC of wo;r:t appu,Je4 atronc1¥ cent ~t lbe ebUd_,.;11·7"1.n lbe UnlledJ,_..,._·.._ · ------....;-..

Ce~iw progruru wulf us foll1>W&: (.o ~=r ~~o~~~; af.tor~~n •l tho ~!:~~1~:~~~:n•:;~:~·J~~:!h81::: Of>'111h1g 11amo hour. Miu MUdrcd LI.ml> cou· er per cent tbau tp auy ot.h1,:ir wubtry.

~~~?~:~:~~=~~~ s"~~1

,;e ~~~~~~ You'- :.·~~~=~P~:t'~:~u 0:us~::as~~:~~ :!~1d':~~ \~:~ ~::,:.~:~~~: ::~~~::: Uurd&H ca(Jonat rcqutr'hment.s. cbance ror try rro&i.:>b:t1 to over one tbou&Q.,1id

Chofr: udYA.ucement. and niartea ht ateuo· tht.fa per -eblfc,L_SJpt: Pol<wln a:atd the C llrh1llun111 A·wO'.akt:-. Snlutu tile Jlup- 'is;rnoblc, 1H .. 'Ctt$lA&tlal , a..ud J)t:rwu ut!I blstc:st ttO<:l~l e·.spcrlru.out nttempted

11y l'\torn- Lul.klu 'ft·ork weru coPvldered. by tho United StalCIJ II!!! 1Ws cducatiou· 1.l1;:l1t Cc!c11tl:'tl- 'f&;:.b"lkuwHkf That 'l\'Om~n are conl111ulni; to a l lffBlcm. Hl!uutlf ul $tnlor-Chrlt:ili~Ull!-tHt t4ko a more o.etlvc part In burih1UM - -----

Vlolh" iudlcateo that It ,, uo l••••' regord· w A. A HOLDS LAST MEETING


COLliEGI< ME!< /\N.D TEAOllSlllf

Wo wJU t;u.ta\1tae you • HO cat'~· ln1;~ dur'ln~ )'OUl'" ¥:acatlot) tr ruu ha,..e car ao4 wlll work full time.

W rttc

Fuller Bruoh Co., \\1ff:.fill:.n0 Ka.n. Aodo.ntt: Pulhel\qua- lJln:i cd u~ R- rloltl ror m.;u alone. oor hi: It • • __ •

Satul d' Aroour- .Eli;1n i;iutlrcly 1.11u1ttracll\'C, lnlth1llou ot 11cw m'(!mborl!I uml cl- '-------------1 '1u:otJore Grocniu~ Uutll r ccc11l1Y"' very few voeollons ectlou qr atuut c:ommltfco ehllrman t;-------------.

A M cn'H Quarte1,: ha\'Cl hcc11 ·cun" ld.cred ·01>c1~ lu wumun, nn1I sludent coun<:ll rcvrettetuu.ll•o

lh.:mdnt11.:r t-iow 'fhy t;n::alor- hut wllh mudonl protrn:s IU CdUOI.• were t ho mntn Hems ot Lusfn~Sll :1l

lthode"' tlon at1d l!'.d cnce the fairer 8CX !Joil!I the lut mec:Ung o r tho )'ear ror the l "kl.ure F,....,n Jla de to 0

:-c,_"' Tia: Whltu Cu 111r11~ 10-Nevl11 acll\'cly emcrcd prorc~lou!I, oecupa· Womcr1'11 AthlcUc Ar1110<:lut1o11 which


Tiii' Md'l•Pr:o.bu· Cotlt~.:e nulldo;11 I)ahl, Smlcrmu u, lt1u;ln, llh:l.Jcrt t ionis, nnd \'<H.:atlQ1111 lorm-01·ly wa.., held ltui t night 11i r. :::o. "J'lm At Sttyt.lley'• Art ~Shop fluis ltr.d a.1.1ii"c<:c1U1fu1 ~·car fu lho fh•hl Choir: • l hougbt n11proprlntc onl y ror men. ~flMc1.1 Velma };ldrhlgc, Lola Mna.1~--------'----'"'· ot othl0th:1 hu~t. Sat11nln)· l\L l'ltta· l'roo1 lli'.!11vcn Abon:-Cl1rrNliom~e11 Hnn Mon, 'J."ern ll~ckmuu i:.n1l Uorl11 i. ;. I.Ju ~~ -.\·hcrl 1hoy 1,1lnCt~l In fou r events llo Wul cht:d Ov\:I'" h~ritd-~lcuclul- FACULTY DECISION REGARD. 01,i.ll.~y took t he plod~c of member,. r-----~----~-. _,... I I T I l I 11 th r It' -~ohn rNG ADMISSION T~. M. c. !Jh lp. Ml!iS Adn Stutuntil.ll wru1 elected The t::~i:;llt~~~:~h


::: 11::1 \lthl~t~~ 11: r.IKUm t n ll10 l .• n111ht>-- DN1 Cfl'· eh11lr0tll1t or !tu! i>tuut. eomm!Utoio, 1m Kammtt,·-Oklllhomu1 ;int.I M limonrl. Unut- .Vlvllu n1111 G1111·t11c 1: Tho ruc11ll)' or Mt:Pberl'l ri College oUlcU which. h~1t ltt..oeomo nL"'\Ce~rr McPherson & Citizena

ThP. Mcl' luinon Mlle llolay !Cam lu~.~~:~:;:f:~'~;nvallurfn 1!113tk:rna) ~~~J~::~)' r:;:;:~11~h~tl~~:~~~11:q\:l!~~1;, ~~111:: ~;;:n~~~n:~:~&wo:i$ t~~c::::u:~t~: State' Bank i,!~~:dt=:i~:'1~1~


0t~11~:::;. t~~11~~;r7: · ·sr,ilj1Jc A~·cu:_'flnHrrn Coll1:gc, Cnutlltl1uc~ tor a.llml».Hlou tlcut euuucll roim:i;<:ntatlv.,:. of McPhcnon, Kan~as

~~;.~~~ :.:~ ::.;<;:::~·::;.· .. ~·,::•';:;;,~ u•~~:~·~::'.~~~~~-;~'.;,~',','.'..,,, ~~·~~:.~J· .. '.'.0~::.:~.:~t~;'~~'.!:~;l,:::::;:::;:::;:::;::;;w;:·.::.,;.;::::;:::;:::;:~ Cup~~~;,:~o~~ilus al ,:J m luul cit. ~ · iu:cou is. Gocnz. lllub<:rl. 'l>iciluH1:r. ~1Jrl:1 11 :~ lnn!j by scntcmbcr 1 1m :ccccllns thet CORSAG E The prob]em of the Studt?nt ' "Jlob" Puckotl JJlllccd third lu Hu.' (;1·cetlUf;:i 11•11111 Tahor Cullc!{t..1- Prur. 01ienluf,\ or i;chool; on pre!'ICut u to the Senior's Reception is o_ur chance to apply tho ::zo )'ard daiih. Kclllllcy oC Pltt~huri:; I'. s. G<n::rtz 4 rcgttlar trat1t1c:rlpt or crcn:llt Crom a nd S.enior P lay "Golden Rule,". Come in. Winn ing the race a11d Hett.Ing a nu w Choir : their h igh Ji;Ch-001 h1dlcut1111: the McPheraon Floral Co. mvl.i'l rc=cord 1H 2 L $ iu:eoiids. PuckoU o s+~Cl'ro<l llcud Now Wounded- course!i which they hnvc completed, F. T. D. &-n •k'O ph1ted ruurth In tho 100 yard daHh. HaiJHl~r t hC"lr grades. date or graduallon. n1wj'-~--'~;;.-.;..;;;.;.;..;.=.. ___ , , _________ ..:_ _ __, Kelthfoy o f Pltbllurg n\so. wllmlni; lll t::HI!: the I.Ami, OM>' ~ulll-Hc.-rg llrnlr r o.uk lu t.hc i.:: ro.dU11tii1g cli&.tt:t:ll""-----------,1 lhls race 11ud flctllni; a ucw 1im<i rec· ·rtto Urldu (>f lllu l\.l,ui.;-Chrlstlun· (:,::) 11rcscut n letter regarding tl1a o rd al ll.B 8~011dt1. ~en u1111lh:uul' :ii chnrnclt:r, i:ioclal lu1lil l1J,

.ti' loyli Bacngrovor I Ioli ror rourl11 Clr,s111.i.:; 1•rnyu r. Hc :Jtim1::se by tbc. nud 111c t1W.I alJllll y rrom aoruo: rc1wun-v lac0 h1 tho pole vault .,vcuL. Hnr.n- Choir: .itiLle uc:c1unl11ttuu::e of the tq>pllcant. ,:ruvcr went HJ . (Ctll 11lx lnc hcit. V:it hcr uC l,O\'O :l.luJ l'owi:r- l"l'om Urn 1t.J1l)ll(3ltlon~ tll'C.ltt:lllcd Wa&llrnr ur \VIII/nm JowQ.11 won l h ls 111.:i·~ tho Commlueo <111 Admia i;lonH wlll ~nml at 11 .,feet 3 lnchc11. ' ,; Jid mlt lhoHe -who hnvc Hatllfftlcton·


A Pcrmnncnt. \Vavc

lJy a Eugcuc ~()Ccialh;t tloeluu raner. nulldag IU.IJH: Ill the I.\" ('Jl .. \l'EL ffchul:.ll"Khitl ;Uld c bnmctcr l'(.!.cOllUDcU·

HQ ya rd 11~1111, tnllcd ro 11lu.c(' 111 that tlntlouK. McC·olloch • f!IYCnt. '\V1lt1cm or '1Vurr.cn~Ll.l,!:.f; wu;1 l"rlchlY 11tornl11~ J)r. f 'rnnk t:ru Ill· roTWIN MAKES AD Beauty Shop

t h lti: event with u. Jrcn -oce -Hl)<:tU · imckcr, wl~o t111s l;i:.cu :1 rulwdm1ury to -l\I~ time ?-'•8 '4X.7 11cc1:md1:1. Chluu. Cor twc111y ycur~. s11oke In ORF.SS IN CHAPEL j

c lm1,t..1l. H~ lold t he mmllrtcatlon:ii ot sui•crlnteudc11t n. W , Potwln ot ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::! li m lllfllomny ur $0tfl(1 or tho thlnfl:'S u Liu: 'Mcl'hcrHon e ll)' KChoul.s ttPOkc to ,

1 mlsslouury h 11$ t u tlo. l"lr:;t he u1 11Kl lhc tth11lcot~ )'C;tt1Cl'tlny d uring t )Le E..A:T

'fbc cat w JIUJ lot vut oI thu b111; lu1$l lco.rn lh~ J:rngmif:C which Jtt v~ry ehttlJ(ll huur. Jk <-ll1:1cuHScd t he 1ic r #o11-

P'rlda)' uvenlug wh~u MIK~ ll11lh cuiu11llcul«.H.I llJHl ()Jrri~111t to lcnru. ncl ut lht: Cncu ll)'. HQ i;tre11~cd I.he. THORO BREAD


ltte\mrt cntcrtnlnctl at. u. Hix o'clOck" ..tfhe itr cpu .. u i oll 11 mlJ1Slurmry must iact thnl ·there nre ruu.ny uP11Hcn11ts ... -dinner In honor o[ MIB11 Clara 01n•l3. rnukc ti:i IH•L litniutl 1111 111 u l.c:ott Jmok to the t cuch lni prorc-s~lon hut lha.t. uUrlni; l he · t•ourse or tbc cvenlni; It l>ut the prcsinrnlloti anti ":l'Ork _tt rol.8- lhcru nr~ {Q"I\• r c.ul tcacllcr8 who u rc "'H dl~ovcrcd tha.l tho 61ll&ll tmvc· s luuary m ust do 1~ ''arlcd. H e mu1:1t trained ror the 11r1>tesKl011, 11$ st.nted lope. ued bill n11polntmonts contain- bu)' hrnd, Pl'OllCrt y irnd lrnltli build· thnt n llberal arl!:' cducJ,tlon wu~ uot ~ note11 , bearln.c the follo• 1h11t mo1J• lli6" · 111 ful'llhiu he mu-.t hc:hi ~11~~rlb· suftit:Ja11r trathths- ror a tuucht.-r. He

Made With Mil~

Baked by

ID.EAL BAKERY • H i tt: "l(nuW ye nil. 1'-' hcrcu11 H11l11h, ul(! foot.I. De~ldc~ l)n :at:hlng t ho go~· t10lu1cll out t hat ao mauy are using

8uu Qt W1\ll()r, or the hom10 or iicl n ml~toiwry mu:iit \lrt:ach ugnhtMl the tcnchlus proreiu1lou u.~ n Hlc.pplnf: l~Owars, and Clo.rn, tlnu1;htcr u( WI!· root hfudlng " '111 manh.iJ;c.~ In youth. Htoue to some ot he r 11rofos:tlon und 11801, qr th~ houiw ot Da\'lti:, having The Uri: M 11 m h;ijloimry 1"" om: fJ ( .ll()t uu~rctoru uftcn do not <:aru 1(. bcc:ome

1,.. ___________

0 re"checl llrn yea.rH ot dltu1rt:tlot1 nucl on ly ftl"t..:ac hllig hu~n IH~ o[ l t..:lll cnoll~ntly traluc~ Cur thtJ "wo1·k. t1t1tlaraltrndlnli: aouk udml~lllon Into duvolcil uur vle:e. The lmmc1u•ltr or tho ed11,.catlur1t1I

th~ 1statu or ~m;·a.i;~monl. - - --- ~Ylihim In the Unllctl Stu"lca w:u1 " I, 00111 t;upld, r;ovcruur of 11ahl VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE grnphle.ully llluHl-rtih•tl .. 1.;y lh~ 1mea k·

~~~~~ r~~r:,~;·11 1;,r,~~:~7on1



;:;~~; LECTURES BEING GIVEN " ':::;w;:o•="='='0="='="'=ed=·u='"='='="='Y='=·=··="::.0'

&f•)' 'JS. (!)2 tl. \Vrlttcli nudt:r lllY l·"u r l ht.1 JHHJW~() ur tm;a;.\' J>l llH; 1101;· .;.

baud ttnd i;c111. 1 ~l~lt.i ur~·1qtnllom; 111 lh11:-111 girt~ who

"Sls1md- nnn Cu 1ild" . :•re uuth :dr'lud ttil w wl1at tht)Y wl11 d o FANl':Y GROCERIES

for Plcnjca .at

Hearty Welcome at the

Pe~ples State Bank


Silk Hosiery

Makes n 11ije(u l ;r:1dul\llon sHt' ChlHtJll (i;t!IJll ~(ir\·lco 'woli;ht) uud

- ~t..1rvlcc wcisb t ·


$1.00 - $1.SQ. - $1.95

Alliance Exchange Company

J The Gift ~flkr

Ladie·•' and Men'a wriat and strap watche1.

. Ne~ Waldemar- chains, riDr• and braceleta.

. J. Ed. Guatafaon 111 N. MAIN STREET

l'hol!O prcacul weru lhc Mi1>Bc~ Ar· clnrh•1' thf.! ~um mer 01· olll!l' th1~y h t\\'t•

leuft l:;l&ylor. 1-:unlcu f_l(tUJ:fH1orrt, Lolli· ldl cullO~l.!I. l hO Y. W. (.:, A. Ii; >11"111· !)ell. Dorothy sw~hl, 1...ela Ht1ltquh1t. 1mrll1g II 21.c:·rl~>! of "\'O( uliuual l;.llld·

~~.a.iel l<'nU11~. t:l11;n1 Uol11 nud Hut h irncc" lci•ttm!S 1t11d dl!4(;U!4~1tw~. 'fhcl'--------- --.....t ~~~~~~~~~~~g==========::=:="'; Utebort. nnd /11h11 Whllmh!Ck. 1''nrncll1 iirok<;L 1$ uutl!•r the t1UJ•1;"rvild on or I,-- -,.------'---, ,: Ue r kehllc. Manha SlcUt..1 ~1 . l"ru iklln Mliss Mlhlrt.'i.I t..i11t1b mcsl8lt:d b)' l\litIB

Rothrock Grocery $500,000.00

Jlleborl, Mu Co11111.1r. 1'1111l Hqwc n , n 11l11b Uow1.:r1t, nnd Clcirc uct,1 Huw­ktus. 1

Ul1u1chc P~·lo. IF IT'S NEW WE SHOW IT

GORDON'S FASHION SHOP 1·. M. 1\o\"'U \:".W.

At tho rlr~l or llH'tiC m c:cllu1-:tt which wuH lw hl Ja:ot 1'm!Hlla:i.· afl1lr-11uun 11l ru ur 1hlrt>· •fdod; In tht• Fir.I of all-Reliability \'. \ \'.room."· t!IBcm1l';lou or 01111or· '----------'---'lj!i-~,;;;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; l u nilll'!I In lh1' rt~ld of 1·1tJl'i:al 1u:rvlc0 ~----------_,(:

•. Mr . Hurohl Colvlu, r.,:glonC'l ll~ere· wn11 Jt.o;l hy l\l l~ GOllft•cdllOtl, county ~--~ ... ~~--=-*91 tu)' ror thr Y. M. C. A .. "IWk(.l lo lhc wclfu.ro. wotkur. · · 1 · , REAL. HOME. COOK. IN. G I Y. M. a.1111 Y. w. 111 Julut m~Ung ll.\ijl Arter rl:!u:uq.~lu;;;: cih it..·atloiml . n :· Spring la Here

. Tuaau)ar. Jlu . aclYl!icil Hl ntl.!nt~ tu lllllrcmcnl&;. molh~rn ot1JJtJr rnnHlt111 " BAKER'S CAFE ii m•.ko nn urrorl t o athmd lh'1 l!:11lcs ror cntrUu l-.C, rcm1t11\!r::1lio11. 1ho val"I· iii · ~ • Cu.11f0Nnct~ In Jui:n:. out1 .phm:m~~ (t11tl thu dinneCit tor ud- lh ve Na.tural Gas ~8"!--llU~~~

}le lo\d ;~ modc.rn (ulJl o o r ?'\°(;W \':iUC(UIL(lUt Ju lhu {iiilcl oC l;llCllll HllrV· iUSlUJlCtl f or COOking

~=lkJ~~: .o7~c::a:t~tl;:.:l:.n:~v~)~~:: :>:c; ::1;:11~:;1~~~~~:u:,~~,1~~: 1~\~:•~,:~~1~~~:; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••: tn tho dl.Y. 'T'hc eburcbc11 wcrn cr owi:I· 111 hc.r work !lhowln,.: how ~vun l hc : • :

eel but uo'OO\lr 11ca.rd him. T h j) ncx:t 1;io!J! drub l!'itJtatlou cnn I.id nintlc McPheraon Gas Co. : • L k s • L b ( • .cl •Y .. mal WOtktnen RUd poor 1'<'01'10 <()IO•fut. fl)• lhu ll"C' ltOlt> IUlkCd by : a e upenor UJJl e1· o. ~ [i"k~:lf~ .. ;m~t:.~~. nT:l~n n:~o1~:!1c~ lhti glrla IWC:":l(' flt JI wuiJ m ·fthmt tlmt '------ ·------'!: , i. 1 : ~·orkh1gn1ou wbo talkocl oloodl bu lld· • :. BUILDING MA TERIAI: & COAi.: .: lug oud wante d It don• woll. Home llfade Candy I THE

Amon• 1i10 nd'""'""'" wl\leh ore Hot Luncbea, Chili I ROYAL BARBER : : lo be hod •t ll•e <ourcmt<o ' " " C.I· Fancy boxes of Chocolate• . · : Phone 40 ! h1w11hJp, c01ituct. "'U._li 5rm1l lc1ulw 1t SHOP ! : a:ud lucplrullon. Palace of Sweets The Student'• Choice .\•••••••••••••••••••••··~··•••••••••••••• ...... ..... ~: TABOR COWCE GIVES

1' VJRY GOOD. PROGRAM -~~ ~.--·

Te: TalJur Cbl lego Choir, uud<lr Uto dlree1lon oC 1J:· w. Dtir$, itu·o n Y.C· red Wueert h1 lhu ¥Ital Cblirch or lbl­, Qrethrell or N.cPbe.r ion Sund:.y eve­

). ulog, ~lilly u . Thi• choir o r rortY

'Student& - T eachera Wet 'U1ft.u k you rur y(lur l\alronu~• tlurhm

the JUUH- )'C:&r. Wt• fnvHe $"1)i& to tolttlilue, tli.l:s yunr timppln~ hum~ ne;tl year.

GU.\OV'.l'.l' IO~ Gl .. TS

Urt,.1'.1 -..~1~we:ra. Scurre. 1-huadkertblc·r~. Haqd~ bn.1r11·, Cosc.uwe .ltiwolr y, Silk . H"Odlttl'1

and rn~ny o~her a1t1cle~ •

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. " r • bu glnm. Qumt!ruua _prop a tlll QTU"tbe ata loa ot Kiln ... : Okl&hOma • D4 ,.,H,braekl.. Th,e arou,p PJ'e'lleu.t9d

:::.=~ .. ~ J{:i-:: ... :J;'"~~ '· •i...~..-..~------~----~~------....... ~ Matthew& Millinery

RU~AN ..

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